


    运动生理学是研究人体对运动的( )。

    人体机体的机能调节主要由( )来完成。

    组织对反应的表现形式是( ) 。

    任何组织对发生的最基本反应是( )。


    组成肌肉的基本单位是( )。

    肌肉由兴奋过程转为收缩过程称为( )。

    运动终板神经末稍释放的神经递质为( )。

    肌原纤维中粗丝是由( )组成。

    兴奋一收缩耦联中na离子起了重要作用。( )






    贫血(红细胞减少)时,血液的粘滞性( )


    健康成人男性红细胞数量为( )。


    正常成熟的红细胞( )细胞核,形状为( )。

    房室压力梯度是血液由心房流入心室的动力,但它的形成主要是( )。

    耐力训练可导致安静时心率减慢, 其机制是( )。

    长期耐力性运动促使心脏容积增大的主要原因是耐力性运动( )。

    心肌细胞的生理特性有( )。

    动脉血压形成的条件有( )。











    甲状腺主要分泌( )。

    胰岛素缺乏将导致( )。


    下列被称为第一信使的物质是( )。












    肌肉收缩,产生张力使身体维持或者固定于一定的姿势,而无明显的位移运动,此种肌肉收缩产生的力量为( )。

    肌肉进行最大随意收缩时表现出来的克服极限负荷阻力的能力称作( )。

    力量训练可以增加人体肌肉中的( )。

    一般情况下,在一次训练课中力量练习的顺序 是( )。

    动力性力量是指肌肉在动态收缩时所产生的力量,此时机体产生明显的位移运动。 ( )

    采用强度较低而持续时间长的练习或长段落的间歇训练,主要是发展( )。

    有氧耐力主要与人体肌肉中的( )有关。


    习惯上把不需氧的( )运动和()的运动统称为无氧运动。







    青春期前后骺软骨逐渐骨化,骨骺与骨组织合为一体,( )岁骨化完成,身高不再增长。

    在儿童少年时期,宜采用(  )。

    身体素质由增长阶段过渡到稳定阶段的先后顺序是(  )。

    最佳心率范围约在( )之间。

    影响负荷域的基本因素有(   )。






    ( )在免疫反应中起核心作用。

    ( )属于综中枢免疫器官。

    下列中( )不是为非特异性免疫。






    体重指数法(bmi)为(  )表示肥胖。

    关于身体成分的说法,正确的有(  )。

    关于体重的说法,正确的有(   )。

    肥胖形成的原因,正确的有( )。

    减肥的运动处方,正确的是( )。

    以下说确的是( )

    一个c程序可以包含任意多个不同名的函数,但有且仅有一个( ).一个c程序总是从此开始执行。

    c语言规定,在一个源程序中,main函数的位置( )

    在c语言中,每个语句和数据定义是用( )结束。

    下列叙述中错误的是( )

    关于c程序的叙述正确的是( )

    ( )是c程序的基本构成单位。

    在c语言中,一个语句( )为结束标志。

    下列标识符中,不合法的用户标识符为( )

    若a, b均为int类型变量,则执行以下程序段后的输出是:___________ x=15; y=5; printf("%d\n",x%=(y%2));

    设i, j, k是int类型变量,且i=3, j=4, k=5,则表达式 i && j运算结果是_______, !((i
    下列选项中,合法的一组c语言数值常量是( )

    在c语言中,下列类型属于基本类型的是( )

    下列字符串不属于标识符的是( )

    10 'a' 1.5-567.345/'b’的结果是( )型数据。

    c语言中,运算对象必须是整型数的运算符是( )

    若num、a、b、c都是int变量,则执行表达式 num=(a=4,b=16,c=32)后num的值是( )

    判断char型变量c1是否为大写字母的正确表达式是( )。

    若希望当num的值为奇数时,表达式的值为“真”,num的值为偶数时,表达式的值为“假”,则以下不能满足要求的表达式是( )。

    (  )是c语言提供的合法的数据类型关键字。

    不正确的字符串常量是(  )。

    在c语言中,程序运行期间,其值不能被改变的量叫__ ____

    在c语言中,用来标识变量名、符号变量名,函数名,数组名,类型名,文件名的有效字符序列称为__ ____

    若有说明语句:char ch1='\065',则ch1中包含字符个数_______



    程序如下,下叙述中正确的是______。 #include int main() { char a1='m', a2='m'; printf("%c\n",(a1, a2)); }

