


    对于:int a[] = {5, 15, 34, 54, 14, 2, 52, 72}; int *p = &a[5]; 则: p[-2]的值是?

    如果:int a[] = ; int *p = a; 则以下哪些表达式的结果为真?

    以下变量定义: int* p,q; 中,p和q都是指针。

    对于:int a[] = {5, 15, 34, 54, 14, 2, 52, 72}; int *p = &a[1]; 则: p[2]的值是?

    对于以下代码段,正确的说法是:char *p; while (1) { p = malloc(1); *p = 0; }

    对于以下代码段:int a[] = {1,2,3,4,5,}; int *p = a; int *q = &a[5]; printf("%d", q-p); 当sizeof(int)为4时,以下说确的是:


    to spell the past form of the following words when used as verbs, to which one should we first add –k- then -ed?

    guests ______ and screamed when the bomb exploded.

    of the following words, the underlined part of which one is pronounced differently in american english and in british english?

    how is the word schedule pronounced in american english?

    the discovery of penicillin, famously, was a happy ______.

    they are looking for a happy ______: a house that is not too big but that has lots of storage space.

    i wish you many happy ______ of the day.

    until his appointment becomes official, ted is keeping a low ______.

    a tiger ______ but a wolf ______.

    to clean the water bottle which has been used for a long time, white vinegar can be used to remove ______ from the inner surface of the bottle.

    the map is drawn to the standard ______ of 1/100,000 so there is not much detail.

    nuclear weapons cause destruction on a massive ______.

    the sails ______ themselves with wind.

    the book is ______. you should have returned it to the library last week.

    he had lived illegally in the united states for five years after his visitor's visa ______.

    he tried to keep a(n) ______ between work and relaxation.

    she ______ her balance and fell.

    the cost needs to be balanced ______ its benefits.

    the garden is overgrown with ______, so i have to ______ it now.

    both parents and children should try to______ the generation gap between them.

    monkey king ______ his eyes and looked afar.

    what is the meaning of the word sharp in the sentence “there is a sharp contrast between the lives of the poorest and the richest members of society”?

    what is the meaning of the word sharp in the sentence “there is a sharp turn on the road ahead”?

    what is the meaning of the word sharp in the sentence “she is a very sharp dresser”?

    ______ and simple clothes are appropriate for school wear.

    surely you can see what's wrong; it's as plain as the ______ on your face.

    every girl in town admires her for her ______ figure.

    look at the lovely ______ cheeks of the baby!

    works of art and priceless ______ records were ruthlessly destroyed in the war.

    their inventions have contributed to the development of ______ engineering.

    we bought a all car for ______ reason.

    there is nothing in the world ______ teaches us some lessons.

    he is nothing ______ a singer.

    i'm not going to _______ his signature for you! what do you take me for?

    the term ‘cardboard city’ was ______ to describe communities of homeless people living in cardboard boxes.

    determined to live ______ someday, he managed to get trained in iron molding.

    the reality star and her boy-friend have officially ended their five month romance. she claimed yesterday that they parted ______.

    13. the boxer beat his wife _______ at home and was then caged for life.

    every morning she ______ her huand’s shirt before he goes to work.

    sure, you convinced mom to stop those boring violin lessons! but that makes it easier for her to send us to sunday school. don't you realize we've jumped out of the frying ______ into the fire?

    ______ is a unit for measuring length which equals to 10 meters.

    a _______ is a cycle with three wheels, two at the back and one at the front or sometimes otherwise. a. monocycle b. bicycle c. tricycle d. car

    20. ______ is the state or custom of being married to only one person at a particular time.

    the two sides of a coin are known as ‘______’ and ‘tail’.

    i've always been good at math—i guess i just have a ______ for numbers.

    when the boss learned tom had been lying, he fired him _______ the spot.

    i have to set numerous alarms for the morning because i sleep like a _______ every night!

    kim is staying for dinner, and he eats like a _______, so you’d better make some extra food.

    vast sums of money were ______ up in the stock market.

    those books were normally kept under______ and key in the library.

    it's not a(n) ______ that none of the directors are women.

