








































    【单选题】关于“五禽戏”,史书最早的记载当属东汉名医( )所创编的五禽戏:
























    【单选题】who were the first human inhabitants of the north and south america?

    【单选题】who is in the head in most native american tribe?

    【单选题】when did christopher columbus first arrive the caribbean?

    【单选题】what attitudes do the native american hold to the nature?

    【多选题】what are the characteristics of early european explorers?

    【单选题】which one of the following answers is not the impetus provided for european exploration?

    【单选题】how did europeans affect the native american?

    【单选题】why did the pilgrims decide to leave england and holland subsequently?

    【单选题】how many ships did the pilgrims plan to take to the “new world”?

    【单选题】when was the thanksgiving day celebrated as a national holiday?

    【多选题】which two of the following statements are correct description for the pilgrims?

    【多选题】which two of the following statements are correct according to the mayflower compact?

    【单选题】when was the ‘starving time’ in american colonial life?

    【单选题】which one of the following duties is not performed by woman?

    【单选题】why was the quilt highly valued by woman?

    【单选题】what was changed for a poor person in the “new world” compared to their life in the old world?

    【单选题】who has the great power in the “new world”?

    【单选题】when did the seven years’ war break out?

    【单选题】what is the origin of the french and indian war?

    【单选题】what are the native american’s roles in the seven year’s war.

    【单选题】which of the following statements is not the effect of the seven years’ war?

    【单选题】why did the natives ally themselves with the french first?

    【单选题】which one is not the reason for american revolutionary war?

    【单选题】why was the intolerable acts designed and passed?

    【单选题】when and where was the continental congress held?

    【单选题】who had fired first on lexington green?

    【单选题】why could not the british army defeat the little trained americans?

    【单选题】which statement is not right based on the articles of confederation.

    【单选题】besides the fund control of war expenses, what was empowered to the congress?

    【单选题】why is the united states, in fact, considered as a republic country?

    【单选题】what is the meaning of the constitutional convention.

    【单选题】why did rhode island refuse to send representatives to the constitutional convention

    【单选题】what is the declaration of independence not about?

    【单选题】what are the key elements for a person’s position?

    【单选题】what is the designing background of the articles of confederation?

    【单选题】what percentage of the population was slaves in all the colonies in 1770’s?

    【单选题】what are the three branches of american central government?

    【单选题】what is president washington’s favorite government?

    【单选题】who is the secretary of state in washington’s government?

    【单选题】who is the second president of the united states?

    【单选题】whose foreign policy is to stay out of the european war?

    【单选题】what is the document in which the president was authorized to imprison or deport aliens?

    【单选题】why did the mexican government break off diplomatic relations with the united states in 1845?

    【单选题】what are the present states obtained in the mexican american war by the united states?

    【单选题】who would pay for all damages claimed by us citizens against the mexican government?

    【单选题】what are the impact of the mexican american war on the united states?

    【单选题】what is not the negative factors of the mexican american war on the united states?

    【单选题】who are “abolitionists”?

    【单选题】why did seven states secede from the united states?

    【单选题】what is not one of the strengths of the north in the civil war?

    【单选题】when were all slaves set free in america?

    【单选题】which one of the following statements is not true about the civil war?

    【单选题】when did the blacks gain a voice for the first time in american government?

    【单选题】what is lincoln’s proposal in his speech in louisiana as to the reconstruction?

    【单选题】what are the “black codes”?

    【单选题】what is the civil rights bills about in 1866?

    【单选题】what is the most radical development of reconstruction?

    【单选题】which one is not a law to encourage people to move westward?

    【单选题】what is the homestead act about?

    【单选题】why did the cattlemen turn into farmers?

    【单选题】which of the following statements is not the reason to promote economic growth in westward movement?

    【单选题】why was the indian doomed to fail?

    【单选题】why is immigration considered as one of the causes for the second industrial revolution?

    【单选题】why could goods from the american interior be shipped directly to the atlantic?

    【单选题】why is the second industrial revolution positive for americans?

    【单选题】how is big business set up?

    【单选题】which one of the statements is not the negative effect of monopolies?

    【单选题】what first emerged as a major issue in the 1820s?

    【单选题】which one was managed to cover slavery by accepting a ided nation half slave and half free? .

    【单选题】which era did dominate the 1830s?

    【单选题】which movement has made real progress in public opinion during the 1840s?

    【多选题】what were two major trends in the 1870s, leaving america a much more erse country?

    【单选题】what is the name of those who advocated a gradual or immediate end to slavery?

    【单选题】what movement was for more democracy in the new american republic?

    【单选题】what does harrison’s father sign?

    【单选题】when did the second great awakening begin?

    【多选题】what does the utopian ideal mean?

    【单选题】what did the north of the united states begin to develop in the nineteenth century?

    【单选题】where did most of the urban poor newly arrived immigrants come from in the 1830s and 1840s?

    【单选题】who was the speaker of the house of representatives to offer a solution to the emerging economic crisis?

    【单选题】what is the revolutionized transport in the 19th and early 20th centuries?

    【单选题】in 1833, which college did open its doors providing the first opportunity in the united states for women to earn a four-year college degree?

    【单选题】what was rejected by the early progressives?

    【单选题】who did serve as the 26th president of the united states from 1901 to 1909?

    【单选题】what was roosevelt's nickname for successful campaign against corporate monopolies?

