


    下列哪种机器人一定不属于工业机器人( )

    下列哪种机器人一定属于工业机器人( )

    下列哪个品牌不属于全球工业机器人四大家族( )

    下列哪个品牌不属于全球工业机器人四大家族( )

    下列哪个品牌不属于全球工业机器人四大家族( )

    下列哪个品牌属于全球工业机器人四大家族( )




















    从机器人运动指令movel p10,v200,z10,mytool\\wobj:=wobj1;可以看出,机器人的运动速度是( )

    从机器人运动指令movel p10,v200,z10,mytool\wobj:=wobj1;可以看出,机器人的工具坐标框架是( )








    一个用户坐标系中可以包含多个(  ),用于表示固定装置、工作台等设备。 


























    从机器人运动指令movel p10,v200,z10,mytool\\wobj:=wobj1;可以看出,机器人的运动速度是( )

    从机器人运动指令movel p10,v200,z10,mytool\wobj:=wobj1;可以看出,机器人的工具坐标框架是( )

    一个用户坐标系中可以包含多个(  ),用于表示固定装置、工作台等设备。

    机器人如果用2个工件坐标系表示同一工件在空间中的2个不同位置,可称之为( )。





    要查看目标点处的工具姿态,可通过( )选项实现。

    下列哪种机器人一定不属于工业机器人( )

    下列哪种机器人一定属于工业机器人( )

    下列哪个品牌不属于全球工业机器人四大家族( )

    下列哪个品牌属于全球工业机器人四大家族( )



















    what is the structure of composing a good academic essay? and what is the role of each part in the essay writing?

    please yze the structure and organization of text 18 (page213-216) by identify its writing style and stating its thesis, major points and conclusion.

    what sections are most research papers ided into?

    please explain imrd rhetorical structure, including the pattern of its movement and the specific functions of each part.

    a research question is a statement that identifies the focus of the topic. what two purposes does it serve?

    please read text 3 and text 4 respectively on page 12 & 15 and then list their research questions respectively? text 3 research questions 1:________________________________________________ research questions 2:________________________________________________ research questions 3:________________________________________________ text 4 research questions 1:________________________________________________ research questions 2:________________________________________________ research questions 3:________________________________________________

    please read text 3 and text 4 respectively on page 12 & 15 and then answer the following questions? text 3: 1. how many types of cloud services are there and what are they? 2. what is green computing? 3. what are the advantages of the cloud computing? text 4 1. what is web 3.0 2. what are the advantages and disadvantages of the cloud computing? 3. what security benefits can the cloud computing provide?

    what are the four moves that an introduction usually consists of?

    what are the five types of qualification when making claims?

    .what are the three ways to defend a generalization?

    what are the rhetorical framework and elements of the discussion section according to swales & freak?

    what are the five central components of an abstract? how many types of abstracts are frequently used for publication and what are they?

    what elements should be included in a summary?

    what are the 3 steps in writing a summary? give more detailed explanation.

    write a one-sentence summary of source material 2 on page 80.

    what is the structure of composing a good academic essay? and what is the role of each part in the essay writing?

    please yze the structure and organization of text 18 (page213-216) by identify its writing style and stating its thesis, major points and conclusion.

    in persuasive writing, what are the 2 major ways to show that one idea (the author’s view) is more legitimate than another idea?

    what kind of topic is appropriate for developing an argumentative essay? how to develop an argumentative essay according to toulmin method?

    下列指标不是表示毒物毒性上限指标的是( )

    通常,饲料中有害物质在动物体内主要的排泄途径是( )



    通常,经口摄入的毒物在动物机体内发生生物转化的部位为( )

    毒物的最大无观察到有害作用剂量属于毒性下限指标。( )

    通常,体格好采食量大的动物后表现饲料中毒症状。( )

    经口摄入的毒物在动物体内主要的吸收部位是胃。( )





    小麦中水溶性非淀粉多糖主要是( )

    糠麸类饲料中普遍存在的抗营养因子为植酸,植酸酶对植酸的降解是十分有效的,植酸酶效率最高的钙:总磷比值为( )

    发芽马铃薯的饲喂量应控制在( )

    小麦中主要的水溶性非淀粉多糖是( )

