




    风景园林/景观规划设计体系包含 、 、 、 四个方面。







    以下四种运动形式中,加速度保持不变的运动是 .

    如图所示,湖中有一小船,有人用绳绕过岸上一定高度处的定滑轮拉湖中的船向岸边运动。设该人以匀速率 收绳,绳不伸长且湖水静止,小船的速率为,则小船作 .


    一个质点在做圆周运动时,则有 .


    一质点沿x轴运动的规律是(si),则前三秒内它的 .

    一小球沿斜面向上作直线运动,其运动方程为:,则小球运动到最高点的时刻是t= s.

    灯距地面高度为,一人身高为,在灯下以速率沿水平直线行走,则他的头顶在地上的影子沿地面移动的速率为 (结果保留一位小数)。

    已知质点的运动方程为(si)。则质点由t=0到t=2s内的位移大小是 m(结果保留一位小数)。

    在半径为的圆周上运动的质点,其速率与时间的关系为(si),则从到时质点走过的路程 .

    一质点沿ox 轴运动,坐标与时间之间的关系为(si)。则质点在4s末的瞬时速度为 m/s.


    设a,b,c是三事件,且 p(a)=p(b)=p(c)=1/4, p(ab)=p(bc)=0 , p(ac)=1/8 ,求a,b,c至少有一个发生的概率.




    已知 p(a)=0.3,p(b)=0.5,,且a与b相互独立,则 p(a b)=

    已知 p(a)=0.3,p(b)=0.5,,且a与b相互独立,则 p(a-b)=

    从0,1,…,9共十个数字中任取三个不同的数, 设a 表示“三个数中不含3和4”, 则p(a)=


    一射手对同一目标独立地进行四次射击后, 至少命中一次的概率为80/81, 求该射手的命中率.








    若有语句:taticcharx[]="12345"; staticchary[]={'1','2','3','4','5'};则下面哪一个是正确的描述?()

    有下面的程序段:chara[3],b[]=”student”; a=b; printf(“%s”,a);则()。







    假定inti=3,j=4;执行语句:printf("%d,%d,%d\n",i j,i,j);之后,其输出结果为:()



    若已定义了如下的共用体类型变量x,则x所占用的内存字节数为()。 (设在16位pc机的环境下) uniondata {inti; charch; doublef;}x;

    when an existing company establishes a new company or firm and keeps majority shares with itself, it is called a parent company. this new company or firm is called a ___________.

    with the form of _______, if the business goes bankrupt , all the members only lose what they invest and their personal possessions are protected by law.

    both adidas and puma are currently _________ corporation that designs and manufactures athletic and casual footwear, apparel and accessories, headquartered in germany.

    which of the following businesses belong to primary industry?

    which of the following businesses belong to secondary industry?

    which of the following businesses belong to tertiary industry?

    in 1995, adidas went public on the __________ and ______ stock exchanges.

    business enterprises customarily take one of three forms: they are: ___________, ___________ and _____________..

    managers using ____________ tell people what to do, how to do it and when to have it completed. they assign roles and responsibilities, set standards and define expectations.

    __________ is responsible for yzing and reviewing financial data, reporting financial performance, preparing nudgets and monitoring expenditure and costs.

    ____________ are the owners of a company.

    shareholders elect a ___2____ to make decisions and it is responsible for deciding the overall company policy and capital expenditure.

    the ________ structure feature of starbucks refers to grouping based on business function. for example, the company has an hr department, a finance department and a marketing department.

    management operates through five basic functions: planning, ______, ______, _______, and controlling.

    though management literature describes numerous management styles, there are three basic styles —_________, ___________and ________.

    most companies can be ided into three parts: _________, __________and ___________.

    a normal corporate structure consists of various departments. major five departments include _______, ________, ___________, production and research and development(r&d).

    four main corporate structures in starbucks are __________, _________, geographic, and the matrix.

    as a large commodity producer, it has been blessed by a __________ in the prices of its exports thanks to booming global demand.

    indians were the ___________ inhabitants of america.

    unless expressly stated, no term of this agreement is intended to _________ a benefit on a third party.

    ___________ is the executive branch of the european union, responsible for proposing legislation, implementing decisions, upholding the eu treaties and managing the day-to-day business of the eu.

    a economic and monetary union is a trading bloc that gives preferential access to selected goods and services from the participating countries by reducing tariffs but not by abolishing them completely.

    a preferential trade area is a group of independent countries with a common market, no trade barriers between members, and a single currency.

    a customs union is a type of trade bloc which has no tariff barriers between members and is composed of a free trade area with a common external tariff.

    european parliament is the executive branch of the european union, responsible for proposing legislation, implementing decisions, upholding the eu treaties and managing the day-to-day business of the eu.

    in __________, prices fall.

    in ________, workers compete for jobs and employers compete for workers.

    in ________, goods are sold directly to the public in all quantities.

    in ___________, there is more supply than demand, buyers are at an advantage and prices are low.

