



    细双点画线在图中可表示:( )

    国标规定图纸的基本幅面是:( )

    工程制图标准规定汉字应该书写成:( )

    标准规定,字母或数字写成斜体时,字头向右倾斜,与水平基准成:( )

    物体三面正投影图(三视图)具有的投影特征是:( )

    在工程技术中用以准确地表达产品形状、结构及尺寸大小和技术要求的图,称为工程图样。( )

    投影法分为中心投影法和平行投影法,平行投影法又分为斜投影法和正投影法,机械工程图样一般采用正投影法。( )

    第一角画法与第三角画法都具有正投影的基本特征。但两种画法在投影时观察者、物体、投影面的相互位置关系不同:第一角画法为 “人—物—面” 关系;第三角画法为 “人—面—物” 关系。( )

    比例是指图样中的线性尺寸与对应实物的线性尺寸之比。( )

    .三视图能反映物体长宽高三个方向的信息,因此工程图样均采用三视图表达。( )

    三视图的尺寸三等关系是: 主、俯视图长对正 、 主、左视图高平齐 、 俯、左视图宽相等。( )

    机械工程图样通常采用两种线宽绘制:粗线和细线,粗线和细线的线宽比例为 3:1 。( )

    在工程图样中,当图中不同线型的图线发生重合时,其优先表达的顺序为: 粗实线 、细点画线 、细虚线 。( )


    .点m(10,20,30)与点n(25,10,40)的相对位置是:( )

    垂直于v面的直线,称其为: ( )

    直线在所平行的投影面上的投影是:( )






    表示直线km在平面abc上的正确投影图是: ( )

    两个一般位置平面相交,其交线是:( )

    重影点可用于判断空间几何元素投影的可见性。( )

    倾斜线三面投影都倾斜于投影轴,且三面投影都不反映直线段的实长及直线段与投影面的三个夹角。( )

    正平线平行于 v 面,因此v面投影反映直线段的实长,且反映该直线段的β、γ。( )

    水平线平行于 h 面,线上所有点的z坐标相同,所以水平线的h面投影反映实形,v面投影、w面投影都垂直于z轴。( )

    投影面垂直线在空间垂直于某一投影面,同时与另两投影面平行,因此投影面垂直线的投影特征是:一面投影积聚为一点,另两面投影一定是投影轴的平行线且反映直线段实长。( )

    点在直线段上,则点的投影位于直线段的对应投影上,因此图示点k位于直线段ab上。( )



    投影面平行面的投影特征:一面投影反映实形,另两面投影都垂直于对应的投影轴。( )

    立体上某一面,如果其二个投影为线框,另一个投影为斜直线,则所反映的平面为 ( )

    圆柱体在其轴线所垂直的投影面上的投影为圆,则另两个投影是: ( )

    平面与圆球相交,截交线的空间形状是: ( )

    已知主视图和俯视图,正确的左视图是:( )

    已知主视图和俯视图,正确的左视图是:( )

    已知主视图和俯视图,正确的左视图是: ( )

    已知带有圆孔的球体的四个主视图,正确的一个是: ( )

    两圆柱轴线平行相贯,其柱面的相贯线是:( )

    两等直径圆柱轴线正交相贯,其相贯线是:( )

    已知轴线正交的圆柱和圆锥公切于一圆球面,正确的投影是:( )

    看懂主、俯视图,想象出立体的形状,找出正确的左视图。( )


    平面立体的截交线是一封闭的多边形,多边形各条边是截平面与平面立体表面的交线,多边形的各顶点是截平面与平面立体各棱线的交点。( )

    求回转体截交线时(截平面为特殊位置平面),将截交线看成截平面上的线可得到截交线的一面投影,然后再将截交线看成回转体表面上的线,利用回转体表面取点的方法即可求出回转体截交线的另两面投影。( )

    当截平面与圆柱体轴线倾斜时,其截交线是椭圆。( )

    当截平面与圆锥体轴线平行时,其截交线为抛物线 。( )

