艺术设计 (军队文职)试题答案搜索软件-凯时尊龙登录入口


    艺术设计 (军队文职)试题答案搜索软件

    体育科学研究工作的主要任务之一就是为决策者提供决策依据。 ( )

    “体育学”一词与“体育科学”一词的含义一致,处于同一层次。( )

    生理学既属于体育基础学科,又属于体育应用学科。( )

    科学研究两个最基本特性是探索性和实践性。( )

    体育科学研究最主要的研究对象是运动中的人和人的运动。( )

    根据体育科研成果的性质可将体育科学研究分为基础性研究、应用性研究和探索性研究。( )

    体育科学研究的应用基础理论研究属于应用性研究。( )

    专利、图纸、原理模型、试产品都是推广性研究的成果形式。( )

    定性研究是通过数量化的资料和信息,并对数据进行量化处理、检验和分析,从而获得有意义的结论。( )

    体育学科研究的内容可以按学科归属和课题研究方向来分类。( )

    选题的原则是指选择研究论文遵循的标准和法则。( )

    科学性原则是指选题必须具有明确的指导思想和研究目的,依据要充分、合理,有科学上的现实性。( )

    选题的程序是选取研究主题、确定研究问题、解决研究问题。( )

    研究主题是指社会研究所涉及的某一类现象或问题领域。( )

    研究问题是指社会研究所要回答的现实问题。( )

    科学研究是人类对已知领域的探索和创新。( )

    体育科学研究选题的方法包括移植与借鉴、反向思维、联想思维。( )

    反向思维是利用某些事物在属性或相互关系方面的类似性,通过比较猜测它们其他方面的相似性或相同性的一种思维方式。( )

    描述性问题多,解释性和探索性选题较少是选题存在的问题。( )

    基础性问题较多,应用性问题较少是选题存在的问题。( )











    依照文献内容的性质和加工程度,期刊论文应属于( )

    根据加工程度不同,文献可以分为( )等级

    按照专题或知识的门类进行综合分析和加工而成,且具有高度浓缩的文献信息是指下列哪种文献?( )

    下列数据库中属于国内的是?( )

    影响检索查准率的因素是?( )

    文献法属于非接触性的研究方法。( )

    文献阅读的一般程序是:首先慎重筛选,其次是认真阅读,最后是及时记录。( )

    报纸一般是指名称国定、开本一致的定期或不定期连续出版物。( )

    阅读文献资料时,要坚持用批判的眼光去看待文献的研究成果,多问几个为什么。( )

    精读就是为了了解某一文献的基本观点,搜寻文献引用的主要事实或数据的一种阅读方式。( )











    1. 调查问卷的问题内容要具体,不要抽象、笼统,体现了问题设计的( )。

    预调查的样本容量一般选取( )。

    访谈法中从关怀、帮助被访者入手,通过感情联络,建立信任,接近被访问者的方式属于( )

    以当事人的角度观察并理解诸事项及其行为的意义,避免用现有的理论框架有意识地收集符合该框架的资料,体现的是( )

    下列不属于口述史特点的是( )

    开放式问卷具有开放性、探索性和能够获取一定深度问题的特征。( )

    “你的运动强度大吗?”这一问题违背了调查问题的通俗性原则。( )

    调查问题的排列应该先难后易、先深后浅。( )

    1. 问卷的信度表现为测验结果的一致性、再现性和稳定性。( )

    访谈法中一般比较尖锐、复杂、敏感和威胁性较大的问题应该大胆、正面地提出。( )

    下列测量内容属于物理测量的是( )。

    下列测量内容属于非物理测量的是( )

    由于测量仪器的不同所带来的测量误差是( )

    将同一份问卷对同一群被测者前后两次调查,求前后两次调查结果的相关系数而评价调查信度的方法是( )

    采用逻辑推理、分析判断的方法检查测量内容、目的与研究内容、目标一致性程度的效度评价方法是( )

    对身高、体重、力量、速度的测量属于物理测量。( )

    对知识水平、技战术水平、心理特征的测量属于非物理测量。( )

    简单随机抽样是非概率抽样的一种。( )

    整群抽样要求群与群之间异质性高。( )

