













    part 0会在其余part被放置于原理图中时,由软件自动放置




    绘图页符号(sheet symbol)所对应的原理图文件,位于什么位置?


    在同一个原理图文档内,同名的端口(port)和网络标识(net label)是连在一起的。

    电源端口(power port)属于端口(port)



    绘制555芯片内部电路原理图,包括两个原理图: (1)全部用分立元件构成的电路 (2)由门电路和分立元件构成的电路 提交.schdoc文件














































    《联合国反公约》于( )年正式签订。

    2007年,( )颁布了《关于在大中小学全面开展廉洁教育的意见》。

    ( )是影响人的廉洁素养的重要摇篮。

    廉洁需要( )

    的形式主要有( )

    影响廉洁素养的三个极为重要的因素有( )

    清代名臣( )被称为是“天下第一廉吏”。

    “历览前贤国与家,成由勤俭败由奢”,出自( )朝的诗人( )的名句。

    在( ),武则天论证了以廉立身的重要性,要求官员将廉洁作为座右铭。

    清朝最大的贪官全部家财合白银8亿两,相当于清朝国库20年的收入,该贪官是( )。

    主张节俭、清廉,提出“水能载舟,亦能覆舟”的古代贤君是( )。

    共产历史上首次设立的纪律检查机构是在( )上选举产生的。

    土地革命时期,临时的机关报是( )

    十八大以来,严整“”是以贯彻( )精神为切入口的。

    平总在十九届纪委二次全会上的讲话中,将的十八大以来全面从严治的好经验好做法概括为“五个统一”,其中第一个统一就是( )

    平明确强调,的执政地位,决定了( )在和各种监督形式中是最基本的、第一位的。

    ( )是最根本的内法规,是管治的总规矩。

    作为一名共产员,你的朋友开了一家私人会所,并邀请你去会所谈点事情,同时设宴招待你。你应该怎么办?( )

    被巡视组织主要负责人为落实整改工作的( )。

    共产执政后面临的最大危险是( )。

    的各项纪律都要严格执行和遵守,而最首要、最核心的就是要严格执行和遵守的( )。

    2018年,宪法第六十二条“全民代表大会行使下列职权”中增加( )。

    工作人员就职时应当依照法律规定公开进行( )。

    根据我国刑法规定,贿赂罪的犯罪主体主要是( )。

    为深化监察体制改革,加强对( )的监督,实现监察全面覆盖,深入开展反工作,推进治理体系和治理能力现代化,根据《宪法》制定《监察法》

    各级监察委员会是行使( )的机关。

    香港廉政公署负责倡廉教育的部门是( )

    国际透明度机构将首个“环球廉洁奖”颁发给了( )。

    “不要认为你有什么特殊,你和我们每个人都一样。”是( )的谚语

    香港廉政公署的廉政专员直接对( )负责

    ( )定期发布全球清廉指数排行,简称cpi

    大学生自我行为失当的另一个突出表现就是诚信缺失,下面不属于大学生的诚信缺失的表现有:( )

    虽然大学生具有良好的道德储备,有助于培养廉洁素养,但其廉洁认知上还存在模糊,廉洁在大学生中没有引起足够的重视,廉洁修身任重道远,主要表现在( )

    敬廉崇洁、反对事关社会的和谐发展、民族的进步和人性的完善。我国自古以来就有敬廉崇洁,反对的优良传统。下列说法反映了敬廉崇洁的思想作风的是( )

    大学生廉洁修身贵在慎独自律。做到慎独,以下说法错误的是( ) a. b.慎始终,慎独处,慎交友 c. d.吾日三省吾身


    ( )是拒腐防变的防线,是廉洁从业的基本准则和标尺。

    ( )是廉洁从业的思想基础,是受到广泛认同的职业道德观,从古至今深受赞誉。

    廉洁从业风险常发生于( )的缝隙之中,即使是非常完美,也不可避免地存在一些漏洞和薄弱环节。

    廉洁从业风险产生的原因:( )









