



    四杆机构中有可能产生死点位置的机构有哪些?它们发生死点位置的条件是什么? 举例说明死点的危害,以及死点在机械工程中的应用。


    图示铰链四杆机构中,已知 bc= 50 mm,cd= 35 mm,ad= 30 mm,ad为机架。 问: 1)若此机构为曲柄摇杆机构,且ab为曲柄,求 ab 的最大值。 2)若此机构为双曲柄机构,求 ab 的范围。 3)若机构为双摇杆机构,求 ab 的范围。

    常用的从动件运动规律有哪几种?各有什么特点? 如何画出其位移线图?

    第一代导游人员出现于1923年8月上海商业储备银行的旅游部组建之时,至今经历了四个发展阶段。( )

    1846年,托马斯·库克亲自带领一个旅行团到苏格兰旅行,并为该团配备了向导,这是世界上第一次有商业性导游陪同的旅游活动,导游服务作为一种职业正式登上了历史舞台。( )

    全程陪同导游人员是指接受具有出境旅游业务经营权的国际旅行社的委派,全权代表该旅行社带领旅游团从事出境旅游业务的工作人员。( )

    2016年8月旅游局下发《关于深化导游体制改革加强导游队伍建设的意见》,取消导游资格证三年有效的规定,明确导游资格证终身有效。( )

    我国国内、入境和出境三大旅游市场中,目前占有量最大的是出境旅游市场。( )

    导游人员服务质量的优劣,直接影响着旅游产品的销售和、城市的形象。这充分体现了导游服务的信息反馈作用。( )

    导游人员按照业务员范围可以分为出境领队、全程陪同导游人员、地方导游陪同人员和景区景点讲解员。( )

    地方陪同导游人员应根据旅游接待计划安排的日程,结合旅游者的特点以及全程导游额人员或领队的建议统筹制定旅游团在当地的旅游活动日程。( )

    地方导游员在迎接服务中,主要包含三项内容为:熟悉接待计划、迎接旅游和途中导游。( )

    地方导游员在出发迎接旅游团之前,在旅游者集中后,应该请全程陪同导游员清点人数。( )

    地方导游员在与旅游团或其领队核商日程时,发现地接社发给的接待计划于旅游团领队或全陪出示的旅游计划之间存在明显的差异,应该以地方导游员的接待计划为准。( )

    在沿途导游过程中,地方导游员应做好两项工作:重申当日活动安排和沿途风光导游。( )

    在游览中的导游讲解中,地方导游员应把景点讲解与引导游览结合起来,在集中讲解后,给旅游者留有自由游览的时间。( )

    在购物前,地方导游员应向旅游者讲清在商店的停留时间及购物的注意事项。( )

    在送站服务中,如果旅游团乘坐的是国际航班,地方导游员应该提前2小时把旅游团送达机场。( )

    在一般情况下,地方导游员需要保管旅游团的证件。( )

    在景点游览时,全陪与地陪应分工协作,全陪带团前行,地陪应殿后,招呼滞后的旅游者,并不时清点人数,以防走失。( )

    负责保证旅游计划的落实,作为国内组团社的代表,因而在整个旅游活动中起主导作用的是全陪。( )

    地陪接了一旅游团,团队预计2月14日上午10:30抵达机场,由于乘地铁到机场只需要10分钟,所以地陪应于2月14日上午10:00从家出发前往机场接机。( )

    旅行团在向异地城市移动过程中,全陪主要的任务是提醒旅游者注意人身和财物的安全。( )

    受接待旅行社委派,代表该接待社实施旅程接待计划的导游人员是( )。

    旅游团商定好第二天的出发时间后,由( )通知饭店总台办理旅游团的叫早手续。

    领队手中的计划与地陪的接待计划有部分出入时,地陪首先应( )。

    每日参观游览服务中,地陪应该提前( )分钟到达地点。

    地陪做风情介绍时应包括本地概况、人口、行政区域划分、社会生活、文化传统、土特产品、历史沿革、( )等,并在适当时间向旅游者分发导游图。

    旅游者抵达后才提出饮食禁忌,导游员应尽量满足,如果处理确有困难,导游员可将餐费退还旅游者,让其自行解决。( )

