


    电视新闻节目的三个层面中,最基础的是( )。


    电视新闻报道要做到准确、清晰、有效。这就要求在画面呈现上( )。

    除了基本的信息明确外,电视新闻报道还要做到有吸引力,应通过丰富的视角体现事件全貌。这要求记者( )。

    新闻报道关注的对象是( )。




    在采访报道前期,记者应该给自己提几个问题,思考“这个故事最有趣的地方在哪里?”“这个故事到底是关于什么的?”“什么能让记者和观众好奇?”“从这个故事中能得到什么以前不知道的东西?” 这样做主要是为了使采访报道具有问题意识。


    在电视采访策划中,把握选题的四点基本原则为( )。


    原哥伦比亚广播公司《晚间新闻》主持人丹拉瑟所提出的“后院篱笆原则”主要强调在选题角度的选择中,应( )。

    电视采访的首要环节是( )。

    “城门失火,殃及池鱼”的俗语告诉我们应在( )中寻求报道角度



    20 年前,一个重庆男孩李曦在重庆长江大桥上的一次普通晨跑留在了《话说长江》的荧幕之中,在20年后的《再说长江·水火山城》又把长大成人的李曦的又一次晨跑记录在片子中,以展开讲述重庆的发展变化。这是通过事物的组合对比来寻求角度。



    结构电视新闻节目的具体思路为( )。

    新闻报道可以分为事件类报道和非事件类报道,其中非事件类报道又可分为( )。

    电视新闻节目的叙事应处于一种流动的状态,是不断向前推进的,而不是停滞不前的。因此节目需要有吸引力的开头、丰满的发展、推向极端的以及响亮的结尾这样的基本叙述逻辑,这就涉及到节目的( )。

    在电视新闻采访报道中,要尽可能快地在屏幕上放一张脸,一张能够生动讲故事的脸,这指的是( )。

    悬念设置的“3s”原则的内涵为( )。






    为确保能够瞬间切入事件,第一时间获取转瞬即逝的第一手素材,记者应该在采访拍摄中做到 ( )。

    电视新闻动态采访的三字技巧为( )。

    细节是金,在电视采访报道中细节指的是( )。

    运用同期声不在量,而在质。同期声不能毫无选择地记录当事人的琐碎生活而变得拖沓冗长,毫无信息量,这要求在结构同期声的过程中记者应( )。

    伊朗电影《小鞋子》开头段落用一个特写长镜头展现一双手在补一双小鞋子,背景声既有补鞋声,同时穿插了叫卖声、高跟鞋走在石板的声音、摩托车路过的声音,这些丰富的声音为我们传达出这个补鞋的环境是一个嘈杂的集市。这种声音处理技巧为( )。






    电视记者在镜头前就如同面对观众进行直接交流,这一意识叫做( )

    知名主持人王志曾说过,“在现场你没有任何东西可以伪装,也没有任何捷径可行走,只有通过自己的眼睛去观察,用自己的心灵去体会,用自己的神情去把握,用自己的语言去表达,否则就是失败的开始”。这段话告诉我们要提升出镜价值,就要( )


    现场出镜报道的意义在于( )







    一条优秀的电视新闻报道,不仅要有对新闻事件本身客观清晰的传达,更要有正面、反面、中立的观点的碰撞,让观众去思考,看到事情的多面性。这是在讲电视新闻节目的哪一层面?( )。

    报道者在现场就事件提炼出的最有新意、最有趣、最有价值的核心报道点是报道的( )。

    原哥伦比亚广播公司《晚间新闻》主持人丹拉瑟所提出的“后院篱笆原则”主要强调在选题角度的选择中,应( )。

    结构电视新闻节目的具体思路为( )。

    在电视新闻采访报道中,要尽可能快地在屏幕上放一张脸,一张能够生动讲故事的脸,这指的是( )。

    确立“早开机、晚关机、中间不停机”的拍摄意识是为了( )。

    电视新闻动态采访的三字技巧为( )。

    伊朗电影《小鞋子》开头段落用一个特写长镜头展现一双手在补一双小鞋子,背景声既有补鞋声,同时穿插了叫卖声、高跟鞋走在石板的声音、摩托车路过的声音,这些丰富的声音为我们传达出这个补鞋的环境是一个嘈杂的集市。这种声音处理技巧为( )。

