


    某犬吞食猪骨后,表现头颈伸展,频呈吞咽动作,有饮食欲,但吞咽时出现呕吐,进一步诊断首选方法是( )。

    下列属于兽医临诊检查第一步的是( )。

    犬猫可视黏膜检查的主要部位是( )。

    成年犬猫的正常体温是( )。

    猫贪食,但少量进食后立即呕吐,机体逐渐消瘦,腹部触诊敏感。进一步检查时最适的检查方法是( )。

    ( )犬猫表现没有排尿意识,无排尿动作,不自主地、经常的或周期性地排除少量尿液,见于脊髓或支配膀胱的神经损伤或麻痹,如外伤、胸腰椎压缩性骨折等。

    肌肉不随意的收缩叫( )。

    3月龄贵宾犬,腹式呼吸,运动不耐受。胸部x线片可见肺野清晰,心影增大而模糊,且夹杂少量低密度斑影。该犬最可能患的疾病是( )。

    心脏疾病可能导致可视黏膜( )。

    家猫,雌性,2岁,前天突发呼吸抑制、张口呼吸,体温正常。 x线侧位片见在肺和膈,肺和脊柱,肺和胸骨间有透明的间隙,显示为黑色,心脏向背侧提升,主动脉和后腔静脉非常清晰,肺部密度升高。该病最可能的诊断是( )。

    在x线片上开始显示犬胎儿颅骨和脊柱时,提示其妊娠至少达到了( )。

    超声检查中,明暗不同的光点反应回声变化,且显示不同灰度图像的属于( )。

    与mri相比,下列那一项是ct检查的优势( )。

    目前mri用哪种元素原子核来成像( )。

    下列抗凝剂量中,既可用作血液抗凝,又可作为血液保养的是( )。

    瑞氏染色将胞质颗粒染成橘红色的白细胞是( )。

    犬患尿道炎时,尿液中出现( )。

    犬,9岁,少尿,尿液浓稠,黄如豆油状。尿中出现多量蛋白质及肾上皮细胞和透明管型。 临床血液生化检查最可能见到( )。

    临床上常用( )检查粪便中的虫卵。

    犬,突然发病,精神沉郁,频繁呕吐,腹泻,且呕吐物和粪便在暗处有特殊的亮光,呕吐物有大蒜味,粪便中混有血液。本病最可能是( )。

    京巴犬,雌性,4岁,体重5kg,连续6天,每天应用磷酸钠25mg,停约2天后,病犬出现低血容量性休克。实验室检查,空腹血糖4.63mmol/l该犬可能的发病原因是( )。

    9岁北京犬,精神高度沉郁,每天呕吐数次,可视黏膜黄染。临床生化检验可出现( )。

    关于碱性磷酸酶说法错误的是( )。

    北京犬,8岁。精神沉郁,采食减少,不恳运动。体温、呼吸未见明显异常,但心音混浊且间隔不等。诊断本病的血清生化检测指标应首选( )。

    猫,近几天尿频,尿淋漓,腹围增大,但近24h未见排尿,且频频排尿姿势也消失有利于确诊本病的腹腔穿刺液检验项目是( )。

    肾功能检查的主要指标不包括( )。

    成年犬,外耳道瘙痒、被毛着色、皮肤湿红。此犬最可能患( )。

    在进行螨虫检查取病料时,应在患病犬猫( )的地方。

    ( )不可用于保定。

    临床上可以用于保定使用药物( )。

    对使用大剂量的液体药物比较安全可靠,且不浪费药物的给药技术是( )。

    犬猫急性胃炎时,给药方式应尽量避免( )。

    最有效的鉴别诊断脓肿、血肿和淋巴外渗的诊断方法是( )。

    有关胸腔穿刺的方法,下列哪项不正确( )。

    严重呕吐的患病犬、病猫,可进行( )投药。

    给公犬导尿时,下列哪项不正确( )。

    下面对普鲁卡因描述错误的是( )

