


    【单选题】confucius is the _______ form of kongzi.

    【多选题】which of the following are related to kongzi?

    【单选题】which of the following is the world's most populous religious group?

    【多选题】which of the following foods are seen as taboos in islamic dietary law?

    【判断题】originally from hebrew, judai is the religion of jewish people. it encompasses the religion, philosophy, and culture of the jewish people, and is considered by religious jews to be the expression of the covenant that god established with the children of israel.

    【多选题】where can the formal definition be found?

    【多选题】the methods of the extended definition include:

    【简答题】what are the three essential parts of a formal definition?

    【简答题】how many tips are given to memorize words?

    【简答题】what’s the english for “别无选择做某事”?

    【简答题】what’s the meaning of the root “verse/vert”?

    【单选题】the title of a passage controls the of the topic.

    【单选题】the structure “not… but rather…” is used to introduce a idea.

    【简答题】what’s the subject of the sentence “underlying these values is an even more fundamental value that permeates every one of them: a sense that harmony is the highest ideal in life”?

    【简答题】translate the sentence “it is not a collapse of everything into one thing” into chinese.

    【简答题】how to paraphrase the word “healthy” in “healthy disagreements”?

    【简答题】what’s the chinese for “harmonious intensity and intense harmony”?

    【简答题】what does “pacific century” refer to?

    【单选题】paralleli is repeatedly employed by the author to help express his ideas in a way.

    【多选题】paralleli is a figure of speech that uses structures within a sentence or in separate sentences to express ideas.

    【多选题】paralleli is adopted to achieve the effect of being .

    【简答题】what’s the translation criteria mentioned in this lecture?

    【简答题】what’s your understanding of literal translation?

    【简答题】what’s the function of parallel structure?

    【简答题】put down the outline based on this topic sentence: “music/painting/photography /tvis our/my lifetime companion.” main idea:____________________________________. details: 1._______________________________. 2. ______________________________. 3._______________________________.

    【多选题】a art city uses information technology to help itself perform well in ___________.

    【简答题】please name some art devices in your life.

    【单选题】hunger games is a film based on the novel of _______ ?

    【简答题】who is the director of the film minority report?

    【简答题】when and where does the story of hunger games take place?

    【多选题】the pie method includes

    【多选题】readers may discover the general-to-specific pattern by identifying

    【单选题】all the following words are synonyms of "contend" except____.

    【简答题】1. how do you say "火车里挤满上班族。"?

    【简答题】2. what does "a price tag" mean?

    【单选题】1. in the sentence "evolving technologies are reshaping our lifestyles", what does "evolving" mean?

    【单选题】2. which of the following word cannot replace "practically"?

    【单选题】3. with the help of word endings, which word is not a verb?

    【单选题】how do you translate "due" in the following sentence: his paper will be due next friday.

    【简答题】how do you say "带来根本的变化”?

    【简答题】how do you say "打基础" in english?

    【简答题】1. what translation skill is introduced in this lecture?

    【简答题】what does the structure "be about to" indicate?

    【简答题】what's the meaning of the phrase "be going to"?

    【简答题】please correct the following sentences. 1.the houses were mere shanties, and rags were stuffed in the cracks and holes.

    【简答题】please correct the following sentences. i lost some important documents and found them three days later. the police had helped me.

    【简答题】please correct the following sentences.qu yuan was the first great poet.

    【简答题】please correct the following sentences. oscar wilde was one of the best-known playwrights.

    【简答题】please correct the following sentences. she told my sister that she was wrong.

    【简答题】please correct the following sentences. he was knocked by a bicycle, but it was not serious.

    【简答题】please correct the following sentences. looking out of the window, the grassland stretches as far as the eye can reach.

    【简答题】please correct the following sentences. on entering the classroom, the students stood up and said, “good morning!”

    【简答题】please correct the following sentences. to get ready for the trip, all the things she needed were put into a suitcase.

    【单选题】what do we call "the practice of helping the poor and those in need,especially by giving money"?

    【多选题】what are the 4 typical practices of catalytic philanthropy?

    【多选题】which of the following is (are) the distictive feature(s) of catalytic philanthropy?

    【判断题】bill gates has made a name for himself as one of the world’s top philanthropists with the bill and melinda gates foundations.

    【简答题】what do you know about forbes?

    【多选题】the most common linking words or expressions of cause & effect include:

    【多选题】the organizational structure of cause & effect includes:

    【单选题】if you want to become parents of a child legally, you ____ it.

    【单选题】what might be one of the possible translations of “大禹治水”?

    【简答题】how do you express “开发自然资源”in english?

    【单选题】what’s the sentence constituent of “disease” in the sentence “rotavirus, a disease i had never even heard of, was killing half a million kids each year — none of them in the united states”?

    【简答题】what’s the function of dash in the sentence “rotavirus, a disease i had never even heard of, was killing half a million kids each year — none of them in the united states”?

