


    culture can be ided into "________", such as literary and artistic works, and "popular culture" :

    ________ has been defined as "cultural variants displayed by certain segments of the population… they are within the larger world of our national culture" (komarovsky & sargent, 1949, p.143).

    what are the characteristics of culture?

    in intercultural studies, we need to be aware that ________:

    culture is what we perceive as distinguishing us from nature, from animals, from each other as members of a social group.

    race is generally defined based on physical characteristics which a person was born with, such as skin color, facial features and hair type.

    in intercultural communication, students need to remove the knowledge of our own culture to acquire the knowledge of other cultures.

    students in cultural communication should consciously put aside preconceptions, avoid over-generalization and continuously seek deepened understandings of cultural phenomena.

    civilizations could come into being in a short time.

    agriculture played an essential role in the development of civilizations.

    the yellow river is called the "cradle of chinese civilization".

    the varied topography along the yellow river is favorable for the development of agriculture.

    life in chinese river civilization was stable and predictable.

    as most greek city-states were near the mediterranean sea, ancient greeks became a sea-going people.

    unlike the nomads, the chinese became a sedentary people with a highly developed agriculture.

    the minoan civilization deeply influenced the west asian and egyptian civilizations.

    the chinese nature-based, farm-based economy strengthened the tie among family members.

    the rugged terrain forced the ancient greeks to turn out to the sea for trade and food production.

    daoi and buddhi are the two traditional religions that have influenced chinese culture for thousands of years.

    lao zi developed the philosophy of daoi, but was not related to the religion of daoi.

    dialecti in daoi philosophy means that the positive and negative co-exist in all things and they are interchangeable.

    moderation, humility and longevity were pursued by the philosophy of daoi.

    buddhi originated in ancient india, and came to china in late han dynasty.

    northern buddhi that has been mainly practiced in the central region of china was influenced by confuciani.

    one of the similarities between buddhi and daoi is that they both have a single all-powerful god.

    christianity, originated in the first century ad, developed into three branches, i.e. the roman catholic, the eastern orthodox and the protestant.

    modern western art and music were basically paintings and hymns to complement god.

    that napoleon himself crowned himself and his queen in the painting of "la sacre de napoleon" indicates his defiance to the roman catholic church.

    values have been defined as the collective understandings of what is good, correct, desirable and proper in a given culture.

    ho, fu and ng (2004) clarify two dimensions of "face": lian focuses on the characters of a morally good person, while mianzi focuses on the reputation and social status achieved through one's efforts.

    hofstede's power-distance dimension expresses the degree to which "the less powerful members of a society accept or expect that power is distributed unequally".

    language is a hierarchical system, consisting of different levels such as sound, word, sentence and text.

    chinese students learn for pragmatic reasons only.

    all chinese teachers are authoritative figures who teach classes in a didactic way.

    ethnocentri is a cultural attitude, which holds that one's own culture is better than others'.

    compared with the sculptures made in renaissance, those made during the baroque period were featured with ________.

    in ancient china, the bronze-casting skill reached its peak in ________ dynasty.

    parallel to the development of academic paintings was the ________ painting.

    xie he's six principles included the following except ________.

    to ________, learning poetry not only can enable people to express their ideas, to educate themselves, but also to maintain social conventions.

    the english sonnet style was named after shakespeare because ________.

    from the language point of view, the structure of sonnet might be connected to the characteristic of the ________ language.

    hofstede's ________ dimension is about the degrees to which iniduals are integrated into groups.

    which of the following may not be the reason for people to create art?

    the most famous prehistoric cave paintings in europe are found in ________.

    the antecedents of most european arts lie in the artistic production of ________.

    renaissance originated from ________ since the 15th century and soon spread over the whole europe.

    zhou fang's ladies with head-pinned flowers depicted ________.

    ________ in poetry is a rhythm of accented and unaccented syllables arranged into feet.

    poetry is an art that harmonizes both ________ of word pronunciation and ________of word meanings.

    assumptions are debatable, while values are non-debatable and usually taken for granted.

    films, pop music and television dramas are all forms of high culture.

    a person can be influenced at the same time by a national culture, a regional culture, an ethnic culture, a gender culture and a generation culture.

    culture is uniformly distributed among members of a cultural group.

    cultures are equal, and no culture holds a superior position to other cultures.

    early civilizations tended to develop near water resources.

    people in the chinese river civilization tended to expand aggressively.

    the old stone age people already knew how to keep and raise livestock for food.

    dialecti can be found in the classic chinese allusion that "misfortune may prove a blessing in disguise".

    hofstede's value dimensions depict values as timeless, overlooking possible changes of social values over time.

    value stereotypes are fixed, exaggerated beliefs attributed to the members of a social group.

