


    施工企业的法人是指( )

    被仲裁机构裁定为可撤销合同,自( )起合同不具备法律效力

    追究合同违约责任的情况包括( )

    一方因对方以欺诈手段订立了对自己利益有重大损害的合同,则他可以( )

    下列不属于无效合同的情况的是( )

    下列合同中属于提供服务的合同是( )

    依据合同法规定,( )订立的合同,当事人可以请求或仲裁机构撤销该合同

    因一方当事人的违约行为造成了对方8万元的实际损害,按照合同条款约定方法计算的违约金金额为6万元,则违约方应支付给对方赔偿金的金金额为( )万元

    《合同法》规定,空缺条款的弥补顺序是( )

    属于效力待定的合同是( )

    违反合同承担责任的方式中,( )体现了制裁性

    合同法规定合同终止的方式有( )

    下列属于可撤消合同的情况的是( )

    不属于同时履行抗辩权的适用条件是( )

    追究经济合同违约责任的情况包括( )

    因当事人无法预见和控制的法律事实,合同一方当事人提出变更合同要求,在双方就变更内容协商期间,合同应( )

    一方因缺乏经验或重大误解订立了对自己利益有重大损害的合同,则他可以 ( )

    合同法律关系客体的种类不包含有下列的 ( )

    违反经济合同当事人在支付违约金和赔偿金之后,则( )

    不能成为解除合同的理由的是( )

    下列当事人( )不能作为合同法律关系的主体

    经济合同依法订立才具有法律效力,订立经济合同应具备的条件不包括下列的 ( )

    属于要物合同的有( )














    合同法规定的“不安抗辩权”是指按照合同规定 的一方享有的中止履行义务的权利。


    合同法规定的“同时履行抗辩权”是指按照合同规定 享有的中止履行义务的权利。



    执行定价的经济合同,在合同规定的交付期限内价格调整时,逾期交货的,遇价格上涨时,按 价执行。


    合同关系的主体有自然人、 或其他组织




    why hasn’t jack goodwin got a job yet?

    how does he spend a typical day?

    how do most of his friends spend the day?

    how are jack’s parents helping him?

    what do whoopi goldberg, bruce willis and brad pitt have in common?

    in the passage if you ask me, the writer claimed that real life is not like what people normally praise it.

    she declined the offer to do an ma at the london school of economics due to a bad financial condition.

    after she got the first salary in the saliury, she bought herself a bunch of flowers.

    tony invested in the writer by giving her a 20,000-pound loan, asking a ten percent annual interest for the collateral of the money.

    using her own story, the writers elaborated that the optimal returns in the business world is given by investing in people.

    in the us, a “_______ (2 words)” approach normally shows the positive aspects of the job hunter.

    more than a quarter of british resume writers are guilty of overdoing their resume. that is, they tell ______ (1 word).

    on mainland europe, the standard format form cv can find clear and easy-to-understand, but it has not yet been ________ (2 words).

    according to the writer, the “_____ (1 word, in capital letters)” philosophy is the most useful guideline.

    the following resume is written in a ________ (1 word) order. 2008 summer job in tourist information office, bournemouth 2007 summer job as lifesaver patrolling busy beach in bournemouth 2006-2008 occasional weekend bar work in duke of monmouth pub, southampton 2005-2006 volunteer in india on a clean water project

    what is the main writing purpose of the passage danger! books may change your life?

    why are we like alice in wonderland when we read a book?

    which one is not the struggle that miller, the author of they are alive and they spoke to me, has with books?

    according to miller, what should you do when you find a book you want to read?

    why does miller especially admire about blaise cendrars?

    the author’s tone in the passage is _____.

    what kinds of books helps thomas merton find out the true meaning of life?

    what are the reading’s benefits that the author reemphasizes in the end of his writing?

    the novel thing fall apart, setting in nigeria at the end of the 19th century, is a postcolonial novel and a portrayal of culture clash.

    the clash occurs when african traditions meet the forces for change in the form of christianity, as differences in their values and beliefs create misunderstandings and conflicts.

    the leading character okonkwo is a brave warrior, and his pride of his tribe and himself ended in a tragedy.

    the novel is written in a nigerian language to “bear the weight” of okonkwo’s african experience.

    what is the meaing of "deteriorate"?

    which of the following statement about king louis xiv is wrong?

    please choose the word with different meaning.

    please choose the word with different meaning.

