


    the chinese equivalent of esap is ( ).

    the word “synergy” means ( )based on its etymological explanation.

    the word “oil” originally means “any kind of ooth greasy liquid” but later acquires the specific meaning of “petroleum”. this word-forming method is called ( ).

    compounded words have four characteristics, among which ( )refers to its spelling features.

    sour oil means oil that contains a relatively high proportion of ( ).

    the sun energizes photosynthesis and brings about the energy called ( ).

    energy industry is the totality of all of the industries involved in the production and sale of energy, including fuel extraction, manufacturing, ( ) and distribution.

    the underlined word “tap” means ( )in the following sentence—oil is formed and then percolates up through cracks and porous rock to fill the reservoirs that humans tap to get oil.

    energy conversion efficiency (η) is the ratio between ( )and ( ).

    ( ) is not a real coal, but only a precursor.

    china is the largest coal ( ) country in 2017.

    a tale of two europes means ( ).

    the abiotic theory is developed in ( ) during the cold war, as it needed to be self sufficient in terms of producing its own energy.

    slightly more than half of the world’s proven reserves are located in ( ).

    in china, most natural gas is distributed in ( ).

    which of the following are fossil fuels?

    the most significant uses of coal are in ( ).

    in the argument about the origin of oil, scientists should avoid letting ( ) prevent them from accepting the truth, whatever that proves to be.

    petroleum is a ( ) mixture of solid, liquid, and gaseous hydrocarbons that occurs naturally beneath the earth's surface.

    fossil fuels originated from dinosaurs.

    to carry coals to newcastle is like to pour sand on the beach.

    in order to reduce the consumption of coal , china has tried its best to invest in renewable energy and to adopt new technology to improve the efficiency in industry.

    the word “petroleum” originated in latin which means “rock oil”.

    oil and natural gas are often found in similar areas, although natural gas will almost certainly be higher in the ground and under less pressure than oil.

    fuel cell engines (燃料电池发动机) are two to three times more efficient than combustion engines, meaning that much greater fuel economy is available using hydrogen in a fuel cell.

    a fuel cell is a device that produces electricity from chemical fuels, in just one step. unlike batteries, fuel cells don’t run down or need recharging. as long as there is a constant source of fuel and oxygen, fuel cells will continue to generate power. and they don’t burn the fuel – the electricity is produced directly.

    we are more independent on electricity than we were generations ago so a failure of supply today can have major consequences.

    because the fuel cell is so much more efficient that the internal combustion engine, fueling a fuel cell car can cost around the same as fueling a gasoline car.

    refueling a fuel cell car is more complex and dangerous than with traditional gasoline vehicles.

    solar panels, wind turbines, hydro power and geothermal energy and hydrocarbons (natural gas or coal) can all be used to produce hydrogen (a primary energy).

    electrolysis can use wind, solar, geothermal, fossil fuels, biomass, nuclear, and many other energy sources.

    ways to produce hydrogen fuel include producing it from nuclear power, biomass, algae, artificial photosynthesis, direct solar and coal gasification.

    solar power causes no pollution at all.

    seasonal variations in precipitation and long-term changes in precipitation patterns, such as droughts, have a big impact on hydropower production.

    petroleum and natural gas beneath the ocean floor are also considered a form of ocean energy.

    hydropower systems build pressure either by containing the water behind a dam, or within a pipe that runs down a hill. the weight of the water behind the dam or in the pipe creates pressure at the bottom. more height creates more pressure, and more pressure means we can get more power from the flow of water.

    the 1973 oil embargo and 1979 energy crisis caused a reorganization of energy policies around the world and brought renewed attention to developing solar technologies.

    new energy vehicles are driven by the enery of ______. it is believed that they reduce our dependence on petroleum and may reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

    _____ is the first element on the periodic table, making it the lightest element. since it is so light, it rises in the atmosphere and is therefore rarely found in its pure form.

    in a flame of pure hydrogen gas, burning in air, the hydrogen reacts with oxygen to form water and releases _______.