    高粱中含有影响饲料适口性以及蛋白质和矿物质的消化吸收的物质是( )

    糠麸类饲料中普遍存在的抗营养因子为( )

    猪采食不新鲜的全脂蚕蛹会产生“黄猪肉”, 引起这种变化的原因是

    桶装油脂一定要贮存于室内阴凉干燥处,而且要防止直接接触的金属是( )

    防止油脂氧化酸败,可在饲料中添加的物质为( )

    未成熟或发芽的马铃薯果实中主要的有毒物质为( )

    高粱中的单宁为水解单宁。( )

    为消除植物性饲料中非淀粉多糖的抗营养作用,生产中多采用添加相应的酶制剂。( )

    用木薯作饲料时,应在日粮中适当添加赖氨酸。( )

    ddgs中不饱和脂肪酸含量较高的是( )

    在高游离棉酚的棉籽饼粕中,为了脱毒可加入适量的 ( )

    菜籽饼粕中可使褐壳蛋系蛋鸡产生腥味蛋的物质是( )

    棉籽饼粕中影响禽蛋品质,使煮熟的鸡蛋变为“橡皮蛋”的有害物质是( )

    棉籽饼粕中影响禽蛋品质,使鸡蛋贮存后蛋清变为桃红色的有害物质是( )

    棉籽饼粕中影响雄性动物生殖机能的有害物质是( )

    菜粕中具有影响饲料适口性、能引起动物胃肠炎、肾炎,并引起动物甲状腺肿的硫苷降解产物为( )

    棉籽饼粕中影响雄性家畜生殖机能的有害物质是结合棉酚。( )

    “双低”油菜指菜油中芥酸含量低于2%、脱脂饼粕中硫苷含量低于30μmol/g品种的油菜。( )

    脲酶活性不能有效反映豆粕热加工加热过度的程度。( )

    花生饼作为饲料时要注意在日粮中补充适量的硒。( )

    卫生品质不良的鱼粉中引发仔鸡出现“黑吐病”的物质是( )

    在饲料、饮水供给充分的情况下,对食盐最敏感的动物是( )

    采用相同的原料,所生产的鱼粉品质最好的加工方式为( )

    生产和保存血粉的水分应最高控制在( )

    鱼粉中引起肉仔鸡出现“黑吐病”的机理是( )

    能引起“黄猪肉”产生的动物性蛋白质饲料( )

    淡水鱼、贝类、甲壳类的组织,尤其是内脏中含有的抗维生素为( )

    为了防止不新鲜鱼粉引起“黑吐病”,可在肉鸡日粮中添加适量的( )

    引起猪出现特征理学变化为“嗜酸性白细胞性脑膜脑炎”的物质是硝酸盐。( )

    酸价可用来评价脂肪氧化的程度。( )

    挥发性盐基氮可用来评价动物性饲料蛋白质的新鲜度。( )

    评价油脂的新鲜程度可用霉菌总数。( )


    下列哪种症状不是呕吐毒素中毒的典型症状 ( )


    下列哪种症状不是t-2毒素中毒的典型症状 ( )


    丁烯酸内酯的主要毒性作用为( )

    一般,经口摄入的串珠镰刀菌素的靶器官是( )



    下列哪种症状不是甘薯黑斑病毒素中毒的典型症状( )

    下列哪种症状不是麦角生物碱中毒的典型症状 ( )

    具有雌激素样作用的霉菌毒素为( )

    可用作霉菌毒素吸附剂的物质是( )

    可用作霉菌毒素防霉剂的物质是( )

    发霉的羊茅草中引起牛烂蹄病的霉菌毒素是( )

    雏鸭经口摄入黄曲霉毒素b1中毒的典型病变为( )

    发霉且生成黑斑的甘薯中含有的霉菌素素是( )

    下列畜禽中对呕吐毒素毒性最敏感的动物是( )

    经口摄入的霉菌毒素在动物体内的主要吸收部位是( )

    一种产毒霉菌可产生几种霉菌毒素,一种霉菌毒素也可由多种产毒霉菌产生。( )

    单端孢霉烯族毒素的主要产毒菌为单端孢霉烯属霉菌。( )



    制定饲料中某种物质每日允许摄入量直接依据的毒理学指标是( )

