



    内环境是指人体细胞生存的环境,亦可称之为( )。

    与神经调节相比较,体液调节的作用具有哪些特点?( )

    运动生理学是一门应用性科学,一切生理学的知识都来自于运动实践。 ( )

    人体在一次性的体育锻炼或运动训练过程中,会引起各器官的功能水平发生变化,这些生理反应会在运动停止后短时间内消失。( )

    通过适应机制,机体可以提高在运动中维持稳态的能力和耐受更大范围稳态变化的能力,从而可使运动成绩维持原有的水平。( )


    骨骼肌是人体的动力器官,其基本结构单位是( )。

    肌肉在受到外力牵拉时可被拉长,这种特性称为( )。

    下列有关两类肌纤维的叙述,错误的描述是。( )

    静息电位是k 的平衡电位,动作电位是na 的平衡电位,终板电位是ca2 的平衡电位。



    人体最大的消化腺是( )。

    尿液在肾脏的哪一部位生成?( )

    在进行不同项目运动时,机体的供能方式也不同。田径中马拉松跑、400m跑、100m跑的主要供能方式分别是( )。

    剧烈运动会引发肌肉疲劳, 可能的原因是由于细胞中积累了哪种物质?( )

    长期进行低强度的体育锻炼对人体的胃肠道功能起保护作用,而进行激烈运动,则会使胃肠道收缩活动减弱、消化能力下降。 ( )


    外界环境与血液之间的气体交换过程称为( )。

    在肺部,机体通过呼吸可吸入氧气、排出二氧化碳,实现这一气体交换过程的动力是( )。

    每100 ml血液中,hb所能结合的最大氧气量,称为( )。

    胸廓节律性扩张和缩小引起的呼吸运动是肺通气的原动力,胸膜腔内压与大气压间的压力差是肺通气的直接动力。 ( )

    肺活量是指肺内气体的容积的总量,可通过肺量计测得。 ( )


    在生理学中,将每100ml血浆中哪一种物质的含量,称其为碱贮备?( )

    血浆中酸性和碱性的程度称为酸碱度,其大小可用ph来表示,人体安静时正常值为( )。

    人体血管中必须存在有一定量的血液才能维持其正常的血压,一个体重为60kg的成年人,其血液总量约为( )。

    红细胞占全血的容积百分比称为红细胞比容(红细胞压积)。 ( )

    红细胞的主要功能表现为防御和免疫、白细胞为运输氧气、血小板为凝血和止血。 ( )


    心输出量是评价心脏功能好坏的一个重要生理指标,其意指的是( )。

    为了更为客观地比较个体之间心脏功能的差异,常用的指标是心指数,它等于( )。

    动脉血压是指动脉血管内血液对于单位面积血管壁的侧压力,其形成的前提条件是血管需有足够的( )。

    经过长期的运动训练可心血管系统产生适应性变化,不正确的描述是( )。

    运动性心脏肥大是运动员长期训练引起心脏产生的适应性变化,这对于提高运动能力是有利的。 ( )


    跳水运动员在做转体动作时,应充分利用( )。

    下列关于大脑皮层主要运动区功能特征的描述,错误的是( )。

    神经细胞是神经系统的基本结构与功能单位。    ( )

    神经系统活动的基本形式是反射,反射活动的结构基础是反射弧。( )

    举重时,提杠铃至胸前瞬间头后仰,可借以提高肩背部肌群的力量,更好的完成动作,这是状态反射的实际应用。    ( )


    从信息传递的角度考虑,下列可被称为第二信使的物质是( )。

    在应激状态下,起主要作用的内分泌轴是( )。

    机体介导体液免疫的主要细胞是( )。

    人体通过运动能够预防慢的主要机理是( )。

    激素在体内细胞之间传递生物信息的过程中,对其作用的靶细胞既不提供额外能量,也不添加新功能。 ( )


    运动技能有几个基本特征,但不包含( )。

    反射可分为条件反射和非条件反射两种形式,非条件反射( )。

    下列哪两项运动技能之间的关系不具备正迁移的作用?( )

    运动技能形成的生理机制是有关中枢之间建立了巩固的神经联系。( )

    在动作结构相似的运动技能之间可形成良好的迁移作用。 ( )


    无氧耐力训练主要是要发展机体哪一系统的供能能力?( )

    发展磷酸原供能系统的供能能力,要求运动强度要大、运动持续时间最好控制在多长时间之内?( )

    力量训练可以引起肌肉生理横断面积的增加,这主要是肌纤维数量增多的结果。 ( )

    中枢神经系统的兴奋性越高,参与兴奋的神经元越多,发出的神经冲动就越高,可动员更多的运动单位参与收缩,从而使肌力增大。 ( )

    儿童少年运动素质的发展具有一定的规律,但也表现出明显的个体差异,因此在运动训练中应依据实际情况进行分析和调整。 ( )


