





    which of the following devices does not include a computer?

    which of the following devices includes an embedded computer inside?

    what is the name of a set of signal lines in a computer system responsible for tranitting data storage locations?

    what is the name of a set of signal lines that play a management and control role in the tranission and exchange of data in computer systems?

    what does computer instructions refer to?

    what does computer program mean?

    what is the code of instructions in the computer?

    which component in the computer is used to pre-store instruction and data in order to make the program run automatically?

    the process of computer instructions’ execution generally includes the following steps 1: instruction decoding 2: performing operations 3: accessing data memory 4: storing results 5: reading instructions, which of the following is the correct order of the process?

    which of the following is the binary number of the decimal number 3.25?

    which of the following is the hexadecimal number of the decimal number 105.25?

    what is the bit width of a byte in a computer?

    how many bits of a halfword are defined in a 32-bit mips computer system?

    what code is used for signed integer numbers’ representation in modern computers?

    what code is used for signed real numbers’ representation in modern computers?

    what is the bit width of a single-precision floating-point number?

    what is the normalized representation of binary number ?

    what are the bit width and bias of the exponential field of a single-precision floating-point number, respectively?

    what is the single-precision floating-point number representation of -9.625?

    what is the single-precision floating-point number representation of 1.5 ?

    it is known that a computer system stores data in memory in little endianness. if half word data is stored in the memory at address , what is the data stored in the storage unit at address ?

    it is known that a computer system stores data in memory in little-endian order. if word data is stored in the memory at address , what is the data stored in the memory unit at address is

    it is known that a computer system stores data in memory in big endianess. if the word data is stored in the memory with the address , what is the data stored in the memory unit with the address?

    what is the range of values that can be represented by n bits 2's complement numbers?

    if two signed numbers participate in calculation, the result is overflow, what kind of situation of the result is in?

    which of the following byte type data calculation does not overflow?

    what is the bit width of char type data in c language?

    what is the bit width of short type data in c language for 32-bit computer?

    it is known that the data in address 2000 to 2003 are 2, 3, 6, 0, respectively. if a 32-bit computer system uses little-endian mode to manage this memory, what is the int type data that the cpu fetches from address 2000?

    it is known that the data in address 2000 to 2003 are 2, 3, 6, 0, respectively. if a 32-bit computer system uses little-endian mode to manage this memory, what is the short type data that the cpu fetches from address 2002?

    which of the following devices can be used as computer’s output devices?

    which of the following devices can be used as input/output devices for computer systems?

    which of the following modules are included in the computer hardware system?

    what are the basic components of the central processing unit cpu?

    which of the following functions are implemented by the controller inside the cpu?

    what are the main functions of the cpu internal registers?

    which of the following types of signals does the data bus tranit?

    what are the main functions of io interfaces?

    what bit width data can be processed by 32-bit computer via one instruction?

    which of the following different types of 2’s complement numbers represent the true value -8?

    which of the following different types of 2’s complement numbers represent the true value -128?

    which of the following computer programming languages is also called a symbolic language?

    what is the process of translating assembly language into machine language called?

    what does the computer’s instruction set refer to

    what is the meaning of the label before assembly instructions?

    which of the following parts of the assembly instruction indicates what operation the instruction performs

    when translating the c language statement “a = (c b)-(d e) ;” into mips assembly instructions, how many assembly instructions should be used at least?

    which of the following registers in the mips microprocessor has a constant value of 0?

    which of the following types of mips assembly instructions has only two operands?

    which of the following registers in the mips microprocessor indicates the top of the stack?

    in a 32-bit computer system, if the starting address of “int max[10];” is a, what is the address of max[2]?

    which register is the rs register of the mips r type instruction "add $s0, $s1, $t0”?

    how many fields (domains) is the machine instruction of the mips i type instruction ided into?

    which type does instruction jal belong to?

    which of the following instructions is to load unsigned byte type data from memory to register?

