


    同一自变量过程下,下列结论错误的有( )

    同一自变量过程下,下列结论错误的有( )

    对于一组数据:16、25、25、27、27、36、36、36、41、41、41、41,众数为( )

    在统计假设检验中,根据检验的类型,其临界值( )。

    下列关于数据类型的说法,错误的是( )

    为了估计总体比例π,已经求得其95%的置信区间为(82%,88%),下列说法中错误的是( )。

    对违法所得的没收,本质上是一种追缴,是违法行为人因实施违法行为所付出的代价。( )

    在指数数列中,具有不变权数的指数是( )。

    在对总体进行区间估计时,需要考虑总体是否服从正态分布、总体方差是否已知、用于估计的样本是大样本还是小样本这些因素。( )

    下列项中不属于实施统计行政处罚的主体的是( )

    乡镇统计员和乡镇统计信息网络在统计业务上受县级统计机构的领导。( )

    时间数列的影响因素有( )

    当两个现象完全相关时,下列统计指标值成立的有( )

    统计规章的法律效力高于地方性法规。( )

    下列数据属于观测数据的有( )

    涉外调查机构,是指依法取得涉外调查许可证的机构。( )


    在技能形成过程中,出现进步的暂时停顿现象,叫作( )

    就教育专业素养而言,教师除了要有先进的教育理论和良好的教育能力外,还要具有一定的( )。

    “道之所存,师之所存也。”这句话讲的是( )

    在学习“鸟”的概念时,老师用蝙蝠来说明“会飞”是鸟概念的无关特征。这使用的是( )

    新成立60周年庆典,总结出“高举旗帜,爱爱国,昂扬向上,开放自信,敬业奉献,开拓创新,团结奋进,继往开来”的精神财富。它将成为鼓舞全国奋斗的精神动力。其中体现的哲理是( )。

    在教育测验中,如“比奈智力量表”等智力测验属于( )

    在不同的社会或同一社会的不同历史阶段,教育的性质、目的、内容等各不相同。这体现了教育的( )。


    有西方学者评论说:“这是一个具有高度标志性的事件,它表明的航天技术在21世纪已经走到了欧洲和日本的前面。”他所评论的事件是( )。


    有关人生观、世界观方面的教育属于德育内容的( )。


    刚入学的儿童,写字时往往顾此失彼,这是因为注意的( )不强。

    下列各项不属于二级市场的功能的是( )。

    关于《基金法》基金的运作与信息披露。下列叙述错误的是( )。

    下列关于设立证券公司的条件,正确的有( )。

    我国证券市场监管的目标是( )。

    信托关系的当事人至少包括( )。ⅰ公证人ⅱ委托人ⅲ受托人ⅳ受益人



    ( )是指合约买方向卖方支付一定费用,在约定日期内(或约定日期)享有按事先确定的价格向合约卖方买卖某种金融工具的权利的契约。

    一般来说,投资者预期某商品年末库存量增加,则表明当年商品供给量( )需求量,将该商品期货价格( )。

    股票和可转换公司债券的上市保荐人的条件不包括( )。

    为资金供应者提供投资的机会是( )的基本功能。




    一个掉队的战士说:“我离大部队已经越来越近了。”这里,战士与部队的距离是指该战士与大部队最远的人员的距离。 ( )

    地面上从a点与b点的距离可能有多种公式。 ( )

    利用托里拆利原理,当物体仅受重力作用时,重心位置最低时其平衡是稳定的。 ( )

    “高速公路通常要实行限速”是因为车速快容易让车里的人心里感觉害怕。 ( )

    按照英国物理学家怀特海德制作的多米诺骨牌的方式,其创造的传递能量将趋于无穷,从而可以摧毁任何事物。 ( )


    约等式逻辑 ( )。

    想对客观事物了解的越仔细,就需要越多的测量数据。( )

    约等式可以按照等式的原则进行消元化简。( )

    最小二乘法是对带有误差的众多数据进行一种集体校正。( )

    建立围棋棋盘模型的基础是 ( )

    利用卡尔丹公式求解三次方程 其中的一个根为 ( )

    围棋棋盘自围棋发明时就是由纵横十九道直线组成的。 ( )

    象棋开局有个飞相局意味着在象棋的对弈中,攻守是平衡的 。 ( )

