


    the reference directions and results are as shown in the circuit. someone changes the reference direction of current to opposite one , then what are the results for voltage and current.

    calculate the power for element b shown in circuit as figure1, and determine it is source or sink.

    the equivalent resistance of the circuit in figure is( )

    as the figure, the relation between the current i1 and i2 is ( )

    find the current i as shown in the circuit.

    find r in the circuit if v2 =8v.

    find the current i shown in circuit.

    the resistances are given, also a current as shown figure, use ohm’s law, kvl and kcl to find the voltage source vx.

    find the current i1 and i2 in the circuit.

    find the equivalent resistance for the circuit as figure

    1.in the circuit shown in figure, the current is is______

    in the circuit shown in figure, the current i is______

    in the stabilized circuit shown in figure, the voltage u cross the capacitor is ________

    in the circuit shown in figure, the voltage u is ________

    using superposition principle, when the voltage source is not active, it should be replaced by _________

    using superpostion principle to find the current i1 and i2 in the circuit of figure. assuming r1=3ω, r2=1ω, r3=6ω

    using source transformation to find the current through 3ωresistor in the circuit shown.

    the thevenin resistance at terminals a and b is .

    find: node voltages va and vb shown in figure 1. i = −2 ma; v = 3 v; r1 = 1 kω;r2 = 2 kω; r3 = 3 kω;

    the unit of capacitor is

    the ideal inductor acts as a circuit under steady-state dc condition.

    which description fits for the law of switch.

    which one is not required in finding the step response of a first-order circuit ( )

    which one is not energy storage elements?

    in the circuit, vs=10v, the current through inductor is ( )

    determine the capacitor voltage the circuit of figure a long time after the switch has been closed.

    if there is no energy stored in capacitor before switching, determine the initial current of capacitor after the switch on( )

    determine the inductor initial voltage ( )

    after the switch in the circuit of figure has been open for a long time, it is closed at t=0. calculate: the numerical expression for i(t) when t>0 .