    ______ has the highest energy content of all known conventional fuels (by weight). it has almost 3 times more energy content by mass than ______.

    the only products that come out of a fuel cell are _______. no pollution or other dirty byproducts come out of the tailpipe of a fuel cell car.

    fuel cells are versatile as they can scale up easily and meet a variety of power needs – large or all. you can ____ inidual fuel cells to increase the amount of power they can provide. the taller the stack, the more power you have.

    pure hydrogen does not occur naturally on earth in large quantities, and it is locked up in enormous quantities in water, hydrocarbons, and other ______. one of the challenges of using hydrogen as a fuel comes from being able to efficiently extract hydrogen from these compounds (化合物).

    ______ is an energy form found in nature that has not been subjected to any human engineered conversion process. it is energy contained in raw fuels, and other forms of energy received as input to a system.

    in electrolysis, electricity is run through water to separate the _____ and _____ atoms.

    manufacturers of hydrogen generators have developed methods to use lower amounts of electricity to split water into hydrogen. different electrolytes or catalysts are used in _______ the bonds between hydrogen and oxygen atoms that make up water.

    the scientists and researchers have mostly decided that using nuclear power plants that are currently online may be able to produce hydrogen fuel as a byproduct of the water that they are already using to cool the ____.

    landfills and farms can have high concentrations of _____ which is hydrogen-rich chemical compound.

    most of today’s hydrogen is produced from natural gas through a process called steam methane reforming. this is where steam and _______come together under high temperature to produce hydrogen.

    a raging river contains ____ energy ____a all stream.

    beams of sunshine are waves of light and heat energy, radiated across 93 million miles of space to reach our earth in about ________.

    sunlight reaches us by radiation. radiation travels in electromagnetic waves consisting of ______, and when the energy waves reach an object, they can either pass through it, or be reflected, or be absorbed, depending on the material. pvs are made out of a semi-conducting material. when they absorb photons of sunlight, the energy of the photons dislodges electrons from their atoms. the pv’s special coating attracts free electrons to the surface, and it is this movement of electrons that produces the electrical current.

    floatovoltaics reduce the need of valuable land area, save drinking water that would otherwise be lost through ______, and show a higher efficiency of solar energy conversion, as the panels are kept at a _____ temperature than they would be on land.

    the island of ta’u in american samoa, all in size though, is large when it comes to renewable energy. it producing 100% of its electricity from solar power. the batteries store energy for up to ____ days on which the sun doesn’t shine.

    hydrogen fuel can be harvested from biomass. ______, ________ and ______ are three places that create much biomass.

    the amount of _____ that drains into rivers and streams in a geographic area determines the amount of water available for producing hydropower.

    the volume of the water flow and the change in _____ from one point to another determine the amount of available energy in moving water.

    water wheels are machines that use the energy of ______ to turn a wheel. the axle of the turning wheel can then power other machines to do work.

    the three gorges dam has brought benefits to chinese people mainly in __________.

    new nuclear is impractical in western countries because of ________.

    common environmental concerns associated with marine energy developments include ____.

    hydroelectric facilities might have a major impact on ( ).

    geothermal energy brings air emissions including( ).

    ( )is not one of the gender issues in energy industry.

    wind farms may bring ( ).

    under certain lighting conditions, wind turbines can create an effect known as( ).

    to achieve gender equity in the energy sector does not mean achieving( ).

    stem education does not include ( ).

    women are trying to get involved in energy sectors by making efforts in different aspects except ( ).

    earth hour starts at( ).

    wwf is short for( ).

    ( )is the world's largest conservation organization.

    wwf is well-known for its ( ) logo created in 1961.

    which one of these increases the level of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere?

    ( ) is taken in by plants to make food.

    the process by which plants make food is called ( ).

    ( )also known as iea, is at the heart of global dialogue on energy.

    ( ) is an example of initiali.

    the( ) is an intergovernmental organization to promote adoption and sustainable use of renewable energy.

    choose the correct abbreviation. ( )

    what time of the day is 12:00 a.m.? ( ).

