


    以下不属于matlab 主面板的是 ( )

    matlab语法规定的标点符号中,用于注释的符号是( )

    关于以下是控制系统工具箱的是( )

    以下窗口能显示当前运行文件所在当前目录的是( )

    以下对于matlab 的文件搜索路径,排列顺序正确的是( ) 1. 该命令是不是一个变量 2. 是否为内部函数 3. 是否当前目录下的m文件 4. 是否matlab搜索路径中其他目录下的m 文件

    以下说确的是( )

    matlab的命令查询中能实现命令提示的是( )



    关于m文件说法错误的是( )












    下列变量表示结果是无穷大的是( )

    设a=[1 2 3;4 5 6],则a(:,2)=( )

    用matlab求方阵b的逆矩阵的命令是( )

    已知a=2:2:8,b=2:5,下面的运算表达式中,出错的为( )

    已知ch=['abcde';'12345'],则ch(2,3)代表的字符是( )

    能够删除matlab工作空间中变量的命令是( )

    使用语句x=linspace(0,pi,5)生成的是( )个元素的向量

    与“linspace(a,b,c)”等价语句是( )

    ceil(-3.1)的结果为( )

    设a=[1 2 3;4 5 6],则a(:,end)=( )

    “x是小于10 的非负数”,用matlab表达式可写为( )

    能快速生成规则序列的符号表达式是( )

    关于分号与逗号作用的区别,以下说法错误的是( )

    分别生成两个 10*10 的随机矩阵 a,b。 (1)取 a,b 两矩阵对应位置较大的元素,构成矩阵 c(10*10) (2)求矩阵 c 每行的最大值,并把最大值坐标存到位置矩阵 d 中,矩阵 d 第一列为行号,第二列为列号。(结果请截图粘贴,手算出结果不得分)

    建立一个字符串“i'm a human”,然后对该字符串做如下处理,写出命令。将字符串中的大写字母变成相应的小写字母,其余字符不变。(结果请截图粘贴,手写出结果不得分)

    用来实现在程序中暂停的命令为( )

    ( )用于终止循环的执行。当在循环体内执行到该语句时,程序将跳出循环,继续执行循环语句段之后的语句

    下列关于try-catch语句说法错误的是( )

    ( )不能通过内部循环变量重新赋值而进行反复的循环或停止循环

    ( )语句控制跳过循环体中的某些语句。当在循环体内执行到该语句时,程序将跳过循环体中所有剩下的语句,继续下一次循环

    到目前为止已经找到了几个完数( )

    下面哪个不是调试命令( )

    在模式调试下的单步执行快捷键中哪个会进入函数( )

    程序设计的辅助函数中用于开始计时的函数为( )

    以下代码符合matlab语法的是( )

    以下代码在matlab表达意义中正确的是( )

    if 结构中,以下用确的是( )

    下面程序执行后k的值为( ) k=3 for i=1:5 k=2*k 1 end

    与计算个人所得税同理,以下是计算商品打折价格的matlab程序,请问当商品价格为1400时,打完折商品价格为? 试问打横线的位置应填写什么? 最后结果为多少?

    下列表达式一般不作为符号对象的是( )

    下列是matlab中求函数导数的命令的是( )

    下列是matlab中求函数零点的命令的是( )

    下列正确的程序是( )

    关于建立符号表达式的方法,下列说确的是( )

    用赋值语句给定x数据,计算对应的matlab表达式是( )

    在matlab中求极限的命令是( )

    在matlab命令窗口中,键入命令syms x;y=int(3*x)。屏幕上将出现的结果是()

    下列关于数值求根的基本原理正确的是( )

    已知a=[1 0;a 1];则b=a^n的结果矩阵中元素b(2)=( )

    matlab中可以用trace()函数直接获得a的( )

    matlab中可以用rref()函数直接获得a的( )

    下列哪个命令不是求线性方程组ax=b的解的matlab命令( )

    a=[1 0 -1;0 2 0;-1 0 1],b=[0;0;0],求方程组ax=b的基础解析的matlab命令为( )

    [v,d]=eig(a)中的v,d表达的含义是( )