    某旅游团内两名游客产生矛盾,其中一名游客要求单独用餐,地陪应耐心做好劝说工作,并请领队协调。( )

    一名日本游客因某个要求得不到满足而提出提前离团时,导游员可以让其自行办理分离签证及其他离团手续,所需费用由旅游者自理。( )

    下列关于握手的顺序,正确的是( )。

    游客提出住更高标准的房间时,导游员的正确做法是( )。

    旅游团中一游客与同室客人发生矛盾,要求住单间,导游人员的下列做法不正确的是( )。

    一名海外游客在离境前一天晚上找导游员,希望导游员帮她把一件贵重礼品转交给当地的朋友。面对此要求,导游员首先应( )。

    旅游者的下列要求中,导游员必须满足,否则就是违约的是( )。

    下列哪个自然保护区属于综合型的自然保护区( )。

    按湖泊的成因分类,长白山天池、镜泊湖、滇池分别属于( )。

    庐山位于( )。

    岩体为火山流纹岩的旅游名山是( )。

    九寨沟风景区位于( )。

    导游证的有效期为( )年。

    在取得初级导游等级以后,具有大专以上学历的取得导游证满( )年,报考前3年内实际带团不少于( )个工作日,经导游知识专题、汉语言文学知识或外语,合格者晋升为中级导游员。

    旅游者消费旅游产品的主要组成部分和地陪服务工作的中心环节是( )。

    维护旅游者合法权益最为核心的是( )。

    导游服务竞赛内容不包括( )。

    in , strategic and operational decisions are decentralized to the separate business units and management within the inidual countries.

    believes that local nationals are in the best position to work in the branch companies. local culture and customs are highly respected.

    are the employees who are not from home country/host country but are employed at subsidiary or corporate headquarters.

    we adopt to yze the external environment of an organization.

    what are the objectives of hrm?

    what are the differences between international and domestic human resource management?

    human resource management viewed employees as a cost and regarded payment and coercion as the major motivational methods.

    human resource management is the process of acquiring, training, appraising, and compensating employees, and of attending to their labor relations, health and safety, and fairness concerns.

    an american mnc which has a subsidiary at india employs a french person as the ceo to the subsidiary, the frenchman employed is a home country employee.

    the strategic human resource management is the strategic approach to the effective management of people in an organization, so that it helps the business to gain the competitive advantages.

    in cross-cultural training process, social adaptation can be affected by a number of factors including culture distance, communication and inidual variables, such as .

    for companies in high power distance cultures, top managers often prefer to use subjective decisions to assess .

    culture is made up of basic assumptions and , policies, procedures and behavioral conventions that are shared by a group of people.

    in the high uncertainty avoidance cultures, jobs are defined in specific details avoid ambiguities. dynamic work assignments are not preferred but are often favored.

    people in high certainty avoidance country, such as japan, often have systems linked to seniority and internal equity.

    in collectivistic or high power distance cultures countries, promotion decisions is basically made more on than task-related outcomes.

    according to edward t. hall, culture is like an iceberg, 10 percent of which is to observe, understand and repeat.

    in high uncertainty avoidance culture, like japan, external recruitment is preferred to internal recruitment.

    in cross-cultural training process, language can have a important impact on social adaptation.

    hofstede proposes culture is like an onion, having a set of four layers and each layer is independent from each other.

    the results of the hawthorne test shows that the most important factor affecting production efficiency is at work.

    which of the following statements about maslow's hierarchy of needs is true?

    believes that workers do not have ambition and do not like work. whenever possible, they will shirk responsibility.

    employees in take on managerial roles and help better the company rather than oversee apprentices like in the mentor stage.

    are content-based human resource motivational theories.

    maslow's hierarchy of needs include .

    motivation is an employee’s desire to perform their role. it often linked to the outcome and any reward.

