



    摄像练习:1.拍摄远景、全景、中景、近景、特写镜头各2个,上传到平台。2. 拍摄推、拉、摇、移、跟、升(或降)镜头,选择最好的2个镜头上传到平台。3. 选择一个场面(会议、对话等),运用成组拍摄意识拍摄一组镜头。将镜头上传到平台。


    滚动字幕实现字幕的上、下的移动,而游动字幕则可以实现字幕的左、右移动( )




    如果字体需要添加阴影要把字幕属性的阴影对勾选上( )

    本次课程中我们学习了五中字幕样式( )

    如果字体需要添加阴影要把字幕属性的阴影对勾选上( )

    在“填充类型”下拉列表中有实色、放射渐变、_线性渐变、四色渐变、斜边、残像、消除_等七种类型。( )

    放射渐变它的颜色是由内往外扩散的( )

    四色渐变有四个色标值( )

    ( )用于设置字幕和图形的排列分布方式。

    使用矩形工具,按下面_______键可以绘制正方形。( )

    下面_______ 不能在字幕中使用图形工具直接画出?( )

    premiere 除了使用导入的素材,还可以建立一些新素材元素,其中包括:( )


    字幕编辑器窗口可以建立( )

    字幕编辑器窗口可以建立、静态字幕滚、滚动字幕、游动字幕。( )

    运动、透明度、时间重置、这三个效果是每个视频素材的固定效果,不能被删除( )

    滚动字幕实现字幕的上、下移动,而游动字幕则可以实现字幕的 左、右 移动。( )


    字幕编辑器窗口可以建立( )

    使用字幕工具画出开的矩形是无法添加特效和转场效果的( )

    在premiere里如果想让所选的对象按一定的方向运动必须添加关键帧( )


    集装箱运输的发展经历了萌芽期、( )、扩展期、成熟阶段




    在fob的贸易术语下,由( )负责租船订舱。

    cip含义是( )




    罐式集装箱属于( )

    集装箱箱主代号由( )字符组成




    集装箱整箱货的缩写是( )

    “门到门”交付形式适用于( )进行的贸易。




    在箱装货的装载时,对于重量较大、体积较小的木箱货,如果装载后其四周均有空隙时,须从四周进行( )固定。

    要使集装箱的容积和重量都能满载,就要求货物的密度等于集装箱的( )




    集装箱码头设置有系缆桩和预防碰撞装置,供来港装卸的集装箱船舶停靠使用的是( )。

    机动性好,可一机多用,既可用于码头前沿至堆场的水平运输,又可用于堆场的堆码、搬运和装卸车作业的运输设备是( )。

    装卸桥-轨道式门式起重机方案适合年吞吐量在( )的集装箱码头使用 。



    集装箱船配积载中最重要、最关键的环节是( )。

    将集装箱货物由远东海运到俄罗斯东部港口,经跨越欧亚大陆的西伯利亚铁路运至波罗的海沿岸港口的路桥是( )

    能够作为计算集装箱船舶的稳性、吃水差和强度的依据的是( )。













    以下( )不是收货人在进口货运中的主要业务

    以下( )不是集装箱货运站在进口货运中的主要业务

    以下( )不是进口货运主要涉及的单据








    下列运费中不属于集装箱海运运费的是( )。





    why hasn’t jack goodwin got a job yet?

    how does he spend a typical day?

    how do most of his friends spend the day?

    how are jack’s parents helping him?

    what do whoopi goldberg, bruce willis and brad pitt have in common?

    in the passage if you ask me, the writer claimed that real life is not like what people normally praise it.

    she declined the offer to do an ma at the london school of economics due to a bad financial condition.

    after she got the first salary in the saliury, she bought herself a bunch of flowers.

    tony invested in the writer by giving her a 20,000-pound loan, asking a ten percent annual interest for the collateral of the money.

    using her own story, the writers elaborated that the optimal returns in the business world is given by investing in people.

    in the us, a “_______ (2 words)” approach normally shows the positive aspects of the job hunter.

    more than a quarter of british resume writers are guilty of overdoing their resume. that is, they tell ______ (1 word).

    on mainland europe, the standard format form cv can find clear and easy-to-understand, but it has not yet been ________ (2 words).

    according to the writer, the “_____ (1 word, in capital letters)” philosophy is the most useful guideline.