    以下程序运行后输出的结果是________。 #include int main() { int a,b,d=25; a=d/10%9; b=a -1; printf("%d,%d\n",a,b); }

    下列程序打印输出c language programming #include int main() { printf("c language programming\n"); return 0; } 程序的运行结果是:

    要输出结果4*4=16,下列语句不正确的是( )

    已知在asch 字符集中、数字0的字号为48,下面程序的输出结果为( )。 #include int main( ) { char x, y; x='0'; y='9'; printf("%d,%d\n",x,y); }

    以下程序的运行结果是( ) #include int main( ) { int c,x,y; x= l; y= 1; c= 0; c=x ||y ; printf("\n%d%d%d\n",x,y,c); }

    以下程序的功能是:给r输入数据后计算半径为r的圆面积s。程序在编译时出错,出错的原因是( )。 #include int main() { int r; float s; scanf("%d",&r); s= *p*r*r; printf("s=%f\n",s); }

    以下程序的输出结果是:________ #include int main() { float x=2.0,y; if(x<0.0)y=0.0; else if (x<10.0)y=1.0/x; else y= 1.0; printf("%f\n", y); }

    若从键盘输入58,则以下程序输出的结果是__________ #include int main() { int a; scanf("%d",&a); if(a>50)printf("%d",a); if(a>40)printf("%d",a); if(a>30)printf("%d",a); }

    以下程序输出:_____ #include int main() { int x1=3, x2=0, x3=0; if( x1 = x2 x3) printf("*****"); else printf("#####"); }

    假定等级和分数有以下对应关系: 等级:a 分数:85~100  等级:b 分数:60~84  等级:c 分数:60 以下 对于等级grade输出相应的分数区间,能够完成该功能的程序段是_____.

    在执行下述程序时,若从键盘输入字母h,则输出结果是( )。 #include int main() { char ch; ch=getchar(); switch(ch) { case 'h':printf("hello! \n"); case 'g':printf("good morning! \n"); } }

    以下程序的输出结果是:( ) #include int main() { float x=2.0,y; if(x<0.0) y=0.0; else if (x<10.0) y=1.0/x; else y= 1.0; printf("%f\n", y); }

    下列程序的输出结果是( )。 #include int main() { int a=5,b=4,c=3,d=2; if(a>b>c) printf("%d\n",d); else if(c-1>=d) printf("%d\n",d 1); else printf("%d\n",d 2); }

    以下程序运行时,若从键盘输入9,则输出结果是( )。 #include int main() { int a=1; scanf("%d",&a); if(a <9) printf("%d\n",a); else printf("%d\n",a); }

    请阅读以下程序: #include int main() { int a=5,b=0,c=1; if(a=b c)printf("***\n"); else printf("$$$\n"); }  以上程序( )

    若int k=8;则执行下列程序后,变量k的正确结果是____   #include int main() { int k=8; switch(k) { case 9:k =1; case 10:k =1; case 11:k =1;break; default:k =1; } printf("%d\n",k); }

    现有如下程序段,此程序段编译有错误,则程序段的错误出在( ) #include int main() { int a=30,b=40,c=50,d; d=a>30 ? b:c; switch(d) { case a:printf("%d,",a); case b:printf("%d,",b); case c:printf("%d,",c); default:printf("#");} }

    设变量x和y均已正确定义并赋值,则以下if语句中,在编译时将产生错误信息的是( )。

    设 int x=1, y=1; 表达式( !x || y--) 的值是 ( )

    在c程序中,判逻辑值时,用“非0”表示逻辑值“真”, 又用“0”表示逻辑值“假”。 在求逻辑值时,用_____表示逻辑表达式值为“真”,又用_____表示逻辑表达式值为“假”。 

    执行以下程序段后,输出结果是______。 #include int main() { int a=3,b=5,c=7; if(a>b) a=b;c=a; if(c!=a) c=b; printf("%d, %d, %d\n",a,b,c); }

    若执行下述程序时,若从键盘输入6和8时,结果为_______  #include int main() { int a,b,s; scanf("%d%d",&a,&b); s=a; if (a = b) s*=s; printf("%d",s); }