    引起抽样误差的原因是个体差异。( )

    实验法有三个基本要素,即自变量、实验对象和因变量。( )

    实验法是唯一一种通过操纵和控制特定变量进行研究的方法。( )

    实验法是对自变量和因变量的因果关系假设进行检验的最佳方法。( )

    研究所测量的变量就是自变量。( )

    因变量是由自变量引起变化的变量,所以自变量也被称作为原因变量,因变量则被称之为结果变量。( )

    实验对象是接受实验处理的参与者,通常被称之为被试。( )

    实验法是对自变量和因变量的因果关系假设进行检验的唯一方法。( )

    从体育科学研究的角度,基本上可以把实验法分为实验室实验法和现场实验法。( )

    实验组和对照组是提高组间均衡性的一个重要手段,是分析资料时进行统计推断的前提。( )

    结构效度是指关于关系变量及变量之间关系构想的准确性,以及实验变量在实验时的操作定义与推理时的定义的一致性程度。( )











    科研成果凡引用他人的观点、数据和论述,须注明来源。( )

    凡转引文献注明转引出处即可,转引文献可以当作原始文献来引用。( )

    .凡通过中文译文而引用的外文文献,须注明中文译文的出处,不能直接注明引自外文文献。( )

    学术成果不得重复发表,另有约定再次发表时,应注明出处。( )

    学术批评中被批评者有反批评的权利,但不得对批评者进行压制和报复。( )

    狭义的科学是( )

    体育基础学科有( )

    马克思创建的政治经济学是建立在古典经济学的基础上,这是科学研究的( )

    下面不属于根据研究成果的性质分类的研究类型是( )

    下面不属于体育科学研究基本程序的环节是( )

    下列哪个是体育科学研究选题的原则( )

    下面哪项不是体育科学研究选题的程序( )

    一般情况下,文献综述的步骤不包括( )

    题录、书目、索引、提要和文摘一般被认为是( )

    下列哪种是名称固定、开本一致的定期或不定期连续出版物( )

    下列哪项不是实验法的基本要素。( )

    按照组织形式的不同,下列哪种不属于实验法( )

    下列哪个不是体育科研论文科学性的体现。( )

    学位论文的基本结构包括( )

    下列哪个不是体育自然科学类论文的引言的基本内容。( )

















    1. 自然旅游景观主要包括( )

    2. 人文旅游景观主要包括( )

    1. 自然旅游景观具有哪些特征( )。

    2. 人文旅游景观特征有哪些 ( ) 。

    3. 旅游景观具有哪些功能( )。

    4. 学习旅游景观赏析的意义表现在( )。

    1. 杭州湾附近每年吸引大批游客前来参观的是钱塘江大潮,钱塘江大潮汹涌澎湃、气势磅礴,潮声震天动地,势如千军万马倒海翻江而来,欣赏这一景观时应该(  )     

    2. “小小竹排江中游,巍巍青山两岸走”,反映出在观赏此类景观时应该( )

    3. 我国自然和人文和谐统一的自然观体现在(  )

    4. 五台山的寺庙同北方其他寺庙一样,多建在山麓、山 谷、山间小盆地的茂林之中,这种设计的主要目的是营造深山藏古寺的意境。

    6.(1)北方皇家园林规模 ______________,江南私家园林规模________。 (2)北方皇家园林建筑色彩_____,多以_____为 主色调;江南私家园林色彩_____,多以_____为主色调。 (3)南北方园林在色调上有巨大反差,其用意各是____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ? (4)我国北方园林和江南园林的不同建筑风格,反映了________与________和谐的思想。

    1. 旅游者最普遍的审美感受形态是( )。

    2. 著名学者李泽厚将审美划分为哪几个层次( )。

    4. 悦心悦意是透过眼前或耳边具有审美价值的感性形象,在无目的中直观地领悟到对方某些较为深刻的意蕴,获得审美享受和情感升华,进入一种“对心思意向的某种培育”的欢快喜悦状态,具有( )特征。

    1. 下列关于旅游景观的观赏位置,叙述正确的是( )。

    3.下列关于自然景观与人文景观欣赏的叙述,正确的是( )。

    1. 旅游景观美的类型有哪些?