    the following resume is written in a ________ (1 word) order. 2008 summer job in tourist information office, bournemouth 2007 summer job as lifesaver patrolling busy beach in bournemouth 2006-2008 occasional weekend bar work in duke of monmouth pub, southampton 2005-2006 volunteer in india on a clean water project

    what is the main writing purpose of the passage danger! books may change your life?

    why are we like alice in wonderland when we read a book?

    which one is not the struggle that miller, the author of they are alive and they spoke to me, has with books?

    according to miller, what should you do when you find a book you want to read?

    why does miller especially admire about blaise cendrars?

    the author’s tone in the passage is _____.

    what kinds of books helps thomas merton find out the true meaning of life?

    what are the reading’s benefits that the author reemphasizes in the end of his writing?

    the novel thing fall apart, setting in nigeria at the end of the 19th century, is a postcolonial novel and a portrayal of culture clash.

    the clash occurs when african traditions meet the forces for change in the form of christianity, as differences in their values and beliefs create misunderstandings and conflicts.

    the leading character okonkwo is a brave warrior, and his pride of his tribe and himself ended in a tragedy.

    the novel is written in a nigerian language to “bear the weight” of okonkwo’s african experience.

    all things are interrelated and ___ ___ each other.

    please enjoy undisturbed ___ ___ ___ in isolated villages remote from town life.

    __ __ __ __ is to make friends.

    what they __ __ __ is that they combine fun with the opportunity to learn something.

    let us __ ___ some desolate shade, and there weep our sad bosoms empty.

    modern children ___ so ____ ____ the electronic media that they have little or no awareness of the marvelous world to be discovered in books.

    they limit the task of philosophy to the logical ___of ideas.

    machinery is left to lie ___ for long period.

    1.by reading we ___ the mind; by conversation we polish it.

    ___ ___, don’t knock your head on this low beam.

    indeed, he began to ___ ___ the idea of going for broke.

    i ____ ____ the rare book in a second-hand bookstore.

    her job as a teacher didn’t pay much, so she had to find another ___ __ ___.

    the police are investigating the ____ deaths of children at the hospital.

    the most casual ___ would have noticed his strange behaviour.

    the woman denied that she had ____ her child.

    mum was trying to act _____, but she was clearly upset.

    we spent a few moments enjoying the ___ from the hotel balcony.

    by their sin they provoked the ____ of the people.

    the ____ is spoken principally in the rural areas.

    she was _____ with the flowers you sent her.

    we need to _____ these problems before it’s too late.

    the guard on duty was ____ ____ an armed man.

    he again felt _____confident about the exam he was going to face.

    while prada is one of the most _____ designers in the world, it seems the real force behind the business is her huand bertelli.

    he seemed so relaxed and gave no ____ that anything was wrong.

    the mother tried to ____ her son’s interest in music.

    what is the meaing of "deteriorate"?

    which of the following statement about king louis xiv is wrong?

    please choose the word with different meaning.

    please choose the word with different meaning.

    blue denim jeans remained popular in the us as work clothes until the 1950s, but then became associated with ______.

    what are features of formal writing?

    when stock market goes up, women are likely to wear short skirt, i.e. lower hemline; stock market goes down, long skirt, higher hemline. this is what we call hemline index.

    why women should want to expose more or less of their legs during periods of economic boom and bust remains a mystery.

    the lipstick effect is the theory that when facing an economic crisis consumers will be more willing to buy lipstick.

    when gina cowen is looking for glass on a beach, she finds time passes slowly.

    for most of the jewellery cowen makes, she exhibits it in galleries.

    sea glass will eventually run out --- one day, it will be rarer than diamond.

    sea glass is more ecological than diamonds and gold because it can be used for a variety of purposes.

    gina cowen devoted herself to sea glass career because of her experience on a beach near cape town.

    french fashion history and french national history are closely intertwined.

    louis xiv is the one who helped put france and paris on the international fashion map

    never _____ your opponent. 千万不要轻视对手。

    this is a typical act of teenage ____. 这是一种典型的青少年反抗行为。

    he is a famous fashion ____. 他是一名著名时装设计师。

    don't try to ____ to children; they will obey you better if you ask them politely. 不要对孩子们发号施令,你如果礼貌地要求他们,他们会更听话的。

    infant mortality has been ______ reduced because of modern medicine. 现代医学使得婴儿死亡率极大地降低了。

    the passage starts with "i have a confession". what rhetorical device is used here?

    if something is an asset for you, it is ______.

    if you weather a bad period, you ______.

    buddy is an informal word for _______.

