


    【单选题】michel has a(an) ______________ with dr. spenser. on january 15th according to the passage.

    【单选题】please________ us 24 hours in advance if you can’t keep your appointment.

    【单选题】the patient has already ________ his appointment because of the storm.

    【单选题】michel eventually saw dr. spenser because the receptionist ________ him ________.

    【单选题】once you ________ your appointment, you need to make it on time.

    【单选题】if you don’t hear the message clearly, you can press 2 and ___________it.

    【单选题】when you make an appointment with the doctor, you need to offer the following except _________.

    【单选题】since you have a chest_____________, you need some antibiotics.

    【单选题】in this sentence, “mr. mason. hold one moment while i grab your chart, please.” “grab” means _________.

    【单选题】i need to see the doctor because my cough is getting ________ than last week.

    【单选题】a “walk-in clinic” might be a clinic which accepts patients ___________.

    【单选题】in the dialogue, the phrase “running behind schedule” can be mean “_________”.

    【单选题】it is very important that you________ to one of the following options.

    【单选题】the patient is at work now. if he wants to see the doctor on time, he needs to get away from the _______ right now.

    【单选题】doctor spenser is _________tomorrow. do you think it can wait until wednesday?

    【单选题】actually, we had a cancellation for 2:00pm today

    【单选题】i was really hoping to get in today or tomorrow in case i need some antibiotics.

    【单选题】i think i might have a chest infection or something.

    【单选题】please remember all the deductibles (免赔额)and co-payments(共同费用) are due at the time of the service.

    【单选题】we look forward to seeing you soon.

    【单选题】i want to make a(n) ______ for ent department.

    【单选题】it is the receptionist’s duty to welcome clients and greet them .

    【单选题】if you visit a hospital, you will surely find medical sitting at counters, ready to answer queries of people visiting the hospital.

    【单选题】i have something with my knees. i must see a doctor

    【单选题】please ________ over there to make a registration.

    【单选题】since you had a temperature and felt pain all over, you’d better go to the ________.

    【单选题】having answered the phone calls, the receptionists then schedule _________ with doctors.

    【单选题】you have to open a _______ record for registration.

    【单选题】the word “urgent” in this sentence “it’s urgent. can the doctor see me right away, please?” means _________.

    【单选题】please remember to give the doctor your ______ card.

    【单选题】a receptionist needs to answer phone calls, note down specific information or record as voice messages and ensure that no calls go __________.

    【单选题】if you want to go to the fifth floor, the easiest way is to take the _________.

    【单选题】the registration ______ is five yuan.

    【单选题】the word “queries” in this phrase “answer queries of patients” means _________.

    【单选题】can you guide guests about general _______ of rooms?

    【单选题】turn left and go along the corridor until you see it sign-posted to the right.

    【单选题】i think you skip two blanks, your insurance company and your allergies.

    【单选题】if you want to see the expert consultant, you’d better book an appointment in advance.

    【单选题】we need to get some of your information, like your name, address, health information, what types of medications you are on, and insurance, etc.

    【单选题】since yesterday afternoon, i’ve had a temperature, and i feel pain all over.

    【单选题】the word “daunting” in the sentence “finding his way inside a large hospital can be daunting for a patient” means _____ .

    【单选题】the pediatric department is _____ your left side.

    【单选题】the word “facilities” in the sentence “it’s your duty to help them find the departments and other facilities they want to go to” means _____ .

    【单选题】the department of _____ is a department where the disorders and diseases in the mouth are treated.

    【单选题】if you want to go to the ent department, you need to take _____ right turn.

    【单选题】the ent department is _____ the corridor.

    【单选题】the _____ is a place where patients pay money.

    【单选题】the patient can _____ the nurses for help if he is lost in the hospital.

    【单选题】could you tell me _____?

    【单选题】if you _____ the waiting area, you would go too far.

    【单选题】then you can see the waiting area, which is _____ the central injection room.

    【单选题】ent department is not far. you won’t _____ it.

    【单选题】the easiest way to go there is to _____ the elevator.

    【单选题】if there is something wrong with your _____ , you need to see a dermatologist.

    【单选题】“ent” in the passage stands for________.

