


    体侧双手垫球时,击球点应在体侧( ),腰肩( )。

    垫球是气排球的基本接球技术之一,可用手、臂、头、肩、大腿、脚背、脚弓及其他身体任何部位来完成,相比其他技术种类更加多样,实用性、应变性更强,控制范围大,便于接各种困难球,其中最常用的是( )垫球。

    垫球正确部位在前臂腕关节以上( )左右的桡骨内侧所组成的平面上,每次击球都要在此平面上接触。

    在所有发球技术中最具有威力,攻击性最强的就是发( )。







    which of the following words is not a name of occupation?

    man: what do they do? woman: ___________.

    woman: what’s your family name? man: groban. woman: groban? ___________. man: g-r-o-b-a-n woman: and your given name?

    in his junior year, gates ______ harvard to devote his energies to microsoft.

    when zhang xin fills in a _____ information form in english, he writes yin in the box for first name and zhang in the box for last name.

    to _____ confusion in the football games, the two teams will wear different colors.

    in addition to his _____ for computers, tom is interested in biotechnology.

    in china and in many asian countries, family name comes first.

    my teacher’s name is ellen clark. ellen is his nickname.

    tiger was born in america. from this statement we can know about tiger’s nationality.

    —are you free on friday? a new sci-fi film is on at the cinema. —really? _______, but i’m busy on friday.

    if you want to go to the theater, you’ll have to make a ______, or there will be no tickets.

    the children were all ______ when mother told them stories.

    on rainy afternoons i’m always in the ______ for a good book.

    mary was a good student, a championship athlete, and ______.

    mary was short and plump, ______ her mother who was tall and willowy.

    if you are very interested in something, you can probably say “i’m really into it.”

    if something is like music to your ears, it must be very pleasant to hear.

    the moon-landing mission has been hailed as an unprecedented success. the underlined word “unprecedented” probably means “unknown”.

    the australian couple ______ six children between 1991 and 1998.

    my brother and i both enjoy sports and are very healthy. besides, we are ______ in many other ways.

    a recent online ______ found that 61 per cent of college seniors intend to move home for some time following graduation.

    on november 18, 1997, bobbi gave ______ to septuplets — three daughters and four sons.

    house-sharing can bring problems of ______ with others’ living habits.

    woman: ________________________________ man: i have two older brothers and a younger sister.

    linda’s uncle has two children. they are linda’s nephews.

    my wife’s parents are my in-laws.

    steve has only one brother, so he is an only child.

    —hello, i’m looking for a printer. any suggestions? —______ this one? it’s on sale now.

    —my cell phone is driving me crazy! it keeps turning off and on. —______. maybe you should have it checked, or just return it.

    the medicine is made up of natural ingredients and ______ for safe use even for kids.

    this device is ______; it’s so all and light, and you can carry it anywhere!

    it is politely requested by the hotel management that radios ______ after 11 o’clock at night.

    if you are not happy with our product, just return it and we will refund your money. the underlined word “refund” is closest in meaning to ______.

    the sink in my bathroom is clogged and there’s water all over the floor. i need to call the ______ right away.

    if a machine is of poor quality, it can probably be called a lemon.

    you can use a scanner to quickly copy documents or pictures onto paper.

    if a cd, film, or play is a big hit, it is not popular but suffers a huge failure.

    they lost their way in the forest, and _____ made matters worse was that night began to fall.

    you wonder whether you could pay the bill with your credit card. what would you say to the waiter?

    cut down on portion size so you don’t eat too much. eat everything in ______.

    the survey also found that many people ______ romance with home-cooked, candlelit dinners with their partners.

    when people move to america, they bring their cooking styles with them. that is why you can find almost every kind of ______ food inamerica.

    like any large country, the usa has several ______ regions and each region boasts its own special style of food.

    clam is a kind of dairy product.

    pepper tastes spicy.

    on the restaurant menus, we can find the chefs’ names.

    —______? —hmmm…it’s hard to say. i like golf a lot, but i guess i like tennis better.

    the sports facilities in the university include a gym, a sports arena, a swimming pool and four tennis ______.

