




















    which of the following is replaceable resource?

    which of the following is irreplaceable resource?

    which one is not man’s transformation of nature?

    which one is not the description of our ancestors in the past?

    which one belongs to synthetic material?

    to solve the crisis of man-nature relation, we should _____?

    which one is a nature-friendly behavior?

    which one is not the role of amazon rainforest in the earth ecosystem?

    the natural order of an english sentence should be ______.

    which one is not an inverted english sentence?

    which of the following is not considered as a natural disaster?

    the amazon rainforest is located in _________.

    what is the main idea of paragraph one?

    which one is the wrong attitude towards nature?

    we are connected with nature by _____ ties and we cannot live outside nature.

    as society develops, man tends to become less _______ on nature directly, while indirectly his dependence grows.

    modern technology is distinguished by an ever increasing abundance of produced and used ______ goods.

    man is constantly aware of the influence of nature in the form of the air he breathes, the ____ he drinks and the food he eats.

    frank lloyd wright said, “study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. it will never ____ you.”

    who wrote a famous paper entitled “ does economic growth improve the human lot?” in 1974?

    in what field does technology impose the most influence on people’s sense of well-being?

    which of the following is not james’s publications?

    who writes the quote “the production of too many useful things results in too many good useless people”?

    studies show that if a working environment is pleasant, productivity _________.

    what is not the downside of technology’s impact?

    even though americans seemed to work extraordinarily hard, their pursuit __________ entertainment turned media and leisure into multibillion-dollar industries.

    people are much better informed since the __________ of television.

    it’s as if __________ were built into acquisition from the very beginning.

    the truly __________ work on the relationship between prosperity and well-being was done by the economist richard easterlin.

    one of the happiness scholar’s most important insights is that people __________ very quickly to good news.

    according to the article, which government approved a total ban on mobile use for pupils up to the age of 15?

    driverless cars or self-driving cars are robotic cars driven by_________.

    with mobile payment becoming ubiquitous, the chinese society is becoming gradually _________.

    telemarketing, traffic jams and identity theft all come to mind, which all _________ making people consciously unhappy are.

    in the united states, for instance, gross domestic product per capita _________ from 1950 to 2000.

    the _________ in productivity after world war second made goods better and cheaper at the same time.

    at the end of the text, the author says “good luck ” to those who desperately seek fame and fortune to ___.

    what does an artist have to do to stay famous according to the author?

    for the reason why people chase fame, the author mentions several except ____.

    in the sentence “fame turns all the lights on and while it gives power and reputation, it takes you out of you” (paragraph 5), the underlined part means ____.

    in paragraph 3 “fame brings celebrity and high regard from loyal fas in each field.”, here “celebrity” means ___.

    in paragraph3, “fame brings celebrity and high regard from loyal fas in each field.”, here “regard” means ___.

    in paragraph 3, “…failure often serves as its own reward for many people”, means ____.

    in the sentence “if you do catch it, hang on for dear life.”(paragraph 6) , “for dear life” means ____

    to avoid plagiari, it’s important to cite the information to ___ in your paraphrasing.

    ludwig van beethoven is mentioned as an example of some famous failurs in the text to prove that ___.

    for those who ___ fame, they have to risk their own privacy.

    she quit the office job since she was ____ repeating the routine.

    please ___ to the rail while walking along the bridge.

    the local labor union ____ a campaign against the increase of tax.

    in the sentence “fame is very much like an animal chasing his own tail”, the author uses the rhetorical device of ___ to show the negative result of pursuing fame.

    according to the author, it’s easier for the artist becomes the slave of his or her own success because of the______.

    in order to maintain coherence of the writing, the author states his stand very clearly with a bunch of _____ words, like “chasing the tail”, “find excuses”, “desperately” and ect.

    the very first step of paraphrasing is to ____.

    paraphrasing simply means taking the original text and using your ____ and structure to rewrite it while still conveying the same message.

    how many college student failed to land a job in 2017?

    what kind of students had comparatively less stress in the job market in 2013 (video 1)?

    which of the following is not the factor contributing to anxiety of student?

    what does not cause the declining employment rate?