    十六世纪文艺复兴绘画,人性的觉醒,题材虽多为圣经题材,表现人文主义; 十七世纪巴洛克绘画,注重宏大场面,气氛热烈,反映出当时人们内心某种与不安; 十八世纪现实主义绘画,直接将工人搬上画面,突出人们的反叛精神; 十九世纪浪漫主义绘画,洋溢着某种革命精神,与当时大革命历史背景密不可分。






















    水文分析与计算,是预计水文变量在[ ]的概率分布情况

    水文预报,是预计某一水文变量在[ ]的大小和时程变化

    水资源是一种[ ]

    长江三峡工程位于[ ]

    长江三峡工程的校核洪水位和设计洪水位分别为[ ]

    长江三峡工程的校核洪水洪峰流量和设计洪水洪峰流量分别为 [ ] m /s

    长江三峡工程的水电站装机容量和多年平均年发电量分别为[ ]

    水文现象的发生、发展,都具有偶然性,因此,它的发生和变化[ ]

    水文现象的发生、发展,都是有成因的,因此,其变化[ ]



    使水资源具有再生性的原因是自然界的[ ]。

    自然界中,海陆间的水文循环称为[ ]。

    流域面积是指河流某断面以上[ ] 。

    某河段上、下断面的河底高程分别为 725m 和 425m,河段长 120km,则该河段的河道纵比降[ ]。

    山区河流的水面比降一般比平原河流的水面比降[ ]。

    甲乙两流域,除流域坡度甲的大于乙的外,其它的流域下垫面因素和气象因素都一样,则甲流域出口断面的洪峰流量比乙流域的[ ]。

    甲流域为羽状水系,乙流域为扇状水系,其它流域下垫面因素和气象因素均相同,对相同的短历时暴雨所形成的流量过程,甲流域的洪峰流量比乙流域的[ ]。

    某流域有两次暴雨,除暴雨中心前者在上游,后者在下游外,其它情况都一样,则前者在流域出口断面形成的洪峰流量比后者的[ ]。

    日降水量 50~100mm 的降水称为[ ]。

    大气中某一高程上的气压,等于该处单位水平面积上承受的大气柱的重量,该气柱的高度为[ ]。

    露点表示空气的[ ]。

    若上升气块内部既没有发生水相变化,又没有与外界发生热量交换,这种情况下的气块温度变化过程为[ ]。

    对流雨的降雨特性是[ ]。

    地形雨的特点是多发生在[ ]。

    在北半球形成的气旋,近地面的气流向低压中心辐合,并呈[ ]。

    土壤稳定下渗阶段,降水补给地下径流的水分主要是[ ]。

    某水文站控制面积为 680km2,多年平均年径流模数为 10 l/(s·km2),则换算成年径流深为[ ]。

    暴雨形成的条件是[ ]。

    影响大气降水和蒸发的四类基本气象要素是[ ]。

    流域的总蒸发包括[ ]。

    河川径流组成一般可划分为[ ]。

    下渗率总是[ ]。





    1.根据测站的性质,水文测站可分为( )

    当一日内水位较大时,由水位查水位流量关系曲线以推求日平均流量,其水位是用( )

    进行水文调查的目的( )。

    某水文站的水位流量关系曲线,当受洪水涨落影响时,则( )


    水文现象是一种自然现象,它具有[ ]。

    偏态系数 cs﹥0,说明随机变量 x [ ]

    正态频率曲线绘在频率格纸上为一条[ ]。

    p=5%的丰水年,其重现期 t 等于[ ] 年。

    皮尔逊 iii 型概率密度曲线的特点是什么?

    我国年径流深分布的总趋势基本上是 [ ]。

    频率为 p = 90%的枯水年的年径流量为q90% ,则十年一遇枯水年是指[ ]。

    流域中的湖泊围垦以后,流域多年平均年径流量一般比围垦前[ ]。

    人类活动(例如修建水库、灌溉、水土保持等)通过改变下墊面的性质间接影响年径流量,一般说 来,这种影响使得[ ]。

    绘制年径流频率曲线,必须已知[ ]。

    某流域的集水面积为 600 km2 ,其多年平均径流总量为 5 亿 m3 ,试问其多年平均流量、多年平均径流深、多年平均径流模数为多少?