    人体在运动过程中要产生进入工作状态,其主要原因是( )。

    以下关于运动性疲劳的叙述错误的是( )。

    在持续性运动开始后,如运动者感到呼吸困难,胸闷、头晕、心跳加快、肌肉酸软无力,动作不协调等反应,这可能是出现了( )。

    运动过程中出现真稳定状态时,机体主要是依靠有氧系统供能,运动还可持续较长时间。 ( )

    在假稳定状态下运动,机体主要是依靠无氧代谢供能,运动持续时间也不会太久。 ( )


    短跑运动员拥有较高的快肌纤维百分比,运动过程中主要的供能系统是( )。

    一个优秀的中长跑运动员,四肢和躯干的形态特征是( )。

    一个铅球运动员需要优先发展哪些部位的力量?( )

    在进行速度耐力项目的运动时,运动员主要是依靠糖酵解系统供能。 ( )

    由于跳跃运动的特点是时间短、速度快,所以运动时主要是依靠有氧代谢供能。 ( )


    从平原进入高原时,可引起人体发生一系列的机能变化,最主要原因是( )。

    体温之所以能够维持相对稳定,是由于在体内存在有一套温度的调节装置,其调节中枢位于( )。

    运动员参加比赛前,时差调整的方法只有提前到达目的地,进行目的地适应,使生物节律和比赛目的地逐步同步化。 ( )

    高原服习,表明运动员从事耐力项目或长时间运动的能力得到了提高。( )

    水环境可使循环功能发挥更大的潜力,因此在水中进行最大强度运动时,心率以及最大心输出量都高于陆上水平。 ( )


    下列有关两类肌纤维的叙述,错误的描述是( )。

    人体最大的消化腺是( )。

    在进行不同项目运动时,机体的供能方式也不同。田径中马拉松跑、400m跑、100m跑的主要供能方式分别是( )。

    在生理学中,将每100ml血浆中哪一种物质的含量,称其为碱贮备?( )

    血浆中酸性和碱性的程度称为酸碱度,其大小可用ph来表示,人体安静时正常值为( )。

    心输出量是评价心脏功能好坏的一个重要生理指标,其意指的是( )。

    为了更为客观地比较个体之间心脏功能的差异,常用的指标是心指数,它等于( )。

    经过长期的运动训练可心血管系统产生适应性变化,不正确的描述是( )。

    从信息传递的角度考虑,下列可被称为第二信使的物质是( )。

    在应激状态下,起主要作用的内分泌轴是( )。

    人体通过运动能够预防慢的主要机理是( )。

    无氧耐力训练主要是要发展机体哪一系统的供能能力?( )

    人体在运动过程中要产生进入工作状态,其主要原因是( )。

    在持续性运动开始后,如运动者感到呼吸困难,胸闷、头晕、心跳加快、肌肉酸软无力,动作不协调等反应,这可能是出现了( )。

    从平原进入高原时,可引起人体发生一系列的机能变化,最主要原因是( )。

    静息电位是k 的平衡电位,动作电位是na 的平衡电位,终板电位是ca2 的平衡电位。 ( )

    长期进行低强度的体育锻炼对人体的胃肠道功能起保护作用,而进行激烈运动,则会使胃肠道收缩活动减弱、消化能力下降。 ( )

    运动性心脏肥大是运动员长期训练引起心脏产生的适应性变化,这对于提高运动能力是有利的。 ( )

    激素在体内细胞之间传递生物信息的过程中,对其作用的靶细胞既不提供额外能量,也不添加新功能。 ( )

    人体免疫机能包括非特异性免疫和特异性免疫。 ( )

    在动作结构相似的运动技能之间可形成良好的迁移作用。 ( )

    儿童少年运动素质的发展具有一定的规律,但也表现出明显的个体差异,因此在运动训练中应依据实际情况进行分析和调整。 ( )

    运动过程中出现真稳定状态时,机体主要是依靠有氧系统供能,运动还可持续较长时间。 ( )

    在假稳定状态下运动,机体主要是依靠无氧代谢供能,运动持续时间也不会太久。 ( )

    在进行速度耐力项目的运动时,运动员主要是依靠糖酵解系统供能。 ( )

    由于跳跃运动的特点是时间短、速度快,所以运动时主要是依靠有氧代谢供能。 ( )

    水环境可使循环功能发挥更大的潜力,因此在水中进行最大强度运动时,心率以及最大心输出量都高于陆上水平。 ( )

    肺活量是指肺内气体的容积的总量,可通过肺量计测得。 ( )

    红细胞占全血的容积百分比称为红细胞比容(红细胞压积)。 ( )

    红细胞的主要功能表现为防御和免疫、白细胞为运输氧气、血小板为凝血和止血。 ( )



    “斯诺命题”是指( )。



















    赋予艺术品特定社会历史内涵的“灵晕”概念,是由法兰克福学派著名文艺理论家 在其代表作《机械复制时代的艺术作品》中提出的。











    后福特制资本主义生产方式的主要特征不包括( )。

    在哈特、奈格里看来,在后福特制资本主义时代,反抗资本的主体是( )。

    在鲍德里亚看来,支配当代资本主义消费的主导逻辑是( )。


    鲍德里亚关于资本主义发展三阶段的划分不包括( )。




    谁最先提出了“人工智能”(artificial intelligence)概念?






