














    在气相色谱中,利用不同气体或者蒸气不同的导热系数为原理的检测器为( )

    常见消解方法有哪些( )

    色度的测量方法有哪些( )

    凯氏氮包括( )


    多个污染源构成污染群,且大污染源较集中的地区采用( )布点方法

    大气中沸点较低气态污染物可采用( )方法进行富集采样

    用盐酸萘乙二胺分光光度法测空气中的氮氧化物,若被吸收气体不通过含有高锰酸钾的氧化管则测得的是( )的含量

    紫外线吸收法测定臭氧是利用臭氧在( )波长处有特征吸收

    测量降尘试样中水溶性物质灰分量,需要将试样过滤得到的( )在105℃下烘干至恒重,然后在( )下灼烧至恒重。






















    大气污染物监测可采用下列哪些技术 ()


















    大气污染物监测可采用下列哪些技术 ()

















































    季札观乐中“其细已甚 民弗堪也”是对何者的评价?


























































    空心树木上,中空的部分是树木的( )


    一棵香樟的冠幅为4米,其根系分布可达( )

    以下植物中能够在秋冬季节采取修剪以促进来年开花的是( )


    wall 2指的是以下哪个部位?




    在树木的间隔性防御模型中,能够防止腐烂纵向(上下)蔓延的是wall 2。

    某园林树木花芽分化期为15天,其间日平均温度为15℃,生物学零度为5 ℃,则这棵树的有效积温为( )。

    在生长过程中,许多树木都有一个对水分需求特别敏感的时期,称为( ),此时如果缺水,将严重影响树木枝稍生长和花的发育,以后即使更多的水分供给也难以补偿。




    以下植物中最适合作为城市市政道路行道树的是( )

    在苗圃调苗时,以下哪种苗木是必须被淘汰的( )

    在树种选择时,以下说确的是( )



    大树移植前需要对树木起挖,其土球直径应为胸径的( )

    行道树的定干高度应高于( )

    种植树木时,覆土填埋高度应为( )

    大树移植前最佳的修剪方式是( )














    以下结构中不属于裸子植物木质部的是( )


    髓射线细胞的起源是( )



    以下不属于植物在受伤后的应激反应的是( )

    以下营养元素中,易溶于酸性土壤的是( )














    以下植物为花叶同放型的是( )









    理想土壤的空气含量(孔隙度)应达到( )%。

    园林树木选择的原则包括目的性、( )和经济性。

    how many keys are there in the piano?

    on which line is the middle c of the bass?

    what are the clefs in the piano?

    the treble can add lines upwards or downwards, while the bass, only downwards.

    the five lines and four spaces of the staff can sufficiently represent all the registers of the piano.

    with a crotchet as one beat, how many quavers add up to make a semibreve?

    with a crotchet as one beat, how many beats does the dotted semibreve have?

    a quaver should contain?

    in a piece of 4/4 meter, the whole rest stands for?

    one need repeat the previous period when playing to the repetition mark, that is, repeat the performance once more.

    which note is the key corresponding to#mi?

    where is the key signature located in a piece?

    which of the following are enharmonic notes (same sounds with different names)?

    the scope of the temporary accidental contains the notes of the same pitch following the accidental within this measure.

    the playing direction of the flat is toward the left of the piano.

    how many beats can the pause extend?

    what does “da capo al fine” mean?

    what's right about syncopation rhythm?

    the two notes in the enharmonic tie can be different, with no need to play the 2nd.

    a measure starting with a weak beat is incomplete.

    what should be the characteristics of the sounds we play while training arms-suspending and fingers-erecting?

    we needn’t keep our fingers separated and independent while playing the piano.

    we need to fully lower our wrists to help perform while playing the piano.

    our fingers should fall on the middle of the keyboard while doing exercise of arms-suspending.

    while playing, we should keep the 1st joints of our fingers protruding, not slack.

    during the practice of erecting weak fingers, which finger is the most difficult to move?

    what are the key points of erecting your fingers?