    设计洪水的三个要素是[ ]

    资料系列的代表性是指[ ]

    用典型洪水同倍比法(按峰的倍比)放大推求设计洪水,则[ ]

    一般水库在由典型洪水放大推求设计洪水时,常采用[ ]

    入库洪水包括[ ]


    now let’s watch a clip from this film an inconvenient truth, and try to get a global understanding about global warming. after watching the video, choose the best answer to each of the following questions. 视频5 1. what is the main idea of the video clip?

    2. what causes the earth to be warmer according to the video clip?

    you are going to hear a passage about some studies of global warming. listen carefully and fill in the missing information. 注意:如果一题多空,请用空格分隔开每个答案。 音频4 during the last thirty years, the (1) ________ of the world has increased sharply, so it is the same with the (2) ________.

    global warming is an (3) ________ serious problem facing the world today.

    as we all know that there is atmosphere around the earth, which is mainly (4) ________ of nitrogen and carbon dioxide.

    more and more carbon dioxide from burning the coal and oil is (5) ________ into the air every year. the carbon dioxide can absorb the heat from the earth. the more carbon dioxide in the air, the more heat it will absorb, and the warmer the earth will be.

    since the (6) ________ revolution, coal and fossil oil have been wildly used.

    however, this kind of energy will (7) ________ plenty of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, methane, (8) ________ vapor and so on.

    that’s maybe one of the reasons (9) ________ the earth to be warmer.

    ruining the forest is also accelerating the (10) ________ of the global warming.

    please fill in the blanks 1 to 8. 注意: 如果一题多空,请用空格分隔开答案。 topic: the cause of (1) ________

    supporting details: the most (2) ________ part of the earth’s ecological system is the atmosphere, because it’s so (3) ________.

    the sun’s radiation comes in the form of (4) ________waves and that heats up the earth.

    and then some of the radiation is (5) ________back into space.

    and some of the outgoing infrared radiation is (6) ________by atmosphere.

    this layer of atmosphere is being (7) ________by all of the global warming pollution.

    so more of the outgoing infrared remains in the atmosphere. as a result the atmosphere heats up (8) ________.

    watch the lecture for the first time and choose the right answer to the each question. 视频8 1. what is plastic made from?

    2. what can we learn from the passage?

    2. the birthplace of plastic is the oil refinery.

    3. after a series of manufactory processes, oil and gas molecules become plastic products.

    4. it takes a long time for plastic bottles to be manufactured, consumed and discarded.

    now in exercise 1, you will listen to the british student’s talk about the comparison between green energy and fossil fuels. exercise 1 音频10 (1) what is majorly talked about in the clip?

    (2) what method of patterns is used by the speaker?

    choose the best answer to each of the questions you hear. 音频7 1. what is the speaker mainly talking about?

    2. why did the speaker show the video about a woman speaking koro to her baby?

    3. which of the following is true, according to the text?

    the critical period hypothesis states that the first few years of life is the(2)_______time in which an inidual can acquire a first language if presented with adequate stimuli.

    the nature of such a critical period, however, has been one of the most fiercely debated issues in psycholinguistics and cognitive science in general for decades. some writers have suggested a(5) "_________" or "optimal" period rather than a critical one; others dispute the causes (physical maturation, cognitive factors).

    the duration of the period also(6)____________ greatly in different accounts.

    in second-language acquisition, the strongest evidence for the critical period hypothesis is in the study of (7)_________, where most older learners do not reach a native-like level.

    however, under certain conditions, native-like accent has been observed, suggesting that accent is affected by multiple factors, such as identity and (8)____________, rather than a critical period biological constraint.

    you must be amazed at how children learn a language after listening to the speech. listen to the part about the mother teaching her baby koro again and take down the key words.

    listen to the text for the first time, focus on the global idea of the passage and then choose the right answers to the questions you hear. 音频9 1. what is not included in a good eap course?

