



    《政机关公文处理工作条例》的制发主体是办公厅和办公厅。( )

    《政机关公文处理工作条例》的实施日期是2012年7月1日。( )


    公文事关公务并且具有现实效用,体现了公文在内容上的特点。( )

    计划类文书、总结类文书具有独立直发权限。( )

    上级机关或其职能部门向其下级机关及其职能部门下发的各类公文的行文方向是( )

    要求以最快速度传递和办理的公文称为( )

    一旦泄露会使安全和利益遭受特别严重损害的文件是( )

    下列属于周知性公文的有( )

    1. 法定公文15类文种中,可用于上行的文种主要有( )

    根据公文的内在属性可将公文分为( )

    表彰奖励危难险重中挺身而出者,一般使用文种( )

    下列没有制发命令权限的主体是( )

    若请求批准事项,可考虑选用的文种包括( )

    可用来表彰嘉奖的文种包括( )

    行文关系主要体现为( )

    与各省、自治区、直辖市之间的关系为( )

    面向整个社会、以公开发布的方式传达社会各方应周知信息的公文是( )

    北京市主送给的公文属于( )

    民政部与各省、自治区、直辖市民政厅(局)之间属于( )

    报请性公文的行文方向为( )

    1.根据行文关系和工作需要而确定并使用的文件发布与传递方式是指( )

    2. 部署一项全局性的、需各省根据本省具体情况再行安排的工作,把文件主送到各省、自治区、直辖市属于( )

    3.发文机关越过自己直接的上级机关或下级机关,向更高层的上级机关直至或更低层的下级机关行文的方式被称为( )

    4.直接行文可以使用的文种是( )

    5.一种最基本、最普遍、最常用的行文方式是( )

    1.根据规定,请示适用于向上级机关请求指示或批准事项。一份请示可以申请解决问题的数量是( )

    2.联合行文对发文机关有一定限制。下列选项中可以联合行文的是( )

    3.联合行文在标注发文机关时,排列在前的机关一般是( )

    4.联合发文的发文字号只能标注( )

    5. 下列部门内设机构,可以对外发文的是( )

    1.公文使用结构层次序数一般表述为首先、其次、第三……最后。( )

    2.行政公文的成文日期必须用数字标注,如2018年6月7日。( )

    3.在公文写作中可以使用繁体字和异体字。( )

    4.地方文件中可以使用当地方言进行写作。( )

    5.公文内容除了必须符合法律外,还要符合本系统、本机关的有关政策和规章。( )

    6.公文具有一定的权威性,要求用语庄重,因此不可以使用口语化的表述语言。( )

    7.公文中常常出现外国的国名、地名、、、派等机构及报刊等事物的名称,必须使用新华社统一的译名,不可使用任何不规范的译名。( )

    1. “秘密等级”“紧急程度”标识在版头部分的右上角。( )

    2. 无论签发人多与少,最后一行签发人姓名一定要与发文字号平行于同一行。( )

    3. 多家联合行文时应同时在版头标引各家文号。( )

    4.在公文的版头标注签发人姓名与发文机关负责人签发文件是同一回事。( )

    5.行政机关公文用纸采用b5型纸。( )

    1.公文的标题一般由( )组成

    2.通报的结尾,通常采用下述形式中的( )

    3.公文成文日期的书写规范是( )

    4.一般文件的成文日期为( )

    5.联合行文的成文日期为( )

    1.公文版记中的印发机关一般指的是 ( )

    2.公文格式由很多要素组成,下列各项组合中,均属于必备要素的是( )

    3.《政机关公文格式》的发布与实施时间分别为( )

    1.关于文种通知,以下说确的是( )

    2.上级机关向有关部门正式传达相应的人事任免文件,应该选用的文种为( )

    3.转下级机关公文应使用( )

    4.通知的种类有( )

    5.下列事项中能够使用通知行文的有( )