    某图纸幅面大小为420mm×594mm,则该图纸代号为( )。

    图幅就是( )的大小。

    图纸上所需书写的文字、数字或符号等,均应笔画清晰、字体端正、排列整齐,汉字宜采用( )字体。

    用于确定平面图形中各组成部分的相对位置的尺寸是( )。

    尺寸界线应用细实线绘制,一般应与被标注的长度垂直,一端应离开图样轮廓线不小于( )。

    图纸上尺寸线应采用( )。

    在每张施工图纸上,都应画出标题栏。标题栏的位置应位于图纸的( )角,看图的方向与看标题栏的方向一致。

    工程图样上所用的比例是指图中图形与其实物相对应的( )尺寸之比。

    尺寸起止符号一般应用中粗斜短线绘制,其倾斜方向应与尺寸界线成顺时针( )角,长度宜为2~3mm。


    半径、直径、角度与弧长的尺寸起止符号,宜用( )。

    标注坡度时,在坡度数字下,应加注坡度符号,坡度符号的箭头,一般应指向( )。

    有一栋房屋在图纸上量得长度为12cm,用的是1:200的比例,其实际长度是( )m。

    图线的线宽有粗线、中粗线和细线三种,它们的线宽比例为( )。

    工程图纸上书写的数字和字母的字高,应不小于( )mm。

    图样上的尺寸数字代表( )。

    标注球的半径时,用符号( )表示。

    形体的图样是用各种不同规格的图线画成的,其中虚线表示( )。

    标注圆弧的弧长时,表示尺寸线应以( )。

    在薄板板面标注板厚尺寸时,应在厚度数字前加厚度符号( )。

    《营造法式》是( )代的一部建筑设计、施工的规范书。

    丁字尺的用途是( )。

    下列仪器或工具中,不能用来画线的是( )。

    一般制图的第一个步骤是( )。

    用于确定平面图形中各个组成部分的形状和大小的尺寸是( )。

    在制图中,把光源称为( )。

    在制图中,把光线称为( )。

    在制图中,把承受影子的面称为( )。

    在制图中,形成投影的方法称为( )。

    在投影中心与投影面距离不变的情况下,形体距投影中心愈近,则影子( )。

    由一点放射的投射线所产生的投影称为( )。

    由相互平行的投射线所产生的投影称为( )。

    形成物体的最基本几何元素包括( )。

    多面正投影图是( )。

    轴测投影图是( )。

    不属于正投影图的基本特性是( )。

    当线段或平面平行于投影面时,其线段的投影长度反映线段的实长,平面的投影与原平面图形全等,这种性质称为正投影的( )。

    当直线或平面垂直于投影面时,其直线的正投影积聚为一个点;平面的正投影积聚为一条直线。这种性质称为正投影的( )。

    透视投影图是( )。

    标高投影图是( )。

    三面投影图,是( )。

    w面是指( )。

    v面是指( )。

    投影面展开之后,v,w两个投影上下对齐,这种关系称为( )。

    在三面投影体系中,h面的展平方向是( )。

    直线ab的w面投影反映实长,该直线为( )。

    两直线平行,它们的正投影也平行,且空间线段的长度之比等于它们正投影的长度之比,这种性质称为正投影的( )。

    平行于一个投影面,倾斜于另两个投影面的直线,称为( )。

    与h面平行的直线称为( )。

    垂直于某一投影面的直线,称为( )。

    与v面平行的直线称为( )。

    与h面垂直的直线称为( )。

    与w面平行的直线称为( )。

    与w面垂直的直线称为( )。

    与v面垂直的直线称为( )。

    与三个投影面都倾斜的直线,称为( )。

    两直线相交的交点个数是( )。

    直角的一边平行于某一投影面,则该直角在该投影面上的投影是( )。

    如果两直线在某一投影面上的投影互相垂直,而且其中有一条直线平行于该投影面,则两直线在空间位置的关系是( )。

    若直线的三面投影图中,h面投影为一点,另外两投影为平行投影轴直线,则此直线为( )。

    侧垂面在( )投影面上的投影积聚为一直线。

    与一个投影面平行的平面称为( )。

    与一个投影面垂直的平面称为( )。

    平行于h面的平面称为( )。

    平行于w面的平面称为( )。

    平行于v面的平面称为( )。

    垂直于h面的平面称为( )。

    垂直于w面的平面称为( )。

    垂直于v面的平面称为( )。

    如果一个平面的一个投影为平面图形,而另外两个投影积聚为平行于投影轴的直线,该平面就是( )。

    如果直线经过平面上的两个点,则直线与平面的关系是( )。

    如果直线经过平面上一点,且平行于平面上的一条直线,则直线与平面的关系是( )。

    正垂面与侧垂面相交,其交线是( )。

    水平面与侧垂面相交,其交线是( )。

    三个投影图中的每一个投影图表示物体的两个方向长度和一个面的形状,下列有误的一项是( )。

    投影面展开之后,w,h两个投影都反映形体的宽度,这种关系称为( )。

    h面是指( )。

    左视图反映形体的( )方位。

    在正投影法中,投影线与投影面( )。

    用中心投影法,在光源与投影面距离不变的情况下,形体距光源愈远,则影子( )。

    ( )能反映物体的真实形状和大小,在工程制图中得到广泛应用。

    采用正投影法,当平面垂直于投影面时,其投影( )。

    在投影图中,下列不属于基本投影面的是( )。

    平面的h面投影为一倾斜于投影轴的直线,v面与w面的投影为平面的类似形,则此平面为( )。

    侧垂面的h投影( )。










    在正投影图中,相互平行的两条直线( )。

    在正投影图中,一个平行于投影面的平面图形,经过平行移动后,它们在同一投影面上的投影( )。

    正立投影面即( )。

    在三面投影体系中,形体的宽度是指形体上最前和最后两点间平行于( )轴的距离。

    对于中心投影法,下列说法不正确的是( )

    关于组合体投影图中交线问题,下列说法中错误的是( )。

    下列不属于曲面立体的是( )。

    四棱台的投影面上可能出现的形状有( )。

    长方体组合体投影图中线的含义是( )。

    基本形体分为( )。

    组合体形成的方式主要有( )等几种。



    由若干个( )围成的几何体称为多面体。

    棱柱是特殊的多面体,棱柱包括( )和直棱柱。

    剖面图的剖切方法要根据形体的内部和外部形状来选择,一般有( )等四种。

    在画全剖面图时,要标注出( )等内容。

    半剖面图的画法规定,当对称中心线是竖直时,剖面图应画在对称线的左半边( )。

    半剖面图的画法规定,当对称中心线是水平方向时,剖面图应画在对称线的上半边( )。

    剖面图的剖切符号是由剖切位置线及剖视方向线组成。( )

    用两个或两个以上平行的剖切面剖切形体,所得的剖面图称为展开剖面图。( )

    画半剖面图时,一般把半个剖面画在图形垂直对称线的右侧或水平对称线的下侧。( )

    进行假想剖切后,剖面图只画出截断面的投影,对形体的其他投影轮廓不予画出。 ( )

    剖面图上剖切符号的编号数字可写在剖切位置线的任意一边。( )

    全剖面图通常表达内外形状均复杂的形体。( )

    根据断面图布置位置不同,可将断面图分为( )。

    在画断面图时,要标注出( )等内容。

    断面图是剖面图的一部分,剖面图中包含断面图。( )

    中断式的断面图不必标注剖切位置线及编号。( )

