




    用于衡量客户在某一时点上能够真正支配的财富价值的是( )。

    股份公司发行可转换优先股票,一般应在公司章程中明确规定下列转换要求( )。

    证券公司向外部报送的自营业务信息报告中,不包括( )。

    以下关于我国公司债券说法错误的是( )。

    下列关于β系数说确的是( )。

    一个投资组合风险小于市场平均风险,则它的β值可能为( )。

    衍生产品类证券产品具有的显著特征包括( )。

    银监会借鉴其他对混合资本工具的有关规定,严格遵照《巴塞尔协议》要求的原则特征,择以( )作为我国混合资本工具的主要形式。

    下列关于金融机构风险压力测试的说法,正确的有( )。


    卡尼曼和特维尔斯基在实验中发现,人们对待收益和损失的态度非常不一样。当遭受损失时,人们往往有进一步冒险的心理偏好,而当人们获得收益时,则会有较强的风险规避心态。这种心理叫做( )。

    目前,深、沪证券交易所对封闭式基金的交易与股票交易一样实行价格涨跌幅限制,涨跌幅比例为( )(基金上市首日除外)。

    新上证综合指数择( )组成样本。

    二进制数的进位关系是逢二进一,所以1 1=10。



    (30.25) 十进制 = (11110.01) 二进制












    以下代码描述的是? assign c=!(a&b);

    以下代码描述的是? assign c=!(a^b);

    以下代码描述的是? assign {c,d}= a b ;

    以下代码描述中变量c表示的? assign {c,d}= a b ;

    在以下代码中,变量c的位宽是? assign c = &a

    如果想代码有意义,在以下代码中,变量a的位宽至少是? assign c = &a

    以下代码描述的是? assign c= d ?a:b;

    以下代码描述的是? always @ (posedge clk ) if (reset == 0) begin y <= 0; end else y <= a; end

    以下代码描述的是? always @ (a or b or sel) begin y = 0; if (sel == 0) begin y = a; end else begin y = b; end end

    以下代码描述的是? always @(posedge clk) if (reset) begin out <= 8'b0 ; end else if (enable) begin out <= out 1; end

    以下代码描述的是? always @ (posedge clk_in) if (reset) begin clk_out <= 1'b0; end else if (enable) begin clk_out <= ! clk_out ; end

    如果变量a位宽为2位,变量b位宽为3位,以下代码中y合理的位宽是? assign y = {a,b};

    以下代码描述的是? assign {d,e} = a b c;

    以下代码描述的是? assign out = (in == 3'b000 ) ? 8'b0000_0001 : (in == 3'b001 ) ? 8'b0000_0010 : (in == 3'b010 ) ? 8'b0000_0100 : (in == 3'b011 ) ? 8'b0000_1000 : (in == 3'b100 ) ? 8'b0001_0000 : (in == 3'b101 ) ? 8'b0010_0000 : (in == 3'b110 ) ? 8'b0100_0000 : (in == 3'b111 ) ? 8'b1000_0000 : 8'h00;

    以下代码中所有信号位宽全部为1,其描述的是? not u_inv (inv_sel,sel); and u_anda (asel,a,inv_sel), and u_andb (bsel,b,sel); or u_or (y,asel,bsel);

    在verilog中表示变量a小于等于b,应该写为a b

    在verilog中表示变量a不等于b,应该写为a b

    assign c= 0&x,c的值为?

    assign c= 0^x,c的值为?

    $display (" 10 %s 3 = %d","%", 10 % 3); 显示的结果为:10 % 3 =

    $display (" 10 / 5 = %d", 10 / 5); 显示的结果为:10 / 5 =

    $display (" 5 >= 10 = %b", (5 >= 10)); 显示的结果为:5 >= 10 =

    在空格中填写正确的数据 module decoder_using_case ( binary_in , decoder_out , enable ); input [3:0] binary_in ; input enable ; output [15:0] decoder_out ; reg [15:0] decoder_out ; always @ (enable or binary_in) begin decoder_out = 0; if (enable) begin case (binary_in) 4'h0 : decoder_out = 16'h0001; 4'h1 : decoder_out = 16'h0002; 4'h2 : decoder_out = 16'h0004; 4'h3 : decoder_out = 16'h0008; 4'h4 : decoder_out = 16'h0010; 4'h5 : decoder_out = 16'h0020; 4'h6 : decoder_out = 16'h0040; 4'h7 : decoder_out = 16'h0080; 4'h8 : decoder_out = 16'h ; 4'h9 : decoder_out = 16'h0200; 4'ha : decoder_out = 16'h0400; 4'hb : decoder_out = 16'h0800; 4'hc : decoder_out = 16'h1000; 4'hd : decoder_out = 16'h2000; 4'he : decoder_out = 16'h4000; 4'hf : decoder_out = 16'h8000; endcase end end endmodule

