


    下列关于创业的理解,错误的是( )

    创业成功的关键要素中,不包括以下哪项( )

    下列关于创业特征描述错误的是( )







    下列关于债务融资和权益融资的对比,阐述错误的是( )

    下列哪项不属于融资财务风险( )

    下列选项中不属于融资动机的是( )

    下列选项不属于财务风险管理三阶段的是( )

    创业融资方式选择的基本原则包括( )

    下列属于确定最佳资本结构的方法有( )

    下列可以成为企业融资渠道的有( )

    下列属于融资决策关键点的是( )



    下列哪一项不属于“六不要”原则( )

    下列关于融资租赁描述错误的选项是( )

    下列哪项不属于科技金融工具( )

    下列关于科技金融的特点描述错误的是( )

    下列属于互联网金融优点的有( )

    创业投资的退出系统包括( )

    融资租赁的特点包括( )

    下列关于创业投资特征描述正确的有( )


    下列关于“创业”的描述中,不恰当的选项是( )

    下列关于创业的理解,错误的是( )

    下列哪项不属于融资财务风险( )

    下列选项中不属于融资动机的是( )

    下列不应该成为融资决策关键点的是( )

    下列关于债务融资和权益融资的对比,阐述错误的是( )

    获取创业投资过程中,下列哪一项不属于“六不要”原则( )

    下列不属于波特五力分析模型内容的是( )

    财务指标分析过程中,下列指标对应的企业能力错误的是( )

    下列哪一项不属于项目投资评价的意义 ( )

    下列关于会计报表描述错误的是( )

    融资决策过程中,下列不属于确定最佳资本结构方法的是( )

    下列不属于科技金融工具的是( )

    下列关于swot矩阵分析描述错误的是( )

    营销规划的基本思路是( ) ①内部环境分析 ②执行规划的具体措施 ③行业、市场和竞争分析 ④估算各阶段的营销费用和支出 ⑤确定各阶段营销目标 ⑥制定各阶段的营销方案和策略

    融资租赁的特点不包括( )

    在进行公司及产品介绍时,描述主营业务的基本原则不包括( )

    下列不属于商业计划书撰写三阶段法的是( )

    在融资决策中,不属于财务风险管理策略三性原则的是( )

    下列不属于创业融资方式的是( )

    以下哪些属于识别与评估创业机会的基本标准( )。

    下列属于互联网金融优点的有( )

    下列关于资本退出方式优缺点描述正确的有( )

    在行业分析时,需要注意以下哪些行业经济特性( )。

    下列属于投资分析常用工具的有( )

    风险投资退出包含以下方式( )

    下列对于融资租赁描述正确的选项是( )

    下列属于商业计划书主要内容的是( )

    在进行融资决策时,需要考虑以下哪些资金成本( )

    下列属于4ps营销策略组合的因素有:( )











































    分布最广的裸子植物是马尾松,并且具有( )针一束、叶鞘宿存的特征。

    水杉是杉科中较为特殊的一个种,其特殊表现在( )。

    同时具有鳞形叶和刺形叶植物的是( ) 。

    木兰科植物除可根据环状托叶痕判别外,其雄雌蕊群是否有间隔(雌蕊群具柄)亦是重要的判断特征;下列属中,雄雌蕊群有间隔的是( )。

    2. 植物分类最基本的分类单元是( )。

    下列树种有柄下芽的树种是( )

    下列植物的果实类型属于聚合果的是( )。

    具有桃形锯齿的植物是下列的( )。

    胡桃科的一些属枝条髓心片状分割的是( )。

    不属于叶序类型的是( )。

    濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约,其公约内涵包括( )。 =

    复叶类型一般有( )。 a. 掌状复叶 b. 羽状复叶 c. 单身复叶 d. 三出复叶

    裸子植物的球果一般包含( )等几部分。 a. 托叶 b. 种鳞 c. 苞鳞 d. 种子

    国产杉科植物中,如果具有了脱落性小枝,则该种就会存在( )的特征。

    深山含笑和白玉兰在植物形态上的主要区别是( )。 a. 落叶常绿 b. 花着生位置 c. 雌蕊群是否有柄 d. 果实类型

    雪松属植物虽然在分类地位上归置于落叶松亚科内,但与该亚科其他两个属不同的在于( )。 a. 具有针形叶 b. 具有常绿习性 c. 球果成熟后从中轴脱落 d. 具有发达短枝

