






    随堂练习: 现存的最早的雕版印刷插画作品是哪一件作品?



    现代插图的形式多种多样可以由 ___分类也可以由___分类。


    已知苯氯化制氯苯。每100mol苯与40mol的氯发生反应,反应产物中含有38mol氯苯、1mol二氯苯、和61mol未反应的苯。反应产物经分离后可回收60mol的苯,损失1mol苯。 请问苯的单程转化率是多少?

    已知苯氯化制氯苯。每100mol苯与40mol的氯发生反应,反应产物中含有38mol氯苯、1mol二氯苯、和61mol未反应的苯。反应产物经分离后可回收60mol的苯,损失1mol苯。 请问苯的总转化率是多少?










    who is messenger of the gods?

    arachne was turned into a spider by ____.

    in greek mythology, it was _____ who created human.

    the chinese mythology was produced in the matriarchal clan society.

    the chinese people worship the spirit of adventure and freedom.

    hesiod’s _____ offered the first written coogony, or origin story, of greek mythology.

    the ancient gods of greece fall into three major groups: the primeval gods, the titans, and _____.

    _____ has been called an early encyclopedia of china.

    in the chinese creation myth, in the beginning of time, there was nothing in the universe except for _____ that took no shape.

    the gods in the ancient chinese mythology are mostly half-human and _____.

    in chinese mythology, _____ is an incarnation of maternity.

    the dispute in the story of “apple of discord” eventually led to the _____.

    pangu stood between the sky and the earth and pushed up the sky for _____ years until he was exhausted.

    gaia gave zeus a _____ to attack his father kronos.

    what are the similarities and differences between chinese and greek creation stories?

    what are the influences does the greek mythology have on the western civilization?

    buddhi was introduced to china in the _____, along the trade routes the “silk road”.

    _____ is the world' s largest religion.

    _____ focuses on the “next world”, or the “afterlife”.

    in chinese religions, people can be saved through _____.

    which books reflects many facets of the life of israel?

    taoi praises highly the affirmation of physical life.

    buddha is not unique, everyone can become a buddha.

    christianity is the major part of the foundation of other abrahamic religions.

    five pillars are the fundamental practices of judai.

    _____ are the three main chinese religions.

    _____ played an important role in the formation of chinese people’s thinking patterns and ideoloogy.

    the most common graphic representation of taoist theology is the circular _____

    “abrahamic religions” refer to _____, _____, _____ because they all trace their history to the ancient figure of abraham, first mentioned in the hebrew bible.

    three major branches of christianity are _____, _____, _____.

    the three main beliefs at the center of judai are _____, identity and covenant.

    the monotheistic religions consider that the barrier between humans and god is _____

    the bible is ided into two parts--- _____ and _____.

    1. what are the reasons that different religions get on well with each other in china?

    2. do you think the ersity of religious beliefs is a good thing or a bad thing? why?

    1. _____is widely known as confucius’ follower and disciple.

    2. confucius’ birth date is believed to fall on _____.

    the mandate of heaven, or tianming, refers to the laws supporting the operation of the universe and nature.

    _____ turned the focus of looking for explanations of natural phenomena, to looking into the nature of justice and the “good” in human mind.

    socrates was the mentor of plato, while plato was the teacher of aristotle.

    socrates’ claim that his wisdom lay in __________ echoed confucius’ view a century earlier that one can learn to become a superior man by first recognizing what one does not know.

    1. with all due respect, aristotle said: _____ is dear to me, but dearer still is the truth.

    2. who mistrusted and generally advised against physical expressions of love?

    based his theory on observation, _____ believed that people should trust their sense to gain ideas of the world, because he was from the background of biological science

    according to aristotle, ________, one could build up insight into universal and immutable nature through continuous observation.

    _____is widely known as confucius’ follower and disciple.

    many people suggest setting a new teachers' day on sept. 28 since it's _______ birth date.

    _____ was thought to be an archivist at the zhou court that confucius had consulted him on rituals and ceremonies.

    who said "plato is dear to me, but dearer still is the truth."

