


    why do many students calculate they can't major in english or history?

    the land is not __________ enough to repay cultivation.

    jack and mary described their journey in _________ detail.

    mother had always been just as she was, a _________ of strength, a fount of wisdom, the one person who knew the answers to everything.

    how do you plan to __________ the development of these technologies?

    no organization or inidual shall in any way __________ voters to elect or not to elect any candidate.

    do not _________ a project unless you can implement it.

    we need a big win to __________ our confidence.

    could you tell me some more about your market __________?

    how did the author feel when she started to fall in love?

    what motivated the author to "grab" a boyfriend at college?

    my huand could not be here tonight, but i want to thank you on his __________.

    in effect, we feel __________ to them.

    that is why in this blog post, i would like to __________ something to every designer: why not try to design something every day for one year?

    now, i must __________ that i'm at my wit's end.

    our products enjoy high __________ for its excellent performance, reliable quality and reasonable price.   

    you must _______ the movements of your arms and legs when swimming.

    however, parents, teachers and students take on quite different views and, __________, they seem not to have reached any compromises yet.

    1. the heat did not _______ me from enjoying the delightful scenery above and below.

    this season i expect us to ______ the championship and win the european cup.

    she shouted on the mountaintop and listened for the ________.

    his work emphasised the emotional as well as the physical ______ of children.

    the crowd continued to argue heatedly about the best way to _______ the problem.

    the _________ and hospital bills drove them into bankruptcy.

    officials from the two countries will meet again soon to _______ negotiations.

    the two attitudes ______ different historical perspectives.

    which one should be recognized as a new phase of life according to the author?

    what's parents' attitude toward their children in their odyssey years?

    in 2007, __________ to the great recession, the unemployment rate was about 29 percent.

    you should __________ yourself with the background of all your pupils.

    the injured man was in a __________ condition.

    the past few years __________ great changes throughout china

    we __________ being told what to do.

    don't __________ yourself into thinking you are some kind of an artist.

    the government is putting through some __________ social reforms.

    based on our history i dare to _______ we have yet again in the next few years a big opportunity in front of us.

    what is the message the author wants to send out from this text?

    why did general xiang yu order his troops to crush their cooking pots and burn their sailing ships when crossing the zhang river?

    the first, second and third prizes went to james, lytton and tom _______.

    the industrial revolution __________ the whole structure of english society.

    if such measures __________, the problems could be overcome in twelve months.

    the peace agreement has at least __________ halted the civil war.

    if you __________ something, you get rid of it because you no longer want it or need it.

    general xiang yu was a rare __________ to the norm.

    why are female bosses today still finding they face subtle resistance?

    what happens when both men and women are working for a female boss?

    you could buy similar, but not _______ items and sell them after 30 days.

    it was and, to a large _________, still is a good show.

    we may consider making some __________ in our price.

    if something __________, it is successful, active, or common, and developing quickly and strongly.

    he started at once to __________ a reply to anna.

    they went to prison because they __________ the law.

    the ability to __________ pain varies from person to person.

    you have no idea how much it takes to __________ batteries.

    what are the possible negative consequences if the use of animals in research is stopped?

    in japan, our courses are ided into compulsory, __________ and specialized courses.

    we all long for sincere and __________ friendship in that it can profoundly influence our lives.

    the president refused to either confirm or deny this __________.

    you need not to pretend and __________ others for whatever reasons.

    of course, we should __________ him, but as he has a good record, we shall let him off this time.

    this is the result of the internal and __________ conflict.







    the following statement is correct ____

    logically, the data structure can be ided into _____ two categories

    when the data is stored in a linked structure, the address of the storage unit ________

    logically, data structures can be ided into two main categories of ___________

    the four basic logical structures are set structure, ____ structure, graph structure, and tree structure.

    the four basic logical structures include linear structures, ____ structures, graphical structures, and tree structures.

    the four basic logical structures are set structure, ____ structure, linear structure, and tree structure.

    the four basic logical structures are set structure, ____ structure, linear structure, and graphical structure.

    the time complexity of the algorithm depends on ________.

    the calculation amount of algorithm is called the ___________ of the calculation.

    the time complexity of the following program is _________________. for(i=0;i
    the time complexity of the following function is_________________. int func(int n){ int i=0,sum=0; while(sum
    the asymptotic time complexity of the algorithm is ________ if the number of key steps of the algorithm is .