    1、恒山位于哪个( )省?

    1、福建夷山、江西龙虎山、浙江江郎山、安徽齐云山、 贵州赤水、甘肃张掖都是我国著名的丹霞地貌景观。

    2. 泰山石刻可以说是文化史中的一朵奇范。历代帝王到秦山祭天告地,儒家释道传教授经,文化名士登攀览胜,留下了琳琅满目的碑碣、摩崖、楹联石刻,泰山摩崖石刻居各名山之最。

    3. 衡山又名“寿岳”,为花岗岩山体,72峰挺拔巍峨,海拔1300.2米的祝融峰是衡山最高峰,它也是五岳的最高峰。

    1.诗词“云横九派浮黄鹤,浪下三吴起白烟”形容的是( )。

    2. 西岳第一峰是( )。

    1. 衡山又名“寿岳”,为花岗岩山体,72峰挺拔巍峨,海拔1300.2米的祝融峰是衡山最高峰,它也是五岳的最高峰。

    2. 恒山悬空寺建筑特色可以概括为“奇、悬、巧”三个字。明代大旅行家徐霞客称其为“天下巨观”,三教殿内。释迦牟尼、老子、孔子共居一室,耐人寻味,堪称史上的一段佳话。

    有“天下第一奇山”之称的是( )。

    1. 福建夷山、江西龙虎山、浙江江郎山、安徽齐云山、 贵州赤水、甘肃张掖都是我国著名的丹霞地貌景观。

    2. 黄山主要为花岗岩山体,莲花峰、光明顶、天都峰是黄山三大主峰,其中莲花峰最高,海拔1864.8米。

    1、下列湖泊中,由火山喷出的岩浆、地震引起的山崩或泥石流引起的滑坡体等壅塞河床,积水成湖的有( )。

    2、“精巧玲珑、奇秀异常、色渥如丹、灿若明霞”的地貌特征属于( )景观。

    3、下列不属于南方喀斯特地貌的有( )。

    特异地貌景观不具有( )。


    1.下列属于我国著名的观赏泉的是( )

    2. 泉的旅游价值不包括( )

    亚洲第一大跨国瀑布是( )

    由地壳运动产生断裂凹陷形成的湖泊是( )

    1.生物旅游景观的特征有( )。

    1.被称为“花中四君子”的是( )。

    1.根据观赏植物的美学特征,可将观赏植物景观分为( )。

    1.“丹顶鹤的故乡”位于( )

    1.我国现存占地面积最大的帝王宫苑是( )。

    2.著名的太湖石“玉玲珑”是( )的主要景观之一。

    3.下列同属苏州的园林的是( )。

    1.有康熙、乾隆御笔亲题72景的著名园林是( )。


    南宋都城临安是今天的哪座城市( )

    汴京是今天的哪座城市?( )

    城中道路网不规则、没有森严城墙的古城是( )











    an english learning activity usually consists of three parts:

    in order to improve thinking quality, students need to think

    which aspects are included in english subject key competency?

    the new curriculum standard has raised the concept of “core competence of english language subject”.

    in the different phases of a lesson, a teacher's role may change.

    a leaner has only one learning style.

    if we focus on learners’ preference for the time they respond, we can classify cognitive styles into reflective and impulsive.

    coursebooks are often regarded as the core materials for classroom language learning.

    coursebooks must cover the development of all language skills.

    teachers can adapt teaching materials according to the needs of particular students.

    as english language teachers, how can we realize the educational values of english language teaching and learning? you may use an example to illustrate your points of view.

    when having a large-size class with over 40 students, how can an english teacher practice “differentiated teaching” according to learner characteristics?

    do we need more than one english textbook in teaching? why or why not?

    which of the following statement is false?

    which of the following statement is not true?

    which of the following are not the focus of methodology?

    which of the following statement is true?

    which of the following statement are true?

    technique is an overall plan for systematic presentation of language based on a selected approach.

    communicative language teaching does not aim for high standard of linguistic correctness.

    teachers should develop their own preferred classroom practices based on what works best for them in their own particular teaching situations and learners.