    “i live on 9200 s. bell st.” what does "s." stand for in this sentence? ( )

    countries that rely on oil exports, can suffer from a phenomenon known as the( ).

    the( )effect refers to a concept that all causes can have large effects.

    the carbon market is a market in which we trade( ).

    what year did oil prices skyrocket thanks to an opec embargo? ( )

    plastic type( )is typically used to make bottles for water.

    which is an example of geopolitics? ( )

    geopolitics is closest to ( ).

    carbon footprints can not be reduced through( ).

    the ancient ( ), were all formed along the rivers.

    before the industrial revolution, the most important resources were ( ) in agricultural society

    after the industrial revolution, the key energy transferred to ( ).

    people build dams and levees to control the flooding. these projects, as well as reservoirs and wells, were called ( ).

    one of the reasons of the bad economic situation in arabian world, may be attributed to the disruptive fracking technology improvement in ( ).

    before fossil fuels were exploited and applied on a large scale, ( ) the main source of energy in ancient china.

    the poem old charcoal man told us a fact that the royal family, as well as the common people living in cities, need to purchase charcoal for their ( ).

    charcoal had been the main fuel of elting and casting industry before ( ).

    the uncontrolled use of firewood ultimately led to serious consequence —( ).

    in modern society, ( ), as the primary source of energy, would affect the national security.

    greenspan once said: “oil is the blood of ( ).”

    by ( ), with the imported oil accounting for 80%, china is almost becoming a country totally dependent on imported oil.

    china is constructing mutually beneficial relationships with all the countries along ( ).

    the south china sea contains the world's largest reserve of ( ).

    the international organization of financial system that president roosevelt proposed after wwii to establish is ( ).

    within the bretton woods system, the united states promised to exchange the dollars for gold at a fixed rate of ( ) dollars per ounce.

    in 1974 the united states made a deal with ( )for a military alliance, which thus led to the petroleum trade being priced in the u.s. dollars.

    the first decree issued by the interim government was to declare iraq's oil exports to be priced in dollars again instead of ( ).

    venezuela, a country located in north of ( ), once has been one of the world's largest exporters of oil and has the world's largest ( ).

    the term dutch disease was coined in ( ) to explain a sharp decline in the dutch economy following their discovery of ( )in 1959.

    hyperinflation is a very high, rapid, and continuous ( ), within which the prices of goods and services quickly rise to a level so high.

    the so-called oil curse has not only caused venezuela’s economic decline, but also deteriorated its ( ) climate.

    which of the country is the blogger from?

    which movies did the blogger compare the climate of beijing to?

    for london, the disaster was the great smog of ( ).

    in 19th-century london, ( ) was the main source of og.

    in history, which river once has been declared biologically dead, no longer able to support any life?

    while it has set targets to increase its consumption of ( ), china remains the world’s top producer and consumer of coal

    ei in chinese means ( ).

    “所在单位” should be translated into( ).

    which of the following parts answering the question of “what did i find?” ( ).

    参考文献 of an academic paper should be translated into ( ).

    which of the typical elements of an abstract can be omitted? ( ).

    the sentence pattern “the findings hold important implications ...” is used to indicate the ( )of the study.

    what is the first step after your submission of your paper? ( )

    publish or perish? the sentence implies that ( ).

    the abstract is always the first section to be written.

    an abstract should highlight the major points covered in the thesis in order to offer guidance to readers.

    language used in an abstract should be informal to draw closer the relationship between the writer and his potential readers.

    key words included should be standardized terminologies in usually 3-8 words or phrases.

    key words listed should also appear in the title of the thesis.




    what microeconomics is about?( )

    economics proceeds by making models of ( ), which are simplified representations of reality.

    the demand curve shows ( )

    the conflict between the scarce economic wants of society and its limited resources gives rise to the economizing problem.

    the only requirement for a market to be perfectly competitive is for the market to have many buyers and sellers.

    econimics is the study of

    scarce resources mean

    in market, prices will transfer information about supply and demand

    economic equilibrium means the economic status will not be changed without others changing.

