


    ______ refers to internal or external factors that affect the communication process.

    _______ refers to the means through which message is communicated.

    _______ refers to the context in which speech communication takes place.

    _______ refers to the verbal or non-verbal response to the speaker in speech communication.

    ________ is the person who initiates the communication.

    ________ is the person who receives the communicated message.

    which of the following is not a component of active listening?

    speech communication is the interaction of all the seven elements in speech making process.

    speech anxiety is natural born and there is no way to cope with it.

    in speech communication, listening is just as important as speaking.

    the best way to reduce speech anxiety is through effective preparation.

    before a speech, is it helfful to think like this? "people will laugh at my poor pronunication."

    effective listeners should keep an open _________.

    as an effective listener, one should make efforts to eliminate ________ in their work and study.

    please read the following paragraph and decide whether it is delivered to a beginner, a university student, a professional expert, or a young kid. the light reflected from an object or scene enters the camera through the focusing lens, which gathers the incoming light and forms a clear image in the viewfinder. the adjustable aperture determines the amount of light entering the camera according to the brightness and distance of the scene or object, and the shutter controls the opening time of the aperture for photographic exposure. when the shutter is released, the aperture flips open and light enters the film compartment. the light hits the recording surface and forms a negative image on the light sensitive film.

    please read the following paragraph and decide whether it is delivered to a beginner, a university student, a professional expert, or a young kid. switch the power button to “on”. grasp the camera with its lens pointing away from you in your right hand so that your index finger is wrapped around the top, right-hand corner of the camera. your remaining fingers should be in the notch of the lens cover and your thumb should be on the film compartment door. aim the camera at the object that you will be photographing and look through the viewfinder. center the main item of your picture into the middle of the viewfinder. make sure the all, inner box in the very center of the viewfinder is on the object you want to photograph. this is the spot where the camera will focus. failure to center the focusing box on your object can result in blurred pictures. make sure that there is nothing, fingers or shoulder strap, directly in front of the lens. when everything is ready, depress the shutter release. your picture is taken and the film is automatically advanced to the next frame. the camera automatically adjusts for different lighting situations and turns the flash on automatically when needed.

    please read the following paragraph and decide whether it is delivered to a beginner, a university student, a professional expert, or a young kid. a camera is a machine for taking pictures. a traditional camera generally consists of an enclosed box with an opening aperture at one end for light to enter, and a recording surface for capturing the light at the other end. a majority of cameras have a lens fixed in front of the aperture to gather the incoming light and focus the image on the recording surface. the aperture is, in turn, attached to a shutter, a mechanical device that controls the length of time that the light hits the recording surface.

    which of the following factor is not among the factors of demographic ysis?

    people don’t usually expend the time and effort to attend a speech unless __________.

    there are big differences among listeners with similar demographic characteristics

    a speech cannot be successful without ______ your audience

    we pay closest attention to messages that ______ our own values, beliefs, and well-being

    the physical setting of a speech includes the following except______.

    you should keep the questions ______ and the questionnaire ________.

    which of the following topic can be used to conduct an informative speech?

    which of the following topic can be used to conduct a persuasive speech?

    what are the ways for us to get some information from the audience?

    audience size will have the greatest impact on your delivery.

    it is appropriate to give a speech to memorize one of your friends in a wedding

    the same talk and material can be given in different ways to different audiences at different times according to your ______of the speech.

    usually a speech contains __________ main points. a. 2-3 b. 3-4 c. 2-5 d. 2-4

    speeches that narrate a series of events in the sequence in which they happened are following a ___________ in the speech. a. chronological order b. spatial order c. topical order d. problem-solution order

    the strategic order of the main points in a speech is decided by __________. a. the topic b. the purpose c. the audience d. the introduction

    there are different types of speech connectives, including __________. a. transitions b. signposts c. internal previews d. internal summaries

    chronological order can be used in speeches explaining a process or demonstrating how to do something.

    the main points in a speech can overlap with each other.

    the same or similar pattern of wording for main points should usually be adopted in a speech.

    the use of connectives helps listeners keep track of the speakers' ideas.

    internal summaries let the audience know what the speaker will take up next.

    which type of supporting evidence does the following statement use? “there were over 1000 million cancer cases diagnosed in 2018. “

    if a speaker uses the words of an expert, what type of evidence does he or she use?

    if a speaker wants to use an example to describe a kind of advanced technology used in the future, the speaker can use a(n) _________.