    在电视采访报道中细节指的是( )。

    电视记者在镜头前就如同面对观众进行直接交流,这一意识叫做( )。

    一条电视新闻报道在信息传达的过程中所包含的三个层次为( )。

    下列说确的是( )。

    下列属于同期声的是( )。

    现场出镜报道的意义在于( )。

    新闻报道可以分为事件类报道和非事件类报道,其中非事件类报道又可分为( )。








    下面不符合求职信写法的是( )

    简历最好根据自己的情况确定( )个岗位表达自己的求职愿望。

    求职信可以包括下列内容( )

    ipd refers to ( )

    isc refers to ( )

    which one is not the effect of negative entropy to the object system? ( )

    which of the following statement is correct? ( )

    from august 1998 to the first half of 2003, in which areas does ibm's consulting project focus? ( )

    the roles of doctor play in enterprises include ( )

    in the case study of this section, how did ibm survive the crisis? ( )

    three benefits that enterprise can get from seeking for management consulting include ( )

    when would the enterprise need to seek for management consulting? ( )

    why do the consultants can help the enterprise to get rid of difficulty about management? ( )

    what are the external factors that cause the entropy production of an organization? ( )

    in the following choices, the large enterprise disease is mainly reflected in ( )

    the correct order of each stage in management consulting is ( ) ①contacting for consulting ②implementation of plans ③follow-up services ④preparation of consulting ⑤formal consulting

    in the diagnosis and treatment of enterprises, “diagnosing with treating” means ( )

    management consultants should first ( ) before proposing solutions.

    which of the following consulting services belongs to management consulting service, and is applicable for the price of competitive consulting service? ( )

    in the process of diagnosis, how to discover the problems?( )

    suppose that there are two independent and multipliable items a and b, if a>0 and b>0,logically,the results are(a b)>a and(a b)>b. therefore, it can be concluded that if in practical observation there emerge counter-examples, those examples are regarded as “irrationalities”. the conclusion is reached through the strategy of ( )

    which of the following is not the solution to enterprise problems?

    in an enterprise, the productivity, the supply of suppliers and sales are unstable. the problems of the enterprise may be ( )

    how to find out the key point quickly during the process of discovering problems: ( )

    how to find the key problem during the process of discovering problems: ( )

    emergency and intensive illness, just as its name, is important and urgent. which of the following phenomenon is the emergency and intensive illness? ( )

    in management consulting, the main methods consultants use to solve urgent problems are ( )

    in this section, which of the following cases deal with all problems correctly: ( )

    which of the following problems could be discovered by management consultants ( )

    when a consultant is consulting a company, a leader of the department of quality assurance says that there is no problem in the quality inspection process. even if there is a problem, he is not the one to blame. at this time, the consultant should

    the three main diagnosis purposes corresponding to problem attributes are ( )

    which of the following belongs to the trilogy of enterprise diagnosis?

    in management consulting, the collection and preparation of information is more than important. which of the following belongs to the strategies of collecting information?

    the characteristics of interview investigation are

    the functions of check table don’t include

    which of the following is not true about the content of check table

    the object properties of the seven questions ysis exclude

    the fish-bone diagram is

    in the arrangement diagram of quality management, the part of 80% to 90% corresponding to the cumulative frequency curve chart belongs to

    which can be defined as the functional ysis in the enterprise diagnosis?

    the features of the cause-and-effect diagram are

    concerning the problems spotted, main problems can be decided only after the requirement ysis. which of the following expressions is wrong?

    main points should be grasped in solution consulting, which excludes

    the risks evolves according to the order of

    how many aspects should be paid attention to in planning a solution?

    planning a solution requires

    instead of being confined to the existing problems, consultants should “create a case out of nothing” such as

    the primary aim of the performance appraisal of a solution is

    the use of the brainstorming requires

    mece is a basic principle of the mckinsey’s logic. which of the following statements are right?

    which of the following conditions can be the hot issues of management consulting?

    during the process of planning a solution, which of the following behaviors are right?

    the premise of promoting a solution is

    which of the following is not the responsibility of a special project group?

    the formal reporting to the customer enterprises includes

    which of the following is the offside behavior of the consultation subject?

    which of the following is not the feature of the pilot object?

    which of the following is not the purpose of regular evaluation and promotion?

    which of the following is not the “quality” property and characteristic of the implementation goal?

    in what ways do consultants impart management knowledge to the client team?