    求矩阵a的正交矩阵的matlab命令是( )

    已知a=[0 0 1;0 1 0;1 0 0],其特征值为()

    下列哪一个是求矩阵a秩的matlab命令( )

    如果已输入方阵a的数据,在matlab中计算a的特征值用下面哪一命令( )

    已知a=[1,2],b=[3;4],能计算得到ans=11的表达式为( )






    下列属于符号方式作图函数为( )

    plot函数中的红色线选项要由( )参数实现


    subplot(m,n,p)中的( )指的是矩形绘图区域的列数。


    绘制y=sinx的图像,应使用以下哪个命令( )

    subplot命令的作用是( )

    以下代码能做出图形: syms x; x=0:0.1:5; y='exp(x)-exp(-x)'; plot(x,y)

    以下代码能获得想要的图形: x=0:0.1:5; y=sin(x); title('y=sin(x)');%书写标题 plot(x,y)%绘制图像

    最优化模型中,下列哪个不是属于三要素( )

    优化工具箱中的下列函数,用来求一元连续函数极值的是( )

    非线性规划函数调用格式中,必须使用m 文件函数来定义的个数为( )

    matlab中polyfit是用来做( )的函数

    已知直径为1 单位长度的圆柱梁,要求将它制成矩形截面梁,满足重量最轻和强度最大的条件,试确定矩形截面尺寸,设矩形长为x1,宽为x2。使用fminimax函数求解,得出的最优解为( )

    对一组数据作二项多项式拟合,为得出二次多项式的系数向量,应进行的程序命令为( )




    以下是matlab用fmincon求解非线性规划问题时非线性约束条件的函数,请写出其原始形式是? function [c,ceq]=mycon1(x) c=[x(1)^2 x(2)^2-25,x(1)^2-x(2)^2-7]; ceq=[];



    1). introduce the urban planning system in your home country in a global perspective. on national level, regional level and city level, what kind of planning do you have and which authorities are responsible for these different planning (a framework map is required). 2)draw a framework figure to illustrate the urban planning system in your country.





    which one is not the method of trial in the system of ine testimony?

    the legal evidence system is ()to the ine evidence system.

    what are the basic principles of evidence law?

    which of the following are the orgins of evidence law?

    judicial discretion system first appeared in a italy decree issued in 1791, which stipulated that "judges must use their own free testimony as the sole basis for adjudication”.

    the system of legal evidence is in order to restrict the judge's power,preventing the judge from abusing judicial power,and to help to maintain feudal centrali.

    the theoretical basis of evidence law are()and().

    the legilative mode of evidence law includes()and().

    in your opinion,what does the system of legal evidence mean?

    how do you think the relationship between objective truth and legal truth?

    the principle of presumption of innocence was written into law for the first time in which country?

    the human rights was first written into chinese constitution in().

    the theoretical basis of the principles against self-incrimination lies in().

    which of the following are the contents of principle of legal proceedings?

    the establishment of the principle of evidence adjudication in the legal provisions started from japan and further affected asia and even the world.

    the right of silence is stipulated in chinese criminal procedure law.

    how do you think of the relatationship between justice,human rights,order and efficiency?

    which one of the following is true about evidence?

    which of the followng are the meaning of physical evidence?

    which of the following statements about the relevance of the evidence are true?

    which of the following are the definition of witness testimony?

    all materials that may be used to prove the facts of a case are evidence.

    indirect evidence generally can only prove part fact, notmain fact.

    how do you think of the significance of documentary evidence?

    compare the characteristics and functions of direct evidence and indirect evidence.

    which of the following is not the part of the definition of the expert opinion?

    sound recording is a type of()?

    which of the following are the electronic data?

    which of the fololowing are the characters of expert opinion?

    which of the following are the rights belong to expert according to the chapter"expert opinion"?

    expert witnesses sometimes function as an advocate for one side or the other in the court.

    which of the following is not the characteristic of direct evidence?

    the evidence that can prove the main fact of the case, is called().

    which of the following are the features of testimony?

    which of the following are the the characteristics of indirect evidence?

    how to examine derivative evidence in practice?

    testimony is the subjective expression of people's perception of the case.