    下面对丁卡因描述正确的是( )

    犬,10岁,因胸部食管阻塞,需施胸部食管手术,用吸入麻醉维持,就麻醉安全性而言,宜选用的麻醉剂是( )。

    阿托品用于犬麻醉前给药的剂量是( )。

    预防犬瘟热最有效的方法是注射( )。

    犬瘟热是由( )引起的。

    犬细小病毒病不表现( )。

    犬细小病毒病肠炎型的特异性治疗方法是( )。

    患狂犬病的病犬排出病毒的途径是( )。

    狂犬病典型病例分为( )。

    猫泛白细胞减少症,又称猫传染性肠炎,猫瘟热,主要是( )引起的。

    下面不属于猫泛白细胞减少症的临床症状的是( )。

    下面药物对治疗犬猫蛔虫病的药物无效的( )。

    下面不属于犬猫蛔虫病的临床症状的是( )

    犬猫弓形虫病的首选药是( )。

    ( )弓形虫的唯一终末宿主。

    下面药物一般不用于治疗虱病的是( )。

    下面药物不用于治疗蚤病的是( )。

    可用于诊断急性坏死性胰腺炎的是( )。

    胰腺炎的治疗原则不包括( )。

    犬支气管肺炎最常见的热型是( )。

    犬洋葱中毒不会导致血液中( )。

    犬传染性肝炎可能并发( )。

    胃内异物可通过( )进行确诊。

    藏獒犬,6月龄,近来腹底部出现拳头大的肿胀,精神、食欲无异常。 麻醉后检查肿胀较柔软,有弹性,无波动,按压可缩小。 该肿胀可初步诊断为( )。

    膀胱、尿道结石不常用的手术方法有( )。

    临床上子宫蓄脓发病率较高的动物是( )。

    某犬吞食猪骨后,表现头颈伸展,频呈吞咽动作,有饮食欲,但吞咽时出现呕吐,进一步诊断首选方法是( )。

    犬猫可视黏膜检查的主要部位是( )。

    猫贪食,但少量进食后立即呕吐,机体逐渐消瘦,腹部触诊敏感。进一步检查时最适的检查方法是( )。

    ( )犬猫表现没有排尿意识,无排尿动作,不自主地、经常的或周期性地排除少量尿液,见于脊髓或支配膀胱的神经损伤或麻痹,如外伤、胸腰椎压缩性骨折等。

    3月龄贵宾犬,腹式呼吸,运动不耐受。胸部x线片可见肺野清晰,心影增大而模糊,且夹杂少量低密度斑影。该犬最可能患的疾病是( )。

    家猫,雌性,2岁,前天突发呼吸抑制、张口呼吸,体温正常。 x线侧位片见在肺和膈,肺和脊柱,肺和胸骨间有透明的间隙,显示为黑色,心脏向背侧提升,主动脉和后腔静脉非常清晰,肺部密度升高。该病最可能的诊断是( )。

    超声检查中,明暗不同的光点反应回声变化,且显示不同灰度图像的属于( )。

    目前mri用哪种元素原子核来成像( )。

    下列抗凝剂量中,既可用作血液抗凝,又可作为血液保养的是( )。

    犬患尿道炎时,尿液中出现( )。

    临床上常用( )检查粪便中的虫卵。

    京巴犬,雌性,4岁,体重5kg,连续6天,每天应用磷酸钠25mg,停约2天后,病犬出现低血容量性休克。实验室检查,空腹血糖4.63mmol/l该犬可能的发病原因是( )。

    关于碱性磷酸酶说法错误的是( )。

    猫,近几天尿频,尿淋漓,腹围增大,但近24h未见排尿,且频频排尿姿势也消失有利于确诊本病的腹腔穿刺液检验项目是( )。

    成年犬,外耳道瘙痒、被毛着色、皮肤湿红。此犬最可能患( )。

    临床上可以用于保定使用药物( )。

    对使用大剂量的液体药物比较安全可靠,且不浪费药物的给药技术是( )。

    最有效的鉴别诊断脓肿、血肿和淋巴外渗的诊断方法是( )。

    严重呕吐的患病犬、病猫,可进行( )投药。

    下面对普鲁卡因描述错误的是( )