    【单选题】what clause do “that” and “where” introduce in the sentence “so when you come to the end of the innovations that business and government are willing to invest in, you still find a vast, unexplored space of innovation where the returns can be fantastic”?

    【简答题】why is government averse to risk?

    【简答题】what are the key market limitations?

    【简答题】what’s the chinese version of “risk-takers need backers. good ideas need evangelists. forgotten communities need advocates”?

    【简答题】1. several conjunctions can introduce adverbial clause of concession. what are they?

    【简答题】2. several prepositions or prepositional phrases can introduce adverbial clause of concession. what are they?

    【简答题】when should an adverbial clause of concession be partly inverted?

    【简答题】i. point out the mistake in each definition 1. “an astronomer is one who studies astronomy.”

    【简答题】i. point out the mistake in each definition 2, “by state enterprise i mean one of the great blessings of democratic planning.”

    【简答题】ii. write a short paragraph to expound “pride” in 50 words.

    【多选题】in an digital era, an increasing number of common stuffs in our life have been entitled with________.

    【简答题】list some aspects of people's lives that have changed as a result of the development of digital technology.

    【填空题】analogous to the agricultural revolution and industrial revolution, _________ , also known as the third revolution, marked the beginning of the information age.

    【判断题】in this passage, norton anthologies, or the norton anthology of english literature, is one of the most representative work of the company and is frequently assigned in university literature courses.

    【简答题】is the weather in minesota is pleasant?

    【简答题】what are the two graphic organizers used in the compare/contrast relation?

    【简答题】what are the two methods of organization?

    【单选题】many underground stations in chongqing are well equipped with______ facilities like lifts so that the disable can use them conveniently.

    【单选题】a______ trip can offer travellers what they want, such as the hotels they want to stay in, the restaurants they want to try and the air company they want to fly with.

    【单选题】at many international airports, passengers can buy _______ free goods such as perfume, coetics, liquor and souvenirs.

    【单选题】thousands of people will be _________ for the concert tickets.

    【简答题】find the trunk of the sentence: the norton anthologies, with their distinctive onionskin-thin pages, now come with an access code that gives students the key to online quizzes, photo galleries, audio recordings, and an archive of works that appeared in previous editions but are not in the current volumes.

    【简答题】what is the first reason why many students prefer paper books?

    【单选题】environment has _______ over economic development.

    【简答题】how do you express "入门教程“in english?

    【简答题】please find out two reasons why the decision has been made to stick with paper books.

    【简答题】how do you express "捆绑销售“in english?

    【简答题】summarise the three reasons why teachers and students prefer paper books.

    【简答题】according to some publishers, what might be the future of books like?

    【单选题】choose the best answer to complete the following sentence. with development crashing through the hutong, this is a restaurant to visit sooner ________ later.

    【填空题】中译英: 河里有很多鱼。 the river abounds ______ fish.

    【填空题】中译英: 这地区有很多珍稀鸟类。 this area is home______a lot of bird species that are rare

    【简答题】中译英: 礼金也不能装在白色信封里,而要装在红色信封里。

    【简答题】read the following paragraph, and 1. find out the topic sentence; this term several useful and interesting courses have been offered. an introduction to european culture, for instance, gives us a lot of background knowledge of the history of european philosophy, literature, an arts. from time to time we see slide shows of famous paintings and hear tapes of famous pieces of music, and they make the lectures all the more interesting . american society and culture is another course that attracts a large audience. the teacher, who visited the united states not long ago, discusses new trends and changes in american life as well as american history and tradition. we like these and other courses very much, because they help us not only to improve our english but also to broaden our visions.

    【简答题】read the following paragraph, and 2. what is the method is used to develop the paragraph? this term several useful and interesting courses have been offered. an introduction to european culture, for instance, gives us a lot of background knowledge of the history of european philosophy, literature, an arts. from time to time we see slide shows of famous paintings and hear tapes of famous pieces of music, and they make the lectures all the more interesting . american society and culture is another course that attracts a large audience. the teacher, who visited the united states not long ago, discusses new trends and changes in american life as well as american history and tradition. we like these and other courses very much, because they help us not only to improve our english but also to broaden our visions.

    【多选题】which of the followings might be factors of migrating to another country?

    【填空题】which country is traditionally referred to as a "melting pot"?

    【多选题】which descripitions of irish immigrants are true?

    【填空题】_______ caused a decline in the great migration of 1890-1914.

    【判断题】"new immigration" was a term from the late 1880s that came from the influx of immigrants from southern and eastern europe and russia (areas that previously sent few immigrants).

    【多选题】a critical reader should:

    【多选题】a good argument is made of:

    【单选题】how do you put "候鸟” into english?

    【单选题】immigration also gives the united states an economic ______ in the world economy.

    【单选题】how many facts are quoted to illustrate the controversial issue "immigration"?

    【多选题】what does immigration bring to america?

    【简答题】what's the chinese for national academy of sciences (nas)?

    【简答题】what's the popular myth?

    【简答题】what's the chinese for net fiscal return?

