


    硬盘适合于用( )方式实现输入输出操作。

    在dreamweaver中,如果网页中的某幅图片(ysj.gif)和该网页的地址从"c:\my document\123\"变为"d:\123\my document\123 \",在不改变该网页的地址设置情况下,仍然能正确在浏览器中浏览到该图像的地址设置是(  )。

    静态存储器芯片6116是2k×8位,则此芯片地址线有( )条。


    一条机器指令是由若干条( )组成的序列来实现的,而机器指令的总和便可实现整个指令系统。

    计算机主频的周期是指( )。

    下列( )的html语句的写法符合xhtml规范。

    某sram芯片,其存储容量为64k×16位,该芯片的地址线和数据线数目为( )。


    相对于硬布线控制器,微程序控制器的优点在于( )。

    what service isn’t provided by swift?

    what’s not a correct statement about swift?

    what’s not a correct statement about international settlements?

    transfer payments are payments by ()

    what is the advantage of swift services?

    what services can swift provide?

    cash payments include payments by ( )

    international settlements serve for ( )

    which of the following documents are negotiable ones?

    what is a correct statement about banker’s draft?

    which of the following statement is true? ( )

    a traveler’s check is generally involved ( )

    a credit card is generally involved ( )

    true or false: negotiable instrument is a chose in action. ( )

    true or false: checks are negotiable instruments. ( )

    true or false: clean bil refers to a bill without shipping documents attached thereto. ( )

    true or false: a check must be drawn upon a banker. ( )

    true or false: a bona fide holder can claim payment from all parties liable on the instrument when dishonored by the acceptor. ( )

    to the exporter, the fastest and safest method of settlement is ( )

    to the importer, the fastest and safest method of settlement is ( )

    under a letter of credit, the exporter can receive the payment only when ( )

    the trade term fob means free on board named ( )

    the trade term cif should be followed by ( )

    under the trade term ( ), the importer undertakes the least obligation.

    in documentary collection, after the goods have been shipped, the exporter presents the documents to ( )

    from the point of view of a chinese bank, ( ) is our bank’s account in the books of an overseas bank, denominated in foreign currency.

    the documentary collection provides the seller with a greater degree of protection than shipping on ( )

    an exporter sells goods to a customer abroad on fob and on cif terms. who is responsible for the freight charges in each? ( )

    if bank of china instructs bank of america to pay a sum of us $ 1,000,000.00 to midland, its nostro account will be ( )

    if a bill is payable “ 60 days after date”, the date of payment is decided according to ( )

    the party to whom the bill is addressed is called the ( )

    ( ) must be accepted by the drawee before payment.

    which type of collection offers the greatest security to the exporter?

    23. a stand-by letter of credit ( )

    the beneficiary of a transferred credit is ( )

    the sum of the transferred credit will not be ( )

    an applicant must reimburse an issuing bank unless he finds that ( )

    ( ) gives the beneficiary double assurance of payment.

    the red clause credit is often used as a method of ( )

    under the trade term ( ), the importer need undertake to clear the goods for import into the buyer’s country.

    which of the following statement is correct? ( )

    which of the following is based on commercial credit?

    international transactions include ( )

    true or false: usance l/c payable at sight provides financing to the importer. ( )

    swift was founded to provide interbank telecommunication services. ( )

    true or false: fedware is a rtgs system. ( )

    true or false: direct b/l means transshipment is not allowed. ( )

    true or false: international settlements are financial activities. ( )

    canp for rmb settlement is a netting payment system. ( )

    true or false: in a daft, the more endorsers, the safer the payee. ( )

    true or false: negotiation of l/c can be done by the issuing bank. ( )

    true or false: basic documents must be indispensable in international trade. ( )

    true or false: the drawer in d/d is the remitting bank, and the drawee is the paying bank. ( )

    true or false: seaway bill is a non-transferable document. ( )

    true or false: trade terms are important to arbitrate disagreements about sales contract. ( )

    true or false: chips is more efficient than fedware. ( )

    true or false: a commercial draft is a draft drawn by a bank on a firm. ( )

    true or false: a draft paid to a bearer is risky. ( )

    true or false: credit card is to encourage consumption. ( )

    true or false: consular invoice is a basic document. ( )

    true or false: a transfer check can be paid by cash. ( )

    true or false: a check with a special crossing can be paid to the payee through any bank. ( )

    true or false: the headquarters of chips is in new york. ( )

    true or false: traveler’s check is a financial document. ( )

    true or false: a bill of exchange conditionally accepted can be regarded as dishonor. ( )

    true or false: the maker is primarily liable to a promissory note. ( )





    “薄海内外,人迹所及,皆置驿传,使驿往来,如行国中”,这段史料描述了下列哪一朝代的图景( )


    “榷茶”制度最早开始于( )

    宋代斗茶的主要内容是看( )







    10. 亚马逊aws提供的云计算服务类型是( )。


    单元刚度矩阵中第i列的元素表示第i号位移为一单位值(ui=1,其它为0) 时引起的六个杆端力。






    下面这个单词,读几拍?(请填写前面的大写字母来选择) a二拍   b三拍   c四拍   d五拍   e六拍   f七拍 ①きっさてん



    试读片假名词,从a-h的选项中选择单词的意思。(请填写前面的大写字母来选择) a讨论    b网聊    c新闻   d洗发水 e晚会 f传真   g确认   h巧克力 8、チャット0







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