    犬,10岁,因胸部食管阻塞,需施胸部食管手术,用吸入麻醉维持,就麻醉安全性而言,宜选用的麻醉剂是( )。

    预防犬瘟热最有效的方法是注射( )。

    犬细小病毒病不表现( )。

    患狂犬病的病犬排出病毒的途径是( )。

    猫泛白细胞减少症,又称猫传染性肠炎,猫瘟热,主要是( )引起的。

    下面药物对治疗犬猫蛔虫病的药物无效的( )。

    犬猫弓形虫病的首选药是( )。

    下面药物一般不用于治疗虱病的是( )。

    可用于诊断急性坏死性胰腺炎的是( )。

    犬支气管肺炎最常见的热型是( )。

    犬急性洋葱中毒的典型症状是( )。

    犬传染性肝炎可能并发( )。

    胃内异物可通过( )进行确诊。

    下列属于内疝的是( )。

    膀胱结石会出现( )。

    犬剖腹产术时,子宫切开的最佳部位为( )。



    《大清民律草案》后两编“亲属”与“继承”的起草机关是( )。

    教育学作为一门独立学科萌芽于( )

    we may infer that the author is most probably a ______


    我国有权对刑法做出司法解释的机关是( )。

    管仲说:“一年之计,莫如树谷;十年之计,莫如树木;终身之计,莫如树人。”这体现出教师工作的特点是( )。

    根据相关理论,对于资本市场线和证券市场线来说,证券市场上的非最优投资组合( )。

    法国启蒙运动思想家爱尔维修提出了( )。



















    understanding even a few key gestures from different cultures can make you a better ______.

    as a musician she remained very ______ to sound and voice.

    people in indonesia always want to be ______ and polite, and this means they don’t like to say no.

    in brunei it is not ______ to shake hands with members of the opposite sex.

    when you have to meet someone from a different culture, be prepared to know what gestures are ______.

    i didn’t take my father’s or my mother’s side; i tried to remain ______ .

    small talk has powerful and positive effect in social ______.

    small talk ______ the examination can soothe the patient’s anxieties.

    by taking a risk to start a conversation, we ______ our willingness to connect.

    we need to ensure a ooth ______ from the old system to the new one.

    which of the following adjectives is seldom used to describe a horror film?

    some people are worried that viewing a lot of violence in movies can cause people to ______ the violent behavior.

    shocked to know later that the crew member is alive, they work out a ______ plan.

    the film is a(n) ______ tale with creative plots based on this fascinating novel.

    cooperation is important for the work, so try to keep the ______ between you and your partner to the minimum.

    in this heartbreaking movie, nothing was able to escape the ______ of the war in the end.

    they continue to ______ the company of unfair competition.

    several thousand football fans came to the airport to catch a ______ of the football stars.

    in the novel, the popular rock musician ______ the hopes of black youth in the 1960s.

    the results are entirely ______ with our earlier research.

    in order to give a pleasant surprise to her little daughter at home, jennifer needs to buy a present. what hotel facility might she need?

    woman: hi. this is carol braun calling. is collin mack in? man: no, he isn’t. he’s out of the country till next week. woman: oh. well, ______?

    guest: good morning. ______ here’s my key card. clerk: was your stay satisfactory? guest: yes. very nice, thanks.

    all the spectators were amazed by the ______ endurance of this marathon runner.

    you should plan ahead and ______ your time so you can complete the heavy readings.

    guest: is there somewhere i can put my valuables? receptionist: yes, we have ______ available. they cost two dollars a day.

    with the introduction of new things and ideas, an age of technological ______ started.

    the young man tried to look at the positive side of every situation and show courage to overcome ______.

    to change the style of management that has been ______ for a century requires retraining for every position.

    the ministry of transportation introduces a series of new laws that include ______ fines for texting while driving.

    many people use earphones while driving so they can talk on the phone and keep both hands on the ______.

    to ______ something means to shine light on it and to make it brighter and more visible.