    截平面与圆球体相交,其截交线始终是圆,因此求圆球体截交线投影时,不用体表面取点作图。 ( )

    两回转面相交,交线称为相贯线,一般情况下相贯线为封闭的空间曲线 ,特殊情况下相贯线可不封闭,也可为平面曲线或直线。

    轴线垂直相交的两圆柱体,当两圆柱面等直径时,其相贯线为平面曲线,两支圆。( )

    求相贯线投影时,应先求相贯线上特殊点的投影,以确定相贯线的范围。( )

    当圆球面的球心位于另一回转面的轴线上与之相交时,其相贯线为垂直于另一回转面轴线的圆。 ( )

    共锥顶的两圆锥面相交,其相贯线是椭圆。( )


    在solidworks中,当编辑草图时,状态栏有三种描述,正确的是:( )

    在solidworks工程图中生成了剖面视图,但发现方向不正确。如何改变剖面视图方向?( )

    在solidworks中,以下哪一项不足以定义基准轴?( )

    如果选择模型边线,然后单击草图绘制工具,solidworks将会:( )

    在solidworks中,创造草图时,有两种推理线帮助你高效的工作。蓝色推理线表示自动加上几何关系,棕色推理线表示不加关系,这是( )

    solidworks文件在转换和保存之后,可以还原为以前的solidworks版本,这是( )

    solidworks中,在圆柱面上可以直接生成异形孔向导孔,这是( )

    已知立体的主、俯视图,正确的左视图是:( )


    已知物体的主、俯视图,错误的左视图是:( )

    已知主、俯两视图,其正确的左视图是:( )

    已知主、俯两视图,其正确的左视图是:( )

    已知四组图形的主、俯视图,其错误的一组视图是:( )

    假想将组合体分解为若干个简单的基本形体 ,然后分析它们之间的相对位置 、 组成方式以及表面之间过渡关系,这样的一种分析方法称为组合体的形体分析法。( )

    画组合体三视图时,应逐个视图进行,一般应先画主视图,主视图画好后再画俯视图,最后画左视图。( )


    形体分析法读图的基本思路是:根据形体分析的原则,将已知视图分解成若干组成部分,按照正投影规律(长对正、高平齐、宽相等)找出各组成部分的其余投影,逐个想象出各组成部分的结构形状,然后再分析各组成部分的相对位置如何,组成方式如何综合想象出物体的整体形状。( )

    线面分析法读图的基本思路是:根据面的投影特征及视图中图线、线框的含义分析物体主要表面的形状及相对位置,从而构思物体的结构形状。( )

    在用线面分析法读图时,要注意面的投影特征。面的投影要么积聚为线(面与投影面垂直),要么是一封闭线框(面与投影面平行或倾斜);当一个面的多面投影都是封闭线框时,这些封闭线框必为类似形。( )

    机件向不平行于任何基本投影面的平面投射所得的视图叫( )

    在半剖视图中半个视图与半个剖视图的分界线应用( )表达。

    在局部剖视图中,视图与剖视部分的分界线用( )表达。

    重合断面的轮廓线用( )图线表达。

    局部放大图的标注中,若被放大的部分有几个,应用( )数字进行编号,并在局部放大图上方标注相应的数字和采用的比例。

    机件具有若干相同结构(如齿、槽等),并按一定规律分布时,只需画出几个完整的结构,其余用( )线连接,并注明该结构的总数。

    对于零件上的肋板、轮辐、薄壁等,如( )剖切,不画剖面符号,且用粗实线将它们与相邻结构分开。

    在下图中,选出正确的e向局部视图:( )。

    在下图中,选出正确的e向局部视图:( )。

    在下图中,选出正确的全剖左视图:( )。

    已知主、俯视图,选出改画后正确的全剖主视图:( )。

    在下图中选出正确的一组剖视图。( )

    在下图中选出正确的一组剖视图。( )