    1.“接受请示的机关应对请示事项表明是否批准的态度或予以明确的指示”,这句话反映了请示具有( )。

    下列说法中符合请示写法要求的是( )。

    3.请示作为请求性公文,用语应该仔细斟酌,下列请示尾语得体的是( )。

    4.下列有关请示的主送机关,说确的有( )。

    1.报告既可以用于向上级机关反馈信息,又可以请示相关问题。( )

    2.报告的主送机关数量没有限制。( )

    3.报告形成于事中或事后。( )

    4.请示可夹带报告事项。( )

    下列不属于非贸易结算内容的是( )。

    swift是一个( )

    chips是( )

    票据的作成,形式上需要记载的必要项目必须齐全,各个必要项目又必须符合票据法律规定,方可使票据产生法律效力。 这是票据的( )性质。

    票据所有权通过交付或背书及交付进行转让,这是票据的( )性质。

    汇票的付款期限的下述记载方式中, ( ) 必须由付款人承兑后才能确定具体的付款日期.

    由出口商签发的要求银行在一定时间内付款、并经付款人承兑的汇票( )。

    指示抬头的汇票是( )。

    由出票人允诺于规定时间无条件地由他自己向受款人支付一定金额的票据是( )。

    汇票债务人承担汇票付款的责任次序在承兑后是( )

    根据下列的汇票记载,可判定记载力( )的汇票为有效汇票。

    根据下列的汇票记载,可判定记载为( )的汇票为无效汇票。

    承兑是( )对远期汇票表示承担到期付款责任的行为。

    以下关于支票的说法,正确的是( )

    支票的出票人和付款人的关系是( )

    伦敦一家银行委托国外代理行向收款人办理汇款解付, 头寸调拨如下( )

    在汇款业务中,若汇出行结汇人行的汇款通知中指示in cover,please debit our account with you则表明( )。

    银行办理业务时通常无法占用客户资金的汇款方式是( )

    代理行向收款人解付电汇款项之前需要( )

    “汇款方式”是基于( )进行的国际结算

    在托收业务中,以下关系中不属于委托代理关系的是( )

    以下不属于代收行义务的是( ) a.

    承兑交单方式下开立的汇票是( )

    托收出口押汇是( )

    在托收业务中,如发生拒付,为了照料处理存仓、保险,重行议价,转售或运回等事宜,委托人可指定一个在货运目的港的代理人办理,这个代理人是( )。

    进口商付清货款后,代收行往往会( )记托收行账户并向托收行发去相应通知书,托收行收到通知书后将货款( )记出口方账户。

    即期付款交单中,出口商往往开立( ),通过代收银行向进口商提示。

    在凭信托收据借单提货的融资方式中,受托人是( )

    根据跟单托收业务的流程图,即期d/p、远期d/p、d/a做法步骤不同主要发生在( )之间。

    在托收业务中,若代收行在托收行有该笔托收业务的货币账户,则两行间的头寸拨付方式是( )。

    when is the world reading day?

    in what ways do you read a magazine that does not interest you much?

    if you need to read something very slowing and reflectively, you read it ______.

    which of the following types of materials do you read for learning?

    which of the following types of materials do you read for fun?

    if you want to ask someone for advice, what expressions might you use?

    if you want to give advice, what might you say?

    once the person was selected as 状元(no. 1 scholar) in ancient time, he would ______.

    请模仿 lecture 4 imitation内容,朗读、录制并上传自己的语音mp3文件。

    which of the following expressions is not used to give directions?

    which is not true about taishan mountain?

    which of the following are the main disadvantages of the motor car?

    which of the following are the main advantages of the motor car?

    which of the following are the most important advantages of walking and cycling?

    which of the following are the main disadvantages of walking and cycling?

    which of the following is a phrase not normally associated with booking a train ticket?

    which of the following expressions are used to ask for directions?

