














    下列传播形式不能被称之为垂直传播( )。

    下列哪种疾病可引起垂直传播( )。

    寄生在动物机体内的条件原微生物,当受不良因素的影响,动物机体的抵抗力减弱时引起机体发病,称为( )。

    提高易感动物的抵抗力的措施不包括( )。

    病原微生物能否引起感染取决于( )等因素。

    切断传播途径的措施不包括( )。

    下列哪项不属于病原携带者( )。

    流行过程的三个基本环节是( )。

    下列哪项不是的共同特性( )。


    隔离措施是防制的重要措施之一,根据诊断检疫的结果,可以将全部受检家畜分为不同的类型,以便分别对待,以下分类正确的是( )

    封锁疫区是在发生后防止疫病向安全区散播和健康家畜误入疫区而采取的重要措施,以下关于疫区封锁的描述中不正确的是( )

    紧急接种是在发生后采取的一项应急性措施,紧急接种的对象( )

    在发生时,为了及时消灭从病畜体内排出的病原体而采取的消毒措施,我们将其称之为( )

    疫苗免疫程序的制定需要考虑以下哪种情况( )

    下列哪个不属于传染源( )。

    明显期最显著的特征是( )。

    转归期的结局是( )。

    消毒是指( )。

    属于直接接触传播的是( )


    口蹄疫病毒在病畜的( )含毒量最高。

    对畜禽进行结核病检疫诊断,常用的主要方法是( )

    布鲁氏菌病的主要传播途径是( )

    禽感染多杀性巴氏杆菌又名( )

    锁喉风是猪肺疫的哪一型( )

    鸡白痢的病原是( )

    剖检病死鸡,见到以下哪种病变就要高度怀疑感染大肠杆菌( )

    流行性乙型脑炎主要发生的季节是( )

    痘病是多种家畜共患的病毒性,其中有典型病理过程和危害最严重的痘病是( )

    仔猪副伤寒是猪的一种肠道,其病变特点为( )


    csfv与( )有共同抗原。

    我国预防猪瘟所用的疫苗毒株是( )

    猪支原体肺炎出现的典型病变为( )

    亚急性猪丹毒典型症状是( )

    猪接触性传染性胸膜肺炎的病原是( )

    小猪伪狂犬病的临诊特点是( )

    猪圆环病毒感染其临诊症状为( )

    猪传染性萎缩性鼻炎出现的特征变是( )

    猪繁殖与呼吸综合症病毒在分类上属于( )

    猪细小病毒感染的主要传播途径是( )


    马立克病毒分为3个血清型,其中致瘤的马立克病毒为血清( )型。

    某种禽病毒通过鸡胚接种分离,不直接凝集鸡红细胞,但用1%胰酶处理后具备凝集鸡红细胞的特性,这种病毒可能是( )

    新城疫病毒的缩写是( )

    传染性喉气管炎典型的病理变化为( )

    鸭瘟的典型病变为( )

    鸡慢性呼吸道病的的病原是( )

    以下哪种疾病不可引起禽病毒性肿瘤( )

    根据禽痘病毒侵害的部位不同可以分为3个类型,以下不属于鸡痘的病变类型( )

    过去曾称为真性鸡瘟的疾病是( )

    迄今为止,已发现的高致病性禽流感病毒的ha亚型都是属于( )


    犬瘟热病毒分类上属于( )

    犬瘟热病毒的缩写是( )

    犬瘟热的传播途径说法全面准确的是( )

    “肝炎性蓝眼病”指的是( )

    犬传染性肝炎病毒的缩写是( )

    犬传染性肝炎病毒分类上属于( )

    犬细小病毒感染临床特征为( )

    犬细小病毒的缩写是( )

    犬冠状病毒病临床特征是( )

    猫泛白细胞减少症又称为( )


    羊肠毒血症有诊断意义的病变是( )

    羊黑疫具有很大诊断意义的病变是( )

    牛流行热以下述描述正确的是( )

    羔羊痢疾的病变以( )为特征。

    牛病毒性腹泻粘膜病,下述描述正确的是( )

    羊快疫是主要发生于绵羊的一种急性,其特征变为( )

    羊猝击(struck)的病原是( )

    蓝舌病的最易感动物是( )

    牛病毒性腹泻黏膜病病毒分类上属于( )

    牛三日热指的是( )


    马立克病毒基因组是( )。

    新城疫病毒的缩写是( )

    传染性喉气管炎典型的病理变化为( )

    杀灭芽孢的可靠方法是( )。

    下列关于支原体说法不正确的是( )。

    下列选项不属于传染源的范畴( )

    流行过程的三个基本环节是( )。

    紧急接种是在发生后采取的一项应急性措施,紧急接种的对象是( )