    while practising, we only need to improve the flexibility of the 3rd or 4th finger rather than its independence.

    it is not suitable for us to practise our 4th finger too long, with 10 minutes or so being enough.

    in finger practice, the thumb moves horizontally.

    what is the most fundamental and basic element of breath in musical phrases?

    what's the wrong way to play “falling and rolling”?

    in our performance, the important style features of the piece can be expressed via all ties.

    while playing the all ties, the finger cannot be kept all along clinging to the key of the second note.

    a all tie can be formed, when an arc line connects contiguous four notes, two of which need to be played using one same force.

    with a crotchet as one beat, how many beats does the dotted minim have?

    which is the wrong description of syncopation rhythm among the following options?

    which is the correct description of repetition mark?

    how many quavers is a dotted minim equivalent to?

    when a crotchet is one beat, how many quavers add up to make a semibreve?

    which is the correct description of 3/8 among the following options?

    as for 4/4 in performance, we can counts by changing it to 8/8.

    as for a piece of 4/4, with its first measure starting with a weak beat, its first measure is two beats and the last, one beat.

    which means the same as “pianissimo”?

    to the left of a chord, there is a vertical wavy line. we should?

    weakening can be expressed as?

    how does the piano sound?

    what are the vital techniques for singing while playing the piano?

    the accompaniment in piano pieces can only be quavers.

    a sharp added to the front of mi indicates ?

    what is the scope of the temporary sharp?

    how many clefs are there in the piano?

    high-pitch do is in the treble?

    with the crotchet as one beat, how many beats should the semibreve be?

    each meter has its own music style and characteristics. which is in line with the music style of 3/4?

    a all tie can also be called?

    “da capo al fine” means?

    which are the weak out of our five fingers?

    what is the most fundamental and basic element of breath in musical phrases?

    how many quavers is a dotted minim equivalent to?

    which has the same meaning as “double piano”?

    while playing a vocal legato, we should?

    which is the correct description of the piano keyboard?

    the middle c lies in?

    which of the following has the same duration as that of a minim?

    which is the correct description of sharp and flat?

    which is the right way to play “falling” and “rolling”?

    which is the correct description of enharmonic tie?

    which is the correct meaning of whole rest?

    which is the right way to write fixed-do?

    how should we play mordent?

    which is the wrong description of the piano?

    our thumbs can't move lengthwise.

    a repetition mark can be omitted by oneself in performance.

    we can count by changing 4/4 to 8/8, while playing.

    the key signature lies between the treble and time signature.

    the note on the 1st line of the treble is do

    the ledger line below the treble is do.

    ♭do equals sol.

    ♯si is equal to do.

    a sharp added to the front of mi indicates ?

    what is the scope of the temporary sharp?

    how many clefs are there in the piano?

    high-pitch do is in the treble?

    with the crotchet as one beat, how many beats should the semibreve be?

    each meter has its own music style and characteristics. which is in line with the music style of 3/4?

    a all tie can also be called?

    “da capo al fine” means?

    which are the weak out of our five fingers?

    what is the most fundamental and basic element of breath in musical phrases?

    how many quavers is a dotted minim equivalent to?

    which has the same meaning as “double piano”?

    while playing a vocal legato, we should?

    which is the correct description of the piano keyboard?

    the middle c lies in?

    which of the following has the same duration as that of a minim?

    which is the correct description of sharp and flat?

    which is the right way to play “falling” and “rolling”?

    which is the correct description of enharmonic tie?

    which is the correct meaning of whole rest?

    which is the right way to write fixed-do?

    how should we play mordent?

    which is the wrong description of the piano?

    our thumbs can't move lengthwise.

    a repetition mark can be omitted by oneself in performance.

    we can count by changing 4/4 to 8/8, while playing.

    the key signature lies between the treble and time signature.

    the note on the 1st line of the treble is do

    the ledger line below the treble is do.

    ♭do equals sol.

    ♯si is equal to do.

    1. which of the following means “品牌精髓”?

    2. how do you say "品牌意识" in english?