    ______ zones mean that children can play in relative safety.

    if you need a car that’s all and easy to park, ______ would be great for you.

    jack argued that the economic recovery had been ______ by the new policy.

    the growth of automobile has allowed people to live in the suburb and work in the city by ______.

    the convenience of the automobile ______ people from the need to live near rail lines or station.

    ______ driving affects not only the drivers’ lives but also those of their passengers.

    marie: cheryl, your hair looks gorgeous. cheryl: thank you! i have a new ______.

    for someone who is bald, ______ might be a good option.

    there is some ______ at the bottom of the wine bottle

    m: can i possibly get an appointment today for a massage? f: today … not likely. ______

    the passers-by ______ off their cloths and jumped into the water to save the drowning child.

    the company needs both positive and negative ______ on the products from the customers

    the government hastily organized ______ measures against the armed attack.

    the basketball team need a big win to ______ their confidence.

    one way to ensure a great coetic surgery is to find out the ______ of your doctor beforehand.

    ______ is the generally accepted term for a person whose weight is more than 20% above expected for their age and height.

    1. — joe, do you like sea food? — not very much. actually i’m ______ some of the shellfish.

    --- server: ______ --- customer: i’ll have apple juice, please.

    milk, eggs, sugar and flour are basic ______ in making a cake.

    with the population explosion, scientists will have to come ______ new methods of increasing the world’s food supply.

    raj is thoroughly ______; since his childhood, his parents always give him whatever he wants.

    natural disasters cause billions of dollars’ worth of property damage ______.

    eating too much fat can ______ heart disease and cause high blood pressure.

    this country has to import meat because it doesn’t produce enough for the ______ market.

    the fda ______ a 24-hour deadline ______ food safety reporting, requiring food companies to report potentially dangerous products within 24 hours of discovery.

    mr. davis, the ______ manager of the company, is in charge of employment.

    a peculiarly pointed chin is his most memorable facial ______.

    the ceo finally agreed to cooperate with us but with great ______.

    — young people shouldn’t always change their jobs. — ______. young people should seek for more challenges.

    the relative effects of heredity and environment are most clearly observable in ______ twins.

    i had to look twice to tell which was martinez; the boys all looked ______.

    specialists will be invited to ______ our present system before we try to improve it.

    color theory tells us what emotions colors convey and how we can use colors ______ our advantage.

    social psychologists say people deceive themselves in an unconscious effort to boost self-esteem or feel better. the underlined word “boost” is closest in meaning to ______.

    some procrastinators always feel ______ with pressure, unrealistic about time, and uncertain about goals.

    most of us know we should cut down on fat. but knowing such things isn’t much help ______ shopping and eating.

    — how do you like the new year concert? — fabulous! you know, i’m really ______ classical music.

    located in london, tate modern holds the national collection of british art from 1900 to the present day and international modern and ______ art.

    when you talk about ______ things, people can understand you better if you give concrete examples.

    i am selling various pieces from my collection to make ______ for newly purchased works.

    the tourist is prevented from entering a country if he does not have a (an) ______ passport.

    both approaches to the problem are ______ and one-sided, or, in a word, unscientific.

    i think learning english can boil ______ three simple ingredients: persistence, proper ways and good teachers.

    — you know what? i just downloaded the latest version of the game. — cool! i ______ to take a look.