    以下关于猪瘟病毒传播方式说确的是( )

    哪种抗生素是治疗猪丹毒的首选药物( )

    仔猪副伤寒最常发生的年龄阶段是( )

    牛流行热,下述描述正确的是( )

    狂犬病的狂暴型可分为( )

    多杀性巴氏杆菌传染的途径包括( )

    沙门氏菌病临诊上多表现为( )

    仔猪感染大肠杆菌临诊表现可分为以下几型( )












































    两级压缩制冷的中间压力是由曲线cop- tm(中间温度值)的峰值点所对应的中间温度值,其相应的饱和压力值即为最佳中间压力。





























    过冷的制冷剂液体进入毛细管后,在液相段压力降低,温度 升高;进入两相段后,压力降低,温度降低。










    4he在λ点温度呈现的两种不同液相间的转变是一种高阶相变, 伴随有()的突变。









    转化温度表示气体节流时,微分节流效应()0 时所对应的温度。









    林德液化循环是由“等温压缩--等压降温-- --等压复温”四个过程组成的。




    海兰德液化循环属于高压、 膨胀

    卡皮查液化循环属于低压 膨胀




    复叠式天然气液化循环采用甲烷、 、丙烷三个制冷循环复叠而成

    混合制冷剂的天然气液化循环采用氮气和 组成



    二次节流液化循环,可以看做是: 和














    压力一定的情况下,溶液 h-x图上的两条饱和曲线不相交。























    双级精馏塔氮的纯度愈高,表明精馏过程进行得愈完善, 氧产量愈小















    双级精馏塔下塔的功能是提纯 ,在下塔底部获得的是_____。


























    歌剧《白毛女》唱段《北风吹》吸收了( )民歌《春阳传》描写主人公的天真和期待。



    歌剧唱段《恨似高山仇似海》由剧中的 演唱

    歌剧《白毛女》产生于20世纪 年代。




    《清粼粼的水蓝莹莹的天》采用了 唱腔及咬字特点。

    歌剧《小二黑结婚》中女主人公的名字叫 。

    歌剧选段《清粼粼的水蓝莹莹的天》是女主人公以 为借口等待着二黑哥。



    歌剧《洪湖赤卫队》讲述了土地革命时期 地区的赤卫队与敌人展开斗争的故事。


    《洪湖水浪打浪》是 和秋菊在洪湖上泛舟时演唱的曲目。

    歌剧《洪湖赤卫队》于1959年在 首演。

    歌剧选段《海风阵阵愁煞人》中较多运用了 技法。





    歌剧《的女儿》中主人公临赴刑场前演唱了 。

    歌剧《江姐》选自小说 中有关江姐的故事。

    歌剧《的女儿》女主人公的名字叫 。



    歌剧唱段《 》是金环坐在梳妆台前演唱的诀别之歌。

    歌剧唱段《 》是杨晓东母亲在坠楼前演唱的唱段。


    歌剧《木兰诗篇》讲述了 替父从军的故事。

    歌剧选段《不能尽孝愧对娘》是剧中男主人公 的重要唱段。




    歌剧《运河谣》中的主人公水红莲为了爱人和大义,临死前唱起了咏叹调 。

    歌剧《悲怆的黎明》讲述了 解放区青年学生在新诞生前夕奔赴前线投入战争的故事。

    歌剧选段 是主人公田原和林梅的二重唱。

    女主人公水红莲的唱段 是全剧的主题曲。



    歌剧唱段《三月桃花心中开》吸收了 民歌音乐元素。


    1、 下面哪个唱段是海棠和林生的二重唱。

    歌剧《长征》中的彭政委怀着对爱人的思念以及对长征的坚定信念,唱起了咏叹调 。

    屠呦呦在经过190次试验失败后终于获得成功,此时唱起了歌曲 。



    设a,b是任意两个随机事件,则p(a-b)=( )


    掷两颗均匀的,它们出现的点数之和等于8的概率为( )

    一批产品中有8个正品和2个次品,不放回地抽取2次,则第2次抽得次品的概率是( )

    甲袋中有2个白球3个黑球,乙袋中全是白球.现从甲袋中任取2球,从乙袋中任取1球混合在一起, 然后从中任取一球. 取到白球的概率为( )

    一道单选题有4个答案,考生知道答案的概率是0.6。已知某考生选对了答案,则该考生确实知道答案的概率为( )

    下列函数中可以作为某随机变量概率密度的是( )

    currently in china, funds needed by schools under the direct administration of the central government come from the __________.

    in 1984, the chinese ministry of education affected policy changes including affirmative action and __________.

    china’s ancient innovations, e.g. papermaking, printing, __________ have made a valuable contribution to the economic development in asia and europe.