    3. how do you say "品牌延伸" in english?

    4 . ___________ refers to the tendency to always buy a particular brand.

    1. in order to take helpful notes during class, it is important to understand your instructors' style of lecturing.

    2. note-taking should take place during class only.

    3. if textbook assignments are boring, the student does not have to complete them.

    4. it is essential for students to take good notes during class because studies show that we forget 50% of what hear immediately after.

    5. before a class begins, it is important to review notes from reading assignments and previous lectures.

    6. it is crucial that a student write down everything their instructor says during a lecture.

    7. note-taking methods include rubrics style, charting, outlining, mapping and cornell

    9. you should experiment with different ways to take notes, using different notation systems and structures, until you finds the best fit.

    10. note taking is an irrelevant skill and there is no academic or intellectual value in learning to take inidualized notes.

    directions: read the following sentences and fill in the missing word or phrase. afraid doubt completely same out of point problem sounds would be honest 4. don't you think it_____ better to give the contract to samsons and not ptech?

    1. which of the following swot elements are internal factors for a business?

    2. which of the following is false regarding why a swot analysis is used?

    3. which of the following could be a strength?

    4. which of the following could be a weakness?

    5. which of the following could be an opportunity?

    ______ refers to the tendency of a customer to continue buying a particular product.

    a famous brand with a long history is __________.

    _______ refers to the brand with the largest market share.

    _______ is the knowledge which consumers have of a brand.

    the fundamental spirits of the brand is __________.

    ________ refers to a brand associated with expensive, high quality products.

    the person responsible for planning and managing a branded product is a ___________.

    _______ means the ideas and beliefs which consumers have about a brand.

    _________ is the aspects of a brand that bring value to the customer.

    ______ means using a successful brand name to launch a product in a new category.

    choose one of the following phrases to fill in the blank. luxury brand classic brand brand awareness brand essence brand stretching brand loyalty brand leader brand manager brand value brand image levis, which has been established for over 100 years and is world-famous, is a _____________.

    choose one of the following phrases to fill in the blank. luxury brand classic brand brand awareness brand essence brand stretching brand loyalty brand leader brand manager brand value brand image the aim of the advertising campaign is to enhance _____________ so that consumers become more familiar with our coffee products.

    choose one of the following phrases to fill in the blank. luxury brand classic brand brand awareness brand essence brand stretching brand loyalty brand leader brand manager brand value brand image for the customers, after-sale service is an important factor which decides the ________.

    choose one of the following phrases to fill in the blank. luxury brand classic brand brand awareness brand essence brand stretching brand loyalty brand leader brand manager brand value brand image hallmark produces greeting cards and gifts. its __________ is “caring shared”.

    choose one of the following phrases to fill in the blank. luxury brand classic brand brand awareness brand essence brand stretching brand loyalty brand leader brand manager brand value brand image burberry is an iconic british _______.

    choose one of the following phrases to fill in the blank. luxury brand classic brand brand awareness brand essence brand stretching brand loyalty brand leader brand manager brand value brand image canon usa announced that the company is the number-one _______________ in the overall copier market.

    choose one of the following phrases to fill in the blank. luxury brand classic brand brand awareness brand essence brand stretching brand loyalty brand leader brand manager brand value brand image the move by yamaha (originally a japanese manufacturer of motorbikes) into branded hi-fi equipment, pianos and sports equipment is a good example of ___________________.

    choose one of the following phrases to fill in the blank. luxury brand classic brand brand awareness brand essence brand stretching brand loyalty brand leader brand manager brand value brand image to create goodwill and trust with its valued chinese consumers, nestle should work hard to re-establish its _____________ through offering quality products.

    choose one of the following phrases to fill in the blank. luxury brand classic brand brand awareness brand essence brand stretching brand loyalty brand leader brand manager brand value brand image as a __________________, john will take full responsibility of setting the direction for the brand's position in the market.

    choose one of the following phrases to fill in the blank. luxury brand classic brand brand awareness brand essence brand stretching brand loyalty brand leader brand manager brand value brand image apple's __________ climbed 84% in the past year to $153 billion.

