



    卡夫公司向市场推出了一款新的产品,可是产品的市场表现远低于预期。卡夫公司通过市场调查来了解原因。请问下述发现不属于信息的是 ?

    以下市场调查方法最适合于探索性调查的是 ?

    以下不属于结论性调研常用的方法的是 ?



    市场调研包括对市场研究各方面信息的 ?

    以下属于市场营销系统模型的因变量的是 ?


    市场调研行业通常包括以下 等类型。











    上世界初的curtis publishing公司的商业调研部雇佣的帕林所采用的是垃圾调查法就是典型的实验研究法。


    以下市场调查方法最适合于探索性调查的是( )

    以下不属于结论性调研常用的方法的是( )


    市场调研行业通常包括以下 ( ) 等类型


    文案调查是对 资料进行收集。

    与原始资料相比,二手资料的优势在于 。

    间接资料调查的首要原则是 。

    以下哪一项资料不是二手资料 ?


    市场调研的一般过程中首要的工作是 。

    某公司在市场调研所获信息的帮助下做出的决策对企业的贡献率约为800万元,若不进行市场调研,所做的决策对企业的贡献率减少了20%,预估市场调研费用为200万元。则该企业是否应该进行市场调研 ?


    通常来说,企业可以获取的外部资料包括 。

    以下属于企业内部二手数据的包括 。

    通常来说,二手数据的缺点包括: 。

    确保成功的市场调研的条件包括: 。












    对于比较机密、敏感或尴尬的调研主题,适合使用的定性调研方法是( )。

    ( )方法是在很小的样本范围内进行的深度的、非正规性的访谈,旨在进一步辨明问题,为随后的正规调查做准备。


    “南京邮电大学是 ” _________? 这种提问法是投射法中的( )?

    以下不属于个人深度访谈的优点的是( )?

    依据被观察者是否知情,可以将观察法分为( )。

    下列有关定性研究的说确的是( )?

    投射法的具体应用包括( )。

    个人深度访谈的具体形式包括( )。

    焦点小组讨论法的主持人应该是( )。

    调查访问法的具体形式包括( )。

    观察法适用的场景主要包括( )。

    获取原始资料的方法包括( )。

    以下哪些措施有助于提高邮寄问卷调查的问卷回收?( )

    定性研究的作用的包括( )。








    以下属于预实验设计的是( )。

    以下属于真实验设计的是( )。

    有控制组的随机前测后测设计里,实验组与控制组的结果对比中无法抵消掉( )对实验结果的影响。

    俱乐部忠诚计划的实验中描述错误的是( )。

    一般来说,相比实验室试验,现场实验具有更高的( )。

    ( )是指在分组实验中,由于参与实验的不同小组成员具有不同特征而对测试结果产生的偏差。

    实验法多数会被用来( )。

    影响实验内部效度的因素包括:( )。

    实验设计的类型包括( )。

    进行变量间因果关系推定的步骤通常包括 ( )。








    对消费者购物方式适用的测量尺度是( )?

    对产品质量等级适用的测量尺度是( )?

    对于顺序尺度,以下适用的统计指标是( )。

    以下属于非比较量表的是( )?

    有效测量的条件包括:( )。

    态度的三要素包括:( )。

    问卷的基本功能包括( )。

    一份完整的问卷通常应该至少包括以下( )几个部分。

    测量量表中的比较量表包括( )?

    以下属于比较量表的有( )。

    以下属于分项评分量表的有( )。








    以下属于概率抽样的是( )。

    以下属于非概率抽样的是( )。

    如果要根据绝对允许误差来计算最小样本量,以下不需要知道的条件是( )。

    如果要根据百分比抽样误差来计算最小样本量,以下不需要知道的条件是( )。

    1936年《文学摘要》对总体大选预测失败的主要原因是( )。

    不采用普查而选择抽样调查的原因主要是( )。

    抽样误差的来源包括( )。

    一般来说,对抽样框的要求包括( )。

    以下属于非概率抽样方法的是( )。

    以下属于概率抽样的有( )。

    以下属于概率抽样的有( )。

    以下属于非概率抽样的有( )。

    以下属于非抽样误差的有( )。








    part i: choose from the following groups of words the one you hear. each of the words will be read once only.

    choose from the following groups of words the one you hear. each of the words will be read once only.

    choose from the following groups of words the one you hear. each of the words will be read once only.

    choose from the following groups of words the one you hear. each of the words will be read once only.

    choose from the following groups of words the one you hear. each of the words will be read once only.

    choose from the following groups of words the one you hear. each of the words will be read once only.

    choose from the following groups of words the one you hear. each of the words will be read once only.

