



    大学生要做( )的时代新人。

    ( )是我们理解当前所处历史方位的关键词。

    梦是历史的、现实的,也是未来的。这具体表现为( )。

    在革命战争时期,青年一代满怀( ),为争取民族努力、解放冲锋陷阵、抛洒热血。

    “培养担当民族复兴大任的时代新人”是的( )提出的战略要求。

    新时代大学生要有崇高的信念,牢记使命,自信( )。

    “问渠哪得清如许,为有源头活水来”体现最为明显的是( )的学习理念和态度。

    作为实现民族伟大复兴的主力军,大学生要有担当精神,要讲求奉献、实干进取,应坚持( )第一、知行合一,求真务实、有为善为。

    特色进入新时代,意味着特色道路、理论、制度、文化不断发展,拓展了发展家走向现代化的途径,给世界上那些既希望加快发展又希望保持自身独立性的和民族提供了全新选择,为解决( )贡献了智慧和方案。

    “思想道德修养与法律基础”是一门融( )于一体的思想政治理论课。

    马克思中学毕业即表示要“为人类福利而劳动”,年轻时期立志“以天下为己任”,在南开读书时就决心“为之崛起而读书”。这充分表现了革命领袖志存高远,在年轻的时候就( )。

    把金钱作为人生的至高目的,认为金钱可以主宰一切的错误人生观是( )。

    ( )是实现人生价值的必由之路。

    群众是历史的创造者,是的主人。这种群众史观反映到人生观上必然是( )。

    “宝剑锋自磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来”所体现的是一种( )。

    下列选项中,( )反映的是一种享乐主义。





    ( )是人的精神世界的核心,是人精神上的“钙”。

    理想是美好的,但美好的理想是很难实现的,把理想转化为现实的根本途径是( )。

    个人理想要符合社会理想,下列选项中,表达准确的是( )。

    信念的最集中、最高的表现形式是( )。

    下列选项中,属于科学信念的有( )。

    新时代大学生应为实现梦注入青春能量,立志当高远,立志做大事,立志须躬行。具体来说就是要( )。

    理想就是( )。

    马克思主义的生命力表现有( )。

    理想是否合理、进步与科学的判断标准为( )。

    青年大学生思想活跃,但也容易对理想与现实的矛盾产生困惑,这就需要正确的认识理想与现实的关系,要认识到( )。

    ( )是民族精神和时代精神的统一。

    ( )是民族精神的核心。

    爱国主义体现了人们对自己祖国的深厚感情,是人们对自己家园以及民族和文化的归属感、认同感、( )与荣誉感的统一。

    民族精神赋予精神以( )特征,是民族的精神独立性得以保持的重要保证。

    时代精神则赋予精神以( )内涵,是精神引领时代前行、拥有鲜明时代性和强大生命力的重要根源。

    在现阶段,爱国主义主要表现为( )。

    新时代爱国主义的基本要求是( )。

    民族精神是一个民族在长期共同生活的社会实践中形成的,为本民族大多数成员所认同的( )的总和。



    核心价值体系主要包括马克思主义指导思想、特色共同理想、以( )为核心的民族精神和以( )为核心的时代精神、荣辱观等。

    先秦时期就提出了“各而不同”“和合中庸”“政通人和”“天人合一”“协和万邦”等丰富多彩、意蕴深远的( )理想。

    ( )反映了“梦”的实现道路:特色。

    核心价值观是核心价值体系的( )。

    ( )反映了人们对美好社会的期望和憧憬,是衡量现代社会是否充满活力又和谐有序的重要标志。

    培养核心价值观,用最( )的语言介绍和说明,有利于增进国际社会对的理解,扩大文化影响力,展示的良好形象。

    培育和践行核心价值观,要增强自己的价值判断力和( )。

    核心价值观以其先进性、性和真实性而居于人类社会的价值制高点,具有强大的( )。

    “人生的扣子从一开始就要扣好。”大学生成长成才和全面发展,离不开正确的( )的引领。正确的( )能够引领大学生把人生价值追求融入和民族事业,努力成为特色事业的合格建设者和可靠接班人。