    read the following dialogue about the new product release date, and learn to give different opinions.

    travel _________ are something showing your identity information and justify your travel.

    and if you go abroad, you even need your _________ to go through the customs.

    you also need other things for your travel arrangement such as the _______ which is a written plan for a package tour, for example.

    if you travel abroad, you need to exchange rmb with the foreign currency based on the current _________.

    in most cases tickets are needed for your travel. there are _______ticket and return ticket.

    the _________ is the item you can carry with you in the airplane.

    comparatively, the hotel is more expensive than the ______ which is usually for those who are driving cars and the ______ is the cheapest.

    the word to describe a beautiful place is _________.

    you can use_________ to describe those villagers who often welcome visitors warmly and treat them with generosity.

    if a place lost its tranquility due to the over-development of touri, we can describe the place as ______.

    loyalty program is a _______ program offered by a company to customers who frequently make purchases.

    loyalty programs could ______business and strengthen the relationship between the customer and the business.

    loyalty programs are based on______.

    loyalty ______ let customers accumulate points that they can redeem for rewards or free products/services.

    ______ adapts the loyalty punch programs.

    directions: identify the opinion and evidence in the following statements and mark them with o and e respectively. ______ almost 70% of survey respondents say they are members of more than one loyalty program.

    ______ “it's an investment that we've been very, very focused on over the last few years,” he says.

    ______ travelers get stingier with their loyalty.

    ______ starwood has added perks such as letting elite members check in any time during the day.

    ______ to offer that kind of personalized service, though, companies will need better technology and training.

    directions: mark the statements with t (true) or f (false). ____. the context is important for understanding a conversation.

    ____. the more you listen to different englishes, the easier you can understand the authentic english.

    ____. the language is independent from the age and gender.

    _____. english grammar is helpful for improving english listening.

    _____. speaking more is harmful to improve listening.

    directions: mark the statements with t (true) or f (false). ____. dealing with complaints is a chance to improve the relationship with customers.

    ____. think of possible solutions before you go to complain.

    ____. as a part of your company, you should always defend your company and argue with the customer without any sympathy.

    _____. sometimes the power of social media is helpful if the complaining failed.

    _____. asking questions in a caring and concerned manner when dealing with complaints will do harm to your company.

    directions: fill the blanks with correct answers. in block format, everything is all ______ justified.

    in the first paragraph of the body, you should introduce yourself and your _______ of writing this letter.

    at last, you should restate the purpose and call for an ______.

    the business letter should be _____ and clear. use a courteous tone and make it convincing.

    check for spelling and ________ mistakes because they make a letter look less professional and reflects carelessness.

    _______ reveals the key information in a graph.

    the ______ usually shows changes, comparing two or more things over time.

    your representation of a chart or a graph usually consists of 3 parts: ________, description and conclusion or inference.

    the description is composed by two parts: the overview and _______.

    the comparison and ______ are conducted usually in ysing a graph

    travel happens with or without luggage, and it can be one way or ________ trip.

    if you go abroad, you need your ________ as one of your travel documents.

    in customer loyalty program, customers are often given a unique ______, such as a membership card.

    loyalty programs could _________.

    dealing with a customer’s complaints, you should_______________.

    the letter to point out a mistake by the letter's recipient is called the letter of _______.

    ________ is/ are directly shown in the chart or graph.

    “do in rome as romans do” means when we travel, we should________.

    in the first paragraph of a business letter, you should introduce yourself and your ______.

    before you make a complaint, __________.

    according to the video, we can use the context, grammar and ______ to help us understand what others are talking about.

    try to deal with customers’ complaints with a sense of _______.

    direction: arrange these options to form an anwer to a complaining message. each option should be used only once. a. i hope you can understand. b. thank you for choosing our company. c. but we will send you a special gift as compensation and we will enhance the training of our employees to offer better and more comfortable services. d. i’m sorry about your broken luggage and the impolite treatment from our manager on duty. e. i’m afraid that what you can get is just a new bag because we have our regulations and our policy.

