


    which of the following is the symptom but not sign of the patient?

    when the nurse is collecting the health history data and doing physical examination in the ward, the correct standing position is standing at the

    the health history interview should be cut off if the patient

    the best way for the nurse to communicate with the patient is

    the main part of patients’ medical history is

    the depth of deep palpation usually is

    the best way to encourage the patient to talk about his/her condition is

    the best way to acquire accurate medical history during an interview is

    a male patient who is 56 years old is admitted to the hospital with diarrhea. the most appropriate question for the nurse to start with is

    which of the following palpation techniques helps to detect abdominal resistance?

    which of the following is commonly used for detecting abdominal tender points?

    the sound of percussion of a parenchymal organ covered by tissue with gas should be

    which kind of percussion note occurs on the patient with emphysema?

    in order to detect deep-seated abdominal masses and gastrointestinal lesions, which of the palpation method should be used?

    the patients’ history of present illness includes

    which of the following belongs to precipitating factors?

    under normal conditions, tympany can be heard on examination of

    under normal conditions, flatness can be heard on examination of

    which of the following is true regarding indirect percussion?

    which of the following group of lymph nodes is not located in head and neck areas?

    what kind of facies usually poses in patients with lobar pneumonia?

    what gait could be seen in patients with rickets?

    cyanosis is due to the change of hemoglobin which is

    which of the following statements does not conform to metastatic lymphadenopathy?

    please refer to the descriptions of a patient below and choose the name of the gait that best fits his conditions: the patient is diagnosed with cerebral palsy,when he walks,his gait is characterized by excessive adduction of lower limbs,his legs are crossed when moving.

    this is a patient with parkinson disease.when the patient begins to walk,his gait is characterized by all steps at slightly fast rate,stooped posture and difficulty in stopping after starting to walk. how would you describe this kind of gait?

    a patient visits you with a tired looking,with pallor and pale lips and tongue,the patient tells you that he feels exhausted after walking fast or climbing the stairs. what kind of appearance will you describe him?

    today entering the ward a patient with meningitis,when you are communicating with him,he seems indifferent and slow in understanding your would you describe his appearance?

    why does rickets could cause development problems among children?

    of those descriptions about sthenic type habitus,which of the following options is incorrect?

    this morning in the out-patient center comes a patient with mild ascites,his face is gloomy with brown pigmentation,with one spider angioma by the cheek.what kind of facies will you use to describe him?

    which of the following option is not included in the general examination?

    systematic enlargement of lymph nodes can be seen in those diseases except

    which of the following options could be the appropriate sites to help estimate the state of nutrition?

    cretini mainly occurred before maturation and often caused by

    passive position is seen in patients with

    in patient with trachoma,which part of the eye is mainly involved?

    when a patient is poisoned by organophosphorus,what will happen with his eyes?

    in the inspection of oral cavity,the palatine tonsils protrude beyond the palatopharyngeal arch but do not reach the midline.which of the following degree of tonsillar enlargment should be classified?

    in which of the following conditions can bilateral ptosis be detected?

    what is the border between the anterior and posterior triangle of the neck?

    which of the following disease could jugular vein distension suggest?

    what is not correct about the palpation of the thyroid?

    when we are trying to determine the enlargement of the thyroid,degree ii and degree iii are different because

    the swelling of parotid gland could happen when the patient is having those following diseases except

    bleeding of the gum could be caused by the following conditions except

    herpes on lip could be a sign of

    fissured tongue is characterized by deep grooves in the tongue and could be cause by

    pupillary dilation can be seen in which of the following conditions?(multiple choices)

    which of the following descriptions about koplik spot is correct

    which of the following is true regarding the examination of the jugular vein?

    which of the following is an important landmark to count ribs and intercostal spaces on the front chest?

    in the standing position with upper limbs falling naturally, inferior angle of scapula reaches which of the following spaces?

    which of the following is the three depression sign?

