
















    【s02】cortex m4f除了16位thumb-2指令集外,还有________指令集。

    【s02】arm cortex包括以下哪些分工明确的系列?

    【s02】arm cortex m4有哪些特点?





    【s02】arm cortex微处理器采用的arm中的________架构?



    【s03】msp4322(arm cortex-m4)微控制器上电初始化堆栈(sp)之后,执行到复位入口偏移地址是________?

    【s03】arm处理器中,c语言用 long 声明的变量位宽是?


    【s03】code composer studio的初始化文件是?



    【s03】arm 编译器默认支持的c和c 版本是?

    【s03】arm 编译器中,有关c语言内联汇编的说法,正确的是?

    【s03】arm 编译器中,关于c语言位指令的说法,正确的是?

    【s03】有关 cmsis 的说法,正确的是?

    【s03】有关 cmsis-dsp 的说法,正确的是?



    【s03】cmsis-dsp 能在 cortex-m 和 cortex-a 系列微控制器上实现?

    【s03】cmsis 一致的软件界面提高了软件的可移植性和可重用性,增加了程序设计人员的开发难度。

    【s03】cmsis 是与各种芯片和软件供应商紧密合作定义的,并提供了一种通用的方法来连接外设、实时操作系统和中间件组件。

    【s03】cmsis 主要使用汇编语言编写。

    【s03】msp432p401r 系列微控制器支持 cmsis-dsp 软件。

    【s03】cmsis-dsp 软件库支持 8/16/32 位整数和32位浮点数运算。

    【s03】cmsis-dsp 软件库支持 8位、16位和32位浮点数运算。

    【s03】msp432p401r 系列微控制器内部集成了浮点运算单元,支持的是 ieee-754 浮点标准。










    【s05】在gpio引脚等读修改写操作中,经常使用复合运算符"|=", "&=","^=",试说出"p3->out ^=bit4"语句中的"^="是________操作




    【s05】msp432应用编程中,语句"p5->out |= bit4"的意思是________。

    【s05】msp432应用编程中,语句"p2->dir |=bit6";的意思是________。

    【s05】msp432应用编程中,语句“p7-> out &= ~bit3“的意思是________。









    【s05】msp432应用编程中,语句“p3->ren |=bit5”的意思是________p3.5的上拉或下拉电阻
















    【s07a】 msp432的eusci模块中,包含________个uart模块。

    【s07a】 rs232串行接口最远传输距离是________。

    【s07a】 uart的数据通信属于________。

    【s07a】 请根据msp432的用户指南,确定由下列哪一个控制位来决定uart模块数据传输方向?

    【s07a】 在msp432的uart的帧格式中,设计的数据位________。

    【s07a】 属于uart模块的部件有________。

    【s07a】 与msp432的uart波特率相关的寄存器有________。

    【s07a】 在msp432中,uart有________等中断源,他们共用一个中断向量地址。

    【s07a】 在使用msp432的uart时,需要考虑异步串行通信协议,此时需要确定________等。

    【s07a】 msp432的i2c模块的ucrxifg0=1时,表示接收到一个字节的数据到ucbxrxbuf。

    【s07a】 msp432的i2c模块的uctxifg0=1时,表示当前发送器可以发送一个字节的数据。

    【s07a】 msp432的uart的接收引脚的名称是txd。

    【s07a】 msp432的uart模块的编程与gpio模块无关。

    【s07a】 msp432的uart模块发送引脚的名称是txd。

    【s07a】 在msp432的uart初始化配置时,需要首先打开控制位ucswrst。

    【s07a】 msp432的uart的编程中,uart的模块a0的中断服务程序名称是________。

    【s07a】 msp432的uart的波特率计算,当时钟源确定后,具体与哪些控制位有关系?(中间用西文逗号隔开)

    【s07a】 在msp432的uart的初始化配置中,其对一个的中断向量名称宏定义为________。











    【s08】如果一个模拟信号的动态范围为(0, 3.3v),一个10位的ad转换器,它的分辨率是________mv(四舍五入到小数点后2位)。






    【s07b】dac7512芯片在 syncn________期间,连续写入16位。



















    【s07c】msp432的i2c模块的ucrxifg0=1时,表示接收到一个字节的数据到 ucbxrxbuf。

    【s07c】msp432的i2c模块的uctxifg0=1时,表示可以往 ucbxtxbuf 写一个字节的数据。









    【s10】 下列加密标准,按出现的先后关系排序,正确的是?