    direction: arrange these options to form an answer to a complaining message. each option should be used only once. a. because our airline hasn’t finished the replacement of all the old airplanes, a few are still working. b. we will offer a 50% discount for your next trip from barcelona to ny as compensation. c. i believe you will have a better travel experience in the future with the new airplane and good services. d. i’m sorry for your awful travel experience! e. thank you for your critici! f. i’m afraid your flight is the one.

    directions: please match the loyalty programs with their content and fill the blanks with the correspondent numbers. points programs, 2. spend programs, 3. tiered programs, 4. paid programs, 5.punch programs _______ customers are rewarded a product or service of equal or lesser value free of charge for purchasing a particular product or service with “punches.”

    directions: please match the loyalty programs with their content and fill the blanks with the correspondent numbers. points programs, 2. spend programs, 3. tiered programs, 4. paid programs, 5.punch programs ________the programs let customers accumulate points that they can redeem for rewards or free products/services.

    directions: please match the loyalty programs with their content and fill the blanks with the correspondent numbers. points programs, 2. spend programs, 3. tiered programs, 4. paid programs, 5.punch programs _________ the programs give customers rewards based on different levels of spending or points.

    directions: please match the loyalty programs with their content and fill the blanks with the correspondent numbers. points programs, 2. spend programs, 3. tiered programs, 4. paid programs, 5.punch programs _________ customers get loyalty credit for the amount they spend at the business.

    directions: please match the loyalty programs with their content and fill the blanks with the correspondent numbers. points programs, 2. spend programs, 3. tiered programs, 4. paid programs, 5.punch programs _________ the programs provide an exclusive feel by incorporating a monthly or yearly fee that members pay for access to special services, discounts, or unique opportunities.

    hierarchical structure has __________ layers but __________inidual responsibilities.

    new, modern or all corporations usually have ____________ structure?

    the organization structure influences the following aspects except ___________?

    what is the biggest advantage of hierarchical structure?

    organizations that operate under _________structure have linear authority and specialized teams that allow for creativity and innovation.

    directions: try to decide whether the following statement is true or false. 5. elimination is one of your best friends in the test. look at the answer choices and think about which ones do not fit to what you understand about the lecture or the conversation. a. true b. false

    directions: choose the correct words from the box to complete the conversation excerpts. you will not need all the words. have afraid can do please how meet like nice see thanks know would did thank what a: peter, do you 3)_________ sylvia? b: yes, of course. hi sylvia, good to 4)_______you again.

    directions: choose the correct words from the box to complete the conversation excerpts. you will not need all the words. have afraid can do please how meet like nice see thanks know would did thank what a: how do you 5)__________.my name’s paul cartier. b: 6)______________ to meet you. mine’s ana lekic.

    directions: choose the correct words from the box to complete the conversation excerpts. you will not need all the words. have afraid can do please how meet like nice see thanks know would did thank what a: 7)____________ are things? b: fine 8)____________. it’s good to be here.

    directions: choose the correct words from the box to complete the conversation excerpts. you will not need all the words. have afraid can do please how meet like nice see thanks know would did thank what a: 9)____________ i get you something to drink? b: that 10)__________ be nice. thanks. i’ll have some fruit juice.

    directions: choose the correct words from the box to complete the conversation excerpts. you will not need all the words. have afraid can do please how meet like nice see thanks know would did thank what a: would you 11)_________ some more fish? b: thanks, it was delicious, but i’m 12)_________ i couldn’t.

    directions: try to decide whether the following statements are true or false. 2. the format of formal reports should follow such a logical order: executive summary, introduction, findings, recommendations and conclusions.

    directions: try to decide whether the following statements are true or false. 4. the conclusions should be short, clearly follow the order of the findings and lead naturally into the recommendations.

    directions: choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences. 1. psiu is a chart to make an ysis on _________?

    3. the stabilizer focused on __________ and working methodically to get them done in the right way.