    卡尔丹公式可以算出三次方程全部的根。 ( )

    贝努力大数定律揭示了随机事件发生的概率等于( )。


    大海捞针可以用来形容概率为0的事情( )。

    二项式分布是一种只有两种可能结果的随机变量分布类型( )。

    如果把你与任何人相遇看成是一个随机试验,则可知它不是一个等可能的概型( )。

    黄金分割比例等于 ( )

    五角星每条线上的两个交叉点分割整段长度的比例为 ( )

    性质:c,d两点将整个线段ab分成了黄金分割比例。现将线段ab去掉ac段,这时,在剩余的线段cb中,两线段的比例 的值为

    诺特定理讲的是:作用量的每一种对称性都对应一个守恒定律,有一个守恒量。 ( )

    在斐波那契数列中,每一项数值等于前两项数值之和。 ( )

    线性方程组 解向量的个数为

    线性方程组 无解。

    求解n和n使不定方程 成立,其中n和n为自然数,则方程解的个数为 ( )

    从求解不定方程的角度讲,十二声音阶比自然音阶(七声音阶) ( )

    利用“大衍求一术”求解《孙子算经》中的“物不知数”问题,得到( )

    心理学家乔治·米勒发现:人们在短期记忆中一次能记住的容量是很有限的——人类瞬间的感知与记忆的项目个数是5个。 ( )

    在2009年上海国际田径黄金大奖赛的男子110米栏决赛中,刘翔的成绩为 13秒15,利用慢放显示刘翔成绩13秒152,关于成绩的误差的准确说法是 ( )

    买100平米的房子,交房时面积少了5平米,则实际交房面积的 ( )

    3. 台州卫生学校的教师在用卡西欧计算器时,发现2的33次方运算得到的结果的误差达到了负3,而卡西欧公司却认为是正常的,这是因为计算结果的 ( )

    视觉误差往往可以通过人为手段得以校正,而生活中的误差(如测量身高等)很难得到校正.( )

    和的误差等于误差的和,差的误差等于误差的差。 ( )

    麦鸥连本带利还给朋友的资金总额为 其随着n的增加有 ( )

    数列 以为l极限,其逼近方式为 ( )

    下列说法哪一种正确 ( )

    科学家们关于人类百米速度的预言一次次被突破,意味着所谓百米速度“极限”根本不存在! ( )

    圆的参数方程为 则其周长为 ( )

    针对视频中提到的泛函,下列说法哪种正确 (   )

    最速下降问题指的是质点仅受重力作用时,由一点沿着曲线以( )滑到另外一点。

    泛函极值问题的求解可以采取在极值曲线周围扰动一族曲线的方法,将泛函极值问题转化成普通的函数极值问题进行求解。 ( )

    泛函是一种更为广泛的映射关系,可以理解为函数的函数——其因变量为函数。 ( )

    连续函数不能利用间断函数数列来逼近。 ( )


    斐波那契数列是一个 ( )

    周长给定的封闭图形中,面积最大的图形是 ( )

    最小二乘法 ( )

    下列说确的是 ( )

    下列关于绝对值正确的是 ( )

    黄金分割点把一条线段分割为两部分,则 ( )

    下列关于优选法的主要思想说法不正确的是 ( )

    驾驶摩托车跳入花园中的游泳池,整个运动是一个稳定的过程。 ( )

    超定方程组是方程个数多于未知数个数的一类线性方程组,因此,有可能是无解的。 ( )

    最小二乘法使误差平方和达到最小的思想,在各方程的误差之间建立了一种平衡,从而防止了某一极端误差对决定参数的估计值取得支配地。 ( )

    随机变量的数学期望是随机变量取值的依概率加权平均值。 ( )

    代数学的创始人之一丢番图的墓志铭是一道数学题,里面暗含着他的年龄。 ( )

    “去掉一个最高分,去掉一个最低分,再求平均得分”的操作,是为了减小误差。 ( )

    所有周长相等的矩形中,正方形的面积最大。 ( )

    我们都知道“单腿站立不稳”,这里的“不稳定”指的是“人单腿一定站不住而摔倒”。 ( )

    极大无关组可以表示向量组的任何其他的向量。 ( )

    刘徽利用割圆术最终得到了圆的精确面积。 ( )

    关于稳定性定义的通俗解释是大扰动引起小误差。 ( )

    1. the assumption that enables us to prepare periodic statements between the time that a business commences operations and the time it goes out of business is:

    2. the business being separate and distinct from the owners is an integral part of the:

    to the extent that money does not remain stable, it loses its usefulness as the standard for measuring financial transactions.