    蔷薇科是重要的园林观赏植物,其中符合单叶、常绿、梨果这几个特征的植物是下列的( )。

    下列植物中,具有对生叶序的植物是( )。

    具有蝶形花冠且叶为复叶的常绿树种是( )。

    下列哪个两个科与其它科不同的( )。

    下列植物组合中,哪些都是裸子植物( )。

    国产壳斗科7属中,不具有头状花序的属是( )

    下列特征符合木兰科的是( )

    蔷薇科分为四亚科,其中李亚科植物具有核果的特征,下列植物属于李亚科的 (

    下列哪些植物不具有平行脉( )

    .国际植物命名法规中规定植物种名命名采用林奈创立的双名法,要求( )。

    银杏具有以下特征( )。

    下列物种属于松科的是( )

    ( )以下植物中属于杨柳科的树种。






    写出下列植物的种或属的保护级别,请填写“一级”或“二级”:davidia involucrata

    写出下列植物的种或属的保护级别,请填写“一级”或“二级”:phoebe zhennan

    写出下列植物的种或属的保护级别,请填写“一级”或“二级”:abies ziyuanensis

    写出下列植物的种或属的保护级别,请填写“一级”或“二级”:taxus chinensis

    写出下列植物的种或属的保护级别,请填写“一级”或“二级”:metasequoia glyptostroboides

    cites公约的全称是( 《 》 ),作为履约国我国对其中的附录一和二尽义务

    现代裸子植物的分类系统主要采用( ) 裸子植物分类系统

    单果根据果皮的性质可分为肉果和( ) 果

    疏影横斜水清浅,暗香浮动月黄昏”中的“暗香”指的是 ( )

    香樟枝叶具有浓烈的气味,其中叶子的叶脉类型为( )

    松科植物是森林的主要组成部分,共有( )个属

    林业案件中经常涉案的南方红豆杉是( ) 科的珍贵树种,为一级保护树种

    写出下列植物的种或属的保护级别,请填写“一级”或“二级”:liriodendron chinense

    写出下列植物的种或属的保护级别,请填写“一级”或“二级”:cycas revoluta

    分布最广的裸子植物是马尾松,并且具有( )针一束、叶鞘宿存的特征。

    水杉是杉科中较为特殊的一个种,其特殊表现在( )。

    同时具有鳞形叶和刺形叶植物的是( ) 。

    木兰科植物除可根据环状托叶痕判别外,其雄雌蕊群是否有间隔(雌蕊群具柄)亦是重要的判断特征;下列属中,雄雌蕊群有间隔的是( )。

    2. 植物分类最基本的分类单元是( )。

    下列树种有柄下芽的树种是( )

    下列植物的果实类型属于聚合果的是( )。

    具有桃形锯齿的植物是下列的( )。

    胡桃科的一些属枝条髓心片状分割的是( )。

    不属于叶序类型的是( )。

    濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约,其公约内涵包括( )。 =

    复叶类型一般有( )。 a. 掌状复叶 b. 羽状复叶 c. 单身复叶 d. 三出复叶

    裸子植物的球果一般包含( )等几部分。 a. 托叶 b. 种鳞 c. 苞鳞 d. 种子

    国产杉科植物中,如果具有了脱落性小枝,则该种就会存在( )的特征。

    深山含笑和白玉兰在植物形态上的主要区别是( )。 a. 落叶常绿 b. 花着生位置 c. 雌蕊群是否有柄 d. 果实类型

    雪松属植物虽然在分类地位上归置于落叶松亚科内,但与该亚科其他两个属不同的在于( )。 a. 具有针形叶 b. 具有常绿习性 c. 球果成熟后从中轴脱落 d. 具有发达短枝