    blue denim jeans remained popular in the us as work clothes until the 1950s, but then became associated with ______.

    what are features of formal writing?

    when stock market goes up, women are likely to wear short skirt, i.e. lower hemline; stock market goes down, long skirt, higher hemline. this is what we call hemline index.

    why women should want to expose more or less of their legs during periods of economic boom and bust remains a mystery.

    the lipstick effect is the theory that when facing an economic crisis consumers will be more willing to buy lipstick.

    when gina cowen is looking for glass on a beach, she finds time passes slowly.

    for most of the jewellery cowen makes, she exhibits it in galleries.

    sea glass will eventually run out --- one day, it will be rarer than diamond.

    sea glass is more ecological than diamonds and gold because it can be used for a variety of purposes.

    gina cowen devoted herself to sea glass career because of her experience on a beach near cape town.

    french fashion history and french national history are closely intertwined.

    louis xiv is the one who helped put france and paris on the international fashion map

    the passage starts with "i have a confession". what rhetorical device is used here?

    if something is an asset for you, it is ______.

    if you weather a bad period, you ______.

    buddy is an informal word for _______.

    a cash cushion will _______.

    which of the following country is not in the urozone?

    which sort of clients do credit card companies want?

    what are synonyms of the phrase "go from bad to worse"?

    which is (are) the synonym(s) of mutual?

    kelly failed to continue her studies in university because of credit card.

    the three phrases: prone to, liable to and subject to can indicate likelihood.

    euro coins only have symbols of the country which issued the coins.

    euro banknotes illustrate gateways and windows and bridges, designed to show major architectural periods.

    the european parliament is elected every three years by eu citizens.

    renaissance architecture is the architecture of the period between the early 15th and early 17th centuries.

    what is the unmarked clothing style for men?

    what does a marked female ending to a word usually convey?

    emmy awards are for ______.

    which of the following words is marked?

    which of the following does not belong to traditional stereotypes of women?

    what are the author’s main purposes of writing this passage entitled sex differences in english gossip rules?

    men gossip just as much as women.

    men talk more about politics than women.

    men talk more about football than women.

    women talk more about themselves than men.

    men don’t admit they gossip.

    women don’t admit they gossip.

    if a woman wears no make-up, she is unmarked.

    in western tradition, women will take her huand’s family name after marriage.

    “dr.” is an unmarked title for women.

    in the summer of 1940, britain ______.

    churchill suggested that britain ______.

    winston’s father thought he was _____.

    the writer suggests that churchill's early ambition was _____.

    winston fought as an ordinary soldier because _____.

    what is not an auxuliary science of history?

    what is the most important factor for a basic fact to become a historical fact?

    what is a priori argument?

    which of the following statement has the same meaning as "the facts speak only when the historian calls on them"?

    traditional and living history museums are the two types of museums.

    people can experience life of someone in the iron age 2,000 years ago.

    visitors gain a real insight into the skills of the ancient people by living in the roundhouses in cinderbury.

    cinderbury is special because the whole city is a living museum.

    in the writer's opinion, living history museums are much more interesting than traditional museums.





























    战略业务单位的特征有( )。







    中东地区严谨带六角形的包装,英国忌用大象、山羊做装饰图案,这些都是因为不同的( )不同。

    企业得以生存的关键,在于它在环境变化需要新的经营行为时所拥有的( )


    市场调查的特征有( )










    市场营销学家( )率先提出市场细分概念。


    产业市场细分的标准除了可以使用消费者市场细分的部分标准外,还包括( )

    差异性营销战略的优点是( )


    在家电领域,大多数企业采用的是统一品牌策略。该策略的缺点是( )

    黑白电视机发展为彩电是( )


    快速渗透策略,即企业以( )推出新产品。


    消费者需求决定了价格的( )

    某酒店的饭菜价格较低,但酒水价格高。这种定价策略是( )

    酒店、景区等服务性机构的价格在旺季、周末的价格可能要高于淡季的价格。这种定价属于( )





















    在移动平台上,营销传播的精准性将体现在营销传播方案与用户( )等方面更高程度的匹配上。












    the goal of marketing is to create value for customers in order to __________ value (in monetary terms) from customers in return.

    in a narrower business context, marketing involves building profitable, ________ exchange relationships with customers.

    business will ultimately _______ the rewards of value from consumers in the forms of sales, profits and long-term customer equity.

    marketing can be defined as the ________ by which businesses create value for customers and build strong relationships to capture value from customers in return.