    5、accountants normally recognize revenue when cash is received.

    gaap is the genarally accepted accounting principles in uk.

    the balance sheet reports:

    tangible assets on the balance sheet should include:

    the most important asset a merchandise firm has is inventory.

    current assets are listed on the balance sheet in order of liquidity.

    preferred stock usually has voting rights.

    1. gross profit is the difference between:

    2. which of the following will not affect retained earnings?

    sale of asset should be classified in loss or gain in the income statement.

    in practice, the income statement is frequently considered to be the least important financial statement.

    an income statement is a summary of revenues and expenses and gains and losses, ending with net income for a particular period of time.

    which of the following is not a purpose of the statement of cash flows?

    which of the following is not a typical cash flow under investing activities?

    the firm borrowed loan from a bank is finance activities in the cash flow statement.

    depreciation expense reduces operating income but does not require the use of cash.

    the statement of cash flows should be reviewed for several time periods in order to determine the major sources of cash and the major uses of cash.

    typically, which of the following would be considered to be the most indicative of a firm's short-term debt paying ability?

    which of the following current assets will not generate cash in the future?

    he current ratio comprises current assets and current liabilities.

    the cash ratio is usually a good indication of the liquidity of the firm.

    the ability of an entity to maintain its short-term, debt-paying ability is important to all users of financial statements.

    the debt ratio indicates:

    which of the following statements best compares long-term borrowing capacity ratios?

    the debt ratio is usually aller than 1.

    as with the debt ratio and the debt/equity ratio, from a long-term, debt-paying ability view, the lower the debt to tangible net worth ratio, the better.

    when yzing a firm's long-term, debt-paying ability, we only want to determine the firm's ability to pay the principal.

    which of the following types of businesses would normally have the shortest operating cycle?

    which of the following does not bear on the quality of receivables?

    we use accounts receivable turnover in days to indicate the quality of the receivables turnover.

    using the direct write-off method, the bad debt expense that is recorded as a specific customer's account is determined to be noncollectible.

    if days' sales in receivables are materially longer than the credit terms, this indicates a collection problem.

    .net profit margin measures return on:

    the dupont method return on assets uses two component ratios. what are they?

    earnings per share and p/e ratio are usually use by investors in the society.

    changes in the cost of goods sold can have a substantial impact on gross profit margin.

    in order to compute gross profit margin, the income statement must be in single-step format.

    gross profit is the difference between:

    which of the following is not a purpose of the statement of cash flows?

    typically, which of the following would be considered to be the most indicative of a firm's short-term debt paying ability?

    which of the following current assets will not generate cash in the future?

    prepayments should be the money paid in advance and not returned.

    which of the following does not bear on the quality of receivables?

    total asset turnover measures the ability of a firm to:

    which of the following is not the problem in balance sheet presentation?

    the dupont method return on assets uses two component ratios. what are they?

    which of the following is not a type of operating asset?

    a retailing firm has which type of inventory?

    which of the following ratios will usually have the lowest percent?

    which of the following is not a type of operating asset?

    typically, which of the following would be considered to be the most indicative of a firm's short-term debt paying ability?

    which of the following would not be classified as a current asset?

    profitability is the ability of the firm to generate earnings.

    the income statement will not fairly represent the cash from operations.

    current assets are listed on the balance sheet in order of liquidity.

    in practice, the income statement is frequently considered to be the least important financial statement.

    preferred stock usually has voting rights.

    the statement of cash flows should be reviewed for several time periods in order to determine the major sources of cash and the major uses of cash.

    as with the debt ratio and the debt/equity ratio, from a long-term, debt-paying ability view, the lower the debt to tangible net worth ratio, the better.

    when yzing a firm's long-term, debt-paying ability, we only want to determine the firm's ability to pay the principal.

    in order to compute gross profit margin, the income statement must be in single-step format.

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