    which of the following are the characteristics of assembly language ?

    which of the following are the features of a complex instruction set computer?

    which of the following can the assembly instructions include?

    what are the type of mips assembly instructions?

    what are the instruction addressing modes supported by the mips instruction?

    which of the following registers is used by the mips c compiler to hold the parameters passed from the main program to the subroutine?

    which of the following are the characteristics of the high-level programming languages?

    which of the following characteristics do the reduced instruction set computer instructions have?

    which fields do the mips i type instructions have?

    which of the following mips assembly instructions are conditional jump instructions?

    which of the following registers is used by the mips c compiler to hold the parameters return from the subroutine to the main procedure?

    which of the following instructions can implement the function of multiply ?

    which of the following instructions can perform the ision by ?

    which of the following instructions can perform the function of not?

    the opcodes and operands of computer instructions are represented in binary code in the computer.

    in an assembly language program, multiple assembly instructions can be written on one line.

    the operands of mips arithmetic instructions must be registers.

    all mips i type instructions belong to data transfer instructions.

    all mips unconditianl jump instructions belong to j type instructions.

    there is a subi instruction in mips instruction set.

    assume $t1=0x12345678,$t0=87654321, after executing instruction "add $t2, $t1, $t0" and "addu $t3,$t1,$t0",the values of $t2 and $t3 are same.

    stack is a special memory area, the data in it can only work in first in last out mode.

    what does superscalar technique mean?

    what does multi-core processor mean?

    which of the following description of the interruption vector table is true?

    which of the following operations does a microprocessor generally need to support?

    which of the following are the basic interfaces between microprocessors and other components inside the computer?

    which of the following parts of instruction's machine code are used to generate the control signals of alu unit?

    which of the following events are called exceptions in a computer system?

    which of the following functions should the microprocessor support about exception handling?

    which of the following modules does embedded microcontrollers generally contain?

    which of the following modules does an embedded computer's minimum hardware system generally contain?

    which level of the storage system does the hard disk belong to?

    which type of semiconductor memory chip is used for the cache?

    how many physical pages does the computer system have, which has 1gb of physical memory and the page size is set to 4kb?

    what does the write-through strategy in computer storage systems refer to?

    what is the meaning of cache direct mapping strategy in computer storage system?

    which of the following statements about virtual memory correct?

    the message sent without using words are called _________ communication.

    the functions of nonverbal communication doesn’t include _______________.

    which of the following doesn’t belong to the category of paralanguage?

    the social zone ranges from ________________.

    people from________are said to belong to polychronic people.

    _______ are said to belong to the high-touch cultures.

    he said: “that's great.” but with an angry face. it’s a kind of _______.

    to show number two, a person from ______ will hold up his thumb and index finger.

    people from __________ are taught to avoid eye contact with elders, teachers, and other people with status as a sign of respect.

    which one doesn’t belong to the characteristics of monochronic people?

    there is a chinese belief that “one is good in nature with different characteristics but similar habits. however, if he is not well educated, nature changes.” this belief can reflect that .

    deals with a culture’s most fundamental beliefs about its place in the coos, beliefs about god, and beliefs about the nature of humanity and nature.

    " i should live properly so i don’t get sick." the relationship of human to nature reflected in the statement belongs to_____________________.

    which answer best defines uncertainty avoidance, according to hofstede?

    how does hofstede view masculinity in a given society?

    important characteristics of collectivi include

    important characteristics of high power distance include

    countries with a long-term orientation tend to be pragmatic, modest, more thrifty and emphasizes on rights and values.

    countries that have high indulgence versus restraint (ivr) score put their onus on suppressing gratification.

    _____________ is defined as “one’s principles or standards, one’s judgment of what is valuable or important in life.”(请注意字母的大小写。)

    which of the following statements best defines communications?

    cultural difference can be communication barriers because _____.