    english is mainly a paratactic language because it has strict requirement on form.

    that we can study the modes of thinking in our mind is because the use of words can stand as outward marks of our internal ideas.

    chinese students learn by memorization; therefore, they are not effective learners.

    all learners in one culture have the same learning style and use the same learning strategy.

    within a society, cultural values functions to form a collective identity, uniting and binding social members together.

    hofstede's ________ dimension is about the degrees to which iniduals are integrated into groups.

    which of the following may not be the reason for people to create art?

    the most famous prehistoric cave paintings in europe are found in ________.

    the antecedents of most european arts lie in the artistic production of ________.

    renaissance originated from ________ since the 15th century and soon spread over the whole europe.

    zhou fang's ladies with head-pinned flowers depicted ________.

    ________ in poetry is a rhythm of accented and unaccented syllables arranged into feet.

    poetry is an art that harmonizes both ________ of word pronunciation and ________of word meanings.

    assumptions are debatable, while values are non-debatable and usually taken for granted.

    films, pop music and television dramas are all forms of high culture.

    a person can be influenced at the same time by a national culture, a regional culture, an ethnic culture, a gender culture and a generation culture.

    culture is uniformly distributed among members of a cultural group.

    cultures are equal, and no culture holds a superior position to other cultures.

    early civilizations tended to develop near water resources.

    people in the chinese river civilization tended to expand aggressively.

    the old stone age people already knew how to keep and raise livestock for food.

    dialecti can be found in the classic chinese allusion that "misfortune may prove a blessing in disguise".

    hofstede's value dimensions depict values as timeless, overlooking possible changes of social values over time.

    value stereotypes are fixed, exaggerated beliefs attributed to the members of a social group.

    english is mainly a paratactic language because it has strict requirement on form.

    that we can study the modes of thinking in our mind is because the use of words can stand as outward marks of our internal ideas.

    chinese students learn by memorization; therefore, they are not effective learners.

    all learners in one culture have the same learning style and use the same learning strategy.

    within a society, cultural values functions to form a collective identity, uniting and binding social members together.

    使产品从注塑模中脱模的机构是 (见《认识简单的注塑模具》)

    加入后能够有效提高塑料弹性、可塑性、流动性,降低刚性和脆性的助剂是( )。(见《塑料的组成》)

    下列塑料中属于热固性塑料的是( )。(见《塑料的分类》)



















    以下是从单分型面动作过程节选的一些动作,请问哪个顺序符合单分型面注射模的动作过程为( )(见《 注塑成型原理和动定模的判断》)




    聚氯乙烯的缩写代号是____ 聚丙烯的缩写代号是____ ,聚碳酸脂缩写代号是____,pf是____的缩写代号,pom是____的缩写代号。ps ____,psf____,pe____,聚酰胺____.(见《塑料的分类》)




    某制品一关键中心距尺寸为10±0.10mm,收缩率为1%,模具设计时,该成型尺寸设计较好的是( )

    塑件的表面粗糙度主要与( )有关。

    注射模具的主流道始端的凹球半径比注射机喷嘴头部球面半径( )。

    卧式注塑机注塑系统和锁模系统的轴线( )布置


    某制品一关键中心距尺寸为10±0.10mm,收缩率为1%,模具设计时,该成型尺寸设计较好的是( )

    聚苯乙烯常用于接线盒和电池盒,是利用其 ( )

    注射模具的主流道始端的凹球半径比注射机喷嘴头部球面半径( )。

    注塑机xs-zy-125中的125代表( )

    若最大注射量为125克,要注射50克的制件,那么型腔数目最多为( )个。

    如果注塑机喷嘴头部半径为18mm,那么主流道衬套凹坑半径不可以采用的是( )。

    如果注塑机的喷嘴半径为r20,那么,以下哪一个主流道衬套凹坑半径是正确的( )。

    某模具流道凝料重20克,制品重15克,型腔数为8,优先选用以下哪种注塑量的注塑机( )?

    某模具流道凝料重20克,制品重15克,型腔数为8,优先选用以下哪种注塑量的注塑机( )?(见《注塑机的选用》)


    注射成型所控制的主要工艺参数包括( )。(见《注射成型工艺参数》)






    某塑料件两孔间距离为10mm(自由尺寸),塑料平均收缩率是0.5%,模具上该成型尺寸可以设计为9.95mm。(见《 塑料的收缩性》)





    已知型芯宽长为1515,那么在没有侧抽的情况下,以下模架宽长尺寸合理的是( )。(见《模架的类型和尺寸选择》)

    若最大注射量为125克,要注射50克的制件,那么型腔数目最多为( )个。(见《型腔数目确定》)