    which of the following creteria should a speaker use to evaluate the quality of the supporting materials?

    which of the following examples are mentioned in the lecture as supporting evidence?

    when using large numbers as supporting evidence, the speaker should explain the statistics so that the audience can understand.

    when giving speeches in sicence and engineering, speakers should use as many statistics as possible.

    which of the following statement about the functions of introduction is not true?

    which of the following is useful when the speaker wants to use the method of asking questions in the beginning of the speech?

    how to inject emotion into their stories?

    choose the deductive reasoning from the following statements.

    what is the most important thing of a group presentation?

    which of the following is not right?

    identify the fallacy in the following statement: raising a child is like having a pet—you need to feed it, play with it, and everything will be fine.

    1. ______ is the highness or lowness of the speaker’s voice.

    2. which of the following is not the function of using proper pause?

    3. by using eye contact, the speaker should do the following except_______.

    4. which of the following is not the primary gestures in speech delivery.

    5. which of the following is not true about designing powerpoint only with words?

    6. which of the following is not the way to use colors effectively?

    1. _____ is the first step to give a successful impromptu speech.

    2. the word “pitch” in the term “an elevator pitch” means ______.

    3. which one of following steps is not the step to make an elevator pitch?

    _______ refers to the means through which message is communicated.

    ______ refers to the verbal or non-verbal response to the speaker in speech communication.

    ______ will create a bond between the speaker and the listeners.

    which of the following is not a psychological factor in audience ysis?

    ______ ysis refers to ysis of factors such as age, gender, educational background of the audience.

    _____ ysis can be generally summarized as "how your audience is gathered".

    the most common way to gather information from audience is _________.

    the speech which narrates a series of events in the sequence in which they happened is following __________ order.

    __________ order results when one ides the speech into subtopics.

    if the speaker wants to describe an imaginary situation when using a new technology in future, he or she can use a __________ .

    which of the following is not the reason why a good introduction is important?

    which of the following can not help you catch the audience's attention?

    which of the following can not help make you more reliable?

    which of the following is not suggested while you start your presentation?

    what of the following is not suggested when you are giving a group presentation?

    which of the following is the key to the story if you want your audience to remember it?

    which of the following statements is not true?

    which of the following tips is not mentioned in our lectures?

    reasoning is the process of drawing a conclusion on the basis of______.

    which one of the following messages does not belong to persuasive message?

    when practicing pause, what you should do is _______.

    which is true about speech rate?

    _______ is the motion of the speaker's hands or arms during the speech.

    a speaker could use facial expressions to _______.

    when using fonts, you should follow the principles except _______.

    which one of the following messages is not the main characteristics of impromptu speech?

    which one of the following messages does not belong to impromptu speech?

    during the elevator pitch, the most important for the speaker to reveal should be ______.

    speech communication is a one-way communication because only the speaker is speaking.

    some people are natural born nervous speakers. speech anxiety cannot be solved.

    the best strategy to reduce nervousness is through good preparation.

    thinking positively can also help reduce speech anxiety.

    the main purpose of conducting an audience ysis is to help you know the topic of the speech.

    the more you know about your audience, the more complicated preparation you will conduct.

    the larger the audience, the more formal your presentation will be.

    the purpose of "a report on the process or progress of a given program" is to persuade.

    the purpose of "lobbying for investment" is to inform.

    in most cases, a speech will contain from two to five main points.

    each main point in a speech should be clearly independent of the others.

    internal summaries in a speech let the audience know what the speaker will take up next.

    when using large numbers as supporting evidence, the speaker should explain the statistics so that the audience can understand.

    a speaker can cite from any sources to use as supporting materials.

    when giving speeches, it is a good idea to use a lot of statistics to look professional.

    during the process of persuasion, the audiences receive information or values passively.

    once the speaker has decided to make an impromptu speech, he or she should start the speech immediately.






    the roles of time and conditions of uncertainty are the two distinguishing characteristics of financial decisions.

    in order to protect against a drop in price of the stocks you hold, you decide to lock in stock prices by signing a contract with financial intermediaries. what is the type of financial decision you make in the example? ( )

    suppose that alice bought a house by obtaining a loan from a financial company, which raised funds by issuing stocks and bonds in the markets. which one is correct about the flow of funds? ( )

    stock is one of the financial instruments traded on the money market.

    suppose you put $1,000 into an account earning an interest rate of 5% per year for 5 years, and assuming you take nothing out of the account before then. what is the future value? what are the simple interest and the compound interest?

