



    已知质点的运动方程为 (si制),则质点的轨道方程为:


    一质点在oxy平面上运动,运动方程为 则在t=1s时质点的加速度为


    一质点沿x方向运动,其加速度随时间的变化关系为a=3 2t (si),如果初始时刻质点的速度为5m/s,则任意时刻质点的速度

    一质点从静止出发沿半径r=1 m的圆周运动,其角加速度随时间t的变化规律是 (si), 则t=1s时质点的角速度

    一质点沿半径为r的圆周运动,运动方程为 则t时刻质点的切向加速度


    质点沿半径r做圆周运动,运动方程为 (si单位),则任意时刻质点角速度的大小




    一个质点在恒力 作用下,其位移为 则这个力在该位移过程中所作的功为


    对于质点系有以下几种说法: (1)质点系总动量的改变与内力无关; (2)质点系总动能的改变与内力无关; (3)质点系机械能的改变与保守内力无关。 对上述说法判断正确的是


    哈雷彗星绕太阳运动的轨道是一个椭圆.,它的近日点距离是8.75 x 1010 m,速率是5.46 x 104,已知远日点时彗星的速率是9.08 x 102,求远日点的距离



    在某地发生两事件,静止位于该地的甲测得时间间隔为4 s,若相对于甲作匀速直线运动的乙测得时间间隔为5 s,则乙相对于甲的运动速度是(c表示真空光速)



    一匀质矩形薄板,在它静止时测得其长为a,宽为b,质量为m0。由此可算出其面积密度为m0 /ab。假定该薄板沿长度方向以接近光速的速度作匀速直线运动,此时测算该矩形薄板的面积密度为

    根据狭义相对论,动能为0.25 mev的电子,其运动速度约等于(c表示真空光速,电子静止能量为0.51 mev)


    一观察者测得一沿米尺长度方向匀速运动的米尺长度为0.5 m,则此米尺以速度=2.60×108 m·s-1接近观察者。

    μ子是一种基本粒子,在相对于μ子静止的坐标系中测得其寿命为2×10-6 s。若μ子相对于地球的速度为0.988 c,则在地球上测出的μ子寿命为1.29×10-6 s。

    设电子静止质量为me,将一个电子从静止加速到速率0.6 c (c表示真空光速),需作功为0.25mec2。


    according to national standard, which of the following are preferred scales?

    which of the following heights are provided in national standards?

    the symbol "gb/t 14689-2008" denotes that the concern national standard is compulsory.

    when we make a drawing, a frame should be drawn inside of the outmost edges of the drawing sheet. there are two styles of drawing sheet layout: with a filling margin and without a filling margin.

    which of the following lines are used as dimension lines, extension lines, leader lines, construction lines, section lines and projection lines?

    which of the following are the projection rules of the projections of points?

    what are the projection properties of frontal line?

    if a line is an oblique line, the projections of the line will be foreshortened lines in the three planes of projections.

    the connecting line between the spacial point and its horizontal projection reflects the distance of the point to the horizontal plane of projection, and it equals the coordinate x of the point.

    according to the difference of x coordinates of the two points, we can tell the relative position of these two points in front-rear direction.

    which of the solid can we make lines on its surfaces?

    when we need to make a point on the surface of a solid, on which of the following solid the auxiliary latitude circle method can be used?

    when making projections of points in the conical surfaces of cones and spherical surfaces on spheres, auxiliary element method and auxiliary latitude circle method can both be used.

    when a sphere is cut by a plane at any location, all of the projections of the produced intersection are circles.

    when dimensioning a composite solid which is formed by cutting, the dimensions should be given at the location where the solid is cut.

    when the views of a composite solid formed by adding are drawn, the solid can be considered as formed by all features, and then the views of the features are drawn one by one. in the process of drawing views of the features, we should keep in mind that the composite solid is a whole solid.

    which of the usages of center lines in views are correct?

    the isometric projection of a frontal circle is an ellipse. the minor axis of the ellipse is in coincidence with , and the major axis of the ellipse is perpendicular to .

    the isometric projection of a profile circle is an ellipse. the minor axis of the ellipse is in coincidence with , and the major axis of the ellipse is perpendicular to .