    ________is used to refer to negative or positive judgments made about iniduals based on any observable or believed group membership.

    he said: “that's great.” but with an angry face. it’s a kind of _______.

    uncertainty avoidance is the tendency to behave to arrange things in a way that________.

    in ____________ social gender roles are not clearly distinct.

    which one is not ethnocentric attitude?

    which one can not be used to overcome stereotyping?

    which one of the following strategies is not effective to avoid prejudice?

    which of the following statements about raci is wrong?

    which culture are indirect styles more likely to be used in?

    in which culture people do not use metaphorical expressions in every day conversation?

    the phrase “go dutch” means __________________

    guests to a chinese family will never be allowed to do any housework to show the ________ of the host and hostess.

    christianity grew out of .

    what usually happens during the honeymoon stage?

    intercultural communication is the exchange of information between iniduals.

    taboo topics like age, money, religion and marriage are “forbidden areas” for westerners.

    the communication refers to the transportation of a message between a sender and a receiver, by using signaling system.

    though writing is the most frequently used means of communication, it is the least taught.

    communication is the core of culture. it is a very large, complicated concept.

    culture is a system of inherited conceptions expressed in language, by means of which people communicate, perpetuate and develop their knowledge and attitude towards life.

    stereotypes are always negative which may evoke conflicts in intercultural communication events

    if we don’t know the fact that the same word means differently in different contexts, communications will be hindered

    according to one study, most messages were conveyed by the speakers’ nonverbal expressions.

    universal emotions, such as happiness, fear, sadness are expressed in a similar nonverbal way throughout the world.

    the “o.k” gesture in the american culture means “zero” in japan.

    to handle culture shock and adapt ourselves to the host culture, we should give up our social network in the home culture.

    non verbal clues are universal throughout the world.

    there is no natural relationship between the selected sign and the agreed meaning.

    english language has its variations in different english-speaking countries.

    buddhi grew out of hindui.

    western cultures emphasize the harmony between the communicators.

    christianity grew out of .

    what is the core value of confuciani?

    who advocated a policy of the benign government?

    which of the following is not included in the four books and the five classics?

    buddhi grew out of hindui.

    religion should not be considered as an aspect of culture.

    muslims believe the to be the only holy book.

    what is the mission of heforshe?

    which type of family is the traditional one in china?

    which family type is dominant in usa at present?

    which of the following should not be considered as gender stereotype?

    it is unusual to find violence against women in countries that have made laudable progress in other areas.

    some countries have achieved gender equality and women have achieved equal opportunities at all levels.

    when international students try to adapt themselves to academic life, especially when the learning situation is new and distressing, frequently happens.

    is the emotional and psychological distress suffered by some people when they return home from overseas countries, which can result in unexpected difficulty in readjusting to the culture and values of the home country.

    the following tips can help us adapt to the new culture: .

    which of the following statement is the symptom of culture shock?

    which of the following word can be used to described the feelings of honeymoon period?

    u-curve pattern of cultural adaptation comprises three stages: honeymoon period, crisis period, and adjustment period.

    adjusting to new culture is an ongoing process with many ups and downs.

    culture shock only leads to negative effects since it is a traumatic experience that an induvial may encounter when entering a different culture.

    in the biculturali period, we do not experience anxiety and frustration any more.











    某系统的输入,微分方程是 ,其全解形式为






    y(t)=x(t)*h(t),那么信号x(t 1)与h(t-2)的卷积为:











    时间函数f(t)=1的频谱函数是( )

    已知信号f(t)的最大频率为50hz,则f(t)´f(t)的最大频率为( )






    已知信号f1(t)的最高频率为50hz,信号f2(t)的最高频率为60hz。 求信号f3(t)= f1(t)* f2(t)的奈奎斯特频率。

    下列 信号存在傅里叶变换和拉普拉斯变换



    有 对两两互不接触的环路





    要使系统稳定,则该系统的系统函数的h(s)的极点应该位于s平面的( )