    下列哪个命题不是马克思恩格斯的观点?( )




    how many syllables are there in the word “tell”?

    how many syllables are there in the word “germany”?

    how many syllables are there in the word “capacity”?

    the first syllable is stressed in the word “paper”.

    the third syllable is stressed in the word “remarkable”.

    a phoneme is the ______ unit of sound in a language.

    there are ______ pure vowels and ______ diphthongs in english.

    in some textbooks, /tr/, /dr/, /ts/ and /dz/ are considered as four consonant clusters instead of four consonants. therefore, there are ______ english consonants.

    english has ______ degrees of stress.

    a phoneme can distinguish two words.

    the vowel in the stressed syllable is shorter.

    when we join two nouns to form a compound word, we usually stress the second noun.

    it’s necessary to pay attention to the contrast between the long and short vowels.

    how many syllables are there in the word “athletic”?

    the syllable is the stressed syllable in the word “police”.

    there are vowels in english.

    we stress the second syllable if “suspect” is a .

    there are 4 front vowels in english, and they are /i:/, /ɪ/, /e/, and /æ/.

    the first syllable is the stressed syllable in the word “ourselves”.

    in english, strong beats are called stress — the heart of the rhythmic pattern.

    there are two syllables in the word “writer”.


    英语的音节一般是以 来划分的。

    which of the following letter or letter group can be pronounced as /k/?

    which of the following letter or letter group can be pronounced as /d/?

    among six stop consonants, /p/, /t/ and /k/ are voiced sounds, so we should vibrate our vocal cords.

    the sounds of /t/ and /d/ are formed by blocking the airstream with the tongue and the upper gum ridge (上齿龈), building up air pressure and suddenly releasing it.

    the correct pronunciation of the word “factory” should be /ˈfæ(k)təri/.

    sound discrimination: listen to the tape and choose the word you hear from the following words.

    sound discrimination: listen to the tape and choose the word you hear from the following words.

    listen to the tape and decide which should be the phrase you have heard.

    listen to the tape and decide which should be the phrase you have heard.

    listen to the tape and decide which should be the phrase you have heard.

    listen to the tape and decide which should be the phrase you have heard.

    sound discrimination: listen to the tape and decide whether the two words you hear are the same or different. if they are the same, choose right . if they are different, choose wrong.

    sound discrimination: listen to the tape and decide whether the two words you hear are the same or different. if they are the same, choose right . if they are different, choose wrong.

    sound discrimination: listen to the tape and decide whether the two words you hear are the same or different. if they are the same, choose right . if they are different, choose wrong.

    which picture can show the mouth position of /f/ or /v/?

    which picture can show the mouth position of /θ/ and /ð/?

    which of the following letter or letter group can be pronounced as /f/?

    the mouth position and tongue position of /f/ and /v/ are the same, and the only difference between them is that /f/ is unvoiced and /v/ is voiced. (/f/和/v/的发音口型和舌位相同,唯一的区别是/f/是清辅音,/v/是浊辅音。)

    请同学们从发音口型、发音舌位和声带是否振动三个方面认真对比以下两个单词,找出能区分它们的发音要点。 vine , wine 答题范例: 区分proof 和prove的发音要点在于声带是否振动: 1.proof 中的 f 为清辅音/f/,发音时声带不振动; 2.prove 中的 ve 为浊辅音/v/,发音时声带要振动。

    请同学们从发音口型、发音舌位和声带是否振动三个方面认真对比以下两个单词,找出能区分它们的发音要点。 dare, there 答题范例: 区分proof 和prove的发音要点在于声带是否振动: 1.proof 中的 f 为清辅音/f/,发音时声带不振动; 2.prove 中的 ve 为浊辅音/v/,发音时声带要振动。

    请同学们从发音口型、发音舌位和声带是否振动三个方面认真对比以下两个单词,找出能区分它们的发音要点。 thank , sank 答题范例: 区分proof 和prove的发音要点在于声带是否振动: 1.proof 中的 f 为清辅音/f/,发音时声带不振动; 2.prove 中的 ve 为浊辅音/v/,发音时声带要振动。

    which picture can show the mouth position of /s / and /z/?

    which picture can show the mouth position of /ʃ/ and /ʒ/?

    which of the following letters can be pronounced as /s/?

    which of the following letters can be pronounced as /ʒ/?

    which of the following pictures are not the mouth position of /h/?