    浇注系统是指模具中从接触什么开始到什么为止的塑料流动通道。( )

    从尽量减少散热面积考虑,热塑性塑料注射模分流道宜采用的断面形状是( )。

    以下不属于浇注系统四个组成部分的是( )


    下列三种浇口中,适合大而深的桶形塑件的浇口是( )







    如图所示注射模具结构,试分析: 1. 该模具分型类型和工作原理。(15分) 2. 该模具浇注系统的浇口类型和特点。(15分) 3. 指出零件2、5、6、7、8、9的名称。(30分)

    一般地,斜导柱抽芯机构中,斜导柱斜角以不超过( )为宜。

    在斜导柱抽芯机构中,斜楔锁紧块的楔角∮必须比斜导柱的斜导柱的斜角a大( )。

    斜导柱的倾角α与楔紧块的楔紧角α′的关系是( )。

    将( )从成型位置抽至到不妨碍塑件的脱模位置所移动的距离称为抽芯距。

    在设计抽芯机构时,要求在合模时必须有( )对滑块起锁紧作用。

    斜导柱侧抽芯机构包括( )

    斜导柱的倾角α与楔紧块的楔紧角α'的关系是( )。

    已知某斜顶的倾斜角度是15°,那么,每顶出10mm距离,斜顶在抽芯方向上的位移是( )。

    假设制品侧孔深度为a ,则模具抽芯距一般取( )。

    在斜导柱侧向分型抽芯机构中,斜导柱的倾角范围应该是( )。




    抽芯设计时,斜导柱与开模方向的夹角一般小于 25°。

    为了保证斜导柱伸出端准确可靠地进入滑块斜孔,则滑块在完成抽芯后必须停留在一定位置上,为此滑块需有____ 装置


    双分型面注射模的两个分型面( )打开

    普通三板模(小水口模)的分型面的数量是( )。

    点浇口的典型尺寸通常是( )

    小水口模架通常用于( )的注塑模具。

    以下对点浇口的特点描述不正确的是( )。

    使用热流道技术的好处有( )。

    绝热流道利用( )保持流道中心部位的塑料处于熔融状态。

    热流道板用于( )结构的热流道注塑模。



    作业:图中所示分别为典型双分型面模具的合模和开模状态,看图回答下列问题: 1). 写出图中1-26各个零件的名称。(52分) 2). 图1中所示的a和b分型面各有什么作用。(8分) 3)序号4和11分别控制了哪两块板之间的分型距离?(20分)分型距离又是怎么确定的?(20分)







    下列塑料中属于热固性塑料的是( )。

    影响热塑性塑料流动性的因素很多,下面哪个结论正确( )

    在模具使用过程中,成型塑件的表面粗糙度是( )。

    注射模具的主流道始端的凹球半径比注射机喷嘴头部球面半径( )。

    若最大注射量为125克,要注射50克的制件,那么型腔数目最多为( )个。

    机头的结构组成是( )。

    一般地,斜导柱抽芯机构中,斜导柱斜角以不超过( )为宜。

    口模主要成型塑件的什么表面,口模的主要尺寸为口模的什么尺寸和定型段的长度尺寸。( )

    一般地,在注塑成型过程中,模具温度对生产影响很大,模具通入冷却水是为了什么,而模具通入热水(热油)或加热是为了什么。( )

    一般地,液压抽芯适用于抽芯距离什么,动作时间什么的场合。( )

    模具设计中最不常使用的分流道断面形状是( )。

    对分流道的要求,正确的是( )。

    采用下列哪一种浇口类型时模具必须采用三板式结构。( )

    以下哪一个部件是成型零件( )?

    在设计抽芯机构时,要求在合模时必须有( )对滑块起锁紧作用。

    使用热流道技术的好处有( )。

    已知型芯长宽为1515,那么,以下模架尺寸合理的是( )。

    以下对点浇口的特点描述不正确的是( )。

    热流道板用于( )结构的热流道注塑模。

    压缩模按模具的( )分为溢式压模、不溢式压模、半溢式压模。

    假设制品侧孔深度为a ,则模具抽芯距一般取( )。

    热流道浇注系统中的塑料处于( )状态。

    卧式注塑机注塑系统和锁模系统的轴线( )布置。


    合模时,导柱与导套间呈( )。

    对图所示塑件的设计进行合理化分析,指出不合理设计,并进行修改。 塑件

    请指出下图中分型面选择正确的,并简述理由。 a 图 b图

    请指出下图中分型面选择正确的,并简述理由。 a图 b图


    患者因长时间步行引起第二跖骨骨折,病因是( )

    损伤病机的核心内容是损伤与( )的关系。

    部队长时间行军引起第二跖骨骨折,病因是( )






    2.首次记载用竹片夹板固定骨折的是( )

