




    最早的装饰纹样,大都是    与    的有机统一。

    装饰设计在功能上有     ,生产上有     ,文化上有      。


    青铜器图案的表现主题以   为主,其风格以表现沉重、神秘、凶猛、威严为主,体现一种狰狞、拙朴的美。

    秦汉装饰艺术主要体现在汉代的             ,可以看出当时的艺术表现手法比前期大大加强。

    考古发现表明,在彩陶纹饰中,简单的    要远远早于具象的写实性图形,数量也难以计数,且远为精美。




    下列选项中不属于日本友禅纹样图案的是( )。


    装饰艺术的构成类型有 、 和 。

    下面不属于建筑学母体的罗马柱式是( )。


    古希腊瓶画的发展经了 、 、 三个阶段。




    根据第一章讲授内容手绘临摹10幅 20×20cm的装饰图案,黑白、彩色均可,不限地域、年代,提交电子作业到75884472qq邮箱。



    一件完整,优秀的装饰作品,就是素材的    ,    ,    ,设计的过程。



        ,    ,    ,多角度的素材收集可以为装饰设计提供充分完整的形象依据。



    秦汉时期纹样中的四灵纹(既四神纹),四灵纹具体指    ,    ,    ,    。

    下列选项中不属于四大年画之乡的是( )。


    剪纸有两种基本的类型: 和 。









    平面构成的三大要素是    、    、    。



    画里的“岁寒三友”是指    、    、    。 


    2. 速写和素描没有什么关系。

    视觉三大构成指    、    、    。



    的瓷都是指    、唐三彩国内著名的城市是     



    创作目标是指在创作初期对作品的三个思考:包括:    ,      ,      ,



        及    是艺术作品创作前期重要的阶段。

    制作实施阶段是作品的完成实施过程,需经历    、    、    、等阶段。 

    napoleon was confident of a quick victory because his soldiers were well trained, efficient and well equipped.

    “the icy defender” refers to the cold russian winter.

    the text is ided into five parts.

    both napoleon and hitler were confident of a quick victory.

    napoleon launched his attack in the winter of 1812.

    in face of napoleon’s offensive, the russians surrendered after fierce resistance.

    when napoleon’s army was retreating from moscow, it suffered heavy losses.

    hitler attack the soviet union in the summer of 1941.

    in face of the german invasion, stalin was fully prepared for the attack and immediately gave his people tactical instruction.

    both napoleon and hitler underestimated the severity of the russian winter and thus failed in their invasions.

    for the local people, the consequences of the disaster have been _______.

    the next decade may prove to be a ______ turning point in chinese history.

    the rebels were attacked and forced to ______ .

    hundreds of people were______ homeless by the earthquake.

    tom has to work day and night since he became a team leader. now, his hard work _____ on his stomach.

    before you do anything, you must ________ the danger that may arise.

    the enemy, ________, soon surrendered.

    we must not ________ the enemy. they are equipped with the most advanced weapons.

    in january 1944, the long _______ of leningrad was lifted.

    he makes rude jokes that are ______ to women.

    the talks might ____ for weeks before any concrete result is announced.

    we have planned an exciting publicity ____ with our advertisers.

    __________ both napoleon and hitler, the many victories they enjoyed led them to believe that nothing could stand in their way.

    she said there was a _________ need for up-to-date and reliable equipment.

    the two parties were still too much apart to form a(n) _________.

    money will be _________ to the accomplishment of our objectives.

    they tend to ________ stimulating or intellectually challenging activities.

    the________ of inflation has been the government's overriding economic priority for nearly 15 years.

    there is no magic wand to suddenly eliminate water scarcity. but there are concrete ways to ________water shortages.

    traffic in the region had been ____________ by a strike.

    he appears to be a(n)________, helpless leader.

    in most countries the income of the rich is increasing ___________those at the bottom.

    they should get systematical training first, so as to be ______ and experienced.

    most americans tend to ______ the impact of us politics on the global economy.

    most of the _______ land campaigns of wwi occurred on the continent of europe.

    this information is only ______ data and will need further ysis.

    during the japanese ________of china, millions of innocent chinese people were killed by japanese soldiers.