    in the past decades, the introduction of __________, __________ and new “dry” cultivation methods for rice have increased agricultural outputs substantially.

    through years of study, china has successfully developed the hjd program-controlled switchboard, the shuguang computer, __________ and bio-vaccines, all of which have the potential to be new industries for china.

    in the han dynasty, the government selected the officials through__________.

    in the time of confucius most members of shi class served as __________, __________ and teachers.

    which type of schools offer three-year training programs for junior middle school graduates for positions requiring production and operation skills?

    the beginning of the interview examination started from__________.

    it is believed that confucius has put forward fundamental notions of __________ in china.

    confucius proposed explanations of __________ as core concepts of the confuciani.

    zhang heng was influenced by the ideas of __________ to believe that earthquakes were caused by wind and air.

    what was invented by zhang heng to detect a distant earthquake?

    as the seiometer can detect the earthquake took place far away, the han government was able to offer __________ to the stricken regions in time.

    all chinese citizens must attend school for at least nine years, known as the nine-year compulsory education.

    china’s educational system consists of three sections: primary education, occupational education and higher education.

    in tibet, all the school courses are taught in chinese.

    chinese higher education at the undergraduate level is ided into three-year and four-year programs.

    all the funds investigated into the educational institutions are from china’s central government.

    vocational schools in china offer programs training medium-level skilled workers, farmers, and managerial and technical personnel.

    international communication in higher education is an important aspect of friendship between china and other countries.

    researcher institutes were allowed to adapt their products and technology into market economy since the establishment of the people’s republic of china.

    the origin of chinese education could be dated back to the private schooling during the spring and autumn period.

    foreign-oriented education aid program has been embodied in the migration of facility construction and program launching.

    china has achieved world-class scientific success in application studies and new technology development.

    the imperial examination in sui dynasty consisted of the wushu examination and the arts examination.

    the lun yu (also translated as the analects) is a collection mainly composed of conversations between confucius, his disciples and an occasional ruler.

    the celestial model zhang heng constructed was almost a physical model of ptolemy’s earth-centered theory.

    zhang heng invented the world’s first water-powered armillary sphere and the world’s first seiometer.

    how to evaluate the imperial examination system in ancient china?

    which kind of lion dance was formed in northern china?

    dai music is similar to the music style of burma and thailand, with graceful and beautiful tunes and melodies. typical dai instruments are ______and elephant-foot drum.

    yi people have a wide range of traditional tunes, such as hill-climbing tune, door tune, greeting tune, wedding tune and so on .their songs include______________tone(s).

    certain elements of _______are introduced into chinese han music and the western music, which is reflected in some well-known songs like “visiting new city” and “qinghai-tibet plateau”.

    kunqu has_____and______vocals, beautiful and refined tunes, and dance-like performance.

    shaanxi opera is a representative folk opera of shaanxi. bangzi tune is the _____, most affluent opera tune in china's _____ great characteristic melodies.

    cantonese opera is one type of traditional local operas, popular in _____and _____ provinces and in chinese communities in south asia and america.

    two main techniques in chinese painting are gong-bi and xieyi. gong-bi, meaning “_______”, uses highly detailed brushstrokes that delimits details very precisely.

    _____ is known as “literati painting”, as it was one of the “_____ arts” of the chinese scholar-official class. this style is also referred to as “xieyi” or _____.

    the "six principles of chinese painting" were established by xie he, a_____, art historian and critic in ____century china ,who is most famous for his "six points to consider when___________", taken from the preface to his book the record of the classification of old painters.

    in imperial times (beginning with the eastern jin dynasty), ____and____ in china were among the most highly appreciated arts in the court and they were often practiced by aristocrats and scholar-officials who had the leisure time necessary to perfect the technique and sensibility necessary for great brushwork.

    the first two forms of paper art, dating back from the han dynasty, are chinese paper cutting and chinese paper folding, including the______ and_____.

    puppeteers use various kinds of puppets, including marionettes, glove puppets, rod puppets, _____ and wire puppets in performances incorporating folk songs and dances over some _____, whose subject matter is derived mainly from _____.

    the principle and methods of shadow performance adopted by the shadow puppet played an important role in the invention of the modern movie and the development of the ______and______.

    chinese knotting is a decorative handicraft art that began as a form of chinese folk art in the _____and______ dynasties in china, which was later popularized in the ______dynasty.

    folk raps are all about the myths and legends, usually sung in a strong chant form with a bright and ooth rhythm.