    what representation methods are included in the method "view",that is, non-sectioned view?

    choose the properties of the general section line from the following description.

    in occasions of representing a relatively complex part, three standard views are not enough to show all the details of the part clearly and completely.

    which screw thread term is the nominal diameter?

    which options belong to the five important screw thread elements?

    in the following options, are standard parts.

    which option is the type symbol for pipe threads?

    which surfaces are the working surfaces of the key joints?

    in dimension φ60f7 in a detail drawing, φ60 is , f is , 7 is .

    which of the follow numbers are of ra values?

    when a shaft is represented, the axis of it should be placed horizontally.

    tolerance is the difference between the permitted minimum and maximum sizes of a part. it also equals the difference between the upper limit deviation and the lower limit deviation.

    what of the following are the contents of assembly drawings?

    what of the following are indicated in assembly drawings?

    what of the following are included in parts lists of assembly drawings?

    what of the following are of the special representation methods of assembly drawing?

    the methods which can be used in representing machine parts, include regular views, sectional views, removed sections, and the like, which can also be used to represent assemblies.

    in using autocad software, the operation sequence of which of the following commands is start the command, select the objects, specify base point, specify second point.

    in using autocad software, the following descriptions are about the usages of the command trim, which of the are correct?

    in using autocad software, when we draw a rectangle, we should give two points in the rectangle. which of the following description is correct about the two points?

    in using autocad software, when the command mirror is used, the mirror line must be center lines.


    数据结构是(  )







    指出下列程序段的时间复杂度() sum=1; for (i=0;sum



    循环链表的主要优点是( )。


    若一个线性表中最常用的操作是取第i个元素和找第i个元素的前趋元素,则采用( )存储方式最节省时间。

    在一个长度为n的顺序表中,在第i个元素之前插入一个新元素时,需向后移动( )个元素

    线性表的顺序存储结构是一种( )存储结构。

    在双向循环链表中,在p指针所指的结点后插入一个指针q所指向的新结点,修改指针的操作是( )。

    在下列对顺序表进行的操作中,算法时间复杂度为o(1)的是( )。(答案中的i均为合法输入)

    已知指针p和q分别指向某单链表中第一个结点和最后一个结点。假设指针s指向另一个单链表中某个结点,则在s所指结点之后插入上述链表应执行的语句为( )。

    在表长为n的顺序表中,当在任何位置删除一个元素的概率相同时,删除一个元素所需移动的平均个数为( )。

    栈和队列的共同点是( )


    设计一个判别表达式中括号是否配对的算法,采用( )数据结构最佳。

    若用一个大小为6的数组来实现循环队列,且当rear和front的值分别为0,3。当从队列中删除一个元素,再加入两个元素后,rear和front的值分别为( )。

    循环队列用数组a[0,m-1]存放其元素值,已知其头尾指针分别是front和rear,则当前队列中的元素个数是( )

    一个顺序栈s,其栈顶指针为top,则将元素e入栈的操作是( )。(注:top指向待插入位置)

    在解决计算机主机和打印机之间速度不匹配问题时,通常设置一个打印数据缓冲区,主机将要输出的数据依次写入该缓冲区,而打印机则从该缓冲区中取走数据打印。该缓冲区应该是一个( )结构。

    当用大小为n的数组存储顺序循环队列时,该队列的最大长度为( )。

    依次在初始为空的队列中插入元素a,b,c,d以后,紧接着做了两次删除操作,此时的队头元素是( )。

    向一个栈顶指针为hs的链栈中插入一个s所指结点时,则执行( )。(不带空的头结点)

    设有一个10阶的对称矩阵a,采用压缩存储方式,以行序为主存储,a[1][1]为第一元素,其存储地址为1,每个元素占一个地址空间,则a[8][5]的地址为( )。

    设有数组a[i,j],数组的每个元素长度为3字节,i的值为1 到8 ,j的值为1 到10,数组从内存首地址ba开始顺序存放,当用以列为主存放时,元素a[5,8]的存储首地址为( )

    将一个a[1..100,1..100]的三对角矩阵,按行优先存入一维数组b[1‥298]中,a中元素a[66][65](即该元素下标i=66,j=65),在b数组中的位置k为( )。