    执行语句 for(i=0; i<10; i ) ; 结束后,i的值是__________

    阅读以下程序,其运行结果是______。 #include int main() { int i; for(i='a';i<'f';i ,i ) printf("%c",i-'a' 'a'); printf("\n"); return 0; }

    阅读以下程序,输出结果是______。 #include int main() { int n=9; while(n>6) { n--; printf("%d",n); } }

    以下程序段的运行结果是______。 #include int main() { int i=0; do printf("%d,",i); while(i ); printf("%d\n",i); }

    读以下程序,printf会被执行几次?__________ #include int main() { int i,j; for(i=1;i<4;i ) { for(j=i;j<4;j ) printf("%d*%d=%d ",i,j,i*j); } }

    以下程序运行后的输出结果是_______。 #include int main() { int i,j,x=0; for(i=0;i<2;i ) { for(j=0;j<2;j ) { if(j%2) continue; x ; } x ; } printf("x=%d\n",x); }

    以下程序运行后的输出结果是( )。 #include int main() { int y=10; while(y--) ; printf("y=%d\n",y); }

    语句for(表达式1;;表达式3)等价于( )

    下列程序段中是死循环的是( )

    下面能正确计算1*2*3*•••*10的程序段是( )

    以下程序段描述正确的是( ) for(m=1;m<=100;m ) { scanf("%d",&y); if(y<0) continue; printf("=",m); }

    以下不会构成无限循环的语句或语句组是( )。

    若y是整型变量,语句while(!y) 语句1; 若要执行语句1,则表达式 !y 成立等价于( )

    要求通过while循环不断读入字符,当读入字母n时结束循环。若变量已正确定义,以下正确的程序段是( )。

    若k为整型变量,则以下for循环的执行次数是若k为整型变量,则以下for循环的 printf 执行次数是_______ for(k=2;k==0;) printf("%d",k--);

    若变量m已定义,以下程序段中的do-while循环次数是________ m=-1; do{ m=m*m;}while(!m);

    下面程序的运行结果是___________ #include int main() { int m=0; while(m<=2) { m ; printf("%d",m); } }

    若有程序段:int x=10; while(x=0) x=x-1; 则循环体的执行次数是___________

    以下程序输出结果是_______。 #include int main() { int i; for(i=0;i<3;i ) switch(i) { case 0:printf("%d",i); case 2:printf("%d",i); default:printf("%d",i); } }

    假定int类型变量占用四个字节,其有定义:int x[10]={0,2,4};,则数组x在内存中所占字节数是( )

    以下二维数组c的定义形式是( )

    有如下定义语句:int aa[][3]={12,23,34,4,5,6,78,89,45};,则45在数组aa中的行列坐标各为( )

    有以下程序  #include int main() { char a[]={ 'a', 'b', 'c','d','e','f','g','h','\0'}; int i,j; i=sizeof(a); j=strlen(a); printf("%d,%d\n",i,j); return 0; } 程序运行后的输出结果是( )

    设有两字符串“good”、“morning”分别存放在字符数组 str1[20]、str2[20]中,下面语句中能把“morning”连接到“good”之后的是( )。

    阅读如下程序段,则程序在先后输入love和china后,输出结果是( ) #include #include int main() { char a[30],b[30]; int k; gets(a); gets(b); k=strcmp(a,b); if(k>0) puts(a); else if(k<0) puts(b); }

    已知:char a[20]= "abc",b[20]= "defghi";则执行下列语句后的输出结果为( ) printf("%d",strlen(strcpy(a,b)));

    阅读下列程序,则在执行后,程序的运行结果为( )  #include #include int main() { char a[30]="nice to meet you!"; strcpy(a strlen(a)/2,"you"); printf("%s\n",a); }

    若有定义: int a[5]={1,2,3,4,5}; char b='c',c; 则下面表达式中数值为 2 的是( )。

    以下对c语言字符数组描述错误的是( )。

    以下合法的数组定义是( )

    以下各组选项中,均能正确定义二维实型数组a的选项是( )。

    关于int a[2][4]={1,2,3,4,5,6}; 说法不正确的是( )

    下列关于char str[3][100]说法不正确的是( )

    假设 array 是一个已定义好的,有 10 个元素的整型数组, 则下列写法中正确的是( )。

    对以下说明语句的正确理解是 ( ) int a[10]={6,7,8,9,10};