    【简答题】what's the chinese for welfare reform act?

    【简答题】what's the problem according to the paragraph eleven?

    【简答题】what's the america's tradition?



    【简答题】中译英: 长江三角洲(delta)产出多达20%的国民生产总值。

    【简答题】中译英: 进一步发展核能,因为核电目前只占其总发电量的2%。

    【简答题】read the following paragraph, and 1. find out the topic sentence; whether you do or not open a gift in the presence of the giver; whether you should or should not turn the plate over to look at the maker’s symbol on the back; whether you put your coat on before or after you leave the host’s house; whether you eat as quietly or as noisily as possible; whether you carry on a conversation during a meal; whether you walk in front of or behind a seated person; whether it is a friendly or an offensive gesture to put your hand on the arm of the person with whom you are talking ---these and a thousand other questions are matters of cultural definition. none of them is inherently right or wrong, and none is good or bad manners except as a society defines it so.

    【简答题】read the following paragraph, and 2. make a list of examples whether you do or not open a gift in the presence of the giver; whether you should or should not turn the plate over to look at the maker’s symbol on the back; whether you put your coat on before or after you leave the host’s house; whether you eat as quietly or as noisily as possible; whether you carry on a conversation during a meal; whether you walk in front of or behind a seated person; whether it is a friendly or an offensive gesture to put your hand on the arm of the person with whom you are talking ---these and a thousand other questions are matters of cultural definition. none of them is inherently right or wrong, and none is good or bad manners except as a society defines it so.

    【多选题】according to the successful salesperson summer, what are the principles we should follow in business writing?

    【判断题】most students agree that business writing is an important part to future career.

    【判断题】the letterhead helps to form the impression of the writer’s firm, usually containing all or some of the following elements: the company’s name and address, postcode, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, even web address, and etc.

    【判断题】it is usually to show the date in the order of day/month/year (american practice), or month/day/year (british practice).

    【判断题】even if the receiver is known to the writer personally, a formal greeting such as “dear sir(s)” or “dear madam(s)” is used.

    【判断题】there are “your ref” and “our ref”, which are codes assigned to the letter by the recipient and sender of the letter.

    【判断题】the inside address contains full postal address and post code only.

    【判断题】the salutation is a greeting to the recipient. it varies according to the context. however, there is no need to match it with the complimentary close.

    【判断题】the subject line states the gist of what the letter is about. the short form “re.” may precede the phrase that carries the subject matter.

    【判断题】the enclosure indicates materials or documents enclosed. the short form “encs” is often used when there is one item enclosed.

    【判断题】if the sender of the letter does not wish the recipient to know that other people are receiving copies of the letter, a “cc” is sent.

    【判断题】the full block form layout is the most widely used method of display for business documents.

    【多选题】when you are writing a letter to your new customer, you may think about the following factors_______.

    【判断题】business writing differs from other types of writing in that it is not really successful unless it arouses readers’ attention and receives their responses.

    【判断题】to make their writing effective, business writers often apply 7c’s principles (i.e. clarity, conciseness, correctness, concreteness, creativeness, consideration and courtesy) to their writing.

    【判断题】courtesy means treating people with respect and friendly human concern. writers try to consider the reader’s desires, problems, circumstances, emotions and probable reactions to their request.

    【判断题】consideration focuses on “i” or “we” (the writer) instead of “you” (the reader). i-centered writing is the key to successful business.

    【判断题】correctness principle comprises correct grammar and punctuation only.

    【判断题】conciseness means avoiding unnecessary repetition and wordy expressions, including only relevant facts (with courtesy), and organizing effectively.

    【判断题】use short sentences with correct words (avoid ambiguous wording and use precise words instead of almost-precise words).

    【判断题】“please airmail us the latest price list and sample for our reference. ” the above example violates the concreteness principle.

    【判断题】when you reply to an inquiry from a customer, try to answer all questions stated or implied. a prospective customer’s reaction to an incomplete reply is likely to be unfavorable.

    【多选题】when writing business emails, you'd better not to use______ .

    【判断题】the subject needs to be concise.

    【判断题】when it comes to your professional image, a sloppily composed email can do more damage than a weak handshake or a wrinkled suit.

    【判断题】we can use “good morning” or “good afternoon” in the beginning of an email as salutation.

    【判断题】emails are quite private and confidential.

    【判断题】in business email, it is typical to have your title closely after your name, which implies your authority.

    【判断题】as with any piece of business writing, you don’t need proofreading when you finish writing emails.

    【判断题】it is rare to see the big part of privacy notice in the end of emails.

    【判断题】emails allow us to keep projects moving when our co-workers are unavailable or on the other side of the world.

    【判断题】it is very common to have your way of contact and company website address in the signature part of your email.

    【单选题】we avail ourselves___ this opportunity ___approach you ___the establishment of trade relations with you.

    【单选题】we are sending you the samples____requested.

    【单选题】we are sure that both of our companies will____from the joint venture.