    _________ focuses on a narrowly defined group of customers

    coca-cola is a ____________ product: it sells to large numbers of people.

    rolex watches sell in a _________; they are high-quality and expensive goods.

    a ______________ is getting larger.

    a _____________ is in the producer's country.

    ___________, which facilitate the exchange of liquid assets, can be further ided into security market, stock market, insurance market, bond market, capital market, currency market, futures market, etc.

    _________ is the money and resources made available to startup firms and all businesses with exceptional growth potential.

    __________ is an inidual who commits money to investment products with the expectation of financial return.

    _______ is investment from an affluent inidual who provides capital for a business start-up, usually in exchange for convertible debt or ownership equity

    ___________ finance includes tax systems, government expenditures, budget procedures, stabilization policy and instruments, debt issues, and other government concerns

    which of the following does not belong to ownership investment?

    bond is a type of _________.

    if a company thrives and goes public, it will issue shares on a stock exchange; such __________ bring a great influx of cash into a firm.

    ____________ occurs when a firm raises money for working capital or capital expenditures by selling debt instruments such as bonds and notes to iniduals and/or institutional investors.

    which word has these three meanings: start (a company), put (a product) on the market, start (an advertising campaign)?

    the product __________ discusses the stages which a product has to go through since the day of its birth to the day it is taken away from the market.

    tariffs are taxes on ____________ products.

    a tangible product is a product that can only be perceived indirectly

    the outermost circle refers to augmented product consisting of the measures taken to help the consumer put the actual product to use, for example:delivery, warranty installation and so on.

    the actual product is defined as the benefit that the product brings to the customer.

    during the maturity stage, the product is established and the aim for the manufacturer is now to maintain the market share they have built up.

    a quality management system (qms) is a collection of business processes focused on consistently meeting customer requirements and enhancing their satisfaction.

    this year we are trying to __________ a brand with personality.

    powerful brand names create strong consumer __________.

    the first stage in brand building is to ______ the brand.

    brand can be ided into several types: service brand and retail brand.

    brand awareness is the ability of companies to recall or recognize brands, logos and branded advertising.

    brand loyalty is the tendency of a customer to continue buying a particular product

    brand creates loyal customers, but it doesn't create loyal employees.

    a market ___________ is a general plan about how to organize the marketing activities for a product.

    a market ___________ is one section of the total market; it's a group of people who are similar in ways such as age/gender / income.

    market _________ means one company's percentage of the total sales in that product's market.

    market __________ is the process of iding up mass markets into groups with similar needs and wants.

    in order to know the customer and its expected buying, an effective marketing strategy stp is needed which is short for segmentation, targeting and ________.

    viacom outdoor is an advertising company that specialises in placing adverts on __________ such as buses.

    some perfume companies provide _________ so that customers can try the perfume on their skin before they buy.

    celebrity ____________ is a technique that is very popular in advertising at the moment.

    if news about a product comes to you by ______, someone tells you about it rather than you seeing an advert.

    an advertising ___________ is the amount of money that a company is willing/ able to spend on advertising its product.

    an advertising ___________ means all the advertising activities (eg. tv ad, special offer, radio ad) which are used together to sell a product. is a very successful site which gets over 2,000 ____ per day.

    if you want your website to get a lot of ______ , make sure you register it with all the major search engines.

    e-commerce means buyers with computers can now ______ a global network of approved suppliers linked over the net.

    the equivalent of paper junk mail is called _____.

    you can sometimes click on a ______ when you visit a website.

    e-commerce is defined as the selling of goods and services using the internet.

    e-commerce eliminates the middleman.

    the e-store interact with customers online, process and record the orders online, all the product information is online.

    e-commerce is a good way of selling niche products

    an e-business doesn't need any employees.

    ________ refers to ideas toward such factors as time, age, education, and status and in turn shape the behavior.

    __________ refers to basic social organization including different basic social unit and strata.

    _________ refers to words that may have different meanings to persons with erse cultural backgrounds

    _________ refers to the tranission of information across cultures, whether verbal or non-verbal, which is a very important skill for business people

    ________ refer to deep-seated beliefs about the iniduals position in relation to his or her deity, the family, and the social hierarchy

    culture also affects and reflects the secular values and attitudes of members of a society.

    approximately 20% of the world's population have some religious beliefs.

    non-verbal communication includes facial expressions, hand gestures, intonation, eye contact, body positioning and body posture. silence also has meaning in business situations.

    not many aspects of international business may be affected by cultural variations.

    we have an _____________ culture, we're encouraged to look for new business and take risks

    people in my company are highly ____________, we battle each other for promotion and for bonuses.

    my company is pretty ______________, there are lots of regulations. we’re encouraged to do things by the book.

    my company has a ______________ culture,the boss is autocratic, and we do as we're told.

    my company is quite ___________, for example, it doesn't have a dress code.

    where the location of the company is and what the office building is like doesn’t make any difference to the values and behaviors of people in a workplace.

    any organization has a unique history — a unique story.

    a vision or mission statement guides a company’s values and provide it with purpose.

    the best firms are eager to recruit new employees who are not just the most talented but also the best suited to a particular corporate culture.

    in different practices of csr, ____________ refers to steps they can take to reduce those carbon footprints

    in different practices of csr, ____________ refers to treating employees fairly.

    corporate social responsibility (short for csr) is a form of corporate self-regulation integrated into a business model, and it is also known as corporate citizenship, _____________ responsible business (srb), or corporate social performance.

    iso _____________ clarifies what social responsibility is and helps organizations translate csr principles into effective actions.

