










    研读附件论文,回答以下问题:(每回答1点得20分,至少回答3点) 从环境,荷载,功能等方面,讨论月面地下空间开发与地面地下空间开发的区别。









    作业题1 某过街通道矩形截面见附件,根据附件要求开展计算,提交计算书,格式自拟。要求包含软件计算模型,计算的结构内力与变形。 注意利用变形、内力对称性检验结果合理性。









    查看题目列表 阅读附件资料,总结大开车站破坏的原因。提交500字以内读书报告。

    查看题目列表 某矩形岩体地下通道断面尺寸、受力如附件所示。采用结构力学求解器计算结构内力、变形与弹性抗力,垂直纸面取1延米计算。提交计算书 ,格式自拟。要求包含软件计算模型,计算的结构内力与变形。 注意利用变形、内力对称性检验结果合理性。

    job description and job specification are the same.

    job descriptions focus on the desired skills, knowledge and attributes of job holders.

    job description and job specification are indispensable working documents for job applicants, job holders and employers.

    well-written job descriptions and specifications can help organizations recruit, train and assess employees.

    a training manager in a fast food restaraunt will need solid communication skills. this requirement should go into job specification.

    according to this article, why are job titles so important?

    what examples are given in the above article to prove that companies inflate job titles? list at least two examples.

    _______ pricing strategies, balancing company objectives and customer satisfaction.

    _______ the financial aspects of product development, such as budgets, expenditures, research and development appropriations, and return-on-investment and profit-loss projections.

    _______, direct and coordinate marketing activities and policies to promote products and services, working with advertising and promotion managers

    choose the proper action verb to use when describing a key duty of a marketing manager in a job description. direct the hiring, training, and performance evaluations of marketing and sales staff and _______ their daily activities.

    ________ with legal staff to resolve problems, such as 尊龙人生就是博 copyright infringement and royalty sharing with outside producers and distributors

    the temporary movement or ‘loan’ of a member of staff from one department/location to another is called _______. in such a case, the employee typically retains his salary and other employment rights from his primary organization but he works closely within the other organisation to provide training and the sharing of experience.

    as a recruitment method, _______ invites present employees to recommend prospective candidates for the job offered.

    _______ refers to any effort made by prospective employers to recruit students from their college campuses, usually prior to graduation.

    when a position is temporary and it doesn’t worth the trouble to recruit externally for the position, a company could then offer to pay bonuses of various types to current employees and entice them into wanting to take on this ‘second’ job. this is called _______.

    _______ concentrates on higher-level managerial positions or other critical positions and helps organizations locate qualified professional, managerial or technical candidates.

    recruitment activities are designed to affect how many people apply for the vacancies.

    recruitment activities are designed to affect what kind of people will apply for the vacancies.

    recruitment activities are designed to affect whether job offers will be accepted.

    recruitment activities are designed to affect how hard job holders work.

    recruitment activities are designed to affect how qualified applicants are.

    the following paragraph is to support an argument. what type of evidence does it fall into? "despite the latest 20 per cent boost, china may still see its first drop in ticket sales in more than 20 years in 2017", said lei ming, chief executive of abd entertainment in beijing, who said overall growth was 'still a concern'.

    the following paragraph is to support an argument. what type of evidence does it fall into? higher education improves standards of living. according to the national center for education statistics, full-time employees in the united states who earned high school diplomas or geds received a median income of $25,000 in 2009, whereas those who earned bachelor’s degrees received a median income of $40,000.

    the following paragraph is to support an argument. what type of evidence does it fall into? clinton's policies are to blame for the 2008 economic crash. an example is his policy in 1995 which loosened housing rules by rewriting the community reinvestment act, which put added pressure on banks to lend in low-income neighborhoods and later caused massive defaulting in home mortgage.

    the following paragraph is to support an argument. what type of evidence does it fall into? u.s. employers spend a considerable amount of time and resources on both formal and informal training including safety training. a national survey found establishments with 50 or more employees paid $7.7 billion to in-house training staff and $5.5 billion to outside trainers in 1994, $139 and $98 per employee respectively [2].

    commonly used evidence in business writing includes:

    an unstructured selection interview can always provide reliable and valid results.

    cognitive ability tests examine potential candidates physical and mental capacities.

    if you want to examine how a candidate interacts with his/her future colleagues, you could use a group interview.

    the selection techniques you choose depends on the particular skills, attributes and knowledge required for the position.

    work-sample tests should be tailored inidually to each different job in each organization.

    we can start a formal business letter with "dear mr michael".

    if we are writing to a couple, we should say "dear mr and mrs wangs".

    the following sentence is correct "according to your letter of application, we would like to invite you to an interview."

    in a formal business letter, we should always try to state our purpose at the beginning.