    /s/ and /z/ sound quite similar and there is no need to notice the minor difference between them when speaking english.

    when the final sound of a noun in singular form is /s/,/z/,/ ʃ/,/ ʒ /,/tʃ /or/dʒ /, -es is added to the end of the noun when it is in plural form and -es is pronounced as /ɪz/, such as wishes /'wɪʃɪz/ .

    / ʒ / and /dʒ/ sound similar but actually different.

    /ʃ/ and /s/ are both voiceless consonants. to pronounce /ʃ/ , our lips should be rounded, but to pronounce /s/, our lips are not rounded and the corners pull back and the teeth themselves lightly touch.

    /h/ is a voiceless consonant and is simply made by opening your mouth and passing air through the mouth. it’s very quiet, just air coming through.

    which picture can show the mouth position of / tʃ/ and / dʒ /?

    /tʃ/ is voiced and /dʒ/ is unvoiced .

    many letter groups can be pronounced as /dʒ/ in english, such as j, g, di, dj, du, ge, gg, and dge.

    ch and tch are often pronounced as /tʃ/ in english, such as check and watch.







    which picture can show the mouth position of /m/?

    which picture can show the tongue position of /n/?

    which of the following letters can be pronounced as /ŋ/ in english words ?

    find out words that contain the nasal sound /n/ in the following words.

    to pronounce /n/ and /ŋ/, we both need to raise our tongue tip to the roof of the mouth.

    the tongue positions of /n/ and /l/ are similar. however, to make /n/, the air goes through the nasal cavity, and to make /l/, the air goes through the mouth.

    which picture can show the mouth shape of /r/?

    which picture can show the mouth shape of /w/?

    which picture can show the mouth shape of /j/?

    find out a word that the underlined letter u is pronounced differently from other words.

    which of the following letters can be pronounced as /r/ in english words ?

    find out the letters that can be pronounced as /w/ in english words.

    find out words that contain the darl /l/, please!

    there are three approximants in english. what are they?

    lateral refers that during the pronunciation, the passage of air through the mouth does not go in the usual way along the center of the tongue. to make the lateral sound /l/, the air flows around one or both sides of the tongue.

    approximant refers that during the pronunciation, the articulators approach each other but do not get sufficiently close to each other to produce a complete consonant such as a stop, nasal, or fricative.

    which picture can show the mouth position of / tr/ and /dr/?

    which picture can show the mouth position of / ts/ and /dz/?

    find out words that contain the /ts/ sound among the following words.

    sound discrimination. listen carefully and choose the consonant you hear. (本套单元测验配套音频下载网址为:://pan.baidu.com/s/1d-fo9xhsjdpplwyfaofiea 提取码: qcxs 请打开网址,输入提取码,音频或者下载音频后播放使用。请大家根据音频内容完成测验。)

    sound discrimination. listen carefully and choose the consonant you hear.

    sound discrimination. listen carefully and choose the consonant you hear.

    sound discrimination. listen carefully and choose the word you hear.

    sound discrimination. listen carefully and choose the word you hear.

    sound discrimination. listen carefully and choose the word you hear.

    sound discrimination. listen carefully and choose the phrase you hear.

    sound discrimination. listen carefully and choose the phrase you hear.

    sound discrimination. listen carefully and choose the sentence you hear.

    sound discrimination. listen carefully and choose the sentence you hear.

    there are six stop consonants in english, and they are /p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/,and /g/.

    english consonants can be classified into two types. one type is voiced consonant and the other is unvoiced.

    to make the sound /m/, we must open our mouth and raise our tongue tip to the roof of the mouth.

    the airstream is blocked completely for a time when making stop consonants, but the airstream is only partially blocked when making fricatives.

    the lateral consonant /l/ is produced with potential air flow around one or both sides of the tongue.

    in order to pronounce a consonant correctly, one should pay great attention to the mouth shape, tongue position and voicing of it.

    /tʃ/ and /dʒ/ are ______________ (请填入音标类别), produced by blocking off the breath-stream between the tongue and the gum ridge, for a stop and a fricative.

    how many nasal consonants are there among english phonetic symbols ? there are ______. (请在空格中填入小写英文数字。)

    fricatives are produced by partially blocking the airstream, forcing air through a narrow channel made by placing articulators close together, which causes friction-like sounds. there are nine fricatives: ___,____,____,____, /θ/, /ð/, /ʃ/, /ʒ/ and /h/.

    is /h/ a voiced consonant or an unvoiced consonant ? it is a / an _____ consonant.

    what is the letter that can be pronounced as /æ/ in english words?

    there are two types of vowels. one is pure vowel and the other is diphthong.

    the english pure vowels can be classified according to: 1) the height of the raised part of the tongue; 2) the part of the tongue raised; 3) the position of the lips, i.e. whether they are rounded or unrounded.

    /3:/ is made with the tongue around the middle of the mouth. it occurs only in stressed syllables.