    下列标准属于强制性标准的是( )

    以“gb/t”为代号的标准,为( )



    急性经口毒性试验最重要的目的是得出受试物的( )

    90天经口毒性试验是研究受试物 ( )的常用方法

    慢性毒性试验用到的雌性实验动物必须( )

    以小鼠为实验动物开展有机汞经口急性毒性实验,适宜的给药方式为( )

    以大鼠为实验动物开展氢氰酸经口急性毒性实验,适宜的给药方式为( )



    亚急性毒性实验是指一次或在24h内多次重复将受试物给予动物,观察短时间内动物可能出现的毒性表现的实验。( )









































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    when compile a c program, the comments will .

    a file written by c language .

    many programming languages borrow heavily form c language, including c , c# .

    one of c’s advantages is efficiency. because c was intended for applications where assembly language had traditionally been used, it was crucial that c programs could run quickly and in limited amounts of memory.

    c’s weaknesses arise from the same source as many of its strengths: c’s closeness to the machine.

    which of the following is a legal c identifier?

    which of the following is not keyword in c language?

    which of the following is not a constant in c language?

    which of the following is not a float constant in c language?

    the three identifiers, weight, weight and weight, are not equal in c language.

    in c language, which of the following operator requires its operands must be of type int?

    of which operation the precedence is higher than others’?

    the value of the expression 3.6-5/2 1.2 5%2 is ____.

    suppose all variables in the following expressions have been declared and initialized, which of the following is not a legal expression in c language?

    if an expression is the sum of four data of different types, including int, long, double and char, the expression’s type is ____.

    the expressions i and i are exactly not the same as (i = 1).

    if c is a variable of type char, which one of the following statements is illegal?

    suppose that we call scanf as follows: scanf(“%d%f%d”, &i, &x, &j); if the user enters: 10.8 9 3↙ what will be the values of i, x, and j after the call? (assume that i and j are int variables and x is a float variable. ↙ is used to represent enter key)

    suppose that we call scanf as follows: scanf(“%f%d%f”, &x, &i, &y); if the user enters: 12.3 45.6 789 what will be the values of x, i, and y after the call? (assume that x and y are float variables and i is an int variable. ↙ is used to represent enter key)

    which one of the following is correct?

    assuming the following statements: char c1='1',c2='2'; c1=getchar(); c2=getchar(); putchar(c1); putchar(c2); if input a└┘↙ when run the code, ↙ is used to represent enter key, └┘ is used to represent space, which one of the following statements is correct?

    given the following declarations and scanf function call statements, to make the value of a1, a2, c1, c2 to be 10, 20, a and b respectively. which one of the following inputs is correct? ↙ is used to represent enter key and └┘ is used to represent space. ( d ) int a1,a2; char c1,c2; scanf("%d%d",&a1,&a2); scanf("%c%c",&c1,&c2);

    assuming the statement scanf("a=%d,b=%d,c=%d",&a,&b,&c); to make the values of a, b, and c to be 1, 3, 2 respectively, which of the following input is correct? ↙ is used to represent enter key and └┘ is used to represent space.

    if the variable x is of type double, which one of the following statements is right?

    what is the output of the following code? └┘ is used to represent space. float x=-1023.012; printf("%8.3f,",x); printf(" % 10.3f",x);

    what is the output of the following code? int x=13,y=5; printf("%d",x%=(y/=2));

    if we declared int a=1234;, what is the result when executing the statement printf("-",a);?

    what is the output of the following code? int a; char c=10; float f=100.0; double x; a=f/=c*=(x=6.5); printf("%d %d %3.1f %3.1f",a,c,f,x);

    execute the following statements, if input 12345678↙,what is the output? int a , b ; scanf("-%*2d=",&a,&b); printf("%d",a b);

    c compilers are required to check that the number of conversion specifications in a format string matches the number of output items.

    if the format string is “%d\n”, scanf will skip white space, read an integer, and then skip to the next non-white-space character. so a format string like this can cause an interactive program to “hang” until the user enters a nonblank character.

    after the execution of the following statements: int a=1, b=2, c=3, d=4, m=2, n=2, cond; cond = (m=a>b) && (n=c>d); , which one of the following value is equal to the value of n ?