    【单选题】you'd better walk down the corridor _____ you see the waiting area.

    【单选题】the dermatology department is ______ the waiting area.

    【单选题】keep _______ straight and then turn left.

    【单选题】if the patient has a fever and a headache, he is supposed to go to the ______.

    【单选题】can you tell me ___________?

    【单选题】an emergency caller should keeping the patient_____ until the ambulance arrive.

    【单选题】the______ is responsible for taking the emergency calls and sending out paramedics.

    【单选题】all the following information should be told the emergency call-takers except your______.

    【单选题】the word 〝approach" in the sentence 〝...allow responders to make the best decision on how to approach the situation〞 means______.

    【单选题】the______ that you offer will help determine the response of the units responding to the call.

    【单选题】the more_____ the questions are asked, the better the emergency is responded to.

    【单选题】there are usually two dispatchers to_____ every medical call

    【单选题】we may call you for more information to_____ your admission faster on the day you arrive.

    【单选题】the other dispatcher is_____ while one dispatcher is asking very specific questions.

    【单选题】the phrase 〝 do not hang up〞 in the dialogue means 〝______〞.

    【单选题】all these things are supposed to bring to the hospital for a maternity patient except______.

    【单选题】〝the a la carte service〞 means〝______〞

    【单选题】the nurse arranged a temporary bed for the man to accompany his wife, but there will be a(n)______ for it.

    【单选题】my wife will be admitted to the hospital for_____ in a few days.

    【单选题】the nurse may call the patient for more information to______ her time of admission on the day she arrives.

    【单选题】simply ask your food service representative or call the hospitality center.

    【单选题】what is the major cross street?

    【单选题】for maternity patients, the labor bag is necessary to bring to the hospital.

    【单选题】the nurse helped the patient finish the admitting procedure.

    【单选题】when you stay in hospital, you're bring toiletries, robe, slippers,etc.

    【单选题】sometimes it is very _________ to find the right dose of a sensitive medication.

    【单选题】dosage is affected by _________.

    【单选题】usually your ________ will remove the medication from your blood.

    【单选题】if you __________ , there may not be enough drug in your body to work properly.

    【单选题】any prescription or instructions state ________ and how often of a medication should be given.

    【单选题】calculating the correct dosage for some medications should only be done by _________.

    【单选题】only that dose stated in the ________ should be taken.

    【单选题】high level of the drug can _________ if you take a dose too soon.

    【单选题】the nurse needs to give the patient _______ first before she give the intravenous injection of penicillin.

    【单选题】are you ________ penicillin?

    【单选题】after the skin test, you will have to wait about _______ to see how your skin reacts.

    【单选题】if the patients find any _______ please let the nurse know, after the skin test.

    【单选题】to have a skin test can be _________, but not very painful.

    【单选题】nearly all the kids ________ to get injection.

    【单选题】we should take the medicine according to _________.

    【单选题】the doctor has prescribed him penicillin.

    【单选题】your son has got acute pneumonia.

    【单选题】for example, thyroid medications and blood thinners require frequent blood tests to find if the right dose is being given.

    【单选题】timing is also important in medication administration.

    【单选题】for example, thyroid medications and blood thinners require frequent blood tests to find if the right dose is being given.

    【单选题】these patients are taken to the recovery room after ________.

    【单选题】the nurses ________ the patient's condition continuously.

    【单选题】observation during the initial care period is_________ to a patient's well-being and recovery.

    【单选题】recovery nurses ________________ monitoring patients and documenting symptoms(症状) and overall progress.

    【单选题】a recovery nurse will ______ the patient's progress, communicating any potential problems to physicians and surgeons.

    【单选题】vital signs include ________ of the patient.

    【单选题】since there is no ________ of complications(并发症), he is prepared to return to a hospital room.

    【单选题】please turn to your _____. i need to give this injection into your hip.

    【单选题】it’s better to call for help if you need to get out of bed while the medicine is ________.

    【单选题】just try to relax. if you are ______, the pain will be worse.

    【单选题】you can _____________ a pleasant image and bring the picture alive or you can do deep breathing.

    【单选题】the word “take” in the sentence “if you can’t take the pain any more” means _______ .