    market allocation of resources means market use prices as signals to allocate resources to their highest valued use.

    if there are two goods with positive prices and the price of one good is reduced, while income and other prices remain constant, then the size of the budget set is reduced.

    if preferences are transitive, more is always preferred to less.

    with quasi-linear preferences, the slope of indifference curves is constant along all rays through the origin.

    hans has 27 dollars, which he decides to spend on x and y. commodity x costs $16 per unit and commodity y costs $10 per unit. he has the utility function u (x, y)=5x2 2y2 and he can purchase fractional units of x and y.

    wanda littlemore's utility function is u (x, y) = x 63y2.her income is 184. if the price of x is 1 and the price of y is 33, how many units of good x will wanda demand?

    if one utility function is a monotonic transformation of another, then the former must assign a higher utility number to every bundle than the latter.

    if a consumer does not have convex preferences, then a point of tangency between her indifference curve and her budget line must be an optimal consumption point.

    isobel consumes positive quantities of both jam and and juice. the price of jam is 5 cents per unit and the price of juice is 10 cents per unit. her marginal utility of jam is 10 and her marginal utility of juice is 5.

    if the equlibrium price of gasoline is $1.00 per gallon and the government places a price ceiling on gasoline of $1.50 per gallon, the result will be a shortage of gasoline

    if preferences are quasilinear, then for very high incomes the income offer curve is a straight line parallel to one of the axes.

    if two goods are substitutes, then an increase in the price of one of them will increase the demand for the other.

    an engel curve is a demand curve with the vertical and horizontal axes reversed.

    daisy received a tape recorder as a birthday gift and is not able to return it. her utility function is u(x,y,z)=x z1/2f(y)where z is the number of tapes she buys, y is the number of tape recorders she has and x is the amount of money she has left to spend. f(y)=0if y<1and f(y)=8 if y is 1 or greater. the price of tapes is 2 and she can easily afford to buy dozens of tapes. how many tapes will she buy?

    mike consumes two commodities, x and y; and his utility function is min{x 2y,y 2x}. he chooses to buy 8 units of good x and 16 units of good y. the price of good y is 0.50. what is his income?

    quasilinear preferences are homothetic when the optimal amount of one of the goods is not affordable.

    walt consumes strawberries and cream but only in the fixed ratio of three boxes of strawber ries to two cartons of cream. at any other ratio, the excess goods are totally useless to him. the cost of a box of strawberries is 10 and the cost of a carton of cream is 10. walt's income is 200.which of the following is true?

    madonna buys only two goods. her utility function is cobb-douglas. her demand functions have which of the following properties?

    the downward sloping demand curve can be explained by:

    other things held constant, which of the following would not cause a change in demand for beef?

    the strong axiom of revealed preference requires that if a consumer chooses x when he can afford y; and chooses y when he can afford z; then he will not choose z when he can afford x.

    if a consumer maximizes a utility function subject to a budget constraint and has strictly convex preferences, then his behavior will necessarily satisfy the weak axiom of revealed preference and the strong axiom of revealed preference.

    let a stand for the bundle (7,9);b stand for the bundle (10,5); and c stand for the bundle (6,6). when prices are (2,4); betty chooses c. when prices are (12,3) she chooses a. which of the following is true?

    remember that the laspeyres price index uses the old quantities for the weights. in 1971, good x cost 3 and good y cost 1. the current price of good x is 3 and the current price of good y is 5. in 1971 the consumption bundle was (x,y) = (3,5). the current consumption bundle is (x,y) = (9 ,4). the laspeyres index of current prices relative to 1971 prices is closest to which of the following numbers?

    it follows from the weak axiom of revealed preference that if a consumer chooses x when he could afford y and chooses y when he could afford x; then his income must have changed between the two observations.

    at prices (4,12); harry chooses the bundle (9,4). at the prices (8,4); harry chooses the bundle (2,9). is this behavior consistent with the weak axiom of revealed preference?