    which is not the solution to the problem of unemployment?

    how many categories of jobs are mentioned in text a?

    who comprise the majority in a society according to the author?

    what makes so many people become laborers instead of workers?

    how do you think does technology make people laborers?

    what is the alarming consequence of this phenomenon?

    compared with a job, work refers to something more ________.

    which of the following is the similar expression of “land a job”?

    when you derive contentment from what your job, you can describe it as ________.

    which expression means changing one’s job?

    which one emphasizes qualification and specialization?

    what does the movie clip of modern times try to convey?

    what’s the main idea of the text?

    which way to deepen the understanding of a recruiting firm is not mentioned?

    what should an interviewee do when he is asked if he has questions?

    which is inappropriate when choosing outfits for an interview?

    what is not suggested about punctuality?

    what should an applicant do during an interview?

    which is not mentioned as positive body language?

    which is mentioned as negative body language?

    why can chris get the job in video clip 3?

    in the process of interview, one should respond __________ to interview questions.

    unlike a laborer, a worker is _______ in what he does to earn a living.

    an ideal job usually can make a person feel _______.

    playing is a way for laborers to escape from _______.

    a _______ job requires a lot of effort.

    the theory of karl marx is about human _______.

    what is this article mainly about?

    the phrase “lost your taste” (paragraph 1) most probably means ________.

    according to micheal, to raise a child, most people may ________.

    what do we learn about sara and michael?

    what is the root cause for the couple to change their life style?

    what is the role of paragraph 6?

    how do they know what they really need?

    what haven’t sara and michael given up when they have a clear idea of what they really need?

    which of the following is not what they did to simplify life?

    what have they exchanged the expenses of a commuter age for?

    which of the following statements is wrong?

    why did the author say she was not very happy when she left the store $11 poorer?

    why do we sometimes get so hard to find the resolve and courage to get off the merry-go-round?

    according to the article, what is “voluntary simplicity”?

    what is the style of this article?

    sara believes that their home life is simplification, not ______________.

    a person who travels a long distance to work every day is called a __________.

    sara and michael decided to spend money only on the things that contributed to their major _____.

    although the couple don’t work harder, they can afford to live in the same _______ community.

    in the last paragraph, the author compares people’s desire of shopping to a children’s favorite, that is, _________.

    the author observed the following in the hospital except ___.

    by saying “a man comes to this world with his fist clenched, but when he dies, his hand is open.”, the author means ___.

    by saying “hold fast to life, but not so fast that you cannot let go.” , the author suggests that ___.

    he is too ___ with his own experiment to notice the arrival of his friends.

    why should we learn to let go, according to the author?

    why is it not an easy task for young people to learn to accept losses and to let go?

    by saying “life is never just being. it is a becoming, a relentless flowing on. ”, the author tends to tell us that ___.

    though life plays tricks on you, you should find your courage to ___.

    she was about to cry for being late again when it suddenly ___ her that the appointment was cancelled.

    in the sentence “ then i remembered how often i, too, had been indifferent to the grandeur of each day, too preoccupied with petty and sometimes even mean concerns to respond to the great beauty of it all”( paragraph 6), the word “mean” means ___.

    in the sentence, “never too busy for the wonder and the awe of life”(paragraph 8) , the author tries to tell us that ____.

    by saying that “at every stage of life we sustain losses ---and grow in the process.”, the author means _____.

    in the sentence, “why fashion things of beauty when beauty is short lived?”(paragraph 12), the word “fashion” means ____.

    the last paragraph is meant to _____.

    life is ____, just like a flow river.

    in winston churchill’s sentence “ attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” the word “little” contrasts with the word “___” to show the importance of attitude.

    according to the author, the two truths to live by is hold fast to life and ____.

    in the writing, the author uses ____ to show the two different truths people should take towards life.

    the two truths to live by propsed by the author seem to be _____ to each other but they coexist well.

    which of the following book has been nominated four times for the nobel prize in literature?

    the sentence “reading gives a person charm and elegance”from sushi means to tell us that ________.

