


    组织行为学是研究下述哪方面规律性的科学( )

    管理者角色学派的代表人物是( )

    通常我们所说的管理者的四大职能是计划、组织、领导和( )

    体现团队资源分配的管理者角色是( )

    工作绩效模型中体现员工能不能干,愿不愿意干,有没有条件干的三大因素是( )

    组织行为学的研究内容包括( )与群体三个层面。


    行为特征表现为直率热情,精力旺盛,情绪易冲动等的气质类型是( )

    ( )指一个人对周围的客观事物(包括人、事、物)的意义、重要性的总体评价和看法。

    强调技术并不断成长,职业发展围绕自己所擅长的技术或专业能力而进行的,如工程或金融分析,这种“职业锚”叫( )

    霍兰德认为( )中的人适合从事思考和理解的科学研究活动。

    著名心理学家麦克利兰于1973年提出了一个著名的素质冰山模型,将个体素质划分为表面的“冰山以上部分”和深藏的“冰山以下部分”,冰山以上部分包括( )

    下列属于特殊能力的有( )


    ( )是行为的直接原因,是引起、维持个体活动并使该活动朝某一目标进行的内在动力。

    提出需要层次不仅表现出“满足-上升”趋势,而且表现出“挫折-倒退”趋势的激励理论是( )

    以下哪些因素不属于赫兹伯格双因素理论中的激励因子( )

    下列哪些不属于erg理论的需要层次( )

    马斯洛认为人的最高层次需要是( )

    通过撤销有利的来减少某种行为是( )

    目标设置理论认为目标设置有三个基本点,即目标的具体性、目标的适当反馈和( )

    ( )指个体对于自己有能力完成某种任务的一种信念

    下列属于员工内在动机的是( )

    (单选)( )指在不同程度上让员工和下属参加组织的决策过程及各级管理工作,让下级和员工与企业的管理者处于平等的地位研究和讨论组织中的问题。

    (单选)下列哪一项属于常见的工作情境中的态度( )

    (多选题)态度包括三个主要成分,分别是( )

    (多选)参与管理的形式包括( )



    为了实现特定的目标,由两个或两个以上相互作用的个体组合而成的体称之为( )

    ( )主要靠工作维系成员之间的关系,成员按照组织的规章制度,岗位角色要求行动

    当一个人与群体中的多数人的意见有分歧时,群体通常会通过以下四种方式对个体施加压力,分别是劝说;“怀柔”政策;“铁腕”政策;( )

    个人或人们在群体及社会中由于占据一定的位置而必须从事的行为或显示的态度的总和称之为( )

    群体或他人对个体所扮演角色的期望行为模式称为( )

    以下哪一项不是群体思维的症状( )

    以下哪几项属于避免群体思维现象发生的做法( )


    相对于管理者而言,领导者权力强调来自( )

    ( )来自领导者个人,包括两个方面,一个方面是来自于个体能力,另一方面来自于领导者的个人品行。

    ( )研究的是具有什么样特征的人能够成为有效的领导者,这些个人特征往往带有很大的先天性。

    员工完成某个具体任务的成熟度可以从两个方面来衡量,一是员工是否具备完成这个任务的能力,二是员工是否具备从事这个任务的( )

    (多选)根据领导力修炼部分知识,具备以下哪些特点的人更容易取得他人的信任( )



