


    天然气水合物是一种新型矿产资源,据统计,全球天然气水合物的储量是石油、天然气储量的( )倍

    海洋工程地质是一门随海洋工程兴起而发展的学科,最早形成于( )年代。

    天然气水合物储量较大,呈现出( )的特点

    为寻求新的发展,( )年多个重要部门联合制定了“全球海洋科学发展规划”。

    以下不属于海洋工程的是( )

    潮汐是海水周期性的( )流动,潮流是海水周期性的( )流动。

    按照工程计算经验,波浪测量中,有效周期通常为平均周期的( )倍

    泥沙不离开海床面而产生往复运动的现象,称为( )。

    根据中立线的概念,靠岸一侧的沙砾( )运动,靠海一侧的沙砾( )运动。





    全球洋流运动主要受( )因素影响。

    波陡在工程上是比较重要的概念,波陡是指( )与( )的比值。

    根据工程所处的水深和空间,可将海洋工程分为( )。

    海洋工程测绘主要包括( )


    浅剖是一种基于( )原理的连续走行时探测海底浅部地层结构和构造的地球物理方法



    对于海洋工程钻探的近海海域勘探,常用的装备是( )

    在进行海底静力触探试验时,当从软层土贯入到较硬土层时,需要辅以( )组件,防止探杆折断



    桶形基础在贯入过程中,当无法依靠自重向下贯入时,主要是通过( )的方式向下贯入

    在沉积物主固结沉降中,主要是由( )变化控制


    钢管桩强度较大,其中( )是钢管桩承载力的控制条件

    海洋桩基础在安装过程中会出现局部压曲等问题,局部压曲是由于( )引起的


    最早的铁锚出现于( )

    自升式平台工作受到水深限制,其最大工作水深为( )米

    海底管道在进行埋入式布设时,一般埋深为( )


    构造运动是由地球内动力引起的岩石圈地质体变形、变位的机械运动,其主要特点是( )






    泥底辟是指密度较小的 ( )的软土向上流动所形成的穹隆或蘑菇状构造。

    海底浅层气一般是指在海底面以下( )米范围内沉积物中所聚集的气体


    我国在进行勘察与设计匹配性调查中,常用的设计方法是( )

    墨西哥湾内沉积物种类分布广泛,其中输运和传播路径上主要由( )组成


    钙质砂的主要结构形式为( )

    南海的地貌可以划分为( )三个单元


    东海海底地形的结构名主要呈现( )向延展,它和东海的地质构造线方向相吻合



    珊瑚砂是由多孔的珊瑚礁长期破碎和风化作用形成,其主要特点不包括( )

    西沙群岛珊瑚砂的主要矿物成分为文石和( )


    由于海底沉积物饱水,导致基础-沉积物界面摩擦较低,易造成滑动失效,以此在工程中通过安装( )来解决此问题



    在深水中,沙波形状和大小,主要取决于( )






    研究土体的微观结构需要采用扫描电镜,微观结构是指土体微观土颗粒的( )等。

    数值模拟是研究土体性能的重要方法之一,如果将土体视为连续介质,那可采用的法法有( )。

    天然气水合物易诱发海啸、地震、滑坡等灾害,其原因是( )

    钙质砂的特点是( )

    影响天然气水合物分解最大因素是( )。

    in daily communication, listening and speaking separately occupy the proportion of 45% and 30%.

    the main forms in participatory and interactive speaking and listening involve face to face conversations, seminars, and tutorials.

    non participatory and interactive speaking and listening processes includes announcements, lectures, and tv or radios.

    according to nunan, there are three majors steps involved in successful advanced speaking process, i.e. transanctional and interpersonal skills, managing interaction, and negotiating meanings.

    core modules in this course includes critical thinking training,discussion with specific hot issue, and further application in extended listening and speaking practise.

    according to bloom, among the six basic levels of critical thinking, high order of thinking skills refer to understanding, applying, yzing, evaluating and creating.

    critical thinking requires language learners to ask the right question and makes it easier for one to access evidence, evaluate arguments, and adapt one’s thinking.

    critical thinking involves reason and logic.

    critical thinking is judgement about beliefs and application to real world.

    critical thinking means black & while thinking mode.