    what are the differences of original evidence and derivative evidence?please list two examples of original evidence and derivative evidence separately.

    when we use ( ) to give a guilty conviction, the standard of proof should be beyond reasonable doubt.

    what types of evidence that can be excluded under the exclusionary rule?

    what are he purposes of the exclusionary rule?

    what are the purpose of evidentiary rules?

    china has established admissiblity rules of character evidence or similar fact evidence.

    what is the exclusionary rule and how to understand the exclusionary rule?

    how to understand the principle of relevance?

    in the trial stage of criminal proceedings, the main body of proof is the( ).

    which of the following is not the substantive law fact?

    what are the basic requirements for evidence in china?

    which of the following are the objects of proof in criminal proceedings?

    hearsay rule has been adopted by chinese laws.

    china's best evidence rule applies to both documentary evidence and physical evidence.

    how do you understand the proof-free facts?could you please give some examples?

    what is the standard of proof?talk about your own understanding based on the actual situation.

    which of the following is not the correct understanding about the burden of proof?

    which of the following is not the special demand of the arrest standard?

    what are the requirments if the evidence is reliable and sufficient?

    which of the following facts are the facts that the parties need not provide evidence?

    what are the reversals of burden of proof?and talk about your own understanding.

    how to understand proof standard in criminal cases?

    the human rights was first written into chinese constitution in which year?

    which one of the following is true about evidence?

    sound recording is a type of()?

    which of the following is not the characteristic of direct evidence?

    when we use ( ) to give a guilty conviction, the standard of proof should be beyond reasonable doubt.

    which of the following is not the substantive law fact?

    which of the following is not the substantive law fact?

    which of the following is not the special demand of the arrest standard?

    which of the following is not the correct understanding about the burden of proof?

    the legal evidence system is ( )to the ine evidence system.

    which of the following statements about the relevance of the evidence are true?

    which of the following are the electronic data?

    which of the fololowing are the characters of expert opinion?

    which of the following are the the characteristics of indirect evidence?

    how to examine derivative evidence in practice?

    what types of evidence that can be excluded under the exclusionary rule?

    what are the purpose of evidentiary rules?

    which of the following are the objects of proof in criminal proceedings?

    what are the requirments if the evidence is reliable and sufficient?

    the right of silence is stipulated in chinese criminal procedure law.

    all materials that may be used to prove the facts of a case are evidence.

    expert witnesses sometimes function as an advocate for one side or the other in the court.

    testimony is the subjective expression of people's perception of the case.

    china has established admissiblity rules of character evidence or similar fact evidence.

    china's best evidence rule applies to both documentary evidence and physical evidence.

    judicial discretion system first appeared in a italy decree issued in 1791, which stipulated that "judges must use their own free testimony as the sole basis for adjudication”.

    there are eight discussion topics. please choose four of them to answer and mark the serial number of your choices.15 points for each topic.if you choose more than four topics to answer, score the first four. a.give examples of what is direct evidence and what is indirect evidence, and explain their similarities and differences. b.what is the exclusionary rules of illegally obtained evidence? c.what is the proof standard in criminal procedure according to chinese criminal procedure law? d.combined with specific cases, talk about your understanding of the principle of presumption of innocence. e.talk about your understanding of objective truth and legal truth. f.how to understand the relevance of evidence? please give an example. g.explain the application rules of original evidence and derivative evidence. h.talk about your understanding of the principle against self-incrimination.

    the human rights was first written into chinese constitution in which year?

    which one of the following is true about evidence?

    sound recording is a type of()?

    which of the following is not the characteristic of direct evidence?

    when we use ( ) to give a guilty conviction, the standard of proof should be beyond reasonable doubt.

    which of the following is not the substantive law fact?

    which of the following is not the substantive law fact?

    which of the following is not the special demand of the arrest standard?

    which of the following is not the correct understanding about the burden of proof?

    the legal evidence system is ( )to the ine evidence system.

    which of the following statements about the relevance of the evidence are true?

    which of the following are the electronic data?

    which of the fololowing are the characters of expert opinion?

    which of the following are the the characteristics of indirect evidence?

    how to examine derivative evidence in practice?