    suppose i is a variable of type int, and its value is 10, which of the following is the value of expression 30-i<=i<=9 ?

    after the execution of the following statements: int a=0,b=0,m=0,n=0; (m=a==b)||(n=b==a);,the values of m and n are and respectively?

    which of the following is equal to the expression !x ?

    suppose int x=3,y=4,z=5; , which of the following is the value of the expression !(x y) z-1 && y z/2 ?

    which of the following is not a legal expression in c language?

    the expression in if(expression) can be .

    when execute the following program: #include int main() { int x,y; scanf("%d%d",&x,&y); if (x>y) x=y;y=x; else x ;y ; printf("%d,%d",x,y); return 0; } which one of the following is correct?

    in c language, the rule on embedded if statement is that else is always paired with .

    if a=1, b=3, c=5, d=4,the value of x is when execute the following program. if (a
    which one of the following is equal to the statement y=(x>0 ? 1: x<0 ? -1:0); .

    which one is correct when execute the following code? int x=0,y=0,z=0; if (x=y z) printf("***"); else printf("###");

    what is the output of the following program? #include int main() { int x=1,y=0,a=0,b=0; switch(x) { case 1: switch (y) { case 0 : a ; break ; case 1 : b ; break ; } case 2: a ; b ; break ; case 3: a ; b ; } printf("a=%d,b=%d",a,b); return 0; }

    if int i=10; the value of i will be after executing the following code. switch (i) { case 9: i =1 ; case 10: i =1 ; case 11: i =1 ; default: i =1 ; }

    given the declaration: float w; int a, b; , which one of the following is a legal switch statement?

    if int i=1; the value of i will be after executing the following code. switch (i) { case '1': i =1 ; case '2': i =1 ; case '3': i =1 ; default : i =1 ; }

    after the execution of the following statements: int i=5, j=4, k=6 ; float f; f = (i
    after the execution of the following statements: int m1=5,m2=3; m1>m2 ? (m1=1):(m2=-1);, the values of m1 and m2 are respectively?

    switch statements can be totally replaced by if statements at any time.

    the expression in a case label of a switch statement must be constant expression.

    the statement if and switch can be embedded.

    the conditional expression and if statement can be totally replaced by each other.

    duplicate case labels aren’t allowed in switch statement.

    in switch statement, several case can execute the same program segment.

    the controlling expression in switch statement can be an expression of any type.

    the case branch in switch statement can be a compound statement or multiply statement sequence.

    without break (or some other jump statement) at the end of a case, control will flow into the next case.

    what is the output of the following program? #include int main() { int x=0,y=5,z=3; while(z-->0&& x<5) y=y-1; printf("%d, %d, %d",x,y,z); return 0; }

    which one of the following contains an infinite loop?

    the following code . x=-1; do{ x=x*x; }while (!x);

    which one of the following statements is correct?

    assume the following code: int n=0,p; do { scanf("%d",&p); n ; } while (p!=12345 && n<3);when , the loop will terminate.

    given the following for statement: int i,k; for (i=0,k=-1; k=1 ; i ,k ) printf("***"); which one of the following conclusions is correct?

    the loop times of the following for statement are . for (i=2; i==0;) printf("%d",i--);

    what is the output of the following program? #include int main() { int i,sum; for(i=1;i<6;i ) sum =i; printf("%d",sum); return 0; }

    assume s, a, b, c are declared as integers, and a, c have been assigned values (c>0), s=a; for(b=1; b<=c; b ) s=s 1;which one of the following is equal to the above code?

    what is the output of the following program? #include int main() { int i=0,s=0; for (;;) { if(i==3||i==5) continue; if (i==6) break; i ; s =i; }; printf("%d",s); return 0; }

    if the variables i and p have been declared and initialized correctly, which one of the following cannot calculate 5! ?

    in the following programs, which one has the different output with the others’?

    what is the output of the following program? #include int main() { int k=0,m=0,i,j; for (i=0; i<2; i ) { for (j=0; j<3; j ) k ; k-=j ; } m = i j ; printf("k=%d,m=%d",k,m); return 0; }

    which one of the following is not correct?

    assume the following program fragment: int k=2; while (k=0) { printf("%d",k) ; k-- ; }which one of the following is correct?