    访问二维数组中的特定元素,需要同时指明______ 下标和_______下标。 填空题多个答案按空格隔开

    设有数组int a[4][5],则该数组的第一个元素和最后一个元素分别为______、_____。

    下面程序的运行结果是_________。 #include #include int main() { char s[12]= "a book!"; printf("%d",strlen(s)); }

    读以下程序得到运行结果是______ #include int main() { int k[30]={12,324,45,6}; int count=0,i=0; while(k[i]) { if(k[i]%2==0 || k[i]%5==0) count ; i ; } printf("%d,%d\n",count,i); }

    设有如下的函数 fun (float x)  { printf("\n%d",x*x);   }  则函数的类型( )

    以下正确的函数头定义形式是( )

    数调用时,当实参和形参都是简单变量时,他们之间数据传递的过程是( )

    以下关于函数叙述中,错误的是( )

    以下正确的说法是( )。如果在一个函数中的复合语句中定义了一个变量,则该变量

    阅读以下程序代码,其运行结果是_____________ #include void swap(int a,int b) { int t; t=a;a=b;b=t; printf("%d%d",a,b); } int main() { int a=3,b=4; swap(a,b); printf("%d%d\n",a,b); }

    凡是函数中未指定存储类别的局部变量,其隐含的存储类别为( )。

    阅读以下程序,其运行结果是_____________ #include func(int a,int b) { static int m=0,i=2; i =m 1; m=i a b; return(m); } int main() { int k=4,m=1,p1,p2; p1=func(k,m); p2=func(k,m); printf("%d,%d\n",p1,p2); }

    c语言中auto型变量是( )

    一个函数的形式参数的作用域是( )

    在函数调用过程中,如果函数funa调用了函数 funb,函数funb又调用了函数funa,则( )

    若程序中定义函数 float myadd(float a, float b) { return a b; } 并将其放在调用语句之后,则在调用之前应对该函数进行声明, 以下声明中错误的是( )

    以下函数fun形参的类型是( )。 fun( float x) { float y; y=3*x-4; return y; }

    有参函数的返回值,是通过函数中的( )语句来获得的。

    以下关于函数的叙述中不正确的是( )

    以下关于函数叙述中,错误的是( )

    以下叙述中正确的是( )

    以下程序的运行结果为________。 #include int x=2; int fun(int p) { static int x=3; x =p; printf("%d ",x); return (x); } int main() { int y=3; printf("%d \n",fun(fun(x))); }

    以下程序的运行结果是______________ #include void f(int a, int b) { int t; t=a; a=b; b=t; } int main() { int x=1, y=3, z=2; if(x>y) f(x,y); else if(y>z) f(x,z); else f(x,z); printf("%d,%d,%d\n",x,y,z); }

    以下程序的功能是求任意两个整数a和b的最大公约数,并予以显示,程序的划线处应填入________。 #include long cod(long n1,long n2) { long t; while(n2) { ________; n1=n2;n2=t; } return n1; } int main( ) { long a,b,x; printf("please input two numbers:"); scanf("%ld%ld",&a,&b); x=cod(a,b); printf("%ld,%ld,%ld\n",a,b,x); }

    函数fun的功能是:根据以下公式计算并返回s,n通过形参传入,n的值大于等于0。划线处应填________。 s=1-1/3 1/5-1/7 …1/(2*n-1) float fun(int n) { float s=0.0,w,t,f=-1.0; int i; for(i=0;i
    下面函数调用语句含有实参的个数为______________ func((exp1,exp2),(exp3,exp4,exp5)); 

    以下程序的运行结果是什么? #include void hello_world(void) { printf("hello,world!\n"); } void three_hellos(void) { int counter; for(counter=1;counter<=3;counter ) hello_world(); } int main() { three_hellos(); }

    下列关于指针变量赋空值的说法错误的是( )

    int a= 10,*p=&a;语句中,p的值是_______

    阅读以下程序,其执行结果是_________ #include   int main() { int a,*p,*q; p=&a; q=&a; *p=5%6; *q=5; printf("%d\n",a); }

    下列程序段的输出结果是_______。 #include void fun(int *px, int *py) { printf("%d %d\n", *px, *py); *px=3;*py=4; } int main() { int x=1,y=2; fun(&x,&y); printf("%d %d\n",x, y); }