    what’s the main purpose of a consultant imparting relevant management knowledge to the client team?

    why do we carry out pilot work before fully implementing a solution?

    what problems need to be solved to establish a system of network community management?

    isc refers to

    which one is not the effect of negative entropy to the object system?

    in the following choices, the large enterprise disease is mainly reflected in

    suppose that there are two independent and multipliable items a and b, if a>0 and b>0,logically,the results are(a b)>a and(a b)>b. therefore, it can be concluded that if in practical observation there emerge counter-examples, those examples are regarded as “irrationalities”. the conclusion is reached through the strategy of

    which of the following is not the solution to enterprise problems?

    in an enterprise, the productivity, the supply of suppliers and sales are unstable. the problems of the enterprise may be

    when yzing data, consultants need to transform data into information to make it judgement basis. which of the following is not the transformation data?

    the roles of doctor play in enterprises include

    what are the external factors that cause the entropy production of an organization?

    when would the enterprise need to seek for management consulting?

    why do the consultants can help the enterprise to get rid of difficulty about management?

    in the process of diagnosis, how to discover the problems?

    how to find the key problem during the process of discovering problems:

    which of the following strategies is consistent to its characteristics?

    during the management consulting, consultants ought to identify what the important issue is. which of the following is the important issue in enterprise improvement?

    in management consulting, the main methods consultants use to solve urgent problems are

    emergency and intensive illness, just as its name, is important and urgent. which of the following phenomenon is the emergency and intensive illness?

    which of the following problems could be discovered by management consultants

    the three main diagnosis purposes corresponding to problem attributes are

    which of the following belongs to the trilogy of enterprise diagnosis?

    when conduct investigation, management consultants should make sure that

    the state of stability is ordered.

    as for the “diagnosing with treating”, its major contradiction is “treating”.

    information is the representation of facts and data.

    choose the appropriate translation for the sentence. 这些行为应该彻底清除。 a. these practices should be abolished. b. these practices should be totally abolished.

    我们在2016年建造了600万套城市住房,改造了380万户农村住房,启动了几个社会保障性住房工程。(官方文件中) a. we built 6 million urban homes, renovated 3.8 million rural homes and launched several social housing projects in 2016. b. in 2016, 6 million urban homes were built, 3.8 million rural homes renovated and several social housing projects launched.

    的先进技术通过丝绸之路经由新疆传到西方。 a. china's advanced technologies were spread to the west via xinjiang by way of the silk road. b. china's advanced technologies spread to the west via xinjiang by way of the silk road.

    丝绸之路的生机和活力尚未展现。 a. the vitality and vigor of the silk road is yet to unfold. b. the vitality and vigor of the silk road is yet to be unfolded.

    在,早在魏晋时期就开始使用像仿拟这样的文学手法了。(可多选) a. in china, use of literary devices like parody had started as early as the wei and jin periods. b. in china literary devices like parody were started to be used as early as the wei and jin periods. c. in china literary devices like parody were being used as early as the wei and jin periods.

    必须树立和践行绿水青山就是金山银山的理念。 we must nuture and act on the notion that lucid water and lush mountains are invaluable assets.

    要努力确保长治久安、安居乐业。 we must work hard to see that our country enjoys enduring peace and stability and our people live and work in content.

    我们要不负重托、无愧历史选择。 we must live up to the trust the people have placed in us and prove ourselves worth of history's choice.

    民族伟大复兴,绝不是轻轻松松、敲锣打鼓就能实现的。 achieving national rejuvenation will be no walk in the park; it will take more drum beating and gong clanging to get there.

    在中英两国,18岁都是法定成年的年纪,是人从青涩到成熟的里程牌。 in china as well as the uk, the age of 18 is a milestone in life. it is the transition from adolescence into hood. 润色:it m________ the end of adolescence and the geginning of hood.

    65年来,教育始终是推动中英关系发展的重要动力,始终是滋养中英友谊的厚沃土壤,也是中英合作最具活力、最具潜力的领域之一。 in the past 65 years, education has been an important driving force for china-uk relations. it has been the fertile soil nourishing china-uk friendship. and it has been one of the most dynamic and promising areas of china-uk cooperation. 润色:it has provided n________ for

    语言是一个和民族文化的基本要素。学好汉语,才能真正走进五千年来未曾间断的文明。 language is the basic element of the culture of a country and a nation. only when you learn the chinese language well can you truly come closer to the five-thousand-year uninterrupted chinese civilisation. 润色:the chinese language holds the k_____ to the five-thousand-year uninterrupted chinese civilisation.