    what types of evidence that can be excluded under the exclusionary rule?

    what are the purpose of evidentiary rules?

    which of the following are the objects of proof in criminal proceedings?

    what are the requirments if the evidence is reliable and sufficient?

    the right of silence is stipulated in chinese criminal procedure law.

    all materials that may be used to prove the facts of a case are evidence.

    expert witnesses sometimes function as an advocate for one side or the other in the court.

    testimony is the subjective expression of people's perception of the case.

    china has established admissiblity rules of character evidence or similar fact evidence.

    china's best evidence rule applies to both documentary evidence and physical evidence.

    judicial discretion system first appeared in a italy decree issued in 1791, which stipulated that "judges must use their own free testimony as the sole basis for adjudication”.

    there are eight discussion topics. please choose four of them to answer and mark the serial number of your choices.15 points for each topic.if you choose more than four topics to answer, score the first four. a.give examples of what is direct evidence and what is indirect evidence, and explain their similarities and differences. b.what is the exclusionary rules of illegally obtained evidence? c.what is the proof standard in criminal procedure according to chinese criminal procedure law? d.combined with specific cases, talk about your understanding of the principle of presumption of innocence. e.talk about your understanding of objective truth and legal truth. f.how to understand the relevance of evidence? please give an example. g.explain the application rules of original evidence and derivative evidence. h.talk about your understanding of the principle against self-incrimination.

    标志唐代历史分水岭的事件是( )。

    凌烟阁是唐朝哪位皇帝时修建的?( )


    “纸上得来终觉浅”是陆游写给谁的诗句?( )



    “出师一表真名世”说的是诸葛亮。( )



    二谢指的是谢灵运和谢朓。( )



    “清新庾开府,俊逸鲍参军。”是李白对杜甫的评价。( )

    “醉月频中圣 ”说的是诗人李白。()







    “一树梅花一放翁 ”说的是诗人陆游。





    余光中先生“绣口一吐,就是半个盛唐”句,赞美的是盛唐诗人( )。

    欧阳修《生查子》词“月上柳梢头,人约黄昏后”句,描写的是( )。

    “王师北定中原日,家祭勿忘告乃翁”诗句,出自宋代诗人( )。

    李商隐和( )合称为“小李杜”。

    何必手谈事”,句中“手谈”是( )别名之一。

    李白"客心洗流水",借用了高山流水的典故。( )

    钱起《省试湘灵鼓瑟》诗,是参加省试的科举试贴诗。( )

    “中庭地白树栖鸦,冷露无声湿桂花",描写的是端午节景色。( )

    屈原故乡是秭归,即湖北宜昌。( )

    张九龄是西汉留侯张良后人( )。

    杜甫《登楼》诗中所说的“西山寇盗”指的是哪个游牧民族?( )

    成语乐不思蜀说的历史人物是( )。

    开创了历史上有名的开元盛世的皇帝是( )。


    “我生学语即耽书”说的是( )。



    成语“春树暮云”出自哪位诗人笔下?( )





    成语子虚乌有出自我国古代哪位作家笔下?( )


    古诗中的太阳经常用来比喻哪类人?( )

    “每登山临水,惹起平生心事”词句,出自宋代词人( )

    唐朝诗人中,被称为“诗佛”的是( )。

    宋代散文名篇《岳阳楼记》作者是( )。

    关于月亮的传说很多,下面的传说和月亮有关的是( )

    "惟草木之零落兮,恐美人之迟暮",出自屈原的( )。

    “感时花溅泪,恨别鸟惊心”诗句,出自杜甫( )。

    王安石领导的变法是( )

    王安石《元日》是描写的节日是( )。

    范开评价为“以气节自负,以功业自许”的宋代词人是( )。

    李白“蜀僧抱绿绮,西下峨眉峰”句,“绿绮”指的是( )

    “烂柯岁月刀兵见”中,“烂柯”指的是( )

    “丈夫身在要有立,逆虏运尽行当平””诗句,出自宋代诗人( )。

    杜甫《蜀相》诗,蜀相指的是三国时期的蜀国丞相( )