    ___________technological products, renovation is crucial.

    what is the writer's job according to what he says at the beginning of the text?

    which one is not included in the tips given by the author?

    when the author mentions the suggestion "never stop learning", he uses the example of_________

    when the author mentions the suggestion " prepare to win.", he uses the example of _______

    the writer has interviewed many applicants for jobs, so he has abundant experience in how to get the job you want.

    the young applicant was ill prepared for the job he was applying and therefore would not get the job he wanted.

    it's polite for the interviewees to use the mobile phones during the interview.

    the author gives four tips on how to get hired.

    we should dress casually for an interview.

    the senior detective ________the young suspect about the murder case.

    she received an increase in pay and it has ________in her attitude towards work.

    mr smith has always wanted his children to become warm-hearted human beings who reached out __________to those in need.

    saleen often try to learn the needs of the _______buyer to make themselves more persuasive.

    in my senior year in university, i ______ running a all business and earned a few thousand dollars.

    to my mind, it is very important to ______ your letter and resume with a phone call when you apply for any job.

    i’m hoping to buy an apartment __________________$ 12,000.

    the book is _______ for the use of beginners.

    i really got to go now. _____, don’t forget to pay a visit to your mother tomorrow. she is expecting you.

    ____________, the project manager has made every endeavor to go after the best engineer for the work of cleaning up the river before the deadline set by the mayor.

    the government has _________to forbid the employment of children under the age of 16.

    go to the library to find all ________ information about the company and, if you can, on the person who will interview you.

    in a job interview, you should make every ___________ to show that you know something about the structure of the company.

    the diamond ring_____in the sunlight.

    本课程学习目标主要有( )。

    所谓图样,是一种工程上专用的图解文字,工程图样借助一系列的图形、符号、数字和必要的文字说明,表达设计对象的形状、大小、各部分的相互位置、( )以及对工程技术的要求,是设计行业的工程语言。

    法国测量师( ) 创建了画法几何学,将各种表达方法,总结归纳写出了《画法几何》一书,从而奠定了图学理论的基础,使工程图的表达与绘制实现了规范化。

    在春秋时代的一部技术著作《周礼﹒考工记》中,有画图工具“( )、悬、水”的记载,这是古代工匠常用的几种工具。

    宋代李诫,字明仲,所著《 》一书,总结了我国历史上的建筑技术成就,是当时的一部关于建筑制图的标准、施工规范和培训教材。

    从战国中山国王墓出土的 是世界上罕见的、最早的工程图样,也是已发现世界上最早的有方向有比例的建筑规划图。

    下列说法中正确的是( )。

    设计制图学习过程大致了可以分为“( )”、“( )”、“( )”三个阶段。

    三角板可配合丁字尺自下而上画一系列铅垂线。用丁字尺和三角板还可画与水平线成( )及15°的斜线,这些斜线都是按自左向右的方向画出的。


    一个工程设计中,每个专业所使用的图纸,一般不宜多于( )种幅面,不含目录及表格所采用的a4幅面。

    下列正确的是( )。

    一般建筑设计的图纸中会包含粗线、中粗线和细线,这一组粗线、中粗线和细线就成为一组 。

    以下图例表示钢筋混凝土图例的是( )。

    图样上的尺寸应包括“( )、尺寸线、尺寸起止符号和尺寸数字”四要素。

    建筑制图中的标高数字应以( )为单位,但是注写和平面尺寸的注写有所不同。

    尺寸基准是标注定位尺寸的起点,通常以图形的( ) 作为定位尺寸的基准。

    下列正确说法的是( )。

    请看下图,图上p投影面画出的是( )

    根据投影线平行与否,可将投影分为中心投影和 两大类

    平行投影分为 和正投影。

    ( )、( )、( )称为三视图的投影规律。

    可以直接从形体的平行投影上度量出物体形状和大小的特性,叫做 。

    当直线或平面图形平行于投影线时,如果是正投影,则垂直于投影面,其平行投影积聚为一点或一直线,这种特性称为 。

    咱们在读图时应该注意到:在三面投影体系中,一条直线只要有一个投影积聚为( ),它必然是一条投影面垂直线,并( )积聚投影所在的投影面。

    以下三面投影体系中,描述的是水平面平行面的是( )

    请看图中的三面投影体系中a的三面投影a、a’、a”,下列说确的是( )

    以下说确的是( )