    【s10】 关于aes加密算法ecb,cbc,ofb和cfb的说法,正确的是?

    【s10】 关于aes256模块的说法,正确的是?

    【s10】 msp432片内集成的dma模块的说法,正确的是?

    【s10】 关于嵌入式系统中flash存储器的说法,正确的是?

    【s10】 关于msp432片内集成的flash存储器的说法,正确的是?

    【s10】 aes是一种非对称加密算法

    【s10】 dma是直接存储器寻址的缩写

    【s10】 msp432片内集成的dma通道数量是32

    各种切削加工方法中,( )有且只有一个。

    切削加工中,主切削刃正在切削的表面是( )









    不能描述算法的是( )

    流程图中表示判断框的是( )

    流程图中表示输入/输出的是( )

    流程图中表示开始/结束的是( )

    java语言的各种分隔符中,非法的是( )

    以下哪个选项是java源代码的正确扩展名?( )

    java中的程序代码都必须在一个类中定义,类使用( )关键字来定义。

    下面的四段话,其中不是解决问题的算法的是( )。

    算法的三种基本结构是( )。

    不能描述算法的是( )。

    流程图中表示输入/输出的是( )。

    ( )是计算机能直接识别、理解和执行的语言。

    人们利用计算机解决问题的基本过程一般有五个步骤,各步骤的先后顺序正确的 是( )。 ①调试运行程序 ②分析问题 ③设计算法 ④问题解决 ⑤编写程序

    以下哪个选项是java源代码的正确扩展名?( )

    下述算法最后输出m表示( ) s1 m=a s2 若b
    键盘输入x应该是( ),在运行下面的算法之后得到输出是16。 输入 x 如果 x<0 则 y=(x 1)*(x 1) 否则 y=(x-1)*(x-1) 输出 y

    java语言的各种分隔符中,非法的是( )。

    下面哪个不是算法的特征?( )

    算法的有穷性是指?( )

    下面对算法描述正确的一项是( )?

    流程图中表示判断框的是( )

    java中的程序代码都必须在一个类中定义,类使用( )关键字来定义。

    计算机程序就是指计算机如何去解决问题或完成一组可执行指令的过程。( )

    求解某一类问题的算法是唯一的。( )

    解决问题的过程就是实现算法的过程。( )

    算法独立于任何具体的语言,但是 java 算法只能用 java 语言来实现。( )

    程序设计语言的发展经历了机器语言、汇编语言、高级语言的过程。( )

    算法的每一步操作必须是明确的,不能有歧义或语义模糊。( )

    算法执行后一定产生确定的结果。( )

    java 语言不区分大小写。( )

    同一问题不同的算得到不同的结果。( )

    算法必须在有限步数的操作之后停止。( )


    下面正确的八进制常量是( )。

    下面正确的十六进制常量是( )。

    下面的数据类型( )是float型?

    下面变量声明正确的是( )。


    下列java语句中,不正确的一项是( )。

    下面哪个是int型的取值范围?( )。

    下面哪个不是java中正确的字符串( )。


    下列语句片段中,a3的值为( )。 int a1 = 3; char a2 = '1'; char a3 = (char)(a1 a2);

    以下哪种情况不能实现自动转换( )。

    下列关于自动类型转型的说法中,正确的是( )。


    下面的代码段中,执行之后i和j的值是( )。 int i = 1; int j; j = i ;

    设x = 5;则y = x--和y = --x的结果,y分别是( )。

    下列运算符合法的是( )。


    下列代码的执行结果是( )。 public class beirun{ public static void main(string args[]){ system.out.println(5 / 2); } }

