









    十六世纪文艺复兴绘画,人性的觉醒,题材虽多为圣经题材,表现人文主义; 十七世纪巴洛克绘画,注重宏大场面,气氛热烈,反映出当时人们内心某种与不安; 十八世纪现实主义绘画,直接将工人搬上画面,突出人们的反叛精神; 十九世纪浪漫主义绘画,洋溢着某种革命精神,与当时大革命历史背景密不可分。




























    1. 砌体工程所使用的材料包括 和 。

    1.提高空心砖的 ,减小 能够节约材料,降低造价,间接提高砌体结构的抗震 性能。


    块体通常占砌体结构的( )%以上






    烧结普通砖砌体中,一般8块砖长加上8个灰缝的长度为( )

    砌体的抗拉强度主要由( )决定


    当前提出“互联网 ”主要是依赖那方面的动力因素经济增长()



    “互联网 ”依赖的新基础设施可以概括为()






















    下列哪些企业能运用精益创业的思想来解释( )


    移动互联网时代竞争的关键因素是( )

    天气热消费者购买矿泉水用于解渴,主要是为了满足( )

    产品驱动的市场取决于哪些因素( )

    市场主导权从产品制造商转移到分销渠道是因为哪些趋势造成的( )

    互联网时代消费者演变形成的消费族群具有哪些特征( )

    下列哪些属于基于地理位置的服务应用( )

    理解消费者的新框架siva主要考虑( )



    根据微笑曲线理论,在产业链中,附加值最低的是( )

    下列属于深层次的c2b模式的是( )

    微笑曲线理论将产业链分为( )

    微笑曲线中关于竞争型态的描述正确的有( )

    常见的c2b模式有( )

    聚合需求的c2b形式有( )

    priceline以自我定价功能为核心的商业模式其优势在于( )

    美团的业务模式属于哪一种模式( )

    一号店在地铁粘贴带有二维码电子标签的商品海报,这种模式属于( )

    共享经济的基本形态包括( )

    共享经济的基本要素包括( )

    大数据时代的数据具有哪些特点( )

    大数据时代给我们带来了哪些观念的转变( )

    当前提出“互联网 ”主要是依赖那方面的动力因素经济增长( )

    下列互联网化的过程中互联网影响程度最大的是( )

    大众点评网上人们给出对产品和服务的评分和评价,这对长尾曲线的影响可能是( )

    克里斯·坦森在《创新者的窘境》一书中提出的主要观点是( )

    百度在提供搜索服务时,并不向每一位用户的每一次搜索收费主要是因为( )

    移动互联网时代竞争的关键因素是( )

    天气炎热,消费者购买矿泉水用于解渴,主要是为了( )

    根据微笑曲线理论,在产业链中,附加价值最低的是( )

    下列属于深层次的c2b模式的是( )

    美团的业务模式属于哪一种模式( )

    “互联网 ”依赖的新基础设施可以概括为( )

    互联网新分工体系中协作表现出如下特点( )

    下列观点中,属于安德森关于长尾理论的主要结论的是( )

    下列现象中能用规模经济解释的有( )

    关于帕累托原则的观点正确的是( )

    砖头和水泥时代企业追捧热门的原因是( )

    以下符合长尾市场的有( )

    下列企业中属于平台型商业模式的有( )

    下列企业属于双边平台的有( )

    下列属于平台企业筑起用户过滤机制的主要选择有( )

    对于58同城这样的平台,因无法有效地绑定用户,可以吸引用户的主要策略包括( )

    滴滴打车向乘客提供乘车补贴时会带来哪些效应( )

    下列属于破坏性技术的基本特点有( )

    破坏性创新的基本类别有( )

    关于延续性技术的描述正确的有( )

    下列哪些企业能运用精益创业的思想来解释( )

    微创新成为互联网的一种创新潮流主要的原因是( )

    最小可行性产品的基本特点表现在( )

    精益生产理论的原则包括( )

    产品驱动的市场取决于哪些因素( )

    互联网时代消费者演变形成的消费族群具有哪些特点( )

    理解消费者的新框架siva主要考虑( )

    下列哪些方法可以提升消费者的价值感知( )

    微笑曲线中关于竞争形态的描述正确的有( )

    聚合需求的c2b形式有( )

    priceline以自我定价功能为核心的商业模式其优势在于( )

    大数据时代的数据具有哪些特点( )

    共享经济的基本要素包括( )

    共享经济的基本形态包括( )

    大数据时代给我们带来了哪些观念的转变( )

    ethics is the study of how people try to live their lives according to a standard of "right" behavior.