    2. what problem is not mentioned in the text to students studying eap?

    now listen to the passage again and decide whether the following statements are true(t), false(f) or not given(ng). 音频9 1. during your university course, you’ll lead a double life.

    2. eap is actually studying english for academic purposes.

    3. if you speak academic english, you’ll know a special vocabulary associated with your subject, and you’ll be used to writing or speaking in a particular way.

    4. a good eap course can enable you to make friends easily.

    5. students often pay more attention to vehicles than to what they contain.

    2. anna agrees with becca in a sense that apps can always make our learning accessible.

    3. becca completely agrees with anna in a sense that no app could replace a good teacher.

    4. anna disagrees with becca in a sense that sometimes apps might be underdeveloped.

    5. both of them prefer to use a dictionary.

    choose the best answer to each of the following questions. 音频6 1.which of the following is not true according to the speech?

    how did the speaker come to the conclusion that timing is the most important for start-up business?

    you are going to hear a passage about two students in britain starting up business. listen carefully and fill in the missing information. 音频5 bird feathers have long been used in clothing and in bedding. manufacturers often use feathers because of their light 1________ and the warmth they provide in a cold room or climate.

    now, two students in britain are studying how to use them in other ways, like keeping homes warm, for example. a student 2_________ has success.

    chicken is a popular food in many countries, and the number of poultry killed for their meat is rising. britain alone processes more than 3 ________ white-feathered chickens every year, creating tons of leftover feathers.

    two students from imperial college london want to turn these feathers into something 4 __________.

    the two had an idea to create useful materials from waste. they developed a biodegradable 6_________ that could replace man-made insulation. biodegradable materials are capable of being slowly broken down through natural processes.

    builders usually add insulation to homes and offices. the insulation can reduce the 7________ demands of heating and cooling systems. dieckman and robinson won several awards for their prototype insulation, including the mayor of london's low carbon entrepreneur challenge.

    the $23,000 they won in the 8___________ helped them start their company, aeropowder.

    listen to the speech again and pay attention to these signal words. then complete the following sentences with what those signal words want us to concentrate on so as to get the organization of the lecture. 音频6 introducing the topic: i’m really excited to share with you some (1) _________ about what makes companies (2) __________ the most, what factors matter the most for startup success. (1)


    listing and making transition: first, the idea. i used to think that idea was (3) _________. but then over time i came to think that maybe the (4) _________, the execution, adaptability that mattered ever more than the idea. then i started looking at the business (5) _________. then i looked at the (6) _________. and then of course, the (7) _________. (3)





    listen to the news report for the first time and choose the right answers to questions you hear. 音频8 what is the percentage of chinese college graduates choosing to start their own business?

    which of the following is not the reason why college entrepreneurs are so rare in china?

    experts say china is the third best place for entrepreneurs.

    the government tries to create a better environment for college students to start their own business.

    most parents don’t support their children to start their own business.

    which signal words are not used by the student to express causes?

    listen to the text for the first time and choose the best answer to each of the questions you hear. 音频5(请将音频调至: 09:14---13:48 ) 1.what is the speaker mainly talking about?

    which of the following can best explain the meaning of collaborative consumption?

    listen carefully and fill in the missing information. culture notes rachel botan is the co-author, with roo rogers, of the book what’s mine is yours: the rise of collaborative consumption, and she writes, consults and speaks on the(1) of collaboration and (2) through network technologies, and on how it will (3) business, consumeri and the way we live. her new work (4) on trust and reputation (5) . (1)





    she is the (6) of the collaborative lab, an innovation incubator(孵化器) that works with startups, big businesses and local governments to (7) innovative solutions based on the ideas of collaborative consumption. she has consulted to fortune 500 companies and leading (8) organizations around the world on (9) and innovation (10) , and was a former director at the william j. clinton foundation. (6)





    the second is collaborative lifestyles. this is the sharing of resources of things like money, skills and time.

    now, the third system is product-service systems. this is where you pay for the benefit of a product -- what it does for you – without needing to own the product outright.