    if the bundle x is revealed (directly or indirectly) as preferred to the bundle y and x ¹ y, then it is never the case that the y is revealed (directly or indirectly) as preferred to x; so the necessary and sufficient condition for well-behaved preference is ( )

    revealed preference ysis tests the behavioral hypothesis that a consumer chooses the most preferred bundle from those available. discover the consumer's preference relation.

    a giffen good must be an inferior good.

    the compensated demand function refers to the demand function of someone who is adequately paid for what he for she sells.

    in the case of homothetic preferences the entire change in demand from a price change is due to the substitution effect.

    walt considers x and y to be perfect substitutes. they originally cost 10 and 9 respectively. his income is 720. one day the price of x drops to 8. which of the following is true?

    suppose that bananas are a normal good and woody is currently consuming 100 bananas at a price of 10 cents each.

    john purchases two goods, x and y. good x is an inferior good for some range of income.there must be another range of income for which good x is a normal good.

    the following can be said about the income and substitution effects of a price increase on the demand for the good whose price rose:

    when the price of x rises, marvin responds by changing his demand for x. the substitution effect is the part of this change that represents his change in demand:

    nonnegative means ( )

    opposite to that of the price change, ( ) just like the sultsky substitution effect

    if a rational utility maximizer is a net demander of a good, and if an increase in its price causes him to buy more of it, then it must be an inferior good.

    if a consumer is a buyer of some goods and a seller of others, then a change in prices will generate an extra income effect in the slutsky equation due to the revaluation of the consumer's endowment.

    if a utility maximizer is a net seller of something and the price of that good rises while other prices stay constant, her situation might improve so much that she becomes a net buyer

    marsha mellow is very flexible. she consumes x and y. she says `give me x or give me y; i don't care. i can't tell the difference between them.' she is currently endowed with 14 units of x and 6 units of y. the price of x is 4 times the price of y. marsha can trade x and y at the going prices, but has no other source of income. how many units of y will marsha consume?

    if leisure is a normal good, then an increase in non-labor income will reduce labor supply.

    mr. cog has 18 hours per day to ide between labor and leisure. his utility function is u (c,r) = cr; where c is dollars per year spent on consumption and r is hours of leisure. if he has a nonlabor income of 40 dollars per day and a wage rate of 8 dollars per hour, he will choose a combination of labor and leisure that allows him to spend:

    if abishag owns 12 quinces and 10 kumquats, and if the price of kumquats is 3 times the price of quinces, how many kumquats can she afford if she buys as many kumquats as she can?

    if abishag owns 16 quinces and 15 kumquats, and if the price of kumquats is 4 times the price of quinces, how many kumquats can she afford if she buys as many kumquats as she can?

    the share price of grath oil is currently $77.06. several months ago, when the price was $51.21, charles bought 186 shares of grath oil. if he sells all of his stock in grath oil today, how much profit will he make? → $1,504.17

    consumer's surplus is another name for excess demand.

    the equivalent variation in income from a tax is the amount of extra income that a consumer would need in order to be as well off after the tax is imposed as he was originally.

    with quasilinear preferences, the equivalent variation and the compensating variation in income due to a tax are the same.

    ella's utility function is min{4x,y}. if the price of x is 15 and the price of y is 20, how much money would she need to be able to purchase a bundle that she likes as well as the bundle(x,y) = (5,8)?

    sir plus has a demand function for mead that is given by the equation d(p) = 100-p.if the price of mead is 75, how much is sir plus's net consumer surplus?

    sam has quasilinear preferences and his demand function for x is d(p) = 15-p/3.the price of x is initially $15 per unit and increases to $24 per unit. sam's change is consumer surplus is the closest to:

    ( ) is the difference between what consumers are willing and able to pay for a good and what they actually pay for the good.