    1. 用尺规绘制下面图形,并标注尺寸。

    1. 用尺规绘制下面图形,并标注尺寸。

    选择正确的左视图( )。

    选择正确的左视图( )。

    选择正确的左视图( )。

    选择正确的左视图( )。

    选择正确的左视图( )。

    选择正确的左视图( )。

    选择正确的左视图( )。

    选择正确的左视图( )。

    选择正确的左视图( )。

    选择正确的俯视图( )。

    选择正确的俯视图( )。

    选择正确的俯视图( )。

    选择正确的俯视图( )。

    选择正确的俯视图( )。

    选择正确的左视图( )。

    选择正确的左视图( )。

    已知立体的三视图, 找出正确的立体图( )。

    已知立体的三视图, 找出正确的立体图( )。

    已知立体的三视图, 找出正确的立体图( )。

    选择正确的左视图( )。

    选择正确的左视图( )。

    选择正确的左视图( )。

    选择正确的左视图( )。

    四组视图中正确的是(    )。

    四组视图中正确的是(    )。

    四组视图中正确的是(    )。

    选择正确的左视图( )。

    已知立体的俯视图,找出正确的主视图和左视图( )。

    ( ) which of the following sentences is the one you hear?

    ( ) which sentence is marked with the intonation you hear?

    ( ) in the following sentences, words in bold type indicate that they are stressed. which sentence is the one you hear?

    ( ) the listening process involves the perception of sounds, the recognition of words and the construction of meaning.

    ( ) some words have similar pronunciations, with only one different phoneme.

    ( ) in listening, there are reliable cues marking every word boundary clear.

    1. joshua jordan earned a ______________degree in physical therapy.

    he hopes to open his own practice someday, and says having the expensive ______________ degree is good for his patients,

    but hard on his ______________.

    2. universities say they’re caught between ___________________,

    __________________who have the skills to find work elsewhere if they are not well paid, and falling financial support from state governments.

    3. “there _______________________no way

    i___________________ created a career for myself that i wanted to do without the use of student loans.”

    ( ) what does the word ‘reprimand’ mean?

    ( )what does the word ‘bustling’ mean?

    ( ) what does the word ‘tedious’ mean?

    ( ) vocabulary plays a very important role in second language listening comprehension.

    ( ) compared with reading comprehension, it is difficult to make form-meaning connection of a word in listening comprehension. therefore, there is no need to match the spoken form and the meaning of a word.

    ( ) guessing the meaning of a new word is a useful strategy in listening comprehension.

    ___________ into the various concepts of time in different cultures,

    we could get a general idea about the different ____________ on time and,

    more deeply, the different cultures ____________ in it.

    realizing the differences, we should ____________ ourselves

    to the strategy of ____________ in doing business

    with a member from a ____________ culture,

    in order to ____________ misunderstandings,

    ____________ or even culture shock.

    ( )when mentioning citizen kane, the great dictator, casablanca, what tense does the speaker use?

    ( )what are the three basic features of hollywood patterned films?

    ( ) grammar is not important because it does not give meaning.

    ( ) two sentences with exactly the same words can differ in meaning.

    ( ) grammar is very important as it helps increase accuracy.

    film-making _____________from economy and high technology.

    the us ________________ the battle field in the first world war

    and its economy _________________during and after the war.

    during the decade 1921–1931, sometimes called as the “golden period of silent films,” successful stars, directors, and cameramen ________________hollywood from abroad, infusing hollywood with new talents and different insights.

    movies __________________new heights in expression. innovations in technique, content and structural forms were being introduced in films from germany, france, and russia.

    ( ) what does the professor recommend to do first when we begin to formulate a story?

    ( ) what’s purpose when the professor talks about “say you have three friends… and let’s say…”

    ( )what does the professor mainly discuss in the lecture?

    ( ) discourse competence refers to the ability to handle the language beyond the vocabulary level.

    ( ) the understanding of a sentence or a paragraph might be based on the understanding of the preceding sentence or paragraph.

    ( ) the word cohesive means being connected or related in a reasonable way to form a whole.

    alright everybody, _________________,

    well, ___________________how to start creating the characters for the stories you’re writing.

    one way of doing that is to come up with what’s called “a character sketch”, ____________ a sketch like a drawing. i guess that’s obvious. it’s um...it’s a...a sketch is a way of getting started on defining your characters’ personalities.

    __________, how do we create fictional characters? we don’t just pull them from thin air, do we?

    ___________we don’t create them out of nothing. we base them, consciously or unconsciously, we base them on real people, or we blend several people’s traits, their attributes into one character.