    【单选题】surgical patients need to be under careful watch of highly skilled personnel-_______.

    【单选题】the vital signs include all the following except _________ .

    【单选题】the majority of the recovery room nurse's time is spent at the ________ rendering direct patient care.

    【单选题】you’d better not get another dose because ___________ is very strong.

    【单选题】since there is no evidence of complications, the patient is prepared to return to a hospital room.

    【单选题】the patient has fully recovered from the anesthesia .

    【单选题】do you feel you need the pain shot the doctor ordered?

    【单选题】these patients are taken to the recovery room after surgery.

    【单选题】to__________ our body, we need to do more exercise.

    【单选题】rehabilitation is one thing that helps you gain your self-confidence to overcome any _______ or minor illness.

    【单选题】the injuries that rehabilitation can help people recover from are mentioned in the passage except _______ .

    【单选题】his _______ of motion was restricted after his recovery from the leg fracture.

    【单选题】the purpose of this therapy is to help the patient ___________ as soon as possible.

    【单选题】the word “amputation” means _________.

    【单选题】the word “regular” in the sentence “he leads a regular life after recovery from a serious illness” is similar in meaning to_________.

    【单选题】my doctor told me that i must rest for several weeks before i ______ my work.

    【单选题】a ______ refers to an injury caused by heat, fire or radiation, etc.

    【单选题】rehabilitation can work properly in the following thing except _________.

    【单选题】in the sentence “you are going to be discharged tomorrow”, the underlined part means _________.

    【单选题】-may i as you a few questions about exercises? -__________. go ahead, please.

    【单选题】in order to recover from the knee surgery soon, the nurse suggested that the patient should _________ his knee by an exercising program.

    【单选题】you should _________ with the doctor to make sure that things are healing properly.

    【单选题】patients with lung cancer must give _____ oking and drinking.

    【单选题】you have to re-strengthen your muscles around the knee.

    【单选题】the western food is simple but highly nutritious.

    【单选题】don’t stimulate the incision when you have a swimming.

    【单选题】you can go to a physical therapist to start your exercise program.

    【单选题】acupuncture(针灸)has therapeutic effect for treating pain.

    【单选题】the doctor should teach the diabetes patient to blood levels, make good food choices, develop and maintain an exercise program, and take medication.

    【单选题】is your appetite?

    【单选题】have you had these symptoms?

    【单选题】it is important for diabetes patient to have a well-balanced and take more exercise.

    【单选题】smoking may also the risk of eye, kidney and nerve problems.

    【单选题】do cereals contain high percentage of sugar__________?

    【单选题】diabetes is a disease in which the body does not produce or properly use .

    【单选题】_______ and lack of exercise appear to play roles in causing diabetes.

    【单选题】the unit of heat energy commonly used in physics is the________.

    【单选题】recently the patient said he had been feeling very and passing a lot of water and the doctor thought he had diabetes.

    【单选题】these are the ways which can lower your blood glucose (sugar) except .

    【单选题】regular exercise can help reduce your risk for many diseases except ________.

    【单选题】the word “subside” in the sentence “they would often subside a little, but they have never healed completely” means ____________.

    【单选题】we would like to take your urine and blood _______to check their sugar contents

    【单选题】the doctor gave the patient the _______ for both his diet and the therapy.

    【单选题】the patient complained , “i feel tired, and i itch all over.”

    【单选题】you should have your urine tested regularly.

    【单选题】excessive alcohol can increase your blood glucose to dangerous levels.

    【单选题】the nurse noticed the patient has several boils on her body.

    【单选题】smoking while having diabetes also increases your risk of getting complications.

    the predicate is usually a noun or a pronoun that tells who or what the sentence is about.

    there are four kinds of sentences determined by sentence functions. they are declarative sentences, interrogative sentences, imperative sentences and exclamatory sentences.

    subordination is the use of a subordinator in joining two clauses to make a simple sentence.

    when a sentence is loaded with big words, high-sounding phrases, or pretentious language; it will sound artificial, flowery, and pompous. it is called overwritten style.

    a fragment without any subject comes about when a writer closes a sentence but then thinks of another detail to explain what he has just said are called “fragments without subjects”.

    “i cannot drink warm milk.” is a compound sentence.