    — hey joe, how long do you spend on your cell phone? — 10 to 15 hours a day, i guess. i keep checking on it ’cause i don’t want to miss out on anything cool or interesting. — wow, you’re really ______ to your phone.

    my enclosed ______ provides more information on my previous work experience and qualifications.

    how to dispose ______ the nuclear waste is a pressing problem for scientists and politicians alike.

    bill has a security clearance that allows him ______ to classified information

    moocs offer a wide range of subjects to learners with ______ backgrounds, allowing them to learn online and complete work at their own pace.

    when i saw on the news that there would be no school tomorrow because of the snowstorm, i ______ jumped for joy, and hit my head on the ceiling fan.

    it’s now time for entrepreneurs to ______, not just with new products, but new business models.

    this price is already at our ______ line, and we cannot concede any more.

    the ______ development of leisure agriculture should be established on the basis of ecology, economics and society.

    the approaching fire forced hundreds of people to ______ their homes and escape to safe areas.

    in some countries, women must wear very ______ clothing in public.

    the trolley problem tells a classic ethical ______, leaving us thinking about the best course of action when moral principles clash.

    — look, i just found this earring in the bathroom. — you’d better take it to the ______. i would look there if i lost something.

    in the experiment we kept a watchful eye ______ the developments and recorded every detail.

    the issues are considered ______ in that they have little or no effect on the overall outcome.

    parents have a legal ______ to ensure that their children are provided with efficient education suitable to their age.

    pizza is crispy and thin crust, with seemingly endless topping choices designed to ______ a variety of tastes.

    living in the heart of new york city is certainly a far ______ from living in the rural countryside.

    we cannot have a ______ standard where we say everybody else must play by the rules, but we do not need to.

    bill’s inability to learn foreign languages was a(an) ______ to his career.

    the jobs of wildlife technicians and biologists seemed ______ to him, but one day he discovered their differences.

    the local government leaders are making every effort to ______ the problem of poverty.

    every visitor to georgia is ______ the kindness, charm and hospitality of the local people.

    the theory of natural selection, or ______ of the fittest, was first suggested by william charles wells in 1813

    today it is common to access the internet from a variety of mobile ______ like artphones and tablets

    radar is used to extend the ______ of man’s senses for observing his environment, especially the sense of vision.

    by presenting their art work, artists take ______ a responsibility of communication to a broader audience.

    do you have any ______ suggestions on how to deal with the current difficulties?

    within a fraction of a second, web search engines perform the ______ impossible task of responding accurately to queries about anything.

    我国古代哪项发明被称为继我国古代第四大发明之后的第五大发明( )

    ( )公司首创通过开办娱乐节目来促进油品销售。

    战争史上第一次利用汽车大规模机动兵力发生在( )

    石油工业的上游指的是( )


    第一次世界大战后,导致石油成为战略物资的原因( )




    我国古代在石油科技领域拥有顿钻、康盆采气术、( )、猛火油术四大发明。

    标准石油公司成立于( )年。

    ( )国大发明家克雷曼•阿德首次提出了航母的基本概念和制造航母的初步设想。

    根据古代顿钻钻井、㝩盆采气、木质管道来描述天然气钻采输的工艺流程 钻井工艺流程: 㝩盆采气流程: 天然气集输流程:

    石蜡烃属于( )。

    尼龙是由( )公司发明的。

    化肥的生产需要石油里面的( )元素。

    在历史上,石油的称谓有( )。

    石油里面的次要元素有( )。

    ( )属于非烃化合物。

    润滑油起到( )作用。




    我国东部含油气区受太平洋板块的俯冲作用,盆地属于( ),呈北东向展布。

    生成大量石油的有机物质是( )。

    储集层的岩性横向变化,如果储集层向抬升方向变成了致密层,阻滞了油气运移,我们称它为( )圈闭。

    ( )属于陆相。

    有机质向油气转化是一个复杂的过程,( )是必不可少的理化条件。

    ( )可作为烃源岩。

    圈闭通常由( )组成。

    石油和天然气在二次运移中的通道是储集层的( )。






    1:10万的工业测图的观察点是相距( )公里。

    地下岩石电阻率最高的是( )。

    密度测井是通过发射( )来评价岩石的密度。

    中子测井可用来测定岩石( )的大小。

    岩样的作用有( )。

    虚拟现实解释系统让解释员带上立体眼镜,使( )在相同的数据体环境中工作,就好像钻入地下的岩层里。

    声波测井可测定( )。





    为了控制指进,流度比应该( )。

    地下最典型的驱动压差是( )。

    水驱油结束后,共存水在油层中的存在形态有( )。

    三次采油包括( )。

    表面活性剂驱机理是( )。







    回收重晶石的固控设备是( )。

    用于控制水泥塞高度的器械是( )。

    目前油田用的最多的完井方式是( )。

    转盘主要有( )组成。

    水龙头主要有( )组成。

    钻柱主要有( )组成。

    螺杆钻具有( )组成。

    ( )属于固井设备。




    自喷开采的流动过程包括( )。

    套管头的功能主要有( )。

    ( )是采油树的组成部分。

    潜油电泵抽油机井下机组,主要由( )组成。

    潜油螺杆泵抽油机与电潜泵抽油机的区别在于( )。

    注水设备主要包括( )。

    游梁式抽油机系统效率比较低的原因有( )。






    适合于储存天然气的是( )。

    立式分离器与卧式分离器不同点是( )。

    在立式沉降罐中,当油水混合物上升穿过水层时,( )被洗入水中,使油水分离。

    天然气净化工艺吸附的对象是天然气中的( )。

    管道运输的优点( )。

    同一条管道输送不同的油品减少混油界面的方法是在两批次油品之间加入( )。




    初生纤维力学性能( )。

    目前合成的橡胶80%要用( )。

    乙烯原料和催化剂一起进入环管反应器,发生聚合反应,变成聚乙烯粉料,粉料粒径大概分布在( )左右。

    石油一次加工得到的产品( )。

    催化裂化得到的组分( )。

    润滑油生产工艺包括( )。

    需要进行深冷分离的组分有( )。




    天然气水合物中甲烷的碳总量相当于全球已知的化石燃料碳总量的( )倍。

    借助数字化油田,每天正钻的井都通过卫星,每( )秒钟传一组数据,到计算机里面,专家可以坐在办公室里即时指挥现场生产。

    页岩气革命成功的原因( )。

    为了保护风景区,魔鬼城采油区通过附属设施全部入地取得的效果( )。

    绿色已经被克拉玛依石油人赋予了全新的内容( )。

    新型油公司模式( )。

    智能油田的含义( )。

    数字化油田带来的变化( )。



    对授课十章内容,每章内容做一个100字以内的总结 第一章小结: 第二章小结: 第三章小结: 第四章小结: 第五章小结: 第六章小结: 第七章小结: 第八章小结: 第九章小结: 第十章小结:


    我国城乡规划的作用有( )。

    根据《城乡规划法》,修建性详细规划、建设工程设计方案的总平面图不得随意修改,对于确需修改的,城乡规划主管部门应当采取( )等形式听取意见。


    城乡规划强制性内容,是指省域城镇体系规划、城市总体规划、城市详细规划中的下列哪几方面的内容( )

    设计单位未按照《民用建筑节能强制性标准》进行设计的,最多可处( )罚款。

    公共行政包括的四种基本管理活动分别是( )。

    下列关于控制性详细规划的说法,哪项内容符合《城市、镇控制性详细规划编制审批办法》的规定( )

    行政组织的特征不包括( )。

    城市规划管理决策优化,就是要不断地从传统决策向现代化决策转变,首先是优化决策结构,决策结构即( )。

    按照城市规划法的规定,城市规划审批实行( )制。

    《城市规划制图标准》要求,( )应标绘指北针和风向玫瑰图。

    属于城乡规划实施过程中禁止擅自改变用途的用地包括( )。

    行政可以分为( )。

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