    对语句“int a[10],*p=a;”,下列表述中正确的是( )

    若有说明语句 int a[5], *p=a; 对数组元素的正确引用是( )

    阅读下面程序,则执行后的结果为_____ #include     int main()   { char *str="abcdefghijklmnopq";   while(*str !=′e′);   printf("%c\n",*str);  }

    下面函数的功能是____ char *fun(char *str1,char*str2)   { while((*str1)&&(*str2 =*str1 )); return str2; }

    下列正确的定义语句是( )

    若有以下定义,且0<=i<5, 则对数组元素地址的正确表示是 ( ) int a[ ]={1,2,3,4,5},*p=a, i;

    下列语句定义p为指向float类型变量d的指针,其中正确的是( )

    若已定义: int a[]={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9},*p=a,i; 其中0≤i≤9,则对a数组元素不正确的引用是( )

    现有如下定义语句 int*p,s[20],i;   p=s; 表示数组元素s[i]的表达式不正确的是( )

    有说明语句char *name="newspaper"; 则 可获取串中字符's'是( )

    若有以下定义,则 *(p 5) 的值为 ( ) char s[ ]="hello”, *p=s;

    对于2个类型相同的指针变量,不能进行的运算是( )

    已有定义int k= 2,*ptr1,*ptr2;且ptrl 和ptr2均已指向变量k,下面不能正确执行的赋值语句是( )。

    以下程序输出的结果是( ) #include int main() { char w[][5]={"abcd","efgh","ijkl","mnop"}; int k; for (k=1; k<3; k ) printf("%s\n", w[k] k); }

    设有语句:int k=1, *p1=&k, *p2=&k;,以下不能正确执行的赋值语句是( )

    有以下程序 #include int main()   { char *p="abcde\0fghjik\0 ";  printf("%d\n ",strlen(p));   }程序运行后的输出结果是______

    阅读下面程序,在程序执行后的结果为______ #include int main() { int c[][4]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,34,213,56,62,3,23,12,34,56}; printf("%x,%x\n",c[2][2],c[1][1]); }

    下面程序段中,输出*的个数是__________ #include int main( ) { char *s="\ta\018bc";   for(;*s!=′\0′;s )printf("*"); }

    以下程序输出的结果是:___________ #include int main() { char a[11]="0123456789",*p; p=&a[4]; puts(p) ; }

    设int a[10]={1,2,3}; 则*(a 3)的值是_______

    阅读以下程序,输出结果为_________ #include #include void fun( char s[]); int main() { char a[]="abcde"; int k; fun(a); puts(a); return 0; } void fun( char s[]) { int x,y; char c; x=0; y=(strlen(s)-1)/2; for( ; x
    下面程序的运行结果是_____________ #include int main( ) { int b[10]={1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}; int *q=b; printf("%d\n", *(q 2) ); return 0; }

    设有以下说明语句   typedef struct { int n; char ch[8]; }per; 则下面叙述中正确的是( )

    阅读以下程序代码,其运行结果是________ #include struct cmplx { int x; int y; }cnum[2]={1, 3, 2, 7}; int main( ) { printf("%d\n", cnum[0].y *cnum[1].x ); return 0; }

    c语言结构体类型变量在其有效作用域内,且在程序运行期间( )

    已知学生记录描述为: struct student { int no; char name[20], sex; struct{ int year, month, day;}birth; };struct student s; 设变量s中的“生日”是“1984年11月12日”,对“birth”正确赋值的程序段是( )

    在32位机,vc编译器下,以下程序的运行结果是________________ #include int main() { struct date { int year,month,day;}today; printf("%d\n",sizeof(struct date)); }




    ( )是企业确定的企业生产经营的总方向、总目的、总特征和总的指导思想。



    理解新技术如何能够去开发新产品、新流程或新材料是对总体环境中( )方面分析的结果。



    苹果公司与微软公司在个人电脑软件领域已经竞争多年。按照波特五力模型分析,这属于( )。

    ( )不是行业进入壁垒。

    以下哪项不是使供应商变得更有讨价还价能力的条件?( )