    【多选题】in the following, which statements belong to the good tips for drafting a successful initial letter or email?

    【多选题】which websites in the following belong to b2b platform?

    【多选题】the purpose of establishing business relations includes_______.

    【判断题】the chamber of commerce is an organization of business people that promotes international commercial interests.

    【判断题】the initial letter does not refer to the letter of establishing business relations.

    【判断题】when we draft an initial letter, we must introduce our own company first.

    【单选题】the letter we sent 2 days ago is an enquiry____color tv sets.

    【单选题】there is steady demand here____leather gloves of high quality.

    【单选题】we would be pleased to send you some samples of our new cell phones on approval,____our own expense.

    【单选题】please____to let us have your offer as soon as possible.

    【多选题】____your prices are right, you will find a ready market in our market.

    【多选题】we can make an enquiry by_______.

    【判断题】an enquiry is a request from the buyer for information on the supply of certain goods with engagement.

    【判断题】when we make an enquiry, we will surely receive a response from the customer.

    【判断题】in a letter of specific enquiry, it’s not necessary for the buyer to indicate the name of the goods he wants to buy.

    【判断题】sometimes general enquiry can be an initial letter.

    【单选题】we are sending you separately our latest catalogue with details of the various _____ we handle.

    【单选题】please note that a 5%____applies to orders for each item exceeding 1000.

    【单选题】compared with your last quotations for north america, we find the current_____rather high.

    【单选题】the above prices are on a cif san francisco____.

    【单选题】to be frank with you, the price we quoted you only allow us a very all____of profits.

    【判断题】an offer is the wish of the seller to sell particular goods under stated terms.

    【判断题】companies in international business often conclude a deal through a process of offer-counter and offer-acceptance.

    【判断题】once an offer is made, the buyer must accept it within the time limit given in the offer.

    【判断题】a counteroffer can be made by either a seller or a buyer in a business transaction.

    【判断题】a seller can make either an offer or a bid in different circumstances.

    【单选题】please ship the ten chests of tea_____our order no. 2213 at an early date.

    【单选题】we thank you for your letter of may 5,_____ your purchase from us of 200 metric tons of peanuts.

    【单选题】we are pleased to_____the following transactions with you.

    【单选题】we are pleased that we have booked_____ 2000 pieces of bicycles.

    【多选题】we_____ our purchase contract no. 93124 in duplicate with our signature.

    【判断题】an order is a request to supply a specified quantity of goods.

    【判断题】the order can be made by email but not by phone.

    【判断题】initial order is the same to trial order.

    【判断题】duplicate order means buyers are satisfied with the goods, so they place an order again with the same terms and conditions of the last order.

    【判断题】an order should include specification and description of goods, prices involving unit price and total value, quantity and packing. but it should not include terms of payment.

    【单选题】it is laid down in our s/c that the covering of l/c______before the end of august.

    【单选题】we believe we can______ if you agree to pay by d/p at sight.

    【单选题】if the seller finds any discrepancies in the letter of credit, whom does he ask for an amendment?

    【单选题】the description of merchandise on the letter of credit must be identical to that on the____.

    【判断题】after signing the sales contract, the importer should establish the l/c according to the contract without delay.

    【判断题】the phrase “observing the contract once you have signed it” is to remind the buyers of reading the contract carefully when they are signing it.

    【判断题】the importer dislikes messages requiring l/c extension and amendment.

    【判断题】the date of shipment and the validity of l/c should be extended to the same date.

    【判断题】the exporter insists that “5% more or less” be added to the clause of quantity because it is impossible to ship the exact amount for bulk goods.

    【单选题】what does a symbol usually contains?

    【单选题】pens are packed 10 pieces ____ a box and 200 boxes ____ a wooden case

    【单选题】packing list is prepared by the ____ and sent to the ____for accurate tallying of the delivered goods.

    【单选题】which of the following abbreviation is completely right?

    【单选题】packing list can be generally added in ____, but if it is required in l/c, that must be made according to l/c.

    【单选题】what is usually filled in the head of packing list number?

    【单选题】when making packing list, ________ are not generally included.

    【多选题】what does a symbol of shipping mark can be?

    【多选题】packing can be ided into _____.

    【单选题】packing can be ided into transport packing (usually known as outer packing) and sales packing (usually known as packing).

    【单选题】conventionally, outer packing marks mainly include transport marks, directive marks and conventionally, outer packing marks mainly include transport marks, directive marks and marks.

    【单选题】a transport mark consists of the name of the consignee or , destination and packing number.

    【单选题】warning marks are obvious symbols or words to warn people against the hidden of inflammables, explosives and poisonous products, e.g. “corrosives”, “explosives”, “poison”, “inflammable”, “acid with care”, etc.

    【单选题】special attention has been paid to the packing, which we trust will prove in every respect to your clients.

    【单选题】i’m afraid the cardboard boxes are not enough for transport by sea.

    【单选题】each set is to be put in a cardboard box, strengthened with iron straps, and then put in a wooden case. it must be strong enough to the roughest handling.

