


    发展规划指标体系中,( )是中长期发展规划指标体系设计的统计核算基础。

    根据2005年发布的《促进产业结构调整暂行规定》,在我国未来产业格局中发挥先导作用的产业是( )

    银行颁发《典当行管理暂行办法》中规定,典当行实收资本金最低限额为( ) 万元。

    根据《“十二五”节能减排综合性工作方案》,实行主要污染物排放总量控制的行业有( )。

    政策性银行的主要资金来源( )。


    优化发展能源工业,坚持的方针是( )

    加快我国经济发展方式转变,建设( ),是涉及众多行业和领域、门类广泛且复杂的任务,技术性要求极强,需要积极学习吸收国内外先进技术和经验,研究提出正确的应用范围和推广途径。

    我国现在开办的四大类险种是( )。

    提高城镇化水平的重要意义是( )。

    根据《建设工程质量管理条例》,未经( )签字,建筑材料、建筑构(配)件和设备不得在工程上使用或者安装,施工单位不得进行下一道工序的施工。

    “十一五”时期,重点建设的国际航运中心不包括( )。

    按规定,我国商业银行总行要按规定拨付营运资金,拨付各分支机构营运资金的总和,不得超过总行( )的60%。

    试行资本金制度的投资项目,在可行性研究报告中应就资本余筹措情况做出详细说明,包括( )。


    在有电离辐射源的情况下,加强通风是为了 。( )

    根据《电离辐射防护与辐射源安全基本标准》,工作人员职业照射任何一年中的有效剂量不得大于 。()

    对x射线的屏蔽,最有效的材料是 。( )

    不属于防止核燃料放射性物质外泄的屏障有 。

    反应堆堆型是核电厂分类的重要依据,目前我国主要使用的是。( )









    根据《合同法》的规定,下列各项中属于合同无效的情形是( )。

    假设甲公司清算组在清理公司财产、编制资产负债表和财务清单后,发现公司财产不足以清偿债务,应当( ),

    按照生产资料所有制为标准,企业法人可以分为( )。

    2006年7月10日甲签发了一张一个月到期的汇票,收款人为乙,丙为付款人。2006年7月15日,丁向丙提出承兑时遭遇拒绝,并制作拒绝证书。丁对乙行使追索权的期间至( )。

    下列有关国有独资公司的说确的是( )。

    房产税的征收范围包括城市、县城、建制镇、工矿区、农村 ( )

    a了b的电脑后,通过二手市场将该电脑卖给c,c按照市场价格向a支付了价款,根据《物权法》的规定,下列各项中,有关该电脑买卖行为的表述中,符合法律规定的有 ( )。

    王某欠张某三千块钱一直未还,张某的下列哪些行为不能导致诉讼时效的中断?( )。

    某宾馆为了8月8日的开业庆典,于8月7日向电视台租借一台摄像机,庆典之日工作人员不慎摔坏摄像机,宾馆决定按原价买下,以抵偿电视台的损失,遂于8月9日通过电话向电视台负责人表明此意,对方表示同意,8月15日宾馆依约定向电视台支付了价款,摄像机所有权何时转移?( )

    我国《商业银行法》规定,设立农村合作商业银行的最低注册资本数额为币( )。

    关于票据权利的概念有误的是( )。

    商业银行出现信用危机严重影响存款人利益时,可由银行对其实行接管。下列有关商业银行接管的表述,符合我国现行法律的规定的是( )。

    公司公开发行新股,应当符合的条件有( )。

    2008年9月1日,某省会城市的七大商场以厂家凯时尊龙登录入口的售后服务质量不好为由,联合宣布拒绝销售“阳光”牌彩电,同时将各自商场内的“阳光”牌彩电撤下专柜。经证实,任何机关都没有接到过关于“阳光”牌彩电的投诉。根据《反垄断法》的规定,七大商场的上述做法属于( )行为

    it is ok for you to talk about salary or marrige status with a westerner when you meet him / her for the first time.