    下列几组局部剖视图中,正确的画法是:( )。

    下列斜剖视图中,正确的表达是:( )。

    在下图中选出正确的剖视图。 ( )

    在下图中选出正确的剖视图。 ( )

    想象轴的形状和结构,选择正确的移出断面图。 ( )

    在下图中选出表达正确的断面图。 ( )

    普通螺纹的牙型符号是:( )。

    在螺纹的尺寸标注中,m36×2表示的螺纹是:(  )。

    有一左旋梯形螺纹,其公称直径为30,螺距为6,导程12,其代号应为:( )。

    已知直齿圆柱齿轮的齿数z=60,模数m=3,其分度圆直径是:( )。
























































    签发的护照签证有( )。

    旅行社责任保险的客体包括 ( )

    书面合同,是指以文字的方式表现当事人之间所订合同内容的形式,包括( )。


    旅馆对旅客遗留的物品,经招领( )后无人认领的,要登记造册,送当地公安机关 按拾遗物品处理。

    合同履行的基本原则是( )。

    解决祖国统一问的基础和前提是和平统一。( )

    外国人不申请旅行证或未经批准,不得进入乙、丙、丁类地区,对违反规定的外国人, 县级及以上公安机关可依法对其处以警告或500元以下罚款。( )

    航空运输凭证分为( ).


    年审以考评为主,考评的内容包括( )。

    非公有制经济是的重要组成部分,包括( )。

    《旅行社条例》规定,接受委托的旅行社故意或者重大过失造成旅游者合法权益员害的,应当承担主要责任。( )

    旅政管理部门在对违反旅游法律法规的旅游经营者或从业人员作出行政处罚时听取后者的申辩和意见,并在此基础上客观作出处罚决定的程序指的是旅政处罚权的 ( )














    灰色关联的基本思想是( )

    以下说确的是( )

    序列的增值特性,是指当两个增长序列的绝对增值量相同时,初值小的序列的相对增长速度要( )初值大的序列





















    灰色关联的基本思想是( )




    若为经济要素,k为时间,(k)为因素在时刻k的观测数据,则=((1)-(n))是( )



    系统模型的建立,要经历以下五个阶段: a动态模型,b优化模型,c网络模型,d语言模型,e量化模型正确的排序是()







    下列叙述正确的是:( )

    以下论述错误的是:( )

    “最大值准则”决策悖论产生的前提是( )








    建立灰色经济计量学模型的过程中,不属于理论模型设计的是 ()



    灰色预测是一种 ()














    the regularity of china’s topographical distribution is high in the east and low in the west.

    in the eastern monsoon areas, nearly 95 percent of the chinese population lives here, while fewer people live in the northwest regions due to the mountainous topography.

    the headwaters of the yellow river lie in the qilian mountains in northwestern qinghai province.

    it is said that suiren-shi taught people how to make fires by ______.

    which is reputed as “number one water town in china”?

    aquatic food in suzhou includes the silver fish from yangchenghu lake and the hairy crab from the taihu lake.

    due to its unique geographical feature, suzhou gets its fame of “_______ of the east”.

    suzhou is one of the first ______ areas in china, dated back to 6,000 years ago.

    yu, the great, tamed the waters of _________ with wisdom and perseverance.

    luzhi gets its name because________.

    legend has it that ________ taught people how to make fires by drilling wood.

    _______ of the taihu lake which has the fame as “a boundless expanse of blue waters” are within the boundary of suzhou.

    __________, called “the roof of the world”, is the highest step in china’s three-step topography.

    in the inner mongolia people specialize in herding while in the middle-lower yangtze plains, people expand ________ .

    the topography of suzhou is low and flat and is under the influence of east asia monsoon.

    the yellow river, the cradle of chinese civilization, is the longest river in china and asia and the third longest in the world.

    the yellow river runs through ten provinces and autonomous regions on its way to the bohai sea.

    the neolithic, bronze and iron age sites can be found in the yellow river basin, the center of the ancient chinese culture since the middle stone age.

