




    用于病毒分离和核酸检测的标本应尽快检测,能在24小时内检测的标本可置于()保存;24小时内无法检测的标本可置于( )或以下保存。

    新型冠状病毒毒株或其他潜在感染性材料运输应按照《可感染人类的高致病院微生物菌(毒)株或样本运输管理规定》(原卫生部令第45号)办理( )。




    发现疑似或确诊新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎患者时,应当按照有关要求及时报告,并在( )小时内上报信息。

    新型冠状病毒对紫外线和热敏感,( )30分钟,乙醚、75%乙醇、含氯消毒剂、过氧乙酸和氯仿等脂溶剂均可有效灭活病毒,氯已定不能有效灭活病毒。


    1、用于新型冠状病毒核酸检测的呼吸道样本有( )。

    新型冠状病毒的早期症状( )。

    正确洗手方法( )。

    新型冠状病毒的潜伏期可能是( )。

    飞沫传播的防护方法有( )。


    在现场调查中,应注意收集下列哪些信息( )

    新型冠状病毒调查结论应包括:( )

    强化四早策略( )

    密切接触者管理参照有关要求开展调查,调查时间应重点关注 ( )

    主要的病例暴露场所有一下哪几种( )?

    聚集性疫情调查调查内容:( )

    新型冠状病毒主要传播途径:为( ),在相对封闭的环境中长时间暴露于高浓度气溶胶情况下存在经气溶胶传播的可能,其他传播途径尚待明确

    新型冠状病毒临床表现( ):







    新型冠状病毒对紫外线和热敏感,56℃ 30 分钟、乙醚、75%乙醇、含氯消毒剂、过氧乙酸和氯仿等脂溶剂均可有效灭活病毒













    司马迁曾受教于( )。

    司马迁二十出游的出发地是( )。

    司马迁出游曾到( )的故乡长期学习考察。

    司马迁于( )任太史令 。

    ( )在位期间完成了平定匈奴。


    司马迁,字子长,夏阳(今陕西韩城南)人 。



























    写作1. directions: in this task, you are required to write an email to the teachers of this course. in your email, you need to 1. tell who you are and why you learn this course. 2. tell how you feel about the course and your advice for improving it.

    写作2: task 2: writing a memo you are the manager of the marketing department of abc company. your department moved to the new office a week ago and there is nowhere nearby for lunch. so all the people need to bring to their lunch and have it in office. in that case, a microwave oven is need for heating the lunch. you are writing to the general manager for his grant.

    which dynasty did the chinese knot originate from.

    how many threads are braided with a decorative knot.

    when did unesco list the great wall as a world cultural heritage.

    which of the following is the first written account of chinese medicine practice.

    what was confucius’ name?

    the martial arts style features include training methods that imitate animals are based on chinese( )

    chinese knots can be braided into various shapes. what are the most common patterns ?

    the book compiled his sayings is analects.( )

    confucius started the long-lived tradition of offering private education to the common people.( )

    chinese martial arts, commonly known as "kung fu," are various martial arts styles that have been developed in china for thousands of years.( )

    what is the key to creating sugar person?( )

    what are the characteristics of the slab used to draw a sugar figurine?( )

    which one of the following choices is true?( )

    which of the following descriptions of soup buns is wrong?( )

    when can tangyuan date back to?( )

    the sugar figurine is made into several specific shapes, such as characters, animals, plants and so on, with the maltose.( )

    most of sugar figurine in song dynasty were in the form of steric.( )

    it is said that blowing the sugar figurines began at song dynasty.( )

    sugar figurine is ided into two types: blowing sugar figurine and drawing sugar figurine by different manufacture process.( )

    because of the same fillings and preparations, baozi is a type of steamed,filled bun or bread-like item in unique chinese cuisines.( )

    ( )characters were initially meant to be simple pictures used to help people remember things.

    humans generated several kinds of hieroglyphical characters,such as the hieroglyphical characters in( )and indians’mayan characters,were lost later due to a host of reasons.

    though there are numerous chinese characters, there are only several( )daily-used ones.

    even though people all use the chinese language, they speak in different ways in different areas, which are called( )

    when did beijing opera begin.( )

    the five basic strokes of chinese characters are( )and “乙” (the turning stroke).

    ( )are also used by overseas chinese.

    only indians’mayan characters have gone through several thousand years of evolution and remain until now.( )

    which of the following artists is famous for bada shanren.( )

    flower arrangement prevailed in the( )dynasty.

    jiang taigong was the state adviser of which dynasty.( )

    which of the following is the most abstract and outstanding artistic achievement in chinese culture?( )

    bada's method of expression was based on his mastery of traditional chinese painting techniques. however, he did not follow tradition blindly;he tried new trails and sought new ways of expression.( )

    1000 years ago, there were the primitive ideas and prototypes of flower arrangement in china.( )

    jiang taigong is a popular name for jiang ziya, statean and strategist.()

    one year has( )solar terms in accordance with the changes of nature, stipulating the proper time for planting and harvesting.

    legend has it that long ago during the age of great floods,there was a vicious monster named( ), which means year.

    juniors will greet seniors, wishing them health and longevity, while seniors will give juniors some gift( )as a wish for their safety in the coming year.