    please listen to the video in the website on the issue of social media and then answer the following questions(0-18秒) according to the kids in the interview, their answers cover the following except

    please listen to the video in the website on the issue of social media and then answer the following questions (18-26秒) the old man mentions his position towards social media that

    please listen to the video in the website on the issue of social media and then answer the following questions (43秒-54秒)according to the lady, her attitude towards social media is

    please listen to the video in the website on the issue of social media and then answer the following questions (1分17秒-1分46秒)according to the speakers in this clip, the negative sides of social media includes the followings except

    please listen to the video in the website on the issue of social media and then answer the following questions (1分47秒-1分55秒)when the speaker here mentions that he feels that he is like a phony, he actually means that

    please listen to the video in the website on the issue of social media and then answer the following questions (1分55秒到1分59秒)the woman mentions that social media__________

    please listen to the video in the website on the issue of social media and then answer the following questions (2分到2分14秒)the woman mentions that she doesn’t want the social media to run her life because______

    please listen to the video in the website on the issue of social media and then answer the following questions (2分15秒-2分36秒) the elder man criticizes social media that it is the cause for the detached relationship among people nowadays, for social media would make people the following reasons except______

    please listen to the video in the website on the issue of social media and then answer the following questions (2分36秒-2分49秒)the woman says that she loves social media because we are always evolving and changing, and social media helps us to ___________

    please listen to the video in the website on the issue of social media and then answer the following questions. according to what you have watched from the video, it is possible that social media is

    please listen to the following ted talk and answer the questions followed. (1分11秒-55秒) what happened when the speaker just built the instrument with his team to propose an experiment to fly to venus?

    please listen to the following ted talk and answer the questions followed. (1分55秒-2分17秒) british physicist john tyndall, in the 1850's, made laboratory measurements of the infrared radiation, which is heat. and he showed that gasses such as co2___________ , thus acting like a blanket warming earth's surface.

    please listen to the following ted talk and answer the questions followed. (2分17秒-3分08秒) the speaker worked with other scientists to yze earth climate observations. in 1981,they published an article in science magazine concluding that

    please listen to the following ted talk and answer the questions followed. (3分08秒-4分02秒) the paper lead the speaker testifying to congress in the 1980’s, testimony in which he emphasized that global warming increases

    please listen to the following ted talk and answer the questions followed. (5分29-5分52秒) the speaker then describe the most important conclusion from the physics, first,_____________, and second, _____________.

    please listen to the following ted talk and answer the questions followed. (6分29-7分09秒) the biggest reservoir, the ocean, was the least well measured, until the scientists use the evidence

    please listen to the following ted talk and answer the questions followed. (8分-8分29秒) to argue against the claim that the sun is the main cause of climate change held by climate change deniers, the speaker argues the followings except

    please listen to the following ted talk and answer the questions followed. (09分20秒-10分07秒) according to the scientific research, the speaker concludes that_____.

    please listen to the following ted talk and answer the questions followed. (11分06秒-11分39秒) as for the sea level, the speaker speculates that according to current evidence of scientific research, it will

    please listen to the following ted talk and answer the questions followed. (12分25秒-13分31秒) global warming is already affecting people. and the speaker then cited some facts to further proving his argument which includes

    please listen to the video in the website on the topic of “airbnb guests are finding hidden cameras planted in their rentals”and then tell true(t) or false(f) for the following statements: (0-00:13)airbnb told cbs news that the company takes privacy extremely seriously and there is absolutely no place in our community for this kind of behavior.

    please listen to the video in the website on the topic of “airbnb guests are finding hidden cameras planted in their rentals”and then tell true(t) or false(f) for the following statements : (00:13-00:30) the company says cameras are "never allowed in bathrooms or bedrooms", and that does stop ill-intentioned hosts from hiding them.

    please listen to the video in the website on the topic of “airbnb guests are finding hidden cameras planted in their rentals”and then tell true(t) or false(f) for the following statements: (00:30-1:12)megan hilden, the 22-year-old from washington state, said it was really scary when she and her friends found an ipad and a camera were filming in the house when staying in switzerland.

    please listen to the video in the website on the topic of “airbnb guests are finding hidden cameras planted in their rentals”and then tell true(t) or false(f) for the following statements (1:12—1:36) the problem was not in coincidence, and an indiana couple said they found a camera in a oke detector in the bedroom at their airbnb in florida. the home owner was arrested for "video voyeuri."