    _______when people think fiction, they may assume the characters come from the author’s imagination.

    ( )what is the conversation mainly about?

    ( )what can you predict when you hear the professor asking about the student’s observing a class for his approaches to education paper?

    ( )what information in context can not help you understand the word “interdisciplinary” ?

    ( ) planning what to focus on before listening is a cognitive strategy.

    metacognitive strategies include note-taking, monitoring and assessing during listening.

    ( ) listening together, sharing understanding, solving problems together and exchanging ideas belong to social and affective strategies.

    in order to improve your listening skills, you can use certain ________ to support the listening process.

    before you listen, think about the ________ of the text you will hear.

    what do you already know about it? what could possibly be the content of the text? which words would ____________?

    while you are listening, it is not necessary to understand every single word. try to ________ those words that you think are less important.

    also, if there are words or issues that you don't understand, use your general knowledge or the ________ to find out the meaning.

    you need to focus on ____________ and facts as well.

    to remember the information, you’d better ____________ to help you memorize important points. pay attention to the intonation and stress of the speaker so that you can understand what you hear better.

    last but not least, try to think ________.

    ( ) what is the purpose of this audio clip?

    ( ) what is the target audience?

    ( ) what is the main content of this audio clip?

    ( ) the main purpose of a tv program on learning english pronunciation is to persuade.

    ( ) knowing the purpose of the speaker or the listening material can help us judge what we hear.

    ( ) it is not necessary to confirm the information source which the speaker uses.

    well, for those of you who went out today, i don't have to tell you it was________,

    but muggy for most of the state, with the _________temperatures in the low to mid 90s.

    the city of elkview had the high for the day of ________ degrees. and that's hot. i'm glad i'm working indoors today!

    for those of you planning ________activities tomorrow, you can expect fair skies for most of saturday with temperatures in the high 90's.

    however, things might change by saturday evening with a ________front moving in.

    we can expect light scattered ________over the northern part of the state bringing slightly cooler temperatures in the eighties, but this rain should taper off by mid sunday morning. it will be partly cloudy for most of the morning, but these clouds should move out by mid-afternoon.

    skies should be clear ________________

    for those wanting to catch a glimpse of the partial lunar________. it should start at 10:47 pm. and that's all for today's weather.

    ( ) what issue is the speaker mainly discussing?

    ( ) what is not a problem mentioned by the speaker?

    ( ) a question refers to a matter or situation that is difficult to handle.

    ( ) we can evaluate a problem by judging from its accuracy, relevance and significance.

    ( ) questions, problems and issues are things that require solutions or discussions.

    __________ is a natural process.

    many species had ceased to exist before humans __________.

    however, in the last 400 years, the number of animals and plants becoming __________has reached crisis point.

    human population levels have risen dramatically in the same time period and man’s predatory __________

    combined with his ruthless consumption of natural __________are directly responsible for the situation.

    ( ) which of the following options is the speaker’s statement?

    ( ) which of the following options is not the speaker’s opinion?

    ( ) if we judge someone’s opinion, whether he or she has sufficient information to back his or her claims or ideas should be paid attention to.

    ( ) the dodo birds went extinct a few centuries ago. this is a statement.

    ( ) opinions are things that are known to have occurred, to exist or to be true.

    as internet usage continues to rise throughout the world, the ________of cybercrime also grows.

    while some of these crimes are relatively ________and commonplace,

    others are very________.

    here are a few of the more common forms of cybercrime. the most common type of cybercrime is sending ________messages. hundreds of copies of the same message flood the internet in an attempt to force the message on people who would not otherwise choose to receive it. credit fraud is another common form of cybercrime.

    certain computer viruses can ________keystrokes

    on your ________and send them to hackers, who can then take your social security number, credit card number and home address.

    harasent, or cyber bullying, is a growing problem among ________.

    examples of cyber bullying include sending unkind text messages or emails, spreading ________ by email (or posting malicious gossip on social networking sites) and also posting embarrassing pictures, videos, websites, or fake profiles.