    首次记载髋关节脱位分为前后脱位两种类型的是( )






    骨折的特殊症状体征不包括下列哪一项( )

    患处持续性剧痛,夜间加重,止痛剂不能奏效,并见精神萎靡、食欲不振、消瘦、贫血等,可能是( )

    “捻发音” 的检查主要用于( )

    芤脉多见于( )

    屈指肌腱狭窄性腱鞘炎患者在作伸屈手指检查时听到的是( )

    搭肩试验用于诊断( )

    臂丛神经牵拉试验主要用于检查( )

    抽屉试验阳性表明( )

    拾物试验主要用于检查( )

    在磁共振(mri)上表现为低信号强度的是( )

    根据损伤的发展过程,损伤初期一般指伤后( )

    临床根据损伤部位辨证治疗四肢损伤时,应选用( )

    膏药一般适用于( )

    正骨八法最早源于( )

    骨折后的最佳整复时机是( )

    下列选项不是小夹板固定的适应证的是( )

    开放性骨折采取切开复位内固定需在伤后( )清创

    上肢练功的主要目的是( )

    下肢练功的主要目的是( )

    针刀疗法的核心是( )

    前臂伸肌群肌肉萎缩,腕下垂,拇指不能背伸,伸指功能障碍,可能的诊断是( )

    患者置于坐位,膝关节屈曲90°再嘱其伸直膝关节,患者不能完成此动作,则可能出现肌肉无力的肌肉名称是( )



    创伤性休克早期可口服中药,应辨证予以内治,血脱者宜用( )

    下列不是属于骨折外因的是( )

    下列属于稳定骨折的是( )

    股骨干骨折、骨盆骨折、多发性骨折容易出现的并发症是( )

    下列不属于骨折晚期并发症的是( )

    骨折早期的药物治疗宜( )

    肱骨外科颈骨折的好发人群是( )

    儿童肱骨髁上骨折常见畸形是( )

    手部“ 鼻烟窝”处可触及的骨骼是( )

    “8”字绷带固定、双圈固定适用于( )

    肘关节处呈靴状畸形多见于( )

    股骨颈的前倾角正常值是( )

    成人股骨颈与股骨干之间形成的颈干角的正常值为( )

    股骨转子间骨折中属于稳定性骨折的是( )

    股骨踝间骨折复位应达到良好的对位使关节光滑完整,是为防止后期发生( )

    髌骨骨折若移位在1 cm以内者,手法整复后可用( )固定

    胫骨髁骨折若发现侧向试验阳性则提示( )

    胫腓骨干骨折常发生迟缓愈合的部位是( )

    跟骨骨折治疗中应注意恢复( )

    胫腓骨干上1/3骨折时固定范围( )

    骨盆骨折应优先处理的是( )

    颞颌关节脱位中,习惯性脱位好发于( )

    在全身大关节脱位中最常见的是( )

    下列属于脱位的早期并发症是( )

    下列不是肩关节脱位表现的是( )

    肩关节脱位最常见合并的骨折是( )

    牵拉肘的好发人群是( )

    小儿桡骨头半脱位的主要临床表现是( )

    膝关节脱位早期最严重并发症是( )

    1岁男孩,无明显诱因致左下肢短缩、跛行,x线检查示髋关节脱位,其诊断为( )

    髋关节后脱位复位后不能过早负重的原因是( )

    筋伤初期的治疗原则是( )

    下列不宜使用手法治疗的颈椎病类型是( )

    肩关节周围炎好发年龄是( )

    肱骨外上髁炎又称为( )

    腕管综合征受压的神经是( )

    指屈肌腱腱鞘炎的好发部位是( )

    髋关节暂时性滑膜炎的发病年龄( )

    限制胫骨向前移位的是( )

    跟腱损伤后石膏的固定位置是( )

    梨状肌综合征导致受压的神经是( )

    化脓性骨髓炎相当于祖国医学的( )

    化脓性骨髓炎的常见致病菌为( )

    化脓性关节炎的最常见致病菌为( )

    脊柱结核最早的症状是( )

    股骨头骨骺炎的发病年龄是( )

    股骨头缺血性坏死最常见的病因是( )

    骨关节炎的疼痛特点是( )

    x线示关节间隙狭窄,关节边缘骨刺形成,可考虑为( )

    骨质疏松症最常见、最主要的症状是( )

    骨肿瘤疼痛突然剧烈发作,最常见的原因是( )

    what is the main content of “theory of machines and mechanis”?

    what should students pay attention to in the study of ‘theory of machines and mechanis’?

    the study objects of the course ‘theory or machines and mechanis’ are machines and mechanis.

    what are the main features of machines?

    what are the main features of mechanis?