    以下代码描述触发器,请在空格中填写正确的数值 module dff_sync_reset ( data , // data input clk , // clock input reset , // reset input q // q output ); //-----------input ports--------------- input data, clk, reset ; //-----------output ports--------------- output q; //------------internal variables-------- reg q; //-------------code starts here--------- always @ ( posedge clk) if (~reset) begin q <= 1'b ; end else begin q <= data; end endmodule

    按以下代码描述,如果当前输出为00001000,当enable=1 且reset=1是,则下一状态的输出为 ? module one_hot_cnt ( out , enable , clk , reset ); output [7:0] out; input enable, clk, reset; reg [7:0] out; always @ (posedge clk) if (reset) begin out <= 8'b0000_0001 ; end else if (enable) begin out <= {out[6],out[5],out[4],out[3], out[2],out[1],out[0],out[7]}; end endmodule

    已知状态转移图如下: 请将在下划线处填写正确的代码: module reduce (clk, reset, in, out); input clk, reset, in; output out; parameter s0 = 2’b00; parameter s1 = 2’b01; parameter s2 = 2’b10; reg out; reg [1:0] state; reg [1:0] next_state; always @(posedge clk) if (reset) state = s0; e lse state = next_state; always @(in or state) case (state) s0: begin if (in) next_state = s1; else next_state = ; end ……







    以下代码描述的是moore型状态机: always @(in or state) case (state) zero: begin out = 0; if (in) next_state = one; else next_state = zero; end …………


    已知如下对输出逻辑的描述代码,state为当前状态,out为状态机输出。由此可知该状态机为mealy型状态机。 always @(state) case (state) s0: out = 0; s1: out = 0; s2: out = 1; s3: out = 1; endcase

    已知状态的状态图如下: 复位后。状态机的输入依次为0010011,则状态机的输出依次为

    已知状态转移图如下: 请在下划线处填写正确的代码: module reduce (clk, reset, in, out); input clk, reset, in; output out; parameter s0 = 2’b00; parameter s1 = 2’b01; parameter s2 = 2’b10; reg out; reg [1:0] state; reg [1:0] next_state; always @(posedge clk) if (reset) state = s0; e lse state = next_state; always @(in or state) case (state) …… …… s1: begin if (in) next_state = s2; else next_state = ; end …… ……

    已知状态转移图如下: 请在下划线处填写正确的代码: module reduce (clk, reset, in, out); input clk, reset, in; output out; parameter s0 = 2’b00; parameter s1 = 2’b01; parameter s2 = 2’b10; reg out; reg [1:0] state; reg [1:0] next_state; always @(posedge clk) if (reset) state = s0; e lse state = next_state; always @(in or state) case (state) …… …… s2: begin if (in) next_state = ; else next_state = s0 ; end …… ……

    已知状态图如下: 则如下对对输出逻辑的描述代码空白处应为: always @(state) case (state) s0: out = 0; s1: out = 0; s2: out = 1; s3: out = ; endcase

    已知状态转移图如下: 请在下划线处填写正确的代码: module reduce (clk, reset, in, out); input clk, reset, in; output out; parameter s0 = 2’b00; parameter s1 = 2’b01; parameter s2 = 2’b10; reg out; reg [1:0] state; reg [1:0] next_state; always @(posedge clk) if (reset) state = ; else state = next_state; ……

    已知状态机转移图如下: 请在空白处补充合适的代码: module reduce (clk, reset, in, out); input clk, reset, in; output out; parameter s0 = 2’b00; parameter s1 = 2’b01; parameter s2 = 2’b10; reg out; reg [1:0] state; reg [1:0] next_state; …… …… always @(in or state) case (state) …… …… s2: begin if (in) begin next_state = s2 ; ; (答案不留空格) end else …… end …… ……

    下图所示状态机为 型状态机

    请将以下描述全加器的代码补充完整: module add_full(cout,sum, in_a,in_b,cin) input [4:0] in_a,in_b; input cin; ;(答案不留空格) output cout; assign {cout, sum}=in_a in_b cin; endmodule

    请将以下描述多路复用器的代码补充完整 module amux_2(out, in_a,in_b,s) input [4:0] in_a,in_b; input s; output[4:0] out; assign out=s? ; (答案不留空格) endmodule