    the different versions of creation myths roughly coincide with the ______ age.

    dayu(yu the great) was the first ruler and founder of ______, when the slavery system came into being.

    the xia dynasty marked an evolutionary stage from the late neolithic culture to bronze culture.

    the forbidden city was constructed during the qing dynasty, and became the imperial palace to the end of the qing dynasty.

    the ming dynasty witnessed a definite improvement in agriculture and handicrafts, and even a rudiment of ______ toward its concluding stage.

    the brothers of taibo and zhongyong, princes from the zhou dynasty, headed south and ultimately settled in the yangtze river delta.

    it was not until the ming (581-618) and the qing (618-907) dynasties that suzhou became an important commercial center of southern china.

    zhang zeduan, the court painter during the reign of emperor qianlong of the qing dynasty, created a long scroll originally entitled prosperous suzhou.

    xumen gate in suzhou guarded the western entrance, memorializing the city’s founder, wu zixu.

    suzhou itself was founded as the wu capital in the 6th century b.c. by the order of king _______.

    the ______ dynasty is often called a “chinese renaissance” by the western media, because the progress in technological inventions and the new philosophical interpretations of the classics represent a renewal of the old tradition and the creation of new streaming.

    suzhou itself was founded as the wu capital in the 6th century b.c. by the order of king _______.

    in 33 bc, __________, a maid of honor in the imperial court, was assigned to go beyond the great wall and marry chanyu (king) of the huns with a view to strengthen the bilateral concords between the han dynasty and the huns, leaving behind touching stories in terms of the han-hun marriage.

    __________ commissioned the compilation of encyclopedia, the world's largest general and one of the earliest encyclopedias.

    prosperous suzhou is a 13-meter-long painting created by _____.

    which of the following contributions were made by the first emperor of the qin dynasty?

    the qing dynasty was overthrown by the october revolution led by dr. sun yat-sen.

    one belt, one road, also known as the belt and road initiative, is a development strategy and framework, unveiled by the chinese leader, xi jinping, by borrowing the concept of the historical silk road.

    historical legends suggest that the brothers of taibo and zhongyong were princes from the shang dynasty.

    construction of the thousand-mile-long grand c during the sui and the tang dynasties greatly influenced suzhou’s economic future.

    the chinese character's evolution moves towards________.

    the chinese characters have changed greatly from the earliest form of hieroglyphs to the “characters” composed of strokes.

    the bronze inscription was to record historical events or celebrations in the late shang dynasty and western zhou dynasty.

    the chinese characters have experienced a process of the oracle bone inscription, the bronze inscription , the seal script, the official script and _____________.

    __________ inscriptions are the ancient chinese characters carved on tortoise shells or animal bones.

    which of the following belongs to the wu dialect area?

    the sweet tune of the suzhou dialect is still existent in the local pingtan opera.

    as one of the oldest dialects in china, the history of the wu dialect can be traced back to the shang dynasty.

    dialects are not only linguistic tools but also the speakers’ birthmarks or _________.

    speaking is the only performance for _______, mostly telling historical, judicial, heroic and epic stories.

    the earliest examples of the chinese writing originated from the logograph called _________.

    the chinese language and characters have their distinctive features. ideograms represent the idea, form, and ___________ of things.

    originally the chinese character 日 was written as a circle with a ______ in the middle.

    which of the local performing arts needs the use of suzhou dialect as a communication tool?

    the multilinguali in the megacity of suzhou refers to the shift of three languages which are _______________.

    oracle bone inscriptions are the oldest mature chinese characters that exist in china.

    the new style of suzhou dialect refers to its variation resulting from urbanization and migration.

    the chinese characters’ evolution is moving towards simplicity.

    hieroglyphic characters in ancient china and indian’s maya characters were lost or disappeared later due to kinds of reasons.

    many prominent historical figures like________ and su shi achieved the jin shi degree in the imperial examination.

    fan jin in the classical novel the scholars took great pains time and time again to pass the provincial examination.