    二维数组a的每个元素是由6个字符组成的串,其行下标i=0,1,…,8,列下标j=1,2,…,10。若a按行先存储,元素a[8,5]的起始地址与当a按列先存储时的元素( )的起始地址相同。设每个字符占一个字节

    设二维数组a[1.. m,1.. n](即m行n列)按行存储在数组b[1.. m*n]中,则二维数组元素a[i,j]在一维数组b中的下标为( )

    有一个100*90的稀疏矩阵,非0元素有10个,设每个整型数占2字节,则用三元组表示该矩阵时,所需的字节数是( )

    设有两个串p和q,求q在p中首次出现的位置的运算称作( )。

    常对数组进行的两种基本操作是( )。

    二维数组a中,每个元素的长度为3个字节,行下标i从0到7,列下标j从0到9,从首地址sa开始连续存放在存储器内,存放该数组至少需要的字节数是( )。

    二维数组a中,每个元素a的长度为3个字节,行下标i从0到7,列下标j从0到9,从首地址sa开始连续存放在存储器内,该数组按列存放时,元素a[4][7]的起始地址为( )。

    引入二叉线索树的目的是( )。

    n个结点的线索二叉树上含有的线索数为( )。

    由3 个结点可以构造出多少种不同的二叉树( )。

    已知一算术表达式的中缀形式为 a b*c-d/e,后缀形式为abc* de/-,其前缀形式为( )。

    若一棵二叉树具有10个度为2的结点,5个度为1的结点,则度为0的结点个数是( )。

    有关二叉树下列说确的是( )。

    一个具有1025个结点的二叉树的高h为( )。

    若二叉树采用二叉链表存储结构,要交换其所有分支结点左、右子树的位置,利用( )遍历方法最合适。

    若x是二叉中序线索树中一个有左孩子的结点,且x不为根,则x的前驱为( )

    二叉树的先序遍历和中序遍历如下: 先序遍历:efhigjk;中序遍历: hfiejkg 。该二叉树根的右子树的根是( )。

    无向图g=(v,e),其中:v={a,b,c,d,e,f},e={(a,b),(a,e),(a,c),(b,e),(c,f),(f,d),(e,d)},对该图进行深度优先遍历,得到的顶点序列正确的是( )。

    已知有向图g=(v,e),其中v={v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7}, e={,,,,,,,,},g的拓扑序列是( )。

    要连通具有n个顶点的有向图,至少需要( )条边。

    在n个结点的无向图中,若边数大于n-1,则该图必是连通图。( )

    邻接矩阵适用于有向图和无向图的存储,但不能存储带权的有向图和无向图,而只能使用邻接表存储形式来存储它。( )

    设无向图的顶点个数为n,则该图最多有( )条边。

    下列哪一种图的邻接矩阵是对称矩阵?( )

    下面哪一方法可以判断出一个有向图是否有环(回路):( )。


    下列说法不正确的是( )。

    一个有序表为(1,3,9,12,32,41,45,62,75,77,82,95,100),当采用折半查找方法查找值32时,查找成功需要的比较次数是( ) 。

    设散列表长m=14,散列函数h(k)=k%11,已知表中已有4个结点:r(15)=4; r(38)=5; r(61)=6;r(84)=7,其他地址为空,如用二次探测法处理冲突,关键字为49的结点地址是( )。

    在平衡二叉树中插入一个结点后造成了不平衡,设最低的不平衡结点为a,并已知a的左孩子的平衡因子为0右孩子的平衡因子为1,则应作( )型调整以使其平衡。

    当在一个有序的顺序表上查找一个数据时,既可用折半查找,也可用顺序查找,但前者比后者的查找速度( )。

    如果要求一个线性表既能较快地查找,又能适应动态变化的要求,则应采用的查找方法是( )

    在长度为n的顺序表中进行顺序查找,查找失败时需与键值比较次数是( )

    在采用线性探查法处理冲突的散列表中进行查找,查找成功时所探测位置上的键值( )