    “yangko dance” has developed much beyond the original simple form and has turned to be a combination of various dances.

    ethnic dances involve drum dance, jumping dance, stepping dance “yang ko dance” and so on.

    lion dance was introduced into china in the han dynasty.

    kunqu is one of the oldest operatic forms, mother of many other types of traditional operas.

    sichuan opera is known for singing which is more constrained than that of beijing opera.

    huangmei opera has been performed for over 200 years. it is a local opera in anhui province and evolved from the “cai cha tune” (tea-picking tune) of huangmei county, hubei province.

    “gong-bi’’ is often highly colored and usually depicts figural or narrative subjects. it is mostly practiced by artists working for the court or in independent workshops.

    correspondence to the object, or the depicting of form, refers not only to texture and brush stroke, but to the close link between handwriting and personality.

    correspondence to the object, or the depicting of form,refers not only to texture and brush stroke, but to the close link between handwriting and personality.

    chinese embroidery is some of the oldest extant needlework. the four major regional styles of chinese embroidery are suzhou embroidery (su xiu), hunan embroidery (hu xiu), guangdong embroidery (yue xiu) and sichuan embroidery (shu xiu).

    the six elements that define a painting are: spirit resonance, bone method, correspondence to the object, suitability to type, division and planning and tranission by copying.

    chinese opera has been hugely popular for centuries, especially the beijing opera. other types of opera include clapper opera , puppet opera, kunqu and so on.

    chinese shadow play (皮影戏) is widely spread in most regions in china, except tibet and xinjiang, with different styles of shadow puppet plays in different places.

    due to the regional and ethnic differences, chinese handicrafts have a strong local characteristics and national style.

    why are tibetan jewelries mysterious and unique?

    the chinese ideograph nian (year) shows a person carrying ____________.

    in the traditional chinese calendric system, years are designated by _______ heavenly stems and _________ earthly branches.

    which of the festivals is related to a romantic story?

    in the double ninth festival, the custom of ascending a height is to avoid __________.

    the mooncake-giving became popular and tied to the mid-autumn festival during the _________ dynasty.

    which of the festivals originated from a myth tale about seven girls killing an evil demon?

    the “lusheng” in lusheng festival is a kind of __________.

    the corban festival falls on the tenth day of the __________ on the islamic calendar.

    climbing poles via knives as rungs is recognized as the traditional sport of the ________ peoples.

    the story of “mu lien saves his mother from suffering in hell” is related to ________.

    _________ is a time to eat glutinous rice dumplings which symbolize family unity.

    during which festival, chinese families would hang the picture of zhong kui?

    sho dun in tibetan language means __________ eating.

    which festivals is related to singing matches of zhuang people?

    the traditional chinese system is a combination of the solar system and the lunar system.

    the twenty-four solar terms each suggest the position of the sun every time it travels 20 degrees on the ecliptic longitude.

    in each month of the agricultural calendar, there are often two solar terms: “jie qi” and “zhong qi”.

    the spring festival is also known as the chinese new year.

    the mid-autumn festival falls on the 15th of the eighth lunar month.

    the double third festival is also known as the shangsi festival.

    the torch festival is only celebrated among the yi people.

    nadam in mongolian language means harvest.

    the ghost festival has its roots in both buddhi and daoi.

    the double ninth festival is also a time when chrysanthemum blooms.

    the chinese determined the point of winter solstice by observing movements of the moon.

    at the end of june, ordinary tibetans would prepare some milk for the monks who come out from the temple where they have been forbidden to step out for three months.

    the torch festival originated in the memory of a hero in ancient times.

    the ancient chinese believed in rejuvenation being associated with the sun and the water.

    lanterns were not related to moon-worship before the tang dynasty.

    the costume of the western han dynasty followed the one established in the ____ dynasty. in the eastern han dynasty, people in black had to wear ________ silk adornments to match their clothes.

    the garments in the tang dynasty greatly affected the garments of neighboring countries. for instance, japanese ________ adopted the elites of the dresses of the tang dynasty in terms of colors and the korean ________ also adopted the advantages of the dresses of the tang dynasty.

    in northern cold areas live tibetan, mongolian, kazakh, whose clothing material has to be warm and strong enough, therefore, ________ is used as the main clothing material.

    robes were largely popular among __________ ethnic minorities in the ______.

    some ethnic people prefer big-leg pants with broad waist and large crotch, such as ________, ________ people in liangshan, sichuan and ________ people in dehong, yunnan.

    pleated skirts are sewed or folded with many pleats, for which they are also called “one-hundred-pleat skirt”. many ethnic women including the ______ women, the dong women, the yi women, the lisu women, the pumi women, the naxi women and the buyi women still wear this type of skirt today.

    leather hats commonly seen are hats made of roe deer scalp worn by the ewenkis and oroqens, round roll brim hats worn by the ________, round leather caps and a kind of fox leather cap with a sharp top worn by _________ men, and so on.

