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    第二轮全国土地利用总体规划目标划定的2020年耕地保有量目标是( )。

    ( )是规划条件的关键要素,也是控制用地开发与工程建设的重要强制性指标,其变更需要经过严格的论证与程序。

    土地管理部门在办理用地过程中,若确需改变建设用地规划许可证核定的用地位置和界限,必须与城市( )商议并取得一致意见,保证修改后的用地位置和范围符合城市规划的要求。

    设计方案审核可将其视作建设工程规划许可的( )阶段,既可以减少建设单位项目工程设计中的反复修改和重大调整,又有利于提高规划行政许可效率。

    在城市、镇规划区内以划拨方式提供国有土地使用权的建设项目,经有关部门批准、核准、备案后,建设单位应当向城市、县城乡规划主管部门提出建设用地规划许可申请,由城市、县城乡规划主管部门依据控制性详细规划核定建设用地的( )核发建设用地规划许可证。

    公益性建设项目,建设项目属于提供的社会公共产品,基本采用划拨用地方式供地。适用于( )等社会公益性项目的建设。

    “多审合一”改革包括( )。



    建设单位应当在竣工验收后 个月内向城乡规划主管部门报送有关竣工验收资料。

    市规划管理部门受理的建设工程竣工规划验收项目,受理窗口应当在 天内,填写《建设工程竣工规划验收工作联系单》转送验收小组。

    未取得建设工程规划许可证或者未按照建设工程规划许可证的规定进行建设的,由 责令停止建设。

    《民用航空法》规定禁在依法划定的民用机场范围内和按照规定划定的 ,修建“可能在空中排放大量烟雾、粉尘、火焰、废气而影响飞行安全的建筑物或者设施。



    违法占用 等进行建设要坚决进行打击。





    各地可在乡镇国土空间规划和村庄规划中预留不超过 的建设用地机动指标。

    1984年,颁发了《城市规划条例》,这是新成立以来,城市规划专业领域的第一部基本法规,标志着( )。



    村庄规划在报送审批前,应当经 讨论同意。

    在乡、村庄规划区内进行 建设的,建设单位或者个人应当向乡、镇提出申请,由乡、镇报城市、县城乡规划主管部门核发乡村建设规划许可证。

    乡村建设规划许可的内容应包括对 等的要求。



    winston churchill achieved fame for his wit, wisdom, civic duty, and abundant courage.

    albert einstein and thomas edison were both very art in their childhood.

    abraham lincoln's abundant courage enabled him to succeed despite all the misfortunes in his life.

    sandra day o'connor was rejected from the law circuit because she was from a poor family.

    according to the author, many artists, writers and stateen achieve prosperity because they are very lucky.

    most cities in the country have introduced "clean air zones" _____ factories and households are only allowed to burn okeless fuel.

    he knows that the ______ of social status can consume vast amounts of his time and effort.

    the doctors are at a loss because so far no medicine has been found to _____ the spread of the disease.

    thomas edison is often cited as an example of a great inventor who would never yield to hardships in his quest for new inventions and deserve his _____ success.

    they are ______ of unconventional attitudes toward marriage and the changing roles of the sexes.

    she was totally wrapped ____ in her painting whenher father came to tell her that there was a phone call for her.

    when his mother was in the hospital producing his sister, he was very excited - _____ anticipation of having a cute baby sister.

    most scientists in the world today firmly believe the effective means to stop global warming is to reduce emissions of air _____.

    earthquakes have plagued our lives and resulted in great damage to the human beings for as long as people have ____ the earth.

    miss world organizers claim on their official website that ____ are judged on qualities other than just their physical appearance.

    after being grabbed off the street by nazis, audrey hepburn escaped because she was unbelievably beautiful.

    as an anonymous refugee, audrey hepburn was totally baffled by life’s horrors and fragility.

    audrey hepburn valued academy awards most.

    when she was trying to complete her missions, audrey had to provide a lot of emotional care and was always confronted with dangerous tasks.

    audrey emphasizes the inborn beauty of a person which can never be acquired in growth and cultivation.

    news media worked overtime to ________ the country as open and "ready" for all nuclear discussions.

    we provided information to site administrators about typical functions of ________ library programs.

    we just go on in our habitual ways until we are stopped short by one of the many illnesses that ________ our civilization today.

    then you do believe in god, but you guess that i do not, and you fear that the admission of your true belief would ________ your chance of employment.