    对一棵二叉排序树进行( ) 遍历,可以得到一个键值从小到大次序排列的有序序列。

    分别以下列序列构造二叉排序树,与用其它三个序列所构造的结果不同的是( )。


    对n个不同的关键字由小到大进行冒泡排序,在下列( )情况下比较的次数最多。

    下列关键字序列中,( )是堆。

    下列排序算法中,( )不能保证每趟排序至少能将一个元素放到其最终的位置上。

    数据序列(8,9,10,4,5,6,20,1,2)只能是下列排序算法中的( )的两趟排序后的结果。

    稳定的排序方法是( )。

    设有1000个无序的元素,希望用最快的速度挑选出其中前10个最大的元素,最好选用( )排序法。

    一组记录的关键码为(46,79,56,38,40,84),则利用快速排序的方法,以第一个记录为基准得到的一次划分结果为( )。

    下述几种排序方法中,平均查找长度最小的是( )。

    在待排序的元素序列基本有序的前提下,效率最高的排序方法是( )。

    排序方法中,从未排序序列中挑选元素,并将其依次放入已排序序列的一端的方法,称为( )。

    下列函数中,在复平面上为解析函数的是( ).

    下列命题中正确的是( ).








    ( )是在人和计算机对话过程中以人机交换方式辅助决策者探求可能的方案,生成管理者决策所需要的信息







    信息系统发展的( )理论被称为诺兰阶段模型

























    项目的开发方式有三种: 自行开发方式,委托开发方式,合作开发方式。

    i have been working at dell computer for two years. i ______ in examing international contracts to make sure that they are comply with the law.

    remploy is a company that employs disabled people. i ______ with the media and try to get us as much good publicity as possible.

    shift work means you do your job for part of the week and another person does it for the other part.()

    teleworking is suitable to the person who has young children to take care of.()

    the job of secretary in office requires hot-desking in order to save office space.()

    regular, fixed hours:______ hours

    a temporary job: a ______ job

    to work part-time: to work ______

    an employer: an ______

    a staff(salaried) photographer: a ______ photographer

    don't worry. andrew is an excellent host. he will take ______ of you.

    we have taken ______ a temporary secretary for three months to help us get through the work.

    i think we should take a ______ . we've been discussing this for two hours now.

    you should take what she says with a ______ of salt.

    the conference will take ______ in new york in october next year.

    these files have been zipped up to ____ less disk space.

    my personal life has had to ____ my career.

    there was no one else to ____ their children.

    remember, stick to the issues and don't ____ it personally.

    ____ a hundred and twenty values and calculate the mean.

    the most dynamic societies in the world are the ones that have the most entrepreneurs. these people are the spark in an economy's engine, activating and stimulating economic growth. the entrepreneur looks for opportunities to make a (1)______ by satisfying unsatistied needs, to fill the gap between what consumers want and the products and services that are currently available.

    · entrepreneurs are creative, (2)______ and future oriented.

    · they are innovators who don't need to follow the tried and (3)______ route.

    ·they have a natural business (4)_____.

    ·they are not afraid of (5)______ work for afraid to fail.

    ·they are willing to take risks with their own(6)______ and resources.

    ·they are excellent problem solvers and negotiate the legal requirements to launch and (7)______ a business.they focus on sales, cash flow and revenue at all times.complete these phrases by choosing a proper word.

    sachiko is trying to get ______ your call.

    i'm just ______ your call.

    let me ______ that back to you.

    i'll call you ______ in an hour.

    you can ______ me on this number any time.

    the ______ i'm calling is that....

    put the most appropriate modal verb into each gap. advertisers of alcoholic drinks ______ make advertisements which could appeal to children.

    when advertising a product, you ______ mention the price.

    when advertising a product, you ______ make false statements about compes' products.

    if you advertise a service, you ______ explain the full terms and conditions, except in the all print.

    1. when delegating, you should check up on your staff all the time. because they may forget what you have told them.

    2. when delegating, you needn't explain what the rewards are because the staff will not take all their efforts to finish the job if they dont satisy with them.

    3. in order to avoid misunderstanding, you'd better ask your staff to explain back what they are going to do.

    if you give a _____ in recommendation letter, you give away a piece of your reputation.

    our company intends to recruit some new employees with specialist ______ in this field.

    this company is specialized in many businesses, _______ from production to travelling.

    i hope you can spare some time to visit our company, inspect our products and discuss your particular ______ with us.

    the teach told us that christmas ______ on december 25th.

    can i ask you to _____ minutes on this meeting?

    as the chairperson, mike will _____ the meeting.

    there is another memo from the boss telling me to ____ another of his meetings.

    tom said he fell aleep when he ______ the novel.