    by comparing the non-readers with the readers, lin yutang suggests that “the non-readers are imprisoned in his immediate world in respect to time and space”. it means________.

    lin yutang believed that reading should not be an obligation because it is ____.

    it is suggested that to read the same book many times is still profitable because ______.

    which of the following chinese is the best translation for the english sentence: “reading gives a person charm and elegance”?

    when“烧饼”is translated into pancake, what translation method is used?

    when "旗袍" is translated into qipao, what translation method is used?

    lin believes that the ____ of reading is to cultivate one’s personal charm rather than to educate oneself.

    it’s our _____ to maintain the public security rather than just to be a stander-by.

    the analects is a famous chinese classic book recording ______.

    _______ is used in sentence “one man’s meat may be another’s poison.”

    in the text, “flavor”or “taste”should be understood as one’s _____.

    besides those compulsory courses to attend, you should also take some ____ courses to earn enough credits to graduate from college.

    world book and 尊龙人生就是博 copyright day,on 23 april, is a celebration to promote the enjoyment of __________.

    the sentence“ is it not pleasant to learn with a constant perseverance and application?” is often translated into chinese of a saying by confucius as _______.

    in ogy, “________” and “explaining” are the two key parts.

    lin yutang is famouse for his writing both in two languages: chinese and _____.

    the culture-loaded words are those carry chinese _____ but hard to find their equivalence in the target language.

    why did kofi annan make this speech?

    in kofi annan’s speech, the word “plea” is closest to the meaning of ________.

    what is the speaker’s definition of an inclusive globalization?

    what does the sentence “globalization’s glass house must be open to all if it is to remain secure” mean?

    the expression “tear down the walls in one’s own mind” is closest in meaning to ________.

    how is kofi annan’s speech organized?

    the tone of kofi annan is ________.

    which of the following could be considered as a key word of kofi annan’s speech?

    when it comes to the purpose of a public speech, kofi annan’s speech is a speech ________.

    which of the following is not a rhetoric device mentioned in this lesson?

    what rhetoric device does the following sentence use? “the chinese economy is not a pond but an ocean. the ocean may have its calm days, but big winds and storms are only to be expected.”

    what rhetoric device does the following sentences use? “the next decade will be a crucial one in which new global growth drivers will take the place of old ones; the next decade will see faster changes in the international landscape and the international alignment of forces; the next decade will see a profound reshaping of the global governance.”

    the conclusion of the peace treaty serves the interests of the peoples of the two countries, and it is also of _________ importance to world peace and stability.

    which of the following is not a synonym (近义词 ) of “inclusive” based on the text?

    which of the following is not an antonym ( 反义词 ) of “inclusive” based on the text?


    annan appeals to us to tear down the walls in our own minds so that we are able to recognize the untold ways in which we can all ______ from cooperation.

    in kofi annan’s speech, in order to best illustrate his proposal, the word______ is used repetitively in different ways, such as solidarity, interdependence and inisible.

    in a public speech, emotional appeal can be realized by______, developing vivid examples and speaking with sincerity and conviction

    metaphor is an implicit ______ between things that are essentially different yet have something in common.

    which one is the wrong attitude towards nature?

    which one is not an inverted english sentence?

    which one is not man’s transformation of nature?

    in what field does technology impose the most influence on people’s sense of well-being?

    what is not the downside of technology’s impact?

    even though americans seemed to work extraordinarily hard, their pursuit __________ entertainment turned media and leisure into multibillion-dollar industries.

    new techonology fails us very quickly as if __________ were built into acquisition from the very beginning.

    for those who ___ fame, they have to risk their own privacy.

    the local labor union ____ a campaign against the increase of tax.

    she quit the office job since she was ____ repeating the routine.