    【单选题】we use cardboard boxes and then them with iron straps.

    【单选题】do you have any specific for packing?

    【单选题】we trust you will give special care to the packing in order to avoid in transit.

    【单选题】tramps are ready at any time to_____any particular voyage.

    【单选题】the b/l is a written contract or agreement between_____.

    【单选题】the consignment was shipped_____on the ss pushan which left for shanghai on december 12.

    【单选题】a part of the goods were damaged_____ transit.

    【多选题】a claused b/l may be also referred to as "a/an_____b/l."

    【判断题】shipment only refers to transportation by ships.

    【判断题】a shipping advice gives information about the name of the boarding vessel and its departure time.

    【判断题】the buyer is obliged to issue all the needed shipping documents.

    【判断题】the buyer is to arrange shipping space under fob terms.

    【判断题】a liner is a vessel with regular sailing or arrivals on a stated schedule between specified ports.

    【单选题】_____ is the party who insures the other against possible losses or damage, and undertakes to make payment in cases of loss.

    【单选题】insured amount is the amount to be insured, normally ____ of the invoice value.

    【单选题】the insurance premium is normally about _____ of the insured amount depending on the type of insurance.

    【单选题】_____ covers losses caused by leakage.

    【单选题】the insurance is covered for 120% of the invoice value _____ all risks.

    【单选题】the insurance policy is a formal contract-document issued by an insurance company to an ____.

    【单选题】insurance is to be _____ by the seller on behalf of the buyer for 110% of invoice value against wpa; premium is to be for the buyer’s account.

    【单选题】regarding insurance, the coverage is _____ 110% of invoice value up to the port of destination only.

    【单选题】insurance policy is an evidence of _____ contract issued by the underwriter to the assured.

    【单选题】if one party violates or fails to carry out the contract, the other party is entitled to claim indemnity for any loss or damage. the underline part of the sentence means_____.

    【单选题】a “survey report” is issued by____.

    【多选题】which of the following is a direct reason for a claim?

    【多选题】we regret to have to lodge a complaint against you about our loss arising from your late delivery of the coffee supplies we purchased under our order no.op7836. the word underlined can be substituted for by the following:

    【判断题】claims are only made by the buyer against the seller.

    【判断题】any party of a contract is entitled to claim indemnity if they suffer a loss.

    【判断题】to make a complaint is always more effective than lodge a claim.

    【判断题】sometimes the shipping company should shoulder the responsibility for loss.

    【判断题】one can always claim for compensation if he/she had insured the goods before transportation.

    【单选题】we confirm having accepted your order no. c109 for 1,400 "hero" brand men’s shirts.  you are kindly requested to open an irrevocable sight letter of credit in our favor __________(时间不晚于2019年5月5日).

    【单选题】we ________ if you would furnish us with your opinion on the financial status and reliability of the above company.

    【单选题】attached to this letter is our latest price list. we _______ to draw your attention to the fact that the price quoted by us is subject to your acceptance ________ , and the reason being that many other buyers are also interested in our suppliers.

    【单选题】all documents, letters and emails interchanged between two parties ________ the signing of the contract shall become ________ automatically from the date on which the contract comes into force.

    【单选题】this contract is made by and between a co. (______ called “the seller”) and b co. (______ called “the buyer”), _______ the seller is willing to sell the buyer the commodities listed hereunder on the terms and conditions stipulated below. now these presents witness that it is ________ agreed between the parties hereto as follows.

    【单选题】shipment must be made from january 6 to january 20, ___________.

    【单选题】the new price list will become effective ______ october 1.

    【单选题】this contract is made by and between a co. (hereinafter called “the seller”) and b co. (hereinafter called “the buyer”), _______ the seller is willing to sell the buyer the commodities listed _______ on the terms and conditions stipulated below. now these presents witness that it is ________ agreed between the parties hereto as follows.

    【单选题】the seller will indemnify the buyer for any _____ arising as a result of the seller's failure to perform any of its obligation arising out of the sale of the goods to the buyer.

    【单选题】contractor shall perform the ________ of all equipment, machinery or materials including the spare parts required for the construction of the plant.

    【单选题】we _______ if you could send us instructions, brochures, or leaflets of your products.

    【单选题】there is a big demand for chinese microwave ovens. we ________ your quoting us competitive prices for models available now.

    【单选题】fifty percent (50%) of the total contract value as advance us $500,000 (_________) , shall be paid by party a to party b within three months, from the date of the signing of this contract, i.e. not later than august 31, 2016.

    【单选题】the time for performing the obligations ________ specifically prevented from performance by such event of force majeure shall be extended by a period equal to the period of delay caused by such event of force majeure.

    【单选题】shipment should be made by the seller _______ september 30, 2018.

    【单选题】when you use the tactic of ______ you may mean that you can get the same good products but a lower price from other supplier.

    【单选题】if you give another party a lowest price and stick to it, what tactic do you use?