    increased tactile fremitus is seen in patients with which of the following conditions?

    dullness is not likely to be detected in patients with which of the following conditions?

    which of the following is the percussion sound of normal lung field?

    decreased chest breathing and increased abdominal breathing could be seen in :

    which of the following is the correct procedure of auscultation of lungs?

    in which of the following locations do coarse crackles mainly occur?

    in which of the following locations can pleural rubs be heard clearly?

    decrease or disappearance of respiratory movement could be seen in:

    thoracic local eminence could be seen in:

    the physical examination for mr. lin, a 58-year-old man, reveals the lateral and inferior displacement of the apical impulse. it suggests

    the most clinically significant sign of aortic stenosis is

    to distinguish hepatogenic ascites from cardiogenic ascites, the most reliable sign is

    which of the following can occur in pericardial effusion?

    which of the following can occur in hypertensive heart disease?

    systolic murmurs in aortic valve area can occur in

    organic systolic murmurs in apex can be heard in patients with

    which of the following murmurs will be more audible when the patient takes deep breath?

    which of the following murmurs will be more audible with the patient leaning forward?

    besides mitral stenosis, in which of the following can abnormally louder s1 be detected?

    the second aortic auscultation area is located

    murmurs of patients with patent ductus arteriosus are usually

    typical systolic murmurs of aortic stenosis are

    the increased intensity of a2 can not occur in

    louder s1 in heart auscultation can not occur in

    the right percussion orders of cardiac dull resonance border are

    which of the following valve diseases can produce diastolic murmurs?

    the correct order of abdomen assesent should be

    liver span is the distance between upper and lower bounds of the liver in the right when you percuss along the midclavicular line, the normal range is

    the upper bound of liver dullness space disappears and is replaced by tympany. this can be found in

    shifting dullness in abdomen suggests

    which is the palpable organ in normal assesent?

    rebound tenderness in abdomen indicates that

    gallbladder enlargement and tenderness to palpation are found in abdominal assesent, which is the most likely diagnosis?

    when auscultate the abdomen of a young man, succession splash in abdominal assesent is heard. which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

    in abdominal inspection, gastrointestinal pattern and peristalsis could be seen in

    epigastric pulsation could be found in

    which of the following can not be heard in normal abdominal auscultation?

    which of the following descriptions are right about auscultation of bowel sounds?

    which of the following is scoliosis that can be corrected by changing posture?

    spinal cord diseases often lead to which of the following signs or diseases?

    which of the following does not belong to the ataxia examination?

    which of the following diseases is common in festination gait?

    which of the following is (are)not deep reflex(reflexes)?

    babinski sign is due to which of the following parts is damaged?

    which of the following is not a superficial reflex?

    which of the following is not a deep reflex?

    if a patient shows level 2 in the muscle strength assesent, then his/her performance meets which of the following?

    which of the following is a typical manifestation of a positive babinski sign?

    if a patient shows level 4 in the muscle strength assesent, then his/her performance meets which of the following?

    which of the following is not included in the exercise function test?

    which pair of cranial nerves innervates the facial expression muscles?

    regarding the physiological curvatures of the spine, which of the following is (are)forward?

    which of the following is a superficial reflex?

    when checking muscle strength, which of the following descriptions about the patient is correct?

    which of the following is a meningeal irritation sign?

    in which of the following conditions can impulsive headache occur?

    in which of the follow conditions can headache with violent vomiting occur?

    pain of angina can radiate to

    which of the following is a cause of chest pain, but not a disease of the chest wall?

    which of the following disorders of consciousness is the least severe one?

    which of the following belongs to the first role?

    the basic method for mental health assesent is

    factors that affect the clients’ reaction include

    which of the following are the mechanis of edema?

    which of the following conditions are edema?

    lead i is a standard lead, where should the electrodes be placed?

    which of the following are true concerning the waveforms of ecg?

    which of the following indicate ventricular repolarization?

