




    用于病毒分离和核酸检测的标本应尽快检测,能在24小时内检测的标本可置于()保存;24小时内无法检测的标本可置于( )或以下保存。

    新型冠状病毒毒株或其他潜在感染性材料运输应按照《可感染人类的高致病院微生物菌(毒)株或样本运输管理规定》(原卫生部令第45号)办理( )。




    发现疑似或确诊新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎患者时,应当按照有关要求及时报告,并在( )小时内上报信息。

    新型冠状病毒对紫外线和热敏感,( )30分钟,乙醚、75%乙醇、含氯消毒剂、过氧乙酸和氯仿等脂溶剂均可有效灭活病毒,氯已定不能有效灭活病毒。


    1、用于新型冠状病毒核酸检测的呼吸道样本有( )。

    新型冠状病毒的早期症状( )。

    正确洗手方法( )。

    新型冠状病毒的潜伏期可能是( )。

    飞沫传播的防护方法有( )。


    在现场调查中,应注意收集下列哪些信息( )

    新型冠状病毒调查结论应包括:( )

    强化四早策略( )

    密切接触者管理参照有关要求开展调查,调查时间应重点关注 ( )

    主要的病例暴露场所有一下哪几种( )?

    聚集性疫情调查调查内容:( )

    新型冠状病毒主要传播途径:为( ),在相对封闭的环境中长时间暴露于高浓度气溶胶情况下存在经气溶胶传播的可能,其他传播途径尚待明确

    新型冠状病毒临床表现( ):







    新型冠状病毒对紫外线和热敏感,56℃ 30 分钟、乙醚、75%乙醇、含氯消毒剂、过氧乙酸和氯仿等脂溶剂均可有效灭活病毒













    "can i wear my hair long like the other boys?" "i'd rather_____."

    he ___his leg when he _____in a football match against another school.

    my room is a mess. it needs _____.

    you _______ the news: he knew it already.

    this rule only applies __ people above 60.

    no sooner had we sat down ______we found it was time to go.

    — that’s a beautiful dress you have on! — ____________________

    "paul may have gone to the playground to watch a football match." "no, if there'd been a match today, he_____."

    i ____writing the article by the time you get back.

    "the windows need washing." "well, let's wash them together, ________?

    he’s determined to finish the job __________long it takes.

    this coastal area ________ a national wildlife reserve last year.

    — what’s the weather like in your hometown? — ____________________

    what is done cannot be _____.

    he felt it rather hard to be _____ the opinion of the majority.

    she was the only child in the family, but they didn't ______ her.

    he studied hard in his youth, _________ contributed to his great success in later life.

    "i had to walk home yesterday: i had no money for my fare." "you______ me l i could have lent you the money!"

    about the sixth century a. d. when few europeans could read, the chinese ____paper.






























    which of the following cargoes are not carried by bulk carriers?

    what do teu and feu mean?

    what is an lng carrier?

    what is a tanker?

    the ship that transports by-product is called ________.

    what is a cruise ship?

    ro-ro is an acronym for_________.

    which of the following vessels is used to carry both passengers and vehicles?

    which of the following is not the function of tugs?

    which of the following is true about yacht?

    what is bulk cargo?

    what is dwt?

    a: how many tonnes can the vessel load? b: ____________________________

    what is true about vlcc and ulcc?

    water bus belongs to _______.

    what does the autopilot system include?

    which of the following is true about a ship?

    which of the following shows the country the ship belongs to?

    where is the anchor chain stowed?

    which of the following is not true about the bulkheads?

    mooring lines can be used in receiving tug assistance.

    anchor equipment includes anchor, anchor chain, fairleads, chain locker.

    waterline refers to the line where hull of a ship meets the water surface.

    forecastle is located on the bow of a ship, used as a shelter for stores, machinery, etc.

    the equipment that can alter and maintain the ship’s course is called telegraph.

    bridge is a room or platform from which the ship can be commanded.

    gmdss is the equipment used to record various data on a ship.

    ais is used to tranit and receive identifying information automatically.

    in the galley, electricity is used for heating and cooking for safety reasons.