    “what is your hobby?” is an imperative sentence?

    “there is much in your book that is original and valuable---but what is original is not valuable, and what is valuable is not original.” is in a parallel form.

    “trees are important on a building site. break the wind.” is “fragments without subjects”.

    “expectoration is prohibited on the vehicle.” is the needless repetition in the sentence.

    the general statements are usually the first sentences that provide background information on the topic.

    an introductory paragraph, true to its name, is a paragraph that provides the support to your introduction paragraph and to your thesis statement.

    the very purpose of writing a conclusion for a theme is to get what have been mainly talked about summed up or repeated for emphasis.

    when writing a paragraph or essay, just proper grammar and spelling are important.

    unity of a paragraph is concerned with its content. if all the sentences in the paragraph lead to one central theme, the paragraph is unified.

    when the writer wishes to introduce a new thought or topic, he should begin a new paragraph.

    for a short theme, one paragraph for the introduction will be enough, and it is usually short and brief.

    the introductory paragraph does not differ in purpose, element, and structure from a general paragraph.

    the general statements are the first sentences that provide background information on the topic.

    the body of a theme is formed with only one general paragraph.

    descriptions can be broadly ided into two categories, they are objective description and subjective description.

    “objective description” could involve as much judgment as possible.

    the purpose of a subjective description is to help the audience sense an object or situation as it is.

    the order of cumulative adjectives from the first to the last are article or other noun marker, evaluative word, color, nationality, religion, size, length or shape, age, material and noun/adjective.

    the success of descriptive writing lies in the details. the more detailed your depiction of a plot or a character or a place is, the more you engross your reader.

    a narration essay should create a vivid picture of the topic in the reader’s mind.

    one of the purposes of descriptive writing is to make the reader visualize what you want to say.

    objective description occurs in literary texts of all kinds, in argumentative pieces, and in personal writing.

    choose descriptive words that appeal to your reader's five senses and that strengthen your central idea.

    “slim/slender/plump/stocky” can be used to talk about a person’s clothing.

    a narrative usually contains dialogue to reveal actions or personality traits of the speakers.

    the controlling idea is always directly stated in the thesis statement.

    biography is a kind of narrative essays about person’s life especially the important facts of someone’s life.

    for narrative, we use the most is flashback.

    the main function of time signal is to connect details.

    your essay is unified if you advance a single point and stick to that point.

    if all the details in your essay relate to your thesis and supporting topic sentences, your essay is unified.

    sometimes the controlling idea implied in the thesis statement.

    a unified essay stays within the limits of the central idea.

    controlling idea can make your article as a whole.

    with the block pattern, a short comparison can run well throughout a paragraph, providing all aspects of each subject.

    point-by-point pattern is often used in the short essay with many aspects and a long essay with few aspects.

    comparison and contrast is a common method of development that involves focusing on ___________.

    for comparison, when a writer is __________, he is pointing out the similarities that exist between subjects or items.

    for contrast, when a writer is contrasting, he is pointing out the _________ between subjects or items, even the two different aspects of the same subject.

    ________________ are two thought processes we go through constantly in everyday life.

    in the essay of comparison and contrast, the main body provides ___________ that support your claims.

    with the point-to-point comparison, you are able to shift back and forth between __________________ on each point of comparison or contrast.

    with the subject-to-subject comparison, you can use appropriate transitions such as _______________ to move oothly between the body paragraphs.

    which are the techniques to develop an essay with comparison and contrast?

    a cause and effect essay includes a clear and effective thesis statement.

    a thesis statement should be written as narrow as possible.

    the introductory part of a cause-and-effect essay is usually short and brief.

    when writing a cause and effect essay, we should oversimplify causes.

    when writing a cause and effect essay, we should be subjective and support the ysis with solid, factual evidence.

    what is the effect of “the dishes were dirty.”?

    what may be the cause of “i got in trouble.”?

    _____ being obese you are more likely to suffer from heart disease or diabetes later in life.

    which thesis statement is proper?

    which is not the transitional words for causes?

    to emphasize the language of specifics is not to deny the need for general words.

    pointless shifts in number are another burden that no one should place on his reader.

    sticking to the same grammatical subject possibly will improve the ______ and ______ of our sentence.

    a writer must be sure that changes in tense are based on _______ in time. otherwise, the result is needless confusion.