    _____ turned the focus of looking for explanations of natural phenomena, to looking into the nature of justice and the “good” in human mind.

    who mistrusted and generally advised against physical love like sexual intercourse?

    the mandate of heaven, or tianming, refers to the laws supporting the operation of the universe and nature.

    socrates was widely believed as the founder of western philosophy.

    according to confucius, the supreme principle in the universe is the ______.

    socrates’ claim that his wisdom lay in __________ echoed confucius’ view a century earlier that one can learn to become a superior man by first recognizing what one does not know.

    what is the major difference between chuang tzu’s theory and lao tzu’s?

    how do you understand “platonic love”?

    how is plato related to aristotle and socrates?

    chinese thinking is predominantly concrete which prefers to apply the following methods except for ____.

    chinese way of writing sometimes strikes the english reader as awkward and unnecessarily indirect because of chinese _____ thinking pattern.

    western thinking is predominantly ytic which lays emphasis on intuition and logic.

    the socratic method, also known as method of elenchus or socratic debate, is described in plato's work.

    plato’s “subject-object dichotomy” reflects the _____ thinking pattern of westerns.

    the difference between chinese and westerns thinking patterns is mainly due to the foundation of their own culture, one under the influence of confuciani and taoi, and the other on the condition of ancient _____.

    aristotelian approach of reasoning emphasizes _____ thinking mode.

    chinese characters are the mimicry of natural phenomenon and are called imagery language, which reflects the ____ thinking pattern.

    the socrates method is widely used in contemporary_____ schools in the united states.

    the chinese new year is celebrated in _____ calendar.

    thanksgiving day falls on _____ in the united states.

    _____ is considered as the chinese valentine’s day

    christmas day is actually _____.

    what kind of gift is not typical for st. valentine ’s day?

    the spring festival is said to have originated from the year end ceremony observed during the __________.

    christmas to americans is said to be very similar to the spring festival to the chinese.

    in the west, st. valentine’s day can not only be observed by lovers, but also by family members.

    the nian is said to be a _______.

    the qingming festival reflects the chinese people’s _____ and _____ to their ancestors.

    peking opera has the following names except _____.

    _____ is not a key role in the peking opera.

    the white color of lianpu stands for _____ in peking opera.

    the dragon dance originated from the _____ dynasty.

    the green color of lion dance costume represents _____.

    the popularity of ballet soared in _____.

    chinese dragon is more commonly referred as loong in the greater chinese community.

    the opera in italia found its origin in the roman empire.

    the most famous three tenors of italian opera includes _____, _____, and ______.

    ___________ represents classical ballet in its grandest form.

    the building prototype of siheyuan appeared in _______.

    the humble administrator’s garden belongs to ______.

    the foremost renaissance building types were the______, palazzo, and villa.

    religious architecture includes buddhist, daoist, lamaist, and confucian architecture.

    the formal vocabulary of ancient greek architecture, in particular ided architecture style into three defined orders: the doric order, the ionic order and the corinthian order.

    gothic construction, particularly in its later phase, is characterized by heavy masses and soaring spaces.

    during the 17th century baroque is by no means a monolithic style.

    ancient chinese architecture can be roughly ided into five categories: imperial architecture, religious architecture, engineering architecture, __________and folk residence.

    the screen wall facing the gate blocks the external line of sight to maintain______ of the family.

    the four famous gardens in china are the summer palace, the chengde mountain resort, suzhou humble administrator’s garden and ______.

    roman architecture became an ________tool to demonstrate to the world that rome was culturally superior.

    what are the similarities and differences between chinese architecture and western one?

    the martial arts we recognize today as kung fu had their origins in the ________dynasties.

    both of shaolin’s physical exercise and mental training are based upon________ philosophy.

    it was john douglass who gave birth to the modern day boxing rules way back in 1865.

    there are five major styles tai chi. each of them is named after the corresponding chinese family from which the styles originate.

    without patience in the practice, the whole martial art philosophy, which is built on respect would collapse.

    boxing is a sport for the brave, is the real world the first fight movement.

    practicing marital arts may help us achieve fitness, flexibility, coordination and health purpose.

    there ares no doubt lots of benefits from practicing martial arts such as self defence and self confidence.

    due to the slow pace which is favorable to relax the nervous mentality, the regimen tai chi is created to keep the ________.

    taekwondo spirit includes: etiquette, honor, patience, self denial and __________.

    in ancient rome, the boxing fighters were usually offenders and _______ playing to win and gain independence.

    what are the similarities and differences between chinese kongfu and western martial arts?











    2. 一般认为创新的发展分为( )等几个阶段。









    常见的思维障碍有( )。

    创新思维的形式有以下哪几种?( )
















    创业机会主要包括技术机会、市场机会和( )。

    识别型创业机会多半处于供求( )的市场,创新程度( )。

    如果按照创业机会的来源分,创业机会可分为( )机会、( )机会和( )机会。

    如果按照创业机会目的——手段关系的明确程度分,创业机会可分为( )机会、( )机会和( )机会





    创新的本质是( ),即突破旧的思维定势和常规戒律。

    发明创造是一个( )概念,而创新则是( )概念。

    ( )发明是丰富人类物质文明生活以及精神生活的重要手段。

    完善型发明是处于( )的发明。

    核电站是( )的发明,而核武器就是( )的发明。

    计算机软件和集成电路布图设计,均属( )保护范畴。

    对创新成果的保护,主要体现在( )的法律保护上。

    依据创新活动中创新对象的不同,创新成果可分为( )。


    盖兹贝克和史密斯认为一个团队是由( )的人所组成。

    在一个创业团队中,( )是所有创业资源中最活跃、最重要的资源。

    依据创业团队的组成者来划分,创业团队可以分为( )。

    职业资源主要包括项目资源和人际资源。( )