    根植于企业历史、长期积累下来的、不容易辨识和量化的资产指的是( )。












    海尔的“价值战”致力于提高产品品质及其服务,可以看作是( )。

    根据( ),可以将博弈分为零和博弈、常和博弈、变和博弈三种。

    1993年,由安文尼等战略管理学者提出的竞合战略是哪两个因素的合二为一( )。

    ( )在合作-合作关系下,虽然企业与其他参与者之间没有签订具有约束力的合作协议,但彼此形成共识或达成默契,共同维护市场秩序,互利共生,共同发展。




    若mp4产品得到消费者认同,预计需求会剧增,生产mp4的厂商最应该考虑实施( )战略。








    ( )是指企业同时经营多个行业时,会产生比单一行业经营更多、更大的经济效益,即通常所说的1 1>2的效果。







    凯时尊龙登录入口的文化是一种以( )的企业管理方式,它强调要把企业建成一种人人都具有社会使命感和责任感的命运共同体。




    关键绩效指标(key performance indicator,kpi)是通过对企业内部流程的输入端、输出端的关键参数进行设置、取样、计算、分析,衡量流程绩效的一种目标式量化管理指标。






    1.会计的基本职能是 (  ) 。

    2.在我国会计法规制度体系中,属于最高层次地位的是(  )。

    3.会计核算使用的主要计量单位是 (  ) 。

    4.近代会计形成的标志是 (  ) 。

    5.世界上第一部系统阐述有关簿记和借贷记账法的著作是(  )。

    收回应收账款 50000 元,存入银行。这一业务引起的会计要素的变动是 (  ) 。

    2. 不属于资产的项目是 (  ) 。

    属于非流动负债的项目是 (  ) 。 

    属于所有者权益的项目是 (  ) 。 

    属于企业主营业务收入的是 (  ) 。

    负债是指企业由于过去交易或事项形成的 (  ) 。

    企业生产经营过程中的在产品属于(  )。

    属于负债的项目有(  )。

    复式记账法对每项经济业务都必须以相等的金额在两个或两个以上账户中同时登记,其登记的账户是(  )。      

    复式记账法对每笔经济业务都以相等的金额,在(  )中进行登记。

    会计科目是对(  )的具体内容进行分类核算的项目。

    总分类科目和明细分类科目,是按照反映经济信息的(  )程度进行的分类。                           

    会计科目与会计账户的根本区别是(  )。

    在借贷记账法下,“借”、“贷”的含义是 (  ) 。

    在总分类账户及其所属明细分类账户之间必须采用的登账方法是(  )。

    在借贷记账法下,账户的借方表示(  )。

    会计的基本职能是 (  ) 。

    在我国会计法规制度体系中,属于最高层次地位的是(  )。

    收回应收账款 50000 元,存入银行。这一业务引起的会计要素的变动是 (  ) 。

    不属于资产的项目是 (  ) 。

    属于非流动负债的项目是 (  ) 。

    . 属于所有者权益的项目是 (  )

    属于企业主营业务收入的是 (  ) 。

    负债是指企业由于过去交易或事项形成的 (  ) 。

    企业生产经营过程中的在产品属于(  )。

    属于负债的项目有(  )。

    复式记账法对每笔经济业务都以相等的金额,在(  )中进行登记

    会计科目是对(  )的具体内容进行分类核算的项目。

    总分类科目和明细分类科目,是按照反映经济信息的(  )程度进行的分类。

    会计科目与会计账户的根本区别是(  )。

    在借贷记账法下,“借”、“贷”的含义是 (  ) 。

    在总分类账户及其所属明细分类账户之间必须采用的登账方法是(  )。

    在借贷记账法下,账户的借方表示(  )。

    不属于产品成本项目的费用有(  )。

    企业购入材料发生的运杂费等采购费用应计入(  )。

    (  )不应计入当期损益的。

    资本公积是企业(  )中的主要组成部分。

    企业应交纳的教育费附加应计入(  )账户贷方。

    “生产成本”账户属于(  )账户。

    “累计折旧”账户属于(  )账户。

    年末,应将全年累计实现的净利润(或亏损)转入(  )账户。

    “销售费用”账户,用来核算企业在产品销售商品和材料、提供劳务的过程中发生的各种费用。其不包括(  )。 

    企业生产完工验收入库的产成品,应于月末确定其实际生产成本,从(  )账户结转到“库存商品”账户。

    所得税费用”账户的贷方登记(  )。

    采购员出差预借差旅费时,应借记(  )账户。

    固定资产因损耗而减少的价值,应贷记(  )账户。

    8月31日“本年利润”账户有贷方余额50000元,表示(  )。

    企业收到投资者投入设备一台,原价 60000 元,双方评估确认价 50000 元(暂不考虑固定资产增值税问题)。则实收资本账户贷方登记的金额为(  )元。

    世界上第一部系统阐述有关簿记和借贷记账法的著作是(  )。

    品类管理的概念是由 正式提出的。

    品类管理下的工商合作关系是 ——。



















    ________ is the official name of britain.

    the full name of britain is the united kingdom of _________ britain and __________.