    "yours sincerely", "best wishes", "yours" and "love" are all appropriate complimentary close in a formal business letter.

    motivation is an invisible inner state that energizes human goal-directed behavior, which determines:

    maslow's hierarchy of needs is a motivational theory comprising a five-tier model of human needs including:

    mcgregor's theory x assumes that employees are generally lazy.

    in vroom's expectancy theory, expectancy refers to the attainment of a certain outcome that an inidual desires.

    managers who believe in theory y tend to use rewards and punishment to motivate employees.

    which one of the following statements is right about business writing?

    job enrichment can benefit employee growth by

    for a new employee who just starts to work and needs some help with their job role, which development method might be the most appopriate?

    approaches to employee development include

    when executed well, promoting your employees into a new position can help with employee development by

    development is not entirely the same as training as

    a business memo is the same as a business letter.

    a memo usually includes a header and the message.

    the subject line of a business memo needs to be brief and descriptive.

    it's ok to use emotionally-charged language in writing a business memo.

    a farewell is a must in a business memo.

    performance appraisal is a formal system of periodic review and evaluation of an inidual’s or team’s job performance.

    the appraisal system should focus on performance that affects both organizational success and performance-irrelevant characteristics such as race, age, or sex.

    appraisal should be not only measure past-oriented activity that criticizes or praises workers for their performance in the preceding year but also take a future-oriented view of what workers can do to achieve their potential in the organization.

    for human resource planning, performance appraisals provide data to describe the promotability and potential of all employees and thus help companies assess their human resources.

    with the help of appraisal system, development programs can be developed and iniduals are allowed the opportunity to build on their strengths and minimize their deficiencies.

    an appraisal interview shows a shift from unilateral assesent to discussion on performance.

    if the employee’s job performance is satisfactory but not ready for a promotion, line managers could find incentives that are important to the employees.

    if the employee's performance is unsatisfactory and uncorrectable, the employee should be fired right away.

    when someone loses their temper in an appraisal interview, it’s important to try to stay calm, and show your understanding.

    in an appraisal interview, the managers should talk about factual errors and the quality of work rather than emotions.

    the _______ approach attempts to define the behaviors an employee must exhibit to be effective in the job, for example, working well with coworkers, coming to meetings on time, etc.

    ______ rating scales is the most common form that the trait approach to performance management takes. usually, a list of traits has been listed and requires the source to rate the inidual on each attribute.

    critical _______ appraisals can provide specific examples of behavior. this method requires managers to keep a record of specific examples of effective and ineffective performance on the part of each employee.

    some examples are given in video 7.3. which of the following statements about these examples are true? “google, for example, is famous for its over-the-top perks, which include lunches made by a professional chef, biweekly chair massages, yoga classes, and haircuts. twitter employees enjoy three catered meals per day, and on-site acupuncture. sas has a college scholarship program for the children of employees.”

    financial compensation consists of _______.

    the satisfaction that a person receives from the job itself or from the psychological and/or physical environment in which the person works belongs to _______.

    skill-based approaches to compensation _______.

    internal pay factors are as follows: _______.

    if a particular job category median pays $57,000, the organization with a market plus of 7 percent philosophy will pay $_______.

    benefits include all financial rewards that generally are not paid directly to the employee.

    a distinct advantages of benefits is that they are generally nontaxable.

    according to statistics from the u.s. bureau of labor statistics, in the past ten year, benefits are taking less and less in total compensation package.

    it is usually difficult to caculate the value of benefits compared with one's salary.

    the provision of benefits to employees will not affect a company's ability to attract and retain quality workers.

    as a former google employee, james damore claimed that women's biology inhibits their abilities as leaders and was fired over gender discrimination lawsuit.

    workplace ersity is about acknowledging differences and adapting work practices to create an inclusive environment in which erse skills, perspectives and backgrounds are valued.

    diversity can also help with employee retention, as people want to work in an environment where people are from the same background.

    according to a research published in harvard business review, cognitively similar teams solve problems faster than teams of cognitively erse people.

    workplace ersity fosters mutual respect among employees and helps reduce conflicts.

    a line graph is usually used to visualize the values changing over a continuous interval or time.

    a bar graph can plot more than one bar in the same axis as a form of comparison.

    bar graphs can help show proportions and percentages between categories.

    in a pie chart, an arc length represents a proportion of each category, while the full circle represents the total sum of all data.

    graphs are useful in that they can help us visualize what's happening in our business.

    as a recruitment method, _______ invites present employees to recommend prospective candidates for the job offered.