    ____________ are any people or groups who are affected by, or can affect, that company's behaviour including employees, shareholders,customers, suppliers, local people and environment.

    1. because of tight ____________ company profits could not be taken out of the country.

    red tape and other examples of _________ hinder a company’s entry into a market.

    3. the country is attractive to exporters because it has enjoyed __________ for the last 50 yeas.

    the __________ is improving leading to a rise in employment.

    ________ is a term used by economists to describe how wealth is shared in a country.

    technology has been a principal driver of globalization.

    the level of literacy in one country makes no difference to how a company labels and advertises its products in that country.

    businesses can may more profit when they move to some developing countries because of lower labour costs and abundant supply of important natural resources such as oil or natural gas.

    political globalization refers to the tranission of ideas, meanings, and values around the world in such a way as to extend and intensify social relations.

    ________ is a term frequently used in marketing. it is a measure of how products and services supplied by a company meet or surpass customer expectation.

    _________ is the benefit that a customer will get from a product or service in comparison with its cost. this benefit might be measured in monetary terms, such as when a product helps save the customer money that would have been spent on something else.

    the costs of _______ are much lower than the costs of recruiting new customers.

    information technology allows us to build up detailed information about inidual customers’ __________.

    customer is equal to consumer.

    customer service is the service provided to the customer from the time the order is placed till the order is delivered.

    treat your employees with respect and chances are they will have a higher regard for customers.

    the most common model of outsourcing refers to jobs that are being sent overseas to other countries , which is called ________.

    ___________ is moving the work to a distant country.

    _________ refers to the amount paid to the government based on employees' pay, and is either paid by an employer or partly taken by an employer from what employees earn.

    __________ refers to the cost of something that is not directly involved in making a particular product or providing a particular service, for example the cost of renting building or of training staff

    the most commonly outsourced part in a business are those core activities.

    since the outsourcing contract will fix the price, the only way for them to increase profit will be to decrease expenses.

    some necessary and core operations are outsourced most frequently.

    with the rapid advancement of modern communication and information technology, ____________ of network economy has been formed.

    the society is not ___________ with any political party.

    i lived on about $5,000 a year from the __________ on my book.

    the trainees will then be paired ___________ experienced managers.

    the airline's insurer is _________ for damages to the victims' families.

    franchising can be described as a “business marriage” between a franchisee and a franchisor.

    the right to the franchise is sold by the franchisor to the franchisee for an initial sum of money, often called the up-front entry fee, or franchise fee.

    franchisors will have to share profits with the franchisees. they receives only a all percentage of the enterprise’s revenue in the form of a franchise fee.

    the franchisor is responsible for providing the product and the distributor is then able to sell the product on with a managemnt franchise.

    __________happens when a company’s top executives buy the company they work for.

    __________ refers to a situation in which someone has to leave their job, because they are no longer needed.

    ___________ is a business activity in which two or more companies have invested together.

    their economy ________ under the weight of united nations sanctions.

    the organization hopes to continuously _________ and develop relations with other developing countries.

    a merger describes two firms, one apparently stronger than the other, joining forces to move forward as a single new entity.

    the 1998 merger of daimler-benz and chrysler is considered a vertical merger.

    although the buyer acquires all assets and liabilities in a stock purchase, it may contractually allocate unwanted liabilities to the seller by selling them back to the seller.

    the acquisition is time efficient growth strategy which helps the company to acquire the core competencies and resources which are not currently available.

    ____________ has an x-axis (a horizontal axis) and y-axis

    _________________ contains words, numbers or signs, or a combination of these, displayed in columns or boxes.

    _________________ uses either horizontal or vertical bars.

    which of the following words can not be use to refer to very fast rise?

    tables give very precise information and have good visual impact.

    when doing statistic writing, you must describe every detail.

    "shoot up" can be used to refer to very fast rise.

    when doing statistic writing, you can write both in a formal way and in an informal way.

    when we write an email, we should keep the principle of ________, that is, to choose polite words to express your idea.

    when writing a cv, your employment experience should be included. you should start it with the ________.

    which of the following elements have to be included in a resume?

    _________ is an efficient and effective way to convey information within an organization.

    ___________ is a summarized record of what took place in a meeting

    usually a general manager will sort out the notes after the meeting and write the formal minutes of the meeting.

    there is no difference between cv and resume

    a complimentary close should be used at the end of an email. for example sincerely can be used in a formal and semi formal occasion

    by the "completeness" principle of email writing, we are supposed to write an email as long as possible.

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