    what are the main features of machines?

    what are the main features of mechanis?

    the study objects of ‘theory of machines and mechanis’ are mechanis and machines.

    what is the difference between a link and a part?

    how many frames can exist in a mechani?

    what are the composition elements of mechanis?

    which ones in the following are not kinematic pairs?

    what are the characteristics of kinematic pairs?

    which of the following descriptions is the right definition for kinematic diagrams?

    the degree of freedom of a mechani is

    what is the right expression to determine the degree of freedom for a mechani?

    passive degree of freedom refers to

    what results in multiple pin joints in a mechani?

    redundant constraints refer to

    what is the condition to have a determined motion for a mechani?

    the composition principle of mechanis refers to

    the characteristics of assur groups are

    what is the right expression to determine the degree of freedom for a mechani?

    lower pairs are kinematic pairs with

    passive degree of freedom refers to

    redundant constraints refers to

    which of the following terms are the proper descriptions of the characteristics for kinematic pairs?

    what are the composition elements of mechanis?

    the characteristics of assur groups are

    this is a lower pair connection

    this is a lower pair connection

    this is a lower pair connection

    this is a lower pair connection

    this is a lower pair connection

    this is a lower pair connection

    for a mechani, when its degree of freedom equals to the number of driving links, it has determined motion.

    in the calculation of degree of freedom, we should not consider redundant constraints.

    what are the methods of kinematic ysis?

    characteristics of instantaneous center of velocity include

    "the instantaneous center of velocity of the two links that form a higher pair must be located at the contact point of the two links." is this statement correct?

    the instantaneous center of velocity of two links that form a turning pair is located at

    the instantaneous center of velocity of two links that form a sliding pair is located at

    the instantaneous center of velocity of two links that form a higher pair is located__

    instantaneous center p13 is the point at which link () and link () share the same velocity, including the magnitude and direction

    what are the methods used to conduct kinematic ysis?

    characteristics of instantaneous center of velocity include

    "the instantaneous center of velocity of the two links that form a higher pair must be located at the contact point of the two links." is this statement correct?

    which is the correct definition of the coefficient of travel speed variation?

    in order to make a mechani realize quick-return motion, what is the requirement for the value of the coefficient of travel speed variation k?

    what conditions must be met for a linkage mechani to have dead points?

    the basic form of the planar linkage mechanis is _____.

    what is the definition of imbalance angle?

    in the linkage shown in the figure, it is known that lab = 160mm, lbc = 260mm, lcd = 200mm, lad = 80mm. the link ab is taken as the driving link and it rotates at a constant speed clockwise. the coefficient of travel speed variation k equals to ___.

    in the four-bar linkage shown in the figure, it is known that lab = 100mm, lbc = 300mm, lcd = 200mm, and lad = 350mm. link ab is taken as the driving link. what is the minimum tranission angle γmin of the linkage?

    when a linkage mechani is in its ‘dead point’ position, the pressure angle α = ( )

    given a crank-slider linkage abc, the stroke of the slider is h = 100mm, eccentricity is e = 15mm, coefficient of travel speed variation is k = 1.2. please design this crank-slider linkage and determine the crank ab length lab and coupler bc length lbc.

    what are the characteristics of linkage mechanis?

    “dead points” in mechanis could be practically useful or harmful.

    in the four-bar linkage shown in the figure, ad is known as the frame, lbc = 50mm, lcd = 35mm, and lad = 30mm. if the mechani is a crank-rocker linkage, and ab is crank, then the maximum length labmax of ab is ____mm.

    in the offset crank-slider linkage shown in the figure, it is known that a = 100mm, e = 40mm. if ab can be taken as a crank, the minimal length of link b is ___ mm.

    which of the following links belong to cam mechanis?

    how to keep a cam in continuous contact with the follower?

    what’s the definition of the base circle for a cam mechani?

    in a work cycle of a cam mechani, which of the following phases are essential?

    which of the following motions will cause rigid impulses in a cam mechani?

    the motion parameters of a follower include:___

    which of the following motions will cause flexible impulse in a cam mechani?

    which of the following motions exhibit no impulse in a cam mechani?

    ‘the follower motion depends on the cam profile’. is this statement correct?

    which of the following is the basic method used in designing cam profiles?

    what is the relationship between the theoretical profile and the actual profile of the cam?

    when the base circle of a cam disk becomes larger, the pressure angle of the mechani _____.

    the pressure angle of a cam mechani is___.

    cam mechanis can be classified into different types according to ( ).

    the cam mechanis can also be classified into different types according to ( ).

    which of the following phases must be included in a work procedure of cam mechanis ( ).

    what will happen if the radius of the base circle and the radius of the roller in a cam mechani are not designed properly?