    there are _______ parts in great britain and ________ parts in britain.

    british isles include two large islands: _________ and ireland island.

    the capital of the republic of ireland is _________.

    the longest river in britain is _____________.

    britain enjoys a ______________ climate.

    “if winter comes, will spring be far behind?”comes from ode to the ______ wind by shelly.

    the acts of union 1707 made the kingdoms of england and ________ united to form great britain.

    july is normally the best month in a year and the west wind from the atlantic is the warmest.

    jane austen has written “pride and prejudice”, “sense and sensibility” and other novels.

    “ladies and gentlemen” only refers to those cultured and refined men and women. _______

    scotland takes up half of great britain and is the second largest country in the uk.

    the american movie “a water horse” is based on the tale of monster in loch ness.

    kilt, tartan and bagpipe are all characteristic of scotland.

    2014 referendum is the first time for the scottish to pursue freedom from the united kingdom.

    in 2016 scotland still remains in the territory of the united kingdom.

    the scots, welsh and irish are descendents of ___________.

    wales is located in the _________ of great britain.

    wales was not conquered by the english until __________.

    the giant’s causeway was located in __________.

    the capital of northern ireland is ____________.

    much of the land in wales is pasture and only 22% of the land is arable. _________

    today, a quarter of the welsh still speak welsh as their first language. _________

    the greatest event of the year of northern ireland is the national eisteddfod. __________

    the majority of northern irish people wanted to be independent but was forced to remain within the united kingdom. ___________

    the nickname of ______ is “the grandmother of europe”.

    the house of windsor starts from _________.

    _________ ruled britain in shakespeare’s time.

    the monarchy in britain has been passed in succession in the past 1000 years and has never been broken. _______

    the age of constitutional monarchy began after the glorious revolution. _________

    the king or the queen is the head of the uk and has no real power. _________

    the members of the royal family have to earn money to support themselves. _________

    which subject is the compulsory subject to american students?

    which examination should a student attend if he wants to go to the university in the uk?

    3. how many years must a british student study in the university?

    1. the university of cambridge was established in ________

    . 2. in the following universities, which one doesn’t belong to the ivy league in america________?

    in the following celebrities, who was not a graduate from cambridge university_________.

    before you start your application, what’s the first thing you have to do?

    what are needed in your college application process except________?

    what is the most necessary material you need to submit if you want to apply to an undergraduate degree?

    the score of toefl that a test taker gets can be hold valid for ________ years.

    which of the following sentences about those international tests are true except ________?

    ets has _________ toefl test centers in________ different countries.

    1. the united states of america consists of 50 states and a federal government.

    2. great salt lake is a major waterway that empty into the gulf mexico.

    3. alaska is the largest state on the continuous continent.

    1. the heads of which presidents are carved into mount rushmore?

    2. the statue of liberty is a gift from the people of ___________.

    1. which state does washington d.c. belong to?

    2. the official home to the us president is ________

    3. which of the following locations is not included in the free trail?

    4. which of the following cities is the meeting place for the first and second continental congress?

    1. which of the following does not represent freedom?

    2. which of the following roads is called mother road?