    —where are you ______ to? —the park. i need some fresh air.

    as a mother of four kids, naomi has little time for exercises. she even ______ goes for walks.

    the failure to get the job he wanted made him feel very ______.

    features such as height, weight and skin color ______ from person to person.

    mark is always talking about his big plans to be a great writer. you should tell him to ______ and work hard from the beginning.

    susan has a sweet tooth, so she is not very crazy about things like chocolate, candy, cake and ice cream.

    many of us jog or swim or hit the gym in an attempt to keep fit. the underlined phrase “keep fit” probably means “stay healthy”.

    a couch potato is someone who does little exercise and spends a lot of time watching television.

    children usually wear ______ to sleep.

    which of the following clothes is appropriate to wear in the office?

    i could only afford to buy the cheaper digital camera, because i have to cut my ______ according to my cloth.

    do you think you could gift ______ these toys for me? they’re a present for my daughter.

    london is the final _______ of their travel.

    how you dress yourself at work does influence how you are ______ in professional terms.

    it is considered disrespectful to wear open shoes at thailand’s magnificent temples.

    in egypt women should always wear longer skirts and a head covering.

    to buy belts on a shopping website, we should click the department of bags and accessories.

    —hi, welcome back! ______ to the grand canyon? —amazing. the canyon was truly a masterpiece. i loved the view!

    my drive to the farm was terrible. the road was ______ and rough the whole way.

    —susan, you must be ______ after your long trip from canada. —yes, it was quite a long flight. i’m glad to finally get back.

    —are you finished packing yet? do you need a hand? —______

    during my trip to bhutan, i was most impressed by the ______ mountains and friendly people there.

    ______ the opportunity, adam might well have become an outstanding engineer.

    the nature ______ in the east dongting lake is home to more than 200 species of birds.

    my vacation in greece was incredible. that is, i hardly believed that i took a vacation in greece.

    she is in a dilemma whether to stay at school or get a job, which means she can hardly make up her mind.

    before the travel, you’d better have your accommodation arranged. that is, you have to book your flights in advance.

    the flight is ______. i think i’m going to volunteer to take a later flight.

    if a flight is oversold, passengers without seat assignments are usually at the risk of ______ boarding.

    the airlines apologized for the ______ you experienced due to the delay.

    when it was our turn to ______ the plane, an agent told us no one else was getting on that plane because they were overweight.

    with a few ______, people can stop the spread of the virus.

    woman: i’m sorry, you missed the express. man: oh, no! well, can i still make the ______?

    woman: ______ man: no, i’m sorry. it left five minutes ago.

    take a window seat if you need to stretch your legs during the flight.

    passengers with boarding passes should pass security and proceed to the gate.

    passengers on a cruise tend to get airsick if it is stormy.

    this nice digital camera cost less than 300 dollars. it’s just in my price ______.

    —this teapot is nice, but a little expensive. ______? —how about 10% off? that’s the best i can offer.

    —do you know if linda is willing to take charge of the program? —______, does it?

    —hello, i’m looking for a digital camera. —you can have a broad choice here. are you looking for any particular brand? —______. which one is the best?

    in australia, it is ______ to round off the fare to tip taxi drivers.

    the sale usually takes place outside the house, with the audience ______ on benches, chairs or boxes.

    the recent years have witnessed that online shopping can be convenient, time-efficient and equally ______ compared to the traditional shopping.

    david paid $2,000 for a fake painting. it was a complete bargain!

    if you’d like to change your money to a foreign currency, you should know the exchange rate.

    when visiting another country, it is advisable that consumers follow the local tipping customs.

    this speaker has an impressively ________ range of interests and experience.

    we’ve decided to ________ with the employers about our wage demand.

    research shows that there is no ________ relationship between how much a person earns and whether he feels good about life.

    nowadays the tv plays seldom live up to people’s ________.

    features such as height, weight and skin color ________ from person to person.

    would you mind turning your radio down? i can’t ________ on my work with the noise.

    mrs. wang spent an _______ amount of money on the camera yesterday.

    my little sister is still ________ with a knife and fork and drops food at each meal.

    as we can wait no longer for the delivery of your order, we have to ________ it.

    the film star has a(n) ________ car in addition to a large house.

    daddy’s advice has helped me at many _______ times when i’ve encountered trouble and difficulties.