    /ə/ is the most frequently used vowel in english.

    actually, /ɒ/ is a shortened version of /ɔ:/.

    according to the following picture, the difference between /ʌ/and /ɑː/ lies not only in tongue position but also in width of mouth shape.

    listen carefully and choose the word you hear. 本套单元测验均为客观题,第1至第10题为听力辨音题。请打开配套音频下载网址,输入提取码: uyag,音频或者下载音频后播放使用。请根据音频内容完成测验。配套音频下载网址: ://pan.baidu.com/s/1hnrab7ae8h81ltxmdwu6gq

    listen carefully and choose the word you hear.

    listen carefully and choose the word you hear.

    listen carefully and choose the word you hear.

    listen carefully and choose the word you hear.

    listen carefully and choose the word you hear.

    listen carefully and choose the word you hear.

    listen carefully and choose the word you hear.

    listen carefully and choose the word you hear.

    listen carefully and choose the sentence you hear.

    choose words that the vowels are the same.

    choose words that the underlined vowels are the same.

    choose words that the underlined vowels are the same.

    choose words that the underlined vowels are the same.


    there are two types of vowels. one type is pure vowel and the other is ________.

    pure vowels can be classified into three categories: front vowels, central vowels and back vowels. the four vowels /i:/, /ɪ/ ,/e/ and /æ/ are classified into ______ vowels.

    pure vowels can be classified into three categories: front vowels, central vowels and back vowels. the two vowels /ɜː/ and /ə/ are classified into ______ vowels because they are made with the middle part of the tongue being raised.

    which one of the following diphthongs is not closing diphthong. 以下哪个音标不属于合口双元音?

    generally, letter combinations oi and oy are pronounced as ________ in english words? 英语字母组合oi和oy 在英语单词中通常发哪个音?

    find out the word that the vowel in it is different from other words'. 请找出包含元音不同于其他三个单词的单词。

    find out the word that the vowel in it is different from other words'. 请找出包含元音不同于其他三个单词的单词。

    find out the word that the vowel in it is different from other words'. 请找出包含元音不同于其他三个单词的单词。

    find out the word that the vowel in it is different from other words'. 请找出包含元音不同于其他三个单词的单词。

    find out the word that the vowel in it is different from other words'. 请找出包含元音不同于其他三个单词的单词。

    choose letter combinations that can be pronounced as /ʊə/ in english words. 请选出在英语单词中可以发作 /ʊə/的英语字母组合。

    find out the two letter combinations that can be pronounced as /aʊ/ in english words. 请选出在英语单词中可以发作 /aʊ/的英语字母组合。

    all diphthongs are voiced. 所有的双元音都属于浊音,即声带要振动。

    there are three centring diphthongs and five closing diphthongs in english. 英语中有三个集中双元音和五个合口双元音。

    all underlined phonemes in the following sentence are the same. 以下句子中所有带下划线字母所发的音都一样。 i’ll drive five miles on friday night to see a flight that i like.

    three words in the following sentence contain the diphthong /eɪ/ . 以下句子中有三个单词的发音包含元音/eɪ/。 it is waste of time to play computer games day and night.



    带下列前缀的词:a-, ab-, ac-, ad-, al-, be-, con-, de-, dis-, em-, en-, in-, mis-, re-, trans-, un-,重音通常在第____个音节上。

    带下列后缀的词:-ade, -ain, -ee, -eer, -esque, -ette, -ique, -ine, -oon 重音通常在最后一个音节。这些词一般是从_______语中借来的词。


    请判断以下单词重读音节所在的位置: security


    请根据以下回答选择合适的问句。 --- why are they so keen on green?







    please make your choices from the following sentences, pay attention to the stress patterns and select the correct one.

    the following two sentences have the same number of stressed syllables. a. the others must have been waiting for a while. b. i’d like to enjoy a glass of wine.

    in the following choices, which one is correct?

    which word should be read in its weak form in a sentence?

    choose the words in the sentence which you think should be read in weak forms. ----- we will wait till the end of the party.

    we get troubles in understanding native speakers because they always speak too fast.

    when there is a single word, it should be read in its weak form.

    请认真听录音,根据录音找出句子的主重音。 第1至第8题为听力题,配套音频以视频形式提供在第九周学习任务点中:节奏规律单元测验(中)配套音频。请根据听力内容完成测验。 配套音频下载网址为:://pan.baidu.com/s/16g0mu-o5noyhbhztwdezmw 提取码: 9inr




    请认真听录音,根据录音选择带下划线单词在句中的弱读读音。 she gave it to us yesterday.

    请认真听录音,并根据录音选择正确的答案。 1)the performance was good. 2)the performance was good.




    在以下句子中,哪些词需要重读,即要读得清晰、响亮、音调高、而且音长长? can you repeat what you said?


    在下面的句子中,told 和 leave 都是实词, 因此应该用弱读式来进行朗读。 ---they told us to leave.