    while in do statement can be omitted sometimes.

    any of the 3 expressions in for loop can be omitted, and so is while and do statement’s controlling expression.

    the most powerful iteration statement is for statement.

    the loop body in the for statement will be executed at least once.

    break can be used in switch statements and loops (while, do, and for), whereas continue is limited to loops.

    which one of the following statements is wrong?

    which one of the following statements about macro substitute is wrong ?

    assuming we have #define l(x) 2*3.14*x,thus l(x) is .

    assuming we have #define p(x) x/x, what is the output after executing printf("%d",p(4 6)); ?

    assuming the macro definition #define mod(x,y) x%y, what is the result of the following code? int z,a=15; float b=100; z=mod(b,a); printf("%d",z );

    which one of the following macro for square calculation will not cause ambiguity in any case?

    given a macro definition as follows: #define n 3 #define y(n) ((n 1)*n), which one of the following is the value of the expression 2*(n y(5 1))?

    given a macro definition #define p(x,y,z) x=y*z; the substitution p(a,x 5,y-3.1) will be .

    in the file including preprocessing directives, when the file name is enclosed by double quotes after #include, the file will be searched in .

    in the file including preprocessing directives, when the file name is enclosed by angle bracket after #include, the file will be searched .

    macro substitution does not have type problem, and its arguments are of no type either.

    in c language standard library header files, many system function prototype are declared. therefore, as long as these functions are used in the program, these header files should be included, for checking the function calling by compiling system.

    the header files included by #include must have the suffix .h.

    when index the array element, which one of the following statements is wrong?

    which one of the following declarations can define a one dimensional array a correctly in c89?

    assume a declaration int a[10]; , which one of the following can reference the element in a correctly?

    which one of the following statements is wrong?

    assume the declaration int a[3][4]; which one of the following can index the element in a correctly?

    assume the declaration int a[3][4]=; which one of the following statements is correct?

    if a 2-d array a has m columns, the formula to index the element a[i][j] is .

    what is the output of the following code? int k,a[3][3]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}; for (k=0;k<3;k ) printf("%d",a[k][2-k]);

    which one of the following initialization is correct for the 2-d array a?

    assume the declaration int b[]={1,2,[8]=3,4,5,[15]=1,6,7}; the length of array b is .

    which one of the following statements about function is right?

    which one of the following statements is right?

    which one of the following function definitions is right?

    if call a function int f(), which does not contain any return statement, which one of the following conclusions is right?

    which one of the following determines the return type of a function in c language?

    which one of the following statements about function return type is wrong?

    which one of the following statements is wrong?

    which one of the following is right?

    given a function definition as follows: void f(char ch, float x ) { ...... } which one of the following function call statements is right?

    assume a program defines a function as follows: double f(double a,double b) { return (a b); } but the definition is written after calling f. therefore, f should be declared before the calling. which one of the following prototypes is wrong?

    which one of the following statements about function declaration is wrong?

    if an array name is used for an actual parameter in a function calling, which one of the following will be delivered to the corresponding formal parameter?

    given the following code in the main function, which one of the following is an incorrect declaration of the formal argument in function f? int a[3][4]; f(a);

    read the following program: int fun1(double a) { return a*=a;} int fun2(double x,double y) { double a=0,b=0; a=fun1(x); b=fun1(y); return (int)(a b); } if w is a variable of type double, what is the value of w, after executing the statement w=fun2(1.1,2.0);?

    both function definition and function call can be nested.

    a function must have a return value, otherwise it cannot be defined as a function.

    specifying that the return type is void indicates that the function doesn’t return a value.

    the pointer of a variable indicates the of the variable.

    given int k=2; int*ptr1,*ptr2; and both ptr1 and ptr2 point to the variable k, which one of the following assignments is not correct?

    given int*p,m=5,n; which one of the following statements is right?

    given int*p,a=4; and p=&a; in which one of the following, all items indicate addresses?

    if a pointer p points to a variable x, which one of the following is equal to *&x ?

    if the pointer p points to an integer variable x, which one of the following is equal to (*p) ?

    for two pointer variables of the same base type, which one of the following operations cannot be done?