    ( ) according to the speaker, what is the point of understanding the concept of domestic violence?

    ( ) which of the following actions can be defined as psychological abuse?

    ( ) what does the speaker imply at the end of the speech?

    ( ) a concept is a generalized idea expressed in symbols or in words. it is about a class of objects, attributes, occurrences, or processes.

    ( ) when we say dogs are friends of humans, we usually think of them as a mental abstraction.

    ( ) all concepts have the same level of abstraction.

    while china has become increasingly influenced by western culture, the traditional family structure is still highly valued and holds a __________ position in chinese culture.

    but, with the rapid development china has experienced over the last few decades, it appears that both the country’s __________________and family structure are changing.

    divorce rates in china have been _____________for ten consecutive years.

    last year alone saw a shocking _____________orces.

    this seems to have become _____________in line with developed countries in western europe and north america.

    these changes in the chinese society have also led to young people, especially those born after 1980, to feel less ____________to traditional marriage than their parents. if they are not happy in a relationship, they simply decide to get a orce.

    ( ) what is the assumption behind “in thinking about it, i found myself intrigued by some lessons from an unlikely source: singapore.”?

    ( ) what do the living conditions of the muslim population in britain prove?

    ( ) what is the assumption behind “we were a nation that was not meant to be.”?

    ( ) an assumption is something that we accept as true or as certain to happen, without question or proof.

    ( ) critical thinkers need to make assumptions that are questionable.

    ( ) assumptions are always true.

    race and ethnicity are important concepts in both ________ and everyday life.

    when one says that he is an american, a chinese, or a nigerian, he identifies himself with a certain kind of________. but is that a race or an ethnicity that he identifies with?

    there are actually different definitions for race and ethnicity and social scientists argue against each other for their definitions of the two terms. the traditional definition of race and ethnicity is related to ________

    and ________ factors respectively.

    race refers to a person’s ________ characteristics, such as bone structure and skin, hair, or eye color.

    ethnicity, however, refers to ________ factors, including nationality, regional culture, ancestry and language.

    an example of race is brown, white, or black skin, while an example of ethnicity is german or spanish ancestry (regardless of race). one’s race is determined by ____________

    while one’s ethnicity is determined based on the social and cultural groups one ___________.

    ( ) what can we infer from “the native americans didn’t think they were being discovered?”

    ( ) what can we infer from that the former prime minister of the bahamas “didn’t care which island that it was as long as it was still in the bahamas?”

    ( ) according to william fowler, how should we treat columbus?

    ( ) in listening, inferences refer to a piece of information that is known to be true.

    ( ) as a critical listener, we should be able to check whether the inferences made are consistent with each other.

    ( ) inferences are always based on information.

    new york and chicago will mark this day with__________

    and celebrations of christopher columbus’ voyage and his italian__________,

    and some will __________the day

    calling for a __________of the impact that

    that voyage had on __________american communities.

    so, why the __________stories? well, we wanted to take this opportunity to brush up on some of the facts about christopher columbus that we may never have learned or have forgotten from school.

    ( ) what are the possible consequences of obesity based on the information of this video?

    ( ) what can you infer from nancy snyderman’s argument about america’s obesity epidemic?

    ( ) implications and consequences are possible results of an action, event and decision that follow our questioning.

    ( ) a skilled critical listener knows how to search for negative as well as positive implications and infer more than what is actually implied.

    ( ) there is no difference between what a statement or situation actually implies and what we infer from them.

    anyone who has tried to lose weight through ________ knows how difficult it is,

    and scientists have yet to develop a magic ________ that keeps the kilos off permanently.

    now researchers are beginning to understand why ________ weight loss is so hard. they believe it has to do with damage to the part of the brain that’s involved in weight control.

    if ________ people would just stop overeating, switch to a healthful diet and start exercising, they would lose weight. but if they do, they may quickly gain it back again.

    the reason, say researchers, is not a lack of ________ but injury to brain cells, or neurons, in the hypothalamus,

    a structure deep in the brain that helps control a number of body functions including ________ and weight.