    蔷薇科是重要的园林观赏植物,其中符合单叶、常绿、梨果这几个特征的植物是下列的( )。

    下列植物中,具有对生叶序的植物是( )。

    具有蝶形花冠且叶为复叶的常绿树种是( )。

    下列哪个两个科与其它科不同的( )。

    下列植物组合中,哪些都是裸子植物( )。

    国产壳斗科7属中,不具有头状花序的属是( )

    下列特征符合木兰科的是( )

    蔷薇科分为四亚科,其中李亚科植物具有核果的特征,下列植物属于李亚科的 (

    下列哪些植物不具有平行脉( )

    .国际植物命名法规中规定植物种名命名采用林奈创立的双名法,要求( )。

    银杏具有以下特征( )。

    下列物种属于松科的是( )

    ( )以下植物中属于杨柳科的树种。






    写出下列植物的种或属的保护级别,请填写“一级”或“二级”:davidia involucrata

    写出下列植物的种或属的保护级别,请填写“一级”或“二级”:phoebe zhennan

    写出下列植物的种或属的保护级别,请填写“一级”或“二级”:abies ziyuanensis

    写出下列植物的种或属的保护级别,请填写“一级”或“二级”:taxus chinensis

    写出下列植物的种或属的保护级别,请填写“一级”或“二级”:metasequoia glyptostroboides

    cites公约的全称是( 《 》 ),作为履约国我国对其中的附录一和二尽义务

    兰科植物是被子植物中的较进化物种,除了( )属和 火焰兰属为cites公约附录一物种,其余均为附录二物种。

    珍贵木材红木中的木材主要来自于蝶形花科的 ( ) 属和黄檀属

    现代裸子植物的分类系统主要采用( ) 裸子植物分类系统

    单果根据果皮的性质可分为肉果和( ) 果

    蜡梅科的( ) 属植物开花季节5-6月份,是东亚与北美间断分布属,是珍贵的观赏树种,在植物区系的研究上也有重要意义

    王维的千古名句“红豆生南国,春来发几枝”中所指的红豆为 ( ) 科的珍贵树种。

    疏影横斜水清浅,暗香浮动月黄昏”中的“暗香”指的是 ( )

    香樟枝叶具有浓烈的气味,其中叶子的叶脉类型为( )

    松科植物是森林的主要组成部分,共有( )个属

    林业案件中经常涉案的南方红豆杉是( ) 科的珍贵树种,为一级保护树种

    写出下列植物的种或属的保护级别,请填写“一级”或“二级”:liriodendron chinense

    写出下列植物的种或属的保护级别,请填写“一级”或“二级”:cycas revoluta
















    a3横向图册项目任务页面上传:项目设计定位及平立面草图规划 概念确立:项目分析、功能分析、空间界面分析、设计理念说明、色彩分析等 平立面规划草图:平面规划草图过程解读、立面规划草图过程解读








    设计草图的表现形式分类为:研究构思性草图、表现性草图、 、和计算机绘制草图






    in a broad sense, a sentence is composed of two parts: the subject and the predicate.

    in the sentence: "it is hard for the boy to get the book on the shelf.", "the boy" is the logical subject.

    a linking verb is a verb form to link the subject and the complement or predicative.

    the predicate part may comprise predicate verb, object, complement and adverbial.

    a finite verb form can change according to tense and subject.

    a non-finite verb form can change according to tense and subject.

    a gerund performs the same functions as a noun.

    if the verb is intransitive, then its -ed participle only indicates a finished action, and -ing participle an on-going action

    henry bought his mother some flowers. in this sentence, 'some flouwers' is the direct object.

    in the sentence "i found her a lovely girl", "a lovely girl" is the complement to the object.

    please tell the function(s) of the underlined part(s) in each sentence. how many pairs of shorts should you and your brother bring?

    please tell the function(s) of the underlined part(s) in each sentence. celine teaches the children spoken english.

    please tell the function(s) of the underlined part(s) in each sentence. the directors appointed him sales manager.

    please tell the function(s) of the underlined part(s) in each sentence. he found it astonishing how they could accomplish it.

    please tell the function(s) of the underlined part(s) in each sentence. she imagined it easy to learn a language. what does the underlined part function as?

    it is ___ who am to blame.