    given the following function and the variable declaration int a=25; which one of the following is the result of the statement print_value(&a); ? void print_value(int *x) { printf("%d", *x); }

    given char s[10]; which one of the following is not the address of s[1]?

    given int a[5],*p=a; which one of the following is a correct reference to an element in array a ?

    given int a[5],*p=a; which one of the following is a correct reference to the address of an element in array a ?

    given int x[]={1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0},*p=x,k; and k is larger than or equal to 0 and less than 10, which one of the following is a wrong reference to the array element x[k]?

    given int x[6]={2,4,6,8,5,7},*p=x,i; which one of the following code cannot output the 6 elements in array x in order?

    given int a[2][3]; which one of the following is a correct reference to the address of the element in i-th row and j-th column of array a?

    given int a=3,b,*p=&a;which one of the following statements doesn’t assign the value 3 to b?

    given int a[4][5]; which one of the following references is incorrect?

    given int a[2][3],(*p)[3]; p=a; which one of the following references to an element in the array a is correct?

    given int (*p)[4]; which one of the following statements is right?

    the return value of the function char* fun(char *p){ return p; } is .

    assuming char x[]="12345",y[]={'1','2','3','4','5',''}; which one of the following statements is correct?

    which one of the following initializations of the character array s is wrong?

    which one of the following character arrays cannot be used as a string?

    which is the output of the following code? char c[5]={'a','b','','c',''}; printf("%s",c);

    given two arrays of character, a and b, which one of the following statements is correct?

    which is the output of the following code? char a[7]="abcdef"; char b[4]="abc"; strcpy(a,b); printf("%c",a[5]);

    which is the output of the following code? char c[]="\t\b\\\0will\n"; printf("%d",strlen(c));

    which one of the following can be used to test whether the string a is greater than b?

    the value of the expression strcmp("3.14","3.278") is .

    given the following code: #include #include int main() { char p[]={'a','b','c'}, q[10]={'a','b','c'}; printf("%d %d", strlen(p), strlen(q)); return 0; } which one of the following statements is true?

    which is the output of the following code? char w[][10]={"abcd","efgh","ijkl","mnop"} , k; for(k=1;k<3;k ) printf("%s",w[k]);

    if the function fun is defined as: void fun(char ch[], float x) { …… }, which one of the following function call statements is correct for function fun?

    which one of the following statements about character array is wrong?

    which one of the following is correct?

    which one of the following statement(s) is a correct for the string s?

    given char s[]="china"; char *p ; p=s ; which one of the following is correct?

    given char a[]="itiine", *p="itiine"; which one of the following is incorrect?

    given char *cc[2]={"1234","5678"}; which one of the following is correct?

    assume s1 and s2 are declared correctly, if we want to execute the statement s when string s1 is greater than s2, which one of the following statements is correct?

    given char s1[]="string1",s2[8],*s3,*s4="string2"; which one of the following is incorrect for library function strcpy?

    given a structure definition as follows: struct stu { int a; float b; } stutype; , which one of the following statements is wrong?

    for which one of the following definitions, the compiler will not allocate memory locations.

    which one of the following definitions of the structure variable td1 is wrong?

    when declare a structure variable, the size of space allocated by system is .

    given the declaration of a structure tag named student as follows: struct student { int no ; char name[20]; char sex; struct { int year; int month ; int day ; } birth; } s; if the member birth of the structure variable s is october 1, 2016. which one of the following assignments is right?

    given the following code, which one of the following statements can output the letter m. struct person { char name[9]; int age; }; struct person class[10]={"johu",17,"paul",19,"mary",18,"adam",16};

    which one of the following reference to a member of structure is not right? struct pupil { char name[20]; int age; int sex; } pup[5], *p=pup;

    which one of the following reference is not right? struct s { int i1; struct s *i2,*i0; }; static struct s a[3]={2,&a[1],0,4,&a[2],&a[0],6,0,&a[1]}, *ptr=a;

    given the following declaration: struct sk { int a; float b; } data; int *p; which one of the following assignments is right, to make p point to a in data?

    given the declaration: struct{int a; char b;} q,*p=&q; which one of the following expression is wrong?

    given the following code: struct st { int x; int *y; } *pt; int a[]={1,2},b[]={3,4}; struct st c[2]={10,a,20,b}; pt=c; which one of the following expressions has the value of 11?