    some famous cloth shoes are ________ people’s yunyun shoes, ________ people’s cat’s nose shoes, ________ people’s gold ingot-shaped shoes, ________ people’s upturned-sole embroidered shoes, etc.

    batik is one of the three ancient textile-printing techniques in china together with ________, where melted wax (usually beeswax and paraffin wax) is applied to ________ before it is dipped into dyes during the batik process.

    what’s the right process of batik?

    batik in ________ has a reputation for its delicate and intricate nature, balanced composition and harmonious color, while batik in ________ is distinguished by its freer, more imaginative designs and dynamic composition.

    the nonstop cultural exchange and mutual influence between han and manchu peoples also contributed to the change of manchu clothing. the cuffs of chi-pao have gradually turned from ________ to ________. the ________ slits became ________ slits. the ________ round collar became ________.

    miao people’s special love for _____ has a long history, which serves as the psychological basis for silver ornaments to come into being.

    ________ is the indispensable pattern and design of various silver ornaments from head to toe.

    the progress of nation can be seen through its changes in clothing styles.

    there were specific rules on colors of court garments in the han dynasty. officers must wear garments according to the five time periods, i.e. cyan garments in the spring, red in the first two months of the summer, white in the last month of the summer, yellow in the autumn and black in the winter.

    the dresses of the tang dynasty were mainly made of gauze, so they were famous for softness and lightness.

    the cheongsam, or qipao in chinese, is evolved from a sort of ancient clothing of mongolian ethnic minority.

    costume not only displays their ethnical cultural characteristics, but also serves as material and spiritual ties that hold their ethnical group together.

    long coats are usually big and loose, worn by the dongs, yis, miaos, hanis, dais, bouyeis, maonans, tujias, and zhuangs, etc.

    ethnic minorities in the northeast like the mongolian, the kazaks, etc. used to make shoes with hides (roe deer skin, deer skin), cowhides, horseskin and fishskin. some of them are called “wula”, whose bootlegs are not very long, mostly above the anklebones.

    there are many embroidery techniques, such as plain embroidery, monguor embroidery, horsetail embroidery, braid embroidery, appliqué, backstitch, cross stitch, and so on.

    chinese batik is a unique form of manual dyeing art that originated with the ancient yi ethnic minority group during the eastern zhou dynasty, developed in the qin and the han dynasties, and prevailed in the song dynasty.

    the basic batik method used by the zhuang ethnic minority is also followed by the miao, who similarly work with bleached white cloth, except that the miao employ a wider variety of representational and non-representational images in their batik.

    the earliest chi-pao had a simple style and structure, with one straight and cylindrical piece covering the whole body.

    the 1920s and 1930s saw the full-swing development of the chi-pao, which finally give birth to the new-style chi-pao worn by modern women and laid the foundation for chi-pao to become a classical dress for women in chinese clothing history.

    as one of the representative symbols of chinese culture, chi-pao has many unique features that are accepted by westerners as design elements, including its sexy lines, exquisite embroidery, restrained and noble standing collar.

    miao silver ornaments have been characterized by sorcery since its birth. miao ancestors firmly believed that all beautiful objects could exorcise evil spirits.

    for miao people, whether girls wear silver horns at festivals reflects their social status. this displays a kind of beauty, strength and wealth.

    why is cheongsam so popular?

    traditional sports of ethnic minorities, which are rooted in the ______ population and have passed down for thousands of years, and have become rich treasure of chinese civilization.

    the genesis of chinese martial arts has been attributed to the need for_____hunting techniques and military training in ancient china.

    horse racing, as a ______ program, is popular and welcomed in many ethnic groups, including mongolian, tibetan, yi, uygur, kazak, miao and so on.

    same as yi, though wresting used to be proving the strength in fighting and warfare, the other ethnic groups have taken it as a part in the traditional culture ceremony and a way to ______ their ancestors.

    every year, on the second day of the first _____ month, li villages will hold archery matches in turn.

    in the archery matches, each village will choose a good archer to compete. more important than an ox leg as the prize, the _____ players will win the admiration from the girls.

    jingpo people’s archery also has a ______ color. in the match, a girl will hang a target, usually a beautiful cloth bag, high above on a tree, and young men will race to shoot with arrows.

    as a ______ game, tug-of-war not only strengthens the body, but also brings about a lot of fun.