    英国人注重“优雅、诚实、独立”等品质,人则坚守“仁、义、礼、智、信”等道德准则。 the british people prize the qualities of elegance, honesty and independence, while the chinese people adhere to the moral standards of beneveolence, integrity, courtesy, wisdom and good faith. 润色:while the chinese people v_______ benevolence...

    please translate the following into chinese. pay attention to the meaning of the word "great." these are trees of great age.

    please translate the following into chinese. pay attention to the meaning of the word "great." he is a great scoundrel.

    please translate the following into chinese. pay attention to the meaning of the word "great." we had a great time at the party.

    please translate the following into chinese. express the meaning of the word "fluid" appropriately. china is watching the fluid situation with concern in the middle east.

    please translate the following into english. [hint: you may need to change the word order.] colds and flu are usually caused by viruses, so antibiotics - which work only on bacterial infections - won't help.

    please translate the following into english. pay attention to the meaning of "年轻化". 目的是要使领导干部年轻化。

    please translate the following into english. pay attention to tone of the sentence. 由于双方的共同努力,合同执行得非常顺利。

    please translate the following into english. [hint: you may need to change the word order.] 医生为救病人,尽到了一切必要的努力。

    you’d better finish your self-introduction within _________.

    what are the basic elements in a resume?

    which of the following should not be highlighted in your self-introduction?

    in the mode of “star”, the letter “s” stands for ________.

    when you are asked “why do you apply for this post?” in the job interview, the interviewer is actually asking about ________.

    which of the following should you do in the job interview?

    how to describe our relevant skills, qualifications, experiences, achievements and rewards in the resume?

    in the mode of “star”, the letter “a” stands for ________.

    which of the following is not a frequently-asked question in the job interview?

    when making a resume, you can put your job intention _________.

    we can apply for different positions with the same resume.

    in your self-introduction you should introduce your own achievements instead of your team achievements.

    during the job interview, we can ask the interviewer directly our future salary or promotion since we are really interested in it.

    as for the length of a resume, the longer the better.

    don’t speak with too much facial expression and too many gestures in the job interview.

    if the ownership of the companies is not open to the public, we call them _______.

    which of the following statements is not the advantage of working for a state-owned company?

    which of the following competencies are not included in the “4cs” of core competencies?

    the functions of personnel department may exclude _______.

    which of the following statement is not correct for a ceo of a publicly held company?

    which of the following statement is not correct for a publicly held company?

    which of the following statement is not correct for a company structure?

    some companies are ‘not-for-profit’ which provide much required services to those in need, and derive from the following organizations except _______.

    the following statements are usually related to language competence except _______.

    the followings are responsibilities of a sale manager except _______.

    the classification of company is based on the different types of ownership of the company, and also the aims and objectives of the owners.

    most of the influential top revenue enterprises belong to the type of closely held company.

    within a business, an organizational structure allows people to know exactly who is in charge of whom and what any given person’s responsibilities are.

    a job title can either describe the level of the position, or the responsibilities of the position.

    5. a company structure chart will show the jobs, listed by job title, the reporting structure, and company management.

    we should not say “________” when we answer the phone.

    if the one you want is not available on the phone, you can take a message by leaving some basic information except ________.

    if there is something wrong with the phone or telephone line when you make a call, you can use the following expressions except _____.

    if you ask for someone during a business call, you can use the following expressions except _______.

    when introducing yourself, you should not say: “__________.”

    at the beginning of a business call, you should introduce yourself by _______.

    during the business call, if you are not so sure about the information, you can say the following sentences except ________

    you can end a business call by using the following expressions except _______.

    when making preparations for a business call, which of the following is not right?

    a business call should not be longer than 1 minute.

    during the business call we should stick to the subject and do not allow the conversation to drag out with meaningless chatter.

    when you feel necessary to make a business call, pick up your phone immediately in case that you forget.

    you should try to speak as loud as possible on the phone so as to make yourself heard clearly.

    in business calls if the person you want is not available, try to leave a message as detailed as possible.

    the first step in planning a business trip is to ____________.

    if there is no flight or ticket available in your request, you can ask for other choices by saying “_______”.

    four aspects are usually considered by the travelers when choosing a hotel: atmosphere, location, services and ______.