    marketing is more concerned with creating, building, _________ and ________ relationships with customers.

    marketers seem to know everything about you, from your habits to your preferences. they reach you ________, _________ and ________.

    traditionally, many people think of marketing as only advertising and selling. but in this new century, marketing must be understood in the sense of satisfying customer needs.

    in this new century, the marketing landscape is already changed, and all traditional marketing approaches are not applicable any more.

    what marketers need to do is to construct a seller-driven marketing strategy.

    in this digital age, the way we communicate, access and share information, enjoy entertainment and do shopping have been totally _________ and reshaped.

    the post-recession recovery brings ________ back to consumers, they still tend to buy less, spend less and save more.

    today, companies are sourcing more supplies and components abroad and developing new products for specific market. the key word(s) here is(are)______

    when it comes to making purchasing decisions, consumers tend to stress more on features like _________, __________ and _________.

    non-profit organizations such as universities and colleges show little interest in marketing.

    consumers are becoming more aware of the importance of environmental protection and paying more attention to the issue of sustainability.

    in adjusting to the new economy, some companies may be unwilling to cut their marketing budgets.

    making cuts in the wrong places can hurt and even damage the brand’s long-term image and customer relationship.

    forward-looking companies readily accept their responsibilities to the world around them and view sustainable marketing as an opportunity to do well by doing good.

    promotion is basically a kind of ________.

    in order to increase the ________ of a product, the company should stengthen and enlarge it distribution network.

    what elements should be taken into consideration when it comes to making product decisions?

    in order to improve product accessibility, the following tactics can be considered:

    when a business plans to send messages via socializing apps to make a buzz, it needs to consider:

    the external operating environment includes the following aspects:

    mccarthy's theory is the only one adopted in describing marketing mix.

    traditionally a product is described as a tangible item that can satisfy a customer's specific need.

    market coverage is related to the convenience of buying.

    a product is regarded as a _________ to a problem.

    the market nichers occupy a all segment of the market and attempt to build strong ties with their customers via the provision of high quality products and superior after-sales services.

    marketing strategies are planned and should always be followed strictly.

    the market followers are less aggressive and tend to maintain their market position through price reduction.

    the market challengers are willing to take more risks, since they need to gain more market shares.

    the market leaders tend to adopt a more offfensive posture since they need to protect their market position.

    strategic marketing is focused on the implementation of specific targets.

    marketing strategy has the fundamental goals of increasing sales.

    alfred chandler wrote in 1962 that strategy is the determination of the basic short-term goals of an enterprise, and the adoption of courses of action, and the allocation of resources necessary for carrying out these goals.

    strategy is important because the resources available are sufficient, and how to utilize them is very critical to the success of business.

    managerial marketing is focused on the implementation of specific targets.

    the objective of business portfolio ysis, as stated before, is to find out the most profitable or _______ products or brands, and put strong investment into them.

    _______ refer to represent sbus having large market share in a fast-growing industry.

    ________ refer to products with low growth or market share.

    when cash cows lose their appeal and move towards deterioration, then a ___________ policy may be pursued.

    the best business portfolio, however, is believed to be able to fit the company’s strengths and weaknesses, and ready the company for market opportunities.

    managing such a huge portfolio profitably takes just experience and expertise.

    stars are the corporation’s key source of net cash inflow, and are specifically the core business.

    a prevalent critici about bcg matrix is that market growth is not the only indicator for attractiveness of a market, and high market share is not the only success factor.

    as time passes, sbus may change their positions in the growth-share matrix.

    in swot ysis, s refers to:

    once you've identified your risks, you can try the following:

    examples of areas typically considered as strengths and weaknesses include:

    external factors typically include:

    useful opportunities can come from such things as:

    opportunities refer to elements in the environment that the business could exploit to its advantage.

    threats refer to elements in the environment that could cause trouble for the business.

    weaknesses refer to characteristics of the business that place the business at a disadvantage relative to others.

    if all your compes provide high-quality products, then a high-quality production process is not a strength in your organization's market.

    the ultimate purpose of swot ysis is to help you take ______ of your resources and competitiveness.

    micro-environment factors include:

    p refers to political factors in the pest ysis. political factors include:

    e refers to economic factors in the pest ysis. economic factors include:

    s refers to sociocultural factors in the pest ysis. sociocultural factors include:

    micro-environment includes all forces within the company that affect its ability to serve its customers.