    ( ), also called the duanwu festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the chinese calendar.

    which of the following are the customs of the dragon boat festival.( )

    lantern festival's important activity is watching lanterns.( )

    the dragon boat festival is a traditional holiday in china .( )

    when did buddhi spread from india to china?

    the buddhist pagoda is also called dagoba, where did it originate.

    memorial archways can be ided into several categories in terms of their construction intentions.

    when did the word "hutong" first appear?

    the academy of classical learning was an independent educational organization in tang, song, ming and qing dynasties.

    the buildings of the academies are mostly a group of serious and tidy ones.

    from the day on when the academy of classical learning started it was closely related to the life to maintain their own integrity of the scholars.

    there is no difference between buildings of classical learning academies and ordinary folk architecture.

    the method of layout of temples built in the cities is similar to that of the complex of other large buildings.

    what is the highest and largest palatial architectural complex in the world today.

    where is the mountain resort in chengde located.

    in which year did the construction of the summer resort begin.

    where are the mogao grottoes located.

    when was the first mogao grottoes carved.

    the forbidden city is the largest and most complete imperial palace and ancient building complex in china.

    city walls are 10 meters high,and a 52 meter-wide moat surrounds the forbidden city.

    the building arrangement within the forbidden city is asymmetrical.

    the temple of heaven is much bigger than the forbidden city.

    who is the author of along the river during the qingming festival.

    along the river during the qingming festival is known as "chinese version of mona lisa".

    bianzhong is an ancient chinese musical instrument consisting of a set of bronze bells, played melodicall.

    the jade burial suits of emperors used gold thread.

    a jade burial suit was extremely expensive to create, and only wealth aristocrats could afford to be buried in them.

    throughout much of chinese history, what is the basic adhesive to maintain society.( )

    how old a birthday is considered a very important moment in life.( )

    what food symbolizes longevity in china.( )

    how many years a cycle of the chinese zodiac.( )

    which of the following are zodiac animals.( )

    what are the two important elements of asian culture, especially chinese culture.( )

    what is the biggest difference between chinese and western diets.( )

    chinese culture has many rules and customs that have nothing to do with diet.( )

    in a chinese meal, an even number of dishes should be ordered.( )

    colorful lantern originated from( )

    what is the legendary earliest kite made from.( )

    when did the kite be used to measure and send information.( )

    where is the international kite federation headquarters.( )

    which of the following options belongs to the four famous embroidery in china.( )

    the lantern is an excellent cultural heritage of the chinese nation.( )

    kite flying is not a popular entertainment activity in china.( )

    the paper cutting is for celebrations, festivals and home decoration, often with red color, which is the lucky color in china.( )

    as an ancient cultural city, guilin is a holy place for human wisdom with a history of___years.

    guilin has inimitable___landform.

    mount huangshan is a mountain range in southern___ .

    there are____peaks on the mountain, of which mount everest is 1,864 meters above sea level, together with guangming ding and tiandu peak and becoming the main peak.

    zhangjiajie national forest park is the first national forest park in china.( )

    zhangjiajie national forest park is called "nature museum and natural botanical gard.( )

    who is the author of compendium of materia medica?( )

    when did confucius live?( )

    how many disciples he had taught?( )

    which nation chose cheongsam as their ancient costume.( )

    cha was created by( )in the 8th century during the tang dynasty.

    the tea as a beverage had become rather popular in areas along the yangtze river and its tributaries during the( )at the latest.

    who is the author of border town.( )

    who is the author of fortress besieged.( )

    which of the following is the correct interpretation of "lord ye's love of dragons".( )

    when will palace buildings enter the heyday?( )

    why the size and orientation of the building area of the courtyard house are different?( )

    the province and city where the longmen grottoes are located.( )

    when was the longmen grottoes listed as a state key cultural relic protection site.( )

    when was pingyao the economic center of china?( )

    in what year did the first emperor qin shihuang cemetery thorough archeological investigation begins.( )

    in which year the emperor qinshihuang and terra cotta warriors pit "by unesco world heritage list approved listed in the".( )

    which year was the shaolin temple built.(b)

    where is the temple of heaven located in china.( )

    when was the temple of heaven built?( )

    in what year was the forbidden city included in the "world cultural heritage list".( )

    in the natal year, people usually wear something of color to avoid bad luck.( )

    which of the following is china's first monograph on education.( )

    which of the following monographs puts forward the idea of "teaching first" and believes that the country's primary task is education.( )

    when is the teacher's day in china every year?( )

    in ancient times, cheongsam generally referred to long gowns worn by the people of manchuria, mongolia and the eight-banner.( )

    cheongsam features strong national flavor and embodies beauty of chinese traditional costume.( )

    cheongsam is usually made of excellent materials.( )

    cheongsam enormous variation is also embodied in its embroidery, materials and different length and styles.( )

    after braiding, the front and back sides of the chinese knot are different.( )

    the great wall of china is a series of fortifications made of stone, brick, tamped earth, wood, and other materials generally.( )

    people from northern china and southern china have the same taste requirements for tangyuan.( )

    people in the north prefer sweet dumplings.( )

    people usually think that the chinese were thought to be the first discoverers of tea.( )

    at the traditional chinese marriage ceremony, both the bride and groom do not need to serve their parents tea.( )

    china has a vast territory and a large population.( )

    dialects are branches of the chinese language in different regions, and are only used in certain areas.( )

    among them, south dialect is one used most widely.( )

    beijing opera isn't the best-known chinese opera style.( )

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