    【单选题】what strategies did the us leadership pursue confidently in dealing with other countries in the first twenty years of the century?

    【单选题】which harbor in the america did japan attack?

    【单选题】how much did america purchase alaska from russia on march 30, 1867?

    【单选题】who was forced to sign a new constitution in 1887, giving white immigrants more rights?

    【单选题】when was hawaii officially recognized as the 50th state of the us?

    【单选题】what is the 1920s also known as?

    【单选题】what’s the total wealth of the united states between 1920 and 1929?

    【单选题】what does “the flapper” mean?

    【单选题】what is the percentage of the american population to visit a movie theater every week?

    【单选题】what does some older people think about jazz music?

    【单选题】when was the great depression?

    【单选题】who was the president of the united states during the great depression?

    【单选题】when did the japanese attack on pearl harbor that led to america’s entry into world war ii?

    【单选题】in 1935, what did congress pass for the first time to provide americans with unemployment disability and pensions for old age?

    【单选题】which is not one of the “3r”in the first new deal?

    【单选题】when did the first military action of the cold war begin?

    【单选题】in the early 1960s, who did face a number of troubling situations in his own hemisphere?

    【单选题】when did president richard nixon begin to establish diplomatic relations with beijing?

    【单选题】what did president nixon and soviet premier leonid brezhnev sign?

    【单选题】what policies did premier mikhail gorbachev introduce in 1985? (d)

    【单选题】what was the best strategy against the soviet threat by the end of world war ii?

    【单选题】what did echo truman’s recommendation in 1950?

    【单选题】who did announce that the united states would build an even more destructive atomic weapon “superbomb”?

    【单选题】which country is the world’s first one to launch artificial satellite?

    【单选题】when did the us launch its own satellite explorer first?

    【单选题】when is the vietnam war?

    【单选题】how many did us military personnel are involved in the vietnam conflict by 1969?

    【单选题】who is the president that made promise to firmly support diem and south vietnam?

    【单选题】in addition to the united states, which country did commit troops to fight in south vietnam?

    【单选题】when were trade and diplomatic relations between vietnam and the us resumed?

    【单选题】who was the movement’s most effective leader?

    【单选题】what legislative did the federal government make in the turbulent decade?

    【单选题】when did the sclc (southern christian leadership conference) protest strategy achieve its first major success?

    【单选题】what’s one of the greatest speeches mentioned in this lesson?

    【单选题】what movement mentioned above had special historical significance?

    【单选题】when did the watergate scandal happen?

    【单选题】who is the main character of the watergate scandal?

    【单选题】what is not the meaning of “hush money”?

    【单选题】what was nixon called by the jury?

    【单选题】how many people did slip into the watergate in washington?

    【单选题】what was iraq’s movement that threatened a major percentage of the world's oil reserves?

    【单选题】what’s meaning of the term "ethnic cleansing"?

    【单选题】who did defeat an incumbent president and become the first democrat to win the white house?

    【单选题】how many senators do they need to vote guilty in order to remove a president from office?

    【单选题】what’s american popular culture not mentioned above?

    【单选题】when did world war ii break out?

    【单选题】what are the two countries that signed strategic treaties with nazi party?

    【单选题】how many jews were murdered in nazi concentration camps?

    【单选题】in the mid 1930s, what treaty did hitler violate?

    【单选题】on april 9 1940, which two countries were invaded and occupied by germany simultaneously and the war began in earnest.

    【单选题】when did hungary, romania and bulgaria join the axis?

    【单选题】when did america enter into the wwii?

    【单选题】on december 7th, 1941, how many japanese aircrafts were sent to attack the major us naval base at pearl harbor in hawaii?

    【单选题】on july august 1945, what conference did truman, churchill and stalin attend to discuss the ongoing war with japan as well as the peace settlement with germany?

    【单选题】where did the united states drop the atomic bomb on japan?

    【单选题】when did 911 terrorist attacks happen?

    【单选题】how many airliners had been hijacked by al-qaeda?

    【单选题】how many people were killed during the attacks in new york city and washington dc?

    【单选题】who is the president of the united states when the 911 terrorist attacks happened?

    【单选题】where were the islamic attackers from?














    【单选题】国际贸易合同中的more or less条款的规定,是允许卖方在()上有一定幅度的差异。


    【单选题】in international cargo transportation, the most widely adopted bill of lading is()


    【单选题】国外来证规定装运期为“on or about september 12”,并注明按ucp600规定办理,则我装船期应为()



    【单选题】如果信用证规定“covering marine risks of the peopleˊs insurance company of china dated1/1/1981”,则出口公司()







    【单选题】the term cif should be followed by()




    【单选题】suppose you are an exporter, please pick out the correct expressing()














    【单选题】1. which of the following is the most famous epic poem in old english ?

    【单选题】2. which of the following poets is not mentioned in this part?

    【单选题】3. who is the writer of the faerie queene?

    【单选题】1. when did the earliest settlers migrate to the british isles?

    【单选题】2. which of the following is not among the tribes who settled on the british isles in 450?

    【单选题】3. which language is spoken by the upper class in the british society during the norman period?

    【单选题】1. who is honored as father of english history?

    【单选题】2. the ecclesiatical history of the english people covers early english history from ____ to the year 731.

    【单选题】3.one of alfred’ s contribution to english contribution is the launching of ____.