    westerners take it for granted to have chicken feet or animals' inner organs.

    in the west, you'd better keep quite when you are at a theatre or in a nice restaurant.

    etiquette is an unwritten code, which evolves from written rules.

    etiquette is dependent on culture; that is to say, peole in different cultures have different kinds of etiquette.

    in the west, the notion of etiquette, is of french origin and arose from practices at the court of louis v.

    in china, being modest is very important and considered to be polite, especially when you are praised.

    in the west, it is not polite to call people by their first name.

    compared with chinese, westerners express themselves more direclty.

    if we know nothing about western etiquette, we will make many mistakes or even jokes in the international communication.

    there are many differences between chinese etiquette culture and the western one. please do some research after class and find out more examples.

    shaking hands, iling, and saying “hi” or “nihao” is the most usual way to greet people in china. use “nin hao” to greet older chinese people.

    in china, people are often introduced from youngest to oldest.

    chinese consider it not polite to cross your arms or legs, or have your hands in your pocket when you are speaking to someone.

    chinese also like it when westerners put their feet or sit on desks.

    you can use a toothpick at the table, but make sure you cover your mouth with your free hand.

    chinese consider it rude to say “no” directly. they often say something like “maybe”, “i am busy”, or even “yes” when they really mean “no.

    please give too much attention to an object when visiting someone’ house in china. the host may feel pleased to give it to you.

    chopsticks are usually used by chinese instead of knife and fork.

    you can open your gift in front of the person who gave it to you in china.

    red is a lucky color in chinese society, so you’re supposed to write people’s name using that color.

    if a bellboy is offering help of carrying your heavy luggage to your room in a hotel when you travel in europe, you should say “thank you” only.

    you meet your teacher when you are together with your friend who is of the same age as you. it is polite to introduce your friend to your teacher first.

    you’re a guest in an american friend’s home. you’ve drunk enough coffee when he’s going to refill your cup again, you should say“ok, let me refill it by myself”.

    you received a birthday gift from your american friend. you should say “thank you!” and unwrap it at once.

    you received an invitation that has the letters r.s.v.p., you can go without reply.

    a firm handshake in asia or middle east countries means respect to others.

    after the meal is over, you’d better not to leave for at least half an hour, lest you seem to have come only for the meal.

    before leaving any house in which you are a guest, don’t forget to say goodbye.

    in west, people treat the right the honored place. when the host and his wife sit in centre, the right is an important place.

    in fact,“thank you” is used more widely by westerners than chinese use“谢 谢”, even for minor favors like borrowing pencil and receiving a telephone, etc..

    put the cutlery back after finish dining.

    leave the blackboard unclean before another class.

    smoke in the oking area.

    never cheat in the examination or copy homework.

    damage public properties.

    take seats long before arriving.

    stay in the classroom without switching off mobile phone or turning it into silent mode.

    keeping your voice down in the library or classroom.

    read and spread obscene books and watch nasty video products.

    cut in lines or jump the queue (e.g. lunch time, shopping in supermarket).

    please list at least 5 rules you should obey in public places.

    in the west, it is ok to talk much when having a dinner.

    chinese people find it acceptable to sip or slurp the soup loudly.

    westerners believe that the slower one eats, the more polite one seems.

    at the dinner table, you should keep your mouth shut when chewing.

    you can use the cutlery in any way you like.

    when having the buffet reception, you should focus on the food.

    you shouldn’t wear too much perfume when attending a dinner party.

    women should wear heavy make-up when attending a buffet reception.

    one must wear formally whenever he/she is going to a dinner.

    people in the west tend to over order food at dinner.

    the wedding tradition of carrying or wearing something old, something new, something borrowed or something blue in western countries is said to bring luck and fortune to the newly married couple.

    in western wedding etiquette ,the borrowed item should be something borrowed from any one that is happily married. it is suggested that their happiness will bring lasting happiness to your marriage.