    异步数字系统主要依靠 信号实现不同模块之间的交互。

    描述下面代码的功能。 module func (reset,clk,out); input clk,reset; output reg out; reg [2:0] count; always @(posedge clk, reset) begin if(~reset) begin count<=0; out<=0; end else begin if(count==5) begin count<=0; out<= ~out; end else count<=count 1; end end endmodule

    描述电路功能是() module m(a, b, a_gt_b, a_eq_b, a_lt_b); input a,b; output a_gt_b, a_eq_b, a_lt_b; assign a_gt_b= (a>b), a_eq_b= (a==b), a_lt_b= (a
    描述下面代码的功能。 module shiftreg_pa(e, a, clk, rst); output a; input e,clk,rst; reg a,b,c,d; always@ (posedge clk or posedge rst) begin if (rst) begin a=0;b=0;c=0;d=0; end else begin a<=b; b<=c; c<=d; d<=e; end end endmodule

    a的位宽为4比特,b的位宽为4比特。 a = 4’b0010, b = 4’b1010。a && b=()。

    描述电路功能: assign out = en ?in:1’bz;

    用verilog hdl描述一个带有进位(或借位)的4bit加法-减法器。当控制信号con为0时,进行加法运算,当控制信号con为1时,进行减法运算 module add_sub_4bit(a, b, ci, con, s, co); input [3:0] a, b; input ci, con; output [3:0] s; output co; reg [3:0] s; reg co; always @ (________) begin if (con) {co, s} = a - b - ci; else {co, s} = a b ci; endmodule

    用verilog hdl描述如下电路,其中输入是a和cp,输出为q1、q2和q3 module register (a, q1,q2,q3,cp) input a, cp; output q1,q2,q3; reg q1,q2,q3; always@(posedge cp) begin _____________ end endmodule


    算术逻辑运算单元(alu)是cpu设计中重要组成部分。针对几种不同操作码分别实现相应的加、与、异或、跳转等多种基本操作运算。请在下划线补充合适的语句。 module alu (alu_out, zero, data, accum, alu_clk, opcode); output [7:0]alu_out; output zero; input [7:0] data, accum; input [2:0] opcode; input alu_clk; reg [7:0] alu_out; parameter hlt =3'b000, skz =3'b001, add =3'b010, andd =3'b011, xorr =3'b100, lda =3'b101, sto =3'b110, jmp =3'b111; assign zero = !accum; always @(posedge alu_clk) begin ________ (opcode) hlt: alu_out<=accum; skz: alu_out<=accum; add: alu_out<=data accum; andd: alu_out<=data&accum; xorr: alu_out<=data^accum; lda: alu_out<=data; sto: alu_out<=accum; jmp: alu_out<=accum; default: alu_out<=8'bxxxx_xxxx; ______ end endmodule

    cpu中程序计数器用于提供指令地址,以便读取指令,指令按地址顺序存放在存储器中。 有两种途径可形成指令地址:其一是顺序执行的情况,其二是遇到要改变顺序执行程序的情况,例如执行跳转指令(jmp)后,需要形成新的指令地址。 module counter ( pc_addr, ir_addr, load, clock, rst); output [12:0] pc_addr; input [12:0] ir_addr; input load, clock, rst; reg [12:0] pc_addr; always @( posedge clock or posedge rst ) //clock或rst上升沿来的时候 begin if(rst) pc_addr<=13'b0_0000_0000_0000; else if(load) //(跳转指令) pc_addr <= ir_addr; else pc_addr <= ___________;(顺序执行情况) end endmodule










































    关于文学“兴 观 群 怨”四大功能表述错误的是











    下列题目中任选一题: 1、郭沫若《天狗》的艺术特色;2、散文诗《影的告别》中鲁迅的内心矛盾;3、周作人审美观中的“趣味”;4、茅盾《子夜》的艺术风格;5、谈谈郁达夫小说中性描写的得失;6、翠翠形象的人性美;7、《黑骏马》的忏悔意识。(请勿抄袭,整体抄袭的以零分计。请互评中发现整体抄袭的,把原文链接贴在评阅意见中,核实后本次作业作零分处理。)

















    下列题目中任选一题: 1、联系阅读经验,谈谈审美直觉在文学欣赏中的作用; 2、联系阅读经验,谈谈文学中的思想与一般社会科学中思想的差异; 3、联系学习体会,谈谈问题意识在文学批评中的作用; 4、谈谈你从这门课得到的收获或者学习体会。

















    青城山最著名的自然景观包括( )。

    (萤是丙戌年,是( )。

    小乘佛教认为世上只有一个佛,其教义注重自我解脱,修行的最高果位是佛。 ( )

    三元大帝中,天官赐福、地官解厄、水官赦罪。 ( )

    湖南武陵源与福建武夷山均属于典型的( )。

    隋唐时期,佛教繁荣的最主要标志是( )。

    竟陵派和公安派都强调抒写“性灵”。 ( )

    湖南的“母亲河”沅江是湖南最大的河流。( )

    被称为“东方夏威夷”的海滨风景区是( ).