    【单选题】if you want to use the tactic of caucus, what will you do during the negotiation?

    【单选题】if you want to persuade another party by fact, what is the best tactic?

    【单选题】if you use the tactic of old mother hubbard, it means that you pretend to be ______.

    【单选题】what color is considered safe color in business world?

    【单选题】what does conservative suit mean to a lady who attends a trade fair?

    【单选题】if you were a male booth representative, what accessory is needed to bring to a trade exhibition?

    【单选题】what is the synonym for “booth”?

    【单选题】which of the following is considered unacceptable behavior in a trade show?

    【单选题】to attend a formal party, how will you dress yourself?

    【单选题】on formal occasions, how many colors of all your clothes should be?

    【单选题】if the suit is buttoned, where should be the stickpin?

    【单选题】which of the following statements is appropriate about wearing accessories?

    【单选题】you’re in a restaurant and a thin soup is served in a cup with no handles. to eat it you should_______

    【单选题】you’re at a dinner and champagne is served with the dessert. you simply can’t drink champagne yet you know the host will be offering a toast. you may_______

    【单选题】you’re at a table in a restaurant for a business dinner. midway through the meal, you’re called to the telephone. what do you do with your napkin?

    【单选题】you’re hosting a dinner party at a restaurant. included are two other couples, and your most valuable client and his wife. you instruct the waiter to_______

    【单选题】you’re scheduled to meet a business associate for working lunch and you arrive a few minutes early to find a suitable table. 30 minutes later your associate still hasn’t arrived. you may_______

    【单选题】you are at a business dinner and someone proposes a toast to you. what should you do?

    【单选题】when is it appropriate to take a mobile phone call during a business dinner?

    【单选题】during a business dinner, when can you begin talking business?

    【多选题】a trade fair is an exhibition organized so that companies in a specific industry can ________.

    【多选题】if you want to train your booth personnel on trade show etiquette, you may consider about________.

    【多选题】how can we greet visitors to our booth?

    【多选题】according to your understanding, which of the following is not true about one’s first impression?

    【多选题】on formal occasions, what kind of shoes a man should not wear?

    【多选题】how are you going to prepare for the upcoming job interview apart from your verbal introduction and written documentation such as your resume and application letter?

    【多选题】you’re invited to dinner in a private home. when do you take your napkin from the table and place it on your lap?

    【多选题】what items are welcomed in the interview office?


















































































    【单选题】明代至清中叶是自觉书法艺术的( )时期。
































    【判断题】飞白最早是由汉代的蔡邕提出的。( )

    【判断题】米芾是南北朝著名的大书法家。( )






















































































    【单选题】what does friday give to crusoe that no one else could?

    【单选题】which of crusoe’s sins does he refer to as his “original sin?”

    【单选题】who does crusoe teach to say “poor robinson crusoe… where have you been?”?

    【单选题】what provision does crusoe store apart from everything else in his cellar?

    【单选题】which of the following places does gulliver visit last?

    【单选题】in a modest proposal, what did swift suggest as a solution to the problem of irish famine and overpopulation?

    【填空题】there have been two struggling parties in this empire, under the names of tramecksan and slamecksan, from _____________________ of their shoes, by which they distinguish themselves

    【单选题】gulliver was told the big-endians have been long forbidden. what does "the big-endians" mean?

    【单选题】gulliver is a ________ in the lilliputians' eyes.

    【单选题】what is jacob marley forced to drag about as a result of his sinful life?

    【单选题】who is in the grave in stave four?

    【单选题】to whom does scrooge send the christmas turkey?

    【单选题】which one of the spirits has a glowing head?

    【单选题】what is scrooge's typical response to 'merry christmas'?

    【单选题】complete the quotation: “it is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a ___.”

    【判断题】women can inherit the possession of their own family all the time.

    【单选题】who pays off wickham, convincing him to marrylydia?


    【单选题】what are elizabeth's most notable virtues?

    【单选题】elizabeth’s feelings toward darcy begin to change when he .

    【单选题】when darcy proposes for the first time, elizabeth .

    【单选题】elizabeth’s feelings toward darcy begin to change when he .

    【单选题】what is the nationality of jane’s pupil at thornfield?

    【多选题】the brontë sisters are very famous in the history of english literature. who are they?

    【单选题】to which destination does st. john rivers want jane to accompany him as his wife and fellow missionary?

    【单选题】what does jane do immediately after finishing her studies at lowood?

    【单选题】whom is fire symbolically associated with in the novel?

    【单选题】what enables jane to finally view herself as rochester’s equal?

    【单选题】what does jane struggle with throughout jane eyre?

    【多选题】what does wuthering heights reflect?

    【判断题】emily brontë is the youngest one of the brontë sisters.

    【单选题】why is catherine self-contradictionary when she faces linton?

    【多选题】what does wuthering heights reflect?

    【单选题】why is catherine self-contradictionary when she faces linton?

    【判断题】emily brontë is the narrator in wuthering heights.