    choose from the following groups of words the one you hear. each of the words will be read once only.

    choose from the following groups of words the one you hear. each of the words will be read once only.

    choose from the following groups of words the one you hear. each of the words will be read once only.

    part ii: the following pairs of sentences are exactly the same except for one word. you will hear either sentence (a) or (b). choose the one you hear.

    the following pairs of sentences are exactly the same except for one word. you will hear either sentence (a) or (b). choose the one you hear.

    the following pairs of sentences are exactly the same except for one word. you will hear either sentence (a) or (b). choose the one you hear.

    the following pairs of sentences are exactly the same except for one word. you will hear either sentence (a) or (b). choose the one you hear.

    the following pairs of sentences are exactly the same except for one word. you will hear either sentence (a) or (b). choose the one you hear.

    the following pairs of sentences are exactly the same except for one word. you will hear either sentence (a) or (b). choose the one you hear.

    the following pairs of sentences are exactly the same except for one word. you will hear either sentence (a) or (b). choose the one you hear.

    the following pairs of sentences are exactly the same except for one word. you will hear either sentence (a) or (b). choose the one you hear.

    the following pairs of sentences are exactly the same except for one word. you will hear either sentence (a) or (b). choose the one you hear.

    the following pairs of sentences are exactly the same except for one word. you will hear either sentence (a) or (b). choose the one you hear.

    part iii: the following pairs of sentences are exactly the same, except a different word is stressed (stronger) in each sentence. choose the sentences you hear in each group.

    the following pairs of sentences are exactly the same, except a different word is stressed (stronger) in each sentence. choose the sentences you hear in each group.

    the following pairs of sentences are exactly the same, except a different word is stressed (stronger) in each sentence. choose the sentences you hear in each group.

    the following pairs of sentences are exactly the same, except a different word is stressed (stronger) in each sentence. choose the sentences you hear in each group.

    the following pairs of sentences are exactly the same, except a different word is stressed (stronger) in each sentence. choose the sentences you hear in each group.

    part iv: listening comprehension: in this section, you are going to listen to hear 10 sentences. please listen carefully and decide which of the sentences in the three choices is closest in meaning to the one you hear.

    in this section, you are going to listen to hear 10 sentences. please listen carefully and decide which of the sentences in the three choices is closest in meaning to the one you hear.

    in this section, you are going to listen to hear 10 sentences. please listen carefully and decide which of the sentences in the three choices is closest in meaning to the one you hear.

    in this section, you are going to listen to hear 10 sentences. please listen carefully and decide which of the sentences in the three choices is closest in meaning to the one you hear.

    in this section, you are going to listen to hear 10 sentences. please listen carefully and decide which of the sentences in the three choices is closest in meaning to the one you hear.

    in this section, you are going to listen to hear 10 sentences. please listen carefully and decide which of the sentences in the three choices is closest in meaning to the one you hear.

    in this section, you are going to listen to hear 10 sentences. please listen carefully and decide which of the sentences in the three choices is closest in meaning to the one you hear.

    in this section, you are going to listen to hear 10 sentences. please listen carefully and decide which of the sentences in the three choices is closest in meaning to the one you hear.

    in this section, you are going to listen to hear 10 sentences. please listen carefully and decide which of the sentences in the three choices is closest in meaning to the one you hear.

    in this section, you are going to listen to hear 10 sentences. please listen carefully and decide which of the sentences in the three choices is closest in meaning to the one you hear.

    part ii. passage (shadowing and gist) directions: listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions. what does the speaker really describe in the speech?

    irections: listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions. how do specialists comment on this study method?

    directions: listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions. how effectively can the average person learn during sleep as in the same period during the day?

    directions: listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions. what does sleep-teaching do?

    directions: listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions. what did the student have to do for another three hours before having breakfast?

    part iii. news (shadowing and gist) a. directions: listen to the news item and complete the following summary. this news item is about .

    directions: listen to the news item and choose the best answer to complete the following sentences. opposition parties are demanding after a violent protest over voting problems tuesday.

    there were at least killed and injured during the voting.

    people at more than 100 voting places .

    show the ruling general people’s congress party in the lead.

    part i (note-taking) directions: listen to a talk about light and health. take notes and complete the following summary. can light affect your health? many researchers believe that light can affect both your physical and your (1) .

    from daylight, our bodies absorb vitamin d through the skin. certain skin diseases also (2) from exposure to sunlight.

    light absorbed through the eye can stimulate hormone production, which in turn (3) our mood.

    some people become (4) in winter, when the days are dark and most people spend less time in the open air.

    when spring comes, these (5) disappear. researchers have called this condition sad -- seasonal affective depression.