    ___ the piano is one of my favorite pastimes.

    ____ is for him to decide.

    i shall see to ___ that he is taken good care of when you are absent.

    i saw ____.

    the early achievements in space exploration were all crash-landings, each spacecraft _________.

    "eric nearly always wins the science award." "that's because his projects are __________."

    please identify the subject of the main clause in the following sentence. then, with world war ii, came the development of the weapon that has since become a general threat to life on earth: the atomic bomb.

    which of the underlined parts in the four sentences functions differently from the others?

    which of the underlined what- structures functions differently from the others?

    i was awake. i was wondering. what had been filled into his bag?

    attributives refer to words, phrases or clauses that are used to modify nouns or pronouns.

    adverbial isn't required for a complete sentence, but is necessary for specific image presentation.

    many phrases can be used as adverbials referring to time, causes, conditions, concession, purposes, and exceptions, etc.

    a compliment is a part of a sentence that gives more information about the subject, or, in some structures, about the object.

    please tell the function(s) of the underlined part(s) in each sentence. she imagined it easy to learn a language. what does the underlined part function as?

    please tell the function(s) of the underlined part(s) in each sentence. tom flung open the door and rushed out of the room, totally losing his calmness.

    please tell the function(s) of the underlined part(s) in each sentence. in general, the controls imposed upon children represents the needs of parents and the values of the community as much as the child's own happiness and well-being.

    please tell the function(s) of the underlined part(s) in each sentence. the ultimate objective of cloning technology is to cure human diseases.

    please tell the function(s) of the underlined part(s) in each sentence. similarly, we feel comfortable with people with physical qualities similar to ours.

    please choose the best answer for each incomplete sentence. the early achievements in space exploration were all crash-landings, each spacecraft _________.

    please choose the best answer for each incomplete sentence. "eric nearly always wins the science award." "that's because his projects are __________."

    please choose the best answer for each incomplete sentence. the hostess always prepares corned beef and sometimes an ____________ vegetable.

    please choose the best answer for each incomplete sentence. kill and i will meet some friends ____________________________.

    please choose the best answer for each incomplete sentence. it is considered very __________ to eat in the classroom and most schools have a separate cafeteria.

    where does she come from is still a secret.这是一句语法错误的句子。

    object clauses usually begin with subordinating words like how, why, what, where, and whether, etc.

    we use a relative clause to give additional information about something without starting another sentence.

    the antecedent of "when" includes time, day, season, age, occasion, etc.

    ______ makes the school proud was ________ more than 90% of the students has been admitted to key universities.

    it is known to all that_______ you exercise regularly, you won’t keep good health.

    ________some people regard as a drawback is seen as a plug by many others.

    do you know ________ this time yesterday?

    —what did your parents think about your decision? — they always let me do ________ i think i should.

    the hours _______ the children spend in their one-way relationship with television people, undoubtedly affect their relationships with real-life people.

    no one can use cell phones in any areas at the hospital _______ equipment might be affected by the interference from cell phones.

    the atmosphere at the college is that of an environment _______ a relationship of mutual respect is encouraged between students and tutors.

    many economists believe that advertising helps increase competition, _______ leads to lower prices, thus benefiting consumers and the economy as a whole.

    _______ is common knowledge, she is very popular among her students.

    “where” refers to a place in the non-restrictive relative clause.

    the zero relative pronoun cannot be the subject of the verb in the relative clause.

    critici and self-critici is necessary _______ it helps us correct our mistakes. which answer is correct ? a. before b. in that c. so d. when

    adverbial clauses are those that perform the function of adverbial in a complex sentence.

    she got up early so that she caught the bus. in this sentence, "so that" introduces the clause of _______. a. result b. purpose c. condition d. concession

    if the clauses talk about the unreal condition or the condition that is contrary to fact, subjunctive mood will be used.

    which of us _______ knows something about physics does not know this ?

    to a highly imaginative writer, _______ is a pad of paper and a pen.