    _______ is a type of gambling game in which people buy numbered tickets. several numbers are then chosen, and the people who have those numbers on their tickets win a prize.

    if an employee is not ______ the requirement of the boss, he or she would usually be fired.

    in order to reduce the cost of the company, the board decided to make some employees in several sectors _____.

    if you are not at the office, some callers can leave their message in ______.

    which of the following words does not have the similar meaning as “diiss”?

    if you _____ your house or land, you use it as a guarantee to a company in order to borrow money from them.

    if we catch an employee stealing, they ______ a verbal warning.

    i am not sure what happened exactly. the incident needs ______ at quite carefully.

    _______ your requirements in the memo about the meeting, i have already made some necessary preparations.

    the aim of the report is to _______ whether ms. chuhova was unfairly diissed and if the procedure was followed.

    it’s difficult to attract graduates into sales because _____.

    ______ means making a speech to convince people to buy something.

    _____ is a kind of sales of making an unexpected phone call or visit to sell something.

    the business trips with lots of free entertainment are usually called _____.

    selling is one of those things that can happen to anyone, no _____ what their job description is.

    different from marketing, sales has some direct effects on company and can create some _____ results.

    it is important for the salesperson to ______ that the benefits of their products or services match the consumers’ requirements.

    it is more _____ for salesperson to think through what the customers’ needs are than to directly ask “what do you need?”

    it _____ without saying that word of mouth is the best advertisement.

    the goal of staff training is to enhance employee quality, improve productivity and meet future needs of the ______.

    after the staff training, the company need some ______ system to test the effects of training.

    genrally speaking, there are two ways of staff training: the traditional face-to-face training and ______ training.

    when writing a complaint letter, we had better use _____ voice to make the statement seem objective.

    i prefer learning by myself to ______ the staff training of the company.

    if i am working at my desk, i always stop _____ the phone.

    _____ having written to them for a long time, she has received no reply.

    _____ further increases in your prices, we are changing supplier.

    i have complained about the problem twice before. _____, you have taken no action to resolve the issue.

    the whole process of staff training includes needs ysis, instruction design, ______, implementation and evaluation.

    choose a word from the passage in page 87, and fill in the blank in its right form. this year turnover has _______ (increase fourfold) as more marketers use scents to distinguish their brands.

    some companies want to make shoppers wait around longer in the hope they will spot something to buy.

    we often use phrasal verbs on the telephone. –can you wait for me for a second? we can also say “please ________.”

    the new product _______ goes on sale next month isn’t ready yet.

    the turnover was just under half a million ______ it was first founded in 1985. now it’s a hundred million.

    he ______ a paper strip inside and waves it under his nose, breathing in deeply.

    a jingle is a short tune used in advertising and for other commercial uses. the jingle contains one or more hooks and meaning that explicitly promote the product being advertised, usually through the use of one or more advertising slogans.

    the brand identity is the representation of the company's reputation through the conveyance of attributes, values, purpose, strengths, and passions.

    the explorer took only such men and things _______ he really needed into the jungle.

    你能否帮我转接销售部? can you ____ me _______ to the sales department?

    management means the organization and coordination of the activities of a business in order to achieve defined objectives.

    the basic task of management includes only marketing.

    the activities associated with running a company, such as controlling, leading, monitoring, organizing, and planning.

    madonna’s five dimensions of her successful strategy are_________ and to exploit your competences, address your weaknesses.

    similarly, managers who don’t set career goals will _______ opportunities.

    if only you do your very best, you will _________ success in everything.

    you must ________ your weakness and then you may overcome and make use of it.

    i don't know if it ______tomorrow. if it ______,we won’t go on a picnic.

    susan will not arrive at the airport on time _______ she hurries up.