    the following paragraph is to support an argument. what type of evidence does it fall into? higher education improves standards of living. according to the national center for education statistics, full-time employees in the united states who earned high school diplomas or geds received a median income of $25,000 in 2009, whereas those who earned bachelor’s degrees received a median income of $40,000.

    which one of the following statements is right about business writing?

    financial compensation consists of _______.

    commonly used evidence in business writing includes:

    motivation is an invisible inner state that energizes human goal-directed behavior, which determines:

    maslow's hierarchy of needs is a motivational theory comprising a five-tier model of human needs including:

    approaches to employee development include

    job description and job specification are indispensable working documents for job applicants, job holders and employers.

    recruitment activities are designed to affect how hard job holders work.

    an unstructured selection interview can always provide reliable and valid results.

    the selection techniques you choose depends on the particular skills, attributes and knowledge required for the position.

    if you want to examine how a candidate interacts with his/her future colleagues, you could use a group interview.

    we can start a formal business letter with "dear mr michael".

    the following sentence is correct "according to your letter of application, we would like to invite you to an interview."

    "yours sincerely", "best wishes", "yours" and "love" are all appropriate complimentary close in a formal business letter.

    a business memo is the same as a business letter.

    performance appraisal is a formal system of periodic review and evaluation of an inidual’s or team’s job performance.

    workplace ersity is about acknowledging differences and adapting work practices to create an inclusive environment in which erse skills, perspectives and backgrounds are valued.

    a line graph is usually used to visualize the values changing over a continuous interval or time.

    which of the following devices does not include a computer?

    which of the following devices includes an embedded computer inside?

    what is the name of a set of signal lines in a computer system responsible for tranitting data storage locations?

    what is the name of a set of signal lines that play a management and control role in the tranission and exchange of data in computer systems?

    what does computer instructions refer to?

    what does computer program mean?

    what is the code of instructions in the computer?

    which component in the computer is used to pre-store instruction and data in order to make the program run automatically?

    the process of computer instructions’ execution generally includes the following steps 1: instruction decoding 2: performing operations 3: accessing data memory 4: storing results 5: reading instructions, which of the following is the correct order of the process?

    which of the following is the binary number of the decimal number 3.25?

    which of the following is the hexadecimal number of the decimal number 105.25?

    what is the bit width of a byte in a computer?

    how many bits of a halfword are defined in a 32-bit mips computer system?

    what code is used for signed integer numbers’ representation in modern computers?

    what code is used for signed real numbers’ representation in modern computers?

    what is the bit width of a single-precision floating-point number?

    what is the normalized representation of binary number ?

    what are the bit width and bias of the exponential field of a single-precision floating-point number, respectively?

    what is the single-precision floating-point number representation of -9.625?

    what is the single-precision floating-point number representation of 1.5 ?

    it is known that a computer system stores data in memory in little endianness. if half word data is stored in the memory at address , what is the data stored in the storage unit at address ?

    it is known that a computer system stores data in memory in little-endian order. if word data is stored in the memory at address , what is the data stored in the memory unit at address is

    it is known that a computer system stores data in memory in big endianess. if the word data is stored in the memory with the address , what is the data stored in the memory unit with the address?

    what is the range of values that can be represented by n bits 2's complement numbers?

    if two signed numbers participate in calculation, the result is overflow, what kind of situation of the result is in?

    which of the following byte type data calculation does not overflow?

    what is the bit width of char type data in c language?

    what is the bit width of short type data in c language for 32-bit computer?

    it is known that the data in address 2000 to 2003 are 2, 3, 6, 0, respectively. if a 32-bit computer system uses little-endian mode to manage this memory, what is the int type data that the cpu fetches from address 2000?

    it is known that the data in address 2000 to 2003 are 2, 3, 6, 0, respectively. if a 32-bit computer system uses little-endian mode to manage this memory, what is the short type data that the cpu fetches from address 2002?

    which of the following devices can be used as computer’s output devices?

    which of the following devices can be used as input/output devices for computer systems?

    which of the following modules are included in the computer hardware system?

    what are the basic components of the central processing unit cpu?

    which of the following functions are implemented by the controller inside the cpu?

    what are the main functions of the cpu internal registers?

    which of the following types of signals does the data bus tranit?

    what are the main functions of io interfaces?

    what bit width data can be processed by 32-bit computer via one instruction?

    which of the following different types of 2’s complement numbers represent the true value -8?

    which of the following different types of 2’s complement numbers represent the true value -128?

    which of the following computer programming languages is also called a symbolic language?

    what is the process of translating assembly language into machine language called?

    what does the computer’s instruction set refer to

    what is the meaning of the label before assembly instructions?