    which one of the following statements about union is right?

    when declare a union variable, the size of space allocated by the compiler is .

    given the following program: union { char a[10]; short b[4][5]; long c[5]; } u; the value of sizeof(u) is .

    given the following program: union data { char ch; int x; } a; which one of the following is not right?

    given the following declaration: enum color {red,yellow=2,blue,white,black} r=white; what is the output after executing the statement printf("%d",r); ?

    given the following declaration: enum week {sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat} day; which one of the following assignments is right?

    which one of the following statements is wrong?

    given the following statement: typedef struct {int n;char ch[8];} per; which one of the following statements is right?

    which one of the following is correct about data file and c language?

    the system standard input file is .

    the system standard output file is .

    which one of the following is a correct file name argument for the function fopen?

    given char fname[]="infile.dat"; , which one of the following is a correct way to open the text file infile.dat for reading?

    which one of the following is a correct way to create a file for both reading and writing using the function fopen ?

    if errors occur while executing the function fopen, what is its return value?

    if open an existing file using the argument "a ", which one of the following is correct?

    in the file open modes, the string "rb" indicates .

    when opening the text file "a:\\aa.dat" in the mode "w", if the file already exists, .

    in c program, which one of the following can write an integer data into a file in binary form?

    which one is the prototype of the function fputc that write a character to the disk files?

    which one of the following operations can be done using the function fseek?

    the function calling fseek(fp,-20l,seek_end) complete the operation .

    which one of the following codes is nearly equal to fseek(fp,0l,seek_set)?

    the function rewind can .

    the function ftell(fp) can .

    which of the following is a legal c identifier?

    in c language, which of the following operator requires its operands must be of type int?

    the following code . a=-1; do{ a=a*a; }while (!a);

    suppose int x=3,y=4,z=5; , which of the following is the value of the expression !(x y) z-1 && y z/2 ?

    suppose that we call scanf as follows: scanf(“%f%d%f”, &a, &c, &b); if the user enters: 12.3 45.6 321 what will be the values of a, c, and b after the call? (assume that a and b are double variables and c is an int variable.)

    if c is a variable of type char, which one of the following statements is illegal?

    what is the output of the following code? int a; char c=10; float f=100.0; double x; a=f/=c*=(x=6.5); printf("%d %d %3.1f %3.1f",a,c,f,x);

    execute the following statements, if input 87654321↙,what is the output? int a , b ; scanf("-%*2d=",&a,&b); printf("%d",a b);

    after the execution of the following statements: int a=1, b=2, c=3, d=4, t1=2, t2=2, k; k = (t1=a>b) && (t2=c>d); , which one of the following value is equal to the value of t2 ?

    suppose int a=3,b=4,c=5; , which of the following is the value of the expression !(a b) c-1 && b c/2 ?

    assume a declaration int t[10]; , which one of the following can reference the element in t correctly?

    assume the declaration int b[]={1,2,[8]=3,4,5,[15]=1,6,7,9}; the length of array b is .

    what is the output of the following code? int k,a[3][3]={3,2,3,3,5,6,7,3,9}; for (k=0;k<3;k ) printf("%d",a[k][2-k]);

    given a structure definition as follows: struct mystr { int a; float b; } mytype; , which one of the following statements is wrong?

    which is the output of the following code? char w[][10]={"abcd","efgh","ijkl","mnop"} , k; for(k=1;k<3;k ) printf("%s",w[k]);

    the loop body in the for statement will be executed at least once.

    without break (or some other jump statement) at the end of a case, control will flow into the next case.

    in switch statement, several case can execute the same program segment.

    the expression in a case label of a switch statement must be constant expression.

    the three identifiers, wendy, wendy and wendy, are equal in c language.

    please describe the functions of the arrays, such as when or why should we use arrays, what problems we can solve with arrays, etc.

    according to your answer above, design a programming question about the arrays, and write the program with comments. so , you shoulde write: your question about the arrays your code (your program) with comments

    please describe the functions of the pointers, such as when or why should we use pointers, what problems we can solve with pointers, etc.