    4. ___________moves at a more measured pace and is process-oriented, but takes an unstructured, freewheeling approach and a long view of change.

    5. to get an intuitive sense of the ____________’s qualities, we could think of a dynamic, creative, big-picture person who has myriad new ideas and is usually excited by the latest one.

    which of the following tips is not appropriate when talking to a stranger?

    which of the following statements is true of interpreting the body language?

    the manager with________ style closely controls his employees, emphasizes the discipline and sometimes even motivates his team by threats.

    the manager with _________style is willing to provide opportunities for his staff to show their abilities, meanwhile, he always encourages employees to develop their own strengths.

    business reports take many forms but good examples have certain basic features except _______:

    _______could be effective when a crisis comes or deviations are risky, but may not be effective when employees are underdeveloped or highly skilled.

    ________is mostly effective to deal with the routine tasks and among the team-followers with adequate performance. while, it's least effective during a crisis or the team's performance is in doubt.

    the manager with __________ style likes to perform many tasks by himself personally but expects his employees to watch and then follow his example.

    the manager with________ style tries to create harmony and build good relationship among employee, as well as between managers and staffers.

    using compliment is often a good strategy to start a conversation.

    during the listening, listeners should only concentrate on choosing the exact words, phrases and sentences.

    a speaker’s attitude towards what he/she discusses, in particular, often has to be inferred from the hints he/she has dropped.

    during the listening, the key words should be focused, and the transition words and the signal words can be neglected.

    0.2% can be read as two tenths of a percent.

    most important decisions are based on the business reports.

    slang words or colloquialis can be used in a business report.

    a business report should be objective and free from prejudice.

    a business report should be as detailed as possible.

    directions: fill in each blank with a suitable form of one of the items from the box. to involve to be in charge to deal to make sure to be responsible kate works for hr. she __________ with staff problems, as well as with recruitment and training.

    directions: fill in each blank with a suitable form of one of the items from the box. to involve to be in charge to deal to make sure to be responsible judy is our security officer. he _____________ that our staff and premises are protected against crime.

    directions: read the following sentences and fill in the missing words or phrases tv commercial medium reassure promote memorable target public service ad endorsement product placement quick 1. the purpose of advertising is to ___________ or sell something, usually a business’ product or service.

    directions: read the following sentences and fill in the missing words or phrases tv commercial medium reassure promote memorable target public service ad endorsement product placement quick 2. using a movie star to advertise a certain kind of product is called celebrity ___________.

    directions: read the following sentences and fill in the missing words or phrases tv commercial medium reassure promote memorable target public service ad endorsement product placement quick 3. a good advertisement should first of all connect with its ___________ audience.

    directions: read the following sentences and fill in the missing words or phrases tv commercial medium reassure promote memorable target public service ad endorsement product placement 1.the purpose of advertising is to ___________ or sell something, usually a business’ product or service.

    directions: read the following sentences and fill in the missing words or phrases tv commercial medium reassure promote memorable target public service ad endorsement product placement 2. using a movie star to advertise a certain kind of product is called celebrity ___________.

    directions: read the following sentences and fill in the missing words or phrases tv commercial medium reassure promote memorable target public service ad endorsement product placement 3.a good advertisement should first of all connect with its ___________ audience.

    directions: read the following sentences and fill in the missing words or phrases tv commercial medium reassure promote memorable target public service ad endorsement product placement 4.advertising slogans are short, often ___________ phrases used in advertising campaigns.

    directions: read the following sentences and fill in the missing words or phrases tv commercial medium reassure promote memorable target public service ad endorsement product placement 5.how do you express “公益广告”in english?

    1. if a brand name product appears in a feature film, television program, or other medium not typically considered to be an advertising medium, it’s a form of advertising we call “tie-in”.

    2. in zhao benshan’s short sketch, the appearance of the spirits国窖酒is a form of advertising---product placement.

    3. sometimes when children go to mcdonald’s, if they buy certain amount of food they can get some toys free of charge or with some pay. we call this form of advertising “product placement”.