    【填空题】1. beowulf of the following is called the national _____ and the the world’s oldest poem in english language.

    【填空题】2. the whole poem beowulf consists of three battles. the first battle takes place between beowulf and the monster __________.

    【填空题】3. the last part of the beowulf is about his _______________.

    【单选题】1. beowulf was written in ____.

    【填空题】1.beowulf is essentially an aristocratic poem concerned with the heroic ideal of ______________ in north europe.

    【填空题】2. the most striking feature in beowulf is the use of ________.

    【填空题】1. harold godwinson was defeated by william on 14 october at the battle of ____.

    【填空题】2. in order to get great knowledge of the land all over england, william appointed officials to make a survey of the farmland all over the country. these statistics were documented in the ___________.

    【填空题】3. one of the most obvious effects of the conquest was the introduction of _______, a northern dialect of old french

    【填空题】1. the central character of romances was the _____, a man of noble birth skilled in the use of weapons.

    【填空题】2. in subject matters, romance naturally falls under three categories,the matters of france, _____ and britain.

    【填空题】3. knights of the round table is one of the best-known stories about _______.

    【填空题】1. sir gawain and the green knight describes how sir gawain accepts a challenge from a mysterious "________" who challenges any knight to strike him with his axe.

    【填空题】2. sir gawain and the green knight are written in what linguists call the "______ revival" style typical of the 14th century.

    【填空题】3. apart from alliteration, the use of ________ is also a remarkable artistic feature of sir gawain and the green knight.

    【填空题】the famous rising of 1381 broke out in england with the leaders _______ and john ball.

    【填空题】the hundred years' war was a series of conflicts waged from ____ to 1453 between england and france.

    【填空题】the hundred years' war sped up the decline of _________ and established an absolute monarchy in england.

    【填空题】at the end of wars of roses, ___________ became the new monarch in england and started a new dynasty.

    【填空题】the intellectual basis of the renaissance was its own invented version of __________, derived from the rediscovery of classical greek philosophy.

    【填空题】in england, ___________ started english reformation and founded the church of england.

    【填空题】geoffrey chaucer, is widely considered the greatest english poet of the middle ages and now honored as the _________________________.

    【填空题】the most outstanding work of geoffrey chaucer is __________________.

    【填空题】the canterbury tales is a collection of _____ stories that runs to over 17,000 lines written in middle english.

    【填空题】the canterbury tales is a collection of stories and each story of which focused on a ___________ theme.

    【单选题】which is not william shakespeare’s famous tragedies?

    【填空题】the first modern drama was written by a school master and the name of the play is called _________________________.

    【填空题】the most brilliant star in english drama was _____________.

    【填空题】sonnet is a lyric poem of ____ lines with a formal rhyme scheme.

    【填空题】1. in the work, hamlet is the prince of _________ and heir to the throne.

    【填空题】2. after hamlet’s father died, throne was seized by hamlet's uncle ________, who also married hamlet's mother.

    【填空题】3.the key-note of hamlet’s character is _________, and there can be no hamlet without it.

    【填空题】1. the fourth period of shakespeare’s work is the period of romantic drama. it includes 4 romances and a historical play, __________.

    【填空题】2. in romeo and juliet, shakespeare employs several dramatic techniques and most notably is the abrupt shifts from _________ to tragedy.

    【填空题】3. the love romeo and juliet share is beautiful and passionate, as well as chaotic and destructive. true or false?

    【填空题】1. the story of the merchant of venice is a combination of two stories: the marriage of portia, and the jewish usurer ___________.

    【填空题】2. the act 4 scene 1 is the famous court scene which reflects many of the themes, such as prejudice and intolerance, greedy vs. _______.

    【填空题】3. the primary grievance that antonio has against shylock is that he is _______.

    【填空题】1. anglo-saxon poetry reflected the transition from traditional pagan beliefs to ________ ideas, and the struggle to blend the two into a new worldview.

    【填空题】2.the most prolific writer from the anglo-saxon period to renaissance is ___________.

    【填空题】1.the english civil war ended in 1649. monarchy was abolished and england was declared a ______.

    【单选题】1. in 1649, _____ was beheaded, england became a commonwealth.

    【单选题】2.the revolution of 1688 meant three of the following things except ______.

    【单选题】3.england became a commonwealth under the leadership of _____ in 1649.

    【填空题】1. metaphysical poetry is a derogatory term invented by ______ and later adopted by samuel johnson.

    【填空题】2.to sum it up, metaphysical poetry is characterized by _____ in content and fantasticality in form.

    【判断题】john milton is the chief representative poet among so many metaphysical poets.

    【判断题】the theme of song is the inconstancy of women.

    【填空题】1. ______ is considered as “the saint of the metaphysical school”.

    【多选题】1.there are two schools of poets during the reign of charles i. they are____.

    【填空题】1.the cavalier poets dealt chiefly with the theme of love and _____.choose one or more answers for the following:

    【判断题】in “song to celia”, “jove” is another name for “jupiter” and “nectar” is the drink of the gods.

    【判断题】in the second part of “song to celia”, the poet’s eternal love for celia is compared with drinking wine and jove’s nectar.

    【填空题】1.the speaker of “song to celia” is a man in love maintaining a _____ person point of view with his “i”s and “me”s found throughout.