    3. which of the following roads represent highway from east to west?

    which of the following food does not belong to british traditional food?

    full english breakfast is a very substantial meal enjoyed by both the nobility and the working class.

    a traditional english breakfast usually consists of eggs, bacon, sausages, fried bread, baked beans, black pudding, tomatoes and mushrooms.

    a full english breakfast is same in different regions in britain.

    many british and irish cafés and pubs serve the full english breakfast at any time as an "all-day breakfast".

    a typical sunday roast usually consists of roasted meat, roast potato or mashed potato, with accompaniments such as yorkshire pudding, stuffing, vegetables and gravy.

    the most common joints for sunday roast are beef, lamb or pork. chicken is not popular.

    which of the following statements is not true?

    the history of fast food in america runs parallel to the invention of the car.

    fast food franchises became quite popular thanks to their standardized menus, signage, and advertising.

    in china, the first 24-hour fast food restaurant was opened in the tang dynasty.

    the friendly carhop person began to wear roller skates to speed service by the 1980s.

    which of the following statements about tea is false?

    which of the following statements about boston tea party was true?

    the monopoly on imports held by the merchants of the east india company kept tea prices artificially high to protect profits, and on top of this government imposed a high level of duty.

    to avoid taxation and cater for the increasing need of tea, uggling and eration appeared.

    after the cut of the taxation, there was a matter involving tea in american colonies, known as “boston tea party”, which eventually sparked off the american war of independence.

    which of the following statements about coffee was false?

    seattle can be called america’s capital of caffeine.

    starbucks has grown into the second largest coffeehouse company in the world.

    america is the largest producer of coffee in the world.

    the world's first starbucks opened in new york.

    which of the following statements is not true about british pub etiquette?

    what can you enjoy at a british pub?

    which of the following statements is true about the cocktail party?

    the history of british pubs can be traced back to roman taverns.

    people will wait in line to buy drinks if there are many people in a british pub.

    which of the following statements is true?

    britain’s “big three” include______________________.

    which of the following statements is false?

    the sister sunday issue of the guardian is ___________________.

    which newspapers’ nickname is “the old gray lady”?

    which of the following magazines is not an american magazine?

    britain has one of the highest levels of newspaper sales per head of population, and the british are among the most enthusiastic readers of europe.

    in britain, many local dailies appear in the evenings while the main titles in the national daily press appear in the mornings.

    british daily papers have no sunday editions, but there are sunday papers.

    u.s. news is well known for naming a “person of the year” while time publishes annual ratings of american colleges and universities.

    reader's digest is an american general interest family magazine, which offers condensed articles from a wide variety of publications.

    of the five following statements about bbc radio services, which is false?

    which of the following hit dramas was presented by itv?

    which of the following companies is not an american broadcaster?

    which of the following statements about the emmy award is not true?

    which of the following statements about news agencies is true?

    which of the following four statements about american media giants is not true?

    which of the following statements is not true about the academy award?

    hollywood, the birth place of american movie studios, is a district in the central region of los angeles, california.

    tcl chinese theatre is one of the landmarks in hollywood.

    who was the founder of facebook?

    which of the following statements is false?

    google is a web search engine.

    instagram, pintestest, vine, tumblr and twitter are among the most famous social networking services in britain and america.

    twitter enables users to send and read short 150-character messages called "tweets".

    the word “etiquette” comes from german and means a code of good manners and behaviors for social interactions in english.

    customs refer to short-established social rules that are considered acceptable or normal behavior in any situation.

    etiquettes and customs are not written in law but are shared throughout a community.

    generally speaking, good manners, politeness, friendliness and consideration for others are considered important and valuable by the most people.

    we can address a lady “ms” if we are not sure if she’s married or not.

    since americans don’t have inherited titles, we should address them their first names all the time.

    the ill and physically unable people can remain seated when being introduced.

    where to sit in a western dinner is often determined by the identities and social status of diners.

    in a western dinner, the most important female guest always sits to the right of the hostess.

    the appetizer is always served as the second dish after soup in a western dinner.

    wines should be served in the sequence "white before red, light before heavy, young before old".

    the tradition of wearing white gown in the western wedding started from __________.

    the bride should wear “something blue”, which represents a ________ to love and marriage.

    the spectacular royal wedding of prince william took place in __________.

    for most americans, a typical american marriage is based on __________.

    in the uk, on the 29th of february in a leap year, the girl can propose to her partner.

    when the groom lifts the veil and kisses his bride, the wedding is over.

    compared with wedding ceremony in britain, marriage traditions in america are more free and flexible.

    in the uk, the reason for tipping is to show your appreciation for the service.

    in restaurants in america, if you do not pay the service, you have not paid the entire bill.

    if you meet some western friends for the first time, it is appropriate to give gifts between each other.

    westerners like to give and receive all, simple and inexpensive gifts to their friends. _________

    the legal age to purchase alcohol is 18 in both britain and america.

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