    一点在两个投影面上的投影连线,一定 于这两个投影面的交线。

    在三面投影体系中,垂直于v面的线称为正面垂直线,简称 。

    在三面投影体系中,垂直于h面的线称为 。

    以下说确的是( )

    该图中,可以称为轴间角的是( )

    投影方向倾斜于轴测投影面的是 。

    投影方向 轴测投影面的是正轴测图。

    正等轴测图中轴间角是( )

    哪些方法可以帮助我们完成正等轴测图的绘制( )

    正等轴测投影图中三个轴向伸缩率 。

    正等测图 在图上直接测量尺寸。

    以下说确的是( )

    画轴测图应先确定( )

    当投影方向 于轴测投影面时,所得的斜投影,叫做斜轴测投影。

    以v面或v面的平行面作为轴测投影面,所得的斜轴测投影,称为 图。

    以h面或h面的平行面作为轴测投影面,所得到的斜轴测投影,则得到的是 图。

    假设在人与空间之间设立一个铅垂的画面。以下说确的是( )

    以下说确的是( )

    轴测图是用 法画出的图形。

    透视图是用 法画出的图形。


    以下说确的是( )

    通过视点s垂直于画面的视线ss’称为 。

    所谓一直线的 ,就是该直线上无限远点的透视。

    水平线的灭点必位于 上。

    求一直线线段的透视,可以先求出它的 ,然后用视线交点法,在透视方向上求出其端点的透视。

    四个同学用视线法来绘制同一物体,以下哪个同学的图最有可能效果最好( )

    以下是一点透视的是( )


    请观察形体,选择正确的三视图:( )

    请观察形体,选择正确的三视图:( )

    请观察形体,选择正确的三视图:( )

    请观察形体,选择正确的三视图:( )

    已知侧平线ab的v、h投影,以下的w投影( )是正确的。

    三投影面体系中有一点a,距离h面为9,距离v面为12,距离w面为12,如图所示,以下说确的是:( )

    已知侧平线ab的v、h投影,以下的w投影( )是正确的。

    四个同学用视线法来绘制同一物体,以下哪个同学的图最有可能效果最好。( )

    以下哪张图是成角透视。( )

    引出线是对图样上某些部位引出 等用的

    建筑施工图内容一般包括 、 、 、 、 和 等。




    总平面图中的坐标、标高、距离以 为单位。

    建筑平面图尺寸以 为单位,标高以 为单位。

    建筑物平面图绘制时,对于平面较大的建筑物,可分区绘制平面图,各区应分别用 编号。

    建筑平面图主要反映 、 、 、厚度和材料,门窗的类型和位置等情况。


    建筑立面图主要反映了 、 、 以及 等。

    建筑立面图应包括 和墙面线脚、构配件、墙面做法及必要的 和 等。


    建筑剖面图中的横剖面图是沿房屋 方向垂直剂切所得到的剖面图,纵剖面图是沿房屋 方向垂直剖切所得到的剖面图。

    建筑剖面图的比例大于 时,应画出抹灰层、保温隔热层等与楼地面、屋面的面层线,并宜画出材料图例。

    建筑详图的比例,一般采用 等。

    建筑详图是对建筑 等基本图样的深化和补充。

    外墙身详图又称外墙身大样图,它实际上是 中外墙身部分的局部放大图。

    以上风玫瑰图所示,该地区全年最大的主导风向为 。

    以上附加定位轴线的编号表示 。

    从上面给出的底层平面图中,底层室内主要房间地面标高为 。

    上面给出的平面图中,南面房间的进深尺寸是 mm。

    以上图例表示的符号是 。

    根据上面的总平面图所示,综合楼的标高为 。

    根据上面的剖面图所示,建筑二层的层高是 米。

    根据剖面图所示,室外地坪标高为 。

    根据楼梯详图所示,楼梯段的宽度为 mm。

    根据楼梯详图所示,该楼梯段有 个踏面。






    平面系统里面包含的三个基础类型图纸是分别是平面布置图 、地坪布置图、 .

    用来表达图纸编号、图纸名称等内容的图纸是 .






    a3的图框尺寸是 mm.

    在室内施工图中,门分成2类,一类是建筑门,另一类是 .