    the imperial civil service examination started in the _____ dynasty, and was finally abolished in 1905 during the qing dynasty

    zhuang yuan is awarded to the candidate who ranked first in the ________ examination.

    the imperial civil service examination or the imperial examination was the major form of education to select ______.

    in 1895, methodist episcopal missionary david l. anderson (1850-1911) first opened the kung hong school in suzhou by teaching _________.

    fan zhongyan was the prime minister of the northern song dynasty,who left an indelible mark on suzhou.

    in 1781, a suzhou scholar named hong jun joined the even more exclusive club of sanyuan, winners of “three firsts”.

    not until in 1900, the first private college, the central university of china (also called dongwu college, the predecessor of soochow university) was eventually founded.

    historically, ziyang academy in suzhou was steered respectively by 27 prominent politicians and literary figures.

    the familiar line “all are brothers within the four seas” is from __________.

    strongly influenced by fengshui, officials and the gentry class in suzhou erected an ink pagoda, which shaped the structure like ______.

    in 1035, the new prefect of the city of suzhou purchased the land and chose the site for a confucius temple and _______________.

    which of the following books do not belong to the four books?

    the imperial civil service examination was mainly based upon _________.

    those who passed the provincial examination were called jin shi.

    the top three of jin shi were ranked as zhuangyuan, bangyan and tan hua respectively.

    qian qi, a scholar from suzhou, got sanyuan, winners of “three firsts”, in the imperial examinations.

    how many bamboo slips were said to be roughly needed for a letter written to the emperor in ancient times?

    what kind of printing was invented in the northern song dynasty?

    being the earliest to invent gunpowder, china is recognized as the birthplace of fireworks which form an integral part of most chinese festivals and traditions.

    who pointed out the similarities and differences between the epidemic febrile disease and the typhoid as early as in the ming dynasty?

    the two sides of the kesi silk fabric have different colors and images, representing an integration of silk weaving and painting.

    kesi artisans mainly use an ancient wooden loom and a number of bamboo-made __________to weave colorful natural silk into a piece of fabric

    the works of artisans reveal an exceptional level of skill and patience as well as a considerable degree of ______.

    what great achievement did cai lun make in the eastern han period?

    because of _____________, suzhou was an incidence area with a large number of citizens affected with pestilence and epidemic febrile diseases.

    which of the following is not considered as one of the four great inventions?

    the leading new industries at suzhou include all the following except _____.

    bi sheng invented ____typography in the northern song dynasty.

    of all silk varieties, ____, also called “the cut silk” or chinese silk tapestry, is an ancient silk weaving technique that originated in suzhou.

    the military weapon actually used during the mongol conquest in the 13th century was the rocket.

    traditionally, suzhou has been a centre of major textile industries, including silk and cotton, as well as embroidery.

    taoi, a complete ideological system founded in the spring-autumn period, is the cornerstone of the traditional chinese culture.

    the major streams of philosophical thoughts in traditional china are ______, ______ and ______ .

    taoi was founded by laozi, whose masterpiece is _________. tao, or _____, is the core of his theology.

    buddhi was introduced into china from _______ and went through a long period of ________ to adapt to the chinese culture.

    the hanshan temple, one of the most important landmarks of suzhou, was first constructed in ________.

    the mysterious sublimity temple got its present name taken from “they are both so mysterious as to be a key to the door of myriad sublimity”, a sentence from ____________.

    the confucius temple was originally established by su shi, a famous official in the northern song dynasty.

    suzhou _______ is featured with primitive simplicity and elegant variety, two basic elements that are highly valued in the taoist philosophy.