    “空谈误国,实干兴邦”和“天下难事,必作于易;天下大事,必作于细”都体现了( )的重要性。


    职业道德规范主要包括( )。

    家庭美德以( )为主要内容。



    关于道德起源,下列哪些表述是正确的?( )

    关于道德的本质,下列哪些表述是正确的?( )

    道德的功能主要包括( )。



    法律的运行是一个从创制、实施到实现的过程。这个过程主要包括法律制定、法律执行、法律适用、法律遵守等环节。其中法律制定的主体是( )。

    下列选项中,属于程序法的是( )。

    ( )是法律实施和实现的基本途径。

    我国目前形成了以( )为核心的法律体系。

    我国的政权组织形式是( )。

    法律区别于其他社会规范的首要之处在于( )。

    行政法规的制定机关是( )。

    法律运行的起始性和关键性环节是( )。

    ( )不属于社会监督体系。

    ( )是当家作主的根本保证,是特色最本质的特征,是特色制度最大优势。

    what service isn’t provided by swift?

    what’s not a correct statement about swift?

    what’s not a correct statement about international settlements?

    transfer payments are payments by ()

    what is the advantage of swift services?

    what services can swift provide?

    cash payments include payments by ( )

    international settlements serve for ( )

    what is a correct statement about vostro account?

    which system adopts a netting payment system? ( )

    what services are provided by correspondent bank?

    what is the advantage of netting payment system?

    what is a correct statement about chips?

    true or false: fedware is a system of rtgs. ( )

    true or false: chips is a system of rtgs. ( )

    true or false: vostro account is a due to account. ( )

    true or false: fedware is operated by fed reserve system. ( )

    true or false: rtgs means each payment order is settled immediately upon its entry into the system in its entire (gross) amount.

    which of the following documents are negotiable ones?

    what is a correct statement about banker's draft?

    which of the following statement is true? ( )

    a traveler's check is generally involved ( )

    a credit card is generally involved ( )

    true or false: negotiable instrument is a chose in action. ( )

    true or false: checks are negotiable instruments. ( )

    true or false: clean bil refers to a bill without shipping documents attached thereto. ( )

    true or false: a check must be drawn upon a banker. ( )

    true or false: a bona fide holder can claim payment from all parties liable on the instrument when dishonored by the acceptor. ( )

    commercial documents don't include ( ).

    the trade term dat should be followed by ( )

    according to incoterms 2010, there are ( ) different trade terms.

    which of the following is a title document? ( )

    what invoices are used in trade protectioni?

    which document is basic in trade settlements?

    legalized invoice is a predecessor of commercial invoice. ( )

    fas is used in marine transportation. ( )

    export license is an additional document. ( )

    beneficiary’s statement: a statement issued and signed by the beneficiary, certifying that he has done some work according to the stipulations in the credit. ( )

    which of the following is clean collection? ( )

    which is based commercial credit? ( )

    under a letter of credit, the exporter can receive the payment only when ( )

    which of the following is l/c/? ( )

    which can be used to settle middleman trade? ( )

    a transferable l/c can be transferred only once. ( )

    l/c is dependent on sales contract. ( )

    anticipatory l/c provides financing to the importer. ( )

    true or false: revolving l/c can be renewed or reinstated. ( )

    back-to-back l/c involves two l/cs. ( )

    what is the term given to the idea that the combined output of a number of iniduals working together will exceed that of the same iniduals working separately?

    which one of the following statements is true?

    an organisation is owned and run by central government agencies. the organisation is best described as which of the following statements?

    which of the following groups may be considered to be stakeholders in the activities of a nuclear power station? (i) the government (ii) environmental pressure groups (iii) employees (iv) local residents

    the term secondary stakeholders describes which group of stakeholders?

    which of the following organisations would rely most heavily on value for money indicators and efficiency rather than information on performance and profitability?

    what is an acronym used to describe the key elements of an organisation's external environment?

    which of the following is not a legitimate method of influencing government policy in the interests of a business?