    《周易》里八卦中之艮卦主要象征的是( )。

    第一批职业导游是指_____ ( )

    北京故宫内建有三座花园,即宁寿宫花园、慈宁宫花园和御花园 ( )

    在孔庙的我国著名的汉魏碑是( ).

    导游讲解的“虚实结合法”中的“实”是指( )。

    which of the following prefix means half?

    which of the following prefix means difficult or painful?

    which of the following suffix means record or picture?

    which of the following suffix means excision?

    which of the following means surgical repair of the esophagus?

    which of the following means rupture of the liver?

    which of the following means the layer above the dermis?

    which of the following means inflammation of the kidney?

    which of the following suffix means instrument for viewing the stomach?

    which of the following means heart pain?

    the chin is below the nose so the chin is __________to the nose

    the knee is near to the body trunk compared with feet, so the knee is ___________ to feet.

    the nose is in front of ears so the nose is _________to ears.

    the skin is the covering of body while bone is buried inside so the skin is _______to bone

    ___________means “bottom or lower part of an organ.”

    __________means “the body lying horizontally and facing downward.”

    which of the following means fat cell_________

    which of the following means study of tissue____________

    which of the following means above stomach____________

    what does postnasal mean?

    which of the following means within the skin?

    which of the following means skin disease?

    which of the following means abnormal condition of excessive sweat?

    which of the following means black tumor?

    which of the following means softening of nails?

    collagen fibers are the major components of the ____.

    special cells, ____, in the epidermis produce the black pigment that gives color to the skin and protects against damage from the ultraviolet rays of the sun.

    adipose tissue mainly exists in ______.

    which of the following is not the accessory structure of the skin?

    ___ protrudes into the hair bulb and provides nutrients for the growing hair.

    which of the following valve guards the atrioventricular orifice between the right atrium and the right ventricle?

    which of the heart chamber receives blood returning from the pulmonary veins?

    which of the following statement is not true?

    ________ are allest blood vessels, which provide sites of exchange of substances between the blood and the body cells

    which of the following is the innermost layer of the heart wall?

    which of the following means heart muscle disease?

    which of the following means hardening of the vessel?

    which of the following means suturing of an artery?

    which of the following means process of recording a vein?

    which of the following means inflammation of a valve?

    which of the following means inflammation of vertebrae?

    which of the following means disease of tendon and muscle?

    which of the following means surgical repair of bone?

    which of the following means bone and cartilage tumor?

    which of the following means incision into the joint?

    which of the following is not the facial bone?

    which of the following is not the bone in the axial skeleton?

    which of the following is not in upper extremities.

    pectoral girdle includes two bones clavicle and ___________

    which bone is on the little finger side of the forearm?

    which of the following means nose inflammation?

    1. which of the following means paralysis of the voice box?

    which of the following means insufficient oxygen in the blood?

    which of the following means abnormal condition of nose fungus?

    which of the following means normal breathing?

    ____ in the nasal cavity can increase the air turbulence.

    ____ serve(s) as a food and air passageway.

    ____ is the location of the vocal cords.

    ____ covers the larynx and trachea during swallowing, which provides protection against food and liquid being inhaled into the lungs.

    each bronchiole terminates in a all group of air sacs, called ___.

    the roof of the mouth is known as the ________.

    the crown of the tooth is covered by a layer of ____, the hardest substance in the body.

    the ileum connects to the colon through a sphincter called the ____ valve.

    which of the following teeth do not belong to cutting teeth?

    when the bile leaves the liver through left and right hepatic duct, it enters ______.

    which of the following means the study of the mouth?

    which of the following means the inflammation of the tongue?

    which of the following means suturing the lip?

    which of the following means condition of common bile duct stone?

    which of the following means abnormal appetite?

    which of following means rapid bleeding from bladder?

    which of following means excision of a kidney?

    which of following means kidney disease?

    which of following means x-ray record of the renal pelvis?

    which of following means frequent nighttime urination?

    renal _____is the place, where the renal artery carries the blood into the kidney and the renal vein carries the blood out of the kidney.

    the renal ___ is the blood-filtering portion of the nephron.

    the filtering unit of the nephron, which is composed of a tangled cluster of blood capillaries is _____.

    which of the following is not the stage of urine formation?

    the male urethra is not only the outlet for urine but also the passageway for ___.

    which of following means excision of the uterus?

    which of following means milk discharge?

    which of following means surgical repair of breast?

    which of following means no menstrual flow?

    which of following means blood in fallopian tube?

    which layer of the uterus contracts to expel the baby from the mother’s body?