    the asymptotic time complexity of the algorithm is ________ if the number of key steps of the algorithm is

    determine the number of executions of underlined code and calculate their asymptotic time complexity (note that there are two questions) i=1; k=0; do { k=k 10*i; i ; } while(i<=n)

    determine the number of executions of underlined code and calculate their asymptotic time complexity (note that there are two questions) i=1; x=0; do { x ; i=3*i; } while( i
    determine the number of executions of underlined code and calculate their asymptotic time complexity (note that there are two questions) i=1; x=0; for(i=0;i
    determine the number of executions of underlined code and calculate their asymptotic time complexity (note that there are two questions) y=0; while(n>=y*y) y ;

    if the most common operation of a linear list is to read the value of the ith element, it is most efficient to use ________ storage.

    for a linear list, the following statement is correct ________.

    the characteristic of a linear list with a linked storage structure is _____.

    in a single linked list with a header node, set the pointer first to point to the header node. when _____ indicating that the list is empty .

    in a cyclic single linked list, set the pointer first to point to the header node, when ______ indicating that the chain table is empty.

    the purpose of adding a header node to a single linked list is ________.

    the average time complexity of element searching operations on a single linked list containing n nodes is ________.

    if the most common operations for a linked list are inserting nodes at the end and deleting the tail nodes, then _____ is the most time-efficient.

    in a single-cycle linked list with the header pointer first, the condition for the pointer p point to the tail node is ___________.

    the following options ______ are not features of the linked list.

    the elements to be sorted are: 24,33,12,17,33,15,12 please write the results of first 3 passes of quick sort algorithm.

    the root node of the avl tree constructed by inserting a, z, b, t, c, and p in turn is ______ (the letters are numbered 1 to 26 for a~z according to the numbering in the alphabet).

    which of the following trees is not a avl tree ______.

    the following statement is incorrect ________.

    which of the following trees is not a avl tree.

    given three nodes a, b, and c, how many different unordered trees, ordered trees, and binary trees can be formed?

    4.it is known that the post-traversal sequence of a binary tree node is: a, c, b, d, f, e, and the middle-order traversal sequence is c, a, e, f, b, d. please draw the binary tree.

    the conflict resolution method in the scattered list ___________ is not the open address method.

    there is a null hash list ht of length 11, insert 23, 89, 55, 46, 12, 7, 48, 66 in turn, please use the double hash method to solve the conflict, the hash function is h1(key)=key, h2(key)=key%9 1, 89 is stored in the hash list location is _____.

    there is a hash list ht of length 11, insert 23, 89, 55, 46, 12, 7, 48, 66 in turn, please use the double hash method to solve the conflict, the hash function is h1(key)=key, h2(key)=key%9 1, 23 in the hash list storage location is _____.

    given an empty hash list of length 7 ht, using the quadratic probe method to solve the conflict, the hash function is h(key)=key%7, please insert the set of keywords 20,11,55 to the hash list in turn, after the completion of the insertion of 55 in the hash list storage address is ________.

    given a null hash list ht of length 7, the conflict is resolved using the double hash method, with the two hash functions being. h1(key)=key%7 h2(key)=key%5 1 insert the collection elements with the keywords 9, 16, 30 into the hash list, and store the address of 30 in the hash list as ________ after the insertion.

    given a null hash list ht of length 7, the conflict is resolved using the double hash method, with the two hash functions being. h1(key)=key%7 h2(key)=key%5 1 insert the collection elements with keywords 30, 58, 65 into the hash list, and store the address 65 in the hash list as ________ after the insertion.

    given a null hash list ht of length 7, the conflict is resolved using the double hash method, with the two hash functions being. h1(key)=key%7 h2(key)=key%5 1 insert the collection elements with the keywords 29, 64, 15 into the hash list, and store the address of 15 in the hash list as ________ after the insertion.

    given a null hash list ht of length 7, the conflict is resolved using the double hash method, with the two hash functions being. h1(key)=key%7 h2(key)=key%5 1 insert the collection elements with keywords 35, 63, 21 into the hash list in turn, and store the address 21 in the hash list as ________ after the insertion.

    given a null hash list ht of length 7, the conflict is resolved using the double hash method, with the two hash functions being. h1(key)=key%7 h2(key)=key%5 1 insert a set of elements with the keywords 3, 17, 45 into the hash list, and store 45 in the hash list with the address ________ (give the hash list location subscript).

    given a null hash list ht of length 7, the conflict is resolved using the double hash method, with the two hash functions being. h1(key)=key%7 h2(key)=key%5 1 insert the collection elements with the keywords 95, 25, 67 into the hash list, and store the address 67 in the hash list as ________ after the insertion.

    perform two delete operations on the minimum heap sequence 14,39,50,79,95,59, please give the minimum heap finally obtained.

    given a set of sides with a vector map. the following sequence is ______, which is not the topological sequence of the graph.

    the following option ______ is not the depth-first traversal sequence in the figure below.

    the following option ______ is the depth-first traversal sequence in the figure below.