    【单选题】which of the following does john durbeyfield learn at the beginning of the novel?

    【单选题】why does tess take the job at the d’urberville estate?

    【单选题】who offers financial help after tess’s father dies?

    【单选题】when angel returns, how does tess ultimately leave alec?

    【单选题】rip’s biggest problem was

    【单选题】irving’s purpose for writing this story might be to:

    【单选题】what happened to rip at the end of the story?

    【单选题】how many years had rip been asleep?

    【单选题】what is not a physical change that rip notices about himself after his 'nap'?

    【单选题】of the following, which statement best describes sid's character?

    【单选题】in the novel, what is the first thing tom is punished for?

    【单选题】how does the reader know that tom is actually a clever child?

    【单选题】which two qualities describe aunt polly?

    【单选题】hester has embroidered what symbol onto her dress?

    【单选题】who is hester's partner in ery?

    【单选题】why does hester want to keep dimesdale’s identity as the father a secret?

    【单选题】the rosebush outside the prison door is a symbol of all of the following except:

    【单选题】chillingworth pretends to be of what profession?

    【单选题】what is ishmael constantly trying to pin down throughout the novel?

    【单选题】what color does ishmael think is horrible, unnatural and threatening when on an animal?

    【单选题】what keeps ishmael afloat after the pequod sinks?

    【单选题】which body part has ahab lost to moby dick?

    【单选题】what is the name of ahab’s ship?

    【单选题】how does santiago finally kill the marlin?

    【单选题】how many days does santiago struggle with the marlin before he is able to kill it?

    【单选题】manolin’s parents refuse to let the boy fish with the old man because they believe santiago is salao. how does hemingway translate this word?

    【单选题】please choose the item similar to the underlined word in the this sentence:“the old man hit him on the head for kindness and kicked him, his body still shuddering, under the shade of the stern.”

    【单选题】what does santiago do that no other fisherman in the village has done before?

    【多选题】love in the novels of the british victorian age, which we have learned in this course, may have several conflicts in view of ( ).

    【单选题】对封装后的数据进行填充孔操作,补孔位置不平整可采用什么功能进行处理( )

    【单选题】试分析下图中产生孔洞的原因是什么( )

    【单选题】以下哪个软件不能进行实体建模( )

    【单选题】在下列命令中,不属于design x软件草图功能的是( )

    【单选题】在下列命令中,不属于design x软件模型功能的是( )

    【多选题】以下指令中,哪些可以对曲面进行编辑( )

    【多选题】拉伸包括以下哪些方法( )

    【判断题】geomagic design x软件中的点和多边形模块,也可实现杂点删除和封装等数据处理功能。( )

    【判断题】采用桌面打印机打印出来的模型,通常需要去除支撑材料。( )

    【判断题】物体的三维数据测量方法包括接触式和非接触式两种。( )

    【单选题】以下设备中,不能用于测量物体三维数据的是( )

    【单选题】使用geomagic design x软件建模时,对于拉伸体截取草图时采用哪种投影方法( )

    【单选题】使用geomagic design x软件建模时,对于回转体截取草图时采用哪种投影方法( )

    【单选题】使用geomagic design x软件建模时,以下哪个功能可分析建模精度( )

    【单选题】封装后的数据,在粘贴标志点的位置会出现孔洞,应使用以下哪个功能( )

    【多选题】采用geomagic design x软件绘制草图时,以下说确的是( )

    【多选题】以下指令中,哪些是追加参照平面的方法( )

    【判断题】在geomagic wrap软件界面中,如果对话框被关闭,可通过“视图→面板显示”调出。( )

    【判断题】在geomagic wrap软件中,设置的单位为英尺。( )

    【判断题】geomagic wrap软件可通过安装扫描插件,与扫描仪连接后进行扫描操作。( )

    【单选题】在下列命令中,不属于design x软件划分领域功能的是( )

    【单选题】在下列命令中,不能实现design x软件建模功能的是( )

    【单选题】fdm技术的优点不包括以下哪一项( )

    【单选题】以下不是3d打印技术优点的是( )

    【单选题】3d打印属于下列哪种类型加工( )

    【多选题】以下指令中,哪些是添加点的方法( )

    【多选题】以下指令中,哪些是添加线的方法( )

    【判断题】扫描仪的结构包括扫描头、三脚架、云台。( )

    【判断题】扫描头是扫描仪的主要工作部分,包括光栅投射器、相机、开机键。( )

    【判断题】win3dd扫描仪属于接触式测量设备。( )

    【多选题】我国水资源的特点是( )

    【填空题】我国水资源的分布不均,主要体现在 、 、 。


    【多选题】可作为永久性水工建筑物的是( )

    【多选题】水工建筑物的特点有哪些( )


    【填空题】水工建筑物按使用期限可分为 ____、____。

    【单选题】水利枢纽按其效益、规模及在国民经济中的重要性可分为( )

    【单选题】水工建筑物根据工程等别可分为( )