    ( ) what is the speaker’s point of view when talking about the internet’s influence?

    ( ) there is a scene depicting a busy and chaotic online life at the beginning of the video. what’s the purpose of this scene?

    ( ) a point of view refers to the process of our thinking.

    ( ) our ideas are shaped by our points of view.

    ( ) we human beings can view a person or an event from every single vantage point at the same time.

    we spend so much time on ________ like facebook, twitter, and youtube.

    and with the rise of ________ computing, we are literally connecting almost 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

    advanced technology and ________ design has made it way too easy

    to share things with our friends and________,

    making it the perfect environment for almost a domino-effect to occur on all levels of ____________

    with the perfect piece of shareable________.

    what is the topic of this passage?

    which of the following is not the opinion of the experts who are against the current legal age for marriage?

    which of the following best describes the opinion of the experts who support the current legal age?

    which of the following describes mr. ramakrishna in a correct way?

    why did mr. ramakrishna set up the nonprofit sahasra deepika foundation?

    which of the following statements is not true?

    which of the following evaluations of the spelling competition is reasonable?

    ( ) according to catherine russell, if all countries in the world improve the current situation of gender equality, the global gdp would increase by 28 billion dollars by 2025.

    ( ) “poverty has a female face” implies that the larger proportion of the poor people are females.

    ( ) most world leaders did not recognize that everyone benefits from narrowing the gender gap, so they launched programs focused on educating and empowering girls.