    while receiving visitors, a receptionist should first find out _________.

    the receptionist should keep a register which includes date, time, name and ________.

    first impressions can help to do the following things except ___________.

    which topic is traditionally taboo when talking to strangers?

    many corporate guests like to eat in their hotel rooms so they can ________.

    the business center at the hotel ________.

    if you really need to go on a business trip, consider the following to plan an efficient trip, except _______.

    before you start your business trip, to make a art planning is very essential.

    all the countries have the same stipulations on the items to be declared.

    while checking in, you can’t have any special requirements for the room.

    while receiving visitors, the receptionist should introduce the executive to the visitor first.

    while having all talk with the visitor, remember to choose safe topics for your talk.

    before a product presentation, the presenter should have a clear idea about the _______ of the presentation.

    understanding the customers’ _______ is important to a successful product presentation.

    how to keep a product presentation short?

    what should be avoided when giving a product presentation?

    which of the following is not the way to keep a presentation “real”?

    which can help to attract the audience’s attention when giving a product presentation?

    usually a formal product presentation includes 6 parts: introduction, outline, body, summary, conclusion and question & answer session.

    a good product presentation should be given from the point of view of the buyers.

    when giving a product presentation, the presenter usually introduces such information as outlook, size, weight, material, features functions, price, guarantee and warranty.

    it is unnecessary to have practice before giving a product presentation.

    when giving a product presentation, eye contact may help to attract the audience’s attention.

    when buyers are not so familiar with the new products or not so convinced by the reputation of the seller, they will make an initial attempt by ordering a all quantity of certain products, which is known as ___________.

    __________ is a definite promise to sell goods at the stated prices, usually within a stated period of time.

    __________ is not binding upon the sellers, and can be changed or withdrawn by the seller.

    ______ is an agreement that creates an obligation, which is binding, legally enforceable between two or more competent parties.

    in business letters, _____________ is below the complimentary close.

    which of the following is not a phrase in the negotiation process? ______

    when writing a business letter, we should be _____________.

    in business letters, “yours sincerely” belongs to ____________.

    generally speaking, ___________ will follow if the initial order or the trial order is satisfactory to both parties.

    in the general trading process, the seller makes an inquiry with which the buyer makes an offer.

    generally speaking, further orders will follow if the initial order or the trial order is satisfactory to both parties.

    when writing business letters, we must emphasize one or two important things and make our main idea clear.

    negotiation is often conducted by putting forward a position and making concessions to achieve an agreement.

    during a business negotiation, we should never compromise in any area.

    in payment in advance method, the entire risk is put on_______.

    under payment in advance, the importer makes ________ to the supplier before the shipment of goods is done.

    which payment does not offer the seller any protection in case of non-payment?

    in _______, the sale transaction is settled by the bank through an exchange of documents

    in ___________, the buyer’s bank undertakes to pay the seller when the terms and conditions have been met.

    in order for the payment to occur, ______ has to present the necessary shipping documents confirming the delivery of goods within a given time frame.

    in l/c transaction, ______ forwards the l/c to the ________ in the seller’s country.

    in the end of l/c transaction, ________ debits the buyer’s account and releases the relevant documents so that the buyer can claim the goods from the carrier.

    if payment of export trade is made by letter of credit, ________ , on receiving the relevant l/c, should first of all make a thorough examination to see whether the clauses set in the l/c are in full conformity with the terms stated in the sales contract.

    when checking the l/c, the seller needs to focus on the following provisions except__________.

    payment in advance does not involve any commercial bank and is therefore expensive.

    open account payment takes place when either the importer has a strong credit history or is well-known to the seller.

    collection can be ided into d/p and d/d.

    remittance and collection belong to commercial credit, and letter of credit belongs to banker’s credit.

    in l/c transactions, the banker is responsible for paying money and tendering documents on behalf of both sides.

    expressions such as “reference price”, “subject to our final confirmation”, “subject to unsold” can be found in a _______ offer.

    _____ receipt of your instructions we will send the goods.

    our company mainly trade _____ cotton piece goods.

    it is our hope to promote, _____joint efforts, both trade and friendship to our mutual advantage

    we shall appreciate _____ this matter your serious consideration.