    .............................................is an ysis of statistics on birth and death rates, age structures of people and ethnic groups within a community. which word correctly completes the sentence?

    the stationery and printing company s co, has recently upgraded its computers and printers so that more production has become automated. many middle managers will now be made redundant. this is known as:

    in the context of 'best practice1 employment protection law, in which of the following circumstances is diissal of an employee automatically considered unfair?

    which of the following socio-cultural trends will have a direct impact on most business organisations? (i) increasing ethnic and religious ersity in populations (ii) falling birthrates (iii) focus on 'green' issues (iv) increase in single-member households

    porter's five forces model identifies factors which determine the nature and strength of competition in an industry. which of the following is not one of the five forces identified in porter's model?

    for what function in an organisation would demographic information about social class be most relevant?

    which of the following is a support activity in porter's value chain model?

    which of the following is not an element of fiscal policy?

    which of the following is associated with a negative public sector net cash requirement?

    ............................................. taxes are collected by the revenue authority from a business, which attempts to pass on the tax to consumers in the price of goods. which word correctly completes this statement? picklist:

    if a government has a macro-economic policy objective of expanding the overall level of economic activity, which of the following measures would not be consistent with such an objective? a increasing public expenditure b lowering interest rates c increasing taxation

    the currency in country x is the krone while country y uses the euro. country y has recently experienced an increase in its exchange rate with country x. which of the following effects is likely to result in country y?

    the following, with one exception, are 'protectionist measures' in international trade. which is the exception?

    monetary policy is a government economic policy relating to: 1 interest rates 2 taxation 3 public borrowing and spending 4 exchange rates which of the above are correct?

    which of the following organisations might benefit from a period of high price inflation?

    which of the following are the goals of macroeconomic policy? 1 encouraging economic growth 2 low unemployment 3 achievement of a balance between exports and imports 4 achieving zero inflation

    which of the following is an example of cyclical unemployment?

    in a free market economy, the price mechani:

    the supply curve of a firm operating in a competitive market is its

    a legal minimum price is set which is below the equilibrium price. what will be the impact of this?

    which one of the following would cause the supply curve for a good to shift to the right (outwards from the origin)?

    when the price of a good is held above the equilibrium price, the result will be

    which one of the following would not lead directly to a shift in the demand curve for overseas holidays?

    which of the following is likely to lead to a fall in the price of good q which is a normal good?

    which of the following is not a substitute for carpets?

    which of the following is not a complement to cars?

    which of the following statements about an organisation chart is not true?

    which of the following is a correct definition of 'span of control’?

    which of the following terms is not used by mintzberg in his description of organisational structure?

    y pic is a growing organisation which has recently ersified into a number of significant new product markets. it has also recently acquired another company in one of its overseas markets. what would be the most appropriate form of organisation for y pic?

    which of the following principles of classical management is challenged by matrix management?

    which of the following statements about the informal organisation is not true?

    which one of the following is an advantage of centralisation?

    which of the following statements is/are true? (i) an informal organisation exists within every formal organisation (ii) the objectives of the informal organisation are broadly the same as those of the formal organisation (iii) a strong, close-knit informal organisation is desirable within the formal organisation

    what is an organisation which has removed the internal barriers which separate hierarchy levels and functions and also between the organisation and its suppliers, customers and compes known as?

    which of the following statements are true? (i) with a shared service centre services are likely to be less tailored (ii) the it function is commonly provided using shared service approach (iii) a shared service centre is not part of the organisation a b c

    bz ness ltd is an organisation with a strongly traditional outlook. it is structured and managed according to classical principles: specialisation, the scalar chain of command, unity of command and direction. personnel tend to focus on their own distinct tasks, which are strictly defined and directed. communication is vertical, rather than lateral. discipline is much prized and enshrined in the rule book of the company. from the scenario, what sort of culture does bz ness ltd have, using harrison's classifications?

    which of the following statements is true?

    culture is the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one .............................................from another. which word or phrase most accurately completes the definition?

    which of the following is not one of the terms used by hofstede to describe a key dimension of culture?

    which is the 'deepest' set of underlying factors which determine culture, and the hardest to manage?

    who defined organisational culture as 'the set of shared, taken-for-granted implicit assumptions that a group holds and that determines how it perceives, thinks about and reacts to its environment'?