    图中ab段是某复杂电路的一部分,其中电感l 和电容c都具有初始状态,请选出该电路的复频域模型

    已知系统的信号流图如图所示,则系统有()条向前通路,()个回路,其中彼此互不接触的回路有()对。(答案使用数字,用空格隔开,如:1 2 3)

    对于一个三阶常系数线性微分方程描述的连续时间系统进行时域模拟时,所需要的积分器数目最少为( )个。(答案使用数字)


    因果序列 的z变换为( )。

    与的卷积为( )。

    已知 , ,则的反变换为( )。

    已知系统传递函数为 ,输入 ,则系统的零状态响应为( )。

    若的z变换为,其收敛域为,则的z变换的收敛域( )。

    若的z变换为,则 的z变换为( )。

    序列 的z变换为( )。

    有限长序列 的单边z变换为 ,若用单位序列表示该序列,则 ( )。

    已知某线性时不变离散系统的单位序列响应为 ,则该系统的单位阶跃响应 ( )。

    已知 ,则原函数为( )。

    已知描述某系统的差分方程 ,则当输入为 时的零状态响应 ( )。

    某离散线性时不变系统,当输入为 时,其零状态响应为则该系统的系统函数( )。

    某线性时不变系统的单位序列响应 ,则其系统函数 ( )。

    已知某线性时不变系统的系统函数 ,如果该系统是稳定的,则( )。


    周期奇函数的傅立叶级数中,只可能含有( )。





    一个二阶离散系统的差分方程为y(k) 3y(k-1) y(k-2)=2f(k-1),其零输入响应的初始条件为:y(0)、y(1)。










    以下哪一项不属于swot工具的是( )

    以下不属于stp市场分析理论内容的是( )



















    ( )是企业生产或销售的产品或服务有直接关系的所有成本。

    固定资产是指企业使用期限超过( )年的房屋、建筑物、机器、机械、运输工具以及其他与生产、经营有关的设备、器具、工具等。

    关于固定资产计算折旧的最低年限,电子设备的折旧最低年限是( )年。

    ( )被誉为创业融资的蓄水池。




    投资收益率又称投资利润率, 是指投资收益(税后)占投资总成本的比率。

    对( )的企业来说,人力资源需要提前做好人才储备,对人才的需求是综合化和规模化的。

    在企业的( )阶段,需要靠规范管理成长,企业面临的危机是秩序危机。

    建立( )是初创企业储备人才、未雨绸缪的有效方式。

    ( )是企业最常见的组织形式。





    撰写商业计划书有关行业痛点和机会时,应该( )。

    设计商业模式,特别在融资过程中,应注意站在( )的角度考虑。

    商业计划书中的财务数据不好看,我选择( )。

    与投资人进行一对一交流时,可以( )。





    广告的目的不是告知,而是( )。

    分享的核心,是帮助用户实现( )想要实现的事情。

    透过案例,我们知道传播最广泛的是( )。

    在移动互联网时代,标题和封面对读者打开一篇文章起着( )作用。









    以下哪一项不属于swot工具的是( )

    以下不属于stp市场分析理论内容的是( )









    ( )是企业生产或销售的产品或服务有直接关系的所有成本。

    固定资产是指企业使用期限超过( )年的房屋、建筑物、机器、机械、运输工具以及其他与生产、经营有关的设备、器具、工具等。

    关于固定资产计算折旧的最低年限,电子设备的折旧最低年限是( )年。

    ( )被誉为创业融资的蓄水池。

    对( )的企业来说,人力资源需要提前做好人才储备,对人才的需求是综合化和规模化的。

    在企业的( )阶段,需要靠规范管理成长,企业面临的危机是秩序危机。

    建立( )是初创企业储备人才、未雨绸缪的有效方式。

    ( )是企业最常见的组织形式。

    撰写商业计划书有关行业痛点和机会时,应该( )。

    设计商业模式,特别在融资过程中,应注意站在( )的角度考虑。

    商业计划书中的财务数据不好看,我选择( )。


























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