    please listen to the video in the website on the topic of “airbnb guests are finding hidden cameras planted in their rentals”and then tell true(t) or false(f) for the following statements: (1:36-02:05) when asked whether it is legal or not to put a camera in the place they rent on airbnb, cameron russel, a professor at fordham law, said that it's conceivable if they gave you enough specific notice that they were going to do this and you willingly consented to them.

    please listen to the video in the website on the topic of “airbnb guests are finding hidden cameras planted in their rentals”and then tell true(t) or false(f) for the following statements: (02:05-02:35) megan hilden felt it was satisfying with the way airbnb settling the problem mentioned above.

    please listen to the video in the website on the topic of “airbnb guests are finding hidden cameras planted in their rentals”and then tell true(t) or false(f) for the following statements: (02:35-02:55) in order to protect ourselves from being recorded, experts suggest that we could invest in a digital device detector, search rooms and use a flash light to try and spot lenses.

    please listen to the video in the website and then tell true(t) or false(f) for the following statements : (00:00-00:16) reid hoffman is one of silicon valley's most high-profile investors. he was an early investor in facebook and is a co-founder of linkedin. hoffman is also a partner at the venture capital firm greylock.

    please listen to the video in the website and then tell true(t) or false(f) for the following statements : (00:16-00:30) in a new book called "blitzscaling: the lightning-fast path to building massively valuable companies" , reid hoffman says "blitzscaling" is "prioritizing speed over efficiency" when developing a company.

    please listen to the video in the website and then tell true(t) or false(f) for the following statements: (00:30—01:11) by citing such examples as airbnb, uber and faceboook, reid hoffman gives he reason is this is the modern way you build massive companies.

    (0:00-2:38) even if the speaker could go back into government, she didn't want to. what was the reason mentioned in the speech?

    (2分38秒--4分12秒) the measure of male-female equality is usually considered to be___

    (4分12秒-5分48秒) what is the real equality in workplace?

    (5分48秒-6分32秒) what did the 2008 national study on the changing workforce show?

    (6分32--7分23秒) why do fewer and fewer businesses close for siesta?

    (7分23-09分04秒) what is real equality in policy terms in the speech?

    7. what do such governments as norway, sweden, denmark, the netherlands provide ?

    (11分15秒-13分39秒) why does the speaker say that when a man decides to be a caregiver, he puts his manhood on the line?

    (13分39秒-14分57秒) what is the ultimate goal of r championing women’s rights?

    (14分57秒-16分59秒) from the speech, it could be known that the speaker’s attitude towards the revolution for human equality is ___

    (0-10秒) according to the speaker, under what kind of conditions one can consider to live independently by oneself?

    (10-27秒)what is the real situation about renting or buying a house in the united states?

    (28-41秒)if on want to rent a house, one should

    (42秒-55秒)if one search for sale, which of the following elements should one consider as the crucial factors?

    (56秒-1分03秒)when one put the monthly cost of renting or buying a house side by side, which one seems cheaper?

    (1分03秒-1分10秒)which of the following should one seriously consider before buying a house except?

    (1分14秒-1分18秒)the bright side of buying a house is

    (1 分19秒-1分23秒)the big downside of renting a house is that

    (1分24秒-1分27秒) the last key issue to consider about renting or buying a house is

    (1 分30-35秒)as a rule, if one want to cover the cost he initially buy a house, how many years can be enough?

    1. what happened to the speaker before 9/11 about the mental health?

    when did the speaker feel that he had a massive panic attack?

    later, the speaker found that he might suffer from __________.

    does the speaker realize that his mental problem might be related with his experience in the war when he recovered?

    what kind of people are not vulnerable to long-term ptsd?

    and maybe what determines the rate of long-term ptsd isn't what happened out there, but the kind of society you come back to. and maybe if you come back to a close, cohesive, tribal society, you can get over trauma pretty quickly. and if you come back to an alienating, modern society, you might_____________________.

    what is tom's main role in his new position?

    according to tom, what does innovation require of people?

    what does tom see as game-changing chances in the future?

    which of the followings does tom not advocate on how to serve messages directly to customers?

    what does tom do first to deal with in the toughest job?

    which of the following might tom work for ?

    in the role of media agencies, which of the following is not needed?