    "merry-go-around" is compared to the consumers' life because ____.

    by saying “hold fast to life, but not so fast that you cannot let go.” , the author suggests that ___.

    though life plays tricks on you, you should find your courage to ___.

    which of the following book has been nominated four times for the nobel prize in literature?

    when“烧饼”is translated into pancake, what translation method is used?

    besides those compulsory courses to attend, you should also take some ____ courses to earn enough credits to graduate from college.

    it’s our _____ to maintain the public security rather than just to be a stander-by.

    what rhetoric device does the following sentences use? “the next decade will be a crucial one in which new global growth drivers will take the place of old ones; the next decade will see faster changes in the international landscape and the international alignment of forces; the next decade will see a profound reshaping of the global governance.”

    even though my suggestion ____ with hers, mary still believes she is the only one expertise in this field.

    this incident can by no means justify their discrimination ______ the black people.

    to avoid plagiari, it’s important to cite the information to honor your author in your paraphrasing.

    unlike a laborer, a worker is interested in what he does to earn a living.

    "voluntary simplicity" is a kind of life style which refuses all the extra expenses in life and only choose the cheapest things.

    by saying “a man comes to this world with his fist clenched, but when he dies, his hand is open.”, the author means living and death are two natural common process.

    by saying “life is never just being. it is a becoming, a relentless flowing on. ”, the author tends to tell us that we should learn to be reconciled to life’s contradictory demands.

    analogy is used in sentence “one man’s meat may be another’s poison.”

    the analects is a famous chinese classic book written by confucius.

    in a public speech, emotional appeal can be realized by using emotional language, developing vivid examples and speaking with sincerity and conviction.

    an inclusive globalization means all the community in the world can benefit from it.

    whether a job is to be classified as labor or work depends, not on the job itself, but on the attitude of the inidual who undertakes it.

    as society develops, man tends to become less _______ on nature directly, while indirectly his dependence grows.

    frank lloyd wright said, “study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. it will never ____ you.”

    mobile payment has made chinese society gradually _________ and there's no need for people to carry cash in big cities.

    in the sentence “fame is very much like an animal chasing his own tail”, the author uses the rhetorical device of ___ to show the negative result of pursuing fame.

    the very first step of paraphrasing is to ____.

    paraphrasing simply means taking the original text and using your ____ and structure to rewrite it while still conveying the same message.

    the sentence“ is it not pleasant to learn with a constant perseverance and application?” is often translated into chinese of a saying by confucius as _______.

    in ogy, “________” and “explaining” are the two key parts.

    the english sentence: “reading gives a person charm and elegance”can be translated into chinese as ______

    metaphor is an implicit ______ between things that are essentially different yet have something in common.

    exclusive is an ___ of “inclusive” .

    主电路中,我们常用( )分别对应l1、l2、l3三相。

    ( )表明了电器设备和电器元件的安装位置、配线方式和接线方式。

    电路如图所示,在断电自检时,测量控制线路0-1之间的电阻值,在没有任何操作时,测得的电阻值为( )。

    电路如图所示,在断开主电路断电自检时,手动按下交流接触器km,模拟吸合状态,测量0-1之间的电阻值,应为( )。

    以下 哪些工具可以剪断导线( )。

    螺丝刀按照头部形状的不同,常见的有( )。

    电气三图指的是( )。

    以下 对接线工艺的描述,正确的是( )。

    电路如图所示,在通电检查时,若qs一合闸,未进行操作时,电机m1就发生转动,分析可能的故障点是( )。

    电路如图所示,在通电检查时,手动按下sb2后,电动机能完成星型启动,但无法切换至角接工作,可能的原因是( )。











    用基准硼砂标定hcl时,操作步骤要求加水50ml,但实际上多加了20ml,这将使测得hcl浓度( )。

    欲配制500 ml 0.1 mol/l naoh溶液(标定后作标准溶液),正确的操作是( )。

    欲配制500 ml naoh溶液,标定后作标准溶液,量水最合适的仪器是( )。

    定量分析中,基准物质是( )。

    现欲标定naoh溶液的浓度,实验室提供下列物质,最好应选择( )。

    某样品先用hcl滴定至酚酞变色,耗去v1 ml,继以甲基橙为指示剂耗去v2 ml,已知v1
    某样品先用hcl滴定至酚酞变色,耗去v1 ml,继以甲基橙为指示剂耗去v2 ml,已知v1 > v2,其组成可能是( )。