    _______ can be seen from the comparison of these figures, the principle involves the active participation of the patient in the modification of his condition.

    this is an exciting area of study, and one _______ new applications are being discovered almost daily.

    —is that the all town you often refer to? —right, just the one _______ you know i used to work for years.

    请在划线处填上适当的词,使得两个短句的合并句子正确并完整。 a. you keep walking. b. you arrive at the destination. _______you keep walking, you will arrive at the destination.

    请在划线处填上适当的词,使得两个短句的合并句子正确并完整。 a. chinese people have realized it. b. happiness comes from hard work. n chinese people have realized ______ happiness comes from hard work.

    请在划线处填上适当的词,使得两个短句的合并句子正确并完整。 a. the people have granted power to us. b. we must serve the people wholeheartedly. the people have granted power to us, ________ we must serve them wholeheartedly.

    an appositive can be a noun, a noun phrase, or a noun clause.

    the appositive clause has the function of an attribute, identifying and renaming the noun before.

    a predicative typically express a property assigned to a "subject", i.e., the subject of the main clause.

    as families move away from their stable community, their friends of many years, their extended family relationships, the informal flow of information is cut off, and with it the confidence that information will be available when needed and will be trustworthy and reliable. 请问这个句子的同位语成分是哪个?

    the question is _____ the film is worth seeing.

    see the falgs on top of the building? that was_____ we did this morning.

    information has been put forward ________ more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities.

    doris' success lies in the fact__________ she is cooperative and eager to learn from others.

    an independent clause is a clause that can stand alone as a sentence.

    a compound sentence is a sentence that has a t least two independent clauses joined by a comma, semicolon or coordinating conjunction.

    a complex sentence is a sentence with one independent clause and at least one dependent clause.

    a cleft sentence is an emphatic construction with non-referring it as formal subject.

    five people won the “china’s green figure” award, a title ______ to ordinary people for their contributions to environmental protection.

    i was told that there were about 50 foreign students ______ chinese in the school, most ______ were from germany.

    everywhere you can see people in their holiday dress, ______ with iles.

    many students ______ around, i explained the story into details.

    i have five friends, some of ______ are businesen.

    i have five friends, but none of ______ are business-men.

    ________ at the photos, illustrations, title and headings and you can guess what the reading is about.

    when the united states entered just such a glowing period after the end of the second world war, it had a market eight times larger than any compe, giving its industries unparalleled economies of scale. 这句话中,giving its industries unparalleled economies of scale,充当的成分是:

    the coming of age of the postwar baby boom and an entry of women into the male-dominated job market have limited the opportunities of teenagers who are already questioning the heavy personal sacrifices involved in climbing japan's rigid social ladder to good schools and jobs. 这句话,有几个主语?

    in fact, it is difficult to see how journalists who do not have a clear grasp of the basic features of the canadian constitution can do a competent job on political stories. 这句话真正的主语是?

    i have excluded him because, while his accomplishments may contribute to the solution of moral problems, he has not been charged with the task of approaching any but the factual aspects of those problems. 此句中because 后面的从句是:

    however, whether such a sense of fairness evolved independently in capuchins and humans, or whether it stems from the common ancestor that the species had 35 million years ago, is, as yet, an unanswered question. 这个句中的主语从句有几个?

    请问哪个选项可以更好地把句子补充完整? the world wildlife fund has declared that global warming, _____________________________, will create havoc among migratory birds by altering the environment in ways harmful to their habitats.

    such large, impersonal manipulation of capital and industry greatly increased the numbers and importance of shareholders as a class, an element in national life representing irresponsible wealth detached from the land and the duties of the landowners; and almost equally detached from the responsible management of business. 这个句中后置定语有几个?

    among the many shaping factors, i would single out the country's excellent elementary schools; a labor force that welcomed the new technology; the practice of giving premiums to inventors; and above all the american genius for nonverbal, "spatial" thinking about things technological. 此句中并列宾语有几个?


    the axe is __________ the hoe.

    which is _____ of the two watches?

    this is _________ at the meeting.

    where tuberculosis had vanished, it came back; in many places where it __________ away, it grew worse.

    do you wish your breakfast ___ to your room, madam?