    ( ) depict the various quantities that buyers would be willing and able to purchase at different prices

    the inverse demand curve p (x) for a good x measures the price per unit at which the quantity x would be demanded.

    if a price changes, then changes in consumption at the intensive margin are changes that happen because consumers alter the amounts that they consume, but do not either stop consuming or start consuming the good.

    if the demand function is q = 3m=p; where m is income and p is price, then the absolute value of the price elasticity of demand decreases as price increases.

    marginal revenue is equal to price if the demand curve is horizontal.

    the constant elasticity of demand for cigarettes has been estimated to be 0.5. to reduce oking by 75%, approximately how much tax needs to be added to a $1 pack?

    market demand relevant to industry marketing expenditure show infinity, is said to be ( )

    ( )occurs when the quantity demanded changes little as price changes

    elasticity of demand means a measure of how responsive consumers are to price changes.

    price floor means a legal minimum price that buyers must pay for a product.

    if the supply curve is vertical, then the amount supplied is independent of price.

    the supply curve slopes up and to the right. if the demand curve shifts upward to a new curve which is everywhere higher than the old curve (but possibly of different slope) and if the supply curve does not shift, then the equilibrium price and quantity must necessarily increase.

    an economic situation is pareto optimal only if there is no way to make someone better off.

    the demand for pickles is given by p=131-2q and supply is given by p=5 7q. what is the equilibrium quantity?

    the demand function for fresh strawberries is q = 200-5p and the supply function is q=60 2p. what is the equilibrium price?

    if a quantity tax is collected from competitive suppliers of a good, placing a tax on the good causes the price paid by consumers to increase more than if the tax had been collected directly from the buyers.

    the demand function for x is d(p) = 65-2p and the supply function is s(p) = 20 p. the price that should be set to restrict quantity supplied to 30 units is closest to:

    the demand function for rental apartments is q = 960-7p and the supply function is q = 160 3p. the government makes it illegal to charge a rent higher than 35. how much excess demand will there be?

    ( )factors other than price that locate the position of a demand curve 1. consumers' tastes 2. of consumers in the market 3. consumers' incomes 4. the prices of related goods 5. expected prices shifts the curve

    a good (or service) whose consumption declines as income rises and increases as income decreases increase in income=decrease in consumption decrease in income=increase in consumption

    the production set of a firm is the set of all products the firm can produce.

    a production isoquant is a locus of combinations of inputs that are equally profitable.

    if a firm moves from one point on a production isoquant to another point on the same isoquant, which of the following will certainly not happen?

    in any production process, the marginal product of labor equals:

    the production function f (x,y) = x y has constant returns to scale

    ( ) means the relationship between the inputs employed by a firm and the max output it can produce with those inputs.-technology is process to turn in to out production function represents firms technology

    does ( ) decline eventually as the number of workers increases

    the marginal product of a factor is just the derivative of the production function with respect to the amount of this factor, holding the amounts of other factor inputs constant.

    the weak axiom of profit maximizing behavior states that in a modern mixed economy, firms have only a weak incentive to maximize profits.

    a fixed factor is a factor of production that is used in fixed proportion to the level of output.

    just as in the theory of utility maximizing consumers, the theory of profit maximizing firms allows the possibility of "giffen factors". these are factors for which a fall in price leads to a fall in demand.

    the production function is given by f (l)=6l2/3 . suppose that the cost per unit of labor is 12 and the price of output is 6, how many units of labor will the firm hire?

    when farmer hoglund applies n pounds of fertilizer per acre, the marginal product of fertilizer is 1-(n=200) bushels of corn. if the price of corn is $1 per bushel and the price of fertilizer is $0.40 per pound, then how many pounds of fertilizer per acre should farmer hoglund use in order to maximize his profits?

    which of the following is a short-run adjustment?

    in a perfectly competitive industry, the demand curve for the total output of the industry may be downward sloping.

    price equals marginal cost is a sufficient condition for profit maximization

    the cost function c(w1,w2,y) expresses the cost per unit of output of producing y units of output if equal amounts of both factors are used.

    if it costs $10 to set up and later clean a bagel press and bagels cost $1 per week, per bagel, to store, how many times should the bagel press be run each week to produce 500 bagels a week to be sold continuously?