    (37秒-1分)when bill gates says that “today the greatest risk of global catastrophe doesn't look like this. instead, it looks like this.”, “this” here refers to ___________.

    (37秒到1分20秒)now, part of the reason for this is that we've invested a huge amount in nuclear deterrents. but we've actually invested very little____________. we're not ready for the next epidemic.

    (1分20秒-1分50秒) and as you look at what went on, the problem wasn't that there was a system that didn't work well enough, the problem was that __________________.

    (1’51秒-2分53秒)a ccording to bill gates, the current problems to contaim pandemics include the following except

    (2分:53秒-3分22秒)the duty of who refers that

    (6分13秒-7分21秒)when bill gates mentions that “what are the key pieces? first, we need strong health systems in poor countries. that's where mothers can give birth safely, kids can get all their vaccines. but, also where we'll see the outbreak very early on. we need a medical reserve corps”. here “medical reserve corps”refers to

    (6分13秒-7分21秒)when bill gates says that “and then we need to pair those medical people with the military. taking advantage of the military's ability”. the advantages of military ability includes the following except

    (6分13秒-7分21秒)bill gates points out that “ the last time a germ game was done in the united states was back in 2001, and it didn't go so well. so far the score is germs: 1, people: 0.” here he actually means that ______

    (7分21秒-7分55秒)according to the budgets mentioned by the world bank, if we have a worldwide flu epidemic, global wealth will go down by _____________.these investments offer significant benefits beyond just being ready for the epidemic.

    (7分55秒-8分9秒)when bill gates says “...but we need to get going, because time is not on our side. ” he actually means that_______.

    影术诞生于( )年。

    摄影史上的第一个发现倒立的影像的人是( )。

    摄影的典型特点是( ) 。

    艺术摄影包括( )类。


    电子闪光灯发光的四大特性:( )。

    镜头的种类主要包括( )。

    滤色镜可归为三大类:( )。

    下列( )镜头属于135 相机广角镜头。

    适合135 相机的焦距是 500mm 的镜头是( )镜头。


    af的符号是指( )。

    使用( )卡测光能得到正确的曝光。

    标准灰是18%反光率所产生的灰色影调,也称 v 区中灰,是曝光的基准。

    自动调焦的测距方式有( )。





    当用 1/60 秒,f/8 光圈曝光正确时,如用 f/4 光圈,曝光时间为()。














    摄影艺术语言:是摄影艺术中造型因素和手段的统称,其中最主要的是光、影调(色彩)、 线条。



    对摄影艺术语言的解读主要包括( abcde )。

    摄影作品分析的步骤 ()。

    想要成功地拍摄人物应该怎么做? ( abc )









    【单选题】工业机器人重定位是指机器人第六轴法兰盘处的工具中心点(tcp)在空间( )运动

    【单选题】工业机器人单轴运动利用( )来实现










    【单选题】各关节轴的机械零点位置数据即存储在( )中








    【单选题】一般地默认工具中心点(tool center point)位于工业机器人

    【单选题】6点法建立工具坐标系重新设定了tcp的( )方向。









    【单选题】件坐标是相对于( )设定的偏移坐标系

    【单选题】工件坐标可以重新设定坐标系的( )方向。

    【单选题】建立工件坐标时需要在同一个平面上找出几个点( )

    【多选题】一个工件上工件坐标可以建立( )个

    【多选题】工件坐标的方向符合( )定则






    【单选题】在机器人的程序存储器中(没有多任务),可以有( )个主程序main。

    【单选题】在机器人的程序存储器中,可以有( d )个程序模块。


    【多选题】rapid是一种英文编程语言,所包含的指令可以( )。

    【多选题】每一个程序模块包含了( )。

    【多选题】rapid程序是由( )组成。






    【单选题】机器人速度是何单位?( )

    【单选题】在大范围移动机器人的时候采用( )方式。

    【多选题】工业机器人在操作过程中常用的运动轨迹包括( )。

    【多选题】点到点运动指令中的参数有( )。

    【多选题】点到点运动的特点是( )。





    【单选题】直线运动是机器人末端执行器在空间内始终沿( )轨迹运动。


    【单选题】在激光切割过程中机器人运动指令采用( )。

    【多选题】直线运动指令中的参数z/fine的区别( )。

    【多选题】直线运动指令中的参数有( )。

    【多选题】直线运动的特点是( )。

    【判断题】movej指令是一种线性的运动指令,通过该指令可以使机器人tcp 末端以恒定的速度直线移动到目标位置。




    【单选题】圆弧运动是机器人末端执行器在空间内始终沿( )轨迹运动。


    【单选题】在激光雕刻曲线过程中机器人运动指令采用( )。

    【多选题】机器人完成一个正圆轨迹运动需要几条指令( )