    the following option ______ is the width-first traversal sequence of the figure below.

    the minimum spanning trees of the following figure is constructed using primm's algorithm, starting from a, and the third bar is added to the generation tree with a side of ______.

    the single source shortest path algorithm can be used to find the shortest path between any two vertices in the graph

    请设计一个使玩家乐于多次挑战的角色扮演游戏的关卡,并分析设计中使用了哪些基于行为主义的设计方法。 总字数不要超过2000字。

    管理具有两重性,分别是管理的自然属性和管理的 ( )





    高层管理者最重要的管理技能是( )

    管理的目的是实现( )

    管理的基本职能有计划、组织、( )和控制

    管理( )唯一正确的答案

    某企业有一个不成文的惯例:新分配来的大学毕业生都必须到最艰苦的部门进行两年左右的“锻炼”,用严格的监督和控制手段,迫使他们在工作中较快的进入角色。你认为该企业的做法是基于哪种理论?( )

    对经营与管理进行明确界定的管理学家是( )。

    下面哪个学派主张用数学方法来分析和表述管理?( )

    “没有一成不变、普遍适用的最佳管理理论与方法”是哪个学派的主张?( )

    科学管理的主要目的是提高( )

    基于“霍桑实验”的人际关系学认为企业中存在着( )组织

    需求层次理论是由( )提出来的。

    科学管理的中心问题是( )。

    比较马斯洛的需求层次理论和赫茨伯格的双因素理论,马斯洛提出的五种需求中,属于保健因素的是 ( )

    根据赫茨伯格的双因素理论,以下属于激励因素的是( )


    把人描绘成“社会人”的是: 。

    古典管理理论对人性的假设是: 。




    计划是管理的( )职能

    组织战略一般分为公司层战略、事业层战略和( )层战略

    目标管理最先由管理彼得•德鲁克提出,一般简称为( )

    某厂生产一种产品,其总固定成本为200000,单位产品变动成本为10元,产品销售价格为15元。该厂盈亏平衡点的产量应为( )件。

    针对欧家对我国纺织品的配额限制,某公司决定在北非投资设立子公司,这种决策属于( )。

    决策树适合下列哪种类型的决策( )。

    根据经营单位组合分析法,将高市场占有率,低销售增长率的产品称为( )产品。

    管理的重心在经营,经营的重心在( )。

    期望值就是在不同的自然状态下( )期望达到的数值。

    根据决策专家西蒙的有限理性决策模型,决策时一般遵循( )原则。

    非正式组织是指( )

    如果你是公司的总经理,你奖授予( )以决策和行动的权利?




    组织具有三个特征:目标、人员和( )

    当组织规模一定时,管理幅度与管理层次之间呈( )关系

    要正确发挥参谋的作用,首先要明确( )关系

    扁平式组织结构的优点之一是信息传递速度( )

    以直线为基础,在各级行政领导之下设置相应的职能部门从事专业管理的组织结构形式是( )

    下列哪类组织最适合采用矩阵制组织结构( )?

    事业部制有三个中心,其中事业部是( )





    企业集团由( )、紧密层、半紧密层和松散层等四个层次构成

    事业部制是一种( )权的组织模式

    团队的构成要素可归纳为( )

    有些领导从某一职位退下来后,常抱怨“人走茶凉”,这反映了他们在位时,在组织中拥有的权力更多的是( )

    管理方格图中,1.9型对应的是哪种领导方式( )?

    按照菲德勒权变理论,在最为有利和最为不利的领导情境下,采取( )型的领导方式较好

    当某一下属学识和经验较强,但不愿承担工作责任时,领导最好采取( )领导方式

    领导的本质是( )




    领导生命周期理论,是基于下属( )的权变领导理论

    领导连续统一体模型是针对领导决策风格提出的领导( )理论

    依据领导生命周期理论,适合于低成熟度情况的领导方式是( )型领导。

    据调查,大学生求职时非常关注用人单位是否提供“五险一金”,这体现了马斯洛需要层次理论中的( )。

    小刘大学毕业后在一家公司工作,几年来他工作积极,最近和其他人合作,成功地开发了一个新程序,领取了较丰厚的奖金,开始时很高兴,随后不久,他无意之中看到了领发奖金清单,脸色一下子就阴沉下来了,你认为哪种理论可以较好地给予解释( )?

    王鹏的父亲为了鼓励他发奋学习,向他提出:如果下学期每门功课考试都达到90分以上,就给予奖励。在下述什么情况下,王鹏会得到激励而用功学习( )?

    根据赫茨伯格的双因素理论,工作条件属于( ).