    linda is a very ________ secretary: she never forgets anything or makes a mistake.

    you didn’t say you were present on the scene, but your words _________ that you were.

    for this part, you are allowed to write a short essay entitled food safety. you should write at least 150 words following the outline given below. 1. 最近常有食品安全问题出现。 2. 食品安全问题危害很大。 3. 你认为应该如何解决该问题。

    在关系模型中,关系要符合一个最基本的条件,即每个分量必须是不可分的数据项。该条件描述的是( )。

    关系规范化中的删除异常是指( )。

    关系模式r的整个属性组是码,则r满足的最高范式至少是( )。

    已知关系模式r(a,b,c,d,e)及其函数依赖f={a→d, b→c, e→a},该关系模式的候选码是( )。

    x→y,当下列哪一条成立时,称为平凡的函数依赖( )。

    设有关系模式r(a,b,c,d),其数据依赖集:f={(a,b)→c,c→d},则关系模式r的规范化程度最高达到( )。

    在关系数据库设计中,设计关系模式是数据库设计中( )阶段的任务。

    在数据库设计中,将er图转换成关系数据模型的过程属于( )。

    关系数据库的规范化理论主要解决的问题是( )。

    数据库设计中,确定数据库存储结构,即确定关系、索引、聚簇、日志、备份等数据的存储安排和存储结构,这是数据库设计的( )。

    在数据库物理设计完成后,进入数据库实施阶段,下列选项中不属于实施阶段的工作是( )。

    给定关系模式r(a, b, c, d, e),如果存在依赖:a→b,bc→d,de→a,则该关系模式的码为( )。

    两个实体性之间的联系有一对一联系、一对多联系和多对多联系。而单个实体型内的联系只存在一对一、一对多联系,不存在多对多联系。( )

    在e-r图向关系模型转换的过程中,无论是一个1:1的联系,一个1:n的联系,还是一个m:n的联系,都可以转换为一个独立的关系模式。( )

    关系模式的分解不唯一。( )

    at89s51单片机片内包含有( )、( )和( )。

    单片机具有计算机的属性,也就是它可以( )。

    下面的各种应用,( )不属于单片机的应用范围。

    at89s51单片机采用的半导体工艺是( )。


    at89s51单片机cpu的主要组成部分为( )。

    在at89s51单片机cpu内部,反映程序运行状态或反映运算结果的特征寄存器是( )。

    在单片机中,通常将一些中间计算结果放在( )中。

    程序计数器pc用来( )。

    内部ram中的可位寻址区的位是给( )。

    at89s51的内部ram中,可位寻址的字节地址空间为( )。

    at89s51单片机中,唯一一个用户不能直接使用的寄存器是( )。

    at89s51存放当前指令地址的寄存器是( )。

    单片机的堆栈指针sp始终是( )。

    关于数据指针dptr,下列说确的是( )。

    at89s51单片机在访问外部存储器时,地址的输出是( )。

    at89s51单片机要先完成复位,必须在rst引脚上加大于( )机器周期的高电平。

    提高单片机的晶振频率,则机器周期( )。

    at89s51系统中,若晶振频率为12mhz,一个机器周期等于( )μs。

    p0、p1口作通用i/o输入用途之前必须( )。

    在at89s51中,为实现p0口线的数据和低位地址的分时复用,应使用( )。

    若使用80c51且ea/ =1,当程序存储器地址小于1000h时访问的是( )。

    在at89s51单片机中,p1~p3口用作普通输入端口时,必须先向端口寄存器写入0。( )

    at89s51单片机中的特殊功能寄存器都是可以位寻址的。( )

    at89s51工作寄存器区也可以做普通的ram单元来使用。( )

    cy是累加器a的进位位,同时又是布尔处理机的位累加器。( )

    pc和sp都是指针,都具有自动加1的功能。( )