    a cash cushion will _______.

    which of the following country is not in the urozone?

    which sort of clients do credit card companies want?

    what are synonyms of the phrase "go from bad to worse"?

    which is (are) the synonym(s) of mutual?

    kelly failed to continue her studies in university because of credit card.

    the three phrases: prone to, liable to and subject to can indicate likelihood.

    euro coins only have symbols of the country which issued the coins.

    euro banknotes illustrate gateways and windows and bridges, designed to show major architectural periods.

    the european parliament is elected every three years by eu citizens.

    renaissance architecture is the architecture of the period between the early 15th and early 17th centuries.

    make sth. more interesting or lively

    reduce the total number or amount of sth.

    things that are ergent are different from each other

    felt or done in the same way by each of two or more people

    providing encouragement or emotional help

    their daughter was the ____ of their lives. 女儿是他们生活的中心。

    most of the crimes may ____ ___ ___ a question of money. 大多数犯罪归结起来都是金钱问题。

    the act of complaining

    possibly true in the future, but not true now

    persuade someone to do sth. by making it look very attractive

    the process of writing and receiving letters

    the little boy had a ___ twinkle in his eyes. 这个男孩的眼睛里闪烁着调皮的光。

    nothing is easier than to ___ oneself. 再没有什么比欺骗自己更容易的了。

    what is the unmarked clothing style for men?

    what does a marked female ending to a word usually convey?

    emmy awards are for ______.

    which of the following words is marked?

    which of the following does not belong to traditional stereotypes of women?

    it is clear that the dog has a much greater __ of its brain devoted to ell than is the case with humans.

    what are the author’s main purposes of writing this passage entitled sex differences in english gossip rules?

    men gossip just as much as women.

    men talk more about politics than women.

    men talk more about football than women.

    women talk more about themselves than men.

    men don’t admit they gossip.

    women don’t admit they gossip.

    if a woman wears no make-up, she is unmarked.

    in western tradition, women will take her huand’s family name after marriage.

    “dr.” is an unmarked title for women.

    facts are more ____ than words. 事实胜于雄辩。

    in the summer of 1940, britain ______.

    churchill suggested that britain ______.

    winston’s father thought he was _____.

    the writer suggests that churchill's early ambition was _____.

    winston fought as an ordinary soldier because _____.

    what is not an auxuliary science of history?

    what is the most important factor for a basic fact to become a historical fact?

    what is a priori argument?

    which of the following statement has the same meaning as "the facts speak only when the historian calls on them"?

    traditional and living history museums are the two types of museums.

    people can experience life of someone in the iron age 2,000 years ago.

    visitors gain a real insight into the skills of the ancient people by living in the roundhouses in cinderbury.

    cinderbury is special because the whole city is a living museum.

    in the writer's opinion, living history museums are much more interesting than traditional museums.

    what if my clothes are ____ and worn; they cover a warm heart. 我的衣服破破烂烂又怎么样,它们包裹的是温暖的心灵。

    love is a sweet _____, because the lover endures its torment willingly. 爱情专横而又甜蜜,因为恋爱者心甘情愿忍受其折磨。

    the task _____ his skill. 这项工作超出了他的能力范围。

    i wish you’d ___ yourself ___ at once. 我真希望你马上离开这儿。

    we ___ our hopes ___ you. 我们把希望寄托在你们身上。

    in the manner that you try very hard, but do not succeed

    using facts and not influenced by personal feelings or beliefs

    providing supplementary or additional help and support

    quickly and confidently, without waiting or stopping

    in the manner that you try very hard, but do not succeed

    extremely annoying

    strange or unusual behaviour

    a short period when you are ill or you feel unhappy

    extremely violent or cruel

    famous and admired for a special skill or achievement

    1. 水是生命活动的( )。

    水循环是( )。

    水的热容量是自然界中( )

    从液态水变成气态水需要( )。

    1. 海水的热量收支多年状况( )。

    1. 世界大洋表面水温的变化趋势( )。

    世界大洋水温的水平梯度在下列哪些情况下最大。( )

    1. 由于湖泊水库内部紊动、对流混合作用,使水温随深度增加而降低,这种水温分布属于( )分布。

    1. 地下水水温因埋深而不同,受气温影响会( )。

    10.下面哪些过程不属于天然水的矿化过程。( )