    mrs. cummins, very ________ in her duties, watched the whole process with a sensitive eye.

    look, we're about to ________ the last and final stage of our academic careers together.

    to promote particular organizational values, and encourage high levels of informal communication, the managers can attempt to lead ________ example.

    one reason that i may be the last person in manhattan without a cell phone is that i ________ the excitement of coming home and finding a call light flashing.

    when you get the right role, you want to stay focused; you want to ________ yourself as much as you can.

    the burdensome trip described in para. 1 is to deny the benefits of modern aviation.

    according to para's 2-4, we travel not because we need to, but because we want to.

    people travel to leave all their troubles behind, however, ironically, their mind is most likely to solve their most difficult problems when they are in a distant place.

    travelling can help loosen the cognitive chains that imprison us and can grant us new and open insights into the world around us.

    that people need distance and differences for creativity is the real purpose why people travel.

    it was all too easy, when one was young, to ________ the future in the excitement of the present.

    it will be noted that the improved visibility of this warning light does not completely ________ the increased tendency to make an error during the night.

    it is difficult to ________ of such thinking taking place without the growth and development of intellectual ability.

    the world of the ________ is to do with success, status, respect, money, desires of all kinds, and fears, that lead to unhappiness.

    just as women now demand for themselves greater freedom to express different ________ of themselves, so too do some men, although not nearly so many of them.

    one of the features of auto-immune diseases is that they ________ within iniduals and sometimes within an inidual's family.

    competition for limited resources is an inevitable feature of life so long as reproduction occurs in the context of ________ supplies.

    in studying children's pictures, a wide variety of ________, personal, and cultural factors needs to be taken into account.

    if the product does absorb moisture or ________ water, discard it.

    the author uses the example of "an obese child" to vividly prove that westerners think chinese parents raise kids without courtesy.

    the western parents want to protect their children from critici because they worry about their children's worries instead of their bad performance.

    chinese parents demand perfect grades because they believe that substandard performance is a reflection that the kids do not work hard enough, and will not be successful in the future.

    western parents think that children are not born because they want to come to this world. instead, their parents force life on them. children don't owe their parents anything.

    according to the author, western parenting method is more beneficial to children's success in the future because parents try to respect their children's iniduality and provide a positive and nurturing environment for them.

    now it is a national charity employing 20 people centrally and ________ the work of 400 coordinators employed around the country.

    it is ridiculous that a man who has no claim on the world's attention should nonetheless be able to exact (强求) full ________ from his wife.

    it advises artists to ________ from oking or eating while painting, to use face masks and to provide adequate ventilation (通风) by means of an extractor fan.

    the committee was satisfied that minor incidents of misconduct or ________ of the chairman had been well handled by the directors within the rules.

    the form of social control is more ________, aiming to reintegrate children and families into society rather than to rescue children and punish parents.

    it was not simply a matter of exporting enough to pay for necessary imports, as contemporary economic ________ often suggested.

    but just how long it takes for the heat to flow out will depend on how well your home is ________ and draught proofed.

    what they contested was the ________ that moral reform could be achieved through a centralized program.

    waller was argumentative, ________, and sometimes outspoken, but he had a sense of humor and he retained a childlike delight in science throughout his life.

    it was clear that some of the disturbances were triggered by the ________ actions of local residents.

    in his literary development, chaucer was influenced by three literatures, which one is not true?

    when he died, geoffrey chaucer was buried in the poet’s corner.

    chaucer composes a long narrative poem named based on boccaccio’s poem filostrato.

    in the canterbury tales, chaucer used the canterbury pilgrimage as the framing device to gather people of erse backgrounds from the 14th century english society.

    the 32 pilgrims, according to chaucer’s plan, was to exceed that of baccoccio’s decameron.

    what are the three periods of geoffrey chaucer’s literary creation?

    what is the essence of renaissance?

    following the classical and italian models of virgil and petrarch, ______ became the most popular verse form in renaissance time.

    what are the religious and social developments during english renaissance in the reign of queen elizabeth ⅰ?

    the english renaissance saw the rise of a large number of writers and humanistic thinkers. among them _____ and ______were dramatists.

    whom were the shakespeare’s 154 sonnets written for?

    what makes shakespeare the greatest british dramatist? why are his dramas enduring?

    which of the following isn’t daniel defoe’ works?

    which one of defoe’s novels is second only to the bible in its number of translations?

    the enlightenment on the whole was an expression of struggle of the progressive class of feudali against bourgeoisie.