    standard leads include:

    premature beats could be seen in

    complete compensatory pause could be seen in

    1.what type of tachycardia for the following ecg is? 2. what type of tachycardia for the following ecg is?

    routine blood test does not include

    which of the following description meets the characteristics of leakage ?

    oliguria means that the urine volume within 24 hours is less than

    which of the following result of blood examinations is abnormal?

    which of the following statement indicates liver cells seriously damaged as well as a poor prognosis?

    which of the following statements about collection procedure of stool is wrong?

    regarding the examination of red blood cells, which of the following statement is incorrect?

    which of the following condition will cause the increase the eosinophil count:

    in the urine microscopic examination, some white blood cell casts are found, most probably this may indicate:

    which of the following conditions will cause soy sauce urine?

    which of the following conditions does not show a decrease in red blood cells and hemoglobin?

    which of the following element could exist in the urine of a healthy person?

    under which of the following condition will the patient be tested positive for serum afp(alpha-fetoprotein)?

    which of the following indicators can be used to assess red blood cell morphology?

    regarding the examination of stool, which of the following statements is correct?

    which of the following is the normal sound of percussion of the lung fields?

    the best way to deal with the patient who digresses from the topic during a health history interview is

    the decreased intensity of s2 usually occurs in

    for abdominal examination, which is the best way to distinguish between tenderness of lesions in the abdominal wall and the abdominal organs?

    mild coma can present

    if a patient shows level 2 in the muscle strength assesent, then his/her performance meets which of the following?

    which of the following description does not meet the characteristics of exudate?

    which of the following result of blood examinations is abnormal?

    which of the following statements regarding subcutaneous emphysema are correct?

    which of the following are right about liver palpation?

    local enlargement of lymph nodes can be seen in those diseases except

    which of the following descriptions about koplik spot is not correct?

    which of the following do not belong to meningeal irritation sign?

    (2012年)根据企业所得税法律制度的规定,在境内未设立机构、场所的非居民企业从境内取得的下列所得中,应以收入全额为应纳税所得额的有( )。

    根据《票据法》的有关规定,持票人行使最初追索权,可以请求被追索人就下列金额和费用予以清偿的有( )。

    甲、乙、丙、丁拟共同投资设立一个有限合伙企业,甲、乙为普通合伙人,丙、丁为有限合伙人。各合伙人经协商后草拟了一份合伙协议。该合伙协议的下列约定中,符合《合伙企业法》规定的是( )。

    甲公司、乙公司与刘某、谢某欲共同设立一个注册资本为200万元的有限责任公司,他们在拟订公司章程时约定各自的出资方式中,不符合公司法律制度规定的有( )。

    证券监督管理机构应当自受理基金管理公司募集申请之日起( )作出批准或者不予批准的决定。

    注册会计师甲、乙、丙共同出资设立一个特殊的普通合伙制的会计师事务所。甲、乙在某次审计业务中,因故意出具不实审计报告被判决由会汁师事务所赔偿当事人80万元。根据《合伙企业法》的规定,下列有关该赔偿责任承担的表述中,正确的是( )。

    某个人独资企业违反法律规定,应当对甲承担20000元民事赔偿责任,同时又被处以18000元罚款、15000元罚金、没收财产10000元,而此时该个人独资企业仅有财产12000元。根据规定,该个人独资企业的财产应先( )。

    甲中合资公司2004年业务收入总额为2000万元,其应酬费实际扣除600万元,税法允许扣除的应酬费为( )万元。

    2014年5月8日,甲公司与乙公司签订了买卖电脑的合同,双方约定总价款为80万元。6月3日,甲公司就80万元货款全额开具了增值税专用发票,6月10日,甲公司收到乙公司第一笔货款45万元,6月25日,甲公司收到乙公司第二笔货款35万元。根据增值税法律制度的规定,甲公司增值税纳税义务发生时间为( )