    ______ is not restricted by space, for it can be held wherever there is an open ground and a thick rope. more importantly, it cultivates strong team spirit, the base of cohesive forces in a nation and in a working unit as well.

    the dai, miao, bai, buyi and shui groups in china all enjoy dragon boat races. it was originally a sacrificial activity to the god of water or the dragon, which can be traced back to ______ time.

    nowadays, ________ has been passed on as a national ceremony, and every year on the world-famous water-sprinkling festival, dai people will hold this race and also give performance.

    in the southeastern chinese island, taiwan, in the spring morning, gaoshan girls will put on beautiful costumes and invite their friends to play on the swing under the big trees, which they call “miaomian” (meaning flying high to the sky). they take this game to express their pursuit of_______.

    due to the influence of _______, social and historical development, as well as various factors of different ethnic groups, their sports have reflected the most significant characteristics of tradition, region and times.

    ethnic sports, rich in ______ and erse in ______, are mostly carried out in festivals and folk activities, and are closely related to production, life and military purposes.

    in europe, the game of golf was first seen in paintings of the 14th and 15th centuries, but that was several hundred years after the chinese games of________.

    chinese martial arts, also referred to by the term “wushu” and popularly as “kung fu” or “gung fu”, are a number of fighting styles that have developed over the centuries in china.

    examples of such traits include physical exercises involving animal mimicry, or training methods inspired by chinese philosophies, religions and legends.

    styles that focus on qi manipulation are called external, while others that concentrate on improving muscle and cardiovascular fitness are called internal. geographical association, as in northern and southern, is another popular classification method.

    the term “wushu” has also become the name for the modern sport of wushu, an exhibition and full-contact sport of bare-handed and weapons forms, adapted and judged to a set of aesthetic criteria for points developed since 1956 in the people's republic of china.

    the genesis of chinese martial arts has been attributed to the need for fighting against enemy, hunting techniques and military training in ancient china.

    according to history, chinese martial arts originated during the semi-mythical xia dynasty more than 4,000 years ago.

    the modern concepts of wushu were fully developed by the tang and song dynasties.

    the ideas associated with chinese martial arts changed with the evolution of chinese society and over time acquired some philosophical bases: passages in the zhuangzi, a daoist text, pertain to the psychology and practice of martial arts.

    according to one of the classic texts of confuciani, zhou li (周礼), archery and charioteering were part of the "six arts" (六艺, others are rites, medicine, physics and mathematics) of the zhou dynasty (1122–256 bc).

    the art of war, written during the 6th century bc by mo zi, deals directly with military warfare but contains ideas that are used in the chinese martial arts.

    the noted physician, hua tuo, composed the "five animals play"—tiger, deer, monkey, bear, and bird, around 220 bc.

    traditional chinese schools of martial arts, such as the famed shaolin monks, often dealt with the study of martial arts not just as a means of self-defense or mental training, but as a system of ethics.

    traditional sports of ethnic minorities come from imagination and have similar characteristics and extensive foundation.

    ethnic sports, rich in content and erse in form, are mostly carried out in festivals and folk activities, and are closely related to production, life and military purposes.

    china’s ethnic minority areas not only have modern sports such as athletics, horse racing, archery and football, but also many traditional sports inherent to all ethnic groups.

    how much do you know about chinese folk sports? could you understand the culture factors of chinese martial arts or kungfu?

    cantonese cuisine originated in the _____ dynasty. the style combines the variety of dim sum dishes with the drinking of tea. dim sum, literally "touch your heart", is a cantonese term for _____ dishes.

    fujian cuisine is often served in a broth or soup, with cooking techniques including braising, stewing, steaming and _____. fujian cuisine is noted for its _____ taste and sweet and sour flavor.

    hunan cuisine is well known for its hot spicy flavor, fresh aroma and deep color. chili, pepper and _____ are necessities in this cuisine. it is also renowned for its frequent use of _____ in cooking.

    typical courses of _____ cuisine are jinling salted dried duck, crystal meat, clear crab shell meatballs, yangzhou steamed jerky strips, and triple combo duck.

    with a long history, _____ cuisine once formed an important part of the imperial cuisine and was widely promoted in north china.

    sichuan cuisine is famed for bold flavors, particularly the pungency and spiciness resulting from liberal use of _____, as well as the unique flavor of the sichuan peppercorn and facing heaven pepper.

    zhe cuisine consists of at least four styles: hangzhou style, shaoxing style, _____ style and shanghai style.

    the uygurs are good at barbecuing _____ on a grill, which enjoys its reputation throughout china.

    there goes a saying among the miao-inhabited area that “without taking _____ food for even only three days, people will be walking dizzily and tiredly”.

    in general, taboos in diet are mainly brought about by _____, religious faiths and creeds, which demand the people to observe some principles in diet practice.

    the earliest chopsticks were probably used for cooking, stirring the fire, serving or seizing bits of food, and not as an eating instrument until _____.

    it is said that dexterity and intelligence could be improved via using _____ as over eighty joints and fifty muscles will be required to coordinate with one another in the practice.

    the typical yin cooking methods include _____, and _____ are considered as yang methods.