    创业资源的获取一般有市场途径和非市场途径两种。( )

    资源吸引要充分发挥无形资源的杠杆作用。( )

    创业资源整合的过程包括资源扫描、资源控制、资源利用、资源拓展等几个阶段。( )

    诚信为本,诚信不仅是为人处世的基本准则,更是经商之魂。( )

    马斯洛需求层次理论中认为,社交需求属于最低层次的需求。( )

    商业模式描述了企业( )、( )、( )如何的基本原理。

    商业模式的创新视角,可以从( )考虑商业模式的创新。

    商业计划书有哪些组成部分。( )

    项目路演ppt中商业模式分析主要从哪些角度着手( )。

    商业计划书不是千篇一律的,我们可结合实际情况做适当的调整,一般而言,商业计划书可以从( )体现。






    企业选址会考虑的因素包括哪些:①工业政策;②交通基础设施;③生态环境;④供应商;⑤顾客。( )。

    我国汽车行业中的一汽大众、上海大众等采用( )合作生产方式,节省了人力、物力、财力,从而创造出了更大的利润。

    新产品的开发要取得最佳效果,关键在于( )。

    企业的组织形式有( )。

    企业名称一般由( )、( )、( )组成,前面可以加上所在地区行政区域名称。

    市场定位的策略包括( )。

    折扣定价策略中直接折扣的形式有( )。







    六顶思考帽是处理团队成员之间分歧和误解的重要方法,其中红色的帽子代表( )


    ( )是创新人才进行创新活动时必备的精神要素,是创新人才进行创新的行动指南,更是创新人才在创新领域有更进一步发展的基础。

    撰写商业计划书的过程是:( )。

    创新体现的是( ),是一项新的或改进的产品、过程或服务。

    创业既是一种精神,也是一种理念,更是一种( )。


    ( )是创新的基本前提。

    创新者的创新视野,是建立在( )基础之上的,并以崭新视角来看待过去、现在以及未来。

    关于创业与创业者,下列说法错误的是( )。

    以下哪一项不属于创业者必须具备的能力:( )

    新建企业的选址应该考虑的因素不包括( )

    整合资源主要依靠:( )。

    ( )是对人的一种,是促进和改变人的行为的一种有效手段。其过程就是管理者引导并组织成员产生有利于目标实现行为的过程。

    初创企业常见的财务风险有哪些( )。

    发明创造是( )行为,而技术创新则是经济行为。 

    以下哪项不属于创业计划书编写的技巧( )

    以下哪项不属于绿帽思维:( )


    创业行为的产生受( )驱动

    创业企业的成长一般分为哪四个阶段( )

    投资者看创业计划书真正关心的问题是:( )


    一个志同道合的团队,首先要有( )


    学习创新创业课程的目的不包括:( )。

    关于大学生创业的意义,以下说法错误的是:( )

    下列哪一项不属于大学生创业的优势?( )






    按照创新所属领域,我们可以将创新分为( )和文化创新等几个方面。


    六顶思考帽法作为处理分歧与误解的方法之一,在实际应用中其一般采用的步骤,说确的是( )

    创业者在创业起步时应有哪些心理准备,以下说确的是:( )

    在创业计划书中涉及的问题对任何新生企业的成功至关重要的因素是( )。

    关于大学生创业的意义,以下说确的是( )

    创业者在创业起步时应有哪些心理准备,以下说确的是:( )

    关于创业团队,以下说法错误的是( )

    在危机发生时,营销的主要目的在于( )。

    事实上,大多数创新是经过哪三步完成的?( )






























    创业者必须要把握创业的机遇,选 择既要有较高回报又具有创造性的创业模式,才能实现创业价值。











    if you have a prohibited item in your luggage, what should you do?

    choose the odd word in the group.

    choose the odd word in the group.

    “_________________________________” “before 12:00 a.m. but we can hold your baggage at the front desk.”

    which is the correct description of western table setting?