    根据《合伙企业法》的规定,合伙人发生的下列情形中,属于当然退伙的有( )。

    股份有限公司的董事、高级管理人员执行公司职务时违反法律、行政法规或者公司章程的规定,给公司造成损失的,具备-定资格的股东可以向提讼。该具备-定资格的股东是指( )。

    根据增值税法律制度的规定,下列各项中,免征增值税的有( )。

    纳税人外购和委托加工收回下列( )应税消费品,用于连续生产应税消费品的,已缴纳的消费税税款准予从应纳的消费税额中抵扣。

    下列有关建设工程合同的说法中,正确的是( )

    the self-introduction speech is usually called at __________.

    a monologue, as a form of self-introduction speech, means __________.

    your self-introduction speech should be __________.

    there are some helpful tips for self-introduction except __________.

    when you introduce yourself in academic settings, you __________.

    if you are an outsider to the audience, it’s much better that the person introducing you is __________.

    in order to ensure the introduction sounds authentic, the introducer should __________.

    __________ is effective when trying to connect with an audience.

    what is the best way if you want to know what to keep and what to cut from your introduction?

    what moments of a presentation are precious?

    ____________ can correct themselves and change their utterances as they go along.

    __________ is used for immediate interactions.

    __________ tends to be more complex and intricate.

    there is more need for ____________ to explain things clearly and unambiguously.

    __________ can use tone to add emotional context.

    while doing presentation you should try your best to make it __________.

    which of the following sayings is more formal? ____________

    model adjectives can help audience understand the ________ of the presenter.

    when you do presentations, you should use discourse markers to serve the following purposes except __________.

    in order to build relationship, we usually start with ___________.

    what is a good way to start a conversation?

    which of the following topics is not appropriate?

    what is a large part of your networking goals?

    job hunting outside of academia is driven by _______________ .

    if you want to leave deep impression on somebody, you’d better make sure to have _______ before the conference.

    remember not to ___________________ when you sit next to some people.

    if there are communal meals, you’d better _____________.

    what does “network solo” mean?

    you’d better arrive early instead of entering an already crowded room, because ____________.

    it is suggested that you should _______________ .

    what does “a soft ask” mean?

    when you just communicate with people you know at a conference, we often call it __________.

    people should consider the conference as science camp and go into it with a(n) __________ attitude.

    you’d better take enough clothes with you even if the conference is held in florida in august, because __________.

    when you really need a laptop, __________.

    in order to save money, you can __________.

    which of the following statements about “performance anxiety” is correct?

    performance anxiety can be caused when _______________________.

    what does the sentence “you have butterflies in your stomach” mean?

    which of the following statements is positive thought?

    in order to control the anxiety levels, people can ____________.

    before the presentation, it can be better to have _____________.

    when do people feel particularly nervous?

    when people make the presentation, they can use ______________ to reduce the nervousness.

    ______________ can relieve tension.

    in order to let the audience know the important part of your presentation, you can _____________.

    if you want to attract the audience, you can use an emotional word, such as _____________, to describe a new way.

    you’d better avoid providing _____________ as “brain food”, because it can’t help the audience focus on your presentation.

    who should make the presentation exciting to the audience?

    what is the first human connection we can have with another person?

    in order to show you prepare your presentation quite well, you’d better __________.

    in terms of visual channels, what is often underestimated?

    when a person crosses his hands, it means __________.

    1. in order to keep focused, you should not make your presentation _____________.

    because audiences have short attention spans, you’d better ___________.

    you can keep your presentation visually engaging because the audiences ___________.

    if possible, you’d better get familiar with the following elements about the actual room, except ___________.

    what should i do to attract the audience’s attention?

    how should i stand when i make a presentation?

    how should i speak when i make a presentation?

    how do i respond to questions when you make a presentation?

    who will provide some funding for students to attend a conference?

    if you are not interested in some titles or abstracts in the plenary sessions, ______________.

    who will attend an academic conference in general?

    what is a formal meeting where participants are experts in their fields?