    【多选题】圆弧指令中需要示教几个目标点( )。







    【单选题】已知a=1, b=3, c=a 3b, 下面哪个是c=a 3b的赋值语句



















    【单选题】控制气抓手开关的电磁换向阀与机器人i/o的( )连接。





    【判断题】set 能够产生一个长度可控的数字脉冲输出信号。





    【单选题】dsqc651板有多少个数字输出信号( )。

    【单选题】set do10,表示将do10端口数字输出信号( )

    【单选题】机器人通过( )来检测吸盘中的真空压力值。

    【单选题】那条指令将数字输出信号置1?( )

    【多选题】abb 的标准 i/o 板提供的常用信号处理有( )。

    【多选题】数字输入信号di的相关参数包括( )。

    【判断题】abb机器人标准io板的输出端口的输出电压是 24v。


    【判断题】指令reset do10是用来等待一个输出信号的值。


    【单选题】控制胶枪开关的电磁换向阀与机器人i/o的( )连接。










    【单选题】检测吸盘真空开关的电气元件与机器人i/o的( )连接。


    【单选题】吸盘工具常用控制元件( )。








    【单选题】检测气抓手开合的磁感应传感器与机器人i/o的( )连接。










    【单选题】圆弧指令中需要示教( )个示教点。







































    【判断题】赋值语句num1:=num1 1累计重复执行10次可使用条件判断指令实现。

    300万年前-15000年前,称为旧石器时代。( )

    粘土在(  )℃以上 可以烧结成质量良好的瓷器。

    铜可以以纯金属的形式大量存在于自然界。( )

    公元前3800年,( )人工炼成了纯度较高的铜器,出现了冶炼铜技术。

    陨铁是(   )。

    ( )发明了炼铁技术,进入铁器时代。

    钢铁产量与一个的经济整体实力和的强盛程度关系不大。( )

    信息传递技术是从( )开始。

    大容量、高速度的网络通信材料是( )。


    金属材料是指具有( )等性质的材料。

    有色金属是指除( )以外的所有金属及其合金。

    无间隙原子钢的英文简称为hsla钢。( )

    工程结构用钢是指( )。

    按照腐蚀机理分,金属的腐蚀形式有( )。

    钢的高温腐蚀是物理腐蚀。( )

    耐磨钢的含碳量是( )。

    占据元素周期表中最多的是下列那类元素( )。

    下列物质可以作为导体使用的是( )。

    有色金属的性能优于钢铁材料。( )

    从( )代开始有了原始瓷器。

    耐火材料可应用于( )。

    无机非金属材料的共同特点是( )。

    硅砖是含( )以上sio2的硅质制品。

    硅酸盐类水泥的生产是以石灰石和粘土为主要原料。( )

    生物合金的缺点是( )。

    氮化硅陶瓷可以用来制造( )等机械构件。

    陶瓷最大的缺点是密度低。( )。

    人造刚玉指的是氧化铝陶瓷。( )

    生物陶瓷材料作为生物医学材料始于( )。

    高分子是生命存在的形式。所有的生命体都可以看作是高分子的体。( )

    人类使用高分子材料已有几千年的历史,当时使用的都是天然高分子化合物如( )。

    高分子材料中,塑料、橡胶和纤维产量最大,与国民经济、生活关系密切,故称为“三大合成材料”。( )

    聚乙烯的英文缩写( )。

    对工程塑料描述正确的是( )。

    塑料的发明和使用是把双刃剑。( )

    橡胶作为高分子材料所具有的特性是( )。

    天然橡胶的应用中,( )产品的份额最大。

    下列不属于天然纤维的是( )。

    ( )是构成涂料骨骼的东西,使涂料具有耐久性。

    复合材料的优点是( )。

    复合材料保留了原有单一组分的优点,同时克服或弥补了它的缺点,显示出一些新的特性。 ( )

    复合材料具有可设计性。( )