    某样品先用hcl滴定至酚酞变色,耗去v1 ml,继以甲基橙为指示剂耗去v2 ml,已知v1=v2,其组成可能是( )。

    某样品先用hcl滴定至酚酞变色,耗去v1 ml,继以甲基橙为指示剂耗去v2 ml,已知v2=0,其组成可能是( )。

    某样品先用hcl滴定至酚酞变色,耗去v1 ml,继以甲基橙为指示剂耗去v2 ml,已知v1=0,其组成可能是( )。

    下列( )操作产生正误差。

    实验中正确配制0.2 mol/l的na2co3溶液的方法是( )。

    欲取25 ml试液进行滴定,最合适的仪器是( )。

    欲取50 ml某溶液进行滴定,要求容器量取的相对误差≤0.1%,在下列量具应选用( )。

    使用碱式滴定管滴定的操作正确的是( )。

    欲使50 ml滴定管相对误差≤0.1%, 则滴定体积至少为( )。

    用于滴定操作的锥形瓶需事先进行的处理是( )。

    递减称量法最适宜于称量( )。

    下列操作后直接使用会导致实验误差的是( )。

    在分光光度中,浓度测量的相对误差较小(<4%)的光度范围是( )。

    用紫外分光光度计可测定( )光谱。

    用ph试纸测定某无色溶液的ph时,规范的操作是( )。

    洗涤不洁的石英比色皿时,最合适的洗涤剂为( )。

    物质溶液的颜色是由于选择性地吸收了白光中的某些波长的光所致,硫酸铜呈现蓝色是由于它吸收了白光中的( )光波。

    测定纯金属钴中锰时,在酸性溶液中以kio4氧化mn2 成mno4- ,用光度法测定试样中锰时,其参比溶液为( )。

    在光度分析中,选择参比溶液的原则是( )。

    常量滴定管可估计到±0.01ml,若要求滴定的相对误差小于0.1%,在滴定时,耗样体积需要控制在( )。

    配制酸性缓冲溶液选择的试剂组合应该是( )。

    下列溶液中,在空气里既不易被氧化、也不易分解,且可以用无色玻璃试剂瓶存放的是( )。

    下列叙述错误的是( )。

    以hcl标准液滴定碱液中的总碱量时,滴定管的内壁挂液珠,对结果的影响是( )。

    用na2co3标定hcl时,下列操作( )是错误的。


    定量分析方法按取样量不同,可分为常量、微量、半微量、超微量等。其中常量分析的试样量为( )。

    微量成分是指被测组分的含量为( )。

    可采用( )方法减少分析测试中的偶然误差。

    ph 0.04的有效数字为( )。

    在实验过程中,不慎将稀盐酸溶液溅入眼内,正确的处理方法是( )。

    被碱灼伤时的处理方法是( )。

    某同学在玻璃加工实验过程中,不小心被灼热的玻璃棒烫伤,正确的处理方法是( )。

    实验室内因用电不符合规定引起导线及电器着火,此时应迅速( )。

    玻璃仪器清洗干净的标志是( )。

    玻璃容器内壁上附着的少量硫,用水不能洗去时,可选用( )洗涤。

    洗涤不洁的比色皿时,最合适的洗涤剂为( )。

    (1 1) hcl的物质的量浓度为( )。

    下列实验室常用干燥剂中,( )最为有效常用。

    实验室常用的铬酸洗液,当它失效时洗液颜色变为( )。

    变色硅胶失效后呈( )。

    水银的温度计最广可测( )温度范围。

    某同学在实验报告中有以下实验数据,其中合理的是( )。 ① 用分析天平称取11.7068 g食盐; ② 用量筒量取15.26 ml hcl溶液; ③ 用广泛ph试纸测得溶液的ph值是3.5; ④ 用标准naoh溶液滴定未知浓度的hcl用去23.10 ml naoh溶液。