    _____ now exceeds _____ on our market.

    please quote us your lowest _____ for walnuts.

    we can _____ you 250 metric tons of groundnuts at $1,800 net per m/t c&f emp for shipment in october.

    we believe this new products of ours will appeal _____ your customers.

    in reply to your letter of august 15, we are giving you an offer _____.

    in international trade, an inquiry is usually made by a prospective buyer without engagement.

    fob is a trade term requiring the seller to deliver the goods to a named port designated by the buyer.

    cif is a trade term requiring the seller to arrange the carriage of goods by sea to a port of destination, and provide the buyer with documents necessary to obtain the goods from the seller.

    in fas, the seller fulfills his/her obligations to deliver when the goods have passed over the ship’s rail.

    usually there are two kinds of offers. one is firm offer, the other is non-firm offer.

    the following is a checklist of major elements essential for meeting effectiveness except _______.

    the _____ is responsible for seeing that the planning gets done, not necessarily for doing it.

    there are some of the drawbacks of meetings except ________.

    _____ may record review of the past activities, new decisions and polices, and provide the decision-making process.

    _____ is a written record to be kept for future reference.

    during the meeting, what should a chairperson first do?

    the following are why meetings are held except _______.

    contact can be as simple as sending everyone a friendly reminder through office e-mail, phone calls, or a post card reminder through the mail.

    as a chairperson, before holding a meeting, you needn’t decide who should attend and what the purpose of the meeting is.

    it is ok that you begin a meeting five to seven minutes after it was scheduled.

    it is not necessary to stick to the agenda during the meeting.

    a well-planned agenda, posted ground rules, and using a bin can help meeting run effectively.

    in the first place, the speaker should do the__________in the company presentation.

    this sentence good morning and thank you for making the effort to be here with us today. please allow me to briefly introduce myself. my name is.... is the sample for presenter to do________in the company presentation.

    to be effective, the speaker’s message must be passed to the listeners which means__________.

    for the use of language, attention the following points: vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, fluency and ________.

    in the very beginning, a brief introduction is always given. it should include at least four pieces of information: what you’re going to talk about; how long you’ll take; _____________; whether you’d welcome questions during your talk, or only at the end.

    when describing graphs and trends, the line graphs, bar graphs, _________are the most favorable options.

    which of the following can help to encourage the audience’s attention?

    the following items should be included in the body of a company presentation except ________.

    the following tips can help you to avoid being nervous before giving a presentation except _________.

    a company presentation refers to a spontaneous speech given to the target consumer for marketing purposes on behalf of listener’s own company.

    the basic elements in a company presentation could make sure it is an effective presentation.

    the speaker should be responsible for the content and clarity in a company presentation.

    body language and eye contact are called nonlinguistic techniques.

    company history, location and key personnel can’t be omitted in the company presentation.

    which of the following statement related to the three elements in a balance sheet is not true?

    the following statements are usually related to the features of a good business presentation except ______.

    for every business, which of the following is not included in the three important financial statements?

    suppose you are the manager of a chinese company preparing for an interview with a foreign reporter about the company’s business performance, select the items that you would not like to cover in the interview.

    ________________measures the profitability of the company during the year. it shows the difference between revenues and expenses.

    _________________is a record of the actual changes in cash compared to the income statement. it shows you where the cash was brought in and where the cash was diursed.

    ________________are outflows from delivering or producing goods or services that constitute the entity’s ongoing major or central operations.

    _________________create revenues, expenses, gains and losses.

    _________________ increase and decrease long-term assets.

    which of the following statement does not describe changes and trends of the company performance?

    for publicly held companies, periodic financial reports are required by law.

    when an investor understands the income and expense components of the income statement, he or she can appreciate what makes a company profitable.

    expenses are outflows of economic resources including cost of goods sold, selling, general and administrative expenses, tax expense, interest expense, etc.

    cash flow statement is a record of the actual changes in cash compared to the income statement. it shows the firm’s cash inflows and outflows from operations as well as its investments and financing activities.

    before you deliver a speech to introduce business performance, you should know your material, statistical documents of your company.

    usually, trade fairs can only be attended by _____ and members of the press.

    for many companies, exhibiting at the right trade fairs offers a unique opportunity to expand their business ideas, increase_____ and attract more customers.

    it will be quite enough, if you just _____ me a line about things like the discount in the course of the next two weeks.

    in order to _____business, we are prepared to cut down our price by 5%.

    the key to finding the best fairs lies in finding the ones that pulls in the most _____ for your industry.

    if you are a seller at a trade fair, qualify the lead by asking _____ questions.

    if your quotation is competitive, we intend to _____300 sets butterfly brand sewing machines.

    it is necessary to _____ the specification ____ the requirements.

    exhibitors always sell more products at trade fairs than sales calls.

    it takes a comparatively short time to reach the customers at trade fairs.

    the most valuable thing a trade fair provides is more profits.

    before sending your booth staffers, you need to first consider the weather of the place where the trade show is held.

    an indication of the space required is not usually necessary for registration.