    下列代码的执行结果是( )。 public class beirun{ public static void main(string args[]){ float t=9.0f; int q=5; system.out.println((t ) * (--q)); } }


    以下运算符中哪个优先级别最高( )。

    以下运算符优先级由低到高排序的是( )。

    三元条件运算符ex1?ex2:ex3,相当于下面( )语句。

    阅读下面代码 if (x == 0) {system.out.println("冠军");} else if (x > -3) {system.out .println("季军");} 若要求打印字符串“季军”,则变量x的取值范围是( )。

    关于选择结构下列哪个说确?( )

    下面( )是正确的if语句(设int x=1,a=1,b=1;)


    下列哪个数据类型不能用于switch语句中( )。

    以下哪个值可以被switch语句接受( )。

    若int i=10;执行下列程序后,变量i的正确结果是( )。 switch (i) { case 9: i =1 ; case 10: i =1 ; case 11: i =1 ; default : i =1 ; }


    下列语句序列执行后,j的值是( )。 int j = 9, i = 6; while(i-- > 3) --j;

    下列语句序列执行后,i的值是( )。 int i = 10; do { i /= 2; } while(i > 1);

    下面程序运行后输出的结果是( )。 int i = 0, j = 9; do { if(i > --j) break; } while(i < 4); system.out.println("i = " i " and j = " j);


    以下由for语句构成的循环执行的次数是( )。 for(int i = 0; true ; i );

    以下程序运行后输出的结果是( )。 string s = new string("abcdefg"); for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i = 2){ system.out.print(s.charat(i)); }

    以下程序运行后输出的结果是( )。 int count = 1; for(int i = 1; i <= 5; i ){ count = i; } system.out.println(count);


    能从循环语句的循环体中跳出的语句是( )。

    以下程序运行后输出的结果是( )。 int i=5; do{ if(i%3==1) if(i%5==2) { system.out.printf("*%d", i); break; } i ; }while(i!=0); system.out.println();

    在循环执行过程中,希望当某个条件满足时退出循环,使用( )语句。

    continue语句的作用是( )。


    下面正确的初始化语句是( )。

    定义了一维int型数组a[10]后,下面错误的引用是( )。

    引用数组元素时,数组下标可以是( )。

    下列初始化字符数组的语句中,正确的是( )。

    下面的二维数组初始化语句中,正确的是( )。

    定义了int型二维数组a[6][7]后,数组元素a[3][4]前的数组元素个数为( )。

    下面( )不是创建数组的正确语句。

    下面程序的运行结果是( )。 public static void main(){ int a[][] = {{1,2,3},{4,5,6}} system.out.printf(“%d”,a[1][1]); }


    声明一个函数时,需要用到以下哪一个关键字( )。

    函数签名是指的( )。

    有如下一段代码: public class returnit{ returntype methoda(byte x, double y){ return x/y*2; } } 在第2行中,方法methoda的有效返回类型returntype应该是( )。


    java中main()函数的返回值是什么( )。

    java方法的参数传递对于基本数据类型如int, byte等,参数传递是( )。

    函数返回值的类型是由( )决定的。

    return语句( )。


    一个递归算法必须包括( )。

    递归函数f(n) = f(n - 1) n(n > 1)的递归出口是( )。

    递归函数f(n) = f(n - 1) n(n > 1)的递归体是( )。


    符合对象和类关系的是( )

    关于封装下面介绍错误的是( )


    下面描述函数重写错误的是( )

    下列选项中关于java中super关键字的说法错误的是( )

    下面对this的作用描述错误的是( )


    下面描述函数重写错误的是( )

    在java语言中,下列关于类的继承的描述,正确的是( )

    下列选项中关于java中super关键字的说法错误的是( )


    在java中,如果父类中的某些方法不包含任何逻辑,并且需要有子类重写,应该使用( )关键字来声明父类的这些方法。

    在java中,已定义了两个接口b和c,要定义一个实现这两个接口的类,以下语句正确的是( )