    research has indicated that workers in country a display characteristics such as toughness and the desire for material wealth and possessions, while workers in country b value personal relationships, belonging and the quality of life. according to hofstede's theory, these distinctions relate to which of the following cultural dimensions?

    the research and development (r & d) function of a business: (i) is primarily concerned with market research (ii) can improve existing products as well as developing completely new products (iii) has been less important for firms manufacturing computers to meet an industry standard than for those firms developing the next generation of computers (iv) is always undertaken under contract by specialist external consultancies which of the above statements are correct?

    services have certain qualities which distinguish them from products. because of their ............................................. ,physical elements such as vouchers, tickets, confirmations and merchandise are an important part of service provision. which of the following words most accurately completes the sentence?

    u ltd produces a portfolio of products and focuses its efforts and resources on persuading customers to buy them. this is an example of which type of 'orientation'?

    calum, heidi and jonas are managers for zip co. they have been told that their salary will be based on company performance and that a bonus scheme will also be introduced. the bonus will also be related to company performance. which of the following best describes the approach to governance that zip co is using?

    michael has been asked to prepare a presentation for the company directors on good corporate governance. which one of the following is he likely to exclude from his presentation?

    corporate governance is essentially of what significance?

    which of the following is a feature of poor corporate governance?

    the tasks of which body include: monitoring the chief executive officer; formulating strategy; and ensuring that there is effective communication of the strategic plan?

    which of the following would be included in the principles of corporate social responsibility? (i) human rights (ii) employee welfare (iii) professional ethics (iv) support for local suppliers

    which of the following is subject to the least direct regulation?

    in most countries, what is the usual purpose of codes of practice on corporate governance?

    who should set directors' reward and incentive packages, according to corporate governance provisions?

    what is the purpose of an operating and financial review (ofr)?

    which of the following is not an aim of internal controls?

    some controls are provided automatically by the system and cannot be by-passed, ignored or overridden: for example, having to input a password to enter a computer system. these are classified as ..............................................controls. which term correctly completes this statement?

    the mnemonic spamsoap is often used to remember the range of financial control procedures. what does the 'o' stand for in this mnemonic?

    which of the following is not an internal check?

    which of the following statements about internal audit is true?

    the use of uninterruptible (protected) power supplies is a method of protecting data and it systems from what sort of security threat?

    which of the following statements about external auditors is not correct?

    in the context of audit, what are 'substantive tests' designed to accomplish?

    which type of audit is concerned with the monitoring of management's performance, concentrating on the outputs of the system and the efficiency of the organisation?

    which of the following activities create vulnerability to fraud? (i) calculating payslips (ii) preparing delivery notes (iii) paying supplier invoices (iv) meeting budgets and performance targets

    x pic has a bad debt policy whereby aged receivables who are obviously not going to pay, are written off. the financial accountant does not enforce this policy. this might be fraudulent insofar as it creates which of the following effects?

    which of the following would most clearly present a personnel risk of fraud?

    which of the following internal controls might be least effective in preventing fraud, if staff are in collusion with customers?

    which of the following is not a key risk area for computer fraud?

    which two of the following stakeholders will be most directly affected if a business overstates its financial position? (i) staff (ii) customers (iii) investors (iv) suppliers

    only allowing purchasing staff to choose suppliers from an approved list is an example of what sort of fraud prevention measure?

    which of the following statements about fraud prevention is not true?

    leaders may be distinguished from managers by the fact that they do not depend on............................................. in the organisation. which of the following types of power correctly completes this statement?

    which of the following writers is not a member of the school of management thought to which the others belong?

    monica is a manager in the finance department of p co and she has several staff working for her. she has become quite friendly with most of her staff and they like her and appreciate that she does everything she can to attend to their needs. which type of managerial style does monica have?

    according to fielder, which of the following are true of psychologically distant managers? 1 they judge their staff on the basis of performance 2 they are primarily task-oriented 3 they prefer forma, consultation methods rather than seeking staff opinions 4 they are closer to their staff

    which of the following is not a technique of scientific management or taylori?

    what is the key contribution of the human relations approach to management?

    which of the following leadership styles gives the most discretion or decision-making power to subordinates?