    英语重音的一般规律并非一成不变的。为了表达的需要,一些通常接受句子重音的词也可能会失去句子重音 ,而另一些通常不接受句子重音的词也可能会获得句子重音。

    请找出句子中通常被弱读的单词。 what shall we have for supper? e.g. 1)shall 2)____ 3)____

    请根据句子重音以及强读式与弱读式的发音规则,将以下句子中通常需要被重读的单词改成纯大写字母,弱读单词和非重读单词则用纯小写字母表示。句首字母保持大写。参考例题:the work is half finished. 参考答案:the work is half finished. there is a pair of glasses on the desk.

    请根据句子重音以及强读式与弱读式的发音规则,将以下句子中通常需要被重读的单词改成纯大写字母,弱读单词和非重读单词则用纯小写字母表示。句首字母保持大写。参考例题:the work is half finished. 参考答案:the work is half finished. most of the students are studying in the classroom.

    请根据句子重音以及强读式与弱读式的发音规则,将以下句子中通常需要被重读的单词改成纯大写字母,弱读单词和非重读单词则用纯小写字母表示。句首字母保持大写。参考例题:the work is half finished. 参考答案:the work is half finished. now, at the end of the morning you will all be able to collect a timetable from the college office.

    请根据句子重音以及强读式与弱读式的发音规则,将以下对话中通常需要被重读的单词改成纯大写字母,弱读单词和非重读单词则用纯小写字母表示。句首字母保持大写。参考例题:the work is half finished. 参考答案:the work is half finished. a: what are the kids doing now? b: most of them are asleep.

    according to the five rules of linking, there are two places of linking in the following sentence. ---i'll be back in half an hour.

    which sentence has the same rhythmic pattern as “he told us lie”?


    which sentence does not have the same rhythmic pattern as “sam likes plain soap”? (在下面的选项中,哪一个句子的节奏与“sam likes plain soap.”的节奏不同?)

    which sentence has the same rhythmic pattern as “sue tried very hard”? (在下面的选项中,哪一个句子的节奏与“sam tried very hard.”的节奏相同?)

    which type of linking is used in the underlined phrase in the following sentence? (句子中带下划线的词组适用那条连读规则?) thank you very much.

    find out the sentence that linking is used correctly and properly. ( 带下划线处表示连读)

    in the sentence "i wanted to connect you, but you were out.", which places can be linked? (该句中,有哪些地方适合被连读?)

    linking can make one's expressions more fluent, native and natural. (连读能使一个人的语言表达更流畅、自然、地道。)

    both linking and rhythm are important for good english pronunciation. (要学好英语发音,掌握好连读和节奏很重要。)

    besides stress, linking, strong form and weak form, and rhythm, intonation is another important element of spoken english.

    english has two basic intonation patterns: rising and falling. when they go together, they can make a falling-rising tone.

    which sentence should be read in falling intonation? 以下哪个句子在朗读时应该用降调?

    which sentence should be read in rising intonation ? 以下哪个句子在朗读时应该用升调?

    generally, rising tone is not used in the situation below. 升调通常不用于以下情况:_____________。

    we need to read this sentence in falling intonation: why are you laughing? why are you laughing? 读这个句子时应该用降调。

    rising intonation should be used in this sentence: do you take cream in your coffee? do you take cream in your coffee? 读这个句子时应该使用升调。

    how many syllables are there in the word "remembering"? (“remembering”这个单词中有多少个音节?)

    there are ________ pure vowels in english. (英语中有________个单元音。)

    information words are generally stressed in a sentence, because they give information about who, what, when, where, why and how. what are the information words in a sentence? (信息词在句中通常需要被重读,这是因为信息词给出了“谁”、“什么”、“何时”、“何地”、“为什么”、“怎么样”的相关信息。句子中什么词属于信息词?)

    choose the right answer according to rules of linking in english. (根据英语连读规则,选出连读正确的句子。∪表示连读)

    choose the right answer according to rules of linking in english. (根据英语连读规则,选出连读正确的句子。∪表示连读,字母中间带横线表示失去爆破)

    how many rhythm units are there in the following sentence? (以下句子有多少个节奏群?) --- their purpose is to teach them about the foundation of a culture.

    which is the only letter that can be pronounced as /æ/ in english words? (以下哪个英文字母是唯一 一个能够在单词中发/æ/这个音的?)

    which of the following letters can be pronounced as /f/ in english words? (以下哪些字母在英语单词中可以发/f/?)

    there are two central vowels in english. what are they? 英语中有两个中元音,它们分别是哪两个?

    which of the following letter groups can be pronounced as / ð / in english words? 下列哪些英文字母组合可以在英语单词中发/ ð /?

    many function words in english have two pronunciations: a strong form and a weak form. 英语中许多功能词有两种不同发音:强读式和弱读式。

    /ɜː/ and /i:/ are the most frequently used vowels in the weak forms of functions words. 英语功能词中的元音通常弱读为/ɜː/ 和 /i:/。

    english is the same with chinese in its rhythmic patterns. 英语和汉语在节奏上是一样的。

    english has three degrees of stress:____________, secondary, and zero. (英语重音可分为三种)

    diphthongs are sounds which consist of a movement or glide from one ____________ to another.