    we had a brief overview of the major trends in the 20th century, which include the grammar-translation method, the direct method, and audio-linguali. please compare their differences and similarities.

    what roles do teachers and students play in communicative language teaching approach and task-based teaching method?

    vocabulary teaching and learning must fit into

    the one unknown word in fifty is something that can be learned through

    which statement is not true according to the principles of teaching vocabulary?

    to memorize the largest number of common and useful word-groups, learners can .

    which of the following is appropriate for learning through meaning-focus input?

    which of the following cases correctly follow the principles we have learned in this unit?

    some scholar argues that academic vocabulary needs to be learned both receptively and productively because being able to produce it is one way of showing that you are part of a particular discourse community.

    it is useful to see vocabulary as also including group of words, which should be learned as multiword units.

    using word cards, doing cloze practice and reading graded readers are ways of deliberate learning.

    do you think people’s names such as elizabeth, philip and charles are vocabulary? why or why not?

    what deliberate methods are often used in teaching and learning vocabulary? how do you think of their effectiveness?

    should teachers avoid teaching low-frequency words when teaching less advanced english learners? why or why not?

    what methods can be used to teach high frequency words? describe them and give examples.

    which is the heart of the audiolingual lesson?

    which of the following is not the principle of teaching grammar?

    which of the following statements about the order in which learners acquired the grammar of the language are true?

    which of the following activities belong to deductive grammar teaching?

    which of the following describes a learner who has declarative but not procedural knowledge?

    which of the following are the implementation of input enhancement?

    which of the following are techniques of teaching grammar?

    a prescriptive grammar sets out to describe the way that people actually use language.

    while declarative knowledge can facilitate the development of procedural knowledge, it is not a necessary and sufficient condition for the development of such knowledge.

    consciousness-raising activities are designed to get learners to notice a particular grammatical feature or principle while learners are not required to use or practice the target item.

    how do you think of the relationship between declarative knowledge and procedural knowledge?

    we have learnt that teachers need to develop their own teaching methods. please share grammar teaching techniques of your own.

    in the 1980s and beyond, communicative and task-based language teaching has been gaining increasing popularity. as a result, pronunciation teaching emphasizes .

    in order to reduce learners’ anxiety, when teaching pronunciation teachers may .

    what does a pronunciation teacher do?

    pronunciation refers to the way sounds are perceived by the hearer.

    there are few legitimate varieties of english in english-dominant countries around the world.

    the goal of teaching pronunciation is to teach learners to achieve standard british or american pronunciation.

    the practice of listening carefully and then repeating the heard sounds and speeches is grounded in theories of behaviori.

    a minimal pair consists of two words with the same meaning which differ from each other by only one distinctive sound.

    perfect pronunciation is more important than communicating meaningfully in pronunciation teaching.

    changes in pronunciation eventually happen through the learner.

    as english teachers, shall we require students to acquire native-like pronunciation? what are the goals of teaching pronunciation?

    what could be the possible problems with the assumption that learners with a “good ear” will be able to figure out how to pronounce english well on their own?

    how do you learn english pronunciation? are you familiar with the ipa (international phonetic alphabet)? if yes, do you think it is effective to learn english pronunciation by learning and practicing the sounds in the ipa?

    when practicing pronunciation, students may be afraid of making mistakes and losing face. how would you address the affective considerations of your students when teaching pronunciation?

    which method first emphasized the role of listening in the history of language teaching?

    “input authenticity” means

    which of the following are effective listening strategies?

    people may have different understandings when hearing a sentence. this indicates that listening is not passive.

    the more difficult the listening text is, the better it can enhance students’ listening competence.

    to help students better understand what they hear, teachers need to insert a pause after each word.

    a listening material which is slightly beyond learners’ present linguistic competence contributes to their language development.

    post-listening stage is mainly for comprehension and language consolidation.

    global listening is better than specific listening.

    when conducting listening classes, teachers shall not simply check answers but encourage learners to speak out the words or expressions that help them get the answers.

    what is listening? is listening a receptive language skill? why or why not?

    what methods have been used to teach listening? how do you think of their strengths and limits?

    what is “authenticity” in teaching listening?

    what makes an effective listening task?