    daniel defoe was a major representative of popular, rather than classical writing in his period.

    what’s enlightement?

    literature of neoclassici is different from that of romantici in that _______.

    which of the following descriptions of gothic novels is not correct?

    wordsworth’s “ i wondered lonely as a cloud” has another name, growth of a poet’s mind.

    the prelude is a long and autobiographical poem considered as coleridge’s masterpiece.

    what are jane austen’s writing features

    the movement appeared in the thirties of the 19th century. it showed that the english workers were able to appear as an independent political force and were already realizing the fact that the industrial bourgeoisie was their principal enemy.

    the second period of dickens's literary career, which began from 1842, and ended in 1849, was a period of excitement and irritation. was written in this period.

    which statement is not true?

    please give a brief ysis of the features of dickens's works.

    the “gothic novels” originated from 18th century is the pre-existence of the novels except the novels.

    which of the following writer is believed to be among the first few american writers who had seminal influence on european literature, in terms of novels in particular?

    ‘s sketch book became the first work by an american writer to win financial success on both sides of the atlantic, and he was judged the nation’s greatest writer by the first half of the 19th century.

    romantici revived medievali and elements of art and narrative perceived as authentically medieval in an attempt to escape population growth, early urban expansion, and industriali.

    what is the symboli of “raven” in edgar allan poe’s masterpiece the raven?

    in the late 19th century, a host of new writers appeared, among them were .

    choose the works written by mark twain.

    mark twain had led an active life in the very center of the american experience. he had been a .

    the adventures of tom sawyer marks the climax of mark twain’s literary creativity.

    tell something about the features of mark twain’s literary works.

    (1926) is hemingway's first true novel. it easts light on a whole generation after the first world war and effects of the war by way of a vivid portrait of "the lost generation".

    hemingway was badly wounded in italy and sent to a hospital where he fell in love with a nurse. these two persons later became the characters of his novel

    in paris, hemingway, along with , accomplished a revolution in literary style and language.

    during the depression, hemingway first went to spain and then to the american west and to africa on hunting expeditions. in the novels written in this period such as , he wrote about bullfighting, hunting and his personal anecdote.

    define the following term. lost generation

    generally speaking, how many parts does a paragraph include? what are they?

    a paragraph can be as short as one sentence or long as ten sentences. the number of sentences is unimportant; however, the paragraph should be long enough to develop the main idea clearly, and completely.

    what are the main features for a topic sentence?

    what are two purposes that a concluding sentence serves?

    all those supporting sentences should give full support to the topic sentence by all means.

    “by saying specific details” means you should give vivid and persuasive support to your point.

    which statement is correct about subtopic sentence?

    there are two types of structures for writing paragraphs, including a simple version— stage i model, and a more sophisticated version — stage ii model.

    which statement is not correct about “unity”?

    what are the four principles for an effective paragraph?

    generally speaking, what is a well-organized essay made up of?

    which statement is true about blueprint?

    what elements should an introductory paragraph include?

    a thesis statement is a sentence that clearly tells the reader what the essay will be about, and it often has an opinion to be proved.

    how many parts should a topic sentence for a central paragraph include? what are they?

    a conclusion generally includes two elements: reworded thesis statement and clincher.

    what are the basic traits of a narrative essay?

    what is the structure of a narrative essay? it includes:

    thesis statement for a narrative essay should include one of two things: the overall theme of the narrative or a lesson learned.

    except for prewriting, what other process does the writing of a narrative essay involve? it involves:

    how can we organize the cause and effect essay?

    an essay focusing on the reasons for the problem or situation is called a cause essay.

    what is a cause essay?

    what is the structure for a cause and effect paragraph? we can follow the structure like this:

    what are the two patterns of organizing a cause and effect essay?

    why do we do comparison and contrast?

    in order to do comparison and contrast, what elements do you always need to have in mind?

    what are the two approaches that writers most often adopt to organize their comparison and contrast paragraphs and essays?

    list at least five transitional words in comparison and in contrast.

    which of the following statements is true about "definition"?

    in order to fulfil your purpose, what other writing skills may you employ in the development of a definition essay?

    which statement is true about an argumentative essay?

    for an argumentative essay to be effective, it must contain certain elements that will persuade the readers to see things from your perspective. for this reason, you must take a few minutes to plan and prepare before you jump into writing an argument essay. you should

    which of the followling statements is correct?

    which of the following statement is correct?






















































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