    moral standards are based on religious, cultural, or philosophical beliefs by which judgments are made about good or bad behavior.

    the problem with virtue ethics is that this approach to ethics posits that the ends justify the means.

    utilitariani is a belief in the ethical choices that offer the greatest good for the greatest number of people.

    universal ethics argue that there are certain universal principles that should apply to all ethical judgments.

    a weakness of universal ethics is that no one is held accountable for the consequences of actions taken to abide by those principles.

    ethical relativi is where the traditions of your society, your personal opinions, and the circumstances of the present moment define your ethical principles.

    the second step in the three-step process for solving an ethical problem is to _______.

    which of the following is the lowest level of ethical development?

    kohlberg's framework offers us a clearer view into the process of _______.

    what should we do to resolve ethical dilemmas?

    作业题1 what should we do to resolve ethical dilemmas?

    what should we do to resolve ethical dilemmas?

    what should we do to resolve ethical dilemmas?

    business ethics involve the application of standards of moral behavior to business situations.

    you can approach business ethics from two distinct perspectives: what is happening or what should be happening.

    stakeholders include stockholders, employees, and the federal government.

    an organization's unethical behavior can affect creditors by leading to a failure to repay debt according to an agreed schedule.

    global expansion brought new ethical challenges in the ______.

    the ends-based ethical conflict resolution principle focuses on choosing the decision that would provide the greatest good for the greatest number of people.

    the golden rule resolution principle considers what would happen if everyone made the same decision as you.

    the challenge of building and operating an ethical business simply requires that the business do the right thing.

    business ethics involve the application of standards of moral behavior to business situations.

    you can approach business ethics from two distinct perspectives: what is happening or what should be happening.

    stakeholders include stockholders, employees, and the federal government.

    an organization's unethical behavior can affect creditors by leading to a failure to repay debt according to an agreed schedule.

    business ethics involve the application of standards of moral behavior to business situations.

    you can approach business ethics from two distinct perspectives: what is happening or what should be happening.

    stakeholders include stockholders, employees, and the federal government.

    an organization's unethical behavior can affect creditors by leading to a failure to repay debt according to an agreed schedule.

    business ethics involve the application of standards of moral behavior to business situations.

    you can approach business ethics from two distinct perspectives: what is happening or what should be happening.

    stakeholders include stockholders, employees, and the federal government.

    an organization's unethical behavior can affect creditors by leading to a failure to repay debt according to an agreed schedule.

    business ethics involve the application of standards of moral behavior to business situations.

    you can approach business ethics from two distinct perspectives: what is happening or what should be happening.

    stakeholders include stockholders, employees, and the federal government.

    an organization's unethical behavior can affect creditors by leading to a failure to repay debt according to an agreed schedule.

    business ethics involve the application of standards of moral behavior to business situations.

    you can approach business ethics from two distinct perspectives: what is happening or what should be happening.

    stakeholders include stockholders, employees, and the federal government.

    an organization's unethical behavior can affect creditors by leading to a failure to repay debt according to an agreed schedule.

    sustainability focuses on meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

    the concept of sustainability is composed of three pillars: economic pillar, environmental pillar, and social pillar—also known informally as profits, planet, and people.

    sustainable economic growth means a rate of growth which can be maintained without creating other significant economic problems, especially for future generations.

    what may be the pre-condition for the realization of sustainable development for a company?

    what may be the pre-condition for the realization of sustainable development for a company?

    what may be the pre-condition for the realization of sustainable development for a company?

    what may be the pre-condition for the realization of sustainable development for a company?

    only shareholders have a vested interest in the ethical performance of an organization.

    a value chain is composed of the key functional inputs that an organization provides in the transformation of raw materials into a delivered product or service.

    the key functional inputs that an organization provides during the transformation of raw materials into a delivered product or service is referred to as a(n)______

    which of the following serves as a support function to key line functional areas in an organization's value chain?

    from an ethical perspective, employees in each functional line area face ethical challenges and dilemmas that ______.

    the ______ department should be at the center of any corporate code of ethics.

    according to expectancy theory, employees expect their efforts are rewarded fairly and properly.

    theory x assumes that people are good and responsible,so people should be given a working environment where they can realize full potential.

    what are the ethical implications we can draw from the development history of hr motivation theories?

    what are the ethical implications we can draw from the development history of hr motivation theories?

    what are the ethical implications we can draw from the development history of hr motivation theories?

    what are the ethical implications we can draw from the development history of hr motivation theories?