    【单选题】水工建筑物的洪水标准可用( )表示。

    【多选题】水利枢纽分等分级的依据是( )

    【单选题】宽缝重力坝的特点: ( ) (1)扬压力小,抗滑稳定性好。(2)工程量节省约l0%~20%。(3)坝体混凝土的散热快(4)宽缝部位的模板用量大和宽缝倒坡部位的立模复杂。(5)分期导流不便。

    【单选题】为适应地基不均匀沉降及温度变化,重力坝应设置( )



    【单选题】因为作用于重力坝上游面的水压力呈( )分布,所以其基本剖面是三角形。



    【单选题】溢流坝的过流单宽流量取值原则( )



    【多选题】下列混凝土重力坝所受荷载中,属于扬压力的有( )。





    【多选题】重力坝抗滑稳定分析的目的是核算坝体沿( )抗滑稳定的安全性能。




    【单选题】坝基帷幕灌浆的主要目的是( )

    【单选题】属于深层高压灌浆的是( )



    【单选题】重力坝材料分区厚度是( )





    【多选题】土石坝与重力坝相比,有哪些优点( )

    【多选题】土石坝与重力坝相比,有哪些不足( )

    【多选题】土石坝按施工条件可分为( )

    【多选题】土石坝的坝型选择与哪些有关( )

    【多选题】土石坝工作特点,主要从以下几个方面进行考虑( )




    【多选题】土石坝基本剖面的设计内容包括( )




    【多选题】土石坝的防渗体的作用是( )

    【多选题】我国土石坝工程中,常用的防渗体形式有( )

    【多选题】土石坝的排水设施型式有( )

    【判断题】土石坝的排水体和防渗体的作用一样都是为了降低坝内浸润线的高度( )

    【单选题】土石坝渗流计算的目的是( )

    【多选题】土石坝渗流分析的基本假定是( )

    【多选题】土石坝的排水设施型式有( )。

    【多选题】土石坝常见渗透变形的型式( )

    【多选题】防止渗透变形破坏的工程措施有( )

    【多选题】土石坝失稳破坏形式主要有( )

    【多选题】土石坝滑动破坏的形式有( )


    【多选题】土石坝料场规划时,对土石料的要求是( )

    【多选题】防渗体对土料的要求( )

    【多选题】坝壳对土石料的要求是( )

    【单选题】砂砾石地基处理的主要问题是( )

    【多选题】土石坝对地基的要求是( )

    【多选题】砂砾石地基处理的工程措施有( )。

    【单选题】( )的超载能力强。

    【单选题】双曲拱坝是指坝体在( )方向上呈拱形。





    【填空题】按水闸承担的任务分类,用于拦洪、凋节水位的水闸称为 ____。





    【单选题】在较差的松软地基上,最适宜的两岸建筑物型式是( )

    【单选题】最常用的水闸底板结构型式是( )。

    【单选题】当出闸水流不能均匀扩散时,闸后易出现的水流状态是( )。

    【单选题】当水闸的闸孔孔数( )时,宜采用单数孔,以利于对称开启闸门。

    【单选题】可以消除波状水跃的闸孔型式是( )。




    【单选题】水闸的消能设计时,首先要判断是否需要修建消力池。判断是是否需要修建消力池的依据是( )

    【单选题】水闸护坦的厚度应根据( )要求确定。

    【单选题】平原地区水闸下游常用的消能方式为( )




    【单选题】溢洪道泄槽中底坡变化处宜用( )相连。

    【单选题】关于正槽式溢洪道,下列说法错误的是( )



    【单选题】非常溢洪道是保坝措施,其使用率一般( )





    【单选题】适用于质条件较好,地形坡度适中的隧洞进口是( )

    【单选题】进口段和闸门段组成竖立于水库中的塔式结构,通过工作桥与岸边相连的进水口形式是( )





    【单选题】水工隧洞的回填灌浆的目的是( )。

    【单选题】水工隧洞固结灌浆的目的是( )。

    【单选题】水工隧洞排水的目的是降低衬砌外壁上的( )。

    【多选题】有关渡槽的一些内容描述正确的是( )








    【单选题】渡槽的基础形式较多,属于刚性基础的形式为( )

    【单选题】下列不是梁式渡槽的有( )


    【单选题】梁式渡槽的支承形式有墩式和排架式两种,排架式支承结构一般有( )

    【单选题】渡槽的基础形式较多,属于刚性基础的形式为( )



    【单选题】道路与渠道相交叉,因高差较小(渠高路低),应采用( )方案。



    【多选题】倒虹吸管根据管路埋设情况及高差大小,倒虹吸管的布置形式可分为以下几种: ( )



    【多选题】以下是交叉建筑物的有: ( )

    【多选题】以下建筑物中是落差建筑物的有: ( )

    【填空题】根据不同的地形条件和落差大小 , 陡坡也可建成_______或________两种形式。


    【多选题】橡胶坝的优点有( )。

    【多选题】橡胶坝一般由( )组成。

    【多选题】坝袋的材料有( )。








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