    ______ is used as a default form of address for women regardless of marital status.

    it is not a good idea to miss meals and ______ them with snacks.

    in greek mythology, narcissus fell in love with his own ______ in the lake.

    darwin's theories about evolution were ______ by many people who believe in god.

    mahatma gandhi, the leader of the indian independence movement, ______ the use of violence.

    human beings have ______ noses and ears.

    good ________ make good neighbors.

    he has hired one of the uk’s top lawyers to ______ him against the allegations.

    he should think before he speaks, or else he will ______ others.

    our boss is not willing to pay the standard wage for the help in our office. so we have to scrape the bottom of the ______ and end up hiring secretaries who can't type or spell.

    a ______ of birds flew towards us slowly from far away.

    she does the ______ teaching jobs but nothing permanent.

    he's always at ______ with his father over politics.

    we have an edge over the other team in height, so i'd say the ______ are in our favor.

    the police are keeping the suspects under ______.

    the word “babysit” comes from its noun form “babysitter” via ______.

    the term “mooc” is a(n) ______ for “massive open online course”.

    dad still has a bit of his cold, but ______ all are well.

    i have no ______ for jane. it's all her own fault.

    mr. smith died of cancer in 1996. his wife ______ him by 10 years and passed away in 2006.


    在家用电器中使用单片机应属于微计算机的 。







    单片机与普通微型计算机的不同之处在于其将cpu、存储器和i/o口三部分,通过内部 连接在一起,集成于一块芯片上。

    十进制数67转换为二进制数为 b。

    十进制数72转换为8421bcd码为 b。

    字符mcu转换为ascii码为 h。

    原码10100110的补码为 b。

    微处理器由运算器和 两部分组成。

    编程语言中 语言是机器能直接识别和执行的。

    stc15和at89s52单片机的主要区别是( )。

    单片机能直接识别的语言是( )。









    an academic definition has three compulsory components (1) a term to be defined; (2) the general class that the target term belongs to; (3) the differentiating features of the target term. please identify to which categories the underlined part is in the following definition. barometer is a meteorological instrument used for the measurement of atmospheric pressure.

    an academic definition has three compulsory components (1) a term to be defined; (2) the general class that the target term belongs to; (3) the differentiating features of the target term. please identify to which categories the underlined part is in the following definition. the metabolic rate of an animal is a measure of the overall energy needs that must be met by the animal ingestion and digestion of food.

    an academic definition has three compulsory components (1) a term to be defined; (2) the general class that the target term belongs to; (3) the differentiating features of the target term. please identify to which categories the underlined part is in the following definitions. salinity is the amount of salt dissolved in a particular volume of water.

    an academic definition has three compulsory components (1) a term to be defined; (2) the general class that the target term belongs to; (3) the differentiating features of the target term. please identify to which categories the underlined part is in the following definitions. airflow is the distribution of movement of air.

    an academic definition has three compulsory components (1) a term to be defined; (2) the general class that the target term belongs to; (3) the differentiating features of the target term. please identify to which categories the underlined part is in the following definitions. refrigerant is a chemical that produces a cooling effect while expanding or vaporizing.

    which of the sentences in the paragraph is/are definition(s)? write down the corresponding letters in the blank that follows. [a] the term protein quality refers to the ratio of essential amino acids (eaa) in a protein in comparison with the ratio required by the body. [b] a high-quality protein contains eaa in a ratio that matches human requirements. [c] a protein which is lacking or low in one or more eaa is termed a low-quality protein. [d] the eaa which is in the shortest supply is called the ‘limiting’ amino acid. in general, animal proteins tend to be high quality while vegetable proteins tend to be low quality. [d] the exception is soy protein which is quite high quality.