    “郑伯克段于鄢”,郑伯指的是( )?

    现今流传的《春秋》是孔子据( )国史编写的?

    《后汉书》的体例是( )?

    “文献”一词最早出自下列( )典籍?

    下面( )景点不属于独乐园七景?


    汉代墓室门区常见的画像石图案有( )?

    记载嫦娥故事最早的典籍是( )?

    汉画像石大约经历了( )年的发展期?

    以下( )文献记载了牛郎织女的故事?

    “放郑声,远佞人。郑声淫,佞人殆”一句话出自《论语·( )》.


    今天荥阳和新密的部分地区。原本占据此地的是( )两国。




    周公“制礼作乐”,“礼”、“乐”的作用分别是( )?





    县试在每年的( )月。

    殿试创立于( )。

    明清时期科举的特点是( )



    请问《春秋》是( )国的编年体史书?

    范晔被( )诬告为政变主谋?


    春秋时期贵族之间的交流,大都借助( )中的词句进行。


    饮酒器中容量三升的是( )。

    《洛阳名园记》的作者下列( )?

    司马光负责《资治通鉴》的( )工作?

    范晔在《和香方》中把庾炳之比作( )?

    记载嫦娥故事最早的典籍是( )?

    明清时期科举考试主要由( )负责。


    入学后考生被称为( )。

    最早提出中原文献概念的是( )?

    今天荥阳和新密的部分地区。原本占据此地的是( )两国。

    与郑国表现出的鼠首两端相比,宋国在面临大国威胁时( )。

    武姜第二次为次子请封( )?

    “黄泉见母”中提到的大孝子是( )?

    科举废除于( )年。

    汉画像石大约经历了( )年的发展期?

    官方记载最早的书院是( )。

    汉代墓室门区常见的画像石图案有( )?

    郑国春秋中叶以后政权曾陷入( )的内乱。

    范晔入狱后写了( )总结毕生所学?

    明清时期科举制度的核心是( )?

    嵩阳书院位于( )。

    刘恕负责编写《资治通鉴》的( )部分?

    “文献”一词最早出自下列( )典籍?

    文天祥在《正气歌》中称赞的史官是下列( )人物?

    周公所制之礼都包括( )内容?

    以下( )文献记载了牛郎织女的故事?

    吉礼的祭祀对象都包括( )?

    下列哪些选项属于士婚礼的主要仪节( )。

    明清时期科举的特点是( )

    古代三大人才选拔制度是( )。

    科举的进步意义在于( )。

    三级考试分为( )。













    有人曾这样评价《孙子兵法》:“孙武的《吴孙子》比较科学地从春秋时期的战争中总结出战争的一般规律,富有丰富的唯物主义的生动的辩证法思想。它是古代一部优秀的兵法,也是一部出色的哲学著作。”他是当代著名哲学家( )。

    《孙子兵法》第13篇《用间》:“故明君贤将,所以动而胜人,成功出于众者,先知也。先知者,不可取于鬼神,不可象于事,不可验于度,必取于人,知敌之情者也。”这段话反映了《孙子兵法》的( )。

    “战争无非是政治通过另一种手段的继续。”这一论断出自( )。

    我国历史上第一个运用辩证唯物主义的观点、方法系统研究《孙子兵法》的人是( )。

    《孙子兵法》的朴素唯物论精神,首先表现为无神论和反天命的态度。( )

    《孙子兵法》是一部充满唯物主义精神和辩证法思想的经典兵法著作,蕴含着博大精深和深邃宏富的哲理。( )

    《孙子兵法》修书风格体现为,阐述兵理舍事而言理,辞约而义丰,具有高度的哲理色彩和抽象性。( )

    一般认为,法国是世界上最早传播《孙子兵法》的。( )

    前国务卿基辛格博士认为,孙子与西方战略家的根本区别在于,孙子强调取胜以攻心为上,高度重视心理和政治因素;而欧洲著名军事理论家克劳塞维茨和约米尼则认为,战略自成一体,独立于政治。( )

    《孙子兵法》阐述的许多战理、谋略等同样适用于现代企业管理,为此,孙子在西方还获得了另一个头衔——近代商业管理。( )

    孙武是春秋末期( )国人。

    孙武之所以为后人称道,并享誉中外,最根本的原因在于( )。

    目前世界上现存最早、最有影响的古典军事理论名著是( )。

    以下被公认为世界三大兵书的是( )。

    与《战争论》强调灵活用兵不同,《孙子兵法》更注重按既定方案作战指挥打仗。( )

    《孙子兵法》是古典兵学体系的杰出典范,《战争论》是近代西方军事思想的奠基之作,两者在逻辑起点、思维路径、战争观念等方面有着明显的区别。( )