    ____________ is a method of supporting a thesis statement with a series of specific examples, or sometimes, with a single extended example.

    in cases of exemplification, the added __________ are like those feathers on the peacock's tail, to support or illustrate the statement and make it more colorful, descriptive, or specific.

    in the simple two-part formula, it is obvious that one part is __________ and the other part refers to __________.

    while developing the example, we may show rather than tell the example with the aid of_______.

    the technique of “_________” your readers what you mean is one of the most powerful ones available to you.

    which is the sentence with the fault of confusing shift?

    the most commonly used types of evidence are: ( )

    the following example: “animal tests aren’t reliable. “is more convincing.

    quotations from authorities can strengthen an argument. and you can use this terms: ( )

    by using credible evidence, your point of view is so convincing that your readers have no chance to reject your information.

    what is the purpose of an argumentative essay? ( )

    what does five-paragraph essay consist of?( )

    what kinds of method we can use to plan our essay? ( )

    what does an effective introduction consist of?

    what are the most likely choices do you have in writing background of the introduction? ( )

    what are the linking devices to link clauses? ( )

    the block format in the business letter is the simplest format; all of the writing is flush against the margin.

    put the date on which the letter is written in the form of .

    if the purpose of your letter is employment related, consider ending your letter you’re your __________.

    to write a book report, your step is to pick up the book and start reading.

    the first part of a report is a of the work.

    when you write a book report , you should _______________ from the work to illustrate important ideas.

    the principal purpose of a resume is to highlight your value to a potential employer or agent .

    which type of resume is more effective when applying for jobs and demonstrates a clear record of career progression?

    when listing your experience, it is also recommended to list only jobs held within the past years.

    an abstract serves functions.

    it’s been calculated that by the age of 18, the average american will have seen 600,000 ads; by the age of 40, the total is almost one million.

    he said, “i saw that the best thing i could do was get hold of a dictionary--to study, to learn some words.”

    in the sentence “some die at 30 but are not buried until they are 70,” the word die connotes stop living spiritually or stop growing intellectually.

    he became attracted to the idea of action words, so we listed a few more, fly, swim, e, run.

    preventing the atmosphere—stopping ozone depletion and the greenhouse effect—is an environmental necessity.

    he is an eccentric boy ( ) yet you can’t help liking him.

    the invention brought him fame ( ) moreover, it brought him money.

    she showed me the books she had just borrowed from the library ( ) two novels by jane austen and a book on the history of english literature.

    she asked, “what does moderni mean ( )

    they asked how the semicolon should be used ( )

    we can acquire conference information from_________.

    sponsor of a conference is the institution that initiates the conference while organizer of the conference is entrusted by the sponsor to organize the conference.

    a call for papers and a conference notice are two totally different documents and they have nothing in common.

    academic committee is also called __________.

    which of the following is not true concerning “parallel session”?

    a conference notice informs the prospective participants of the detailed information about the conference.

    organizer:an event in which a group of people come together to discuss things or make decisions.

    meeting is to notify the prospective participants of more specific information about an academic conference,especially the information relevant to paper submission.

    meeting is the principle agent to organize the conference.

    academic associations often publish regular meeting circulars or newsletters to offer conference information to their members via printed correspondence or email.

    which is not correct about business letter?

    if you have enclosed any documents along with the letter, you indicate this by typing “enclosure” below the signature.

    “i am writing to you about the possibility of pursuing a doctor’s degree in finance in your prestigious university.” is an example of ___________.

    to show you are a qualified candidate for an academic program, you can ___________ in your application letter.

    when writing an application letter, you should make sure it is targeted for the specific program or position.

    purpose is an official correspondence between two or more parties.

    a personal letter is an informal letter between two or more people who are usually well acquainter.

    postal abbreviations are written in capital letters without periods or other punctuation.

    every line of the letter begins at the left margin,with a space of one line between paragraphs.

    invited talk will be one hour long,followed by a 20-minute question and answer session.

    which of the following statement about abstract isnotcorrect?

    we write an abstract when ___________.