    for those who are in bad condition, medicated diet can be used to treat diseases while for the healthy people it can improve their heath and prevent diseases. this is one of the characteristics in which _____ is different from _____.

    the three main criteria for good chinese food are: color, aroma and taste.

    color refers only to the match of beautiful colors of the food.

    aroma implies not only the ell of the dish, but also the freshness of the materials and the blending of seasoning.

    taste involves proper seasoning and fine slicing techniques.

    chinese cuisines attach little importance to the yin-yang principle and medicinal function of the dishes.

    yang foods are thin, cooling and low in calories, while yin foods are rich, spicy, warming and high in calories.

    medicinal cuisine combines strictly processed traditional chinese medicine with traditional culinary materials to produce delicious food with health-restoring qualities.

    the "eight regional cuisines" and the "eight cuisines of china" are as follows: hui, anhui; yue, guangdong; qian, guizhou; xiang, hunan; su, jiangsu; lu, shandong; chuan, sichuan; zhe, zhejiang.

    these styles are distinctive from one another due to factors such as available resources, climate, geography, history, cooking techniques and lifestyle.

    in general, people living in coastal areas usually take more seafood, aquatic products and domestic poultry.

    the mongolians are good at curing vegetables to preserve the food for a whole winter when there are insufficient vegetables for sale in northeast china.

    jiangsu cuisine favors cooking techniques such as braising and stewing, while sichuan cuisine employs baking, just to name a few.

    by yin-yang cuisine philosophy, sourness, bitterness and saltiness are described as yang while sweetness and pungency bear yin property.

    many traditional regional cuisines rely on basic methods of preservation such as drying, salting, pickling and fermentation.

    anhui cuisine is derived from the native cooking styles of the yellow mountains region in china and is similar to zhejiang cuisine.

    it was believed that _____________ and various beasts served to protect sacred buildings and keep _____________ away.

    character of this type of quadrangle building is as follows:__________,_____________ and a clear distinction between the primary and secondary, outside and inside.

    the strongest characteristics of hui style buildings is _____________ and _____________ which constitute the chinese ink-and-wash painting.

    the classical chinese garden is enclosed by a wall and has one or more ponds,_____________, trees and flowers, and an assortment of halls and pavilions within the garden, connected by ______________ and zig-zag galleries.

    under the new han dynasty (206 bc – 220 ad), a new imperial capital was built at changan, and emperor wu of han built a new imperial garden, which combined the features of ______________ gardens, as well as the traditional hunting grounds.

    these chinese classical gardens, or scholar's gardens (wenren yuan), were inspired by, and in turn inspired, classical chinese _______ and _________.

    the _____ pavilion in the garden of the beijing _____ was destroyed by an anglo-french expedition in 1860. the empress dowager cixi erted money from the chinese navy to have it rebuilt.

    chinese bridges can be ided into 3 categories: the ________bridge, the________ bridge, and the _________ bridge zhaozhou bridge is the world's oldest open-spandrel stone segmental arch bridge.

    lugou bridge also known as the _________bridge in english, is a famous stone bridge located 15 km southwest of the beijing city center across the yongding river-a main tributary of hai river.

    as a landscaping structure, the zigzag bridge is found in some gardens or suburban parks. it is intended to give an interesting scenic feature on lakes and ponds. such a bridge may have ______ _________or more zigzags. the nine-bend bridge in yuyuan garden of shanghai’s old town is a typical example.

    feng shui is a chinese system of geomancy believed to use the laws of both _________(chinese astronomy) and _________ to help one improve life by receiving positive qi. the term feng shui literally translates as "wind-water" in english. qi rides the wind and scatters, but is retained when encountering water.

    mongolian yurt is a kind of house of mongolian herdan, suitable for animal huandry production and _________. it is the name of mongolian __________ housing. "bao" is the meaning of "home" and "house“. this form of architecture is known to the world and is a great invention of asian nomads(游牧民).

    huizhou’s building has become a precious heritage which attract the attention of researchers both domestically and internationally on architecture. they incorporated fengshui concepts and aesthetic trends, with black tiles, white walls and decorations placed elegantly on __________.

    the ancient chinese used timber extensively as a building material in addition to bricks and tiles. readily available timber was transportable and practical and more capable of withstanding earthquakes, but they are more vulnerable to __________ and _________ and are naturally subjected to rotting over time.

    chinese architecture from early times used concepts from chinese coology such as ___________ and __________ to organize construction and layout from common residences to imperial and religious structures.

    since the tang dynasty, chinese architecture has had a major influence on the architectural styles of korea, vietnam,vietnam, and japan.

    in the zhou dynasty, simple timber framework began to appear, and later it became the main structure.