    网页结构和表现相分离,我们通常用一个 html 文档来保存内容与结构,用一个 ( )文档来控制整个文档的表现。

    由于( )是网页制作的标准语言,因此无论什么样的网页制作软件,都提供直接以该语言方式来制作网页的功能。

    html静态html文件后缀名为( )


    dreamweaver开发平台默认的静态网站凯时尊龙登录入口主页文件名为( )






    可以通过下面样式设置文本的水平对齐方式( )

    下面哪个标签元素不是属于块元素( )


    哪些是html5中新增加的元素( )



    在css盒子模型中,盒子的总占位宽由( )决定

    在使用css3盒模型时,box-sizing属性设置为( ),元素的宽度只是该元素内容的宽度,而不包括边框和内边距的宽度


    设置一个边框线为1px的实线红色边框代码为( )





    链接元素的伪类需要按一定的顺序定义,下面哪 个顺序是正确的( )


    一个层中所引用的样式设置了背景图(background-repeat属性没有设置),另外设置了padding属性为:padding:5px 10px;下面哪个说法是正确的?



    位图图像中像素越多、分辩率就越( ),描述图像就越细,像素能表示的色彩数越多,描绘的图像就越逼真

    photoshop图像中最基本的组成单元是( )


    添加清除浮动层的作用是( )

    position默认的属性值是( )












    css sprite是一种网页图片应用处理方式。它允许将一个页面涉及到的所有零星图片都包含到一张大图中,在访问页面时,只需请求一次就可以。






    光照下烷烃卤代反应的机理是通过( )中间体进行









    烯烃与溴的亲电加成是通过什么历程来进行的( )

    下列化合物中碳原子杂化轨道为sp2的有( )

    下列烯烃与hbr反应的最快的是( )

    下列碳正离子中最稳定的是( )

    三种碳正离子(i)ch3ch2ch2ch2 ;(ii)ch3ch ch2ch3;(iii)(ch3)3c 稳定性顺序为( )


    烯烃与卤素在高温或光照下进行反应,卤素进攻得主要位置是( )

    关于丙烷和丙烯分别氯气发生自由基取代反应的描述中,正确的是( )

    与3,3-二甲基丁烯加成生成2-溴-2,3-二甲基丁烷的反应机理是什么( )

    下列化合物与溴加成反应时速度最快的是( )最慢的是( )




    在过氧化物存在下,烯烃与hbr的反应属于( )

    下列自由基最稳定的是( )

    丙烯与hbr的加成反应,在下列哪些条件下可以得到1-溴丙烷( )

    异丁烯与hbr的加成反应,得到( )





    烯烃硼氢化氧化反应通过什么历程来进行的( )


    具有p-π共轭体系的有( )

    最稳定的碳正离子( )

    下列化合物与hbr进行亲电加成反应,最快的是( )

    下列化合物与hbr进行亲电加成反应,最快的是( )

    己-1,3,5-三烯与1mol溴加成,最不易形成的产物是( )



    下列各化合物与与agno3(醇溶液中)反应的活性最强的是( )

    按亲核取代反应的难易次序排列正确的是( ) (1) ch3ch=chcl, (2) ch 2=chch2cl, (3)ch 3ch2ch2cl

    下列物质与硝酸银的乙醇溶液反应,最先生成agbr 沉淀的是( )

    下列化合物按sn2反应活性最大的为 ( )

    下列化合物,哪一个最易起sn2反应?( )

    溴代甲烷在丙酮中与ki反应中间体(intermediate)为:( )

    下列化合物哪个更易发生分子内sn2反应( )

    下列离去基团的离去能力最大。( )

    .按下列化合物进行sn1反应活性最大的( )

    下列化合物,苯环上起亲核取代反应速率最快的是( )

    下列化合物进行sn2反应,按反应速率由大到小排列,顺序正确的是( ) (1)1-溴丁烷 (2)1-溴-2,2二甲基-丁烷 (3)1-溴-2-甲基丁烷

    卤代烷与naoh在水和乙醇混合物中反应,属于sn2反应历程的特征是( )


    下列反应的主要产物是( )

    ( )主要产物

    ( )主要产物

    .①1-苯基-3-氯丙烷,②1-苯基-2-氯丙烷,③1-苯基-1-氯丙烷,三者按e1反应其速率由大到小排序为( )

    ( )主要产物



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