    ____ college students should learn more about chinese history.

    he is satisfied with ___ his son has achieved.

    the students expected there ___ more reviewing classes before the final exams.

    it was a matter of ___ would take the position.

    i want you to keep me ___ of how things are going with you.

    the authority did not only accept their terms, ___ put them all into prison.

    my mind wandered ___ in grammar class.

    the patient wanted _____ good care of by the nurses.

    they preferred her ___ out after bedtime.

    she can’t help ___ whether we should risk ___ there.

    he has made it clear ___ he won’t agree to the plan.

    do you mind ___oking?

    ronnie looked sweet, sitting there _______, he dark, curly head bent, and her brown eyes ________ her needle.

    identify the verb class in the sentence “the soup tastes better now”.

    the problem is __________ they can complete the project on time.

    the mere fact ____ most people believe nuclear war would be madness does not mean that it will not occur.

    evidence came up ______ specific speech sounds are recognized by babies as young as 6 months old.

    “the purpose of the exchange program is to promote the understanding between the two countries.” the underlined part is the _________ of the sentence.

    _______ seems clear that homer’s account of a trojan war hast at least some basis in historic fact.

    your proposal that they ____ their conversation in french is quite reasonable.

    _______ public acceptance of a single yardstick of time, social life would be unbearably chaotic.

    it is only in the most difficult circumstances _______ one’s moral character can be fully tested.

    they are determined that farmers _______ from the government.

    how can i concentrate if you _________ continually ______ me with silly questions?

    she is a better speaker than _____ in the class. 

    ________ your advice, i would have made the wrong decision.

    the experiment requires more money than _______.

    she did her work ______ her manager had instructed.

    jean-philippe siblet, an ornithologist at the natural history museum in paris, linked the seagulls’ move to the city to their growing difficulty in finding food along the coasts, ecosystems are increasingly upset by touri and construction.

    disney is rebooting home alone and night at the museum for its new tv streaming service, is intended to rival netflix.

    concerns the fashion industry in the united kingdom is becoming increasingly dominated by throwaway “fast fashion” have again been highlighted by an investigation that shows that britons now buy five times as much clothing per year as they did in 1980s.

    on wednesday, temperatures continued to soar across many parts of japan, with the mercury above 35c in numerous regions.

    problems of upbringing are recognized to be problems of relationships within the inidual family, the first necessity __________ a secure emotional background with parents who are united in their attitude to their children.

    high school and college offer you the best chance to learn broadly --- math, history, various sciences --- and to do projects with other kids that teach you firsthand about group dynamics. what does the underlined "that" refer to?

    the phenomenal growth of internet businesses is already fueling a klondike-style gold rush with far too many diggers _________ for far too little gold.


    there is no doubt, however, that it is the increasing number of applicants with university education at all points in the process of engaging staff that has led to the greater importance of the curriculum vitae. what does the underlined "that" refer to?

    non-traditional students, _____________ female, began to study on a part-time basis, the numbers of women going to graduate school increased, and women sought entry to the non-traditional position of university faculty member.

    women who live in areas of high air pollution, ___________ invisible particles from traffic fumes, coal-fired power stations and wood fires, are at increased risk of heart disease and death, according to a study.

    if i ever had any doubts about how demanding a teacher's job is, it would have disappeared for good when i spent some time recently in schools. 该复杂句中不含有:

    if you want to write long sentences, please make sure that the sentence is under control from beginning to end, in syntax and punctuation, so that the reader knows where he is at every step of the winding trail. 该长句中含有:

    _______ high mountains _______ into jagged rocky waters, fiordland has never had any significant permanent population.

    group a worked uninterrupted in a sound-proof room; group b was subjected to continuous noise. what is the function of the underlined "uninterrupted"?