    “_________________________________” “in fact, the appetizer is pretty good and the main course, as roasted chicken with fragrant rice, cucumber and sauces, is very delicious. ”

    in what kind of interview you will be interviewed by different representatives of the company such as human resources, management, and employees?

    interview is a kind of device which is used by your future potential employer to know your personal information, assess your ___________ and make the final selection.

    what kind of interview involves tasks including presentations, written tests, and group, role-play and in-tray exercises.

    i supposed we get national holidays as ______ leave.

    in an interview, you should get to know something like your salary and vacation in your __________?

    whether you send your meeting memo electronically or in hard copy, keep it _____ and informative.

    which part is not included in the agenda item?

    what does “new business” mean?

    generally speaking, each slide of your powerpoint should normally contain around ____________ words.

    what element is not included in the heading part of the meeting minutes?

    the closing part of a meeting memo always focuses on responses, actions and _______.

    you pass a co-worker in the hallway and he asks "how are you?". you respond by

    you have a meeting with a colleague from a different department scheduled for 10:00am. you've spoken to the receptionist and you have been waiting outside the colleague's office for a while and it is now 10:05. you want to make sure the person knows you're there. you will

    when you are meeting your coworkers. normally, hr manager or head of office will introduce and welcome you. which of the following introduction speech is not appropriate?

    usually the organizational structure of the company is shown as the organizational chart. two common types of organizational charts exist, tall and

    in a typical office building, can you use the meeting room whenever it is empty?

    which is the synonym for “dedicated”?

    which is the antonym for “competent”?

    which is the anonym for “proficiency”?

    which is the not the meaning for “cv”?

    which is the not meaning for “vacancy”?

    which is not a positive quality of an employee?

    in order to quickly prescreen candidates for the job opening as well as give the candidates the chance to quickly learn about the company to see if they want to work there, many times companies will conduct ________.

    johnson company’s self-funded retirement plan ________ to give employees control over their financial futures.

    the halo city employment fair is normally held during ________ in which large numbers of job seekers are looking for work.

    which of the following are not the office appliances?

    which of the following things you should do in the office?

    which of the following word doesn’t refer to airport phenomenon?

    which of the following word doesn’t refer to hotel phenomenon?

    choose the expressions best fit booking a flight ticket.

    choose the possible questions a client may ask while booking a hotel.

    choose the suitable expressions to show your gratitude at a business dinner.

    what topics should a job applicant never ask in a job interview?

    what items should a job applicant value in a new job opportunity?

    do you still remember the dressing code in a job interview, what choices are inappropriate for this formal occasion?

    you can use a number of sources to gather information in your business report including _______.

    what information should be contained in the meeting header?

    read the following statements and decide which ones are inappropriate behaviors based on your common sense.

    in order to use office facilities properly, what kind of things you should do?

    it is necessary to introduce yourself to your boss and colleagues in the new corporation properly. a typical self- introduction should cover your personal information and upcoming challenge. also, you should:

    what could be ways to look for job information?

    what is the synonyms for remuneration?

    what are the functions of a cover letter?

    in business report, what graph styles are often used?

    which of the following parts are not included in meeting minutes?

    in order to make an impressive ppt, what items should be announced in the first slide?

    what points should be covered in a typical self- introduction?

    preparations we shall do before travelling are ________

    all your working experience should be included in your cv.

    only the relevant working experience and training background should be included in the cv.

    all the educational background should be included in the cv.

    keeping up on what’s appropriate behavior and what isn’t can be a real challenge, especially for someone who’s new to the workplace. you should always ask permission to enter an office, borrow, move, or use equipment.

    after a meeting with a contact, in order to express your thanks, it is appropriate to send a thank you letter.

    people value closeness and friendliness. it is appropriate to stand close to a business contact or a colleague and frequently touch his/her arm while talking.

    as for the structure of the presentation, it is advisable to always limit it to three parts.

    information in meeting minutes is always recorded in the first person and present tense.

    pictures and anecdotes are appropriate illustrations of a point and it is helpful to impress the audience in the presentation.

    before attending an interview, a job applicant should use the library and internet to know as much information as possible concerning the company.

    being asked about your previous job experience, you should making slighting reference to your former employer in order to flatter your future employer.

    as for a job applicant, the most important thing in a job should be the salary and benefit.

    the master should take care of all guests during activities. if there are guests who don’t know each other, he must introduce them to each other.

    while choosing the place, you should consider the guest's personality, hobby and the cultural background.

    when holding appointments and banquets, you should choose the right time for your customer only.




    在t1 和t2 两个温度之间的阿累尼乌斯方程可以表示为:

    根据质量作用定律,双分子反应一定是 级反应。

    某反应,反应物反应掉了5/9所需的时间是它反应掉1/3所需时间的2倍,这个反应是 级反应。

    对于反应,如果使起始浓度减小一半,其半衰期便缩短一半,则反应 级数为( )。 a 1级 b 2级 c 零级 d 1.5级反应

    某化学反应的动力学方程式为2a →p,则动力学中表明该反应为( )。 a 二级反应 b 基元反应 c 双分子反应 d 无确切意义

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