    how many syllables are there in the word "remembering"? (“remembering”这个单词中有多少个音节?)

    there are ________ pure vowels in english. (英语中有________个单元音。)

    information words are generally stressed in a sentence, because they give information about who, what, when, where, why and how. what are the information words in a sentence? (信息词在句中通常需要被重读,这是因为信息词给出了“谁”、“什么”、“何时”、“何地”、“为什么”、“怎么样”的相关信息。句子中什么词属于信息词?)

    choose the right answer according to rules of linking in english. (根据英语连读规则,选出连读正确的句子。∪表示连读)

    choose the right answer according to rules of linking in english. (根据英语连读规则,选出连读正确的句子。∪表示连读,字母中间带横线表示失去爆破)

    how many rhythm units are there in the following sentence? (以下句子有多少个节奏群?) --- their purpose is to teach them about the foundation of a culture.

    which is the only letter that can be pronounced as /æ/ in english words? (以下哪个英文字母是唯一 一个能够在单词中发/æ/这个音的?)

    which of the following letters can be pronounced as /f/ in english words? (以下哪些字母在英语单词中可以发/f/?)

    there are two central vowels in english. what are they? 英语中有两个中元音,它们分别是哪两个?

    which of the following letter groups can be pronounced as / ð / in english words? 下列哪些英文字母组合可以在英语单词中发/ ð /?

    many function words in english have two pronunciations: a strong form and a weak form. 英语中许多功能词有两种不同发音:强读式和弱读式。

    /ɜː/ and /i:/ are the most frequently used vowels in the weak forms of functions words. 英语功能词中的元音通常弱读为/ɜː/ 和 /i:/。

    english is the same with chinese in its rhythmic patterns. 英语和汉语在节奏上是一样的。

    english has three degrees of stress:____________, secondary, and zero. (英语重音可分为三种)

    diphthongs are sounds which consist of a movement or glide from one ____________ to another.

    了解和描述社会现象的状况,回答这种社会现象“是什么”,表明了社会调查具有( )

    选择调查方法属于社会调查研究的哪个阶段?( )

    下列哪项表述不准确?( )

    下列阶段中,哪些属于社会调查研究的主要阶段( )

    关于社会调查活动与调查方法,下列哪些说法是正确的( )

    社会调查所使用的资料收集方法包括( )




    社会调查是系统地、直接地从一个取自 的样本那里收集量化资料。

    社会调查的功能包括 、解释功能和预测功能

    一个选题能否解决现实中存在的问题,属于选题的( )标准

    一个选题采用了新的理论角度解释原有的老问题,属于选题的( )标准

    如果一个在校大学生选择了“旧城改造中的社会生产力重构研究”这一选题,不符合选题的( )标准

    社会调查的选题标准需要符合( )原则

    在撰写文献综述前,选择研读文献的标准是( )

    选择调查课题,可以从( )途径进行选题




    文献综述具有综合性、描述性和 的特点

    文献综述的结构一般包括前言部分、 和总结部分




    社会调查中所研究的对象称之为( )

    必须有明确研究假设的调查类型是 ( )

    “越穷的农村生育率越高,因此,越穷的农民生的孩子越多” 这种推理犯的错误是( )

    下列分析单位属于群体的是( )

    下面分析单位属于社会产物有( )

    下列分析单位属于社区的是( )

    1960年,在130个居民人数超过10万的城市中,有126个城市拥有至少两家医院协会认可的短期非私立综合医院。 上例中的分析单位是医院

    女人看电视的时间比男人长,因为女人在家庭之外工作的时间比男人短。 上例中的分析单位是男人和女人

    大帮派比小帮派更容易参与帮派之间的斗殴。 上例中的分析单位是帮派





    对样本中某一变量的综合描述叫( )

    在有关某高校大学生的环保意识调查中,该校全体大学生所构成的即为这项调查研究的( )

    在定额抽样中确定各层子样本,应采取( )

    常用的简单随机抽样可以分为( )

    影响样本规模确定的因素有( )

    以下抽样方法中,属于非概率抽样的有( )






    社会调查研究中的样本规模至少不能少于 个单位

    “将被调查者工资单上的应发金额数加上每月奖金发放统计表上他所得的奖金数额就是他的收入状况”是( )

    不仅能够将社会现象或事物区分为不同的类别、不同的等级,而且可以确定它们相互之间的间隔和数量差别,但没有一个绝对的0点。这一测量是( )

    社会调查研究中操作化的含义是指( )

    下面哪些是定类变量( )

    下列关于测量的信度和效度间关系说确的是( )

    下列变量属于定比变量的是( )




    信度指测量数据和结论的可靠性程度,主要包含 、复本信度、折半信度

    将概念操作化的方法主要有两种。一种方法是对概念进行 的方法,另一种方法是建立指标群的方法。

    社会测量包含测量客体、测量内容、 、数字或符号四个构成要素

    “您觉得您的知识水平和实践经验能否适应工作的需要?”其错误是( )