    how can you protect your money when making investment?

    a very important thing for investment is to ensure the way to balance.

    the asset allocation should be the purpose of making your investment.

    the more risk you’d like to take, the more profit you’ll make.

    now in exercise 1, you will watch two speakers talking about whether it is good or bad for students to make investments. watch carefully and try to identify how they conduct the conversation. exercise 1 音频8 (1)at the very beginning, how does speaker a encourage speaker b to speak?

    when speaker b mentions that “if the investment goes well, then have a nice, nice security in the future”, how does speaker a interrupt her?

    choose the best answer to each of the following questions. 音频4 1. what is the text mainly about?

    which of the following is not mentioned in the lecture?

    you are going to hear a passage about high-context culture and low-context culture. listen carefully and fill in the missing information. 音频3(请将音频调至18秒开始,播放至结束) high-context culture refers to societies or groups where people have close connections over a long period of time. many 1________ of cultural behavior are not made explicit(明确的) because most members know what to do and what to think from years of 2_________ with each other. high-context culture relies heavily on 3_________, often nonverbal 4________ to maintain social 5_________. it can be found in asia, most of latin america, africa and middle east countries. low-context culture refers to societies where people tend to have many connections but of shorter 6________ or for some specific reason. in these societies, cultural behavior and beliefs may need to be 7________ explicitly so that those coming into the cultural environment know how to behave. low-context culture uses language primarily to express 8________, feelings and ideas as directly as possible. the lowest context cultures are germany, britain, the united states, switzerland and scandinavian countries. 1.








    also space, and this refers to __________. in many high-context cultures, be 2 feet apart or less is definitely the way to conduct business and is very comfortable.

    listen to the text for the first time and choose the right answers to questions you hear. 音频6 1. what is the text mainly about?

    which of the following countries tend to “me” culture?

    now let’s listen to the text again and decide whether the following statements are true, false or not given.(用t,f,ng表示) 1.all americans put strong emphasis on iniduality.

    the two basic types of culture mentioned in the text are inidualistic culture and collectivistic culture.

    china is the most “we” country on the planet.

    people from different cultures are unable to dance together.

    cheating is acceptable in middle east countries.

    which signal words are used by the student to give examples?

    choose the best answer to each of the following questions. 音频1 1.what is the passage mainly about?

    which of the following only belongs to chinese high-speed trains?

    you are going to hear a passage about high-speed rail (hsr) in china. listen carefully and fill in the missing information. 补录3 high-speed rail (hsr) in china refers to any railway in china with 1. train service at the speed of 2. km/h or higher as internationally recognized. by this definition, china has the world's 3. hsr network with over 16,000 km of track in service as of december 2014which is more than the rest of the world's high-speed rail tracks 4. , and a length of 16,775.5 km is 5. or in planning. since high-speed rail service in china was 6. on april 18, 2007, daily ridership has grown from 237,000 in 2007 to 2.49 million in 2014, making the chinese hsr network the most 7. used in the world. cumulative ridership had reached 2.9 billion by october 2014. 1.












    listen to the passage for the first time, focus on the global idea of the passage and then choose the right answers to the questions you hear. 音频3 1.what is america’s challenge in the 21st century according to the passage?

    how many forms of transportation in new york are mentioned in the passage?

    now let’s listen to the passage again and decide whether the following statements are true, false or not given. 音频3 there are 7500 airports in america.

    chicago has a powerful but aging transportation network.

    on a weekday morning, there can be about 3.2 million people in manhattan.

    grand central terminal is the busiest commuter center in america.

    now in exercise 1, you will listen to two british students talking about their favorite means of transportation in shanghai and try to identify the expressions they used to support their opinions and connect their ideas to each other. exercise 1 音频0178 how did becka respond to anna’s choosing shared bikes as her favorite form of transportation?

    how many reason(s) did becka give to support her opinion that metro is the best form of transportation in shanghai?

    choose the best answer to each of the following questions. 音频3 1. what is the speaker mainly talking about?

    why did the speaker show us the picture about a swimmer, a rowboat, a sailboat, and a tugboat?