    the condition can be (6) by exposing patients to special lights, known as full-spectrum lights.

    this lighting has also been used to treat patients (7) from jet-lag, to improve learning in school-children in russia and america,

    and the (8) of japanese factory workers

    young people need at least fifteen minutes a day in real daylight in summer (9) in winter.

    old people, who risk vitamin d deficiency, should spend even longer exposed to (10) daylight.

    peak performances - moments when children (1) that's in them -

    are the stuff of every parent's (2) .

    and yet most of us have seen a report card or heard a trumpet solo that (3)

    what our kids can (4) .

    why can some boys and girls repeatedly pull themselves to the (5)

    while others of equal or (6) cannot?

    many parents assume skill is pretty much determined by (7)

    the student with the highest i.q. will get the best grades, or the athlete with the most prowess will (8) .

    genes (9) in determining performance, but they're not everything.

    the edge comes from mental attitude, character and (10) .

    there are some simple ways for parents to help their youngsters develop those (11)

    find something to praise. a child who feels good about himself (12)

    assess your child's (13)

    encourage self-applause. knowing how to relax is key to (14) .

    a good report card (15) near your daughter's mirror reminds

    her that she can do well and (16) to repeat her success.

    there are no (17) to bringing your child to do his best.

    it's a (18) of support, encouragement and hard work.

    and those efforts (19) not only in peak performance

    not only in peak performance but also in (20) between parent and child.

    news item from voa, bbc and cri part i directions: listen to the news item and complete the following passage. creating a classroom environment that treats women and men equally is important for the educational success of students. however ____1______ equality does not stop with the teacher.

    it is also important that the ____2______ used are supporting _____3_____ treatment.

    in fact, many classroom materials, especially those that are older, may contain gender bias in _____4_____, photos, or words.

    these materials can include textbooks, _____5_____, reading materials, written assignments, or even test materials.

    having students use materials like these in class can reinforce _____6_____ about gender roles in society.

    classroom materials that reinforce gender stereotypes can ____7______ students,

    weaken their motivation and limit their overall _____8_____ performance.

    this can result in fewer opportunities available to students when they finish their schooling. research has found that stereotypes and gender bias in english language materials do _____9_____.

    several studies by the united nations educational, scientific, and cultural organization, or unesco, have found that some texts ____10______ women, contain stereotypes about women or offensive comments about women.

    in addition, research has found that _____11_____ in teaching materials

    often show a male _____12_____.

    one study on high school english language textbooks in iran found that male characterizations were used as much as _____13_____ of the time.

    one study on high school english language textbooks in iran found that male characterizations were used as much as _____13_____ % of the time.(请填写数字)

    the first step is to understand how to identify gender bias in textbooks. examine the image below. these images were taken from an english language textbook. what do you notice about how the men and women are being _____14_____?

    in this image there are six people, four men and two women, shown in different jobs. the men pictured include a construction worker, a doctor, a police officer, and a truck driver. the women shown include a farm worker and a food store employee. this image shows men and women in _____15____ jobs in two ways.

    first, male representation is double that of female. second, the men generally are working in higher-level, more economically powerful jobs. now look at a short reading activity from an actual english language textbook. what do you notice about the ________ of men and women in the example?

    part ii directions: listen to the news item and complete the following passage. a new report says about ___1__ people

    a day have been forced to __2__ their homes in african conflict

    and __3__ zones.

    figures show that more than __4__ people in africa are internally displaced. (请填文字)

    nearly __5___left their homes last year.(请填文字)

    part iii directions: listen to the news item and complete the following passage. britain's most prestigious ___1___art award,

    the turner prize have been won by an art professor who was born in zanzibar, lubaina himid. judges __2___ her work

    which explored the african diaspora and black ___3__.

    professor himid is the first black woman and the oldest person to win the__4__.

    part i listening to a song directions: listen and fill in the blanks with the missing information. although (1) __________ has always been a friend of mine.

    i'm leaving my life in your (2) __________.

    people say i'm (3) __________

    and that i am (4) __________.

    risking it (5) __________ in a glance. 

    how you got me blind is still a (6) __________.

    i can't get you out of my (7) __________

    don't care what is written in your (8) __________.

    as long as you're (9) __________ with me. i don't care who you are. where you're from. what you did.