    从期望理论中,我们得到的最重要的启示是( )

    对激励需要或需求进行研究的激励理论称为( )型激励理论

    麦克利兰将人的高层次需要分为:成就需要,( )需要,社交或归属需要

    赫茨伯格认为:与工作性质和内容相关,可以让员工感到满意的因素是( )因素

    课堂上有学生不认真听课,与其他同学讲话,老师用严厉的目光盯着他以示警告,这属于( )

    可靠性最好的沟通方式是( )

    现在很多大公司鼓励各级员工通过多种途径向公司高层领导反映意见或提出合理化建议,也会设立专门的信箱接收这些意见或建议,这种沟通方式属于( )

    信息传递速度慢,效率最低的是( )网络









    被尊称为“科学管理之父”的管理学家是( )。 a.泰勒 b.梅奥 c.德鲁克 d.法约尔

    哪个学派认为没有一成不变,普遍适用的最好的管理理论和方法?( ) a.权变管理 b.经验管理 c.管理科学 d.系统管理

    某公司采购部在每个月的月初都要根据生产计划和原材料的库存,决定采购的品种和数量,这是( )决策。 a.风险型 b.不确定型 c.程序化 d.非程序化

    根据经营单位组合分析法,将高市场占有率,高销售增长率的产品称为 a.问题 b.明星 c.现金牛 d.瘦狗

    下列哪类组织最适合采用矩阵制组织结构( )? a.房地产公司 b.学校 c.医院 d.汽车公司

    管理方格图中,9.1型对应的是( )领导方式。 a.任务型 b.俱乐部型 c.中庸之道型 d.贫乏型

    按照菲德勒权变理论,在中等有利的情境下,应采取( )的领导方式。 a.团队导向型 b.技术导向型 c.关系导向型 d.任务导向型

    曹雪芹虽食不果腹,仍然坚持《红楼梦》的创作是出于其( )。 a.安全的需求 b.自我实现的需求 c.社交的需求 d.自尊与受人尊敬的需求

    一个大企业集团董事长讲的话传达到基层员工,信息的损失率可能高达80%,你认为最有可能的原因是 ( )。 a.沟通渠道太长 b.信息过滤 c.信息泛滥超负荷 d.传递技术障碍

    关于非正式沟通的如下说法中,哪一种是正确的?( )

    摩西带领以色列人走出埃及时,几千人都直接受他领导,因此他非常忙,以致于睡觉的时间都不多,他的岳父建议他把十个人分为一组,十个组组成一小队,十个小队为一个大队,只有大队长才直接被他领导,现在摩西既能工作好,又有休息时间,请问这主要应用了管理的( )原则。

    根据明茨伯格的“十角色理论”,管理者在人际关系方面主要扮演( )角色。

    某建筑工地的包工头王某对其手下的民工采用了一种“胡萝卜加大棒”的管理方法,他常说的口头禅是“不好好干就回家去,干好了下个月多发奖金”,可以认为( )是不对的。

    一个管理者所处的层次越高,面临的问题越复杂,越无先例可循,就越需要具备( )。

    根据组织需要设立工作岗位这项工作属于管理的( )。


    公司总经理把产品销售的责任和权力委派给一位副总经理m,但同时又要求各地经销部的经理直接向公司总会计师k汇报当天的销售指标,k可以直接向各地经销部经理下达指令。总经理的这种做法违反了管理中的( )原则?

    属于领导者个人的权力的是( )

    独裁主义气氛比较浓厚的组织中信息沟通的主要方式可能是( )

    从管理方格理论中,我们体会到,欲使领导工作卓有成效则应( )

    管理的基本职能包括有( )

    授权是一门艺术,应遵循以下哪些原则( )

    团队的要素一般包括( )

    以下哪些激励理论属于内容型激励理论?( )

    组织设计的原则有( )

    管理的二重性是指管理既具有自然属性,又具有社会属性。( )

    高层管理者的时间分配由多到少排序是计划、组织、领导和控制。( )

    规则明确告诉管理者能做什么和不能做什么。( )

    通常说的领导“拍板”就是决策。( )

    决策专家西蒙提出决策者在决策中应追求最优标准。( )






    基层管理者最重要的管理技能是( )技能。

    梅奥基于( )试验提出了人际关系理论。

    目标管理的英文简称是( )。

    决策者在不同的自然状态下期望达到的数值称其为( )。

    实现权力分散的途径有( )分权和临时性授权。

    当下属工作成熟度高,心理成熟度低时,应采用( )领导方式。

    赫茨伯格认为:与工作环境和条件相关,可以防止员工产生不满的因素是( )因素。

    行为决策理论学派提出了决策的( )准则。

    对于人性的看法,梅奥领导的霍桑工厂实验的结论认为人是( )

    管理具有科学性和( )

    所属分类:初中问答 浏览量: 97  次