    which of the following is true, according to the text?

    listen carefully and fill in the missing information. 音频2 drug development is the process of bringing a new pharmaceutical drug to the market once a lead 1_____ has been identified through the process of drug discovery. it includes pre-clinical research on 2_____ and animals, clinical trials on humans, and may include the step of obtaining regulatory approval to market the drug. the full cost of bringing a new drug to market – from discovery through 3_____ trials to approval – is complex and controversial; typically it is hundreds of millions or billions of u.s. dollars. candidates for a new drug to treat a disease might theoretically include from 5,000 to 10,000 chemical compounds. on average about 4_____ of these will show sufficient promise for further evaluation using laboratory tests, mice and other test animals. typically, about 5_____ of these will qualify for tests on humans. 1.





    listen to the speech again and complete the outline below. after the listening, you may organize the speech with the outline in this exercise. 音频3 i. life expectancy --born in (1) _____: over the age of 48 --dip there for the 1918 flu. --born in 2010: (2) ______ ii. diseases and medicine a. gap--diseases we now know the exact molecular basis: about (3) _____ vs. diseases now have treatments available: only about (4) _____ b. what we think: fundamental information to application: a (5) _____ vs. reality: (6) _____ shiny bridge a swimmer, a rowboat , a sailboat ,a tugboat if you're lucky, somebody gets across. iii. why so hard drug: a all molecule, a few atoms all in a (7) _____ determine whether to hit its target. process to develop a drug: start out with thousands of compounds weed down through various steps run a clinical trial (8) _____ after you started, you will get one approval. cost (9) ______ for that one success. 1.









    which of the following is not true according to the conversation?

    2. being a man is a pre-existent condition. ( )

    3. japan doesn’t have a nationalized health insurance program. ( )

    4. we should ensure that the insurance companies aren't too powerful. ( )

    5. private healthcare is more popular in the states. ( )

    which of the following is not the reason of changing of sources of energy when males grow older?

    now let’s watch its commercial and get more information. choose the best answer to each of the questions you hear. 音频5 1. what does biztrumpet provide?

    which is the best word to describe tools provided by biztrumpet?

    you are going to watch an ad. listen carefully and fill in the missing information. 注:用一个空格分开每个答案 音频4 an ad if there is one thing you do today, get your (1)__business online.

    50 million businesses don’t have a website, that’s (2)__ of all us businesses.

    for more businesses we get online, the more (3)__ we create. what if every business can hire just one person, that’s a lot in new jobs.

    i went from one employee to (4) __. the web took us from a local shop to a global business.

    over (5) ___ of our students come from the web.

    you can (6) __ in a big way. in a big way. you might own a business, or a friend or a family member who does. there’s one thing you do today.

    tell your mother, your brother, sister, your (7)__, your uncle, a friend. if there is one thing you do today, just one thing, get a business online.

    listen to the commercial once again and complete the chart about the old process of starting internet business. the following is an example of good notes. it keeps the essential information and presents the relationship in a highly visualized way. 注:用一个空格分隔答案 音频5

    which of the following is not true about traditional stores?

    how many temporary workers are hired by ups during the holiday season to deliver gifts?

    listen to the news report once again and decide whether the following statements are true (t),false(f),or not given (ng). 音频7 1. lynne shaner purchases everything online.

    online shopping can provide a better selection according to lynne shaner.

    cornell university marketing professor ed mclaughlin thinks anything that cannot move online, will.

    ed mclaughlin says traditional stores can provide better services.

    bill martin thinks we can always have the feeling of “boy, this is exactly what i want” when we shop online.

    now in exercise 1, you will watch two speakers talking about the impact of e-commerce on traditional stores. watch carefully and try to identify how they show interests in the conversation and get to know the opinions about online shopping and shopping in person from the other. 音频8 (1)which one is not one of the ways for them to show interests in the conversation?

    how does ella (the 2nd speaker) continue the conversation on hearing her partner’s opinion that shopping in person is more friendly and a nicer experience for old people and mothers with all children?

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