    in studies, subjects asked to distinguish truth from lies answer _______________.

    we had initially planned to remove all of the old furniture from the storage area, but we decided against doing so because it ________ too much time.

    poets during the romantic period felt __________ to express emotions in their writing than did poets of the victorian period.

    it seems for her to be very happy today.

    because ill, he didn’t attend the meeting.

    although was frightened, he managed to run away.

    he is double her age.

    his wife, i presume, was not listening to him.

    the inhabitants don’t like discomfort, and have developed advanced techniques to make summer life tolerable; air-conditioning is one of the symbols of a home or office or factory that are based on reasonable economic success.

    only when the process of meeting the basic need for food reached a certain level of sophistication it was possible for humans to follow other pursuits such as the founding of cities.

    high school and college students today are pushed so much in the direction of specialization that little time is left for the further development of the basic reading skills initiating in earlier years.

    helen was much kinder to her youngest child than she was to the others, what, of course, made them jealous.

    on no account would i borrow money from friends , and still less i would be dependent on the favors of rich relatives.

    i have a good friend who’s name is liu mei.

    soon i began to enjoy talk to myself on paper.

    there will an important game next year.

    my pronunciation is terribly.

    since her huand had died, so she had to support her family.

    animation film ne zha, based on a chinese folktale in which the young hero name ne zha fights a dragon king for sake of the people, has created a box office miracle in china this summer, grossing at least 2 billion yuan in less than two weeks and set a new record for chinese animations.

    beijing welcomes constructive ideas from other countries and regions to facilitate hong kong’s further development, it will be vigilant against disruptive elements and will never tolerate outside intervention in hong kong.

    in the past nine years, yanchang, china’s fourth-largest oil company, has invested more than 47 billion yuan in technological innovations, which has cemented its status as shaanxi’s largest state-owned enterprise and the biggest contributor to the province’s finances through tax.

    the united states has a high number of people of irish ancestry, which form an influential political bloc.

    during the first six months of this year, major chinese internet companies saw revenue rise by 17.9 percent on an annualized basis, while internet platforms helped add over 60 million jobs in 2018.

    after the people of two countries come to understand each other and their interests are intertwined, relations between their governments and countries will be stable and peace and development will also be guaranteed.

    his dream of learning chinese is on the way to being fulfilled before he enrolled at the confucius institute earlier this year.

    europe is edging toward a crisis, as several of its largest economies face recession or a political crisis, ysts have said.

    at monday's news conference, trump spoke as if the idea of making money off the summit never entered his mind.

    the average concentration of pm 2.5 in this city has been the lowest last month until the data was first collected in 2013.

    although he has finally decided to dispatch armed forces to fight the fires, brazilian president attributed the fires to dry, hot weather and the deliberate actions of nongovernmental organizations whose funding has been cut.

    where there is grass, there are grasshoppers.

    i'm honored to be with you today so that you accomplished something i never could.

    if i get through this speech, it'll be the first time i actually finish something at harvard.

    before i had to understand everything about connecting people if i began, i never would have started facebook.

    cathy was the first girl whom i saw on the campus. => cathy was the first girl ____ on the campus.

    women who look after all children generally get paid with $8-12 an hour. => women ____ after all children generally get paid with $8-12 an hour.

    this book, which was written in simple english, is suitable to beginners. => this book ____ in simple english is suitable to beginners.

    there is no hope that i will get another gift from my parents. => there is no hope ____ another gift from my parents.

    there is a possibility that he has arrived this morning. => there is a possibility ____ this morning.

    when he had grown up in a slum in new york, he made up his mind to be a millionaire. => ____ up in a slum in new york, he made up his mind to be a millionaire.

    i should recommend that you be more careful. => i should recommend you ____ more careful.

    members of the government acknowledge that many of their predictions were over-optimistic. => members of the government acknowledge many of their predictions ____ over-optimistic.

    although most people once thought that it was impossible, several climbers have now scaled the north face of the eigar in winter. => although most people thought it ____ impossible, several climbers have now scaled the north face of the eigar in winter.

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