    下列试剂:① 氯水;② agno3溶液;③ na2s2o3溶液;④ 浓h2so4;⑤ hf溶液;⑥ 苯酚。 需要保存在棕色试剂瓶中的是( )。

    用ph试纸测定某无色溶液的ph时,规范的操作是( )。

    化学实验完毕后,应立即( )。

    在水的总硬度测定时,已知edta浓度为0.01003mol/l, 消耗edta体积5.61ml,计算水的总硬度时, 有效数字应取( )位。

    以下表述正确的是( )。

    在fe3 、 al3 、ca2 、mg2 混合液中,edta滴定fe3 、al3 含量时,消除ca2 、mg2 干扰,最简便的方法是( )。

    在滴定过程中,指示剂发生颜色改变的转变点称为( )。

    在滴定分析中,计量点与滴定终点间的关系是( )。

    配制na2s2o3标准溶液,必须( )。

    kmno4能稳定存在于( )。

    配制kmno4溶液时应选择的方法是( )。

    碘量法测定铜主要误差来源是( )。

    碘量法中常以淀粉为指示剂,其应加入的时间是( )。

    碘量法测定铜时,加入ki的作用是( )。

    标定kmno4时,为提高反应速度要加热,且在酸性溶液中进行,应该加入的酸是( )。

    用已知浓度的kmno4溶液滴定未知浓度的h2o2溶液时,下列操作中正确的是( )。

    称取一定质量的下述滴定剂配成其溶液后,无需标定即可直接用于滴定的是( )。

    氧化剂要与( )类的化学品分开存放。

    使用氢氟酸时,下列( )操作是不正确的。

    在下列测定中,( )操作对结果产生正误差。

    在信号与系统这门课程中,信号和系统的主要研究对象分别是 。

    关于单位冲激函数的取样性质,表达正确的是 。







    已知,下列选项中( )是错误的。

    已知信号和,,则的傅里叶变换为: ( )

    令是一个基波周期为t、傅里叶级数系数为的实值周期信号,则下列说确的是:( )

    已知信号,在频域的范围内,的频谱分布表现为( )个冲激。

    若某线性时不变系统的单位脉冲响应为,则下列说法错误的是( )








    行政法学的基本框架体系由以下部分构成( )。

    以下选项不属于我国行政式渊源的是( )。

    以下哪一项原则最能体现法制统一原则的要求( )?


    以下哪些选项属于行政法律关系的特征( )?


    行政法律关系中权利处分有限性的特征,要求行政主体不得( )。

    以下哪一项不属于行政法律关系的要素( )?

    法律优于行政,法律约束和支配行政是哪一个行政法基本原则的体现( )?

    无法律即无行政,强调行政活动必须要有法律依据,是( )原则的体现。

    比例原则具体包括以下内容( )。




    以下哪些行政行为需要受到法律保留原则的约束( )?

    平等对待原则的内涵包括以下内容( )。

    信赖保护原则是以下哪一个原则的具体体现( )?



    以下选项( )属于职权行政主体。

    以下选项( )属于行政法上所说的“行政机关”。


    受行政机关委托并以其名义作出具体行政行为的组织,行为的法律责任应当由( )承担。

    行政委托中,被委托者一般应满足下列要求( )。

    根据《行政许可法》的规定,可以接受委托实施许可的组织必须是( )。


    行政相对人的协力义务表现为以下内容( )。

    判断某个主体是否为行政法律关系中的第三人,关键在于该主体与具体行政行为之间( )。

    以下选项中属于双方行政行为的是( )。



    以下选项中属于行政立法的是( )。

    自主解释性文件的合法性要件包括( )。













    以下属于行政复议机构法定职责的有( )。

    以下选项中不能申请行政复议的有( )。

    对自己作出的具体行政行为具有复议管辖权的主体是( )。

    申请人对县级以上依法设立的派出机关的具体行政行为不服,应当向( )申请复议。

    申请人申请行政复议时应满足的条件有( )。



    行政复议机关在受理复议申请之后,发现申请不符合法律规定的受理条件,应当作出( )。


    李某和钱某参加省教委组织的“省中小学教师自学考试”。 后省教委以“通报”形式,对李某、钱某等4名作弊考生进行了处理,并通知当次考试各科成绩作废,三年之内不准报考。李某、钱某等均得知该通报内容。李某向省递交了行政复议申请书,省未予答复。李某诉至。下列哪一选项是错误的?









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