    我国人均水资源量仅为世界平均水平的( )。

    解决水资源危机问题要从开源和( )两方面入手。





    在易涝易碱地区,( )可以控制地下水位和排盐。

    下列措施中不能改善和地区水情的是( )。

    1. 灌溉排水工程技术的服务对象有( )。

    1. 我国南水北调工程分为( )三条线。

    当土壤中的全部孔隙都被水充满时,土壤的含水率称为( )。

    农田土壤水分中被作物吸收利用的主要是( )。

    旱作地区通常地面不允许积水,以免造成( ),危害作物。

    下列措施能减少棵间蒸发的有( )。

    下列可以用于确定作物需水量的方法有( )。






    ( )是指播种前和全生育期内单位面积上的总灌水量。

    旱作物允许最小含水率应( )凋萎系数。

    水稻采用浅灌深蓄技术时,当田面水层超过( )时要及时排水。

    一般来说,砂土的田间持水率( )黏土的。

    修正灌水率图时,如果需要改变灌水定额,其调整值不得超过原定额的( )。






    灌溉水的允许含盐量一般应小于( )。

    灌区附近河流水位、流量均能满足灌溉要求时,可选适当位置修建( )取水枢纽。

    当河流水量比较丰富,但灌区位置较高,河流水位和灌溉要求水位相差较大时,可选适当位置修建( )取水枢纽。

    如果某灌区在长期运行中平均150年里有120年的灌溉用水量可以得到水源供水保证,那么该灌区的灌溉设计保证率是( )。

    无坝引水闸前水位的确定方法是( )。

    下列水体可以作为灌溉水源的有( )。





    各级渠道应选择在各自控制范围内地势( )的地段。

    当灌溉设计流量小于100 m3/s,且大于等于20 m3/s时,该灌溉渠道属于( )级渠道。

    渠道穿越河流、沟谷、道路时,需要修建( )建筑物。

    为了防止渠道水流超过允许最高水位,或下游出现险情时,保护危险段及重要建筑物的安全而需要修建( )建筑物。

    灌溉渠道应依( )顺序设置固定渠道。

    下列建筑物中属于泄水建筑物的是( )。

    下列建筑物中属于控制建筑物的是( )。




    ( )是指渠道应该送到田间的流量,或者说田间实际需要的渠道流量。

    灌溉水利用系数是灌入田间可被作物利用的水量与( )渠首引进的总水量的比值。

    设计时如果选用的渠床糙率n值大,而渠道建成后实际的n值小,会使渠道中的流速( )。

    水力最优断面具有( )的优点,小型渠道和石方渠道可以采用。

    设计渠道时需要用到( )流量。

    干渠系水利用系数的数值等于( )渠道水利用系数的乘积。

    选择渠底比降应遵循的一般原则有( )。




    防渗渠道基本的断面形式有( )。

    下列属于刚性防渗材料的有( )。

    渠道防渗的设计参数有( )。

    消减冻胀破坏的措施有( )。

    采用优化结构法防止防渗渠道冻胀破坏的措施有( )。






    稻田区格田规划时,沟、渠相间布置,格田长度一般为( )m。

    条田规划中依据排水要求,旱作地区的农沟间距一般为( )m。

    稻田区格田规划时,格田宽度根据田间管理要求而定,一般为( )m。

    从目前生产情况出发,考虑到田间渠系布设、平整工作量以及田间管理的方便, 应适当考虑机耕要求,平整田块长度以( )m为宜。

    根据地形纵向变化情况,土地平整方案有( )种。

    土地平整高程设计时,地下水位较高的农田,田面设计高程应高于常年地下水位( )m。

    农村道路规格标准中北方地区乡镇公路路面宽度一般为( )m。




    下列不属于地面灌溉节水技术的是( )。

    在畦灌中,一般单宽流量控制在( )l/(s·m)。

    中等透水性土壤当地面坡度为1/300时,畦田长度应取( )。

    根据灌溉水向田间输送的形式和湿润土壤的方式不同,传统的地面灌水方法有( )。

    先进而合理的灌水方法,应满足的基本要求包括( )。

    评价地面灌溉质量时,常用的指标有( )。

    小畦“三改”灌水技术包括( )。




    地下水资源评价的主要任务包括水质评价和( )。

    ( )是潜水的主要补给来源。

    地下水允许开采量是指在一定的开采条件下允许从地下水中提取的( )。

    筒井,因其口大且形状类似圆筒而得名,是用于开采( )的一种常用井型。

    机井管口需露出泵房地板或地表( )cm,以便加套一短节直径略大于井管外径的护管。






    ( )是单位时间内喷洒在单位灌溉面积上的水量。

    喷灌系统中,雾化指标主要根据灌溉作物确定,对草坪来说,一般要求雾化指标在( )。

    在喷灌系统工程设计中,为了简化局部水头损失计算,通常按沿程水头损失的( )作为局部水头损失取值。

    在风向多变的喷灌区,一般采用( )喷头组合形式。

    喷灌工程中,组合喷灌强度不应超过( ),才能避免形成过多的地表径流。






    下列技术中不属于微灌工程技术的是( )。

    当灌溉水源水质不好,含沙量较高时,通常采用( )过滤器进行初级过滤。

    微灌工程的缺点为( )。

    微灌工程对灌水器的基本要求有( )。

    进行微灌工程规划设计,常用的基本资料有( )。




    《微灌工程技术规范》(gb/t 50845-2009)规定,灌水器的流量偏差率不应大于30%。


    低压管道输水灌溉的输水设施主要是( )。

    管道管径计算时采用的流速一般是( )。

    位于低压管道末端,水从管道流到地面的装置称为( )。

    某干管的设计输水流量是0.37m3/s,取经济流速为1.3m/s,则可选取的管径为( )。

    首部枢纽的水表(直接)测的是管道水的( )。

    下列属于低压管道优点的是( )。

    下列属于低压管道输水灌溉组成部分的有( )。

    选择水泵的重要参数有( )。



    根据田间排水方式的不同,田间排水系统有( )。

    排水系统在规划布置时应遵循( )等原则。


















    五官比例掌握准确 线条流畅











    慢词的广泛流行始自于( )。


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