    if the ceremony is held in a church, guests may not be wearing sundresses, short skirts to any wedding.

    never wear a long white dress to someone’s else’s wedding in western coutries!

    in ancient china, newlyweds would see each other’s face for the first time in their lives at their wedding night.

    in the traditional chinese wedding ceremony, the groom must pass through a game known as "door-blocking” after he can pick up the bride to go to the wedding party.

    three bows is a wedding tradition for chinese people until now.

    taking the union of wine cups is considered as the most important part of a typical chinese wedding .

    normally, in the chinese wedding tradition, the “judges ”of the bride always overdo "door-blocking” game and the game lasts for a long period of time.

    at the beginning of the wedding banquet in china, the new couple usually make three bows. the first is made to the heaven and earth, second to their parents and the third bow is made to each other.

    in english speaking countries, you don’t need to make an appointment before paying a visit to somebody.

    seeing a black cat walking in front of you is believed to bring you bad luck.

    nowadays, people always use “negro” to address a black man.

    jesus christ was crucified on the 13th, friday.

    you can use your fork to put some food on others’ plates when having dinner in america.

    westerners usually light up with pleasure to respond to compliments with an excited “thank you!”

    the word “taboo” comes from tongo island

    western people regard 31th of a month as a very unlucky day.

    in china, the elderly usually feel free to ask about the younger people’s private life to show their concerns.

    westerners believe it unlucky to hold a wedding ceremony, to travel, to voyage, to start a new job, to hold a conference or do any business on friday.

    betty did typing, filing, answering telephone calls and some routine work in her former secretary experience all the time.

    canadians value closeness and friendliness. it is appropriate to stand close to a business contact and frequently touch his/her arm while talking.

    when meeting a contact of the opposite sex the man should wait for the woman to initiate the handshake.

    when breaking the ice with a contact at the beginning of a meeting it is appropriate to discuss such things as the weather, politics and traffic.

    it is acceptable to leave your personal cellular phone on during office hours and answer it when it rings.

    you pass a co-worker in the hallway and he asks “how are you?”. you respond by telling him what happened bettwen you and your girlfriend/boyfriend.

    a co-worker comes to your office to introduce you to a friend of his. you give him a high five.

    a co-worker shares office gossip/rumors with you. you politely listen and keep the information to yourself

    when corresponding with a business contact by email you should be as formal as if you were writing an actual letter on paper

    after a meeting with a contact, in order to express your thanks, it is appropriate to send a thank you letter.

    “植物油的成品油储罐中储存的植物油越少,其事故发生的严重性越小,因此当储罐的容积一定时,罐内装的植物油越少,罐的事故风险度越低。”这种说法是不正确的,其原因是( )。






    厂安全主管甲的有些观点是错误的,下列说法错误的有( )。

    我国将生物因素所致职业病( )列为法定职业病。

    a焦化厂为民营企业,从业人员1000人,发生生产安全事故2起、造成2人轻伤。 该厂因精苯工业废水兑水稀释后外排,被环保部门责令整改。该厂采取的整改措施是将废水向煤场内煤堆喷洒,这样既抑制了扬尘,又避免了废水外排。为防止相关事故发生,该厂于5月20日制订实施了《a焦化厂精苯污水喷洒防尘管理办法》。

    漏电保护器额定漏电动作电流在( )者属于高灵敏度型。


    船员航海知识浅薄,技术素质低劣以及诲上经验不足,均是导致海损事故发生的因素。对起海事原因的分析表明,约有( )以上的海事是由人为因素造成的,说明船员条件是水运安全的直接重要因素。

    安全责任制的实质是( )。

    依据《安全生产违法行为行政处罚办法》的规定,对安全生产违法行为的处罚,给予关闭的行政处罚,由( )决定。









    下列哪种药物首次服用时可能引起较严重的性低血压( )





    有关处方保存的说法,错误的是( )。

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