    of mintzberg's nine managerial roles, which is being exercised by a manager who gathers information from contacts within and outside the organisation?

    which of the following terms is used to describe the 'right' to perform an action in an organisation?

    which of the following is an 'interpersonal' role of management, in mintzberg's classification of nine managerial roles?

    sound business arguments can be made for having an equal opportunities policy. which of the following reasons apply? 1 to show common decency and fairness in line with business ethics 2 to widen the recruitment pool 3 to attract and retain the best people for the job 4 to improve the organisation's image as a good employer

    which of the following correctly describes the purpose of current equal pay regulations?

    which of the following statements are true? 1 taking active steps to encourage people from disadvantaged groups to apply for jobs and training is classed as positive discrimination. 2 diversity in the workplace means implementing an equal opportunities policy.

    which of the following is a potential business benefit of a corporate ersity policy?

    which of the following statements about disability discrimination law is not true?

    the concept of............................................. is based on the belief that the dimensions of inidual difference on which organisations currently focus are crude and performance-irrelevant, and that an organisation should reflect the range of differences within its customer and labour markets. which words correctly complete this sentence?

    which of the following is most clearly a sign of an ineffective group?

    ........are mental states (made up of thoughts, feelings and intentions) which influence an inidual's response to all objects and situations with which they are related. which word correctly completes this definition?

    for which of the following applications is teamworking not best suited?

    if a team is bogged down in argument, and discussion is turning hostile, which of the following types of contribution would the team leader seek to discourage?

    grant is a member of a project team. his colleagues in the team rely on him to read and check complex project documentation. grant has a keen eye for detail and often identifies minor details in documents that others miss but may be of significance. despite the diligent approach, grant always meets his deadlines. however, some of grant's colleagues feel frustrated when he refuses to involve others. he can hold up progress as he will not agree to the team signing off project documents until all of his concerns are fully discussed. according to belbin's team roles theory, grant is an example of which of the following?

    in belbin's model of team roles, which of the following is most important for a well-functioning team?

    which of the following would be an effective technique for encouraging healthy team solidarity?

    which of the following is not a category in maslow's hierarchy of needs theory?

    keepham (hungary) co offers its employees: (i) sensible company policies (ii) good salaries and bonuses (iii) considerate supervision (iv) training programmes according to herzberg's two-factor theory, which of these things will satisfy employees in such a way as to motivate them to superior effort in the long-term?

    willy dewitt-ornott works in sales. there is always a sales competition at the year end and the winner is likely to be made team leader. willy's quite certain that he will be able to win and that he will have more responsibility, which he would like. but he would also have to work much longer hours, and he is quite reluctant to do this for family reasons. if an expectancy equation were used to assess willy's motivation to work hard at the end of the year, based on the information given, which of the following results would you expect to see?

    the five core dimensions which contribute to job satisfaction are skill variety, task identity, task significance,..............................................and feedback. which of the following is the dimension missing from the above list?

    participation can motivate employees by making them take 'ownership' of the task and increasing their commitment. in which of the following circumstances, however, would this not happen?

    application of process theories to motivation in practice involves all but one of the following measures. which is the exception?

    which of the following is a potential problem with inidual performance-related pay (prp) as a motivator?

    what name is given to the process whereby an inidual defines objectives and formulates action plans for learning with a view to improving his or her own effectiveness? a b c d

    jared is the leader of a virtual team which stays in contact via email. team members send all messages to jared, who forwards them to the rest of the network. which communication pattern is reflected in this situation?

    which of the following areas is not an advantage of using email as a communication tool?

    which of the following is not an attribute of communication through an informal organisational network or 'grapevine'?

    in the radio signal model, which of the following shows the correct order in which a message is tranitted?

    which of the following communication mechanis is designed to improve upward communication?

    what is the technical term given to a fault in the communication process where the meaning of the message is lost 'in translation1 from intention to language, or from language to understanding?

    which of the following best defines coaching?


    “一人之辩,重于九鼎之宝,三寸之舌,强于百万之师”出自司马迁的《史记》 。


    俗话说 “善言,能赢得听众;善听,才会赢得朋友”,所以,与人交谈,要少说多听。








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