    复合材料按照使用性能分为( )和( )复合材料。

    金属基复合材料的高温强度( )基体的高温强度。

    金属基复合材料是指以金属或合金为基体,以高性能的第二相为增强体的复合材料。( )

    玻璃陶瓷是含有大量微晶体的陶瓷。( )

    碳/碳复合材料具有质量轻、比强度高、耐高温的特点,可广泛用于( )。

    树脂基复合材料是优点( )。

    应用树脂基复合材料的大型客机质量科减轻60%以上,而且耐疲劳强度高,科提高飞行速度并延长使用寿命。( )

    西方第一次工业革命大致的起止年代和地点是( )。

    西方第二次工业革命大致的起止年代和地点是( )。

    西方第三次工业革命大致的起止年代是( )。

    第一次工业革命大致的起止年代是( )。

    第二次工业革命大致的起止年代( )。

    第三次工业革命大致的起止年代( )。

    举出信息材料的实例( )。

    智能材料是能感知环境条件参数的改变,并能以自身某种性质变化或行为而作出响应的材料。( )

    2013年,英国提出工业4.0战略标志着第四次工业革命的开始。( )

    智能材料属于金属材料。( )

    新技术革命的重要标志是( ) 。

    ( )誉为当代文明的三大支柱。

    按照2017年产量水平,石油储量能够满足世界50.2年的产量。( )

    煤炭资源只能使用约200年。( )

    材料发展不会带来严重环境问题是人类发展哪个阶段( )。

    经济资源时期(i)即工业革命发展初期不会带来环境问题。( )

    材料发展带来环境问题有( )。

    全球变暖的根本原因是( ) 。

    有资料表明,从1970年至1995年的25年间,人类消耗了地球自然资源的( ),因此,我们必须树立“我们只有一个地球”的环境意识。

    固体废物是放错地方的资源。( )






    celtic peoples inhabiting britain called ().

    emperor hadrian built a massive wall right across the country, named ().

    the anglo-saxon invaders shaped england into () major kingdoms.

    the anglo-saxon spoke a language which we now call ().

    anglo-saxon couldn’t conquer ().

    according to charles dickens, the druids worshiped of ( ).

    hadrain’s wall was the ( ) edge of the roman empire.

    ( )lived a happy tribal life in kingdoms since the iron age.

    the romans didn't bring ( ) to england.

    “england” in old english meant( ).

    () actually managed to hold back the vikings.

    () was the queen of ethelred and later the queen of canute.

    the nike name of king edward was ().

    famous vikings number one was king ().

    which modern day words for days of the week originate from the vikings?()

    the vikings were very good at ( ).

    ( ), in southwestern england, home of alfred the great.

    the ancient england history was like a history of ( ).

    ( ) who was "not just the greatest briton, but one of the greatest rulers of any time or place".

    in western world, that round table was so ( ).

    william conqueror won the battle of (), then he became the first norman king.

    william the conqueror had () sons.

    william the conqueror built at least 90 castles for ().

    norman conquest happened on the year of ().

    () of england marked the establishment of feudali in england.

    the most important castle william built was ( ).

    ( ) william the conqueror invaded england

    ( )was used as the official language after norman conquest .

    in which country are people most gentleman like?

    norman conquest of england marked the establishment of ( ) in england.

    the angevin empire, also called ().

    () owned more land in france than the french king .

    henry’s quarrels with (), have cast a long shadow over his reign.

    richard i was called ().

    king john was forced to accept the historic magna carta,and in english it is called ().

    ( ) was called the one of the most effective kings ever to wear the english crown.

    becket was assassinated, and people blame ( )for that.

    john is best known as the bad guy from the ( ) legend, because perhaps he had the worst reputation as english king.

    king john wanted to be a warrior, but lost land on each war, so had the name ( ).

    the hundred years’ war lasted for ( ).

    the wars of the roses were a series of dynastic wars for ().

    queen margaret of anjou was the ().

    elizabeth woodville was the ().

    elizabeth woodville became a queen when married with edward iv.that was her () mariage.

    king henry vi had ()that he couldn’t run the country.

    the wars of the roses were a series of dynastic wars fought between supporters of ( ) rival branches of the royal house

    major causes of the wars of the roses include: both houses were direct descendants of king ( ).

    on a june morning in 1487, henry vii’s victory at the battle of stoke brought a close to the dynastic conflicts of ( ).

    generations of fights between the houses of york and lancaster, the transfer of the crown by warfare, finally ended with the deaths of ( ).

    who was called "the most beautiful woman in the island of britain" with "heavy-lidded eyes like those of a dragon."

    the reign of the tudor dynasty also became known as the time of the () in england.

    henry viii had () wives.

    how many days did lady jane grey be the queen of tudor?()

    mary i persecuted 300 protestants earned her the nickname ().

    queen elizabeth never married all her life, regarded as a () married her nation.

    how many son did henry viii have?