    which of the sentences in the paragraph is/are definition(s)? write down the corresponding letters in the blank that follows. [a] anger is having a feeling of hatred toward someone or something. [b] it is one of our basic emotions and can be most dangerous if it is not carefully controlled. [c] a person can become angry when he cannot fulfill some basic need or desire that is important to him. [d] for example, a child may become angry when he cannot play outside with his friends.

    please identify which categories the underlined part belongs to in the following definition. accessibility refers to the design of products and environments for people with disabilities.

    please identify which categories the underlined part belongs to in the following definition. ventilator is a system that exchanges stale, re-circulated indoor airwith fresh, filtered outside air.

    please identify which categories the underlined part belongs to in the following definition. cultural integration leader is an american student living in the dorms responsible for helping international studentsadjust culturally and socially to life at an american college.

    please identify which categories the underlined part belongs to in the following definition. third party is a person or body that is recognized as being independent of the parties involved, as concerns the issue in question.

    which of the following sentences is a definition?

    which of the following sentences is a definition?

    is the following definition valid or invalid? choose “正确” for valid; choose “错误" for invalid. photosynthesis is a making process of plants.

    is the following definition valid or invalid? choose “正确” for valid; choose “错误" for invalid. faulting is a crack in the earth's crust resulting from the displacement of one side with respect to the other.

    is the following definition valid or invalid? choose “正确” for valid; choose “错误" for invalid. inherited trait is a characteristic that is passed from parents to offspring.

    is the following definition valid or invalid? choose “正确” for valid; choose “错误" for invalid. symbiosis is a relationship between two organis that last over time.

    but this does not totally explain the great resilience of japanese pagodas. is the answer that, like a tall pine tree, the japanese pagoda–with its massive trunk-like central pillar known as shinbashira–simply flexes and sways during a typhoon or earthquake

    before that, latin was regarded as the lingua franca for european intellectuals, that is, a language used for communication between peoples of different languages.

    if your conclusion paragraph becomes lengthy, consider breaking your paragraphs into penultimate (second to last) and final paragraphs.

    look at maps of volcanoes, earthquakes and island chains like the philippines and japon, and you can see the rough outlines of what are called tectonic plates – the several rigid pieces of the earth’s outer layer, thought to be in constant movement and collision against each other.

    for the most part we are an intemperate people: we eat too much when we can, drink too much, indulge our senses too much.

    they have been trained since very early in their lives to consider themselves as separate-iniduals who are responsible for their own situations in life and their own destinies. they have not been trained to see themselves as members of a close-knit, tightly interdependent family, religious group, tribe, nation, or other collectivity.

    i was always hungry – oh, so hungry! the scant meals i could afford only sharpened my appetite for real food.

    he pulled off his damp shirt and washed his face and torso, drying them on a thick blue towel.

    the match has been cancelled due to adverse weather conditions.

    in a related development, the sharp distinction between museum and heritage sites on the one hand, and theme parks on the other, is gradually evaporating. in fact, they already borrow ideas and concepts from one another.

    in 1890 he proposed that evolution was irreversible: that “an organi is unable to return, even partially, to a previous stage already realised in the ranks of its ancestors.

    in the second half of the 18th century, we already find advocates of this view, such as joseph priestley, whose rudiments of english grammar (1761) insists that 'the custom of speaking is the original and only just standard of any language'.

    americans are not taught, as people in many asian countries are, that they should mask their emotional responses. their words, the tone of their voices, or their facial expressions will usually reveal when they are feeling angry, unhappy, confused, or happy and content. they do not think it improper to display these feelings, at least within limits.

    in their efforts to use their time wisely, americans are sometimes seen by foreign visitors as automatons, unhuman creatures who are so tied to their clocks and their schedules that they cannot participate in or enjoy the human interactions that are the truly important things in life. "they are like little machines running around," one foreign visitor said.

    there is little evidence to substantiate this theory though, by the same token, there is little to disprove it.

    the source of the red is widely known: it is created by anthocyanins, water-soluble plant pigments reflecting the red to blue range of the visible spectrum. they belong to a class of sugar-based chemical compounds also known as flavonoids.














































































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