



    胎头枕下前囟径足月时平均值约为( )



    责任护士通过病史评估后,应考虑患者可能的重要病情变化是( )。

    下列哪一项不符合急性出血坏死型胰腺炎的表现( )


    患儿男,孕34周早产,生后6h出现进行性呼吸困难、发绀、,时而发生呼吸暂停,拒食,两肺呼吸音低,肺部可闻及细湿啰音应重点检查的项目是( )

    最可能的诊断是( )

    该病人目前最主要的治疗措施是( )

    (假设信息)病人腹膜透析1个月后,症状大有改善,饮食稍增,血红蛋白仅34g/l。此时你认为贫血加重的原因是( )




    具体一宗有土地使用年限的房地产的价格,从长远来看是趋于下降的。( )

    评估拖欠工程款的房地产在建工程的抵押价值时,该房地产的抵押价值不应包含发包人拖欠承包人的建设工程价款。 ( )

    在运用收益法求取净收益时,要考虑房地产的( )。

    形成房地产有效需求必须具备的条件有( )。

    ( )是对于一宗土地来说,表现在对该宗土地的利用强度超过一定限度后,收益开始下降。

    指数修匀法是以本期的实际值和对将来的预测值为根据,经过修匀之后得出下一时期预测值的一种预测方法。( )

    评估某宗房地产7月1日的市场价值,取的可比实例中该类房地产的成交日期为10月1日,成交价格为3500元/平方米,另知:该类房地产市场价格6月1日至3月1日,平均每月比上月涨1.5%,3月1日至7月1日平均每月比上月上涨2%,则进行市场状况调整后可比实例的比准价格为( )元/平方米。

    根据求取建筑物重新购建价格中的建筑安装工程费的方法来区分,求取建筑物重新购建价格的方法有( )。

    下列关于房地产估价本质的表述中,错误的是( )。

    当人口数量增加时,对房地产的需求就会( ),房地产价格也就会上涨;而当人口数量减少时,对房地产的需求就会( ),房地产价格也就会下落。

    销售期是自开始销售未来开发完成后的房地产之日起至将其售出之日止的时间。 ( )

    评估某套住宅价格中,进行区位状况调整时,比较、调整的内容包括( )等。

    搜集交易实例时应搜集交易实例的( )。

    在搜集交易实例时,需要搜集那些内容很重要,一般应包括:( )。



    用i2o5测定空气受co污染的程度时,发生如下反应:i2o5+5co→i2+5co2,该反应中氧化剂是( )

    二氧化钛(tio2)俗称钛白,是世界上最白的物质之一。二氧化钛中钛元素的化合价为( )

    给出溶液不能由金属与盐酸直接反应制得的是( )





    行政责任是与行政权力相对应的一个范畴,下列关于普通的行政责任的内容表述中不符合规定的是( )。

    在城乡规划编制单位资质管理的变更程序中,城市规划编制单位合并或者分立,应当在批准之日起( )内重新申请办理《资质证书》。

    下列关于行政领导的概念哪些是不正确的( )


    罚款的行政处罚可以由( )创设。


    下列哪项所列举城市全属于历史文化名城( )

    城镇体系规划的任务包括( )。 ①综合评价城镇发展条件;②制订区域城镇发展战略;③预测区域人口增长和城市化水平;④拟定各相关城镇的发展方面与规模;⑤协调城镇发展与产业配置的时空关系;⑥统筹安排区域基础设施和社会设施;⑦引导和控制区域城镇的合理发展与布局;⑧指导城市总体规划的编制

    省、自治区的代表大会常务委员会对报请批准的地方性法规,应当对其合法性进行审查,同《宪法》、法律、行政法规和本省、自治区的地方性法规不抵触的,应当在( )内予以批准。

    土地使用权出让,可以采取的方式包括( )。

    根据《城市国有土地使用权出让转让规划管理办法》,出让城市国有土地使用权之前应当制定( )。




    drainage of the frontal sinus is located at the ( )

    the health history interview should be cut off if the patient

    the best way to deal with the patient who digresses from the topic during a health history interview is

    the best way to acquire accurate medical history during an interview is

    which is the most common pattern of fever in malaria?

    which is the most common pattern of fever in septicaemia?