    which of the following parts of the assembly instruction indicates what operation the instruction performs

    when translating the c language statement “a = (c b)-(d e) ;” into mips assembly instructions, how many assembly instructions should be used at least?

    which of the following registers in the mips microprocessor has a constant value of 0?

    which of the following types of mips assembly instructions has only two operands?

    which of the following registers in the mips microprocessor indicates the top of the stack?

    in a 32-bit computer system, if the starting address of “int max[10];” is a, what is the address of max[2]?

    which register is the rs register of the mips r type instruction "add $s0, $s1, $t0”?

    how many fields (domains) is the machine instruction of the mips i type instruction ided into?

    which type does instruction jal belong to?

    which of the following instructions is to load unsigned byte type data from memory to register?

    which of the following are the characteristics of assembly language ?

    which of the following are the features of a complex instruction set computer?

    which of the following can the assembly instructions include?

    what are the type of mips assembly instructions?

    what are the instruction addressing modes supported by the mips instruction?

    which of the following registers is used by the mips c compiler to hold the parameters passed from the main program to the subroutine?

    which of the following are the characteristics of the high-level programming languages?

    which of the following characteristics do the reduced instruction set computer instructions have?

    which fields do the mips i type instructions have?

    which of the following mips assembly instructions are conditional jump instructions?

    which of the following registers is used by the mips c compiler to hold the parameters return from the subroutine to the main procedure?

    which of the following instructions can implement the function of multiply ?

    which of the following instructions can perform the ision by ?

    which of the following instructions can perform the function of not?

    the opcodes and operands of computer instructions are represented in binary code in the computer.

    in an assembly language program, multiple assembly instructions can be written on one line.

    the operands of mips arithmetic instructions must be registers.

    all mips i type instructions belong to data transfer instructions.

    all mips unconditianl jump instructions belong to j type instructions.

    there is a subi instruction in mips instruction set.

    assume $t1=0x12345678,$t0=87654321, after executing instruction "add $t2, $t1, $t0" and "addu $t3,$t1,$t0",the values of $t2 and $t3 are same.

    stack is a special memory area, the data in it can only work in first in last out mode.

    what does superscalar technique mean?

    what does multi-core processor mean?

    which of the following description of the interruption vector table is true?

    which of the following operations does a microprocessor generally need to support?

    which of the following are the basic interfaces between microprocessors and other components inside the computer?

    which of the following parts of instruction's machine code are used to generate the control signals of alu unit?

    which of the following events are called exceptions in a computer system?

    which of the following functions should the microprocessor support about exception handling?

    which of the following modules does embedded microcontrollers generally contain?

    which of the following modules does an embedded computer's minimum hardware system generally contain?

    which level of the storage system does the hard disk belong to?

    which type of semiconductor memory chip is used for the cache?

    how many physical pages does the computer system have, which has 1gb of physical memory and the page size is set to 4kb?

    what does the write-through strategy in computer storage systems refer to?

    what is the meaning of cache direct mapping strategy in computer storage system?

    which of the following statements about virtual memory correct?












    rfid标识技术属于物联网( )层的关键技术。

    如果要获得物品的实时状态信息,需要用到( )








    下列不属于按传感器的工作原理进行分类的传感器是( )

    传感器的静态特性指标包括( )


    下列光电器件中,基于光电导效应工作的是( )



    能够测量大气中湿度的传感器称为( )

    光电传感器采用的基本原理是( )









    1977年,欧洲共同体在12位upc-a码的基础上,开发出与upc码兼容的( )码。

    条码扫描译码过程是( )

    在射频识别系统中,最常用的防碰撞算法是( )

    ( )是电子标签的一个重要组成部分,它主要负责存储标签内部信息,还负责对标签接收到的信号以及发送出去的信号做一些必要的处理。

    aloha 机制最主要的特点是()



















    以下不属于无线网络面临的问题( )

    无线网络相对于有线网络的主要优点是( )

    以下关于zigbee的描述不正确的是( )










    下列() 是结构化数据。


    在一个关系中,如果一个属性的值能够唯一的标识关系中的每一个元组,称这个属性为( )。

    以下不属于分布式文件系统的是( )。

    在文本检索中,统计语言模型属于( )。









    下面哪个不属于usb key的主要作用?


    下面关于物联网安全特征的描述不正确的是( )








    基于角色的访问控制(rbac)不能实现自主授权 。































    人类营销的太阳阶段指的是人类的生产 能力和消费能力都很弱的时候。



























    数据传输链路分为两大类:一类是用户到网络节点之间的链路,简称();另一类是网络节点到网络节点之间的链路,简称( )。

    在分组交换网中,将消息分成许多比较短的、格式化的数据单元称为( )进行传输和交换。




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