    在java中,在定义类时加上修饰符( )可以实现该类不能被实例化。


    下面哪个不是面向对象程序设计的主要特征( )。

    在java中,多态的实现不仅能减少编码的工作量,还能大大提高程序的可维护性及可扩展性,下面( )选项不属于多态的条件。

    when i stood __________, i got to know that he was more miserable than i.

    no one is willing to__________ this difficult task.

    there's nothing we can do __________ wait for him to come.

    she decided to quit her job__________ of the incident.

    sometimes i have difficulty finding the right words to express my __________ for those who suffer.

    we're simply going to have to do it, __________ how much it costs.

    catherine's answer_________ a complete refusal.

    our survey used a ________sample of 500 college students across the country.

    this novel is so interesting that i totally__________ myself in the plot.

    the little boy _____________his head around the corner to see if his mother was back.

    the little girl________ her mother’s hand in the crowd.

    the u.s. refused to make concessions and threatened to________economic and military support.

    paul often _________ his anger on his wife if he has a bad day at work.

    bats can fly in total darkness and yet never_________anything.

    a major difference is that you are freer to ________ (do) whatever you want.

    students need to _________ (warn) of the potential danger of living off campus.

    the only sound to_______ (hear) was the soughing (嗖嗖声)of the wind.

    it was impossible for lost time to________ (make up).

    this platform is created to tell incoming first-year students what they need to _______(know) to "start out" at trinity college.

    the message that is mainly conveyed in "finding home" is that _________ .

    in the first year of college, the author of the text from iexplore 2 suffered from __________ .

    furthermore, something had to________ for the people as well as for the animals.

    ultimately, their ideas ______ the same thing.

    home is wherever we are together_________ where we go.

    give your speech about the hard experience you have had in the first semester on campus. and how did you deal with it? it may be about your life, your study, your relationships with others, etc. please write out the draft of your speech.

    we are ___________when we say that we will carry out this project.

    slowly, a dark void (空虚感)found its way into my heart and began to ___________ my happiness.

    if you have ___________ all the exercises in this book, you should be ready for the second-year course.

    it won't come instantly, and you may__________from time to time, but don't let that deter you.

    she and her college roommates _____________ after graduation.

    in order to make things a bit more interesting, let's _________our table with some data.

    the main message conveyed in "friendship's like buying house" is that_______ .

    the author of "are your friends an elevator or a cage?" most probably wants to tell readers that_________ .

    ____________you know, julia is leaving soon.

    the figure of speech used in "education is the key to the modernizations of our country" is_____________ .

    you'd better consider why communication has_______in your relationships.

    spring is _______ the best time to visit the islands.

    to__________matters, there are alternative terms to "friend": "mate", "pal", and "buddy".

    his friend helped a lot when he joined the army and failed to meet the__________to care for his parents.

    our relationship____________over a financial dispute.

    it really ___________me when my huand doesn’t help around the house.

    he is very ___________ ; we never know what he’ll do next.

    remember you must follow every step in the way i've shown you.

    everybody knows that their school is one of the top schools in china.

    i explained on the phone that your request will be considered at the next meeting.

    we'd better leave things in the way they are until the police arrive.

    people are not only living longer, but they’re often spending more years at the end of life with _______ illnesses.

    i came here just to visit the museum and _______.

    cardboard boxes hadn’t been _______, including one large plank-shaped box bearing a helpful "fragile" warning.

    it _______ into the air, shredding into pieces.

    electric air taxis are likely to fly low-level routes, especially from city to city, thus _______ traffic congestion on roads.

    the _______ end of the pool is only three feet deep.

    "my students don't know how to have a conversation" is mainly discussing that _________.

    which of the following solution is suggested by the author of iexplore 2?

    when you're called on in class, you have to be able to think _________ your feet.

    his heart ________ the way it always did when she left him.

    flipping ________ the channels, i came across an old war movie.

    focused impeachment articles would not ________ from the power of the charges against mr. trump.

    i lost my ability to form _________ sentences, and i struggled to find words for even mundane items.

    i find it encourages _________ and civil conversation.

    i _________ withdrew from the project.

    we are already being _________ by climate change.

    we were _________ in a vicious battle of the wills!

    it hadn't occurred to them that their favorite food might not _________ the creature.

    not until _______________.

    only by calling them every hour of the day _____ to get what i wanted.

    so good ____ that he got the highest grade possible.

    many a time _________ plan to orce her huand, but she never did.