    住宅的地漏一般设置在阳台和 这两个区域。

    阳台和客厅地面高度不一致,平面图上会用 表达地面高度不同。

    常见的地漏有2种形式,分别是明装式、 。






    在天花上,用来安装窗帘、遮挡窗帘轨道的造型,称之为 。

    在天花布置图中,需要进行尺寸标注的有造型和 。





    踢脚线的作用一个是用作墙面、地面材料的收口;另一个作用是 。

    立面图中活动家具一般用 线型表达在图纸中。






    在节点图中,木饰面是属于节点构造的中的 。

    在节点图中,需要了解材料的类型,则需要在图纸上进行 。



    地坪布置图中,地面有几种不同的标高 ()




    平面布置图中,洗衣机的位置在 。

    地坪布置图中,地面有 个地漏?

    (2) 天花布置图中,衣帽间的标高是 mm

    天花布置图中,窗帘的位置分别在客厅、儿童房、长辈房、 。

    景观施工图的内容有:平面图、立面图、剖面图、( )等。

    景观施工图中,通常涵盖的专业有( ):

    景观施工图,是表示景观项目的( )等施工要求的图样。

    景观设计的全过程包括:1前期调研——2概念构思——3景观方案图— 4 ——5施工阶段——6景观成品

    总平面图纸方向是按照( )的方向绘制的。

    总平面有以下哪几条要求( ):

    景观总平面仅一张图纸是表达不完全的,它需要一系列图纸来表达。除了总平面图,通常还有( )等其它需要表达的图纸。

    景观平面图分为几种:总平面图 、分区平面图 、节点平面图等。它们的关系一个由( )的过程。

    我国以青岛附近的黄海平均海平面作为标高的零点。依此形成的标高就是( )。

    地形分为两大类:一类是高原、山岭、平原、丘陵,盆地等自然地形。另一类是从景观范围来讲的,如( )等人工地形。

    植物有着多种分类方法:以茎的形态来分,可分为( )等。

    起伏地形的表达符号为( )。

    下面哪个选项是景观平面材质图中材料标注上不需要标出的:( )

    广场的景观施工图表达需要以下图纸( ):

    在以下材料中,车行道通常采用( )等材料路面。

    水体按形态可以分为规则式和( )式。

    环境景观小品的施工图表达需要以下图:( )

    自然景观中山石的表达,“散点”摆放方式,平面制图时,要注意( )才能自然好看。


    景观总平面是一系列图纸,不包括以下哪种图( )。

    景观植物图,通常包括以下图纸( )。

    景观方案系列图,通常包括以下图纸( )。


    上图表达为景观( )。

    上图水体的形态为( )式水体。

    上图中为什么符号?( )


    上图为( )图。







    若行列式d中每个元素都大于零,则d>0.( )

    零向量一定可以表示成任意一组向量的线性组合( )


    what is the most cultivated table grape variety in the world?

    what is the world's most cultivated wine grape variety?

    which country has been the world's largest wine consumer in recent years?

    what is the number one wine producing country in the world?

    what is the main cultivation mode of table grape in china?

    what are the top three countries in the world for wine grape area? ( ) ( ) ( )

    what are the most common table grape varieties in china? ( )

    what are the main purposes of grape production?

    please briefly introduce the history of grape cultivation in china.

    please think about the tendency of viticulture in your country and the world.

    based on the germination time, the buds of grape can be ided into three types:

    based on the development of pistils and stamens, the flowers of grapes can be separated into three main classes:

    the grape root system is normally composed of the

    the functions of grape roots are:

    factors affecting root growth are:

    the types of root systems of grape plants include ( ) and stem-derived root system.

    the ( ) is the most active section of the root system.

    the grape root system commonly has ( ) growth peaks.

    the main growth peak rises from ( ), the next is late summer to autumn.

    outstanding ( ) are the foundation for the grape growth and fruiting in the following season.

    the differentiation time and quality of the winter buds of cane were different, and the ( ) was better.

    the tendrils and ( ) of grape are homologous organs.

    what are the types and features of grape roots?

    the anatomical structure and function of the canes

    grape propagation methods include sexual propagation and _____.

    for grape annual branches, the plumpness of bud eyes in the _____ or lower part of the branches is the best

    cutting usually adopts _____, which are usually collected during dormancy of grapes.