    _____________ is arranging for a product to occupy a clear, distinctive, and desirable place relative to competing products in the minds of target consumers.

    this section gives a whole picture about ______________involving market segmentation, market targeting and market positioning. ( b)

    ____________is defined by many marketers as “putting the right product in the right place, at the right price and right time.”

    distribution channel is a way of selling a company's product either directly or via _________.

    michael dell was a strong believer in the power of advertising and frequently stressed its importance in the company’s __________.

    marketing shows how to reach to the customers and build long lasting relationship while sales just means selling is the _______ result of marketing.

    marketing is _______ sales.

    segmentation means breaking the heterogeneous market into aller, __________ markets.

    marketing planning involves designing activities relating to marketing __________ and the changing marketing environment.

    marketing plan is a written document that acts as a(n) _________ of marketing objectives for the marketing manager.

    marketing is equal to selling products.

    product, price, place and production are called marketing mix.

    promotion only means one marketing strategy in the supermarket and department store.

    appropriate marketing activities could promote sales.

    marketing and sales both employ the pull strategy to attract consumers.

    which of the following factors will not influence the determination of delivery time?

    which type of transportation is appropriate for perishable or seasonal goods?

    normally, the l/c should reach the seller at least ______ days before the date of shipment.

    which of the following is the synonym of “advance” in the phrase “advance the delivery”?

    in deciding the date for shipment, considerations must be given to the following except _______.

    which of the following ports of destination is specific?

    which of the following words is wrong in spelling?

    from the statement “shipment during march to june in four equal monthly lots”, we can see the shipment _______.

    the first procedure involved in the process of delivery is _________.

    the following are the ways of stipulating the date of delivery except ________.

    quality of goods is one of the factors that influence the determination of delivery time.

    once the date is agreed, the parties are obliged to fulfill their obligations before the agreed time, or they might face claims.

    the port of destination is usually proposed and determined by the seller.

    the port of shipment should be close to where the goods are manufactured.

    if transshipment is allowed, it should also be indicated who pays the cost of transshipment.

    claims may be filed when ______ breaks the contract and causes losses to the other party in business

    which of the following is not the reason for a claim?

    which of the following is not the way to make a claim more effective?

    which of the following statement is not to refer to the impact of the problem when making a claim?

    in the opening part of a claim letter, you can begin a letter by ________ for the need to complain and describing the problem.

    which of the following statement is true about writing claim letters?

    passive voice should be used in a claim letter to _________.

    which of the following is not the right guideline for handling claims?

    when receiving a claim, the receiver should first ________.

    in which case can’t a claim be refused by the seller?

    claims are always filed by the buyer against the seller.

    you need to state the problem and specific reasons for being dissatisfied and ask for explanation when making a claim.

    passive voice is preferred when writing an adjustment letter.

    you should never be angry or accuse the customer when handling a claim.

    a claim can be refused when there is no reliable evidence provided.

    print publications such as magazines, books, newspapers and ________ (such as annuals) offer a variety of advertising opportunities.

    unlike television, _____presents the additional disadvantage of limiting advertisers to audio-only advertising.

    the fastest growing media outlet for advertising is the ______.

    ______are often aller than outdoor billboards and are designed to attract the attention of foot traffic. for example, aller signage in airports, train terminals and large commercial office space fit this category.

    because it is a mass medium capable of being seen by nearly anyone, _____lacks the ability to deliver an advertisement to highly targeted customers compared to other media outlets.

    to evaluate media efficiency, planners shoud consider the following factors except _________.

    advertising works best when it’s developed to meet one goal at a time.

    handheld devices, such as cellphones, artphones, portable computers and other wireless devices, make up the growing mobile device market.

    advertising cannot serve as a reminder to consumers.

    advertisement cannot differentiate the product from its compes.

    good advertisement can induce consumers to try the product.

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