    one of the principles in the taylor's scientific management theory is that managers should scientifically select and train workers.

    when employees are dissatisfied with work, they often complain about motivational factors such as company policies, relationships, working conditions and so on.

    the goal-setting theory concentrates on effort-performance relationship, performance-reward relationship, rewards-personal goals relationship.

    which of the following is not the step of the selection of expatriates?

    could be traditional called “temporaries” hired from an agency, leased or rented managers or specialists, or a whole task or project completed by an external firm?

    which of the following is the traditional types of international employees?

    to become successful expatriates, one needs to have the ability to ______.

    what are the functions of expatriates?

    what can affect expatriates to adapt to the new environment?

    expatriates with behavioral flexibility can be easier to be accustomed to the job in general.

    third-country nationals, which refers to the citizens of a country other than the parent country or the country of the subsidiary to work in one of its foreign subsidiaries.

    interviews with the international assignee and his or her spouse/partner. it would be better to select most of the employees from the home office.

    is a process of receiving and welcoming employees when they first join a company and giving them the basic information they need to settle down quickly and happily and start work.

    means that the staff work in the company and one day per week they attend a local college or training center for the theoretical learning.

    which of the following is not the objective of career development?

    what are the steps of designing a successful training program?

    the training of the expatriates should cover .

    among training techniques, advantages of lecture way include getting the audience to participate actively in learning; giving people an opportunity of learning from the experience of others.

    job rotation belongs to off-the-job management training. in this method, management trainees move from department to department to broaden their understanding of all parts of the business.

    the design, structure, content and focus of cross-cultural training programs depend on factors such as the inidual’s cultural background, culture-specific features of the host country environment, and the inidual’s degree of contact with the host environment.

    didactic training refers to learning on the job, involving assignments to the host culture directly or to a ‘micro-culture’.

    appraisal is often used to establish areas for improvement and training needs, and it is the systematic review and assesent of an employee’s performance and ______.

    which of the following is not the benefits of appraisal?

    some employees consider appraisal a form-filling exercise to satisfy the personnel department. in this case, the appraisal process is treated ______.

    what is the importance of appraisal?

    what are the techniques often used in an appraisal system?

    the organizational structure about appraisal may consist of senior managers, human resource managers and employees and line supervisors.

    in some companies, the appraisal usually is a friendly chat, and many managers embarrassed by the need to give feedback and set stretching targets. therefore, it is a good way to reduce stress.

    objectives and results-orientated schemes regard performance against specific targets and standards of performance agreed in advance and take the working process into considerations.

    grading, as an effective way to appraise employees, adding a comparative frame of reference to the general guidelines.

    employee appraisal can be regarded as a tool, aiming to influence employee behavior and maximize

    doesn’t belong to the external factor that influences compensation.

    pays for the employees’ depth, and types of skills and knowledge, rather than for the job title they hold.

    the purpose of is to encourage employees to exert peer pressure on group members to perform.

    holds the opinion that all their assignees should receive the same compensation regardless of their country of origin.

    compensation should be .

    the factors affecting decisions on the width of grades are .

    job structure refers to the average amount (including wages, salaries, and bonuses) the organization pays for a particular job.

    the employee benefits can be grouped into five major categories: legally required, retirement related, payment for time not working, and other benefits.

    when designing subsidiaries’ hrm practices, two distinct logics need to be considered in mncs: the local responsiveness and the global integration.

    expectancy theory predicts that reciprocity may follow if people perceive their needs are met.

    the un urged businesses all over the world to obey some standards besides human rights, labor standards, and .

    what can affect the industrial relations in multinational firms?

    which of the following is not the proper reason to diiss the employees?

    generally speaking, which is the fourth stage an alternative dispute settlement system runs through?

    what are the reason for employees to observe work ethnics?

    what are methods the employer able to adopt when disputes occur across countries?

    when the requirements of the job are change, it is unfair for the company to fire the employees.

    in order to reach low turnover and satisfactory organization, the employers should retain the employees in any cases.

    when dealing with disputes, letting parties face facts and then come up with solutions is usually better than ignoring problems.

    due to the complex situations multi-national employees face, they should take employment law existed in both the parent country and host countries into account.