    进行假想剖切后,断面图只画出截断面的投影,对形体的其他投影轮廓不予画出。 ( )





    there are two major sharing-bike companies in daxuecheng.

    according to tommy, mobike originally focuses on the white-collar crowd.

    none of the students interviewed recognized environmental contribution of sharing bike.

    what does the author think can help a bank to recover from financial crisis?

    what effect will climate change have?

    what does the author think of the relationship between economy and nature?

    what does the rainforests project aim to do?

    how could rainforest nations achieve sustainable development?

    students have got into the spirit, waging competitions to boost recycling and slash energy use in dorms.

    they cut discarded books from bindings so the paper could be recycled.

    green buildings are also cropping up on campuses, from duke with its green-roofed “smart home” to the new university of california, merced.

    yet even when the basic science of climate change has been accepted by almost all scientists, many others still seem to think that it is unfounded.

    this is precisely why my rainforests project has expended so much effort during these last two years to help facilitate a consensus on increasing international cooperation to cut deforestation.

    if in the future it becomes clear that the world’s big polluters knew but did little or nothing about these problems, a whole new generation of resentment might be born.

    the presidential candidates all tout green-collar jobs like mcanally’s as part of their plans to combat climate change.

    “i can’t say for sure what kind of steak it is,” the waitress solemnly answered, “but i can assure you it was raised in a stress-free environment.”

    several studies have set out how climate change will threaten economic development, especially in the most vulnerable and poorest countries.

    by using innovative, long-term investment instruments, perhaps facilitated by the multilateral development banks, we could restore vast areas of already degraded land to increase food output.

    cornell president believes that students have taken great initiative in earth-protecting movement.

    a very famous university kalamazoo college in michigan won the nationwide recyclemania competition in 2008.

    the typical feature of a green building is recyclable, reusable.

    the universities offer courses and scholarships to encourage students to study the environment.

    the ultimate goal of students’ doing research projects on the environment is to cultivate environmental scientists.

    xiao wang is worrying about to find a job at a foreign company.

    overdressed is better than underdressed when the attire is unclear in the company.

    xiao wang was suggested to inform her boss whenever she was in struggle with a dilemma.

    no-work related activities should be avoided in the company.

    there is no word in english for working yourself to death, because____.

    who work the longest time in the world?

    what does prof cooper think of “working arter”?

    according to derek simpson, one’s stress is mainly caused by____.

    what is the result of long-hours culture in uk?

    it is implied that compared with other european people, british people____.

    for how many hours a week do british full-time workers work?

    the student feels upset because he failed in job interview several times.

    gloria failed in the interviews because she didn’t prepare well.

    jordan suggests that an outline for answers would be better than writing them all out.

    besides in job interview, gloria also has difficulty in study in school.

    who released the report college learning for the new global century?

    what type of employees do business executives find a shortage of?

    what’s the negative side the previous report had?

    what’s the key to continued success in the workforce according to business leaders and recent graduates?

    what type of graduate will become a good investment for an employer?

    what can we know about the report according to the passage?

    the movie explores what a dog would like to do.

    the movie “a dog’s purpose” tries to find the meaning of life through several lives of a dog.

    the story of the movie teach us to love dogs.

    what made jane goodall famous around the world?

    what is the mission of the jane goodall institute?

    what makes jane goodall an environmental activist?

    why does jane goodall try to raise environmental awareness of people in developed countries?

    what is most important for protecting animals and the environment?

    what does jane goodall tell people to do first to protect animals and the environment?














    陈从周先生的陈樟德先生本着“修旧如旧,古园重建” 的宗旨开始修复郭庄,并于__年重新开放。

















    “从来佳茗似佳人”这一著名诗句的作者是( )。



    明代造园计成曾经说过:“ ______ ”,这句话的意思就是指造园时需要巧妙地把园外的景物借到园内中来。

    汪庄在1958年是经过著名建筑( )主持设计修整以后,接待过众多国内外领导人,包括联合国秘书长安南。

    清代杭州的书院开始普及,在学术和人才的培养上成绩突出,清代出现了全国有影响力的四大书院,是( )这四个书院。

    南宋著名诗人陆游曾经为权贵韩侂胄写过( )一文。

    西湖书院是( )浙江最大且很有特色的官办书院,书院旧址原先是南宋抗金英雄岳飞的府邸。


    历史上,有利于杭州茶产业和茶文化发展的原因有( )。

    明代杭州书院的数量超过50所,书院类型也变得丰富多样,主要有哪些类型的书院?( )

    下列属于传统24节气点心的食物有( )。

    关于“鹿角梭形器”,正确的有( )。

    已加入“文澜阁博物馆商店联盟”的博物馆有( )。







    清光绪皇帝南巡时为崇文书院题写了“正学阐教”和“崇文” 两块匾额。



    浙江大学校歌的词作者是马一浮 。

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