    【填空题】2. the poem of “song to celia” is written in the form of ______.

    【填空题】1.the theme of “song to celia” demonstrates the ____ and immortality of love.

    【填空题】the theme of ____ (seize the day) is evident in herrick’s “to the virgins, to make much of time”.

    【填空题】1.the english revolution was sometimes called the ____ revolution.

    【填空题】2.the puritans were ____ who wanted to make reforms in the anglican church.

    【填空题】1.bunyan is best remembered as the author of ______.

    【填空题】1.the pilgrim’s progress is written in the old fashioned medieval form of ____ and dream.

    【填空题】2.the pilgrim’s progress opens with the author’s dream in which he sees a man “with a book in his hand, and a great burden upon his back”. the book is the ______.

    【判断题】hopeful is christian’s first companion on the pilgrimage.

    【判断题】the book’s most significant aspect is its allusion, which without doubt is directed at the ruling classes.

    【填空题】1.in 1665 after seven years’ hard labour in darkness he finished _____.

    【填空题】2. another epic _____ was published in 1671.

    【填空题】1.the story of paradise lost is based on ____.

    【填空题】2. paradise lost is a long epic in 12 books, written in ______ verse.

    【判断题】the central theme of paradise lost deals with heroi.

    【判断题】milton is very fond of using latinate inversion.

    【判断题】milton is a great stylist. he is famous for his grand style.

    【判断题】both samson and milton have been persecuted by their enemies and give in.

    【填空题】the english bourgeois revolution was carried out under the cloak of religion. the bourgeoisie found an ideological weapon— ______ in the christian religion.

    【填空题】1. the constitutional monarchy set up by _______________ in 1688 was a compromise between the bourgeoisie and the aristocrats.

    【填空题】2.without mentioning the __________, the picture of the culture life of 18th century england would be incomplete.

    【填空题】3. in the 18th century, _________________ developed a lot. newton and john locke are the predominant elements.

    【填空题】1. defoe’s two important novels are _____________ and ___________________.

    【填空题】2. robinson crusoe is considered as a long _____________ literary masterpiece.

    【填空题】3. he changed his surname from __________ to defoe which can show a genteel birth, and he got married happily.

    【填空题】1. the rape of the lock and essay on critici are both ___________’s works.

    【填空题】2. alexander pope developed the poetic form of ___.

    【判断题】home’s translations of iliad and odyssey were finished in alexander pope’s third period.

    【判断题】pope’s chief achievement lies in composing satirical poetry in heroic couplet.

    【填空题】1. ______________ spent eight years in writing the elegy written in a country churchyard.

    【填空题】2. thomas gray was appointed professor of history and ______________.

    【填空题】1. burns wrote poems and songs in the scottish dialect and in the tradition of scottish folk songs. his poems and songs are permeated with ____________.

    【填空题】2. most of burns’ poems and songs are about __________.

    【填空题】3. burns devoted the last 12 years of his life to collecting _______.

    【填空题】1. william blake’s poems are collected in two collections. they are songs of innocence and __________.

    【填空题】2. blake was a poet as well as an ____________.

    【填空题】3. the poems collected in songs of innocence express the poet’s _____________, even in the face of ________ and suffering.

    【填空题】4. many poems in blake’s two collections contradict each other. there are many verses that bear the same title in the two books, but they are _______.

    【填空题】1. swift’s the battle of books was written in the form of ______________.

    【填空题】2. ____ is the writer of both the battle of books and the draiper’s letter.

    【填空题】3. in 1713, ___________ was made the dean of st. patrick’s cathedral in dublin.

    【填空题】1. the history of tom jones, a foundling is regarded as __________’s masterpiece, with the fame of being the best constructed novel in english literature.

    【填空题】2. the history of tom jones, a foundling includes _________ books ided into 3 parts with 6 in each. the middle one contains __________ on the road to london.

    【判断题】true or false: ( ) henry fielding has been dramatist and poet.

    【填空题】1. ________________ is considered as the greatest drama after shakespeare.

    【填空题】2. sheridan’s masterpiece __________ was written in the tradition of __________.

    【填空题】3. __________ was sheridan’s first comedy.

    【填空题】1.in the 18th century, in drama, a dramatist should observe the three unities of _________, __________ and __________.

    【填空题】2.one of the characteristics of ____ is that people emphasized reason rather than emotion, form rather than content.

    【单选题】english romantici is generally said to have begun with __________ in 1798.

    【单选题】the romantic period is first of all an age of________

    【单选题】romantici does not emphasize__________

    【单选题】________ is not a romantic poet.

    【单选题】wordsworth published lyrical ballads in 1789 with ____________

    【单选题】wordsworth thinks that________ is the only subject of literary interest.

    【单选题】don juan is the masterpiece of_____

    【单选题】both of charles lamb and wordsworth emphasized the function of ___________.

    【单选题】walter scott’s contribution to english literature, and even to world literature, is his ___________novel.

    【单选题】wordsworth is most celebrated for his poetry of _________.

    【多选题】what are the characteristic features of the romantic movement?

    【多选题】lake poets are___________

    【多选题】which of following works are charles lamb’s?

    【多选题】the essence of romantic movement is ___________

    【多选题】the two major novelists of the romantic period are _____.

    【填空题】an ______________ is a rhymed lyric expressing noble feelings, often addressed to a person or celebrating an event.