    一、( )与父权家庭制度的稳定使公私观念清晰化。

    二、古希腊对于公民的认定是与财产权、伴随财产权的公共事物管理权以及( )紧密联系在一起的。

    三、由于市场失灵和( ),非营利组织的替代价值呈现出来。

    四、公共产品具有非排他性与非竞争性,非排他性可以理解为( )。

    一、是个,在前,在后。此外,另外一个特点是( )。



    限制社团发展的原因是多方面的,下面( )不是主要原因。

    一、社会理性是人的社会性的体现,其实质是( )。

    二、不合作是“囚徒困境”唯一稳定的策略,克服投机行为需要共同利益认识与( )两个要素。

    三、个人权利是否定意义上的权利,这句话的意思是( )。

    四、非营利组织所倡导的公共利益是( ),是维持合作的基础之一。


    一、非营利组织具有自组织的社会管理职能和( )职能。

    二、扫雪行为使事件控制者之外的其他人受益,属于( )行为。

    三、信任是指( )。

    四、西方从市场-过渡到市场--社会模式,则是( )。



    一、波特认为,战略管理的目的是获得比较优势,因此确定组织的( )是战略管理的核心问题。

    二、非营利组织战略管理关心的是( )。

    三、非营利组织的营销对象是指( )。

    四、非营利组织筹资( )。

    一、评估是评估主体在一定的时间和空间限度内对评估客体的( )、认知程度以及价值需求的判断。

    二、非营利组织的非营利性评估包括对组织公共责任的履行状况、资金使用比例情况和( )等内容。

    三、学者罗美泽克等将问责分为等级问责、专业问责、法律问责和( )。

    四、问责的逻辑有三种:代表形式、契约形式和( )。


    一、下列( )不是非营利组织财务管理的原则。

    二、基数法即在编制下年度预算时,主要以( )为依据确定下一年度的预算收支。

    三、我国个人捐赠必须通过是向( )的捐赠方式才会被认可,从而获得个人所得税减免。

    四、非营利组织免税优惠,主要可分为所得税、财产税、( )等不同税种。

    一、非营利组织的利润分配限制(profit distribution restrictions)是衡量非营利组织的重要标准之一,下列表述最正确的是( )。

    二、学者萨拉蒙指出,非营利组织需要满足五个条件,它们是( )。

    三、依据组织公益属性的差别,可以将非营利组织划分为( )两类。

    四、非营利组织在20世纪70年代引发社会关注,主要是由于( )。

    一、非营利组织人力资源构成主要有三部分:董事会、专职管理人员和( )。

    二、非营利组织人力资源管理需要考虑经济价值和综合价值两个维度,对薪资员工侧重( )需求的管理,对非薪资员工侧重( )需求的管理。

    三、由于非营利组织没有股东会的制约,其执行风险与营利组织的执行风险相比( )。

    四、认知评价理论认为,内部激励与外部激励会相互影响,而不是相互独立。因此下列哪个说法是不对的:( )。



    狭义农产品不包括下列哪一类( )

    下列选项不属于农产品需求特点的是( )

    农产品大多是生物性自然产品,其特点有哪些( )


    消费需求环境变化,消费观念、结构、质量都发生变化( )

    初级农产品包括谷物、油脂、农业原料、畜禽产品、林产品、渔产品、蔬菜、瓜果、花卉等农产品( )

    农产品生产经营的主体是生产者与经营者个人和组织( )

    农产品营销的过程是整体性经营销售活动( )

    大宗主要农产品品种营销具有相对稳定性( )

    依据农产品质量特点和对生产过程控制要求不同将农产品分为一般农产品、认证农产品、标识管理农产品( )

    下列对农产品市场特点表述正确的是( )

    农产品市场的主体要素包括( )

    农产品市场按照交易形式不同分为( )

    农产品批发市场按市场形成方式分( )

    农产品的消费市场具有集中性的特点( )

    我国农产品集贸市场基础设施较为完善,服务能力较高( )

    农产品批发市场是指进行批发交易的场所和相关服务组织的综合( )

    我国农产品批发市场服务层次较高,市场管理有序( )

    农产品批发市场应提高农产品集中采购、统一配送的能力( )

    构成农产品市场的客体要素包括农产品、货币等( )

    消费者信息收集的商业来源包括( )

    农产品未来发展趋势( )

    农产品需求指消费者在某一价格水平上愿意而且能够购买的农产品数量( )

    消费者对农产品的需求量不会发生明显的变化( )

    消费者倾向于购买过程便利的农产品,如搭配好的蔬菜、不用过度加工即可使用的农产品( )

    消费者只关注农产品购买过程的是否便利,不关注使用过程的便利程度( )

    随着居民收入的持续增加,对农产品的需求也会持续上升( )

    在购买意图和购买行为之间的别人的态度和意外情况也会影响消费者的决策( )

    新产品的出现是引起消费者需要的主要因素( )