    corporate social responsibility refers to the actions of an organization that target the achievement of a social benefit over and above maximizing profits for its shareholders and meeting all of its legal obligations.

    from an ethical perspective, friedman argues that it would be unethical for a corporation to do anything other than deliver profits for which investors have entrusted it with their funds in the purchase of shares in the corporation.

    the modern social contract approach argues that since a corporation depends on society for its existence and continued growth, there is an obligation for that corporation to meet the demands of society rather than the demands of a targeted group of customers only.

    many csr initiatives ______.

    corporations that experiment with csr initiatives run the risk of creating all of the following results, except:______.

    which type of csr argues that philanthropic initiatives are authorized without concern for the corporation's overall profitability?

    which type of csr encompasses philanthropic activities targeted toward programs that generate the most positive publicity or goodwill for the organization?

    the traditional chinese cultural values commonly recognized in the chinese culture of confuciani, buddhi, taoi three studies are kindness, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom and trust.

    wisdom is the ability to know what is true or right, common sense or the collection of one's knowledge.

    what might be the relationships between modern corporate social responsibility and traditional chinese cultural values?

    what might be the relationships between modern corporate social responsibility and traditional chinese cultural values?

    the process or system that directs and controls organizations is known as_____

    managers carry accountability to ______

    who is responsible for monitoring the ethical business practices of an organization?

    who is responsible for overseeing the financial reporting process of an organization?

    who oversees the governance of an organization?

    effectively governed organizations must have mechanis in place that oversee the long-term strategy of the company.

    to be truly effective, a board of director can foster a culture of "no dissent."

    a fiduciary responsibility is ultimately based on trust.

    what are the key safeguards for a proper governance?

    what are the key safeguards for a proper governance?

    institutional theory considers the processes by which structures, including outlines, rules, norms, and routines, become established as authoritative guidelines for social behaviors.

    compared with the strategic benefits of csr contribution, the enhancement of institutional pressure is more important in the construction of responsible business.

    prior to the passing of the foreign corrupt practices act (fcpa), illegal behavior was punishable only through the ______ sources of legislation.

    the _______ holds businesses liable for the criminal acts of their employees and agents.

    iso 9001:2015 sets out the criteria for a quality management system and is the only standard in the family that can be certified to.

    iso 26000:2010 provides guidance rather than requirements, so it cannot be certified to unlike some other well-known iso standards.

    iso 9001:2015 sets out the criteria for a quality management system and is the only standard in the family that can be certified to.

    iso 26000:2010 provides guidance rather than requirements, so it cannot be certified to unlike some other well-known iso standards.

    iso 9001:2015 sets out the criteria for a quality management system and is the only standard in the family that can be certified to.

    iso 26000:2010 provides guidance rather than requirements, so it cannot be certified to unlike some other well-known iso standards.

    one could argue that whistleblowers provide an invaluable service to their organizations and to the general public.

    companies should be prompt and provide a thorough investigation of all complaints in today's legal environment.

    what are the key safeguards for a proper governance?

    what are the general principles to follow in choosing to whistle blow?

    what are the general principles to follow in choosing to whistle blow?

    many people have already perceived that ai will be a threat to certain categories of jobs.

    a common challenge of technology ethics in the enterprise surrounds the use of customer data on social media platforms.

    many technologies allow employers to observer their employees’ "digital footprints" and thereby gain insight into employee behavior.

    employers are required to notify employees, customers, and all others in range of the cameras that their property is under video surveillance.

    the ability to work outside of your office and log into your company network refers to ___.

    if jobs are plentiful and the employee would have no difficulty finding another position, then the consent given to the monitoring policy is ___.

    what do you think of the employee surveillance?

    what do you think of the employee surveillance?

    any country that enjoys a high standard of living as measured by economic, social, and technological criteria is a developed nation.

    less-developed countries lack the economic, social, and technological infrastructure of a developed nation.

    the term globalization only has applications in economic and political environments.

    the term globalization has the same meaning for both developed and less developed countries.

    for less-developed nations, the concept of globalization ______.