    《孙子兵法》不仅内容博大精深、思想深邃前瞻,而且逻辑缜密严谨,有着严密的逻辑体系。( )

    在《七律•占领南京》中告诫前线将士:“宜将剩勇追穷寇,不可沽名学霸王”,实际上是对孙子“穷寇勿迫”思想的发展。( )

    孙武拜将后亲自参与指挥的柏举之战,贯彻运用了《孙子兵法》“兵者诡道”“上兵伐谋”“兵闻拙速”“以迂为直”“致人而不致于人”“示形动敌”等系列战略战术思想。( )

    《孙子兵法》所反映出来的孙武对于战争的基本态度是( )。

    “兵者,国之大事,死生之地,存亡之道,不可不察也。”(《始计篇》)这段话反映了孙武的( )思想。

    “用兵之法,无恃其不来,恃吾有以待也;无恃其不攻,恃吾有所不可攻也。”(《九变篇》)这体现了孙武的( )思想。

    《孙子兵法》的战争观简要概括起来,就是:慎战与备战、善战并重。( )

    《孙子兵法》的战争观最核心的内容就是“避战”。( )

    与儒、墨一味“非战”、“反战”的立场相比,孙子的慎战思想更接近现实和真理,与《商君书》为代表的法家“主战”理论、嗜战立场相比,孙子的慎战思想更符合道义。( )

    “先胜而后求战”,是孙武备战思想的精华。( )

    不打无准备之仗,不打无把握之仗,是对孙子“先胜而后求战”思想的继承和发展。( )


    孙子认为,百战百胜,非善之善者也;不战而屈人之兵,才是战争的最高境界。( )

    “令之以文,齐之以武”是孙武治军思想的核心。这里的“文”主要指( )。

    “令之以文,齐之以武”是孙武治军思想的核心。这里的“武”主要指( ) 。

    孙武在《九变篇》指出,为将者需要戒除五种危险的性格缺陷。下列属于孙武所说的性格缺陷的是( )。


    孙武高度重视将帅的作用。在他看来,一个优秀的将帅应该具备( )。

    《孙子兵法》特别重视将帅的作用,把将帅的重要性提提升到事关存亡和百姓生死的高度。( )

    孙子在《始计篇》中提出的优秀将领的“五德”标准之一是为将要严。严,既包括严于律己,也包括严格要求部属。( )

    廉洁,可辱也。孙子在兵法中以此告诫为将者,不可好名自尊。( )

    “令之以文,齐之以武”是孙武治军思想的核心。( )

    “三大纪律八项注意”既体现了孙子“令之以文”的思想,又包含孙子“齐之以武”的精神。( )

    《三国演义》中刘备孔明“隆中对”体现了《孙子兵法》的( )思想。

    根据《孙子兵法》的庙算思想,下列的哪篇文章可以看作是对“庙算”理论成功运用的典范?( )。

    齐魏马陵之战孙膑采取减灶示形的手法骗过了庞涓,东汉武都之战汉将虞诩采用增灶示形之计蒙骗了对方。这体现了《孙子兵法》的( )思想。

    《左传•僖公二十二年》记载,宋襄公指挥作战主张“不重伤,不禽二毛……不以阻隘也。……不鼓不成列”。在这里宋襄公奉行的是( )的作战理念。

    “主动权就是军队行动的自由权。”这是( )的观点。

    《游击队之歌》:“没有吃没有穿,自有敌人送上前;没有枪没有跑,敌人给我们造。”唱出了共产领导的军队擅长( )的特点。

    孙武在《始计》篇提出了以“五事”“七计”为主要内容的运筹全局的庙算方法。下列属于“五事”内容的有( )

    孙武认为,把握战争主动权,最基本的手段是( )。

    “道者,令民与上同意”;“上下同欲者胜”;“修道而保法”;“与众相得”。这些论述集中体现了《孙子兵法》的( )思想。

    “善战者,立于不败之地,而不失敌之败也。是故胜兵先胜而后求战,败兵先战而后求胜。”这段话集中体现了《孙子兵法》的( ) 思想。

    “故兵闻拙速,未睹巧之久也。夫兵久而国利者,未之有也。”这段话集中体现了《孙子兵法》的( )思想。

    《孙子兵法》“道胜”思想的“道”,首要含义是指民心政治、社会政治条件;其次也可以理解为战争的正义性。( )

    民主革命时期提出的战争思想既建基于马克思主义的群众史观,也是对《孙子兵法》道胜思想的运用和发展。( )

    “不战而屈人之兵”是《孙子兵法》“全胜”思想追求的理想境界。( )

    “不战而屈人之兵”的真谛,在于用最小的代价换取最大的胜利。( )