    __________ has the function of bringing together all groups for recurring meetings where everyone needs to participate actively.

    we call this type of meeting __________ during which participants have limited amount of time to address the group and have more hands-on experience with demonstrations and activities.

    which of the following is not among the reasons why people attend academic conferences?

    below are some reasons why academic conferences matter a lot more to doctoral students except ___________ .

    it is found that if people add a visual aid to their presentation, ______________.

    why should we use the same font for each image?

    in order to produce high quality visuals, you should _____________.

    when people are showing a visual, they should ______________.

    what are closely related to culture?

    sometimes when people feel nervous, they _______________.

    when people talk with each other, they should ________________.

    which of the following nonverbal behaviors is appropriate when people make a presentation?

    body language consists of gesture, facial expression, and ____________.

    the most effective gestures arise from _____________.

    what is the most important element in facial expression?

    keeping your hands in pockets indicates that you are ____________.

    which of the following body language is the signal of defensiveness?

    ____________ can make you look professional.

    when people feel uncomfortable, they may __________.

    people should use ___________ on power point slides instead of full sentences.

    if you participate an academic conference for the first time, you can ____________ to academic presentations.

    people should spend about 10 minutes ____________ with a 15-minute presentation.

    people should __________ to ensure that their presentation is good.

    for a fifteen-minute talk, people should have ____________ pages of material.

    people should keep their presentation simple and straightforward because ___________.

    why shouldn’t people practice their presentation too much before the actual session?

    when moving from one idea to another, people should remember to __________.

    if people don’t understand a question from the audience, they can _____________.

    if people want to leave or exit if necessary during a presentation, they should _____________.

    sometimes what really annoys the presenters?

    how many key points would be sufficient, if people plan to make a 10-15-minute presentation?

    what will add clarity to your argument?

    if the presentation is short, the presenter ____________.

    at the beginning of a presentation, the presenter ___________.

    the introduction should include the name, ____________ and sometimes the reason why the person is an expert on his topic.

    it’s good to use ____________ to make the introduction easy to understand.

    ___________ is the most important part of the presentation.

    to outline the key points of the topic can ____________.

    sometimes it is usual to go so in-depth on topics the presenter knows well that ___________.

    when people use __________ such as a signal to the end, it can make the structure much clearer.

    which part of the presentation do the audience tend to remember?

    in fact, the entire presentation can depend on __________ the presenter makes.

    when the presenter announces to end the presentation, he had better __________.

    it is helpful for the presenter to ______________ while making a conclusion.

    remember to __________ because the presenter only has a limited amount of time for the presentation.

    people can begin with an amusing story in the introduction, in order to __________.

    the presenter can __________ so that the audience have enough time to take notes.

    research data is collected for ____________ in order to produce original research results.

    qualitative data is information that __________.

    what are the two most effective strategies mentioned in this lecture for presenting data and graphs?

    it’s perfectly fit for people to __________ to describe trends, to make a comparison or to show relationships between two or more items.

    __________ are designed to visualize how a whole is ided into various parts.

    line graphs represent __________.

    which of the following statements is true?

    if people try to describe diagrams clearly, they should __________.

    the best way to present your data in a pie chart is ______________.

    before creating charts for your presentations, you should determine what data you’re going to show and design the visuals ___________.

    if the presentation is too simple for the audience, they _____________.

    if the audience seems a little shy, _______________ before they ask them in front of the whole audience.

    do remember to answer every question clearly and ______________.

    if the presenter covers every aspect of the topic, _______________.

    the phrase “to open up the floor to question” means _______________.

    when the audience are not familiar with the presentation, _______________.

    during the q&a session ____________.

    generally speaking, what time is appropriate for the presenter to invite questions?

    why do many presenters fear the q&a session?

    what is the first step when responding to questions?

    if questions are too difficult to answer, the presenter should ___________.

    when the presenter gets a question from the audience, he should _________.