    下列反常积分收敛的有( )

    四点o(0,0,0),a(1,0,0),b(0,1,1),c(0,0,1)组成的四面体的体积是( )。

    向量a=(1,1,1),b=(1,2,3),c=(0,0,1),则a x b x c=( )。

    点(1,0,1)到直线的距离是( )

    点(1,0,2)到平面3x y 2z=1的距离是( )

    平面x-2y 7z 3=0,与平面3x 5y z-1=0,的位置关系是( )



    下列方程中为全微分方程的是( )

    曲线的图形( )

    设a={a,5,6 },b={b,2,4,7 }则a,b取( )值时,。










    鼎作为青铜饮食器具,也是权利的象征,天子用( )鼎。

    餐饮服务人员由于受到年龄、性格、受教育程度等的不同,提供的服务也不同,这体现了餐饮服务的哪个特点( )

    下列是出现在先秦时期的原材料的是( )

    ( )为消费者提供了美味可口的食品和优雅的餐饮消费环境。




    仓库保管人员在货物入库必须严格检验,根据申购的数量及规格,检查货物的( )( )( ),符合要求方可入库

    从事营业运行的前台由( )等三方面的人员组成。


    社会餐饮企业的组织结构有两部分组成,即负责( )与负责并保障餐饮运行的后台

    酒店是由客房、( )、酒吧、商场以及宴会、会议、通讯、()、健身设施组成


    “餐厅”、“宴会厅”等作为饭店满足消费者有关餐饮方面需求的基本设施,其实就是“( )”在酒店中的表现形式






    小型圆形、方形托盘用来( )。

    玫瑰、水仙等,以及植物的叶、茎、果实造型,如竹笋、枫叶等属于( )

    下列属于大、中型圆形、方形托盘用途的是( )






    比较高档的菜,有特殊风味的菜,要先摆在( )。

    不设座的冷餐会,也会在四周摆放少量椅子,这些椅子可以供( )使用。

    常见的台型可拼成( )

    按照惯例,台型布局的原则是( )

    菜盘摆放的艺术可以参考( )。











    ( )是指某种原材料已经订购了的数量。



    根据需求情况,( )可降低原料的价格,这也是控制采购价格的一种策略。




    水果蔬菜冷藏在( )摄氏度。










    餐饮产品质量的构成要素主要包括( )。


    标准食谱包括的内容有( )。




    餐厅管理人员应该知道服务的效果如何,即宾客是否满意,从而采取改进服务、提高质量的措施;通过()()()和 ( )等方式来收集服务质量信息

    餐饮服务质量具有()()和 ( )三个特点

    依据服务对象划,将固定菜单分为分 ()和 ( )

    通过质量信息的反馈,找出服务工作在准备阶段和执行阶段的不足,采取措施加强预先控制和现场控制,提高服务质量,使宾客更加满意,称为餐饮服务质量的( )

    当残疾客人就餐时,服务员应主动征求其它客人的意见,得到同意后方可上前搀扶客人,并将客人安排在的( )餐位上。

    按照儿童年龄的大小摆放餐具,4岁以下的儿童摆放专用的( )


    印在菜单上或贴在招牌价目表上的公开销售价格是( )


    当顾客发现其他顾客比他支付的价格低时,会产生不满情绪。这是( )价格策略的缺点。

    自新产品一开发就将其价格定得很低,使新产品迅速地被消费者接受,这种新产品策略属于( )

    餐饮产品价格=原料成本 毛利,毛利是( )

    餐厅的知名度较低,管理人员为了吸引顾客,往往在一段时间内将价格定得低些,使顾客喜欢光顾,这属于( )



    以下关于餐饮销售控制的作用,说确的是( )

    以下关于出菜检查员的主要责任,说确的是( )

    所属分类:高考题库 浏览量: 78  次