    ______ is where a person defines his or her ethical principles according to traditions of society, personal opinions, and the circumstances of the present moment.

    what is the belt and road initiative and what are the country-specific ethical issues we should pay attention to?

    what is the belt and road initiative and what are the country-specific ethical issues we should pay attention to?

    which of the following is not a characteristic of the market?

    which of the following is not a stage in creating a long-lasting ethical culture?

    the threat of punishment must be ______.

    how should a company promote and monitor sustainable ethical behaviors?

    how should a company promote and monitor sustainable ethical behaviors?

    what can we learn from the case of huawei’s sustainability management?

    what can we learn from the case of huawei’s sustainability management?

    which of the following is the lowest level of ethical development?

    which type of csr encompasses philanthropic activities targeted toward programs that generate the most positive publicity or goodwill for the organization?

    which of the following is not a stage in creating a long-lasting ethical culture?

    the process or system that directs and controls organizations is known as?

    which of the following serves as a support function to key line functional areas in an organization's value chain?

    moral standards are based on religious, cultural, or philosophical beliefs by which judgments are made about good or bad behavior.

    any country that enjoys a high standard of living as measured by economic, social, and technological criteria is a developed nation.

    effectively governed organizations must have mechanis in place that oversee the long-term strategy of the company.

    sustainable economic growth means a rate of growth which can be maintained without creating other significant economic problems, especially for future generations.

    .the second step in the three-step process for solving an ethical problem is to _______.

    the key functional inputs that an organization provides during the transformation of raw materials into a delivered product or service is referred to as a(n) ______.

    the process or system that directs and controls organizations is known as:

    managers carry accountability to ______.

    prior to the passing of the foreign corrupt practices act (fcpa), illegal behavior was punishable only through the ______ sources of legislation.

    the _______ holds businesses liable for the criminal acts of their employees and agents.

    for less-developed nations, the concept of globalization ______.

    global expansion brought new ethical challenges in the ______.

    which type of csr argues that philanthropic initiatives are authorized without concern for the corporation's overall profitability?

    ethics is the study of how people try to live their lives according to a standard of "right" behavior.

    the problem with virtue ethics is that this approach to ethics posits that the ends justify the means.

    a weakness of universal ethics is that no one is held accountable for the consequences of actions taken to abide by those principles.

    business ethics involve the application of standards of moral behavior to business situations.

    the ends-based ethical conflict resolution principle focuses on choosing the decision that would provide the greatest good for the greatest number of people.

    only shareholders have a vested interest in the ethical performance of an organization.

    according to expectancy theory, employees expect their efforts are rewarded fairly and properly.

    corporate social responsibility refers to the actions of an organization that target the achievement of a social benefit over and above maximizing profits for its shareholders and meeting all of its legal obligations.

    the traditional chinese cultural values commonly recognized in the chinese culture of confuciani, buddhi, taoi three studies are kindness, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom and trust.

    effectively governed organizations must have mechanis in place that oversee the long-term strategy of the company.

    institutional theory considers the processes by which structures, including outlines, rules, norms, and routines, become established as authoritative guidelines for social behaviors.

    iso 9001:2015 sets out the criteria for a quality management system and is the only standard in the family that can be certified to.

    companies should be prompt and provide a thorough investigation of all complaints in today's legal environment.

    any country that enjoys a high standard of living as measured by economic, social, and technological criteria is a developed nation.

    less-developed countries lack the economic, social, and technological infrastructure of a developed nation.






    6. 符合原红细胞特点的是:

























    女性,20岁,头昏,乏力半年,近2年来每次月经持续7-8天,hb 65g/l,网织红细胞1.5%,血清铁蛋白10μg/l,血清叶酸16ng/ml,维生素b12600μg/ml。最可能的诊断是



    男性,45岁,3年前因胃癌行全胃切除术,近一年来渐感头晕,乏力,活动后心悸,血常规:红细胞1.4×1012/l、血红蛋白55g/l、白细胞3.1×109/l、血小板65×109/l、网织红细胞0.10%、mcv 129fl、mch 36pg、mchc 34%,最可能的诊断是:




    诊断急性血管内溶血最有意义的阳性结果是 血红蛋白血症和血红蛋白尿

    珠蛋白生成障碍性贫血的主要诊断依据是 外周血出现有核红细胞


    1. 临床上最容易导致dic的白血病是下列哪种?

    1. 急性白血病导致出血的主要原因是什么?

    1. 口腔粘膜明显浸润,以下列哪种白血病最常见?

    1. 下列哪项不是急性白血病常见的临床表现?

    1. who分型将急性白血病的原始细胞百分比调整为多少?

    1. 目前临床上对急性白血病主张采用下列哪种分型?





    1. 维生素k依赖性凝血因子包括



    4.治疗血友病a. b首选














    9.pt与aptt同时延长,提示凝血因子x、v、ii、i 缺陷












    8.一期止血缺陷是指( )异常所引起有止血功能缺陷。

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