    in such cases,readers can make decesion about your project based on your abstract.

    the majority of abstracts are informative.

    an abstract is supposed to grab reader`s attention.

    revise and edit your abstract to ensure its final presentation is error free.

    revise your rough draft to drop superfluous information.

    revise your rough draft to correct errors in grammar and mechanics.

    if you share something that the audience will find beneficial to know, your purpose of giving the presentation is to _________.

    generally speaking, a presentation can be ided into three parts: introduction, body and conclusion.

    well-designed visual aids _____________________.

    which of the following is not right when using powerpoint to support a presentation?

    well-designed outlines or notes will be a good backup.

    audience ysis enables you to select appropriate points of emphasis.

    audience ysis enables you to develop a useful level of detail.

    key elements of an introduction:getting the audience and introducing yourself.

    when you makecomparison or contrast,you can follow the point-by-point pattern.

    key elements of aconclusion: summarzing your main points briefly.

    which of the following statement about q & a session is not true?

    before putting forward your question, you need to show your appreciation to the speaker and make a positive comment on his speech.

    when asking questions in a q & a session, you should ____________.

    when answering questions in a q & a session, you should ____________.

    as a speaker, if you don’t know the answer to a particular question, just ignore the question and move on to the next one.

    if you don`t want to make a comment on the question,at least you can give a response and say "thank you".

    maintain eye contact and listen attentively to the questioner when he is asking question.

    compliments,or saying something nice can enhance a feeling of positive face.

    when you get the chance to talk,you can first introduce yourself briefly.

    which of the following statement about a personal statement is not right?

    a cv is usually no more than one page whereas the length of a resume is often variable.

    in both cvs and resumes, information within sections is usually organized chronologically.

    if one part of your academic record is not ideal, due to some challenges you faced in that particular area, you can explain it in your personal statement and direct readers’ attention to the evidence of your promise for the program.

    when writing a curriculum vitae, you should _____________.

    in most cases,as a university student,your cv shouldn`t go on for pages.

    in any case,you need make surethat the most helpful information in determining your qualifications for the job should come before less helpful information.

    tip for a successful cv:follow the conventions in your discipline.

    when listing your publications,remember to use the bivliographic conventions of your field.

    【单选题】要了解顾客的审美心理,可以通过( )而达到



    【单选题】产品照草图的基本内容不包括( )三项内容



    【单选题】( )的含义是按照黄金分割比例或对应位置原则安排画面布局,讲究均衡感,有较高的影调或色调上的追求,讲究构图呼应关系,追求构图的精致或完美效果。










    【单选题】光圈f5.6( )光圈f16的景深


    【单选题】( )的焦距近似或等于胶片画幅对角线长度

    【单选题】视场角为( )的镜头属于标准镜头





    【单选题】摄影中确定( )组合,称之为订光

    【单选题】摄影光源的光位种类:顺光照明、( )、逆光照明

    【单选题】侧光摄影布光应注意( )的变化

    【单选题】常规摄影的订光方法为:以光照度订光和以( )订光

    【单选题】影室( )设计的基本原则是设计风格符合企业定位和当地的审美情趣、与拍摄风格统一、装饰设计影室的基础照明一般要求






    【单选题】光照射在被摄物体上会产生三种光的特性。即光的( )、光的反射、光的透射。





    【单选题】与吸收型粗糙质感的产品相比,吸收平滑型质感的产品拍摄应该用( )作为光源照明









    【单选题】半透明质感的产品可用( )来强调产品的光感



    【单选题】全反射类型产品光洁度极高,多为镜面。产品主要有银器、不锈钢器皿、( ),镀银玻璃,极亮的抛光塑料等



    【单选题】( )的作用是勾勒被摄体轮廓的光,主要是为了使被摄体突出,拉开与背景的空间距离色块式构图




    【单选题】玻璃制品在表现时,通常有暗线条、亮线条及( )三种表现








    【单选题】( )的主要方法是以侧逆光拍摄低调人像来获得层次丰富的影调,选择斜侧向拍摄角度,利用透视对比等

    【单选题】( )的用光要点是运用侧向或侧逆向的硬光作主光

    【单选题】( )不属于肖像权或名誉权

    【单选题】用软光拍摄高调照片( )