    【填空题】ode to the west wind and song to the men of england are written by_________________.

    【填空题】ode to a nightingale is written by__________________.

    【填空题】thomas paine published _________________________, which asserts that “man has no property in man”, claiming that it is the right of the people to overthrow a government that opposes humanity.

    【填空题】poetry is defined by ____________________ as “the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings, which originates in emotion recollected in tranquility”.

    【判断题】the romantic period is also a great age of prose.

    【判断题】romantics also tend to be nationalistic, defending their own literary heritage against the advocates of classical rules.

    【判断题】coleridge has been rewarded as poet laureate.

    【判断题】keats is one of the lake poets.

    【判断题】terza rima was used by dante in the divine comedy.

    【判断题】gothic novels predominated in the early eighteenth century.

    【判断题】william wordsworth, a romantic poet, advocated the use of elegant wording and inflated figures of speech

    【判断题】the solitary reaper is william wordsworth’s masterpiece on nature.

    【判断题】the major british romantic poets blake,wordsworth,coleridge,byron,shelley and keats started a rebellion against the neoclassical literature,which was later regarded as the poetic revolution

    【判断题】wordsworth’s i wondered lonely as a cloud is perhaps the most anthologized poem in english literature.

    【单选题】1. which one of the following is not an aspect of victoriani?

    【单选题】1.the victorian era is predominantly one of ____.

    【单选题】1.what is dickens’s first published literary work?

    【单选题】1. dickens’s bleak house was first published in serial installments ____?

    【单选题】2. which one of the following is a major plot line of bleak house?

    【单选题】dickens’s social critici in bleak house is different from that in his other works mainly because the former is ____.

    【判断题】tennyson’s in memoriam is dedicated to his father. ( )

    【判断题】tennyson is very enthusiastic about scientific discoveries in the nineteenth century ( )

    【判断题】according to john stuart mill, “change” is the spirit of the victorian age. ( )

    【判断题】in tennyson’s in memoriam, we can see that he suffers from a crisis of faith. ( )

    【判断题】tennyson believes that traditional faith grows useless and will be replaced by natural science. ( )

    【判断题】tennyson tried to reconcile faith and science by using a ine frame work. ( )

    【判断题】the grande chartreuse is a chief monastery of the carthusian monks, which is a solitary catholic order founded by st. bruno in the 11th century. ( )

    【判断题】the overall atmosphere of “stanzas from the grande chartreuse” is quite light-hearted. ( )

    【单选题】1.what is hardy’s first published novel?

    【单选题】1.nearly all hardy’s important novels are set in the agricultural areas or towns of dorset in southwest england near dorchester. these novels are called the ____.

    【单选题】1.what is the subtitle for tess of the d'urbervilles?

    【单选题】1.what is the theme of hardy’s short poem “hap”?

    【判断题】byron was browning’s first role model in verse writing. ( )

    【判断题】byron was browning’s first role model in verse writing. ( )

    【判断题】in poetry writing, browning employed and perfected the technique of dramatic dialogue. ( )

    【判断题】browning is good at exploring the psychological world of his speaker. ( )

    【判断题】in “my last duchess,” the duke is a man of honor and integrity. ( )

    【判断题】the duke’s wife, the duchess, is objectified and leads a miserable life. ( )

    【判断题】the protagonist in “fra lippo lippi” is a monk and painter. ( )

    【判断题】according to lippi, art serves nothing but a religious purpose. ( )

    【判断题】dickens is a prolific novelist, who is the author of many great works including oliver twist, the old curiosity shop, dombey and son, david copperfield, bleak house, hard times, little dorrit, a tale of two cities. ( )

    【判断题】as for the theme of tennyson’s in memoriam, on a personal level, it is about tennyson’s recollection of his friendship with a. h. h., his lasting mourning and lamentation. ( )

    【判断题】what hardy’s novel does is more than to portray a personal tragedy. it also documents a way of life that serves as a historical account of life in southern england at the end of the 1900s. ( )

    【判断题】a cornerstone of browning’s poetic reputation is that he perfected the form of dramatic monologue, and this technique proved to be a great inspiration for the 20th century poets and help them understand how poetry should be written. ( )

    【判断题】the two world wars in europe have greatly change the literary landscape in uk. ( )

    【填空题】1.moderni takes the irrational philosophy and the theory of ______ as its theoretical base.

    【填空题】2. the major themes of the modernist literature are the distorted, alienated and ill relationships between man and ______ man and society, man and man, and man and himself.

    【单选题】1. _________ is the most outstanding stream-of-consciousness novelist.

    【填空题】1.in his famous essay “tradition and inidual talent”, ______ puts great emphasis on the writing and in critici.

    【填空题】2. moderni upholds a new view of time by emphasizing the _______ time over the chronological one.

    【填空题】a portrait of the artist as a young man is ________’s first novel.

    【填空题】to the lighthouse is a novel by ______.

    【填空题】t.s. eliot’s classic expression of the temper of his age is “__________”.

    【单选题】artistically, samuel beckett has come under the strong influence of ______, whose works parody the unsympathetic world and man’s wretched lot.

    【填空题】_________ is the most important historical background of theatre of the absurd.

    【填空题】in look back in anger, _______ creates an image who forges a voice of his generation in 1950s.

    【单选题】______ presents in his works strong christian nihili, which is reflected explicitly in his play end game.