    请模仿 lecture 4 imitation内容,朗读、录制并上传自己的语音mp3文件。

    which of the following are not names of popular internet services?

    paper was a chinese invention and it was invented ______ years ago?

    which of the following proverbs or sayings has similar as “on the same page”?

    which of the following terms are usually associated with the internet?

    which of the following symbols are usually associated with the internet?

    which of the following expressions do not show an acknowledgement of someone's opinion?

    if you want to express the importance of your mobile phone, you may probably say, “___________”

    which of the following idioms means “让我心烦” in chinese?

    which one of the following idioms means "即兴发挥,见机行事" in english?

    which one of the following music genres refers to the music from movies or tv dramas?

    which one of these interjections could not be used to express amazement?

    which of the following adjectives could be best used to describe rock music?

    which ones of the following musical instruments could be listed under the "string instrument" category?

    which ones of the following adjectives could be best used to describe classical music?

    which ones of the following could be used to express “流行音乐榜”?

    if you are asking the other person to repeat on the phone, you may probably say, “___________”

    the phrase “face the music” means “to accept the results of your actions”.

    chinese music, originated from nature. the bone flute, which was made 8,000 years ago, could also imitate the sounds of ______.

    请模仿 lecture 4 imitation内容,朗读、录制并上传自己的语音mp3文件。

    请模仿 lecture 4 imitation内容,朗读、录制并上传自己的语音mp3文件。

    which of the following is not a real famous celebrity?

    which of the following words do not mean talented?

    which is a positive response to the request “would you mind giving me your dictionary?”

    which of the following are not true about lady gaga?

    which of the following celebrity/career combinations are correct?

    which of the following are important points for linking‘ideas’?

    lao tzu believed that people should learn from nature and keep a harmonious relationship with nature.

    the phrase “drama queen” has something to do with royalty.

    请模仿 lecture 4 imitation内容,朗读、录制并上传自己的语音mp3文件。

    which of the following words is not used to describe food?

    if you want to describe people of your hometown, you may not use the word ______.

    which of the following aspects are often covered on the topic of hometown?

    which of the phrases can you use to tell about where you are from?

    which of the following are informal expressions?

    the layout of beijing formed in the _____(写完整的英文单词) century.

    the meaning of the expression “back to square one” comes from a ______.

    to dress art in a job interview, we had better______.

    which of the following are words about job or work?

    before the interview, we should do some research on the company, including_____.

    what are the three important things when you are interviewing according to the lecture?

    what can we say if we have no preference among the given alternatives?

    giving someone a taste of his/her own medicine means ______ in chinese.

    people are healthy as long as their body system stays balanced.

    请模仿 lecture 4 imitation内容,朗读、录制并上传自己的语音mp3文件。

    what is the best way to describe a “nuclear family”?

    which of the following is not an aspect of the ‘tabular approach’?

    which of the following are generally considered to be a ‘family type’?

    which of the following terms are not usually associated with family types?

    which of the following are note-taking methods described in this lesson?

    in chinese daily life, the whole family includes three generations: grandparents, parents, grandchildren live together.

    请模仿 lecture 4 imitation内容,朗读、录制并上传自己的语音mp3文件。

    生涯人物访谈报告 要求: 1、请采访一位在职场工作的生涯人物(生涯人物是指工作的人,并不要求职业领域和职位级别),形成一个简单的生涯人物访谈报告; 2、《生涯人物访谈报告》形式不限,字数不限,但必须包含以下几方面内容: (1)生涯人物的基本信息:性别、年龄、目前工作岗位; (2)生涯人物目前从事岗位的主要职责、岗位能力要求; (3)生涯人物对未来想从事同一岗位的学生们最想说的一句话。

    我的大学生涯规划书(行动方案部分) 1、在“就业、创业、读研”中任拟一个大学毕业时的目标,并制定大学阶段的行动方案以实现拟定的目标; 2、完整的生涯规划书至少包括:自我特质的探索、职场的探索、科学的决策以及行动方案和反馈机制,但是此次考核相对简化,只要求大家根据拟定的目标,制定大学期间具体的行动方案和计划; 3、行动方案的撰写要遵循“目标导向性、可操作性、时间性”等原则; 4、写作形式与字数不限。

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