    _________ was a virtue that connoted trustworthiness, meaning one's deeds match one's words.

    ________________ is the first buddhist temple in suzhou built by king sun quan for his mother in the three kingdoms period.

    in hanshan temple, there is a bronze statue of a japanese monk ________ who studied buddhi in china in the tang dynasty.

    the confucius temple was originally established by ________________, a famous official in the northern song dynasty.

    over a long history, many legends about __________ emerged and the most well-known were those of the eight immortals.

    the interrelationship among the three mainstream philosophical thoughts, confuciani, taoi and buddhi, has been marked by ______ in history.

    the five constant virtues include benevolence, righteousness, ritual, wisdom and filial piety.

    taoi was founded by laozi, whose masterpiece is the doctrine of morality.

    according to the legend, hanshan and shide, who were said to be the incarnations of bodhisattva manjushri and bodhisattva samantabhadra respectively, had lived in the hanshan temple.

    garden architecture is a combination of man-made structure and natural landscapes.

    the use of screen walls facing the main entrance of the house stems from the belief that evil things travel in straight lines.

    yellow was the imperial color and yellow roof tiles still adorn most of the buildings within ________.

    the concept of an “open space” surrounded by buildings can be seen in the southern building structure known as “ _________”.

    ________ was the earliest private garden in suzhou which were constructed during the eastern jin dynasty.

    ___________was used as a model at the metropolitan museum of art in new york city.

    the lingering garden was first built by a retired official named xu taishi during the ming dynasty.

    the lingering garden is one of the four most famous gardens in china, along with the summer palace in beijing, the mountain resort in chengde, and the humble administrator’s garden in suzhou.

    generally speaking, chinese gardens fall into two categories : ______________ in the south and imperial gardens in the north.

    what is one of the distinctive characteristics of chinese architecture?

    which one is the world’s biggest ancient complex preserved today?

    __________was used as a model at the metropolitan museum of art in new york city.

    ________________ was the earliest private garden in suzhou which was constructed during the eastern jin dynasty.

    _______ was the imperial color and glazed yellow roof tiles adorned most of the imperial buildings of palaces and mausoleums.

    the concept of an “open space” surrounded by buildings can be seen in the southern building structure known as “__________”.

    garden architecture is a combination of man-made structure and natural landscapes.

    there is a saying about chinese gardens that the gardens of north china are better than any other gardens under the sun, and the gardens of beijing are best of all.

    the use of screen walls facing the main entrance of the house stems from the belief that evil things travel in straight lines.

    the humble administrator’s garden is the largest and considered the finest garden in south china.

    as early as in ___________, the first eight solar terms were defined, such as the beginning of spring, the summer solstice, the autumn equinox, etc.

    the year designation by 12 heavenly stems and 10 earthly branches also demonstrates the unique cultural characteristics.

    which of the following bridges in suzhou is mentioned in the famous poem composed by zhang ji, the poet in the tang dynasty?

    the immortal seeking temple fair in suzhou falls on may 15th in the chinese lunar calendar.

    on the winter solstice, people would visit the elders just like they do in the chinese new year because ___________ has always been considered a long-treasured confucian virtue in china.

    ______ marks the end of the celebrations of the chinese new year.

    as early as in ________, the first eight solar terms were defined, such as the beginning of spring, the summer solstice, the autumn equinox, etc.

    _________ in suzhou is very famous for its first ringing of the bell to herald chinese new year.

    there are many taoi-related festivals, and quite a few of them have evolved into folk festivals. ________ is a case in point.

    in the recent years, urban youths have celebrated the double seventh festival as the chinese valentine’s day because the festival is associated with a beautiful love story about ______________.

    ________ is also called the cold food day as ancient people would annually visit jie zitui’s tomb on that day to pay their respects.

    which of the following is not the practice popularly done during the dragon boat festival?

    in suzhou, a popular saying goes among the locals that “the summer solstice is as grand as the new year” because as early as in the wu kingdom, people had already recognized it as the first day of a new year.

    the immortal seeking temple fair falls on the14th day of the fourth month in the chinese lunar calendar, celebrating the birth of lv dongbin, one of the eight immortals of taoi.

    at a chinese banquet, normally hot dishes are served earlier and dry dishes are served before soup.

    chinese cuisines can be roughly ided into four major categories:__________, guangdong cuisine, shandong cuisine and jiangsu cuisine.

    there is a specific term in chinese, yaoshan or medicinal food, for dishes with ______.