    【单选题】john oorne’s achievements lie in ______.

    【判断题】his life experiences are the contributing factors of joyce’s literary philosophy. ( )

    【判断题】lucid, logical and leisurely are major styles of joyce’s ulysses. ( )

    【判断题】the stream of consciousness is one of the techniques used in joyce’s ulysses. ( )

    【判断题】dubliners, a collection of 20 short stories, is james joyce’s first important work. ( )

    【判断题】a portrait of the artist as a young man is joyce’s first novel. ( )

    【判断题】ulysses is noted for the use of “steam-of-consciousness” and has been described as one of the greatest novel ever written. ( )

    【判断题】ulysses can be called revolutionary prose, a combination of stream-of-consciousness immediacy and protean flexibility. ( )

    【判断题】there is actually no story, no plot and almost no action in ulysses. ( )

    【判断题】ten prime ministers –four labour, six conservative– headed the british government between 1945 and 1990. ( )

    【判断题】uk’s influence had been increasing since the second world war. ( )

    【判断题】alienation is one of the major themes of ian mcewan’s novels in early stages. ( )

    【判断题】ian mcewan’s early novels are set against distinct and recognizable socio-historical background. ( )

    【判断题】amsterdam won the booker prize in 1998 and it was the only booker prize mcewan won. ( )

    【判断题】amsterdam won the booker prize in 1998 and it was the only booker prize mcewan won. ( )

    【判断题】oranges are not the only fruit is a semi-autobiographical novel about a sensitive teenage girl rebelling against conventional values. ( )

    【判断题】moderni was immediately replaced by post-moderni after the second world war in england. ( )











    【填空题】fill in the blanks with the words given below. change the form where necessary. each word can be used only once. explore yield pose confidence inherit given the chance to show his ability, he regained ______ and began to succeed in school.

    【填空题】fill in the blanks with the words given below. change the form where necessary. each word can be used only once. explore yield pose confidence inherit it is so difficult to ______ the bottom of the ocean because some parts are very deep.

    【填空题】fill in the blanks with the words given below. change the form where necessary. each word can be used only once. explore yield pose confidence inherit there is widespread concern that the rising unemployment may ______ a threat to social stability.

    【填空题】fill in the blanks with the words given below. change the form where necessary. each word can be used only once. explore yield pose confidence inherit some people believe that the earth can ______ enough food to support at least twice its present population.

    【填空题】fill in the blanks with the words given below. change the form where necessary. each word can be used only once. explore yield pose confidence inherit sam ______ the gift of imagination from his family, but he lacked the driving power to take action.

    【单选题】look at text b in unit 1. make predictions about the following questions by using the reading skill of previewing. what may be the topic of the text?

    【单选题】look at text b in unit 1. make predictions about the following questions by using the reading skill of previewing. who wrote the letter and to whom was it written?

    【单选题】look at text b in unit 1. make predictions about the following questions by using the reading skill of previewing. why did the author write the letter?

    【多选题】look at text b in unit 1. make predictions about the following questions by using the reading skill of previewing. which of the following topics may be discussed in more detail in the text?

    【填空题】previewing is one of the three basic ______ reading techniques and allows to extract essential information from reading material before digging into details.

    【单选题】how does the president open his speech? ( unit 1 text a)

    【多选题】what are the effective methods to open a speech ?

    【多选题】a supporting detail is a fact, description, example, quotation, anecdote, or other item of information used to ______.

    【多选题】what are the effective methods to close a speech ?

    【填空题】a topic sentence contains the ______ idea upon which a paragraph is developed.

    【单选题】what kind of people is easy to be successful in the proverb “early to rise and early to bed makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”?

    【单选题】the expression “___________” tells us something which one has really got is better than a lot of nice things which one hasn't got.

    【单选题】if you believe that “___________”,you can learn about yourself by studying the friends whom you attract.

    【单选题】"why did you say such things to him? you know, ___________. "

    【单选题】the expression “___________” describes a person who gets up to work early will be successful, and success comes to those who prepare well and put in effort.

    【填空题】fill in the blanks with the words given below. change the form where necessary. each word can be used only once. efficiency curb donation dump emotional thanks to the ______ of air transport, everyone is free to go anywhere at any time.

    【填空题】fill in the blanks with the words given below. change the form where necessary. each word can be used only once. efficiency curb donation dump emotional john believes that the ______ of food to the hungry is more helpful than giving money.

    【填空题】fill in the blanks with the words given below. change the form where necessary. each word can be used only once. efficiency curb donation dump emotional the wedding ceremony of my sister was a very ______ experience for our family.

    【填空题】fill in the blanks with the words given below. change the form where necessary. each word can be used only once. efficiency curb donation dump emotional the local government is pressed to find new places to ______ waste.

    【填空题】fill in the blanks with the words given below. change the form where necessary. each word can be used only once. efficiency curb donation dump emotional the new system designed to ______ harmful emissions from factories will be put into use soon.

    【多选题】what are the structural bad reading habits mentioned in the video?

    【多选题】how to read in thought groups?

    【多选题】how to train the skill of reading in thought groups according to the video?

    【填空题】when we speak, we need to ide speech up into all ______ to help the listener understand messages. these chunks or thought groups are groups of ______ which go together to express a(n ) ______ or ______.

    【判断题】reading in thought groups can help you break the narrow reading.