    mooring lines are leading ashore from different parts of the ship to prevent ship's movement.

    who is the head of the deck department?

    who undertakes bridge watch-keeping from 0800-1200?

    who is mainly responsible for cargo affairs?

    who is mainly responsible for bridge equipment and instruments?

    who is mainly responsible for the management and maintenance of all life-saving appliances and fire-fighting equipment on board?

    which of the following is true about the ship master?

    which of the following is not the chief officer’s responsibility?

    which of the following is not the second officer’s responsibility?

    which of the following is not the third officer’s responsibility?

    which of the following is not the bosun’s responsibility?

    which of the following is not the ab’s responsibility?

    which of the following is not the ordinary seamen’s responsibility?

    what do cadets usually do on board a ship?

    which of the following is the proper answer to the question “what’s your nationality”?

    if you have something to declare, where should you go?

    what should you when you receive a wheel order?

    what does the wheel order "meet her" mean?

    if the anchor is secured firmly in sea bottom, what do you report?

    if you want to let go all lines forward except breast line and spring, what should you say?

    what does "finished with engine" mean?

    "course one eight two" is the answer to the question "what is the course".

    "pay out head line" is an equivalent to "send out head line".

    some of the orders do not need to be replied.

    the initial movement of the engine order telegraph is from the engine control room.

    if you are ordered "stop engine", you need reply "stop engine", then carry it out, and report "engine stopped".

    when the anchor has been heaved out of the ground and is clear of it, the chief officer should report “anchor is clear.”

    “the cable is 3 o’clock. ”means “the cable is leading to the starboard.”

    mooring lines include head lines, stern lines, spring lines and breast lines.

    stern lines are used to prevent ship's backwards movement.

    "cast off stern line." is another way to say "let go stern line."

    what information should be reported to the pilot station?

    why does a ship contact the port?

    a dangerous part of the pilot’s job is ________.

    a pilot is a person_________ when the ship is approaching a port.

    what does a pilot ladder consist of?

    it’s unnecessary for a master to cooperate with a pilot.

    sometimes, the pilot ladder should be rigged with accommodation ladder.

    if a pilot embarks a ship, we need to hoist flag “g” and lower flag “h”.

    pilot will never control a ship directly.

    the pilot will take over the position of the master when pilotage is compulsory.

    the pilot’s presence on board will relieve the master or officer in charge of navigational watch from their duties and obligations.

    a vessel gets in touch with a port by vhf on a provided channel.

    drafts fore and aft of yukun is 5.3 and 5.4 respectively.

    if the officer on watch has any doubt as to pilot's action or intentions, he/she can take necessary actions before the master arrives.

    please describe the process of piloting.

    what does berthing mean?

    what should a captain do when the vessel is arriving at a port?

    before berthing, the master should take control of the ship accompanied by_________.

    which of the following is not the captain’s responsibilities when the ship is at anchor?

    what factors should be considered when selecting a proper anchor position?

    a vessel may only berth on starboard side.

    “dragging anchor” means the ship moves away from its mooring because the anchor has failed to hold.

    officers on watch know their responsibilities during anchoring or berthing, so the master doesn’t need to give instructions.

    once the anchor is dropped, the officer on watch needs to check its position at regular intervals.

    if the watch officer of a ship finds dragging, vessels in the vicinity will be informed.

    there are three ways of unberthing, that is, bow unberthing, stern unberthing and parallel unberthing.

    the traffic in the vicinity, current, wave, etc. should be considered before unberthing.

    the responsibility for the vessel’s navigation can be transferred to the pilot.

    to prevent the anchor cables from being damaged by strong wind and waves, the friction position of the links should be changed by heaving in and releasing the links regularly.

    the relieved officer shall introduce to the relieving officer _______________.

    ___________ is the only place that is manned at all times while the vessel is at sea.

    ________ is a deck officer who is assigned with the duties of watch-keeping and navigation on a ship’s wheelhouse.

    the oow should follow a navigational plan to avoid collision according to_______.