    下列历史名城中,曾经是“六朝古都”的是( )。

    “茂陵不见封侯印,空向秋波哭逝川”句,茂陵埋葬的西汉皇帝是( )。

    杜甫“花重锦官城”诗句,锦官城指的是今四川成都。( )。

    霸王别姬的典故,指的是西楚霸王项羽诀别宠姬虞姬的历史故事。( )

    “吴宫花草埋幽径,晋代衣冠成古丘”,是唐代诗人杜牧的名句。( )

    “路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。”说的人物是屈原。( )

    陆游参加考试受到蔡京的打击。( )

    北宋和南宋之间的界限是安史之乱。( )

    在文化中,凤凰象征着祥瑞。( )

    “和子由渑池怀旧”中的“子由”说的是苏洵。( )

    “雏凤清于老凤声”赞美的是李商隐。( )

    俞伯牙和钟子期之间的交情叫知音之交。( )

    王孟说的王维和孟郊的合称。( )

    ”怀旧空吟闻笛赋”说的是阮籍思念好友嵇康的故事。( )

    马在文化当中往往用来喻指人才。( )

    在汉语中形容一个人任劳任怨的三字俗语是孺子牛。( )

    “岱宗夫如何”说的是华山。( )

    柳絮在诗词中经常用来隐喻轻薄的小人。( )

    荷月是农历五月的别称。( )

    “此花开尽更无花”说的是梅花。( )

    杜甫《望岳》之“齐鲁青未了”句,描写的是泰山的风景。( )

    刘禹锡《酬乐天扬州初逢席上见赠》诗作中“乐天”,指的是唐代诗人白居易。( )

    “水光潋滟晴方好,山色空蒙雨亦奇”,描写的是太湖的风景。( )

    杜甫安史之乱时被叛军所俘虏,悲愤的写下了《凝》一诗。( )

    李贺,是唐代著名苦吟诗人之一。( )

    “无题“系列诗歌,别具一格,是李商隐的代表作之一。( )

    南宋的都城临安,即今天的杭州。( )

    寒食节,相传来自晋文公重耳与介之推的历史典故。( )

    王维《九月九日忆山东兄弟》,写的是自己对山东省兄弟的怀念之情。( )

    “须臾收卷复把酒,如见万里烟尘清”,是陆游描写书成之后的喜悦心情。( )

    “竹外桃花三两枝春,江水暖鸭先知”,描写的是早春时节的景象。( )

    李贺的《李凭箜篌引》中“芙蓉泣露香兰笑”,芙蓉代指的是牡丹。( )。

    机场周围飞机噪声一般以主要航迹离跑道两端各( )的范围为评价范围。

    开发区土地利用的生态适宜度评价采用( )指标体系。

    环境影响识别方法中的矩阵法包括( )。

    关于监测布点原则应做到( )。

    不属于开发区环境保护方案的是( )。

    当项目排放污染物的最远距离超过25km时,确定的评价范围是( )。

    结合当地地形和气象条件,择适当方法、确定开发区的( )。

    机场周围飞机噪声,应根据飞行量计算到lwecpn为( )db的区域。

    危险废物焚烧处置技术的最大弊端是( )。

    一级评价的补充观测应进行( )的连续观测。

    《生活垃圾填埋场污染控制标准》适用于( )过程中的污染控制和监督管理。

    敏感的生态因子包括( )。

    建设项目工程分析的重点是( )。

    主要反映地下水化学组分的天然背景含量,适用于各种用途的地下水质量类别是( )。




    下列关于业主方主要管理部门的设置原则说确的有( )。



    设施管理信息系统的简称是( )。


    在国际咨询工程师联合会fidic新出版的合同中,对epc总承包模式推荐的合同条件为( )。

    下列对建设项目管理的描述正确的有( )。

    质量目标计划值和实际值的比较有许多方法,但不包括( )。

    某项目管理咨询公司受委托承担了某大型项目的实施策划任务,该公司提出的策划书提纲包括以下内容,其中超出了委托范围的是( )。

    下列哪一项属于业主的合同管理任务( )。

    建设项目实施期的项目实施管理策划包括( ),

    所属分类:至善网习题 浏览量: 54  次