    【多选题】what are the variations of the pattern?

    【多选题】what are the writing essentials of the problem-solution pattern mentioned in the video?

    【填空题】the pattern of text organization mentioned in the video is problem - ______ pattern.

    【填空题】there are some possible differences in the pattern but the basic parts are ______ and ______ .

    【填空题】how to overcome the fear in the inner world according to the video? the trick is to ______ them, know why they're there – and then ______ them when it's necessary to take action in order to ______ your goals.

    【单选题】driving is really greek for me, because i totally have no idea about the car. what does the word "greek " mean in the sentence?

    【单选题】the pills that he gave tony were _____ , he wanted tony to get addicted to it.

    【单选题】the poor man beat his boss by summoning ________.

    【单选题】why did you take ______ yesterday? it was not very polite.

    【判断题】what he did offended me so much that i said “shit” unconsciously, therefore i added immediately “excuse my french”. 这句话的意思是:他的所作所为如此讨厌,我不由自主地说了一句“shit”,赶紧补了一句“对不起,刚刚说脏话了”

    【单选题】which university did bill gates go to?

    【单选题】gates founded microsoft in 1975 with his childhood partner______.

    【单选题】in ______, education came to audiovisual age, in which radio and projector could be used in teaching.

    【单选题】college students cannot use _______ to enhance their study.

    【单选题】the typical symptoms of iad not include: __________.

    【单选题】look at the following statements and decide which are facts (f) and which are opinions (o). it's a great way to keep up with friends. ( )

    【单选题】another recent news story told of a man who spent so much time online that he didn’t sleep enough to keep his job. ( )

    【单选题】it is easy for those who are unaffected by the powerful draw of connectivity – those who can easily control their time online – to view internet addiction as an imaginary problem or to attribute its origins to a weak personality. ( )

    【单选题】the internet is a powerful tool, but make sure that you use it wisely for all the good value it offers and that you won’t let too much of a good thing become something bad. ( )

    【单选题】in fact, a recent study in the us found that information technology accounted for 5% to 8% of college budgets, up from an estimated 2% to 3% in the mid-1980s. ( )

    【多选题】we can use __________ to show cause-and-effect relations.

    【多选题】we can use __________ to show cause-and-effect relations.

    【填空题】what is cause and what is effect? a cause is what ______ something happen; an effect is what happens as result of a ______.

    【填空题】what paragraph pattern does cause-and-effect paragraph follow? the author begins with a ______ sentence introducing an effect, then provides______ to explain the causes.

    【填空题】can you list three kinds of cause-and-effect patterns? pattern one: one ______, many causes; pattern two: one ______, many effects; pattern three: the causal ______.

    【多选题】in mythology, the heroes changed the world by ______.

    【多选题】according to the video, the heroes in history are mentioned. they are ______.

    【判断题】according to the video, the word "hero" comes from greek.

    【判断题】the word "hero" originally means "demigod" which refers to someone with one parent being a god and the other a human being.

    【判断题】today, we use the phrase "achilles heel" to describe the strongest point in one's character or nature, where it is hard for other people to attack or criticize them.

    【多选题】what are the important benefits of scanning?

    【多选题】how to improve scanning techniques?

    【填空题】there are different styles of reading for different situations. the technique you choose will depend on the______ for reading.

    【填空题】what is the definition of scanning? scanning is a technique that can help you quickly gain ______ from a book, magazine, newspaper or website without having to read every word.

    【填空题】when to scan? when scanning, you look only for a ______ fact or piece of information without reading everything. the written articles that are scanned are often written in a particular ______ or in______.

    【单选题】text a in unit 4 is typical of the ______ pattern.

    【多选题】how does the author develop a paragraph in the pattern of question-example-conclusion?

    【多选题】three companies, three spaceships, three tycoons are vying to live out their childhood sci-fi fantasies and explore outer space. who are the tycoons mentioned in the video clip?

    【填空题】the writing pattern introduced in today's video is question- _____ -conclusion pattern. this pattern can be applied not only in a set of paragraphs but also in a single paragraph.

    【填空题】take paragraphs 1-4 in unit 4 as an example. after raising the ______ “who are the heroes among us?” in paragraph 1, the author provides two ______ of civilian heroes in paragraph 2 and 3. then in paragraph 4, the author comes to the ______ that civilians can be heroes too, which is an answer to the question raised in paragraph 1.

    【填空题】when did cliff young win the race? in the year ______.

    【填空题】how old was cliff young when he won the race? he was ______ years old.

    【填空题】how long is sydney to melbourne ultramarathon? the distance is ______ km.

    【填空题】how long is standard marathon? the standard marathon is a long-distance running event with an official distance of ______ kilometers.

    【填空题】what else do you know about marathon? the marathon was one of the original modern olympic events in ______, though the distance didn’t become standardized until ______.

    【多选题】what can the skill “skimming” do for us?

    【多选题】what steps can we follow when we skim a text?

    【填空题】what is skim? to skim is to get a ______ idea about an article or a book.

    【填空题】clue words about ____, ____, ____,____ , how many and how much. clue words tell us the basic information of a story.

    【填空题】words such as “____”, “____” and “on the contrary” suggest that the author is changing the direction of thought.

    【单选题】the time order is not very useful in ______.

    【单选题】to express the time order, many signal words can be used: for beginning events: we cannot use ______.