    墨子“解带围城”,堪称运用《孙子兵法》“不战而屈人之兵”全胜思想的经典。( )

    把《孙子兵法》的速胜思想成功运用于抗日战争的战略中,以持久战对抗速决战,充分体现了他对孙子兵法速胜思想的巧妙运用和灵活发展。( )

    通过收买敌国的官吏来充当己方的间谍,这种间谍《孙子兵法》称之为( )。

    孙武在《用间》篇把间谍分为五种类型,下列哪些在五种类型里?( )

    《孙子兵法》所讲的“伐交”,即破坏敌人的外交,就是通过外交途径,分化瓦解敌方的结盟,扩大并巩固自己的同盟,使敌陷人孤立,最终不得不屈服于我。( )

    孙武将“奇正”范畴引入军事领域,提出“奇正”理论,使之成为古代军事谋略学最为重要的范畴之一。( )

    孙武是历史、也是世界历史上第一个有记载的将“用间”提到战略高度来认识,并成功运用于战争实践的伟大军事家,堪称世界军事情报学鼻祖。而其军事名著《孙子兵法》则是已知的最早的谍报学范本。( )

    《孙子兵法》中的“死间”,就是故意散布虚假情报,让己方间谍知道并将假情报传给敌方间谍,使之上当,事后难免一死的间谍。( )

    孙武认为,用间方总的原则是:“反间”为主,“五间俱起”。( )

    优待俘虏、化敌为友是共产在新民主主义革命时期的一大创举,是对《孙子兵法》“善卒”、胜敌益强思想的灵活运用与发展。( )

    提出的战略上“以一当十”、战术上“以十当一”理论,不仅充分借鉴运用了《孙子兵法》的我专敌分思想,而且全面发展了这一思想。( )


    我国历史上第一个运用辩证唯物主义的观点、方法系统研究《孙子兵法》的人是( )。

    “令之以文,齐之以武”是孙武治军思想的核心。下列哪一项不属于此处“武”的含义( )。

    “兵者,国之大事,死生之地,存亡之道,不可不察也。”(《始计篇》)这段话反映了孙武的( )思想。

    《孙子兵法》第13篇《用间》:“故明君贤将,所以动而胜人,成功出于众者,先知也。先知者,不可取于鬼神,不可象于事,不可验于度,必取于人,知敌之情者也。”这段话反映了《孙子兵法》的( )。

    孙武在《九变篇》指出,为将者需要戒除五种危险的性格缺陷。下列不属于这五种性格缺陷的是( )。

    根据《孙子兵法》的庙算思想,下列的哪篇文章可以看作是对“庙算”理论成功运用的典范?( )。

    《孙子兵法》的“全胜”思想追求的理想境界是( )。

    “道者,令民与上同意”;“上下同欲者胜”;“修道而保法”;“与众相得”。这些论述集中体现了《孙子兵法》的( )思想。

    被称为当今世界上已知的最早的谍报学范本的军事著作是( )。

    孙武认为,用间方总的原则是( )。

    以下被公认为世界三大兵书的是( )。

    孙武在《用间》篇把间谍分为五种类型。下列属于这五种类型的有( )。

    《孙子兵法》中“奇正”范畴的含义非常广泛,下列关于“奇正”范畴的理解正确的有( )。

    孙武在《始计》篇提出了以“五事”“七计”为主要内容的运筹全局的庙算方法。下列属于“五事”内容的有( )。

    孙子在《始计篇》提出了优秀将领的五条标准。下列属于五条标准的有( )。

    《孙子兵法》是目前世界上现存最早,最有影响的古典军事理论名著。( )

    在战争观上,《孙子兵法》的主导思想是“主战论”,而《战争论》采取的是“不战论”。( )

    《孙子兵法》我专敌分的思想,既是弱势的一方战胜强敌的不二法门,同时也是强势的一方能够轻而易举战胜敌人的诀窍。( )

    共产在民主革命时期提出的优待俘虏、化敌为友政策,是对《孙子兵法》“善卒”、胜敌益强思想的灵活运用与发展。( )

    在抗日战争的实践中,以持久战对抗速决战,充分体现了他对《孙子兵法》速胜思想的巧妙运用和灵活发展。( )

    孙武认为,把握战争主动权,最基本的手段是主动出击。( )

    “三大纪律八项注意”既体现了孙子“令之以文”的思想,又包含孙子“齐之以武”的精神。( )

    《孙子兵法》既是一部经典的军事著作,又是一部光辉的哲学著作,蕴含着博大精深和深邃宏富的哲理。( )

    “战争无非是政治通过另一种手段的继续。”这一论断出自的《论持久战》。( )

    世界上在海外最早传播《孙子兵法》的是。( )

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