    ___ of the uterus communicates with vagina and the cavity of the uterine body.

    what structure in the uterine tubes has the function of providing site for the fertilization?

    below the center of the breast there is a ring of pigmented skin, called ___.

    ___ can store milk during nursing.

    which of the following means headache?

    poliomyelitis possibly means?

    the word radiculoneurocele possibly means?

    which of the following means recording the ultrasonic echoes of the brain?

    encephalosclerosis possibly means?

    the ___ lobe of the cerebrum controls visual information.

    the ___ lobe of the cerebrum receives and interprets nerve impulses from sensory receptors and interprets language.

    which part of brain is located beneath the posterior part of the cerebrum and maintain the balance and equilibrium

    ____________receive information from another cell and tranit the message to the cell body

    ____________carry messages from sensory receptors to the cns, central nervous system

    which of the following shows the study of female?

    which of the following means yellow skin?

    which of the following means abnormal condition of hair fungus?

    which of the following means excision of wrinkles?

    which of the following means abnormal condition of porous bones?

    which of the following means tendon pain?

    which of the following means difficult movement?

    what is the general medical term for hardening of the arteries?

    which of the following means inflammation of all the sinuses?

    which of the following refers to the instrument to measure the breathing?

    which of the following terms means toward the side with respect to the imaginary midline?

    this oily substance, ____, lubricates the skin surface.

    which of the following is not facial bone?

    the basal layer also contains special cells called_______, which produce black pigment that gives color to the skin.

    which of the following terms means lying horizontally with face upward?

    which of the following valve guards the atrioventricular orifice between the left atrium and the left ventricle?

    which of the following statement is not true?

    which bone is located on the upper sides of cranium and roof of skull.

    which of the following is commonly referred to as adam’s apple.

    the name for muscle tissue found in the walls of hollow or tube-shaped organs is_____.

    which of the following means difficult digestion?

    which of the following terms means dilated ureter?

    which of the following terms means rapid blood flow from uterus?

    which of the following terms means excision of the testes?

    which of the following terms means inflammation of the gray matter of spinal cord?

    the ______ sphincter opens and closes to control the passage of food into the all intestine.

    27. _____ is the final stage of urine production occurring when the special cells of the renal tubules secrete ammonia, uric acid, and other waste substances directly into the renal tubule.

    the distal end of each uterine tube expands as it curves around the ovary, forming the _______, where fertilization usually occurs.

    ______ is the innermost membrane layer of meninges and is applied directly to the surface of the brain.

    each nephron is composed of a filtering unit consisting of a tangled cluster of blood capillaries called a glomerulus and a surrounding thin-walled saclike structure called a glomerular or________.

    the epithelial tissue can provide support and protection to the body.

    the deepest layer in the dermis is called basal layer.

    bat-shaped bone that forms part of the base of the skull, floor, and sides of eye orbit is sphenoid bone.

    pulmonary valve is a semilunar valve.

    arteries carry blood back to the heart.

    uvula can help the production of speech.

    an afferent arteriole carries blood into the glomerulus.

    cervical mucus can block the spread of bacteria from the vagina into the uterus.

    inside the mammary glands, there are lobules, which contain lactiferous ducts that produce milk.

    parietal lobe of the cerebrum can control motor function, personality, and speech.

    the________ is the white half-moon shaped part at the nail base.

    the vertebral or spinal column can be ided into five sections: cervical vertebrae, thoracic vertebrae, __________ vertebrae, sacrum and coccyx.

    the wall of the heart is composed of three distinct layers: an outer epicardium, a middle_________, and an inner endocardium.

    the maximum pressure achieved during ventricular contraction is called the ________ pressure.

    in lungs, each bronchiole terminates in a all group of air sacs, called _______.

    the _____ of the all intestine extends from the pyloric sphincter to the jejunum.

    saliva contains the digestive enzyme, _____, which begins the digestion of carbohydrates.

    each renal pyramid opens into a _____ ,which is continuous with the renal pelvis.

    the organ of the female reproductive system, _____, functions to receive, retain, and nourish a fertilized ovum.

    nervous tissue consists of two basic types of cells: _____ and neuroglial cells.

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