    when the presenter answers a question, he had better not __________.

    if the presenter runs out of questions before he runs out of time, he should __________.

    if the presenter gives defensive answers, sometimes it shows he is __________.

    by asking questions, you can become ___________.

    which of the following does not help if you want to ask questions?

    which of the following questions is not about challenging the presenter’s interpretations or to suggest other possibilities?

    what must be included in a poster?

    what can a poster achieve?

    what should be avoided for the poster design tips?

    too many fonts can look __________.

    the poster should be organized into a logical structure that is recognizable at a glance in order to __________.

    what is the first step in producing a great poster?

    __________ is the easiest to read in designing the text for a poster.

    one of the unique challenges about poster sessions is that __________.

    if the presenter just reads off his poster, __________.

    as visitors come into the room, the presenter should __________.

    presenting the poster is actually a form of ___________.

    if the audience is asked if he understands your research or not, he or she will feel ___________.

    dressing in ____________ clothing is a good idea for poster session.

    if visitors ask some unfriendly questions, it is better to _____________.

    one of the unique challenges about poster sessions is that __________.

    if the presenter just reads off his poster, __________.

    the poster should be organized into a logical structure that is recognizable at a glance in order to __________.

    what is the first step in producing a great poster?

    when the presenter answers a question, he had better not __________.

    what is the first step when responding to questions?

    if questions are too difficult to answer, the presenter should ___________.

    generally speaking, what time is appropriate for the presenter to invite questions?

    do remember to answer every question clearly and ______________.

    if the presenter covers every aspect of the topic, _______________.

    if people try to describe diagrams clearly, they should __________.

    before creating charts for your presentations, you should determine what data you’re going to show and design the visuals ___________.

    __________ are designed to visualize how a whole is ided into various parts.

    line graphs represent __________.

    qualitative data is information that __________.

    people can begin with an amusing story in the introduction, in order to __________.

    the presenter can __________ so that the audience have enough time to take notes.

    when the presenter announces to end the presentation, he had better __________.

    it is helpful for the presenter to ______________ while making a conclusion.

    sometimes it is usual to go so in-depth on topics the presenter knows well that ___________.

    which part of the presentation do the audience tend to remember?

    at the beginning of a presentation, the presenter ___________.

    people should keep their presentation simple and straightforward because ___________.

    why shouldn’t people practice their presentation too much before the actual session?

    when moving from one idea to another, people should remember to __________.

    if people don’t understand a question from the audience, they can _____________.

    people should spend about 10 minutes ____________ with a 15-minute presentation.

    for a fifteen-minute talk, people should have ____________ pages of material.

    ____________ can make you look professional while making an oral presentation.

    what are the possible reasons why people attend academic conferences?

    in order to produce high quality visuals, you should not ______.

    body language consists of __________.

    when people talk with each other, they should not ________.

    which of the following questions are about challenging the presenter’s interpretations or to suggest other possibilities?

    quantitative data is information that _________.

    when the presenter gets a question from the audience, he shouldn’t _______ .

    which of the following are helpful if you want to ask questions?

    what are the effective poster design tips?

    which of the following should be included in a poster?

    the self-introduction cannot be too serious, but can be sweet and funny.

    the self-introduction will play an important role in how people perceive you.

    even if you provide the note to the introducer, you should also check for inaccuracies in advance.

    self-depreciating humor is a quite safe type of humor.

    spoken language tends to be more complex than written one with longer sentences.

    writers can get immediate feedback from their readers, without computer-based communication.

    although the phrasal verbs are not used in a formal presentation, they do make presentations more natural.

    when we speak, our sentences should be complete and grammatical in spoken english.

    if there are communal meals, sit with people you are familiar with.

    if you are issuing an invitation to dinner, you can suggest a location that fits within your budget.

    you can have a few key meetings already set up, you’ll feel less overwhelmed when attending the conference alone.

    performance anxiety can impair your ability to prepare effectively for the conference.