    ( ) was the fourth crowned monarch of the tudor dynasty, she was the first queen to rule england in her own right.

    ( ) ruled over england during its “golden age”.

    ( ) was the last of the tudor monarchs.

    ( ) broke the english church away from roman catholici, and made himself supreme head of the church of england

    james vi of scotland succeeded to the english throne, and he was () of england in the union of the crowns.

    james i firmly believed “the divine right of kings”, which held that a king’s actions are approved of ().

    gunpowder plot was an assassinate toward () in 1605.

    the supporters of parliament were called () while the adherents of the king were called cavaliers.

    who was the leader of new model army?()

    ( )was beheaded in 1649.

    ( )firmly believed “the divine right of kings”.

    ( ) was to kill james i in 1605.

    the supporters of ( ) were called roundheads .

    oliver cromwell was the leader of ( ) .

    george iii was interested in agricultural improvement, so he was given the nickname ().

    in 1801, under the act of union, great britain and ireland were united a single nation, the united kingdom, george iii became the first king of the ().

    queen victoria came to the throne shortly after her () birthday.

    britain was considered the empire on which ().

    the great victorian era has left us one legacy that we still enjoy today, that is the british ().

    queen ann was the last monarch of the ( ) .

    george iii was interested in ( ).

    ( )was called the grandmother of europe.

    it was during the reign of ( )that the industrial revolution broke out in britain.

    queen victoria ruled england for more than 60 years, the time was called the ( ) .

    george v first made () broadcast across the empire at christmas in 1932.

    king edward viii abdicated because he fell in love with ().

    king george vi was the origin figure of movie ().

    () has become the united kingdom's longest-reigning monarch, that means she has ruled for longer than any other monarch in british history.

    diana died on sunday, august 31,1997, following a () crash in paris.

    who was the monarch folloing queen victoria?

    the famous king who gave up his throne for a woman was:

    who was the mother of prince william and prince harry?

    how many birthday does queen elizabeth ii have?

    queen elizabeth loves ( )very much?

    in the movie brave heart, the scottish national hero () gathered his people, and defeated england army.

    traditionally, scoten don’t wear underwear with kilts?()

    the haggis is made of the liver, heart and lungs of a ( ).

    the national flower of scotland is ().

    on the northern part of the island of great britain lived a group of people, they were called( )

    in the film brave heart ( ) led his people and fought against the english and won their independence.

    ( ) is the traditional dish of scotland made of liver, heart and lungs of a sheep.

    thistle is the national flower of ( ).

    ( ) is the national musical instrument of scotland.

    the famous irish proverb is “it's easy to halve the () where there's love”.

    irish in a new world was the flood of irish into the ().

    the author of poem when you are old is (). he is regarded by many as ireland’s greatest ever poet.

    claddagh ring represents ().

    the irish claim that they have been making wine () for anywhere between 1000 and 1600 years.

    irish people love ( )very much

    ( )destroyed two-thirds of ireland's staple crop and led to an estimated 1 million deaths and emigration of a further 1 million people.

    the author of poem when you are old is ( ).

    claddagh ring is a symbol of ( ).

    the colour of ( ) is a symbol of st. patrick's day.

    wales has ( ) national parks and five areas of outstanding natural beauty.

    there is a () dragon on the national flag of wales.

    in wales legend, arthur was ( ) for sure. he lived in wales landscape and lived in welsh heart.

    to mark the st david, welsh people around the world wear one or both of their national emblems - a ( ) or leek.

    wales is to the ( ) part of england

    the animal on the national flag of wales is a ( )

    in wales legend, ( ) was real for sure.

    the patron saint of wales is ( ).

    to distinguish friends from foes easily, ( ) was wore on people's caps on the eve of the battle against the saxons.

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