    【单选题】拍摄艺术人像时,使用偏振镜能够( )

    【单选题】大型团体照的( )必须尽量避免高于人物,避免诸如烟囱、电线杆、塔架、枯枝等难看景物

    【单选题】室外拍摄时,在( )是可以得到软光光效的







    【单选题】要使玻璃器皿的两侧外轮廓及顶面出现明亮的线条,必须在被摄体( )方向用大面积散射光照明















    下列哪项不属于按环境要素分类的环境污染 ?































































    2005年欧盟规定所有儿童玩具及育儿物品中dehp、 dbp 和 bbp的含量不得超过多少?




    消费品安全委员会发布指导性文件,要求自2009年2月10 日起,儿童玩具或儿童护理用品中dehp、bbp、dbp、dinp、didp、dnop这6 类邻苯二甲酸酯的含量不得超过多少?






























































    工程经济学中“经济”的含义主要是指( )。

    工程经济分析应坚持定性分析与定量分析相结合的原则,其中( )是评价人员依据的法律法规、产业发展布局及发展方向、该项目对发展所起的作用和该项目发展趋势等进行评价。

    项目的建设要基于:( )

    工程经济经济分析的时间可比性原则要求进行经济效果比较时,必须考虑时间因素,采用( )作为比较基础。

    工程经济学的特点有( )。

    某施工企业拟从银行借款500万元,期限5年,年利率8%,按复利计息,则企业支付本利和最多的还款方式为( )。

    考虑资金时间价值,两笔资金不可能等值的情形是( )。

    下列现金收支管理措施中,能提高现金利用效率的是( )

    甲公司从银行借入100万元,年利率为8%,单利计息,借期4年,到期一次还本付息,则该公司第四年末一次偿还的本利和为( )万元。

    某施工企业投资200 万元购入一台施工机械,计划从购买日起的未来6 年等额收回投资并获取收 益. 若基准收益率为10%,复利计息,则每年末应获得的净现金流入为( )万元。

    以技术方案的总投资作为计算基础,反映技术方案在整个计算期内现金流入和流出的现金流量表是( )。

    建设工程项目经济效果评价中的总投资包括( )。

    在技术方案经济效果评价的相关费用中,应计入经营成本的是( )。

    某技术方案估计年总成本费用为8000万元,其中外购原料费,燃料及动力费为4500万元,折旧费为800万元,摊销费为200万元,修理费为500万元,利息支出为210万元,则该技术方案的年经营成本为( )万元。

    项目经济评价时,若以总成本费用为基础计算经营成本,应从总成本费用中扣除的费用项目有( )。

    关于静态投资回收期特点的说法,正确的是( )。

    现有甲和乙两个项目,静态投资回收期分别为4年和6年,该行业的基准投资回收期为5年,关于这两个项目的静态投资回收期的说法,正确的是( )。

    建设项目财务盈利能力分析中,动态分析指标有(  )

    某项目建设投资3000万元,全部流动资金450万元,项目投产期年息税前利润总额500万,运营期正常年份的年平均息税前利润总额800万元,则该项目的总投资收益率为( )。

    下列技术方案经济效果评价指标中,属于偿债能力分析指标的有( )。

    为了进行盈亏平衡分析,需要将技术方案的运行成本划分为( )。

    某公司生产单一产品,设计年生产能力为3万件; 单位产品的售价为380元/件,单位产品可变成本为120元/件; 单位产品税金及附加为70元/件,年固定成本为285万元。该公司盈亏平衡点的产销量为( )。

    某项目设计年生产能力为50万件,年固定成本为300万元,单位产品可变成本为80元,单位产品营业税金及附加为5元,则以单位产品价格表示的盈亏平衡点是( )元。

    在建设项目敏感性分析中,确定敏感性因素可以通过计算敏感度系数和( )来判断。

    关于技术方案敏感性分析的说法,正确的是( )。

    可行性研究分为( )。

    可行性研究的作用包括( )。

    可行性研究的编制要求包括( )。

    可行性研究的编制依据包括( )。

    可行性研究的阶段划分为( )。

    在进行工程经济分析时,下列项目财务评价指标中,属于动态评价指标的是( )。

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