    _________ takes over the job of an oow.

    the chief officer is in charge of the standard __________navigation watch duty

    the second officer is in charge of the standard __________navigation watch duty.

    the third officer is in charge of the standard __________navigation watch duty.

    what conditions must be satisfied before the officer takes over the bridge watch and the procedures for shift change?

    when taking over the shift, ____________________.

    while keeping on watch at sea, the officer on watch is the representative of the captain.

    the oow could leave the bridge during the watch.

    according to stcw, the watch-keeping personnel is not allowed to rest.

    the oow should check navigational equipment in use at regular interval of time.

    heading sets 080 degrees. “080 degrees” should be read into “eighty degrees”.

    _________ came into being to avoid the risk of collisions and grounding accidents.

    when a vessel passing through a narrow channel, it should________.

    the ship which aims to overtake shall indicate her intention by________.

    ________ is a commander and responsible for the safe and efficient operation of a ship.

    encountering tough situations, the captain of a container ship should take _____ into account.

    a vessel sailing along the course of a narrow channel shall follow the rules of narrow channels.

    a vessel should leave the traffic lane at the termination of that lane.

    utc means coordinated universal time.

    wave can be described by using such adjectives as ooth, moderate or high.

    “the wind is expected from direction nne.” means “the wind will come from north north east.”

    vhf stands for very high frequency.

    channel 16 is national distress calling frequency.

    ptt is the power-test-talk button.

    marine vhf radio is in the simplex mode.

    in order to listen, you have to press ptt all the time.

    before changing from speaking to listening, you say “over”.

    english is the international maritime language.

    cp stands for standard marine communication phrases.

    cp consists of two parts, that is, external and on-board communication phrases.

    you can rectify the mistake by saying “mistake” followed by the word “correction” with the corrected information.

    which of the following life-saving appliances is not introduced in the course?

    which of the following is not personal life-saving appliances?

    what can we find on an inflatable lifejacket?

    what does fire procedure mean?

    which are the colors of life-saving appliances?

    foam fire extinguishers are used for extinguishing oil fires.

    if the fire takes place in the cargo holds, open all the holds before the vessel gets alongside.

    every cabin needs to be equipped with lifejackets.

    co2 fire extinguishers are used for putting out electrical fire.

    when putting out the fire, a fire hose should be attached to a valve.

    oil should be kept away from hot surfaces which might ignite it.

    automatic water spray provides a network of sprinkler heads throughout the protected spaces.

    if the fire is in the cargo hold, we should first extinguish the fire.

    the movie of captain phillips is based on the story of _______ m/v maersk alabama.

    sailing through the high-risk areas, seafarers should know about ______.

    if pirates get on board ships, crew and ship’s cargo can be protected by using _____.

    maritime piracy has impeded the delivery of shipments.

    maritime piracy has caused serious financial loss and physical harm to crew members.

    bmp4 stands for version 4 of best management practices for protection against somalia-based piracy.

    ships passing through the high-risk area should proceed at the speed of less than 18 knots.

    piracy includes the act of violence against the cargo only.

    maritime piracy is rampant only in malacca straits and gulf of aden.

    long range acoustic device is a non-lethal device using pain inducing sound beam to drive away the pirates.

    boat trap can be used to prevent pirates’ boats from coming near to the ship.

    which of the following is not true about the interior part of a ship?

    who is mainly responsible for cargo affairs?

    which of the following is true about the ship master?

    a dangerous part of the pilot’s job is ________.

    which of the following is not the captain’s responsibilities when the ship is at anchor?

    when a vessel passing through a narrow channel, it should________.

    what does fire procedure mean?

    if pirates get on board ships, crew and ship’s cargo can be protected by using _____.

    rudder is a device with two or more blades that turn quickly and cause a ship to move through the water.

    “dragging anchor” means the ship moves away from its mooring because the anchor has failed to hold.

    a pilot ladder has spreaders, manropes and side ropes.

    piracy includes the act of violence against the cargo only.

    我国规定化妆品(除眼部、口唇等粘膜用化妆品)菌落总数不得大于( )cfu/ml 或cfu/g。


    化妆品微生物检验时,应分别从两个包装单位以上的样品取( )g或ml进行检验。


    化妆品技术规范中菌落总数是指( )g或 ml检样中所含菌落的总数


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