    4. children like to read comic books because they like picture stories very much. however, they are not aware that sometimes what they are reading is not comic story, but advertising with comics as disguise.

    1. on average 70% of people’s time is engaged in listening.

    2. the ability to listen for the main idea is useful for both our everyday lives and our academic lives.

    3. word chains refer to sequences of similar or related words repeated throughout the conversation or speaking.

    4. “let’s get the ball rolling” is a signal phrase to mark the ending of a speaking.

    5. “to wrap up” is a signal phrase to mark the beginning of a speaking.

    1. which of the following is allowed to do during the brainstorming session?

    2. brainstorming can encourage people to commit to solutions, because__________.

    3. what’s the best number of people participating one brainstorming session?

    4. which of the following is correct during brainstorming session?

    5. which of the following is not correct during the brainstorming session?

    1. you’d better write your summary no longer than the half the length of the original.

    2. your summary can contain some of the viewpoints of your own.

    3. when writing a summary, you should never copy anything from the original.

    4. when writing a summary, you can collapse lists and paragraphs.

    5. try to get rid of unimportant or trivial details in your summary.

    1. some television commercials are designed to be striking and memorable, and people can remember the songs or ________ for the commercials long after the span of the advertising campaign.

    2. advertisers sometimes use _________ to make tv commercials to be able to impress tv viewers, but it can be quite annoying.

    directions:read the following descriptions carefully , discuss with your partner and guess whose corporate culture it belongs to? 1. entire company aligned behind common vision, values, and goals. 2. teams work together for the good of the customer. 3. employees take ownership and responsibility for their actions. 4. motivation, morale and engagement is high. 5. strong communication and collaboration. 6. deliver a world class customer experience. 7. foster innovation, creativity and entrepreneuriali. 8. design is everything. 9. designers make the design decisions. 10. they do no market research.

    collaborative help

    directions: letters a to g describe different listening strategies which are associated with either top-down or bottom-up processing. decide which strategies they use: top-down or bottom-up processing. listening carefully to football results.

    directions: letters a to g describe different listening strategies which are associated with either top-down or bottom-up processing. decide which strategies they use: top-down or bottom-up. 2. predicting the content of a lecture or short talk on a subject that the listener knows something about.

    1. what is communication?

    which is not a benefit of effective communication?

    which of the following is not a characteristic of the aggressive communication style?

    which is not a characteristic of the assertive communication style?

    1. a memo is short for memorandum.

    2. it cannot be send without a salutation.

    3. a memo is usually sent to more than one person.

    4. memo’s are usually short and to the point.

    5. a memo is usually sent to people in a different company.

    1. what does roi measure?

    2. if the roi formula yields a negative number, what does this mean?

    1. steve jobs’ _________ towards creating products has been the guiding light for business decisions.

    2. the _________ is business as usual.

    5. as steve jobs summed up, ‘innovation ___________ between a leader and a follower.'

    1. a summary is a rewrite of the original piece.

    2. a good summary paragraph is short, not informative

    3. organizing notes before writing a summary is not like organizing a messy room.

    4. never put any of your own ideas, opinions, or interpretations into the summary.

    5. summary means condensed restatement.

    1. procter & gamble co. (p&g) is an american multi-national _________ goods corporation.

    2. now let’s explore how p&g’s former ceo lafley developed innovation skills, and whether lafley’s innovation skills would weather p&g’s storm.

    1 to improve your listening, find a place with interruptions or background noise.

    4 as an active business listener, you shouldn’t write down points or phrases but nod during the conversations.

    5 active listening means asking clarifying questions to make sure we understand what is being said.

    1 according to a survey, few people reported walking out on a presentation that lasted too long.

    2 there is no need to write out a detailed presentation.

    5 the most important for a business presenter is to persuade, instead of rather than to hold the audience’s attention.

    1the executive summary, one of the most important sections, provides a comprehensive, short summary of the report or proposal's key information.

    2 an executive summary is similar to the introduction as both of them should be complete.

    3 you can include something in the executive summary that isn't in the report.

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