    you can get rid of your nerves completely, when you have a deep breath.

    you’d better have a cold drink before you start your presentation.

    you can provide your friends with constructive feedback so that they can improve their presentation.

    if you speak less than the time permitted, the audience will not be happy.

    using silence effectively can make the audience have the chance to catch up with your sentence.

    you can attract the audience’s attention by using numbers.

    some food like green tea, cashews or donuts can keep the audience concentrate.

    don’t look the audience in the eye, because it will make everyone nervous.

    one's body language is often overestimated at the presentation.

    proper pose can make the presenter cheer up.

    a speaker crosses his hands or legs, which can express his anxiety to communicate.

    people usually hate being ignored and drawing attention to themselves.

    being familiar with the surroundings has a positive effect on your presentation.

    like a performance, a presentation should be given a more dynamic appeal.

    professional conference should be only held by professors at universities in specific area.

    many universities provide all funding for students who present at a conference.

    an academic conference usually includes refreshments and entertainment.

    attending important international conferences can help people achieve academic reputation in academic circles.

    the visual aid can help the audience remember your presentation better.

    when you’re showing a visual, be sure to keep your attention focused on it.

    people can hardly identify the difference between a ile, a wink, and a blank stare.

    it is a negative nonverbal behavior to stare at the notes all the time.

    if the presenter wants to emphasize a point, he can use his hands appropriately.

    hiding your hands displays that you’re not confident at the presentation.

    you can put your presentation on the slides and read from the slides.

    if you have ten minutes to present, prepare more than ten minutes of material.

    rehearsing a few times in front of a friend will boost your confidence.

    the all conference makes meeting and socializing with new people more possible and less awkward.

    the presenter should select his points according to the time allotment.

    the presenter can get the audience involved by asking questions.

    it is necessary to give a clear signal before getting into the summary.

    if a q-&-a session follows your presentation, stop talking when the questions are done.

    the presenter can begin with an amusing story to capture the audience’s attention.

    diagrams are designed to visualize how a whole is ided into various parts.

    in fact, many people are interested in tables of numbers.

    naming each visual element is a good to describe diagrams.

    the presenter should cover every aspect of his topic in the presentation so that the audience can ask questions.

    the presenter can take the initiative to invite questions from the audience.

    chinese participants in a conference often keep silent, usually because they don’t have any questions.

    as audience people had better ask at least one question for each presentation.

    many presenters fear the q & a session at the end of their presentation because they can’t remember the questions.

    the simplest thing you can do to prepare for questions is to predict them.

    the presenter should answer every question in details.

    acknowledgements and contact information are not required in a poster.

    the colors of the poster should be carefully chosen.

    when making posters, people should give careful consideration to not only their content but also their visual appearance.

    people can keep a balance between talking in more depth with a few people and talking in less depth with more people.

    dressing in formal clothing is a good idea for the poster presentation.

    the most effective gestures arise from ________.

    __________ is the most important element in facial expression.

    we use the same font for each image in order to keep the images _______.

    a _______ is a formal meeting where participants are experts in their fields.

    a __________ has the function of bringing together all groups for recurring meetings where everyone needs to participate actively.

    we call this type of meeting a __________ during which participants have limited amount of time to address the group and have more hands-on experience with demonstrations and activities.

    a __________ is usually held once a year and will invite leaders in the special fields to make speeches.

    __________ is the first human connection we can have with another person.

    people feel particularly nervous at the _______ of a presentation.

    performance anxiety can be caused when people consider too much the ________ of audience to their presentation.

    when people are very anxious, we say “they have ________ in their stomach”.

    when you just communicate with people you know at a conference, we often call it __________ participating.

    “talking to _______ people” strategy is usually adopted when people attend the conference alone.

    “to network solo” means socializing _______.

    “a soft ask” usually means an invitation to ______.

    in order to build relationship, we usually start with a little _______ talk.

    if you are an outsider to the audience, it’s much better that the person introducing you is an _________.