    【单选题】for following events: we cannot use______

    【单选题】for earlier events: the words such as ____ cannot be used.

    【填空题】one logical way to develop a paragraph is to arrange details in time order. in other words, details are presented in the ______ in which they happen. if details are arranged in an orderly fashion, readers will find it easier to remember each step or event.

    【判断题】when i was six years old and my little sister was three years old,for some reasons, i thought we needed to earn some money. i decided we should "hire out" as maids.

    【判断题】we visited the neighbors, offering to clean houses for them for a cent.

    【判断题】faced with the truth, we admitted what we had done. mother said “you have fibbed, you have not told the truth”.

    【判断题】years later, our mother told us that the lesson she came up with for trying to teach us to be truthful would probably have been found upon by child psychologists.

    【判断题】this story is how over fifty years ago, my mother learned to be truthful. she has never forgotten how much a fib can be hurt.

    【单选题】please spell the english name of 马克•吐温, according to the rule of spelling names.

    【单选题】please spell the name of 诸葛亮 in english, according to the rule of spelling names.

    【填空题】the rule of spelling names is very simple and easy to remember: that is to ______ the first letter of given name, ______ the first letter of family name and put a space between the given name and the family name.

    【判断题】according to the western custom, given name is followed by family name.

    【判断题】according to the video, it is usual when a woman keeps her maiden name plus her married name, like norman-johnston. norman is her maiden name, and johnston is her huand's surname.

    【单选题】________, reported speech and an impersonal style should be used in survey reports.

    【填空题】on 8th february 1999, a survey was conducted among 16 overseas post-graduate students at the university of england. the purpose of the survey was to discover the ________ habits in english of the students.

    【填空题】the survey was conducted by means of a ________ given to the students to complete. the first part of the questionnaire dealt with the type of reading and its frequency.

    【判断题】a survey report is a formal piece of writing based on research.

    【判断题】a report can be ided into three parts: the first one is introduction, the second is the main body and the last one is conclusion.

    【单选题】using another's production without crediting the source is a type of academic malpractice. it is _______.

    【单选题】talking with a cte in a test without teachers’ permission is _____.

    【单选题】a student offers a professor money, goods, or services in exchange for a passing grade, or a professor accepts the bribe is the malpractice called ________.

    【填空题】academic ____________ is the moral code or ethical policy of academia.

    【填空题】five fundamental factors of academic integrity are honesty, trust, fairness, respect and ____________.

    【单选题】in this lecture,we have discussed that when you are making a guess about the meaning of a new word in the reading process, you can use ________ to help you.

    【单选题】in the sentence: “taking out the garbage was an onerous task; likewise, washing dishes can be a hard job”, we can guess that onerous has the similar meaning to hard. it is the _____ strategy.

    【单选题】the following words and phrases: such, like, such as, and for example are indicators for which type of context-based clues? _______.

    【单选题】“a souk is an open-air marketplace in an arab country.” in the sentence, the word “souk” means______.

    【单选题】in the lecture, we’ve learned ______ context-based clues that are useful to figure out the meaning of a difficult or unfamiliar word.

    【单选题】in the body paragraph, you can write a topic sentence first, and then the example and explanation part. this is called a _____ structure.

    【单选题】in the body paragraph, _______ is used to tell the reader what each paragraph will cover.

    【单选题】in the lecture, we have introduced that the writer can choose examples from ______ aspects.

    【单选题】there should something new in the conclusion part. is it true? ________.

    【填空题】__________ essay is a way to organize your essay by using a variety of examples.

    【单选题】in the lecture, we have introduced a book by john gray. and in the book, he thinks that women and men may come from different planets. men are from the _____, while women are from the venus.

    【单选题】when men intend to start a conversation, they usually _________.

    【单选题】according to the research, a man says ________ words a day.

    【单选题】when a man feels upset, he tends to phone another guy to find support. is the statement true or false? ______________.

    【单选题】how many strategies are mentioned in the lecture to bridge the differences in gender communication? ___________.

    【单选题】_________ is the author’s controlling point about the topic, it usually includes the topic, or the author’s approach to the topic.

    【单选题】__________tells “who or what is the paragraph about”?

    【单选题】__________ are specific ideas to develop, explain or support the main idea.

    【单选题】in the lecture, we mentioned that the topic sentence can come in ____ different locations.

    【单选题】in the paragraph “using art as a form of therapy calls for a level of concentration that allows a person to relieve the pain of mental or emotional stress. art therapy is not limited to painting or drawing but can include dance, photography, music, writing, or any other form of art. the main goal is self-expression. it allows a person to use visual means to explore feelings and emotions, to make the unseen seen, to discover how the mind works. art therapy does not require artistic ability, nor does it demand high artistic products. indeed, art therapy focuses on the process, not the product. art is therapy, art heals”, the topic sentence comes in ___________.

    【单选题】in the lecture, we have mentioned _____ kinds of essay structure of comparison and contrast.

    【单选题】in the ________ , you might talk about all of the similarities between subject a and subject b and then the differences between subject a and subject b depending on what your topic is.

    【单选题】“comparison and contrast must be organized effectively. and you should choose an identifiable essay structure before writing.” is the statement true or false? _______.

    【填空题】to contrast is to identify _______ between two subjects.

    【填空题】when we say the comparison between two things, it refers to the ______.

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