    macro-environment refers to larger societal forces that can affect the micro-environment.

    micro-environment factors can affect macro-environment factors.

    rapid technological changes are contributing to the creation of opportunities for companies to develop new products.

    in service industry, the importance of employees in the company’s development is less than that in other industries.

    he significant meaning of media is that either positive or negative reports concerning one company can influence its corporate image.

    marketing research consists of several steps, including _____, ______, ______ quantitative and qualitative data.

    by methodological approach, marketing research can be categorized as:

    consumer marketing research is a form of applied sociology that concentrates on understanding the ______, _______, _________ of consumers in a market-based economy:

    uncontrollable environmental factors include:

    the goal of marketing research is to identify and assess how changing elements of the marketing mix impacts customer behaviour.

    market research is concerned specifically with markets, while marketing research is concerned specifically about marketing processes.

    marketing researchers and marketing managers are crossing the boundary into each others' fields by taking on more responsibilities.

    two-way communication between business and their consumers became a reality due to the rapid development of information technology.

    the pace of growing online business competition is greater than that of the diminishing bricks-and-mortar shops.

    it is no longer sufficient to follow trends in web behavior or track sales data companies now needed access to consumer behavior throughout the entire purchase process.

    the information collected from sources like _______, _________, ________ and other market players can be called marketing information.

    it is a multi-view of your customers obtained from a strategic ysis of both ______ and _______ data of customer behaviours.

    adequate customer information can contribute greatly to good products and marketing programs.

    customer insight is the in-depth knowledge of your customers, based on their buying behaviours, their experiences with your brand, their beliefs or needs.

    raw data collected from customers are not enough to tell anything about customer insights.

    it is not difficult to collect information but the difficulty lies in how to use them effectively.

    marketing researchers should be able to perform data mining and find out the stories behind the data, and provide clear answers to practical questions.

    the problem is, some managers will ask for whatever information they could get without thinking carefully what they really need.

    the cost issue of marketing research deserves serious consideration. the cost issue also deserves serious consideration.

    an appealing advertisement or a warm discussion with your friends, might trigger your desire to buy a car. this is called ________.

    __________ means how consumer process information to choose among alternative brands.

    which of the following is a social factor that influences consumer buying behavior?

    when marketers want to promote their products and services through word-of-mouth marketing programs, they typically begin by ________.

    which of the following is not a personal factor that influences a consumer's buying behavior?

    a marketing firm has been assigned the task of watching trends in personal income, savings, and interest rates. the marketing firm is most likely gathering information about consumers' ________.

    the most effective sources of information about a product tend to be ________ sources.

    consumers may obtain information from many sources, including

    how consumers go about evaluating purchase alternatives depends on the iniduals and the specific buying situation.

    in the buyer decision process, marketer’s job ends when customer’s purchase decision is made and the product is sold.

    cultural factors exert deep and _______ influence on consumer behaviours.

    the buyer’s characteristics which may influence how he or she will ________ or react to the stimuli.

    ___________ are a society’s relatively permanent and ordered isions whose members share similar values, interests, and behaviours.

    _________ is a person’s way of living as expressed in his or her psychographics. it involves a person’s activities, interests and opinions.

    many characteristics may influence buyer’s perceptions and responses. the major categories of characteristics include: ______.

    it is not difficult to find out what, where and how much consumers buy, but the whys are the hardest to answer.

    a child in america is typically taught the values of collectivi, personal success and achievement, frugality, material and mental enjoyment and filial obedience to parents.

    word-of-mouth, which are words from all groups or other social members, can have a powerful impact on consumer buying behaviour.

    according to traditional researches, family members can strongly influence buyer behaviour.

    one’s occupation and economic situation, which are often independent from each other, affect consumer’s preferences and choices.

    business buyers usually face more complex buying decisions and longer and more ________ decision process.

    large business purchases usually call for detailed product specifications, written purchase orders, careful searches and formal ________.

    b2b marketers may roll up their ________ and work closely with their business customers during all stages of the buying process

    in a __________, the buyer reorders without making any modifications.

    in _________, companies put their purchasing requests online and invite suppliers to bid for the business.

    within the organization, buying activity consists of two major parts:, __________ and _______.

    in large business markets, a large number of buyers account for most the purchasing.

    business demand is a kind of derived demand: it ultimately derives from the demand for consumer goods.

    the modified rebuy is when a company plans to buy a product or service for the first time.

    business buyers respond to both economic factors, not personal factors.

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