    the branch or bud used for grafting is called _____, and the part bearing scion is called _____.

    the _____ of rootstock and scion should be aligned to facilitate the connection of callus cambium.

    the characteristics for vegetative propagation of grapes:

    the following vineyards are suitable for producing high-quality wine ().

    generally speaking, () rootstock is the first choice in the southern area of china.

    in south of china, () cultivation mode of grape is often adopted.

    the principle of stock variety selection is ()

    which following is/are the key points of seedling planting ().

    which following is/are common classifications of irrigation system ()

    brief introduction of soil improvement methods for different vineyards

    the following ( ) does not belong to the common grapevine training.the following ( ) does not belong to the common grapevine training.

    the h-shaped training system in production belongs to ( ) trellis.

    the significance of grape pruning include( ).

    the advantages of the inclined single cordon training system include( ).

    common winter pruning techniques include( ).

    the main features of summer pruning include( ).

    what is the significance of grape pruning?

    what are the factors that affect the degree of cutting of the bearing mother branch?

    which nutrient element can cause excessive growth of vine?

    what period do grapes need a large amount of nitrogen fertilizer?

    the application period of foundational fertilizer is( ).

    what types of fertilizer are allowed to be applied in vineyard?

    dropper system is composed of ( ).

    what are common methods of top dressing?

    what are common methods of soil tillage?

    what are the significances of soil, fertilizer, and water management in vineyard?

    what are the main principles of vineyard fertilization?

    when ( ) , we should leave less branches.

    for the branches with weak growth, we should use the ( ).

    the general time for top removal of fruit cane is ( ).

    which of the following is not the grape physiological disease ( )?

    which of the following is not the common pruning methods of the lateral shoots ( )?

    the principles of removing bud include ( ):

    which of the following are grape fungal and bacterial diseases ( )?

    the causes of grape water pot disease include ( ).

    the methods of grape inflorescence shaping include ( ).

    what are the main field managements during growing season?

    what are the advantages and disvantages of grape cluster bagging?

    the following description belongs to the excellent fresh table grape ().

    the degree of ripeness at which the sugar content in berries per unit area reaches its maximum is called ().

    the following grape cultivation methods that are not suitable for mechanized harvesting are ().

    table grapes are generally graded according to the ().

    the following are suitable for mechanical harvest ().

    what are the method to decide the harvest date?

    what are the stardands for the high quality table grapes?

    the most cold-resistant grape species are ()

    the most useful method of viticulture in cold areas is ().

    the of dry hot air is caused by ().

    the following is not the mechani of salt damage stress ().

    the climate characteristics of the dryland area include ().

    the drought-resistant cultivation techniques include ().

    soil improvement techniques in saline-alkali areas include ().

    what are the main cold resistant cultivation methods for vines?

    vitis vinifera was brought into china by ( ).

    which of the following grape varieties that doesn’t origin from our country( )?

    which of the following breeding methods will produce seedling root system ( ).

    in the structure of the stem,( ) is responsible for transporting nutrients that made by leaves.

    the breeding method suitable for breeding new grape varieties is ( ).

    which of the following is not the storage conditions of grape branches ( ).

    the vineyard that needs lime to be improved is ( ).

    ( ) is not belong to the rootstock selection principles.

    ( ) is the most conducive to ventilation and light tranission.

    () is not belong to the winter pruning methods.

    () is the element that easily causes excessive growth of branches and leaves.

    the weaker fruit cane is best by ( ).

    () is not part of drought-resistant cultivation techniques.

    the following cultivation facilities with the best insulation is ()

    the main contents of viticulture include()

    grape cultivation went through () stages.

    grape fibrous roots can be ided into () in structure and function.

    grapes’ unisexual flower includes ().

    () belong to asexual reproduction

    factors affecting cuttage rooting include ().

    () are the appropriate post-graft management measures.

    improved methods in mountain orchards include ().

    grape planting essentials include ().

    y type advantages include ().

    matters needing attention for winter pruning are ().

    vineyard weed control methods are mainly ().