    ___________, a kind of cloth produced in suzhou, is acknowledged as one of the three most famous brocades in china.

    the attire that dominated the chinese fashion world from the reign of the yellow emperor to the end of the ming dynasty was known as ___________because the fashion was improved and popularized during the han dynasty.

    indigo prints are made of homespun fabrics with blue designs on a ___________ background or white designs on a ___________ background.

    ___________, a kind of cloth produced in suzhou, is acknowledged as one of the three most famous brocades in china.

    traditionally, the final course at a chinese banquet is a whole fish which symbolizes that there will always be __________.

    resulting from the differences in climates, customs and___________, chinese cuisines can be roughly ided into four major categories: sichuan cuisine, guangdong cuisine, shandong cuisine and jiangsu cuisine.

    in the qing dynasty, men wore _______, while women wore qi pao.

    normally hot dishes are served earlier and dry dishes are served before soup.

    hot dishes are the main course, and usually there are even numbers of hot dishes, four, six or eight, because chinese people believe that all good things come in pairs.

    during the xia, shang and zhou dynasties, the dress system came into being and stringent rules were made for the color and design of clothing and adornment.

    chinese cuisine has long been closely related to the traditional chinese medicine. there is a specific term in chinese, yaoshan or medicinal food, for dishes with medicinal functions.

    dressing, the clothing used in beijing opera, is called “the picture of hearts”.

    the combination of hubei troupes and _________ gradually formed beijing opera's two main melodies--- xipi and erhuang.

    because of its influence on other opera forms, kunqu opera is known as “the queen of chinese operas".

    kunqu opera dance is ided into two categories. one is mime and the other is _________, to describe scenery, the characters' situation, and their emotions.

    farewell to my concubine is one highlight excerpt of beijng opera, among which the role of yuji belongs to _____________.

    besides the national opera, what local opera is also very popular particularly in beijing, tianjin, inner mongolia, north and northeast china?

    colors of lianpu vary with characteristics. for example, the color of ______symbolizes loyalty.

    who performed in the famous beijing opera farewell to my concubine?

    ___________ is a general term for female characters in beijing opera.

    which of the following performances reflect that those famous masters of beijing opera are experts in performing the role of dan and each has his own artistic feature?

    the combination of hunan troupes and anhui troupes gradually formed beijing opera’s two main melodies--- xipi and erhuang.

    facial painting in beijing opera, the colorful dressing on actors’ faces, is called “the picture of hearts”.

    “when the moon hung behind the willows, young people went out on dates.” which traditional festival does this line of poem refer to?

    suzhou itself was founded as the wu capital in the 6th century b.c. by the order of king _____.

    ___________, a kind of cloth produced in suzhou, is acknowledged as one of the three most famous brocades in china.

    who reformed kunqu opera and created the most known“shuimo melody”?

    which of the following bridges in suzhou appears in the famous poem composed by zhang ji, the poet in the tang dynasty?

    chinese people have always regarded _______as most significant and the true beginning of the new year.

    what great achievement did cai lun make in the eastern han period?

    _________ in suzhou is very famous for its first ringing of the bell to herald chinese new year.

    which of the following is known as the roof of the world with a height of more than 5,000 feet above the sea level?

    which of the following is a typical dish of jiangsu cuisine?

    the use of open courtyards in traditional chinese architecture is best exemplified in the siheyuan.

    the first compass, called a sinan (south-pointing ladle) was invented during the western zhou dynasty.

    archaeological findings proved that china began to produce paper with plant fiber as early as in the zhou period.

    in the eastern monsoon areas of china, nearly 95 percent of the chinese population live here, while fewer people live in the northwest regions.

    the seal script, used by the people generation after generation, is the formal writing style in our daily life and business.

    china’s topography can be compared to a staircase descending from east to west.

    the lingering garden was first built by a retired official named xu taishi during the ming dynasty.

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