    ________ is the best way if you want to know what to keep and what to cut from your introduction.

    if the presenter runs out of questions before he runs out of time, he should __________ up as soon as possible.











    某商品住宅项目的土地取得费用、开发成本、管理费用、销售费用、投资利息、销售税金分别为600万元、900万元、50万元、60万元、150万元、120万元,投资利润率为20%,则成本利润率为( )。

    在某宗房地产估价中,三个可比实例房地产对应的比准价分别是6800元/㎡、6700元/㎡和6300元/㎡,根据可比性综合评估得到的三个可比实例对应的比准价的权重分别是0.3、0.5和0.2。如果分别采用加权算术平均法和中位数法测算最终的比准价,则前者与后者的差值是( ) 元/㎡。

    在同一个市场上的类似房地产,价格相互牵制,相互接近。 ( )

    市场法适用的对象有( )。

    房地产不仅在转让、租赁、抵押、征收、分割、损害赔偿、税收、保险等活动需要估价,而且房地产估价还普遍提供房地产咨询顾问服务,其他资产估价主要限于价值评估本身。 ( )

    在运用移动平均法时,一般应按照房地产价格变化的( )进行移动平均。

    服务的行为尚未结束的,估价档案应保存至估价服务的行为结束为止。( )

    某宗房地产交易的买卖双方约定,买方付给卖方2659元/m2,买卖中涉及的税费均由卖方负担。据悉,该地区房地产买卖中卖方应缴纳的税费为正常成交价格的68%,买方应缴纳的税费为正常成交价格的39%。若买卖双方又重新约定买卖中涉及的税费全由买方负担,并在原价基础上相应凋整买方付给卖方的价格,则调整后买方应付给卖方的价格为( )元/m2。

    用距离来评价某宗房地产的交通便捷程度,一般不宜采用的距离是( )

    估价报告经审核合格之后,由负责该估价项目的至少( )注册房地产估价师签名,并加盖估价机构公章,以估价机构的名义出具。

    税收是影响房地产价格的制度政策因素之一,在买方市场条件下减少房地产开发环节的税收会使房地产价格下降。( )

    下列估价中,估价时点应为现在、估价对象应为未来状况的是( )。

    根据求取建筑物重新购建价格中的建筑安装工程费的方法来区分,求取建筑物重新购建价格的方法有( )。

    如果希望快速地找到autoexec、bat文件,应择( )方式。

    企业在财产清查中盘盈的存货,报经批准后,应计人当期的营业外收入。( )

    “有借必有贷”是指任何一笔经济业务都应在一个账户的借方(或贷方)和另 一个账户的贷方(或借方),或者一个账户的借方(或贷方)和另几个账户的贷方(或 借方)同时进行登记。( )

    某小区新增住户2%,每家住户用电量比上年提高了5%,则该小区用电量总额增长( )。

    由样本统计量来估计总体参数的方法主要有( )。

    某公司年末资产负债表列示的流动资产总额为215万元,其中存货为108万元,流动负债总额为120万元。则该企业年末速动比率为( )。

    现金流量表是以现金为基础编制的。这里的现金是广义的现金概念,是指现金及现金等价物。( )

    在管理浮动汇率制度下,当市场汇率高于目标汇率时,货币当局应当在外汇市场( )。

    只要通货膨胀率低,不一定是爬行的通货膨胀;只要通货膨胀率高,就一定是 恶性的通货膨胀。( )

    消费函数和储蓄函数的关系( )。

    以下关于均衡价格的说法不正确的是( )

    财务报表某项目的省略或错报会影响使用者据此做出经济决策,是指该项目具有( )。

    双重性质账户是兼有资产和负债、所有者权益两种性质的账户,其账户的期末余额只可能在借方。( )

    在其他条件不变的情况下,假如生产某种商品所需原材料的价格上升,则该商品( )

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