    () is the main way of topdressing.

    common methods for dealing with accessory shoot are ()

    () belong to cold-resistant cultivation.

    physiological effect of covering the mulch().

    saline-alkali resistant cultivation techniques include ().

    commonly used grape denuclear agents()

    the main research relationship of traffic safety is( ).

    the following is not classified according to the traffic accident of the responsible party.( )

    the traffic system is in a safe state and avoids accidents.( )

    the traffic system is in a dangerous state and does not necessarily have an accident.( )

    traffic accidents contain seven key elements, namely: vehicles, on the road, in the movement, the occurrence of a situation, violations, negligence, and consequences.( )

    what is the research purpose of road traffic safety?

    what is the definition of traffic accident?

    ( )is the most important way for drivers to obtain information.

    traffic behaviors that are not likely to cause traffic accidents include( ).

    vision includes( ).

    eyesight is generally ided into static sight and dynamic sight.( )

    the tunnel entrance is more prone to traffic accidents.( )

    dark adaptation requires longer time than bright adaptation.( )

    the methods of traffic information collection are( ).

    collect information about which traffic flow features.( )

    the following are passive safety measures.( )

    the following are active safety measures.( )

    the vehicle handling stability includes two related indicators of handling and stability.( )

    the vehicle braking performance refers to the performance of the vehicle's ability to stop in a short distance and maintain the stability of the driving direction and a certain speed when driving downhill.

    longitudinal slope has two characteristic indexes, namely ( ) and ( ).

    the specified number of highway lanes is ( ) and ( ) respectively.

    driving safety increases with the number of lanes, that is, the more lanes, the safer driving.( )

    the barrier free ramp can not be set at the edge stone of pedestrian road.( )

    the wider the road, the higher the safety factor.( )

    there are four types of cross section: single width road, double width road, three width road and four width road. ( )

    the isolation methods of motor vehicles and non motor vehicles are organic non separation belts, machine non separation guardrails, etc.( )

    what are the types and meanings of traffic lights?

    what are the design steps for improving traffic safety at intersections?

    the following factors are not the most obvious factors affecting the driving safety of road surface: ( )

    the number of junction points at a cross is ( ).

    greening has ( ) and other safety functions.

    the traffic environment includes soft environment and hard environment.( )

    the first procedure of accident handling procedure is ( ).

    the following are not characteristics of traffic accident scene ( ).

    the methods of field investigation are ( ).

    what are the ysis methods of road collision position? ( )

    at present, the urban public security department is responsible for reporting traffic accidents in china.( )

    there are ( ) conflict points at the intersection.

    which of the following characteristics does the traffic conflict have? ( )

    what are the methods of traffic accident classification and statistics? ( )

    in the current traffic accident statistics methods in china, what are the time statistics methods? ( )

    a traffic conflict is equivalent to a traffic accident.( )

    statistical ysis methods of traffic accidents include statistical table method and statistical chart method.( )

    what are the traffic safety evaluation indicators?

    what is the definition of traffic conflict?

    which of the following characteristics does the traffic conflict have ( )?

    the evaluation indexes of road traffic safety include ( ).

    what is the form of traffic accident classification and statistics? ( )

    the absolute evaluation indexes of road traffic safety include ( ).

    the methods of traffic accident prediction can be ided into qualitative prediction and quantitative prediction.( )

    the following are not classified as traffic accidents ( ).

    the benefit ysis of road traffic safety audit mainly includes ( ).

    the following are not part of the emergency rescue system ( ).

    the following are the ways of road traffic safety publicity and education ( ).

    the prediction content of road traffic development mainly includes ( ).

    the form of road traffic safety education includes ( ).

    the time limit of road traffic safety planning should not be too long, generally 2-5 years is the most appropriate. ( )

    the prediction of social and economic development mainly includes population, economy, industrial structure, transportation structure, etc.( )

    what is the content of road traffic safety design?

    what is the meaning of traffic accident rescue?

    the road traffic safety law of the people's republic of china is to maintain road traffic order, ( ) and improve traffic efficiency.

    when the motor vehicle is driving on the road with the maximum speed limit sign ( ).

    the following are not road traffic signals ( ).

    motor vehicles on roads without traffic signs and markings shall ( ).

    what is the driver's field of vision?

    the relationship between speed and driver's response time?

    what are the passive safety technologies of automobile?

    what are the forms that should be avoided in the combination of horizontal curve and vertical curve?

    what is the definition of traffic accident and what are its characteristics?

    what are the functions of road traffic safety regulations?

    how to deal with traffic accidents?

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