    which syncope can be seen in patients laying in bed for a long time and standing suddenly?

    which is the mechani of neurologic syncope?

    which is the mechani of high-altitude syncope?

    which of the following is not true regarding the hepatojugular reflux?

    which of following is not true regarding the examination of the thyroid gland?

    which of the following is true regarding the examination of the trachea?

    the normal diameter of the pupil is

    the acute cranium is mainly caused by the following reasons

    the correct description of thyroid is

    in the structure of the eyeball, the structure that can adjust the amount of light entering the eye is

    dilated pupils can be seen in

    unilateral upper eyelid droop is seen

    premature closure of the fontanelle in children may form which of the following deformity

    external auditory c with blood or cerebrospinal fluid outflow should be considere

    refractive error shall include

    the typical visual field change in optic chia is

    the muscle innervated by the abductor nerve is

    which of the following structures does not pass through the supraorbital fissure

    which of the following secretes aqueous humor

    light rays coming from a distance of 5m fall behind the retina after the refractive system that regulates the resting eye

    from which artery does the inner eye artery originate

    in the photoreceptor cells of the retina, the cells that sense light and color are

    which of the fundus structure has the highest sensitivity to color vision

    the main functions of the superior oblique are

    normal binocular iop difference is generally not greater than

    tympanic opening of auditory tube opening at the ( ) of tympanic cavity

    the muscle that expands the glottis is ( )

    the conventional position of tracheotomy is the ( )

    cis nasolacrimalis opens at ( )

    middle turbinate is

    which of the following cartilages are most likely to cause laryngeal stenosis after injury

    which of the following sites has the highest incidence of laryngeal cancer

    the main physiological function of the tonsil is

    please learn the ear part by yourself using the structure shown in this unit. anatomy of ear. physical examination procedures.

    the order of the chest percussion is ( )

    male, 28 years old. physical examination showed that the anterior and posterior thoracic diameter was less than half of the left and right thoracic diameter. his chest is a ( )

    which of the following is not correct about the vocal fremitus ( )

    which of the following doesn't belong to normal chest percussion ( )

    about chest auscultation: what should you tell the patient before the physical examination the sequence of pulmonary auscultation

    the elevated apical pulses are due to:

    normal apical pulse is located in:

    which of the following statements about heart rate is true ?

    which of the following statements about heart rate is true ?

    the main component of the second heart sound is:

    which of the following is not true about second heart sounds:

    which of the following does not belong to extra heart sound:

    which of the following is wrong about the protodiastolic gallop?

    which of the following indicates organic heart disease:

    which of the following is correct regarding the pericardial friction sound ?

    the sequence of cardiac auscultation areas and the contents needed to be ausculted what should be examined in the cardiopulmonary examination

    which of the following statements about percussion of the abdomen is true?

    which of the following is wrong about the abdominal examination ( )

    which of the following refers to the contraindication to digital examination of anus

    which of the following symptoms can occur with minimal ascites

    the nerve connected to the pons is ( ).

    what are the signs and symptoms of ulnar nerve injury in the elbow

    which of the following is a deep reflection?

    which of the following is a superficial reflection

    describe the life saving appliances on board a ship. a. lifeboat, liferaft, lifejacket. b. open lifeboat, semi-closed lifeboat, totally enclosed lifeboat. c. the third officer's responsibility.

    please give your answer.

    please give your answer.

    please give your answer.

    please give your answer.

    please give your answer.

    please give your answer.

    please give your answer.

    please give your answer.

    please give your answer.

    please give your answer.

    talk about the main functions of m.e. remote control system. a. start block, normal starting, restarting, reversing. b. speed setting, load program. c. crash manoeurvring.

    please give your answer.

    please give your answer.

    please give your answer.

    please give your answer.

    please give your answer.

    please give your answer.

    please give your answer.

    please give your answer.

    please give your answer.

    please give your answer.

    please answer this question.

    please answer this question.

    please answer this question.

    please answer this question.

    please answer this question.

    please answer this question.

    please answer this question.

    please answer this question.

    please answer this question.

    please answer this question.

    please answer this question.

    please answer this question.

    please answer this question.

    please answer this question.

    please answer this question.

    please answer this question.

    please answer this question.

    please answer this question.

    please answer this question.

    please answer this question.

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