    ________your efforts, each of you has great wealth.

    ethical economics is an oxymoron. it will make the economic system unfair.

    green growth means fostering economic growth and development, while ensuring that natural assets continue to provide the resources and environmental services on which our well-being relies.

    sustainable development will compromise the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

    the three pillars of sustainable development–economic growth, environmental stewardship, and social inclusion.

    the coffeeconomics is an alternative economics research field to evaluate the coffee market structure behavior from a _____ and ________perspective.

    gdp means _________.

    because of _______, both signs can learn from one another if they can agree to meet halfway.

    from behind, she looked as all and _______ as a child.

    they _______ your memories; where you were, what you were doing, what you were interested in, what you were thinking of.

    business law, also called commercial law or mercantile law, the body of rules, whether by convention, agreement, or national or international legislation, is governing the dealings between persons in commercial matters.

    business law only includes company law, partnership act, law on sole proprietorship enterprises, and maritime law.

    bylaw is a law made by local government that only relates to its particular region.

    to franchise a right to sell a company's products in a particular area using the company's name.

    prosecute means making a legal case against someone and claiming for money.

    judge is the person in charge of a court who makes legal decisions.

    the lawer is the person who gives legal advice and represents a person in court.

    both sides met in order to try to resolve their differences.

    他勇敢顽强地与疾病作斗争。 he fought the illness with courage and ________.

    我们应该分清是非。we should make a distinction between right and wrong.

    max bray, a business lecturer, thinks office workers still distrust computers.

    technology is unreliable in most of people’s eyes. false.

    worldwide, the amount of paper used for each year continues to rise, although statistics now show a slight reduction in the amount consumed in the uk.

    if you are sent an important email, you are likely to print it, because there is always the fear that it might have get deleted.

    your part in these meetings will dictate the kind of information you need and how you should prepare for them.

    total group sales climbed by five percent to $`55 million, with the agricultural business delivering yet another record_____.

    sales in the garden equipment_____ were slow in the early months of the year, but increased dramatically in the final quarter.

    it is my belief that we have continued to grow by_____ our customers well.

    many people nowadays save money to _c _ for their old age. a cater b supply c provide d equip

    after checking the foods against your invoice, we discovered a considerable shortage ______ number.

    the report is to be ______ to the directors as soon as possible.

    i am glad that i feel quite _____ for the position you advertised.

    we recommended ______aall quantity for trial.

    ______the quality, you must assure that we would get the goods produced in 2019.

    ______we appreciate your cooperation in giving us the information about your market, we regret that we are unable to reduce our price to the level you indicated.

    we shall appreciate it if you will effect shipment as soon as possible, thus ______ our buyers to catch the brisk demand at the beginning of the season.

    i am writing ______ your advertisement for the position of conference manager.

    i will phone you next week after you ______ a chance to go over the material.

    i am sending you a check of $1500 ______ full payment of my account.

    will you please let us have a selection of goods which you think are ______ for your market?

    i was ______ to hear how popular our computer games have been with your customers.

    we have received your letter of september 12, ______ we are glad to know that you are interested in our electric heaters.

    each buyer should do his best to obtain the most ______ prices.

    we assure you of our full ______ in executing the contract.

    we thank you for your letter of may 5th, ______ your purchase from us of 5000 tons of green beans.

    we think it would be ______ to take in orders from those firms whose standing and financial position are yet unknown.

    may i suggest that we send a technician to inspect the equipment and make the necessary repairs at a ______ cost.

    90% of the credit amount must be paid ______ the presentation of docuements.

    when planning a presentation, it is important to pay attention to the audience and get to know their background.

    when introducing a new product range onto the market, advance publicity is important as it could help raise awareness of potential consumers.

    it reflects the effort over the past five years that has gone into transforming of our company into a highly competitive world-class business.

    we believe that we know exactly what extra this is and we have already put into place organizational and technical changes to bring this about.

    this performance has been achieved in the most toughest market conditions we have seen for many years yet.

    fine fitness, the health and fitness club operator_______ an impressive set of results yesterday.

    reporting a 38 percent jump in annual pretax profits, the company claimed that it had______ none of the problems revealed last week by its rival, top fit.

    the company opened 12 new clubs in the past year,________ its total to 51.

    even the more__________ clubs are still seeing sales growth.

    this can be seen as clear______ of the appeal of fine fitness.

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