    消费者通过方案评价,挑选出消费者可供选择的品牌,形成消费者偏好,进而形成购买意图,最终消费者会选择效应值最大的产品( )

    市场占有率和销售增长率都高的是哪一类产品( )

    产品已为市场的消费者所接受,销售量也迅速增长属于( )

    市场容量大,且消费者对价格比较敏感应采用( )

    构成品牌标识系统的要素包括( )

    产品线指某一品牌或产品大类内由尺码、价格、外观及其他属性来区别的具体产品( )

    农产品质量认证的依据是某一农产品所执行的标准( )

    换代新产品指对原有产品在结构、包装或款式等方面做出改进的新产品( )

    包装就是指将农产品或其加工产品包裹起来( )

    企业原来生产高档产品的基础上,增加低档产品叫向上延伸( )

    农产品分等分级有助于生产经营者在产品上市前的准备工作和标价( )

    以农产品生产经营成本为基础,制定农产品价格的定价方法是( )

    保本价格是( )

    现金折扣属于( )

    消费者购买5公斤以内的鸡蛋,每公斤价格为5元,购买5公斤以上的鸡蛋,则每公斤4.8元。这种策略属于( )

    影响农产品定价的因素包括( )

    蛛网模型他是用于市场均衡状态分析的一种理论模型,适用于解释某些生产周期较长的商品在失去均衡时发生的不同波动情况( )

    发散型蛛网模型下意味着产量可以无限的供给,价格可以无限提高( )

    成本是产品价格构成中最基本、最重要的因素,也是产品价格的最低经济界限( )

    蛛网模型假设生产的商品是耐用品( )

    一般情况下,农产品需求变动会引起农产品均衡价格与农产品均衡数量反方向变动;农产品供给变动引起农产品均衡价格同方向变动,农产品均衡数量反方向变动( )

    现阶段市场,存在的“农超对接”模式属于哪种渠道模式( )

    供销社将收购的农产品出售给加工厂进行加工,再向工厂收购农产品加工品属于( )

    影响库存管理决策的因素( )

    下列哪种模式不属于契约型物流模式( )

    按照农产品营销中各成员关系之间的影响,可分为以下几种( )

    需求的性质主要表现在( )

    农产品营销渠道的起点是生产者,终点是消费者和用户( )

    龙头企业与农户签订的购销协议中,龙头企业负责生产,农户负责专业化的集货和分类包装( )

    农产品物流成本包括物流成本、运输成本、服务成本以及管理费用( )

    库存的设置在产品的各个生产阶段或流通环节之间有时是不必要的( )

    对中间商的营业推广方式包括( )

    农产品促销组合形式主要包括( )

    处理好与外部公众的关系应考虑哪些方面( )

    旅游农业的类型包括( )

    农产品促销计划的实施步骤包括( )

    在农产品营销过程中,广告的主体主要包括农民、农民专业合作社、农业龙头企业( )

    人员销售经常用于竞争激烈的场合,不适用于推销价格昂贵的高端农产品( )

    体验式营销是指企业以满足消费者的体验需求为中心所展开的一切营销活动( )

    良好的公共关系有利于传播正确的信息,排除公共误解( )

    进行人员销售首先书要确定推销计划( )

    京东商城的主要的农产品网络营销模式是采用( )的方式

    下列选项中属于农产品网络营销价格策略的有( )

    影响农产品网络消费者行为的因素有( )

    农产品网络营销产品策略包括( )

    农产品网络营销就是网上销售( )

    网络营销从农产品信息的发布,直至发货收款、凯时尊龙登录入口的售后服务一气呵成,因此是一种网络介入全程的营销活动( )

    每一种角色都伴随着一种地位,产品和品牌往往可以成为地位标志( )

    产品循环周期定价策略是指网络营销中利用产品周期的四个阶段投入、成长、成熟、衰退期四个阶段的不同,制定不同的价格( )

    可以通过网络聊天室,常见问题回答等工具增进与顾客的感情,稳定顾客群( )

    b2c模式是指企业将产品经由互联网电商平台直接传递给终端消费者( )

    国际市场营销的特点有( )

    选择国际目标市场,需要考虑( )

    农产品国际营销的产品策略主要有( )

    国际市场的产品的价格由( )构成

    农产品国际营销发展的策略有( )

    研究目标市场的贸易风险包括( )

    分析国际市场政治环境可以从( )等方面来进行

    联合分销策略指出口商在国际市场上直接与零售商或该产品用户从事交易的渠道战略( )

    我国在国际农产品在国际市场上的竞争力低,因此最好采用低价策略,争取更多的消费者( )

    联合分销策略的缺点是无法掌握目标市场的真实情况( )


















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