    7. which kind of speech is much more unpredictable?

    8. which activity involves sending students out of the classroom with a stated purpose to talk to people in the target language?

    9.in order to force students to speak spontaneously, teacher should ask the actors to come to the front of the class ——the teacher tells them the situation.

    8. when both of your friend and you are thinking about what to eat, you may say:

    1.speaking is considered as a productive skill and only involves producing information.

    2. the more communicative an activity is, the more control it needs.

    3. the process of trying to understand and making oneself understood is called negotiating for meaning.

    4. transactional speech is for social purposes. it includes both establishing and maintaining social relationships.

    5. the activities which have information gap cannot be done at the very beginning of foreign language learning.

    6. role-plays give learners the opportunities to practice speaking in the target language before they must do so in the real world.

    what are the differences and similarities between spoken language and written language?

    what methods have been used in teaching speaking? what are their merits and demerits?

    how do you think about the importance of accuracy and fluency in teaching listening?

    4. which of the following statement is false?

    5. which of the following statement is false?

    6. which of the following statement is false?

    7. which one of the following is not included in the “active” teaching system?

    8. what are the key features of a meaning-based or whole language approach to teaching reading? .

    9. which of the following are the examples of bottom-up models? .

    10. which of the following statements are the drawbacks of the bottom-up model?

    1. teaching reading refers to teaching learners who are learning to read for the first time and teaching learners who already have reading skills in their first language.

    2. the primary focus in the reading class should be on getting meaning from print rather than distracting attention to each word.

    3. reading consists of three elements: the text, the reader, and strategies.

    we have talked about the four elements of reading. are there any other elements of reading that may have been overlooked? what are they?

    why is an interactive approach to reading the best description of what happens when we read?

    how can an english teacher decide what vocabulary students need to know for reading a passage?

    among the principles we have learned, which one(s) do you think could be particularly useful for your own reading? why?

    4. which of the following statements is false?

    5. which of the following statements is false?

    6. what should students do when they write their first draft?

    7. what should teachers do when they give feedback to students’ writing?

    8. what are the three types of rubrics?

    9. according to the process approaches to writing, what are the steps of writing?

    in the steps of invention, what techniques are recommended?

    1. english writing instruction follows a fixed sequence.

    2. writing is not a physical act, but it is a mental act.

    3. when students are doing quick writing, they just let the ideas and words come out without concern for spelling, grammar, or punctuation.

    based on your own learning and teaching experiences, how do you understand writing and teaching writing?

    who are you teaching or going to teach? how would you select writing activities for your learners?

    how would you conduct quick writing activity in your writing class?

    how were your writing evaluated in the past? how do you think of the evaluation methods used by your former english teachers?

    (watch the video 00:00-05:45) what did the teacher write on the blackboard before class?

    (watch the video 00:00-05:45) before listening what tasks did the teacher ask the students to complete?

    11. (watch the video 9:46-14:47) did the teacher gave feedback after the students finished the task?

    (watch the video 14:50-22:03) how did the teacher connect the student group report task with the next listening task?

    (watch the video 14:50-22:03) what did the teacher do before assigning the second task in listening?

    (watch the video 14:50-22:03) how many exercises did the students do in the second listening task?

    (watch the video 25:28-30:16) what task did the teacher assign after listening?

    (watch the video 25:28-30:16) what did the teacher do before the students started the post-listening task?

    (watch the video 9:46-14:47) the teacher asks the students to do role play. how may students benefit from this task?

    (watch the video 25:28-30:16) why did the teacher ask the students to read the listening material again after the listening task?



    本课程分为六章,分别是:1 教学设计的文案撰写;2 教学设计中我的存在; 3 教学设计中的常见问题及其解决; 4 教学中的策略; 5 分领域的教学设计和课例分析; 6 各种考试的教学和策略应对。


    a1幅面图纸尺寸b×l(单位:毫米)正确的是( )。

    工程图纸一般是采用( )原理绘制。

    在建筑制图中,普通砖的材料图例表示为( )。

    建筑剖面图剖切符号一般应标注在( )。

    水平投影和侧面投影应满足( )的投影规律。

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