    you take out a loan at an apr (annual percentage rate) of 12% with monthly compounding. what is the effective annual rate on your loan?

    georgette is currently 30 years old, plans to retire at age 65 and to live to age 85. her labor income is $25,000 per year, and she intends to maintain a constant level of real consumption spending over the next 55 years. assume no taxes, no growth in real salary, and a real interest rate of 3% per year. what is the value of georgette’s human capital? and what is her permanent income?

    you are taking out a $100,000 mortgage loan to be repaid over 25 years in 300 monthly payments. (a) if the interest rate is 16% per year what is the amount of the monthly payment? (b) if you can only afford to pay $1000 per month, how large a loan could you take? (c) if you can afford to pay $1500 per month and need to borrow $100,000, how many months would it take to pay off the mortgage? (d) if you can pay $1500 per month, need to borrow $100,000, and want a 25 year mortgage, what is the highest interest rate you can pay?

    suppose you are a manager in the personal computer ision of compusell corporation, a large firm that manufactures many different types of computers. you come up with an idea for a new type of personal computer, which you call the pc1000. your estimates assume that sales will be 4,000 units per year at a price of $5,000 per unit. the total fixed costs are $3,500,000 per year, in which the depreciation is $400,000. the variable costs are $4,000 per unit for the pc1000. the corporate income tax rate is 40% per year. the initial outlay for pc1000 is $5,000,000 and an additional $2,200,000 you will get back at the end of the project’s life in year 7. the rate used to discount the cash flows is 15%. what would be the npv of the pc1000 project?

    suppose you are a manager in the personal computer ision of compusell corporation, a large firm that manufactures many different types of computers. you come up with an idea for a new type of personal computer, which you call the pc1000. the initial outlay for pc1000 is $5,000,000. the total fixed costs are $3,500,000 per year, in which the depreciation is $400,000. the variable costs are $3,750 per unit for the pc1000. your estimates assume that the price of the personal computer is $5,000 per unit. the corporate income tax rate is 40% per year. and an additional $2,200,000 you will get back at the end of the project’s life in year 7.what would be the break-even volume for the pc1000 project if the cost of capital is 25% per year?

    the book value of an asset as reported on a balance sheet often differs from the asset’s market value, and for financial decision-making purposes, the correct value to use is the book value whenever available. true or false?

    when someone asserts he can make profit by yzing public information of stocks, he is a supporter of the semi-strong form of emh. true or false?

    what are the current yield and yield to maturity on a three-year bond with a face value of $1,000 and a coupon rate of 6% per year and a price of $900?

    xyz stock is expected to pay a idend of $2 per share a year from now, and its idends are expected to grow by 6% per year thereafter. if its price is now $20 per share, what must be the market capitalization rate?

    which one of the following is an example of systematic risk?

    ( )is a standardized forward contract that is traded on some organized exchange.

    which of the following statements about swap is not correct?

    setting an interest-rate floor to is ogous to buy a ( ) option for a depositor.

    which of the followings is not the way to avoid losses through insuring?

    the risk-free rate is 5%, risk premium on the market portfolio is 10%, and the beta of betaful’s stock is 1.2. according to capm, the equilibrium expected rate of return on its stock should be ( ).

    suppose the spot price of stock s&p is $100 and the one-year forward price is $107, then the implied risk-free rate is 7%.

    有关蛙心插管的描述中正确的是( ) :

    有关破坏蟾蜍脑脊髓的描述中正确的是( ) :

    分离蛙坐骨神经的描述中正确的是( ) :








    以下有关切口部位的描述中正确的是( ):

    选用20%乌拉坦溶液麻醉家兔的描述中正确的是( ) :

    给家兔剪毛时,以下说确的是( ) :

    术中微小血管损伤后,正确止血的方法为( ) :

















    an english learning activity usually consists of three parts:

    in order to improve thinking quality, students need to think

    which aspects are included in english subject key competency?

    the new curriculum standard has raised the concept of “core competence of english language subject”.

    in the different phases of a lesson, a teacher's role may change.

    a leaner has only one learning style.

    if we focus on learners’ preference for the time they respond, we can classify cognitive styles into reflective and impulsive.

    coursebooks are often regarded as the core materials for classroom language learning.

    coursebooks must cover the development of all language skills.

    teachers can adapt teaching materials according to the needs of particular students.







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