    the tang dynasty was a period of great prosperity. construction of palaces, buddhist temples and pagodas flourished.

    ancient architecture continued to develop in the yuan dynasty, especially the islamic mosques and buddhist temples, which brought deep influences on the ethnic architecture.

    roofs with two or more sections of incline are used in lower class constructions, from the dwellings of wealthy commoners to palaces.

    they are most common in the desert in the northwest loess plateau (黄土高原) of china and at the middle and upper reaches of the yellow river.

    the huizhou area has a history of 3000 years and its residential houses embraced local physical features.

    originally, hui style white walls are not designed for decoration but for ecological consideration, for white walls can protect against moisture and reflect sunshine.

    huizhou dwellings are similar from the quadrangles courtyards in northern china.

    the overall building complexes are round or square, and some in the style of large mansions or in the shape of the eight trigrams.

    the upper story for bamboo house is living quarters, supported by 20 wooden poles and are more than two meters above the ground.

    the yurts can not be packed in a pack, carried by a couple of hump camels, and transported to the next stop, resetting up the tent.

    the top of the mongolian bag is "moire", representing the holy white clouds! mongolian people admire the cloud, white clouds symbolize the bright and auspicious.

    the stone chamber is the most popular dwelling in tibet and some areas of inner mongolia.

    the earliest recorded chinese gardens were created in the valley of the yellow river, during the shang dynasty (1600-1046 bc).

    what are common features for traditional chinese architecture?

    _____ means detecting disease conditions by touching or pressing some part of the patient’s body by hand.

    _____ is a technique in which the practitioner inserts fine needles into specific points on the patient’s body.

    the intended effect of acupuncture is to increase _____ and balance energy (qi) within the body.

    _____ is the combination of acupuncture and moxibustion.

    the ‘five flavors’ in food therapy, an important aspect of chinese herbali as well, indicate what _____ various types of food play in the body.

    in china, _____ is considered as the primary therapeutic modality of internal medicine.

    rather than being prescribed inidually, single herbs are _____ that are designed to adapt to the specific needs of inidual patients.

    one classic example of chinese herbal medicine is the use of various _____ which are currently under intense study by ethnobotanists and medical researchers for immune system enhancement.

    _____, chinese herbal medicine uses many animal, mineral and mineraloid remedies, and also uses more products from marine sources.

    as a type of chinese massage, _____ consists of placing several glass ‘cups’ (open spheres) on the body.

    gua sha (刮痧) is a form of mechanical dermabrasion using _____ to irritate and inflame various regions of the jing luo’s dermal areas.

    oriental massage is typically administered with the patient fully clothed, without the application of grease or oils. choreography often involves _____.

    dai medicine holds that there are four towers of wind, soil, water and fire in nature, while the human body is also composed of four towers of _____, _____, fire and soil.

    much of the philosophy of traditional chinese medicine derives from the same philosophy that informs taoist and buddhist thought, and reflects the classical chinese belief that the life and activity of inidual human beings have an intimate relationship with the environment on all levels.

    both zhang zhongjing and hua tuo lived in the pre-han dynasty.

    hua tuo anesthetized patients during surgery with a formula of water and powdered .

    in the jin dynasty, huangfu mi practiced and advocated acupuncture and moxibustion.

    the medicinal substances include water, air, stones, minerals, metals, plants, herbs, animals, vegetables, fruits, and cereal crops.

    traditional chinese medicine is largely based on the philosophical concept that the human body is a all universe with a set of complete and sophisticated interconnected systems, and that those systems usually work in balance to maintain the healthy function of the human body.

    tcm has a unique model of the body, notably concerned with the meridian system.

    like the western anatomical model which ides the physical body into parts, the chinese model is also concerned with function.

    theories invoked to describe the human body in tcm include: channels, also known as ‘meridians’; wu xing; qi; three jiaos also known as the triple burner; yin and yang; zang and fu.

    following a macro philosophy of disease, traditional chinese diagnostics are based on ‘micro’ level laboratory tests rather than overall observation of human symptoms.

    diagnostic methods consist of interrogation, inspection, auscultation and olfaction, pulse-feeling and palpation.

    inspection is to ask the patient or his companion about the history of the disease, the history of the patient’s life and his family, as well as his own feeling symptoms.

    interrogation is to observe, with the doctor’s own eyes, the patient’s vitality, complexion, physical condition and behavior, picture of the tongue, secretion, excrement and so on.

    olfaction is to judge pathological changes in the interior of the patient’s body by listening to his voices, while auscultation is to differentiate the internal condition of the disease by elling the odors emitted from the patient.

    pulse-feeling is applied to find out the prosperity or decline of the viscera and bowels, qi and blood by feeling the patient’s pulse.



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