    if output is produced according to q = 4lk, the price of k is $10, and the price of l is$10, then the cost minimizing combination of k and l capable of producing 16 units of output is

    the average variable cost curve must always be u shaped.

    the marginal cost curve passes through the minimum point of the average fixed cost curve.

    which of the following is most likely to be an implicit cost for company x?

    to the economist, total cost includes:

    in a perfectly competitive industry, the demand curve for the total output of the industry may be downward sloping.

    price equals marginal cost is a sufficient condition for profit maximization

    the change in producer's surplus when the market price changes from p1 to p2 is half of the area to the left of the marginal cost curve between p1 and p2.

    for a perfectly competitive firm operating at the profit-maximizing output level in the short run, its marginal cost equals market price

    microsoft is a/an ___ in windows operating system.

    monopoly is ___.

    monopoly maximizes its profit mainly rely on its ___.

    when monopolistic profit has been maximized, its marginal cost is ___ than its marginal revenue.

    deadweight loss of monopoly is ___.

    for a monopolist who faces a downward sloping demand curve, marginal revenue is less than price whenever quantity sold is positive.

    mr can possibly be negative.

    ( ) is a method of setting prices that occurs when marginal revenue equals marginal cost or supply quanity where tr exceeds tc by greatest amount.

    barries of entry is ( )

    to sell at a larger q, monopoly must

    wobble's weebles is the only producer of weebles. it makes weebles at constant marginal cost c (where c > 0) and sells them at a price of p1 per weeble in market 1 and at a price of p2 per weeble in market 2. the demand curve for weebles in market 1 has a constant price elasticity of demand equal to -2. the demand curve for weebles in market 2 has a constant price elasticity equal to -3/2. the ratio of the profit maximizing price in market 1 to the profit maximizing price in market 2 is:

    if a monopsonist pays the wage rate w; then the amount of labor that he can hire is l(w) = aw, where a is a positive constant. the marginal cost of labor to the monopsonist is:

    the frangle industry is a monopoly, with a demand curve 100-p; where p is the price of frangles. it takes one unit of labor and no other inputs to produce a frangle. the frangle-makers guild is a strong union. the guild sets a wage and prevents anyone from working for less than that wage. the frangle monopoly must pay that wage but can hire as much labor as it chooses to.if the guild chooses a wage so as to maximize the total earnings (wage times number of units of labor hired) of frangle-makers, then:

    the bauble industry is competitive with free entry. there is a fixed-coefficient technology. one unit of labor and one unit of plastic are required for each bauble. workers in the bauble industry must all belong to the bauble-makers union. the union sets the wage that will be paid to all bauble-makers. the price of plastic is 10 dollars per unit and the demand function for baubles is 1000-10p. long run equilibrium requires that the price of baubles equals the cost of production. the wage per unit of labor that maximizes total revenue of workers is:

    a coal producer has a monopoly on coal. a different monopoly controls the railroad that takes the coal to market. each monopolist chooses prices to maximize its profits. if the coal monopolist buys the railroad then it will increase its profits by raising the market price of coal.

    for a monopsonist, the more elastic the supply of labor, the greater the difference between the marginal cost of labor and the wage rate.

    if a monopolist faces a competitive labor market, it will hire labor up to the point where the price of output times the marginal product of labor equals the wage rate

    if a labor market is dominated by a monopolist, it is possible that the imposition of a minimum wage law could increase the amount of employment in that market.

    a firm in a competitive industry takes account of the fact that the demand curve it confronts has a significant negative slope.

    price equals marginal cost is a sufficient condition for profit maximization

    a firm produces one output, using one input, with the production function f(x) = 2x1/3 where x is the amount of input. the cost function for this firm is proportional to the price of the input times the cube of the amount of output.

    a competitive firm has a continuous marginal cost curve. it finds that as output increases, its marginal cost curve first rises, then falls, then rises again. if it wants to maximize profits, the firm should never produce at a positive output where price equals marginal cost and marginal cost decreases as output increases.

    duopoly in which two identical firms are engaged in bertrand competition will not distort prices from their competitive levels.