    所得资料特别适于进行定量分析的是( )

    你最喜欢的专业是 □文科 □理科 ,其错误是( )

    在设计问卷时,敏感性强、涉及个人隐私的问题应该安排在问卷的( )

    在实际工作中,问卷的设计有两种具体方法,即( )

    “您认为当前自己在学习中存在的最主要的问题是什么? □迫切需要解决 □不需要解决 □无所谓”,其错误是( )

    下面因素中,哪些是阻碍问卷调查的客观因素( )

    下列属于试用问卷初稿方法的有( )

    下列属于答案设计基本要求的是( )

    一份完整的问卷通常需要包含以下几个部分封面信、 、问题及答案、编码



    以下调查方式的回收率,由高到低排列正确的是( )

    与自填问卷相比,结构式访问最大的优点是( )

    某人对所有题目的回答都选择了中间选项,这个资料违背了( )

    自填问卷法的优点是( )

    当面访问法的缺点是( )

    资料审核的标准包括( )





    问卷调查依据填答人的不同,可以划分为自填问卷法和 两种主要类型。



    “大连市居民的人均消费情况比沈阳市居民的人均消费情况差异程度更大”,这是指( )

    “某大学的学生中绝大部分来自北方农村”,这是指( )

    与众数相对应的离散量数是( )

    某数学补习班7位学员的年龄分别是17岁、19岁、22岁、24岁、25岁、28岁和34岁,这些学员年龄的四分位差是( )岁

    与平均值相对应的离散量数是( )

    与中位数相对应的离散量数是( )




    常用的集中趋势统计量有平均数、 和众数

    单变量推论统计主要包括 和假设检验

    从调查中获得如表1所示的资料,计算数学成绩的平均值是 分(保留一位小数) 表1 10个人的数学成绩 数学成绩(分) 人数(人) 65-74 4 75-84 4 85-100 2 合计 10

    某企业在一项关于职工流失原因的研究中,从该企业职工的流失职工总体中随机选取了200人组成的一个样本。在对其进行访问时,有140人说他们离开该企业是由于同管理人员不能融洽相处。试在95%的置信度下,估计由于这种原因而离开该企业的人员的比例是 (保留两位小数)

    某社区家庭住宅套数情况分布见表2,求其标准差是 套(保留两位小数) 表2 某调查家庭人口分布状况 住宅套数 户数(f) 1 80 2 50 3 25 4 10 合计 165

    统计报表显示某校教师上月人均月收入6000元,现抽样调查120名教师,发现本月人均月收入为6200元,标准差为400元,在检验该校教师本月人均月收入是否为6000元时,需要计算z值,计算出的z值是 (保留两位小数)

    调查报告是是以事实为基础的,所以调查报告的( )是指社会调查报告必须全面正确地反映社会事实

    根据调查报告的功能,可将其分为( )调查报告两大类

    《大学生团员意识及思想教育状况现状调查》属于( )

    下列( )属于研究报告中常用的标题形式

    学术性研究报告的构成要素有( )、小结或摘要、参考文献以及附录

    学术性研究报告的导言部分应该包括( )






    撰写调查报告时,为了使叙述更客观, 不用 ,而应该用第三人称或非人称代词。


    《社会支持是影响残疾人康复的重要因素》这一标题采取的是 写法


    2*2的定类和定类变量相关分析,应该选择( )

    定类和定比变量之间的相关分析应该选择( )

    定距和定比变量之间的相关分析应该选择( )

    社会调查研究中,当一个变量的数值发生变动,另一个变量的数值随着发生大致均等的变动,这种相关关系是( )

    两个变量之间的变化方向相反,一个上升而另一个是下降,或者一个下降而另一个是上升,这是( )

    如果两个变量都是定序变量,计算相关系数时应该采用( )系数








    回归分析是对有相关关系的变量,根据大量资料找出合适的 ,来近似地表达变量间的平均变化关系

    如果两个变量是定距或定比变量,计算相关系数时应计算 系数

    一项调查得到如表1所示的数据,试问性别与对电影的爱好的相关系数是 (p=0.05)(保留两位小数) 表1 性别与电影爱好 电影爱好 性别 男 女 侦探 35 10 言情 15 40

    调查得到下列资料,专业和态度之间的卡方系数是 (保留一位小数)。 态度 专业 理工科学生 文科学生 容忍 90 25 反对 30 55 合计 120 80

    证券市场逐步规范化,其中发行制度的发展 ( )

    建筑业是生产建筑产品的物质生产部门,属于( )



    帧中继中不采用hdlc的平衡链路接入规程lapb,所采用的链路接入规程是( )




    上市证券自由买卖的品种不包括 ( )


    技术分析适用于( )




    所属分类:公共管理习题 浏览量: 96  次