    以下作品作者 不是北岛的是哪一项





















    ( )构成了王朔小说最重要的美学趣味。

    在当时有过一组关于现代主义的笔谈,被称之为“四只小风筝”的是( )。

    以散文笔法描绘陕北风情的知青作品是( )。

    谢慧敏是小说( )中的人物。

    莫言《红高粱》的主人公“我爷爷”“我奶奶”是指( )和( )。

    其创作被称为“智力型诗歌写作”的诗人是( )。

    1987年文学出版社出版了王蒙的长篇小说( ),小说讲述了一个旧式的知识分子( )在新旧社会历经的精神困境。

    新写实的两部开山之作分别是( )和( )。

    以下电影不是由文学作品改编而来的是( )。

    以下作品不属于先锋小说的是( )。

    “‘人’!一支久已被唾弃、被遗忘的歌曲冲出了我的喉咙:人性、人情、人道主义! ”是小说《伤痕》中的结尾。( )

    现代主义的动力是对未来的人类意识所进行的不懈的革命性探索。( )

    《沉重的翅膀》较早注意到“改革者在何种程度上是一个现代人”的问题。( )

    在《冈底斯的诱惑》中,顿珠不会唱歌,放羊时误入一片草地,醒来突然会唱史诗《江格尔》。( )

    “伤痕文学”这一名称源于小说《伤痕》。( )

    《鱼化石》是艾青作为“归来者”时期的诗作。( )

    王小波的小说在荒诞感中表达了一种“积极自由”的价值。( )

    《致橡树》和《双桅船》是舒婷的叙事诗,展露了诗人强烈的女性独立意识。( )

    《山上的小屋》《黄泥街》《苍老的浮云》《古典爱情》都是作家残雪的代表作。( )

    苏童在《一九三四年的逃亡》中书写“我祖父”“我祖母”的故事,很明显在向莫言致敬。( )

    韩东、于坚、翟永明、海子等诗人的创作都可被纳入“第三代诗歌”范畴。( )

    《新的美学原则在崛起》的作者是( )。

    苏童的《妻妾成群》以陈佐千的形象置换了五四以来的知识分子启蒙文化,而( )的形象则是对五四觉醒女青年的强力反讽,是对林道静的再次颠覆。

    发表于1979年夏的蒋子龙的短篇小说(《 》),被认为是“改革文学”的发轫之作。

    高晓声描写农村家庭联产承包责任制的作品是《李顺大造屋》和(《 》)。

    ( )真正标志着当代文学的转向——作家开始按自己思想写作。

    最早且较有影响的知青文学作品是孔捷生的(《 》)。



    在杂质半导体中多子的数量主要与 有关。

    在外加电压的作用下,p型半导体中的电流主要是 、n型半导体中的电流主要是 ,

    稳压管工作在稳压状态下,是工作在 区。

    测得工作在放大电路中几个晶体管三个极电位值v1=3.5v, v2=2.9v, v3=12v,关于管子的类型、材料及三个极的判断,正确的是 。

    pnp型三极管工作在线性区的外部条件是 。

    对于二极管,以下说法不正确的是 。

    对于pn结,以下说确的是 。

    在杂质半导体中少子的数量主要与 有关。

    npn型三极管工作在线性区的外部条件是 。

    测得某三极管三个电极上的电流大小和方向如图所示,以下说确的是 。

    已知某三极管β=50,今测得三个电极上的电流大小和方向如下图所示,则以下说确的是 。

    在下图所示的电路中,稳压二极管dz1和dz2的稳定电压分别是9v和12v,其正向压降可忽略不计,则 。

    图1所示电路中,忽略d上的正向管压降,则 。

    下图所示电路中,忽略d上的正向管压降,则 。

    电路如图6所示,已知三极管的参数β=50,u(br)ceo=25v,icm=20ma,pcm=120mw,则以下参数选择中,不能保证管子工作在安全工作区的是 。

    测得电路中三极管各极对地的电压值如下表所示,则 。 管脚 1 2 3 电压 -3.5 v -2.9 v -12 v







    当温度升高时,杂质半导体中少子浓度 。

    pn结中的内电场的方向是 型区指向 型区。

    npn型三极管工作在放大状态时,发射结上多子的运动方向是 。

    npn型三极管工作在放大状态时,发射结上多子的运动方向是 。

    三极管在放大区内的电流控制作用是指 极的电流变化量与 极的电流变化量成正比。

    稳压二极管的动态电阻越 ,稳压性能越好。

    本征半导体中掺入五价元素后形成 型半导体。

    本征半导体中掺入三价元素后形成 型半导体。

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