    a stackelberg leader will necessarily make at least as much profit as he would if he acted as a cournot oligopolist.

    in the cournot model, each firm chooses its actions on the assumption that its rivals will react by changing their quantities in suchaway as to maximize their own profits.

    competition among firms in an industry can lower prices and profits

    monopoly always has constant elasticity demand.

    a game has two players. each player has two possible strategies. one strategy is called “cooperate”, the other is called “defect”. each player writes on a piece of paper either a c for cooperate or a d for defect. if both players write c; they both get a payoff of $100. if both players defect they each get a payoff of 0. if one player cooperates and the other player defects, the cooperating player gets a payoff of s and the defecting player gets a payoff of t . to defect will be a dominant strategy for both players if:

    big pig and little pig have two possible strategies, press the button, and wait at the trough. if both pigs choose wait, both get 2. if both pigs press the button then big pig gets 7 and little pig gets 3. if little pig presses the button and big pig waits at the trough, then big pig gets 10 and little pig gets 0. finally, if big pig presses the button and little pig waits, then big pig gets 6 and little pig gets 1. in nash equilibrium,

    a situation where everyone is playing a dominant strategy must be a nash equilibrium.

    in a nash equilibrium, everyone must be playing a dominant strategy

    in the prisoners' dilemma game, if each prisoner believed that the other prisoner would deny the crime, then both would deny the crime.

    a general has the two possible pure strategies, sending all of his troops by land or all of his troops by sea. an example of a mixed strategy is where he sends 1=4 of his troops by land and 3=4 of his troops by sea.

    in nash equilibrium, each player is making an optimal choice for herself, given the choices of the other players

    an allocation of the endowment that improves the welfare of all consumer is a pareto-improving allocation.

    in a edgeworth box there are lot of allocations that are pareto-optimal.

    an externality is a cost or a benefit imposed upon someone by actions taken by others.

    an economic situation involves a production externality if one firm’s production possibility is affected by the choices of the other firms not the consumers’.

    ronald coase’s insight is that most externality problems are due to an inadequate specification of property rights.

    to say that preferences are single peaked means that everybody either prefers more public goods to less or everybody prefers less public goods to more.

    if a pure public good is provided by voluntary contributions, economic theory predicts that in general too little will be supplied.

    one of the problems with the clarke tax mechani is that when it is used, people have an incentive to lie about their preferences.

    a all economy has only two consumers, ben and penelope. ben's utility function is u (x; y) = x 84y1/2 . penelope's utility function is u (x; y) = x 7y. atapareto optimal allocation in which both iniduals consume some of each good, how much y does ben consume?


    近代世界保险业的发展是从( )开始的。

    当今世界上最大的保险组织之一劳合社就是从( )演变而来的。

    ( )是财产保险的前身,也是继海上保险之后出现的一种主要的传统保险业务,它将保险尊龙人生就是博的业务范围由海上扩展到陆地。




    据考证,最早的海上保险产生在( )。




    风险的构成要素包括( )?

    “刹车系统失灵造成交通事故而导致人员伤亡和财产损失。”这句话中包含的风险因素是( )。

    风险管理的基本目标为( )。




    按照风险导致的后果分类,风险可分为:( )。



    根据保险合同订立时是否约定保险价值,可把保险合同分为(  )。





    直接参与订立保险合同的主体一般有两个,即( )。





    人身保险合同的保险标的是(  )。


    一般来讲,在分红险、万能险、投资连结保险中,风险性最高的是( )。

    一般来讲,财产保险一切险、财产保险基本险、财产保险综合险中,承保责任范围最广的是( )。




    经济收入较低,子女尚未成年的家庭的顶梁柱,可以选择购买的保险产品有:( )。






    目前我国的社会保险项目包括( )。


    社会保障体系主要有包括( )。







    不得绕航保证属于海上保险中的( )。

    保险人告知的形式包括:( )。

    损失补偿原则中的补偿限额包括( )。



    投保人的告知主要包括:( )。



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