    _________ should children be allowed to drive.

    in this part, you should: describe the picture in brief words present the problem in it you are suggested to write about 50-80 words.

    people in this all village have never been __________ to western life.

    i have to combat this __________ desire to eat chocolate.

    winning first place must have been quite a __________.

    she has __________ knowledge of english grammar.

    it is difficult to __________ creative ways to do it every year.

    i saw her show in manchester and it just __________.

    the answer to the question raised in the title of iexplore 1 "why you should travel young?" is that___________.

    in iexplore 2, the author conveys the idea that_____________ .

    ___ is certain that he left the place in haste.

    cultivating an open mind allows us to ____________ great rewards.

    fire has caused __________ damage to the island's forests.

    she ________ large profits from her unique invention.

    i think you will love this house once we get inside—the pictures really don't ________ its charm.

    they stay together ________ their children.

    the mere subject of the book or magazine might help ________ a conversation.

    the song would ________ us for months.

    we pushed the car ________, but we still couldn't get it started.







    i have very__________ memories of living in our all village.

    the drop - down menu lets him __________ functions whose names he's forgotten.

    a __________ is someone who enjoys growing flowers or vegetables.

    i was looking for my handbag, which was __________ under a pile of old newspapers.

    silent as a mouse, he patiently opened the long buried treasures and soon __________ a sea of memories.

    not eager for classroom learning, tom sawyer had a __________ for adventure.

    in the story of iexplore 1, why did the mother take the little girl for a walk in the yard that noon?

    _________ down the book i was reading, i walked to the window.

    she's very grateful ________ what you have done for her.

    she is __________ of collecting rare carpets whenever she gets a chance to travel abroad.

    scientists have found that most animals are more _______ than we think.

    i'm very ___________ your timely support.

    she has some ___________ plans for her business.

    he was ________ to see jeannie reach the other side of the river safely.

    the engineer ____________ explained how the machine worked to the clients.

    she started studying english, but _________ to law in her second year.

    outside, a group of students were ___________ research cuts.

    the teacher is very good at creating a _________ learning environment.

    the secretary worked late into the night, _________ a speech for the president.

    "can't you read?", mary said __________ to the sign.

    he put on his coat and went school, ________ his backpack.

    you are a worrier, _________ problems which don't exist.

    deeply _________ by the story, the children started to cry.

    in this unit, you are required to write your own story about your unforgettable experience with your parents. you should write about 120 words.

    we bought the house near the garden after careful___________ .

    whatever you say, he can find 10 different reasons to ___________his viewpoint.

    if no one helps him, he may___________being a beggar.

    in his speech, he spoke of how his education gave him powerful tools to start a business and___________changes.

    after retirement, he felt he was___________pressure.

    my___________reaction was to decline the offer. but later i changed my mind.

    it does not___________for us to have talks unless we think it is going to be fruitful.

    the author of the text from iexplore 1 mainly wants to express that___________.

    the main purpose of the text from iexplore 2 is to ___________ .

    in "i am sure they will enjoy listening to pop music," "listening" is a(n) ___________ .

    if i had come home earlier last night, i would have met my best friend. this unreal conditional sentence expresses___________ .

    nothing in this house is by chance. it is the result of great___________ .

    otherwise, you've got to ____________ me that they're not true.

    why don't you spend your holiday doing something that would ____________ your experience of being alive.

    she chatted with a friend over the phone while ___________a magazine.

    lora does yoga in____________of health and happiness.

    i would have been to the concert and enjoyed the time with my favorite pianist ____________ the heavy rain.

    taking full responsibility for your own choices can make even failure feel like a success.

    the university offers a new, more flexible program allowing students to pursue their interests.

    there have been many turning points in my life, but the most significant one was when i was eight years old.

    what factors should we consider when making a choice?








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