    1. 水是一种( )最大的物质之一,能够吸收相当多的热量而不损害其( )性。

    水色常用水色计来测定,水色号码代替水色,号码越小水色越( ),号码越大,水色越( )。

    1. 可溶性盐类在水中可溶解,按溶解质的性质分( )矿物和( )矿物。

    1. 十二种元素占全部海水化学元素量的99%以上称为海水的( )元素,而其它元素在海水中含量极少,称为( )元素。

    水文现象的特点表现为:水循环永无止境,在时间变化上既具有( )性,又具有( )性,分布上既存在相似性又存在特殊性。

    1. 由于湖泊、水库内部的紊动、对流作用,使水温随深度增加而降低,这是( )状态,相反,当湖水温度随深度增加而升高时为( )状态。

    1. 狭义的水资源是指在( ),能被人类直接或间接利用的那部分( )水。

    1. 我国河流的补给可分为三个区:泰岭以南为( )补给区,东北属( )补给区。




    2. 试述径流的形成过程

    水循环的基本动力是( )和( )。

    水循环过程中通过( )和( )来完成垂直交换。

    水循环过程中通过( )和( )来完成水平交换。

    海洋向陆地的水分传递通过( )来完成,陆地向海洋通过( )来完成。

    水体更替周期是反映( )强度的重要指标,也是反映水体水资源( )的基本参数。

    水循环是大气系统( )的主要传输、储存与转化者,水循环导致地面( )的再分配,使不同纬度热量吸收不平衡矛盾得到缓解。

    蒸发是由液态水变为气态水的过程,是陆地水返回大气的( )途径,蒸发需要进行( )交换。

    1.下渗率取决于( ) a 土壤的透水性 b 径流量 c 降水量 d 蒸发量

    2.下列人类活动中可以增加下渗的是( ) a 砍伐森林 b 开垦农田 c 城市建设 d 修建梯田

    3.海陆之间的水循环是通过( )方式来完成的。 a 降水和蒸发 b蒸发和水汽输送 c 降水和径流 d 水汽输送和径流

    4. 属于二级水循环的是( )。 a 大陆与大洋间的水循环 b 外流区的水循环 c 内流区的水循环 d 大洲的水循环

    5.影响蒸发的因素中不包括:( ) a 对流运动 b 海陆位置 c 大气的水平运动与湍流扩散 d 太阳辐射

    6.下列哪种因素不影响降水( )。 a 大气环流 b 地理纬度 c海拔高度 d 土壤质地

    7. 雨洪的产生与下面哪些因素无关。( ) a 雨强 b降水量 c 蒸发量 d 降水历时

    8. 水汽扩散是一种( )。 a 水分子运动的单一表现 b 蒸发的一种形式 c可逆现象 d不可逆现象

    9. 下列因素中属于水汽输送的影响因素的是( ) a 大气环流 b 大气的垂直运动 c 大气的水平运动 d 空气湿度

    10. 所谓雨强是指( )。 a 一定时段内的降水量 b 降水经历的时间 c 单位时间的降水量 d 降水笼罩的面积

    超渗地面径流的产流机制一定是( )条件下产生的。

    饱和地面径流的产流机制一定是( )条件下产生的。

    产流的最基本条件是( )

    黄河的凌汛的是( )引起的。

    环流运动产生漏泥沙的运动,在表层水流插入的地方,河床会发生( )。

    河床不受冲刷的最大流速是( )。

    下列因素中不属于影响河流水位的因素是( )

    代表水资源开发利用能力的是( )

    下列哪种河流年变差系数(cv)值大。( )

    影响洪水产生的下垫面因素也是重要的,下列下垫面中更易发生洪水的是( )

    下列河流中枯水期水位较高的是( )

    下列山地冰川中属于海洋性冰川的是( )

    单位时间内通过某一断面的水量称为( ),而在某一时段内通过某一断面的总水量称为( )。

    实测各年径流量的平均值称( )径流量,当实测年数增加到无限大时,这个值趋于稳定称为( )径流量。

    洪水的影响因素有( )和( )。

    冰川的形成过程分为雪的沉积、( )和( )三个阶段。

    从湖水的消耗来看,外流区湖泊以( )为主,内流区湖泊则消耗于( )和蒸发。

    湖泊沼泽化分( )沼泽化和( )沼泽化二种。

    陆地沼泽化分( )沼泽化和( )沼泽化。

    沼泽水量平衡特点有二,一是( ),二是( )。

    从湖水的消耗来看,外流区湖泊以( )为主,内流区湖泊则消耗于( )和蒸发。






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